Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Hey! Let's get going!" Minehime came jogging down the road, armor on and sword on her back, coming to a halt as she got closer.
He nodded and headed out of the gate with her. They headed down the road toward Riften, which is where most of the sabre cats liked to be. Daihachi followed any scents he could trace on the wind, knowing there would be at least one or two sabres near by.
Minehime had slung a bow over her shoulder, as long as a quiver and her sword, walking along Daihachi and keeping an eye out for any movement in the brush.
"There's a sabre sleeping in that rock bed over there. See him?" He said quietly, pointing a bit ahead. All that could be really seen was a hump of bright orange peeking over the rocks.
"Yeah." She whispered back, taking her bow off her shoulder and taking out an arrow. "I'm gonna circle around, I can't get a good shot." She notched the arrow, moving quietly in a wide arch to see the cat at a better angle.
Daihachi kept his distance, but stayed close enough that he could jump to her side if she needed. The sabre cat didn't really notice her yet, enjoying its sun bathing.
Pulling the string back, she trained the arrow for its neck, slowing her breathing before finally letting the arrow fly. It hit its mark dead center, sinking deep into the Sabre cats neck.
It roared in pain and stood quickly, rushing toward Minehime. Daihachi rushed it and used all his weight to tackle it to the ground, taking his steel dagger and slitting its throat. It struggled weakly before slowly dying.
Minehime put her bow back over her shoulder, jogging toward Daihachi with a lopsided grin. "That tackle was amazing, I don't think I've seen you do that in human form before."
Minehime shook her head with a soft chuckle, crouching down and pulling out her own Skyforge dagger to clean and dress the carcass.
"Seeing you two up early homestly surprises me." It was Aela, pulling along a horse drawn cart with deer, elk and even mammoth meat. Daihachi looked and smiled, "Morning, Aela. How are you?" "Better now that I've had time to burn some steam. I already have a plan to get back at the Silver Hand."
Minehime was in the process of scooping out the innards when she heard Aela. Poking her head over the large body of the cat, she nodded to Aela. "Mornin'." Then she went right back to cleaning it. "What's the plan?"
"We wipe out their little groups one by one. I know where each of them are thanks to a map Krev left behind. They won't know what hit them." She answered. Daihachi cracked his neck.
"I'm already pumped for it." He said.
"We heading out?" Minehime called over the beast, looking to Daihachi. "Just take this with you, yeah? It's good meat." She stood, wiping her blade on her pant leg.
"I was going to take this back to Jorrvaskr before hand, but yes, we'll be heading out soon." Aela answered. Daihachi nodded and helped pack the sabra meat with the rest that Aela had.
Minehime disposed of what wouldn't be used, leaving the guts out for the buzzards, and helping Aela and Daihachi haul in the meat.
"So, where to first?" Daihachi asked. Aela kept her eyes forward, but a darkness befell them as her rage and hate grew.
"Redoran's Retreat. Here in Whiterun. I will stay in Jorrvaskr to keep the old man from getting suspicious, so make sure to slaughter all of them." She answered.
Minehime gave a slow nod, a dark look in her eye as she followed behind Aela. "Any special requests?" She asked darkly.
When they reached the re-purposed cave, he took her hand gently, "Listen...no matter what happens in there, I want you to stay safe." He told her, "I don't care what happens to me...but if you were to get hurt, I don't know what I would do..."
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