Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

He heard the noise and panicked, thinking the spirit of his father was coming for him. "No, please...Tou-san...I'm sorry..." He whimpered softly. He took a deep breath and shook his head, chanting that he was fine and that Companions were scared of nothing.
When Minehime heard Daihachi talking, she froze for a moment, sobering up a little. "Daihachi?" Heading toward where she had heard his voice coming from, she frowned softly. "It's me, Mini."
"Um..." She stopped outside his bedroom door. "I just thought I'd check up on you... You don't sound great.." She frowned more. "Are you ok?"
Minehime waited for a moment longer before speaking. "Come in, Daihachi, how dumb do you think I am?" She sounded a bit hurt, but a little more stern than angry.
((Shit!! Mini wouldn't disrespect his wishes! D: ))

Minehime made a face, then sat against the doors with a soft sigh. "I'm gonna stay the night, I think I'm too drunk to get home." It was kind of a lie, she was a bit drunk, but she could handle getting home just fine.
Minehime stretched and got a bit more comfortable, rubbing her neck. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"
"Promise me that if your problems become too much to carry alone, you'll let me help you?" She asked through the door.
"I'm ok, thanks though.." Minehime answered, and after a while she dose off against the door, breathing rhythmically.
Daihachi didn't want to sleep. He was scared to. Normally, a night's sleep would not bother him with the odd visions of ritualistic hunts in a fog heavy forest; but hallucinating about his father scared him to his core.
Minehime awoke the next morning when sunlight that filtered through the window shone on her face. Stirring, she rubbed her eyes before getting to her feet, a bit stiff from sleeping on the floor, she groaned softly. "Daihachi?" When she got no answer she assumed he was still asleep, or maybe out, so she opened the bedroom door. The room was empty, Daihachi no where in sight, which worried Minehime. "Daihachi?" She sounded more serious now.
The room wasn't in disarray, which was more confusing. How did he get out without waking her? Where could he have gone in general? He didn't seem to be in the mood to go out and interract with anyone. What happened?
"Daihachi, answer me!" Minehime nearly turned the house upside down to find her shield sibling, but she couldn't find a trace of him.
That had done it for Minehime, without telling anyone where she was going, Minehime headed out into the forest in just some light leather armor her sword and began her search for Daihachi. Brow furrowed she did her best to try and find any trace of him outside of Riften, hoping he was just off hunting or messing around.
Minehime stopped in the middle of a clearing, slowly reaching behind her to grip her sword handle. "Whoever's following me, show yourself, now."
Minehime's eye widened and she drew her sword, turning around in place to try and spot the monk. "Coward, I said show yourself!" Her voice was firm, a scowl her face.
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