Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

She gave a nod, not looking too thrilled with the plan and the way things were going, but she didn't fight it. Finishing off her dinner, she headed off to bed for the night, ready to fall asleep on her feet.
Daihachi was in his room by the time she went to bed, and didn't really come out the next morning for breakfast. He sat in his bed, playing with the dwarven dagger Yukimura had given him when he was first learning how to fight. His father had brought it out of a ruin he had delved into when he was a boy training to be Housecarl. Daihachi took a deep breath and exhaled shakily.

Akihime had made it to Riften by morning, not wanting to stop until she found her son. She continued on the path toward Windhelm, knowing she would hit the springs on the way. She would get answers, one way or another.
Minehime had already eaten by the time it registered in her mind that Daihachi wasn't eating with everyone. Mumbling softly, she wiped her mouth with a napkin, getting to her feet and heading downstairs to find Daihachi. "Daihachi?" She knocked on his door, frowning softly.

Irohahime was busy sewing up a few of Daisuke's clothes on the porch while he tended to the vegetable garden- Irohahime tended to the alchemic garden at night, not wanting Daisuke to handle nightshade and the other poisonous plants.
"Yeah...?" He called, "What is it...?"

Akihime trotted up the trail and through the springs. She looked around everywhere before spotting a cabin in the distance and moving towards it quickly. Daisuke brought in the potatoes and cabbages and carrots and gords, setting them on the counter before heading out to the porch to sit with Irohahime, "Later, I think I'll do some hunting...we're almost out of meat. Maybe I'll travel towards Winterhold and get some Horker."
"You're going to miss breakfast, do you want me to save you a plate?" She asked through the door.

Irohahime finished sewing up a hole in Daisuke's shirt, looking up at him. "Will you be alright going alone? It's not safe hunting alone in the snow." She said, not as concerned that he wouldn't be able to fend off the beasts, but rather the cold. "Why don't I go with you?"
"No thanks...I'm not hungry..." He replied, "Maybe later..."

Daisuke smiled, "I'll be fine! I haven't hunted Horker in a long time anywa-" "Daisuke!" He froze, his body rigid like a bucket of freezing water was dumped on him before looking towards the voice. Akihime was rushing over, looking distressed and happy all at once. His heart dropped into his stomach, "Okaa...sama..."
Irohahime dropped the shirt she had just finished, and in the blink of an eye, she had vanished using an invisibility cloak spell- though she was certain she had already been seen. She sat frozen in the chair, very carefully standing and moving toward the open door of their house.

Minehime let out a soft sigh, waiting for a moment longer outside his bedroom door before heading outside. She figured he wouldn't be back to even half what could be considered normal, so she let him mourn in his room.
"Okaa-sama, what are you doing here?" Daisuke asked, standing awkwardly as Akihime hugged him, "Why didn't you send word that you were alive...?! So many horrible things have happened in your name...! Your father...!" "Otou-sama? Come in, come in, tell me everything. Iroh-chan, make some tea, please!" Daisuke called as he brought Akihime inside.

((*ditches Dai for now*))
((Iroh's gonna be a little angry with Daisuke~ She didn't want to be seen~))

Irohahime but her lip hard, releasing her spell and heading inside to boil some water, remaining deadly silent, her hood pulled up and her body rigid.
((It's his mommy tho :3 ))

Daisuke sat Akihime down and held her hand as he sat with her, "What happened?" He asked. Akihime started to explain everything; how Yukimura tried to have Minehime killed because he believed Masamune was the cause of Daisuke's death, how Daihachi left to live in Riften with Minehime, how she left Yukimra to live in Solitude, how Yukimura gave his life to save her. That hit him hardest; he sat silently, clenching his fist. "Otou-sama...dead?" He glared at his lap, "This is my fault."
Irohahime finished boiling the water for the tea and brought over two cups, pouring the both of them tea before moving off to the far table where many herbs lay around an alchemy table. She started to work with a scowl on her face, grinding up dried leaves and berries.
"Why didn't you send word?" Akihime asked, not touching the tea. Daisuke shook his head, "Iroh-chan needs me. I couldn't risk leaving her on her own." "But if we had known you were alive, Yukimura would still be here!" Akihime snapped. Daisuke sat silently and Akihime lowered her gaze, "I'm sorry, Daisuke...." "It's fine...I understand. You have every right to be angry with me. I have been selfish and cruel to everyone...even my own brother hates me. But, it's better this way."
Irohahime slowed her work when Akihime snapped at Daisuke, but she bit her tongue and continued on with her remedies and potions.
"Are you happy..? Here, with...with her?" It wasn't meant to be rude or mean spirited, though being a protective mother made her worry about her son living with a vampire. Daisuke nodded, "Hai. We take care of each other out here."
Irohahime gnashed her teeth and set down her materials, standing up. "Excuse me." She said, nearly growling out her words as she left the room and headed down the stairs into the basement.
Akihime made a noise, "She doesn't like people, does she?" "She's very cautious. I'll go talk to her." Daisuke said and stood, heading down to the basement.
Irohahime had already retired to the coffin downstairs, the lid sealed tight and the air in the dimly lit room was as cold as usual.
There was silence for a long while before Irohahime spoke. "I'm fine, I think being out in the sun drained me a bit." She muttered, her voice muffled by the wood.
"I'm fine, go visit with your mother." She said, keeping herself hidden in her coffin. "Go enjoy yourself... You haven't seen her in so long.."
"I'm sure.." She said, then fell silent, not responding to any other questions.

((She's really mad~))
Daisuke frowned more before heading back up to speak with Akihime some more. After an hour ornso, she decided that it was time to leave and bid Daisuke farewell. She didn't really know what to do, she felt disconnected from him; so she merely waved and headed back to her horse before riding back to Whiterun. Daisuke returned to Irohahime soon after, "Iroh-chan, she's gone...you can come out now..."
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