Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime cried out when he tackled her to the ground, his full weight behind pushed on top of her, making her grunt with effort.
He sat hovered above her, snarling and growling. "Yes, yes! Kill her! Rip her apart, Daihachi-kun!" Tenkai practically squealed with glee. Daihachi kept her pinned, ready to bite down on her throat.
"Morin, stop!" Minehime shouted as loud as she could, trying to get her legs up between them and push him away, but he still didn't budge an inch.
He halted, ears back. He moved his head back and eyed her, rumbling softly. He seemed to be struggling with whatever spell Tenkai had him under and his actual need to help Minehime.
Minehime had little choice, if she was to get Daihachi off of her, she had to Shout. Taking a deep breath, she braced herself. "Fus Ro!" Using just enough force to push him off of her, she scrambled to her feet and ran for her sword. But instead of using it to block Daihachi's attacks, she charged at Tenkai, and this time her attack reached him. The steel blade plunged through his belly with ease, Minehime pushing it deeper into his abdomen, baring her teeth at him before yanking the blade free and swinging it hard, cutting a deep wound across his chest; both wounds fatal.
Tenkai didn't have time to react, eyes widening as he looking down at the wounds and watchi g his blood sputter and pour from his body. He grinned and laughed under his breath, "Exquisite...though I never knew it would end this way...you are truly the most powerful..." He dropped to his knees and fell to the side, choking on his own blood.
Minehime grabbed his mask and yanked it off of his face, kneeling beside him. "Undo the spell you've cast on Daihachi, now." She ordered.
He spat up blood before glancing at the werewolf, "I cannot do that, girl...~ take heart in knowing that he may or may not be back to normal in a few days...~" He chuckled.
Minehime scowled deeply, then pulled a dagger she had strapped to her thigh and slit the monks throat, waiting until she watched the life leave his eyes before turning to look at Daihachi.
The smell of blood in the air made Daihachi tremble, claws flexing and fangs dripping with drool. He eyed Minehime, ears back. He didn't move, but his muscles flexed and twitched as he fought the overpowering urge to kill.
Minehime stood slowly and kept her sword at her side. "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything." She said softly, grabbing the dead Snow Elf by his wrists and dragging his body out so Daihachi wouldn't eat his tainted meat. Pushing the coffin lid back into place, Minehime would go onto bury Tenkai at an unmarked grave and go hunting for a goat or two. After roasting the meat partially, she opened the coffin lid that led into the larger room and dropped the meat inside, before closing the door again. She'd wait weeks for Daihachi to return to normal if she had to.
The sounds of ripping meat and crunching bone could be heard through the lid as Daihachi engorged on the goat she had provided him. His primal need for flesh quenched for the time being, he stalked around the shrine angrily before beginning to destroy it in Hircine's name.
Minehime sat outside the inner sanctum, listening to the beast inside destroy the shrine, which she cared little for. After finding a bedroll and starting a nice fire in the brazier, she got comfortable, eating her food slowly.
Days passed and Daihachi remained a beast, ripping into the hunks of goat and cow and horse Minehime brought him, but there was no sign that he would change to normal.
Minehime still refused to give up on Daihachi, speaking to him while she went about her days of waiting, but still keeping her distance from him, just in case. "Daihachi... Please, you have to keep trying.." Minehime sat against the coffin lid, listening to Daihachi's breathing on the other side. "I know you can fight this."
A faint whine sounded behind the lid followed by a small thunk. Daihachi rested his head against the lid, nostrils flaring with his heavy breathing. He was trying so hard to change but nothing seemed to be working.
"Just keep trying, ok? I'm not leaving here without you, that's a promise." She said, resting her head against her knees.
He raked his claws gently against the lid but didn't try to push it open. He paced around the shrine, tryi g to calm down and relax, trying not to force the change. Just let it happen, he told himself.
Minehime still remained just outside the inner sanctum, keeping Daihachi fed and watered, all while still talking to him often, hoping that hearing her voice would help, even if only a little bit.
Days passed, soon it was weeks. Nothing seemed to change. It was quiet inside the shrine for a long while before thumps hit the lid. "Minim..." Daihachi's voice was strained, "Got any clothes...?"
Minehime had been zoning out when Daihachi's voice brought her out of her trance. Jumping to her feet, she quickly pulled the lid open, looking at Daihachi before nearly crushing him to death in a hug. "Morin.."
"I was starting to think you'd never turn back.." She held him for a moment longer, then took a step back and wiped her eyes. "Let's get home, yeah?" She turned and moved over to a shelf that had a few shirts and pants. "This was all I could find in the shrine." She said, holding the clothes out to him.
He grabbed them and pulled them on, tying his hair with a strip of leather, "Thanks...your dad is probably freaking out...we've been gone a while.."
Minehime nodded in agreement. "I'll explain... Some of what happened, for now, we should just worry about getting there." She said, only turning to face him once he had fully clothed himself.
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