Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime let out a ragged gasp, digging her nails into his back a little harder as every muscle in her body tensed up, her whole body trembling as she felt the bliss of her orgasm.
It was enough to push Daisuke over, pulling out quickly before he released inside her. He didn't want to risk if she could get pregnant or not; it wasn't that he didn't want children, it was there wasn't any way they could care for one effectively - and with her Vampirism still barely under control, he was scared for its safety.
((She's undead, I don't think she can have children~))

Irohahime trembled against Daisuke, panting softly as she begain to relax against the bed,opening her eyes.
Irohahime locked her lips with his, then pulled back. "I love you too, Daisuke-sama.."

After Daihachi was allowed his mourning period, both Daihachi and Minehime headed home to Riften, both having to make up their lost time working at the outpost.
Daihachi rode home to Riften in silence, still mildly depressed but refused to let it bother him any further. He had a job to do now and his grief would not hold him back from it.
Minehime let Daihachi keep his distance, but she never let him get to secluded. When they finally did arrive home, the guard who had posted at the outpost was waiting outside.
"Lady Minehime, Daihachi-dono, you have someone inside requesting aid."
"Alright, we can take it from here, thank you for keeping our post."
The guard bowed and left, heading back inside the keep.
Daihachi headed into the outpost, looking up at the odd looking monk. "What is it you need?" He asked. "A small moment of your time." The monk said. Daihachi scowled, "We don't take kindly to preachers, monk."
Minehime followed inside a few moments after Daihachi, having to stable the horses since he had practically jumped off his once he had heard they had someone waiting in the outpost. Still feeling guilty about what she had said to Daihachi, she entered quietly, moving to the far desk while keeping an eye on the monk.
In an instant, the monk fired a green orb of magicka at Daihachi, launching him into the wall. Before Minehime could react, the monk cast paralysis on her to keep her in place.
Minehime dropped to the floor with a heavy thud, her greatsword sliding halfway out of its sheath as she collapsed face first onto the ground. With the only thing she was able to move being her eye, she couldn't see what was going on, her ear pressed to the ground and facing away from the monk, she could only see the stone floor in front of her. Her only response was shock, she was dumbfounded and didn't even have a second to react. "What just happened?"
The monk hummed softly as he took the outpost key from Daisuke and Minehime, locking the door and tossing them into the fire. He cast an illusion spell on Minehime, dazing her and making sure she wouldn't hinder him when the paralysis wore off.
Minehime groaned softly when the monk cast an illusion spell on her, her remaining cerulean eye growing dim as she fell into a place between consciousness and unconsciousness.
Daihachi was home. He was sitting by the fireplace in the living area of his old home in Whiterun. He looked around and spotted Daisuke with his mom at the table, like he never left and destroyed his family. Daihachi was confused, "What the hell?"
Akihime and Daisuke sat at the table, talking in hushed tones, everything seemingly normal, as they talked as though they were trying to be courteous of someone sleeping. The entire thing was almost like he had awoken from a nightmare where his brother left to be with a vampire, his father killed, and his closest friend have her eye torn out by an assassin.
All of this was quickly disputed when the flames in the fireplace grew to a massive size, swallowing the inside of his family home in seconds, and both his mother and brother were engulfed in flames, both still whispering to one another.
"Kaa-san!! Daisuke!!" He hopped up and rushed to get some water, but every time he left he was boomeranged back into the living area to watch his mother and brother burn up into cinders.
Daihachi was forced by an unseen force to watch both his mother and brother burn alive, quickly turning into nothing but charcoal, then everything went black. When the any source of light returned it was in a gloomy cave, where he could see a figure hunched over a mound of corpses, thus sound of crunching bones and tearing flesh filling the cavern.
Yukimura was devouring the blood and flesh of all of Daihachi's closest friends and family members, even Akihime.

The scene changed again and he was now in Solitude, standing in a crowd at the execution block, but he wasn't the one being executed. Akihime was tied to a stake, firewood stacked neatly beneath her feet as a man approached her with a lit torch.
"You die now, mage. For the grief you and your kin have caused." "I go to Sovngarde in peace. The Gods and my Ancestors smile on me this day." Akihime stated flatly. Daihachi shook his head quickly and rushed forward to stop the death of his mother, but the crowd seemed to swallow him up. "No! Kaa-san!"
As the fire was lit, and Akihime's body was engulfed in flames once again, her screams rang in his ears and the crowd cheered as her skin blackened and her screams slowly faded away, leaving a sickening smell in the air.
The scene changed once more.
This time, Daihachi was back in the outpost, where he had first been, only now he was bound and gagged, stuck in a chair. The room was quiet at first, but it was only the ringing in his ears that stopped him from hearing. As he looked around, his eyes fell onto a dastardly scene: a small handful of bandits stood around two people on the floor, one of them crying. The scene he was looking at was Minehime, crying and struggling hard, while she was being violated just a few feet in front of him. This time, and like all the others, everything seemed so real, the smells, the feel, and even Minehime's cries of pain and the bandits' laughter.
Daihachi struggled hard, his rage boiling over. But something kept him from changing into his Beast form. Why wasn't he changing? Why couldn't he save her? He tried and willed the change to happen but it wouldn't. He screamed and yelled but the gag muffled him.
After the men had had their fun, Minehime's throat was slashed and she was left to bleed out before his very eyes, eventually falling still, then the scene changed again. Over and over he was shown the most horrid of things, each one worse than the last.

Minehime had woken suddenly, tied to a chair and facing Daihachi, who was also tied to a chair, although he looked to be asleep and experiencing a bad nightmare. "Daihachi..!" She croaked, her throat dry; how long had they been there? Looking around the outpost, her eyes landed on the monk who had attacked them, sitting at the far desk. "What's wrong with him?" She demanded.
"Just a small spell." The monk answered before casting another spell on her. It was dark all around her before it lit up again. She was in the outpost, the area empty and quiet. After a moment, the door opened and Masamune stepped in, only he was torn up and soaked in blood. He stared at her, eyes unfocused, taking a step towards her before dropping like a door nail to the ground.
Minehime turned around, looking for Tenkai, no longer being tied to a chair, and neither Daihachi or the monk were in sight. When she turned to face her father, her eye widened and she rushed toward him. "Otou-sama!!" She fell to her knees beside him and rolled him onto his back, trying to find the worst of his wounds to stop the bleeding.

Both of the young adults who where bound to chairs sat slumped over, both looking to be experiencing horrible dreams, tears streaming down both of their cheeks like they were children again. This spell certainly was formidable.
Tenkai sat and waited, enjoying the suffering they were emanating. Daihachi twitched and shuddered hard, making Tenkai watch with interest.

Masamune's blood was flowing like water from his armor, every inch of skin covered in claw marks. The roars of a dragon coud be heard outside, but it would not be any dragon; it would be the World Eater himself.
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