Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nori stood with slight struggle, looking at the specter before her before reaching out and bringing her hand against where his cheek would be if he had a physical body; regardless, she could still feel something when her fingers touched him. "There is." She answered softly.
He laughed softly, "Can't fuck a ghost, sweetheart, sorry. Though now I can't help but be disappointed. All I ever was to you was a tool for sexual needs, huh?"
A bitter-sweet smile crossed her face and she shook her head. "I don't need to preform blood magic to have sex." She said, her voice tinged with sadness. "Tools are tools, but you were different." She admitted, letting her hand fall away from his face.
"Of course I saw you more than just someone to share pleasure with." She admitted, not taking her eyes off of the specter. "You saved my life and gave me a purpose to live, how could I view you any differently?"
"You certainly had a very uncaring way of showing your gratitude." He replied, "Anytime you interacted with me was either to bicker, fuck or to ask for a contract. So you'll have to forgive my skepticism."
"I didn't say I showed my feelings for you, but that didn't mean that thwy weren't there.. Why else would I have taken on a werebeast to try to keep you alive?" She said with a faint scowl.
"If I'm not around, how else are you gonna kill people? How's Cicero and the Brotherhood, by the way...? I imagine everyone is out of sorts with me dead..." He inquired.
"Everyone took your death rather heavily, and no contracts have been made since you've... Passed." It sounded weird saying it aloud, even to someone such as herself. "But Babette and Nazir are doing their best to try and find the new listener."
"I'm sure the Night Mother with pick one soon..." He assured. "Why did you treat me so poorly if you had feelings for me...?" He asked, "Might as well tell me now that I'm dead."
"I regret a lot of things, but not being able to tell you- or even show you how I felt for you, is one of the things I regret the most." She said, shame clear in her voice. "I didn't even think I was born capable of loving another... But I did love you, Sasuke."
He made a noise and crossed his arms, "I honestly don't know how to respond. At one point I shared those feelings for you. But your distant attitude and rude personality snuffed those feelings quickly. I was still always fond of you, and I held some small affection. But my love or any ounce of it I held for you left when Amaya died and Nori was created."
Tears pricked Nori's eyes and she gave Sasuke a sad smile. "To some extent I always knew that, we both did, but there never would have been a real chance at love for killers like us, the Gods aren't that kind." She blinked back tears and sighed shakily. "I only wanted you to know, even though there's nothing that can change how things are." She took another breath. "You've contracted me into the Dark Brotherhood, and my contract doesn't end with your death, or even my own; I will continue to serve the Brotherhood until my last breath, I give you my word on that." She took to her knee, bowing to the specter as she swore her vow to him.
Sasuke made a soft noise, nodding gently, "I'm glad to hear that without a sneer in your tone or a hint of sarcasm. And if it makes you feel any better, it is good to hear your voice again..." He told her, "I missed you..."
"Everyone at the Sanctuary mourns for you, even still... I miss having you here in Whiterun, it's quiet." She spoke with a soft smile, glad to hear his words.
Nori shook her head. "Sanada doesn't live within the city walls anymore, and Akihime-sama has been gone on a mission for a while."
"Sanada does, but he hasn't acted on the information yet... I believe he has fallen ill; though out of his state of depression, he still smells of tainted air." She reported.
"I'll do my best." She nodded, then wavered. "I should probably let you return, keeping you here this long is taking its toll on me."
"You don't have to use this silly blood magic of yours." He said amusedly, "Though it means a lot, it's pointless. Babette should have given you my summon."
"Blood magic is more intimate than just summoning, or resurrecting a thrall." She shook her head. "Babette already gave me the tome, but it didn't feel right using it to summon you." She admitted.
Nori bowed her head, watching him start to fade away before completely dissapearing, standing still for quite some time in silence.
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