Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Well it saved us both." She said. "And I'm grateful for that. Let's just hope you tore him to shreds." She muttered, too tired to be angry. "What did... What did you see?"
Minehime frowned softly, inwardly kicking herself for even asking. "Sorry." She mumbled, falling quiet after her apology, enjoying her time resting at his side.
The door opened and hard footsteps made their way over. Masamune ripped Daihachi out of bed and onto the floor, glaring at him as the still dazed thane looked around in confusion.
"Otou-san!" Minehime jumped out of the cot and moved to stand between Masamune and Daihachi. "What are you doing?" She demanded, looking almost as dazed as Daihachi, the both of them still weak and disorientated from their visions.
"He's a werewolf! I assumed Companions were honorable warriors, not cowards who would sell away their souls for power!" He snapped. "I am honorable...the gift Hircine has given me has brought countless glories to the Companions.." Daihachi slurred. Masamune glared death, "You're a milk drinker for throwing your honor away for strength!"
"You're wrong!" Minehime defended Daihachi, a scowl on her face. "The Companions are as honorable as any other warrior, both Daihachi and I are Companions, and neither of us are more honorable than each other." She felt heat tingle up her spine in anger. "Does your Thu'um bring you dishonor?"
"My birthright has nothing to do with this!" He hissed, "I did not ask to be Dovakiin! I had no choice! He did and he chose poorly!" "I chose to bring honor to my family by joining the Companions and accepting a path that would bring glory to my name.." Daihachi said. Masamune clenched his fist, "You shit all over your father's good name by tainting his blood." He stated. Daihachi snapped to attention at that, remembering the look of disgust on Yukimura's gace when he transformed before him. "Disgusting.". Daihachi averted his gaze in shame.
"Otou-san that's enough!" Minehime's raspy voice cracked as she snapped at her father. "You've made some poor choices in your lifetime as well." She growled through her teeth, a mental image of Jin locked in the wooden stocks outside Mistveil keep forced into Masamune's head. "If Daihachi has no honor being a Companion, then neither do I."
Masamune glared and signalled to the guards that had gathered at the door, "Take Daihachi to the dungeon until I can figure out what to do with the monster." "Yes, Jarl." They moved to Minehime and held her back while the others picked up Daihachi and guided him toward the dungeon.
Minehime fought hard against the guards, but there were too many holding her. "Where were you when I got my eye gouged out!?" She had raised her voice now, glaring death at her father; her eyepatch off while she had been resting, and it hadn't yet been put back on, she was able to face her father completely. Her blue eye was a slit, while the other eye, was simply a black void of an eye socket. "If it wasn't for him, I'd be blind! He's saved me countless times and you're putting him in irons?! He's committed no crimes!"
"He's a beast, Minehime! We don't know how feral he could become!" He hissed, his eye too a slit, "Your eye was a horrible loss, one I blame myself for daily. But you were nearly slain in the outpost and that would have been another heir lost. This is for your own good."
"I'm not even injured! If Daihachi hadn't done what he had, when he had, we'd both be dead." She seethed, clenching her fists.
"Jarl, should we take her to her room?" One of the guards asked Masamune, ignoring Minehime's angry glare.
Minehime was dragged off, still glaring death at her father until she was out of sight, lead as gently as she could be to her bedroom and locked inside. She stood in front of the door for a good five minutes before punching the wall hard, moving to sit down on the bed.
Masamune sighed tiredly and headed out to find Megohime.

Kojurou stood with Jin in front of the cave she was held captive in for fifteen years and looked to her, "Are you ready...?"
Megohime was out at the training area just outside the keep, practicing with a bow and arrow, an untouched glass of wine on the table just a few steps away. "How are the kids?" She asked as she took aim. "Are they doing ok?" She glanced at him, concern in her eyes.

Jin nodded and headed inside the cave first, her bow on her back, and a torch in hand. "Be careful, some pathways can go pretty deep and you can get lost."
Masamune made a noise, "Daihachi is a werewolf.." He said, "He apparently has been for a long time.."

Kojurou nodded and took the lead, keeping his hand over the hilt of his sword
Megohime let go of the arrow in shock, it hitting the target, but was off its mark. "What?" She lowered her bow and moved over to Masamune. "Are you sure? You saw him as a beast with your own eye?" She had a soft frown on her face, showing how serious she was.

Jin gave Kojurou the correct directions toward the cave she had been kept in for so long, her chest becoming tighter and tighter as they got closer. "Up here on the left."
"No, I didn't see, only heard. He asked if he was found as a beast and if he had caused any real damage when he lost control. He went feral and attacked whoever it was that threatened them and then turned on Minehime. She is angry that I have him in custody until I can figure out what to do with him." He answered.

Kojurou took her hand gently, not progressing further. "Your voice is shaking. You can return home if you wish, I won't think less of you." He told her gently, tone filled with concern
Megohime clenched her jaw and let out a short breath. "You can't charge him with anything until you have some real proof he's a werewolf." She sounded stressed out already. "And he attacked Minehime? He hasn't turned her, has he?" She looked up at Masamune, worry shown clearly in her eyes.

Jin gave his hand a firm squeeze - with her real arm as to not hurt him - shaking her head. "Let's continue, we need to find any information that can help aid those children."
"Mego, I don't need proof!" He stated firmly, "He admitted to it!" He scowled heavily, "I don't think he turned her, but I'm gonna check."

He nodded and helped her through the cave, eventually finding a small side area deeper in. It looked like it had housed someone; a bedroll against the far wall and a small cooking pit beside it. There was also a small shrine in the corner of the room, somewhat destroyed - probably by the monk when he left. The mark of Mehrunes Dagon was the only visible thing there. Kojurou scowled heavily, "A daedra worshipper. This doesn't tell us much."
Megohime looked down at the bow in her hand. "What're you going to do if she is one of them?" She asked quietly. "I won't let another one of my children be taken away."

"Well, it tells us where he might be now." She looked up at Kojurou. "The Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon, we should try there next, he'll probably be taking refuge there if he didn't die of blood loss on the way."
Megohime gave a nod. "I don't assume you came here only to tell me this, do you want me to speak to Minehime?" She set down her bow and scratched her head. "I don't know what I could say in this situation, there really isn't anything I can tell her other than to trust you won't kill Daihachi."

"Do we have permission from Masamune-sama?" She asked, sifting through the bedroll to see if anything was left behind.
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