Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

She downed the health potion then the magicka potion, "F-For now, yes...it's apparently already borderline Necromancy.." She replied, "I'll be all right...! I promise...! This just...takes more than the Master spells that I'm ued to..." She said cautiously.
"Please be careful, this is too hard on your body, you don't want to fall ill." He said, placing his hand over hers.
Yukimura frowned softly, putting his hand over hers to steady her. "You can't keep doing this." He said. "You'll only last a few more summons before you die."
Yukimura scowled deeply. "You'll be leaving Daihachi all alone in this world. Is that really what you want?"
"Please, Akihime, and I say this with all the love in my heart," He cupped her cheek gently. "Do not summon me this way anymore; don't make me watch you die." He said quietly.
She frowned heavily, "What if I can't...? What if this is the only...?! I know Morinobu will grieve, but he has Minehime, he has Masamune-sama...! He has the Companions, Yukimura-sama, he has so much! I only have him...." She lowered her head to hide her tears, "I lost nearly everyone I hold dear...I can't stand the emptiness in my heart any more...!"
Yukimura did not know what to say to ease his wife's grief, and he could do even less. "Akihime.. Please, don't kill yourself." He begged, squeezing her hands.
"You should let me go, this is too much magic for anyone to cast and maintain for extended periods of time." He said.
Yukimura placed a kiss on the top of her head, holding her tightly in his arms. "I love you, Akihime."
One moment the specter of her husband was there, and the next he had disappeared, this time, of his own free will, not wanting to cause anymore harm to Akihime, so he left her all on her own.
Akihime's heart broke and she cried softly. If Amaya had been around, she would tell Akihime that it would be ok and that she shouldn't cry. But she was gone too, and there was no one to give her comfort. "I'm so lost and alone! Divines, please help me! I don't know what to do!" She sobbed.
Many years would come to pass and life went on as always in Skyrim; just outside the Riften main hold, Minehime had just returned from a mission, a request to clear out the bandits that had taken over the road leading to the farms. The mission was easily finished, and she was just I saddling her horse. Now in her mid twenties, she had grown to be quite the woman, her hair was still just past her chin, with longer little braids adorned with beads spaced unevenly among her hair, a lithe short frame and a bright azure eye - the other being hidden by a leather patch.
Daihachi had grown quite a bit as well in the time that passed. He had grown out his hair in honor and memory of his father, even keeping the six coins in a small display case on a shelf in the outpost. His shoulders were broad and he had certainly gained a good amount of muscle - as expected from a follower of Hircine. He hadn't spoken to his mother in a long time, and he couldn't really blame her. Her powers were slowly but surely returning - making her busier and busier by the day. He had gained better control of his Beast blood thanks to the Ring of Hircine he had recovered from a poor sod that had stolen it thinking it would help his own Beast blood.
Daihachi was busy at the forge, tempering the Daedric armor he had retrieved for Minehime. He smirked to himself, remembering the armor even came to be thanks to a half hearted joke.
Daihachi could smell Minehime before he heard or saw her, her scent a pleasant one that he could always pick out of a crowd, something familiar, one he could never forget.
"Hey! Daihachi!" Minehime rounded the corner and walked toward the forge, grinning widely. "Still slacking off and hiding at your forge?"
He snorted, "For your information, princess, I was doing you a favor." He said and pulled the Daedric armor from the bench, a proud smirk on his face.
"Oh, I'm a princess now, huh? I didn't even know, do tell me, when is my coronation?" She said in a mocking tone, then stopped just opposite him. "Very nice, how long did that take you?" She asked, completely sincere now.
"Three months." He said, "And a lot of reading. But your impenetrable armor is ready. I did some tweeking; I made it less bulky so it wouldn't hinder you. The points, as you can see, are smaller since you don't plan to mount skulls on them. The great thing qbout making it lighter and easier to move in, is that the cursed ebony doesn't lose its durability. If you'll allow me to demonstrate." He set the chest piece against the wall and stepped back, pulling out his ebony bow and aiming at the armor. Letti g the arrow fly, the ebony arrow bounced off the chest piece and buried into the wooden post next to it.
Minehime whistled lowly and rested her hands on her hips. "Very impressive." She said, her eyes twinkling. "And I'll have you know mounting skulls on your armor is all the rage right now, and I intend to be the latest in fashion." Her very sentence was laughable, Minehime had about the same fashion sense as a boiled potatoe, often wearing men's clothes, sometimes ones that had a dozen patches on them. And with the patterns and colors she chose sometime, it was like she was colorblind.
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