Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

He hesitated. To be honest, as much as he teased her, he couldn't bear the thought of her being a werewolf. He hadn't had a decent nights sleep in ages, before he got the ring he could barely control his constant urge to hunt and kill. Minehime didn't need that. "You don't deserve this, really.." He said.
Minehime looked down at the dirt, scuffing her foot to kick up some dust. "What if I asked you to..?" She whispered softly, glancing up at; she wasn't joking.
"But you don't know that.. You're able to control it, why wouldn't I be able to?" She looked up at him.
"Only because of this." He showed the Ring of Hircine and scowled lightly, "I can never take it off or my Beast blood will go rampant. I'm twenty and I've had this gift for years and I still can't control it."
Minehime opened her mouth to speak, then closed it. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked this of you. I just... With Kaa-san gone, and Tou-san getting older and pushing me to take over Riften.. I don't think I'm right for this, I'm not strong enough.."
"Minim, you're the strongest warrior I know. You have been through Oblivion and back and have still come out strong. You don't need the Beast blood to become stronger when you already are. Besides...you deserve to go to Sovngarde and be with Masamune-sama and Megohime-dono...I won't be able to see Tou-san or Kaa-san when I finally die...you'll have to keep them company for me.." He told her.
"But what if I don't want to go to Sovngarde, Morin?" She frowned deeply, brows furrowed. "What if I want to follow you through death as well as life?" She shook her head. "You're my shield-brother, I have to stay by your side."
"Trust me...the Hunting Grounds is not a place you want to be..." He said softly, "I need someone to stay with Tou-san and Kaa-san for me...Daisuke..." He stopped, not having spoken about his brother in so long, "Daisuke can't do it...and they will both be crushed to never see either of their children again..."
"It's where I want to be if you're there." She responded. "Please, Morin.." She looked at him pleadingly. "Sovngarde means nothing if I'm there alone."
He scowled softly. "Alone? Do you know who's alone right now? Megohime-dono. She's stuck there waiting for Masamune-sama and for you to finally join her and you'll be alone in Sovngarde. I have never heard you sound so selfish before, in my entire life of knowing you...! I will not have you become like your sister."

((Yeah, he's not happy talking about this~))
Minehime actually had nothing to say to Daihachi in response; he was right, but it still pained he to think she'd eventually leave her shield-brother behind. "You can't leave me, ok? Not for a long while. You're my brother, and who else is gonna have my back?" She said quietly.
He took her hand and looked her dead in the eye, "I will not leave your side, Minehime. Even on your death bed. If I must, I will leave the Hunting Grounds and guard Shor's Hall with Tsun to make sure your eternity is a joyous one."
Minehime smiled softly squeezing his hand tightly. "It still wouldn't be the same without you." She said, taking a deep breath. "But I'll go to Sovngarde when my time comes, and I'll make sure your parents are kept in good company."
After setting the boundaries for their hunt, agreeing on weapons, and packing supplies, the two set off on foot, their deadline two days from that point at midnight.
Minehime hiked to a halfway point up a mountain, setting up her own small camp before setting up a a couple traps around her camp, then setting out further up the mountain to set a few more traps.
The two days went by slow, which is what Daihachi liked when he hunted. He had managed to catch a large amount of rabbits and foxes, tying them all together by their feet for easy carrying, and he snagged a large elk and decemt sized stag.
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