Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

She let out a sigh and started to walk over to Daihachi. "Come on, it's starting to get cold, and you're gonna get sick." She put her hand on his shoulder gently. "Come inside so you can get warm."
Minehime hit he ground hard, her head reeling from her hit, but she kept herself upright at least. Getting back on her feet, she wiped away the blood that gushed from her nose, but it only continued to bleed. "I'm going to knock some sense into you, and I don't need a chair to do it this time." She growled out, engaging Daihachi and swinging a hard left hook at his temple.
"You're going to regret not using it while you had the chance!" Stumbling backwards for a moment before regaining her footing she attacked again, kicking hard at his ankle before elbowing him hard in the mouth.
His quick reflexes allowed him to catch her elbow but he took the hit to the ankle with a wince. He twisted her arm and shoved her hard to the ground, "This is the best the offspring of the Dovakiin has?"
"I guess you have room to say that, since your father didn't really train you much himself!" She got up, spinning around and splattering a handful of watery mud in Daihachi's face before she tackled him to the ground, trying to pin his hands.
He hit the ground and hissed in pain, but didn't move. He kept his eyes shut to keep the mud out, breathing heavily, "That was uncalled for..." He huffed.
Minehime kept a firm hold on Daihachi, breathing heavily herself. "Sorry.." She apologized, surprised with herself at how mean she had been. "Are you done letting off steam yet?" She asked.
Minehime let out a breath of relief and rolled off of Daihachi and onto her back next to him on the ground. "You know your scary when your sopping wet.." She rubbed her nose gently. "The smell of wet hound alone made me want to tuck tail and run.." She was trying to make up for what she had said about Yukimura, but she knew it'd probably do little to help.
"Sorry for hitting you with a chair, and insulting your father." She cringed saying it, knowing she'd have bad luck for weeks after this. She sat up with a groan. "Let's go inside, I have to change again, and so do you."
"A hot soak and some warm food should do the trick for you. I don't get sick anymore thanks to my wolf blood~" He stated haughtily, though it was in good humor.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, dog boy." She teased, standing before helping him to his own feet. "But you should probably still soak in a hot tub for our sakes..~"
Minehime walked inside the great hall, both Daisuke and herself covered in mud and sopping wet, but everything had seemed to settle down. Heading to the baths, Minehime first took care of her nose, washing away the mud and blood on her face to see if it was broken.
After plugging up her nose with small wads of cloth, Minhime undressed and climbed into one of the many big tubs, washing the mud off of herself, enjoying the warmth of the water.
Daihachi sat for a while, wondering if Akihime would be ok with seeing Daisuke after so long. He shook his head; he knew she was a master level mage and could care for herself if Irohahime went berserk.
Minehime had finished washing herself and warming up, and when she got out, her fingers were starting to prune. "Daihachi, I'm gonna gonna head upstairs and get some food, don't stay in too long, ok?" She called, toweling herself dry and getting dressed.
"Hai hai." He called, "Just a bit longer.." He wanted to sit and think for a while longer about what would happen now woith his father gone. What was Akihime gonna do? Where would she live? Who would protect her? He had so many concerns and so little time to dwell and solve all of them.
Minehime enjoyed some warm food and drink with her father, having to let her leather eyepatch dry in her room, letting her eye breathe for a bit. She still kept her eye closed however, not wanting to have to expose the empty socket behind her eyelids.
Minehime could only nod, her mouth full of horker meat and bread, but she quickly swallowed the food. "I'm gonna remain behind with Daihachi, I want to keep an eye on him a while longer, and make sure Oba-san gets home ok."
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