Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

There was a heavy feeling hanging in the air of Whiterun, a tenseness that was only felt when the people of the Hold watched Mitsunari and his men march towards Dragonsreach. The guards didn't dare to try and stop them as they entered the Keep and approached Jarl Shingen. "I have need to speak to your Housecarl. Where is he?" He demanded. Shingen scowled softly, "Yukimura hasn't been seen inside the Hold for some time. Is something amiss?" He asked. Mitsunari huffed, "It's about the Oracle. She is in danger."
Yukimura's temporary replacement shifted nervously beside Shingen. "Lord Yukimura has fallen ill and has taken shelter outside of the Hold in fear his illness would spread to others; he is in no condition for any confrontation."
Mitsunari glared death at this baby-faced fool who dare give him such news. "Then where, pray tell, is he staying? I will have aid brought to him."
The man shifted uncomfortably, clearing his throat. "A half-mile North-East of here, he's staying in a farmhouse- b-but my lord, visiting Yukimura-dono is ill-advised as his illness is contagious."
Yukimura's entire body ached, even when doing simple tasks such as eating. Bathing was agony, so he often wished to avoid it, but he usually forced himself through the process. Using a damp cloth, he rubbed down his skin, which had unusual patches of grey and red; like he had been both scalded with hot water, and was rotting away. He had lost quite a bit of weight, each rib clearly visible, and his cheeks were sunken in. When he heard clinking armor and hooves, he set down the rag and turned to see who was coming to where he resided. "Lord Mitsunari.." He greeted, after struggling to dress himself, he moved out of his home slowly, with the aid of a cane; though he didn't have a single grey hair on his head.
Mitsunari cringed in disgust, "Gods, man, what's become of you? You stink of rot and death." He hissed. He tried to keep his distance, but knew that if he was too far away, Yukimura would only come closer. Looking at the poor excuse of a warrior made him want to vomit.
Yukimura kept his distance, most people usually did now a days, and with the illness he had, he didn't blame them. Resting most of his weight on his cane, Yukimura coughed up into a cloth he had in hand, red staining the white fabric. "Lord Ishida, surely you don't come here just to assess my illness for yourself." He wheezed, a soft scowl on his face; he knew what he looked like, but it still pained him how he was feared so.
"I've come seeking your aid, but seeing you for myself has made me see my decision was a poor one. I'll find a new way to save the Oracle." He stated and turned his horse to leave, "Find a priest, for Kyne's sake."
Yukimura's heart froze at the news of Akihime, taking a wobbling step forward. "What's happened with Akihime?" He demanded, his voice holding fervor, like a flame that had been rekindled.
Mitsunari looked back before turning his horse back around, "She has been taken. It caught us off guard, considering no one has really tried such a thing in years. But we were complacent in the knowledge and thusly overrun." He said. "She had gone to Cyrodiil, for some idiotic pilgrimage, saying that if she visited the Nine Shrines, she may have been able to hear the Divines again. I let her travel with my best men, trained by Hideyoshi himself." A scowl crinkled his brow, "A few days ago, one of the men I sent her with returned, barely alive. He had said that Vampires and Worshippers of Molag Bal had taken her and killed all but him. He had pretended to be slain just so he could return to inform me before dying while in the care of our healer." He adjusted in the saddle and huffed, "You are the strongest warrior I can think of besides myself. I cannot leave Skyrim, my duties as Jarl forbid it. But I did not plan on sending you alone."
Yukimura clenched his fist tight around his cane handle. "I'll go." He said, not bothering with the fact that he hadn't exactly been asked to go, nor the fact he was in no condition to go.
"Only to saddle my horse." He said, moving inside as swiftly as he could, but the faster he walked, the more pain he felt, moving normally was no longer without pain; after retrieving his armor, he quickly saddled the horse he kept in the stable for company, and headed off with Mitsunari, spears on his back. He had his doubts he'd be able to use them, knowing he'd never be able to wield them like he used to, but he'd fight tooth and nail to see Akihime safe.
Yukimura looked Mitsunari dead in the eyes and nodded. "I will give my life for hers, must it come to that." He said, and there was no deception in his voice, only certainty in his eyes.
Mitsunari nodded and continued to travel to the border in silence. When they reached it, he halted his horse and signalled his men forward, "I can only assume they've taken her to Molag Bal's shrine. If you ask the people in Chorrol, they should tell you were to go." He said, "May Kynareth's winds be at your back."
Yukimura nodded, wishing Mitsunari well, and then setting off with the men Mitsunari had provided. They rode for a while, not bothering to stop in Chorrol - he knew exactly where to go. By the time Yukimura reached the Shrine, night had fallen, and he was shaking with pain, dismounting his horse and readying his weapons. "Our main priority to to retrieve the Oracle alive, unharmed if we have the chance." He ordered the men, heading off without another word.
They agreed and followed him to a cave near the shrine where the worshippers and vampires had set up to prepare Akihime. The Oracle was screaming and crying, begging them to let her go, but they ignored her. "You will make a fine bride for our Lord, Oracle." "No, please don't!!"
After dispatching the watchmen outside the cave, Yukimura limped into the cave, grinding his teeth and forcing himself to walk more quietly. Hearing Akihime's screams and pleads made him want to rush further into the cave to save her, but he knew it would mean suicide for him and Mitsunari's men. Instructing the archers to pick off the ones at the front of the cave, then wait on his mark, he and the other three men crept forward in the shadows.
One moment it was mostly quiet in the cave except for the sounds of Akihime's crying, and the flames crackling, the next it sounded like they had been transported into the middle of a battle field, regardless that there where less than twenty men inside the entire cave. "Stop the ritual! Protect the Oracle!" Yukimura's voice could be heard over the sounds of battle, Akihime catching sight of his golden armor briefly, before he dove into the thick of the battle.
"Yukimura-sama!!" She cried out, less panicked for her own safety now and more worried for his. The worshippers and vampires had numbers over Yukimura and the guards, but they were anxious to get back to their ritual and therefore sloppy.
One of Mitsunari's men made it over to Akihime, and released her from her bindings, helping her onto her feet. "We need to get you out of here, Akihime-sama." He said, using his shield to protect her as he escorted her away from the battle. Yukimura was already breathing hard, being pummeled from all sides as he fought as hard as he could, but his strength was quickly leaving him.

The five guards had taken care of most of the vampires and cultists, and by the time they were hurrying Akihime out of the cave, there were only a small handful left. "Akihime-sama, are you injured?" The guards now had the chance to relax, and actually stop to see how Akihime was, but something wasn't right. Where was Yukimura?
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