Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

The coffin remained still, before the door slowly creaked open, Irohahime peering out. "She's gone already..? She hasn't been here but two hours.." She muttered.
"She wanted to get back to Whiterun and be with Daihachi." He answered, "And she didn't feel very...comfortable here...she said there was a lot of tension..."
Irohahime felt a pang of guilt in her chest. "Gomenasai.." She apologized, opening her coffin and slowly stepping out. "It was selfish of me.."
She averted her gaze, wringing her hands uneasily. "I know, I'm sorry, I promise I'm ok." She promised, pulling on a small smile for Daisuke.
He pulled her close and kissed her head, "I didn't mean for her to appear like that...but she told me she wouldn't come back again and I said it was best that way."
Irohahime still felt guilt, but a big part of her wanted to chase Akihime out of the house herself; she was afraid she'd be found out. She gave a slight nod, kissing his cheek gently.
He kissed her gently and smiled, "It'll just be us from now on. No Okaa-sama, no Masamune, no one. Just you," He kissed her again, "me," he kissed her forehead, "and the forest."
Irohahime cupped his cheeks and kissed him softly, holding the kiss for a moment longer before breaking the kiss, only to kiss him once again.
Irohahime moved a step back so her back was against the wall, moving her hands down to clutch his shoulders, deepening the kiss.
((Where the fuck did my post go? XD ))

He made a small noise and pulled back slightly, "Are you sure about this...? We don't have to if you don't want to.."
((You must've deleted it, lol))

Irohahime nodded and pulled him in for another kiss. "I'm sure.."
Irohahime didn't bother unlacing the corset of her dress, simply pulling the skirt over her knees and helping Daisuke with his trousers and belt before removing her own undergarment. Pulling him down to kiss him, she cupped his cheeks and closed her eyes, her own cheeks flushed slightly.
Daisuke made a soft noise, kissing back as he pushed into her slowly, trying to be as gentle as he could. Even though they had done this before, he still treated it like their first time; which ended horrifically because Irohahime burst into a fit of tears and requested to be alone for a while due to the traumatic recalling of when she accepted Molag Bal's "gift" of Vampirism.
Irohahime let out a muffled noise of pleasure as he pushed into her, gripping his shoulders tightly, pulling down on the back of his shirt as her face became more flushed. "D-Daisuke-sama...~!"
After a moment, Irohahime relaxed and gave a slight nod, making small circular motions with her hips, starting them off gently and slowly.
The sucking Daisuke did on her neck made Irohahime's own fangs throb with the desire to feed, but she resisted sinking her fangs into his neck, instead letting out a soft whimper, clawing at his back lightly.
Irohahime let her head roll back on the pillows, eyes closed in pleasure as her mouth hung open slightly, letting out soft moans every so often.
Irohahime was relatively quiet during sex and lovemaking, only letting out soft moans or whimpers as her climax built up inside of her; carefully digging her nails into his back, she applied enough pressure to scratch the surface of his skin, but not draw blood.
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