Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

He watched her with a blank, uncaring stare, not even flinching when she rushed at him. "You have some humanity left, Irohahime. You showed it when you came to Mini's wedding. I'm fixing your selfishness so you can actually live a decent life."
"You know nothing!" She snarled at him, then moved back away from the bars, her hand burnt badly. Backing away from Masamune, she moved to the table in the cell and sat down, back facing Masamune.
Days passed and Masamune did not return to see her. The prison door opened and footsteps were heard making their way to her cell. "Iroh-chan..." A guard stopped before her cell and removed his helmet, revealing Daisuke. He looked relieved and distraught to see her behind bars, "Thank the Gods, they haven't harmed you.."
"Daisuke-sama!" Irohahime moved to the bars quickly, a happy smile on her face. "You're here!" She whispered, reaching through the bars carefully to cup his cheeks.
She shook her head. "I'm fine, they haven't hurt me." She said. "Let's just get out of here, ok? My father plans to take away my immortality."
Her smile faded into a frown, eyes wide. "D-Daisuke-sama..? I don't understand, what's going on..?"
He frowned, "I'm saying it wouldn't be so bad if you were human again..." He said, "But it isn't my place to make you change. If you're happy, then I'm happy."
He nodded and reached for the key, only to be Shouted into the floor by a Fus Ro. Masamune and a handful of guards came into view, the Jarl kicking Daisauke repeatedly. Daisuke tried to protect himself, grunting with pain.
"No! No, stop it!" Irohahime screamed, eye wide with fear as she watched her husband beaten by her father. "Please stop!" She begged, tears in her eyes. "Please! Don't hurt him!"
Masamune stopped and glared at her, "I'm glad you think this is all just a game. That I'm playing a sick prank. Did you really think that he could just swoop in and save you like you're some princess locked in a fucking tower?" He snarled before turning and kicking Daisuke again. Daisuke grunted and glared.
"You can't keep her from me, Date." He hissed. Masamune sneered and grabbed him by his hair, pulling him to his feet. "You are so misguided. You poor bastard." He hissed before the guards took away all the keys Daisuke had on him, stripped him of the stolen guard armor, and threw him into a cell far from Irohahime's sight. Masamune moved in front of Irohahime's cell and exhaled a soft 'Yol', his eye a slit.
"I hope you're fucking proud." He growled before walking away.
Irohahime dropped to her knees in front of the cell door, tears streaming down her face as she sobbed quietly, hanging her head. She didn't want Daisuke to get sucked into this situation, she never wanted him to get hurt.

((Shall we chain her up and make her human again~?))
(( (=^=)7 ))

Days passed, Daisuke had remained silent in his cell, refusing to speak to anyone unless Irohahime had spoken to him. The prisons opened and frantic footfalls made their way down to the cells. Akihime rushed passed Irohahime without so much as a glance, stopping in front of her son, "Yukimasa!"
"Okaa-sama...what are you doing here?" Daisuke asked, sitting up slowly in his cot. Akihime gripped the bars gently, moving closer.
"Masamune-sama asked me to free you from your enthrallment."
"Enthrallment? I'm fine, he doesn't know what he's talking about!" Daisuke yelled defensively.
"Akihime-dono, please, don't take him from me.." Irohahime's voice came from the far jail cell, weak and timid. "Please.." She begged. "Don't do this.."
Akihime looked to Irohahime's cell, "I cannot obey the request of a Daedra worshipper. I'm sorry. But I'm freeing him and taking him to Solitude."
"No!" Daisuke rushed forward and rammed his body against the bars, causing Akihime to scream and move away, "I am not leaving Iroh-chan, you Aedra loving bitch!"
"Yukimasa!!" Akihime went from terrified to angry in an instant, "How dare you speak to me that way!"
"I can speak however I want! Let me out!! I need to be with Iroh-chan!!" He snapped.
"Daisuke-sama..!" Irohahime's voice could be heard again, and it was clear she was crying. "Please! Don't... Don't speak to your mother in such a way..!" She was conflicted, not wanting to lose Daisuke, but also not wanting to see him treat his mother in such a way.
"But she's going to take me from you! I won't let her!" He yelled. Akihime moved to Irohahime's cell, frowning heavily.
"Irohahime-dono...I know you care for Daisuke very deeply, but please...look at him. Look at what you have done. He isn't Daisuke anymore. He's a mindslave, completely dependent on you. Is this what you want?" She asked gently, there was no sign of malice or hate in her tone, only worry and concern.
Tears fell freely from her eyes, and she looked up at Akihime. "No... But, he's all I have left..!" She whimpered. "Please.." Irohahime was crumbling, a sobbing mess rather than a mighty vampire.
"Then I promise I will do all I can to keep the both of you together. But he needs help. Please..." She pleaded softly. Daisuke shook the bars angrily.
"Don't listen to her, Iroh-chan!! She's old, she doesn't know anything! She let her own husband die!!" He yelled. Akihime went rigid before turning and casting Sparks, sending him tumbling to the floor. She moved towards him, Storm Cloak slowly forming around her.
"You can be a bratty screaming child all you want, Yukimasa. But if you ever disrespect your honorable father like that ever again, I will not be so merciful." She hissed, "You will be freed of this control and I will take you back to Solitude where you will beg for forgiveness."
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