Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Then we'll marry anyway." She said firmly. "With or without his blessing." She did sound a bit sad about the thought of her father not giving his blessing though.
He made a noise, "I'm pretty sure he will. I just don't think he'll be thrilled with handing you off to someone else...you're all he has left besides Kojurou-san.."
"He'll warm up to it.. I still inherit Riften, and I still plan to govern it, it's my home." She said softly. "Would you.. Want to stay here in Riften with me..?"
((Gonna skip a little cuz I can't remember what I was gonna put. _:)3 」∠)_ ))

The next few days were spent going about like normal, taking care of the outpost, training, and hunting. When they both decided that it was time to tell Masamune about their marriage, they two of them made their way to Mistveil, requesting an audience with Masamune.
Masamune beckoned them forward, "You know you don't need to ask to speak with me." He said. Being Jarl of Riften, Masamune had an eye for detail, even if it was minor. He saw the rings on their fingers and felt his blood heat up, "New jewelry?"
"Otou-sama." Minehime was never this formal with her father, not unless they were at a gathering with other Jarl, or she was serious. Taking a small breath, she spoke. "Daihachi and I are getting married, and we'd like to ask your blessing."
Daihachi was launched into the wall before he even knew what happened, Masamune Shouting at him. Kojurou sighed heavily, "Masamune-sama, that isn't the appropriate reaction.."
"Daihachi!" Minehime moved quickly to his side, helping him sit up. "Are you alright?" She asked, then turned to glare at her father. "Tou-san!" The Keep shook slightly, a scowl on her face.
Masamune had his jaw clenched tightly, gripping the arms of his throne so tight that the wood almost split. But he soon relaxed and sat back, a scowl still on his face. "Fine."
Minehime didn't move from her spot beside Daihachi. "Fine you'll stop, or fine we have your blessing..?" She asked cautiously.
"You have my blessing." He grumbled bitterly. Daihachi laughed uneasily, the tension between Minehime and Masamune making him uncomfortable, "Told you he wouldn't be happy.."
"It'll be fine." She said to Daihachi, helping him up, then moving over to her father. "Thank you, Tou-san." She said, hugging him tightly.
"We'd like to plan the wedding soon." She told him, taking a step back. "We'd like for you to come- obviously."
"Of course." She smiled, and it was a happy smile. "I want my father to be there to give me away." She said. "Just, try not to Shout Daihachi into a wall again, ok?"
Minehime gave a half sarcastic laugh, but knew her father was doing his best, and meant well.
It only took a few days to plan the wedding, Daihachi and Minehime deciding to make it a small one, and soon the wondrous day was upon them. Minehime had asked her father for Megohime's wedding dress, and was wearing the silk gown, her hair brushed neatly and braided with gold beads. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement and nervousness, waiting beside her father for Daihachi.
Farkas and Vilkas attended the small ceremony, wanting to honor their Harbinger and Shield-Brother. Akihime and Okane had managed to arrive, the Oracle wanting so badly to summon Yukimura but knew he was proud enough in Sovngarde. Masamune pet Minehime's hand gently. "You look almost as beautiful as your mother did.." He told her gently, "She's probably incredibly happy for you right now.."
Minehime smiled nervously at her father, squeezing his hand. "Thanks, Tou-san." She whispered softly. A couple more people had gathered in attendance; Kojurou, Jin, and Shigenaga. Though there did seem to be one extra at the wedding, the only other person there was a frail elderly Nord woman dressed in priestess robes, she looked normal, and was helping the others with the final touches, but something was slightly off still.
Masamune was hit with the smell of rot and death, so bad that he nearly repelled to a far corner, but he kept his cool for Minehime. Daihachi finally arrived, fixing the armor Yukimura wore when he and Akihime married, looking almost exactly like the late housecarl. Akihime felt tears of pride fill her eyes and she hugged Okane tight, who giggled and held onto her mother. Masamune kissed Minehime's cheek and went to sit down, keeping his eye on the odd elderly woman.
Daihachi stood across from Minehime and grinned, "Wow...! You clean up really good for a tomboy." He teased softly.
Minehime's face flushed more and she looked down at her dress. "You think so..?" She was clearly nervous, too nervous to catch onto his joke, and though she had been in many battles, this was an entirely new one. "You look great in that armor.." She looked up at him. "It makes your eyes look like gold." She said softly.
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