Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Daihachi.." Minehime watched her shield sibling leave the crypt, sighing softly and following after him, adjusting the leather patch over her right eye.

Nori shook her head. "I've no knowledge of how to get you into Sovengarde... The most I can do for you is to summon the both of you at the same time." By the sound of her voice, it didn't sound like something she wanted to do, but there was more to it than personal preference.
"Don't, Mini." He said firmly, "I don't need to be talked to like a child."

"No." He sounded angry, "Leave dana alone. He'snat peace now and fuck if I want him to stay that way."
Minehime slowed down before stopping just outside the Hall of the Dead. "Don't do anything stupid.." She furrowed her brows, watching her shield sibling leave with a heavy feeling in her stomach.

"Of course, forgive me.." Nori clenched her teeth. "I have to release you for right now, but I'll summon you again at Sanada's funeral."
Sasuke nodded before returning to the Void.

The funeral was held the next day. Akihime was preparing to have the pyre set up when Aela approached her. "You needn't worry about preparations, Oracle, we have it taken care of." She said. Akihime looked confused, "What do you-?" "We will have the Housecarl cremated in the Skyforge, to give him the respect he deserves. Daihachi requested us to do so." Aela explained. Akihime's eyes widened before filling with tears and bowing, "Thank you so much..."
Daihachi sat outside Jorrvaskr, watching everyone prepare the Skyforge for Yukimura. His face was flush with drink, but he had been drinking since he arrived earlier the day before. "Damn him..." He grumbled.
Minehime had joined Daihachi at Jorrvaskr, but was unable to stop him from drinking late into the night and early the next morning. But still, she did as Akihime asked, keeping a close eye on him otherwise, making sure he didn't do anything reckless.
The actual ceremony was held at nightfall, Minehime gathered with the rest of the Companions, not all that surprised at the large number of people who attended.

Nori, like she had promised, summoned Sasuke from the void just before the funeral, though they did have to remain on the rooftop of Jorrvaskr as to not be spotted.
Daihachi wore his steel plate armor as he stood with Minehime and Akihime before the Skyforge, staring at the pyre his father lay on. "Before the ancient flame." Akihime began. "We grieve." The voices of all attending added. "At this loss." Shingen continued, "We weep." Everyone replied. "For the fallen.." Masamune stepped forward and held Minehime's hand, "We shout." Everyone answered. Daihachi lowered his head slightly, "And for ourselves..." He said, "We take our leave." The voices concluded. Daihachi took the torch from Aela and lit the pyre, stepping back and watching the flames engulf Yukimura quickly, everyone taking a moment of silence out of respect.

Sasuke sat with Nori quietly, watching, "Nords are so flashy..." He muttered.
Even though Minehime hated Yukimura in the last years of his life, tears still came to her good eye as she watched the flames engulf his corpse, and burn him to ashes. She gave her fathers hand a firm squeeze, but kept her eye on the flames, not daring to look away.

"It's how they are." Nori responded, equally as quiet, her eyes glued to Akihime.
Through the silence, soft whimpering could be heard; someone fighting the urge to break down in tears. Daihachi's body shook, before his face contorted in sorrow and he wailed loudly. Akihime embraced him and he clung to her, sobbing louder, crying that he wanted Yukimura back. He spouted apologizes left and right and said he never hated Yukimura even after all he did, how he forgave him for being so blind and stubborn. The Companions bowed their heads for their shield brother and his loss, nary a sneer or look of disappointment on their faces.

Sasuke made a noise, looking on into the flames. "Thank you for this..." He said.
Minehime clenched her free fist tightly, listening to her shield brother scream and cry for his father like a child, but her heart ached for him. Drops of rain began to fall heavily over the funeral, but did little to douse the flames consuming the pyre.

Nori wiped away the trickle of blood coming from her nose, nodding. "You deserve to say goodbye." She said.
Egeryone remained a moment longer before retreating into Jorrvaskr to get away from the rain. Except Daihachi, who knelt beside the Skyforge and sobbed quietly for his father.

Sasuke laughed softly, "Yeah, sure...more like oversee his passing.." He said, "Despite it all, I'm glad he outlived me...it's what I wanted..."
Minehime had remained behind for Daihachi, moving over and kneeling beside him; she gently pulled him against her chest, resting her hand on his head, comforting him like a mother would. "It's ok to cry, you don't have to hide it.."

Nori remained silent, just listening to what Sasuke had to say, taking in each and every word he said. "You should've been the one to outlive him... You're half elf after all.." Her words weren't said in meanest though, Nori was smiling sadly as well, the rain soaking her hair and clothes.
He hid his face in her chest and hiccuped, "Damn him...he didn't have to die..." He whimpered, "The last thing I did was give him his best friend's heart in a pouch. I took away his battle brother...and what did he do?" He fought a new wave of tears, "Instead of hating me like he should have and disowning me further, he thanked me. He thanked me for giving him Sasuke's heart...! Damn him!" He cried.

Sasuke smiled and looked to her, "You expect to outlive Akihime then, Dunmer?" He asked.
Minehime held him tightly, petting his wet hair, and fighting the tears in her own eye- it pained her to see her shield sibling in such misery. "It's because he forgave you, Daihachi. I don't think he ever hated you to begin with, he was just blinded by grief."

"Who knows?" She said, looking away from Sasuke and resting her hands behind her back. "If Sithis allows me to, then I guess I have no choice. But, it wouldn't have been so bad, dying in your arms."
Daihachi coughed and hiccuped, "Stubborn old man..." He mumbled. He took a shaky breath and sniffed, "I'm gonna miss him so much...."

"Don't get sappy on me." Sasuke huffed, watching Daihachi and Minehime.
Nori watched Minehime comfort Daihachi, gently rousing him to his feet and leading him into the warmth of Jorrvaskr, and out of the rain.
The rain wasn't cold, it was actually a bit warm, but Nori could tell the difference between blood and rain, even when they were both trickling down her face. "I think this is all I can do for you today, sorry, but I really don't think I'll last much longer without passing out." Blood dripped from her nose, ears, and eyes- she could even taste blood on her tongue. She was well passed her limit, summoning a thrall or raising the dead was much different than pulling a soul from the Void and keeping it tethered to the living realm. "I'll have to talk to you some other time, huh?"

Inside, Minehime helped Daihachi to where they'd bed sleeping for the night, helping him get off his chestplate and pauldrons, even going as far to help him towel his hair dry to keep from getting sick.
"Take care, Nori." He said and vanished.

Daihachi sat silently and let her help him, not looking up when Akihime entered, "It'll be ok, Morinobu..." She said gently, "He's with your brother now." Daihachi went rigid at the mention of Daisuke. He ground his teeth and snarled lowly, fighting the sudden urge to transform and slaughter everything in sight. "Daisuke isn't dead." He growled lowly. Akihime looked hurt, "But he is, Mitsunari-" "Is a fucking liar!" Daihachi snapped, shooting up and whirling on Akihime, making her yelp in fear and back away.
As soon as Daihachi turned to look at Akihime, a hard blow to the side knocked him onto his ass, Minehime moving between the two of them, her still sheathed greatsword in hand. "Morin, I know you're still grieving, but so is your mother." Minehime meant business, even though she hadn't unsheathed her sword, using the name they had chosen upon when something was serious, or couldn't be communicated openly, was enough to show just how serious the situation was.
This only seemed to anger him further, but he didn't move from his spot on the floor, "Don't talk down to me, Minim." He snarled. "Morinobu..." Akihime's voice was gentle, even though she was still scared, "What do you mean...?" Daihachi took a breath and stood, "I mean exactly as it sounds." He stated. Akihime began to tremble, "M-Minehime...?" Maybe Daihachi was just saying it to make her feel better, a cruel thing to say but she couldn't be sure.
Minehime tightened her grip on the leather wrapped around the handle of her sword, glaring at Daihachi with the this isn't the time look. "It's true." She said quietly. "Daisuke-san is alive, I've seen him myself with my own eyes." She told Akihime, but was unable to face her from hiding the truth from her.
"Where?" She asked, voice quaking, "Where is he?" "The border of Riften and Windhelm. Near the springs." Daihachi said. Akihime immediately darted out of the room and out of Jorrvaskr. Daihachi sighed and covered his face, "Dammit...."
"Satisfied with yourself?" Minehime turned and hurried after Akihime, wanting to stop her before she left Jorrvaskr. "Oba-chan, wait, please!" She called after Akihime.
Minehime grasped Akihime's wrist, frowning. "I can't let you leave, please, what you find with Daisuke will be worse than his death." Her eyes showed she felt trouble stopping Akihime, but she didn't want Akihime to suffer anymore than she already was."
Akihime looked and frowned, "I will not sit idle with the knowledge of my first born being alive here in Skyrim." "Yunkliin." Masamune stood at the door of Jorrvaskr, arms crossed, "Il ek nahkiv fah ekmaar. Nii los ek hind ahrk mu nis voh ek."
"Bormah, Zu'u dreh ni lorot nii los onik, lig." Minehime looked back at her father, but still refused to let go of Akihime. "Rek fen kos ko rut."
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