Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Daihachi looked to her and shook his head, "There's no way he can be dead. He doesn't do anything, he hasn't done anything since I...!" He stopped and scowled, "Since I took Sasuke from him. He just sits in his stupid farmhouse and kills himself slowly everyday." He rubbed his face, "But, dammit...I'm not abandoning Kaa-san again...pack up. We're heading to Whiterun."
Minehime nodded, abdandoning the last of her breakfast to the hounds they kept outside of the outpost, and saddled the horses. After sending word to her father that she'd be leaving, she waited with the horses for Daihachi, frowning softly.
Daihachi had his rucksack on his back, full of clothes and things in case he had decided to stay with Akihime for a while. He mounted up and nodded to her, "Thanks for coming along..."
Minehime mounted her own horse, following close behind him. "You're my shield brother." She reminded him. "I'll follow you to Oblivion and back."
Minehime grinned lightly. "Then you better start running, I hear they have impenetrable armor, which would help greatly in battle." She joked, hoping to lighten his mood even if just a little.
It took them a day and a half with the pace they kept, leaving the horses in the stables as they headed up into the Hold. "She said to meet her in Dragonsreach.." He said, looking around. It felt the same, like nothing had happened since he left.
Minehime followed behind Daihachi, her pack over her shoulder as she walked. She was uneasy to be back in Whiterun, even if Sasuke was gone; that fear would never go away completely.

Nori had summoned Sasuke once more, this time in the farmhouse Yukimura had been staying at. Once the Listener's specter had appeared before her, she bowed her head, saying nothing, with a solemn expression on her face.
Minehime shook her head and took a breath. "No, I want to go with you." She said, her voice sounding confident. "I'm your shield sister, and I won't leave you."
He nodded and headed to Dragonsreach with her. When they entered, he spotted Akihime immediately; instead of her usual gown, she wore a simple black dress and veil, staring down at a half empty plate of food. "Kaa-san.." He approached slowly and she looked up, fresh tears in her eyes. "Morinobu..." He grimaced slightly; she never used his birth name unless it was serious.
Minehime bowed her head to Akihime, murmuring her condolences before approaching the Oracle and hugging her tightly. "I'm so sorry, Oba-san.."

((Ok, so Obaa-chan/san is grandmother, and Oba-chan/san is auntie, but like???))
((Yeah, I have no idea xD))

"So, where is he hiding?" Daihachi asked dryly and Akihime looked crushed by his words. "Morinobu, he isn't...he sacraficed himself to save me. Your father is dead." She told him, and saying it only seemed to cause her more grief. Daihachi scowled, "I'm not buying it." "Morinobu, please!" Daihachi stared at her and he could feel how much she was grieving. She wasn't lying, he could tell. He shook his head, "No. No!!" He turned and rushed out, heading for the Hall of the Dead. Akihime covered her face and cried weakly, unable to follow him.
Minehime watched Daihachi leave, petting Akihime's hair to comfort her. "A part of him knows that Yukimura-dono is gone, but he won't let himself accept it. He just needs time. I'll talk to him tonight, Oba-san, I promise." She said, frowning sadly at the sight of Akihime in such distress.

((Shit I fucking forgot to post for Nori))

Nori took a breath, then looked up at Sasuke. "Sanada is dead." She reported, feeling that even though Sasuke was dead, he would still lash out and hurt her.
In the Hall of the Dead, Yukimura's corpse lay on the stone bed where he was presented until his funeral. His skin was tinged grey, even though he had been preserved to keep from rotting, his skin still lost its pink color. His face was sunken in, and even dead, anyone could tell he had been in very poor health at the time of his death, but he didn't die from his illness. Like Akihime had said, if one were to remove the cloth wrapped around his neck, they wound expose a horrid wound- the cause of his death. He didn't look peaceful, or in pain, he looked just like any other person would if they were to consciously lay down and pretend to be dead; he looked fake.
Akihime whimpered and nodded, "Go with Morinobu, please, Mini...I can't...I can't bear to see my husband like that...not now..." She wheezed. Daihachi marched into the Hall of the Dead, demanding to see his father. The priest nodded solemnly and took him to the crypt they kept Yukimura in. Daihachi approached his father's corpse and glared, "Alright, that's enough. You can wake up now." He demanded. He could smell death everywhere, so he wasn't really able to pin down if it was comong from Yukimura as well or not.

Sasuke stood silently for what seemed like a long time. "Do you know how...?" His voice was strained when he finally managed to speak, "How did he die?"
Yukimura's body didn't respond, for how could it, it had no life in it. Flowers and herbs had been set around him, partly to show mourning from many people within the city, and partly to keep the stench of death masked.

"He died fighting- protecting the Oracle." She said quietly. "His illness was already destroying his body, but he left anyway, fully aware he would not return." She paused a moment. "He died valiantly, a warriors death."
"Wake up!" Daihachi snapped, but deep down he knew that Yukimura wouldn't. He fumed and punched the crypt wall, "Damn you to Oblivion, Tou-san." He hissed, "You stubborn asshole."

Sasuke was silent again, but his rage and sorrow could be felt radiating off him. "You had one job." He hissed, voice shaking, "I asked a simple thing of you and you couldn't even do that."
Minehime stood outside of the crypt where Yukimura's body was being held, a heavy frown on her face as she listened to her shield brother slowly coming to terms with his fathers death.

"I'm sorry, Sasuke, Akihime had asked something of me before leaving on her trip, I couldn't have known leaving for one day would kill Sanada." She kept her head bowed lowly, a nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach.
"Gods, you're a mess..." He muttered. "What did you do to yourself? How could you let this happen? You were the strongest warrior in all of Skyrim, and you're gonna tell me some vampires took you down? You gave up, didn't you? You just didn't care anymore..."

"It had better be damned important if it kept you from doing what I asked." He hissed.
Waiting for the right time to enter the crypt, Minehime felt like she was intruding on something private as she listened to Daihachi talk, leaning against the wall in wait.

"Please forgive me, Sasuke." She bowed her head even lower, and after hesitated for a moment, she spoke again. "His pyre has not been readied yet... You can still say goodbye.."
Daihachi stood in silence for a moment, "You've been there a while, haven't you?" He asked Minehime, not turning around to face her.

Sasuke gave a bitter laugh, "Yes, a ghost amonst the priests in a crypt, that would go so well."
"Yeah." Minehime answered quietly, staying where she was for a minute longer before moving out into the open.

"I would allow you to take control of my body momentarily." She said, keeping her eyes glued to the ground. "You wouldn't have very much time, my body will start to reject you immediately, but it'll give you cover to enter the Hall of the Dead to say goodbye."
Daihachi shook his head and turned away from Yukimura's body, "I need a drink. I'll be in Jorrvaskr." He stated dryly and headed out of the Hall.

Sasuke shook his head, "I appreciate the offer, but I can't say goodbye to a corpse. If maybe there were a way to get into Sovngard, then I would."
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