Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((Lol, I think my translator is broken, it's not working completely and making it wonky))

Minehime let go of Akihime, turning back toward her with a solemn look. "What you see there, please, never let word of it get out." She gave Akihime one last hug before letting her go and taking a step back. "Safe travels, Oba-san."
((Yeah, mines acting up too xD ))

Akihime nodded, "I promise. Thank you." She said and hurried off. Masamune moved to Minehime and put his arm around her, "Come on, yunkliin. It's wet and cold and you could catch your death." He said gently, "Your mother would never forgive me if that happened."
"Hai." Minehime followed her father back inside, heading downstairs to get some dry clothes and let her leather armor dry.

((Time for really drunk Daihachi~?))
Minehime sat a few seats away from him, taking sips from her ale and keeping her eye on Daihachi with an unhappy frown. She knew what he was doing, but she didn't blame him, having decided she wouldn't try to stop him unless he did something stupid.
Eventually, he was wobbling in his seat before he finally stood. "Date Masamune! Tou-san always raved about your strength! I wanna test it!" "You're drunk. No." Masamune stated blandly.
Minehime scowled and put her hand over the hilt of her sword. "Daihachi, stop it, now isn't the time or place." She warned him, the chatter in the room quieting down when Daihachi challenged Masamune.
"Cork it, Mini." He growled. Masamune stood and moved over, "Simmer down, ki-" He was interrupted when Daihachi clocked him hard across the face. Masamune rubbed his jaw and narrowed his eye, "This ain't wise, sport."
Minehime clenched her jaw when Daihachi told her to shut up, but she stayed where she was for the time being, but Daihachi was pushing his luck, especially after he hit her father.
Daihachi went to punch Masamune again but the Jarl caught his fist this time, smashing his palm into Daihachi's chest and stumbling him back. Daihachi rushed forward and threw wild punches, all missing as Masamune dodged. Masamune knocked him down but he just got back up, throwing an uppercut and smashing his fist into Masamune's chin, sending the Jarl on his ass.
The sound of a chair scraping the wooden floor could be heard before a very angry looking Minehime charged Daihachi and slugged him hard enough to knock him onto his ass. Before he could even react, she got on top of Daihachi and begain to punch him over and over again, her blue eye a slit.
Farkas pulled her off Daihachi easy and held her back, "Easy, sister. He's smashed right now and isn't thinking clearly." He told her.daihachi groaned and sat up, "You wanna have a go, toothpick?! I could break you over my knee!" "That's enough!" Aela snapped, hoisting Daihachi up and shoving him along, "Outside!"
"Let me go Farkas, if he wants a fight, I'll be happy to oblige him. Drunk or not, I'll kick his ass!" She snarled, struggling to free herself from his hold. Taking a moment to calm herself, she let out an angry huff before she stopped struggling. "I'm fine.." She said, calming herself down.
Minehime gave a slight nod and moved over to her father. "I'm sorry for my shield brothers actions, Tou-san." She said, wiping her bloodied knuckles on her shirt. "Everyone grieves in their own ways.." She grumbled.
"He deserved it, no one wants to hear a cocky drunk at a time like this." She said, picking up the chair and returning it to its rightful place. "I'm more worried about the chair."
Masamune made a face, even if Daihachi was acting irrationally, she wouldn't be this cold. "You're being awfully mean spirited, Mini. What's poking you under the scales?" He asked, "Cuz he challenged me?"
Minehime cringed, her cheeks flushing pink, and she had a hard time looking up at her father. "Tonight turned out worse than I thought it would, and I promised Oba-san I'd watch after Daihachi." She let out a heavy sigh. "I shouldn't have let him drink so much."
"You can't blame him for it, really. Sanada was a good man, a tough warrior, and a way better dad than I will ever hope to be. You and Mego would probably drink yourselves into a stupor as well, I know she would, at least." He told her. He pulled her close and gave her a squeeze, "He's grieving the only way he can..."
Minehime gave a soft grunt in response, not completely agreeing with him about Yukimura, but it was bad luck to speak ill of the dead. "Fine, I'll see if I can round him up and get him to his bed before he passes out; he's heavier than he looks, and it's not easy dragging his butt down those stairs." She muttered, pulling away from her father and heading to the double doors out onto the back porch to retrieve Daihachi.
The youngest Sanada was beating on the training dummies with his bare hands, Aela watching a few feet away. When she heard the door open, she looked and saw Minehime, nodding and handing over the position of watching him to her before heading inside.
Minehime waited until the doors closed behind Aela before she moved out from under the roof and into the rain a few feet from Daihachi. "Come inside, you're soaked to the bone, and you need to sleep off all that ale." She said, motioning to Jorrvaskr.
"I'm fine." He huffed, not turning towards her, "Why don't you go back inside and cry to big daddy Dovakiin because your shield brother is being mean."
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