As the fire was lit, and Akihime's body was engulfed in flames once again, her screams rang in his ears and the crowd cheered as her skin blackened and her screams slowly faded away, leaving a sickening smell in the air.
The scene changed once more.
This time, Daihachi was back in the outpost, where he had first been, only now he was bound and gagged, stuck in a chair. The room was quiet at first, but it was only the ringing in his ears that stopped him from hearing. As he looked around, his eyes fell onto a dastardly scene: a small handful of bandits stood around two people on the floor, one of them crying. The scene he was looking at was Minehime, crying and struggling hard, while she was being violated just a few feet in front of him. This time, and like all the others, everything seemed so real, the smells, the feel, and even Minehime's cries of pain and the bandits' laughter.