Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Aye.. I'm going to turn in for the night, wake me when Skjor hunts us down." She said through a yawn, heading to the shared rooms with a wave.
Daihachi watched her head off before sitting down with a warm mug of mead. The scents of the mead hall gave him a great comfort, missing the creaking wood and cold stone.
After a couple of hours, Minehime came up from her slumber, rubbing her eyes and taking a seat beside Daihachi, not bothering to fix her bed head.
"Not yet." "There you two are." Speaking of said devil, Skjor moved over from the stairs to the table, "Have a nice trip over?" "Oh, it was amazing." Daihachi said sarcasticly.
Minehime glanced to Daihachi, then back to Skjor. "Out of hand how?" She asked. "Don't get me wrong, I'm more than willing to help, but I haven't seen hair or hide of those bastards in years."
"And you have mine as well, where are we headed?" She asked, taking another couple bites of her apple.
"Gallows Rock. Eastmarch. Aela and I will be leaving now to get a head start on scouting. You two should leave soon as well." He said. Daihachi nodded, "We'll meet you both there." He saie and Skjor nodded, patting both their shoulders before heading off.
"Do you wanna try and rest up before we head up, or are we good?" She asked Daihachi. "If anything, fuel up on food."
Minehime elbowed him in the ribs. "I'm fine, but you're not immortal, you need sleep- what little you get anyway."
"Yeah, yeah, just make it quick if you wanna run to Farkas' side to tend to his wounds~" She teased.
Minehime held up her hands and stood. "Alright, I'm gonna go double check the gear to make sure we have everything."
Minehime brought their gear up and headed out for their horses. "Ready? It looks like rain, so I have some wet gear." She said, tossing Daihachi his pack.
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