Mind over Matter(Avengers)Lady/Moon

loki looked quite dismayed about that. "it's... it's been so long... i was only holding Fenris a while ago. it can't have been that long..." he whispered, looking dismayed. "oh good. Thor was always the best at keeping the realms under order. the only ones i have any luck with is Jotunhiem." he admitted. "i've no idea why but the Frost Giants don't mind me so much as they do Thor or Father." he admitted with a smile. "ah, i see... yes, it's a way to map out the larger areas, and to measure a distance, right?" he asked with a smile. "very clever." he admitted with a nod.

Bruce smiled back at Tony, looking reassuring. "oh i would like that." Loki admitted with a nod. "it's one of those special calendars you see. that just keeps going. so long as i have it anyway. it was about a three feet thick the last time i remember seeing it. i've had it since i was a child." he admitted with a grin as he rubbed at his arm once Bruce pulled the needle out. Bruce asked several, several questions and then turned to Tony and motioned for the other to follow him. "you don't have to look so worried tony." Bruce promised. "Loki has common Schizophrenia. but it comes and goes." he explained. "at least as far as i can tell. it's always there, of course, but his brain is wired very differently from ours. on bad days, he has voices, hallucinations, delusions, and often can't really understand what's happening. some days he has moments like this, where he's trapped in the past and can't remember anything because, according to his brain, it simply hasn't happened yet. right now, he is literally the age he was when he left Jormungandr. in Loki's mind, he IS that age, so any information that comes after, hasn't happened yet." he explained.

"they aren't blackouts, they're flashbacks and periods where his brain is so disconnected that there isn't anything to remember." he explained, rubbing the back of his neck. "i'm unsure how the medication we have for it will effect his condition, but i can be sure it won't do anything bad to him." he admitted. "i've tested samples of the medication against Jor and some of the Warrior's Three's blood." Bruce admitted. "i've also found that Loki is susceptible to tranquilizers. if he becomes dangerous, we can put him to sleep long enough to try and mentally stabilize him with medicine. right now he's calm, but once he slips back into the schizophrenia he's most likely going to become volatile again." Bruce admitted. "if we send him back to Asgaurd, he's only going to get worse. we need to make Thor and the other Aeser understand that Loki is very sick, and that his actions are not his own... but i don't know how. they have, absolutely no concept of mental disorders or mental sickness."
"I'm sorry reindeer.it has been."tony said looking sad about having to tell him that before smiling safly,not telling him about jotunhiem,fairly certain that it'd get him thrown out of a window if he did."thor is very good with them.the realms are at peace."he smiled before laughing."it is clever.sometimes humans come on a good idea,even if you don't think so most of the timd."he teased.

"I'll see what I can do."tony assured hoping thor would have a idea where the hell the calandar was before relaxing a little at bruce's words."good...I mean its not but I can talk my way around a normal case.."he sighed looking exhausted.because his mother had terrified him, and he was feeljling emotionally battered after dealing with loki becauae he could see how it could have been so different,if only his father hadn't been a bastard.tilting his head slightly he looked thoughtful as he stared out the window."we'll just have to refrain from breaking the dillusion if we can...it'll be violent if we try to force him to recognize something."he muttered before looking at bruce.."are you staying here?and if not leave some tranquilizers just in case."he muttered turning his head to watch loki,hovering more like a worried boyfriend then a avenger, and not even realizing it."hes staying here if I have to kick thors ass all the way back to asgard...loki won't zurvive returning. I am sure we can reach a agreement with odin over it."he muttered.
loki offered Tony a confused glance. "reindeer? what in the world is a reindeer!?" he demanded, wondering if he should feel insulted.

Bruce nodded and gently squeezed Tony's shoulder. "i know this is hard, but he's reacting the best to you. you're the person who has the best chance to reaching him." he admitted. "if we can find a proper medication for him, most of the issues should solve themselves save for a few bad days he might have. he'll have a chance to have a life here. he just needs a chance. and if you of all people can forgive him, then i'm sure the rest of us can as well." he promised with a smile. "you like him. i know you do, don't deny it. he makes you smile, i want to give him a chance." he admitted. "but we need to do our best to keep him calm and under control until we can find a way to help him." he promised. "your right, it would be bad if we forced him to recognize anything. it would immidiatly pill him back into a violent state." he admitted.

"now i unfortunately, have reason to beleive Loki might also have some other mental disorders connected to the Schizophrenia including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder." he indicated Loki, who was currently at a bookshelf, reorganizing everything by color and size. "it's best not to try stopping him from doing those things until he starts doing something dangerous. some people start to plick body hair if they don't have anything productive to do." he admitted. "you'll have to step in if he does that, but he'll have odd compulsions to check doors, time, or might even have odd behaviors, like closing a door three times before leaving, or counting his steps and making sure he always ends on an even, or an odd step. it's perfectly normal, and so long as it isn't destructive, just let him do it." Bruce suggested. "i'm going to have to go back tot he lab to run tests on his blood to try and find some medicine... i have a few specialists i can contact." he admitted. "and Fury, surprisingly enough, is on board for trying to help Loki. apparently he doesn't feel right punishing a person who doesn't understand fully what he did wrong. Jor's already talking to Thor about it, though i don't know how that's going we can, and will hide Loki if we have to." he paused and looked at Loki who was engaged in a conversation with the bookshelf. "...he's slipping again, i'll leave the tranq's with you. only use them if you have to, alright?"
Tony smirked at that, tilting his head. Amused because he knew loki was wondering if he should be insulted.”It’s a earth creature with great big horns. I’ve seen your helmet, loki, you always reminded me a of a reindeer when you’re wearing it.”

Tony swallowed looking at his friend as he squeezed his shoulder, “....My mother’s journals are at the tower. When you come over next, will you grab them?I might...might be able to figure out how to help more if I can look closer....”He muttered because while he knew the two had nothing in common, he needed to find a middle ground to dealing with this without having his own mental breakdown. Twitching a little as he looked at the other man, he made a face. “He makes me smile because he’s acting like a child, and not like the bastard who threw me out a window....not to mention he’s got a ass to die for...”Tony muttered turning his head a little, not even realizing he was watching Loki’s ass as he organized Johnny’s books.

“I’m thinking your right. That’s compulsive......good thing Johnny’s a pig, otherwise he’d get bored very quickly.”He snickered as he looked around Johnny’s penthouse apartment before nodding. “I’ll let him do whatever he wants unless it’ll hurt either of us.”he muttered looking thoughtful, before smiling. “Fury’s weird sometimes.”he said snickering at that before nodding. “If any of them will go along with it, Thor will. But we’ll prepare for the worst.”he said making a face before looking at bruce again.”Also, find me another apartment close by. I don’t want to stay at johnny’s, he might get annoyed, but Loki freaked when we got close to the tower....just find somewhere close by.”he said shrugging, not even overly concerned about the cost of finding such a apartment, or why he was going out of his way to make sure loki’d be comfortable before nodding.“I will. Now don’t worry, I have a better way of distracting the reindeer.”he said waggling his eyebrows a little looking amused.”Hey reindeer, I promised you food. What do you want to eat?”
Loki glared at Tony. "are you mocking my helmet!?" he demanded, quite annoyed by the idea of anyone mocking his precious helmet, given to him by his father.

"Bruce nodded. "i'll get them." he promised. "in the meantime, here's Loki's journals. Thor had the ones from Loki's childhood sent down as well." he admitted, dumping about twenty leather bound journals onto the table. each one meticulously numbered by the dates in which they had been used. and when each journal was about the size of a King James Bible... that was a lot of words. fortunately, the younger years where clear headed and calm. starting when Loki was around forty to the day he was imprisoned. it was clear that the disease had been there even at the young age of forty, because occasionally, there was a page that made no sense, or was nothing but overlapping squiggles, and sometimes the same word written over and over and over again. as the dates got closer, the disease manifested itself more and more. "he makes you smile, because you like him, and because he gave you the best sex you've ever had." Bruce teased with a grin. "it's perfectly alright you know. you CAN like someone else. Pepper DID break it off." he pointed out. she'd done so simply because she had realized Tony was more like a really annoying little brother than he was a lover. hell she felt more like his mother half the time.

"very compulsive. he's the organizational type. everything will have it's place... try not to move too many things out of place, but don't encourage it either. no need to make it worse." he warned with a smile. "i think Fury's father had Schizophrenia." Bruce admitted with a shrug. "i'll get an apartment for you. or rather, i'll have Jarvis and Pepper get an apartment for you." he promised with a grin before he groaned at the bad joke. "honestly Tony." he groaned. "fucking the patient is not an approved medicinal practice." he complained even as he smiled, shaking his head as he left, Loki looking up from where he was doing the dishes. "huh? oh, anything is fine... do you have a brillo pad? these dishes are stained." he complained, scowling at the plastic plates that Johnny kept. "or bleach maybe? how do you live like this? it's disgusting." he complained with a shake of his head. "and everything is so out of place!" he complained, scowling. "even the pictures are crooked!" well... at least Loki would be busy for... a long time. he was totally tweaking out.
“A little, but not to be mean, loki.”Tony said looking amused.

“Oh, fun.”Tony snickered as he looked at all the journals, “Well, at least we know I wont be bored.”he said shaking his head thoughtfully as he bent down to flip through one, looking interested though. Because he was definitely going to enjoy reading loki’s thoughts. Glancing at bruce he twitched a little. “Well, he is a god. Good sex kinda comes with it....though I thought you all were worried about me having sex with him.”he said smiling slightly amused even if he was a little weirded out by his attraction.

“Well, I can live with that. It wont be so bad....though I can’t ever take him to my lab. I’d never find anything after he was done.”he pouted a little because his lab was organized chaos that only made sense to tony, who while it looked insane, tony could find anything within moments of needing it. “They’ll find the perfect apartment. They know what I like. A big bed and plenty of fuckable surfaces.”the man smiled before laughing as bruce groaned.”I’m not a doctor remember?Can’t get in trouble for fucking the patient.”he snickered as bruce left before smiling. “There should be some under the sink. And if the plastic plates are to bad, just throw them out, I’ll buy johnny some more.”He said shaking his head before smirking as he started searching for food, shaking his head a little as all he found was the easy mac and cheese. “This isn’t my place. My place is amazingly organized” -yea, okay tony,whatever you say. “This is a friend’s place. But he’ll apperciate you cleaning up.”He smiled as he settled in to cook.
Bruce chuckled a little and nodded. "that's true." he agreed with a grin. "Tony. it's really alright. i knew from the beginning that you had an infatuation with Loki. i mean, he threw you out a window and you barely even smacked him for it!" he pointed out with a grin. "we all knew as soon as we found you, naked in your suit with Loki nowhere in sight that we where going to end up helping him. even Clint, whose rather angry about it i might point out. he understands of course, he did share Loki's brain for a bit, he knows better than anyone how fucked up Loki is." he had to chuckle at Tony's assessment of 'Lab Time'. "you're probobly right." he agreed with a grin. "it's a good thing your not a doctor. you'd have been pulled from the ranks before a day had passed for flirting with the patients." he stated with a smirk.

Loki bent down and retrieved the Brillo pad and started to scrub with obsessive passion. "whether he appreciates it or not, it's being done and he'll have to live with it." Loki stated sternly before he simply tossed the plates into the garbage in a fit of frustration and started washing all the glasses instead, drying them as well so they wouldn't get water spots. then he reorganized the living room so that there where no diagonal lines. which took a fair chunk of time. by the time he'd finished that, Tony had dinner ready. "....it's yellow..." Loki complained, looking concerned. "is it supposed to be yellow? what is it?" he asked, biting his lip as he poked at the macaroni and cheese.
Tony twitched a little making a face. “He’s a god. It’s not like I could have smacked his hands for it.”he grumbled before pouting, “Hey, you guys are the one’s who sent my suit for me. Its not my fault it found me naked....sex tends to happen when I’m left on my own.”he whined a little embarassed that they’d all known about his liking before he had figured it out. Wincing at the idea of upsetting his friend he huffed out a sigh. “I’ll talk to him.”he muttered because he hated upsetting his friends before smirking. “Again, I could help so many people with sex....some people just need cured. I mean, stress relief.”he snickered.

“Well, I’m sure he’ll enjoy his apartment more now.”Tony snickered a little before settling down at the kitchen table, nodding quietly. “It is. It’s pasta covered in cheese.”He smirked at the supicious look the food was getting starting to eat. “Just try it. You said anything was fine.Just eat, reindeer.”He said smiling as he started to eat, trying to prove it really was okay.
Bruce snickered at Tony and shook his head. "you didn't even try Tony." he pointed out, looking amused. "and we thought you where being tortured or forced into marriage through rape. what where we supposed to do?" he asked, looking highly amused. "at least you got to finish first." he pointed out with a chuckle.

Loki frowned a little as he stared at Tony. "are you making fun of me?" he demanded, his eyes narrowed as he poked his food again. "Cheese?...i do like Cheese.." he muttered, watching Tony eat several bites before he took a tentative taste himself. once he decided he liked it, it was gone in a flash and so where the seconds he'd taken. when one was lost to schizophrenia, they didn't tend to eat much... or bathe much, so he was probobly starving. still, once they where done, he washed everything because tony 'wouldn't do it right' and reorganized all of the pots and pans just so and then resumed his work in the cupboards making sure all the cans of fruit where all facing the right way. he even worked in the drawers. he finally fell asleep around midnight, curled up on the couch. he had refused help and had refused to stop, the stress of realizing he had missed about forty two years of his life had been highly upsetting.

the morning was interesting, as Tony woke up to Loki straddling him with a knife pressed to his neck, emerald eyes glittering very dangerously. "so. i kidnapped you, and now you've kidnapped me. is that it?" Loki asked, sounding amused. "your very bad at this kidnapping thing you know. you didn't even tie me up. and you stole my journals you little thief." not that they had been very insightful. Loki had been brilliant as a child, and he had worked for a year on a spell that would freeze the water molecules that made up a human body, and then thaw them at will in a sort of stasis.... granted, he hadn't figured out how to make the creatures he froze live through the process yet as far as anyone had been able to tell. "so, did you kidnap me to even the score, or did you kidnap me because you're that desperate for Sex?"
“I don’t know, but it was still uncomfortable to be in my suit naked.”Tony sulked a little annoyed with his friend for making fun of him, before laughing. “Barely. Damned thing found me in the middle of that.”He sulked just because he could say it and embarass bruce, because the man hated discussing tony’s sex life.

“I would never dare make fun of you, loki. I’m offended you would think so.”Tony said sulking a little looking amused though before nodding. “most people do.”Tony said looking amused as all the food disappeared within minutes, sulking as loki ate his helping of seconds to. Shrugging a little though, just glad he had eaten, settling down with his journal as he let loki reorganize things.

Tony startled a little as he felt the knife pressed against his skin, blinking up at the god sleepily, swallowing hard. “well, yea. Kinda.”Tony said studying the man straddling him.”but I wanted you to want to stay, not because I forced you...besides you’re a god. Not alot I can do to force you to stay.”he pointed out before wincing. “I didn’t steal them, your son brought them for you. I was just waiting for you to take them. You know, like I said I would. I got your things back.”He said before smirking, rocking his hips a little.”That desperate. Not many people can keep up with me when it comes to sex, you know.”he said willing to distract the other from causing him harm with sex.....and because well, it was true. Tony had really, really enjoyed the sex.
Bruce snorted and flushed as he shook his head before he left. he needed to or Tony would get vulgar.

"you're making fun of me." Loki grumbled, but seamed to understand it wasn't meant to hurt or anything. "

Loki smirked at him, his eyes narrowed and his head tilted to the side as he studied the other. "you have affection for me, how cute." Loki mused, his head tilted as he studied Tony. "i suppose that is true. there is not a lot of earth technology that can compare to magic." he agreed, sliding the knife down and using it to cut open Tony's shirt rather slowly. careful not to leave so much as a scratch on that perfect skin. "you did get my things back." Loki agreed, relaxing a little more, as if he was deciding it was really alright to trust Tony. "My son. Jormungandr, who is here to detain, and possibly kill me." Loki mused. "he's quite the little man now." he admitted, sounding wistful before he turned and glared at thin air. "shut up! when i want your input i'll ask for it! i want Sex and i shall have it!" he spat before bending down and kissing Tony eagerly, the Knife tossed to the floor. unneeded now that Loki was certain Tony wasn't a threat. "i want you to fuck me Tony Stark, fuck me hard and fuck me fast and make me SCREAM your name!"
"Why does everyone think I like you?I enjoy good sex. You have nothing to do with that."tony whined a little swallowing hard as the knife stroked down, nervous about the man change his minf and hurt him. Shuddering slightly he smirked a little,"no.he doesn't want to hurt you if he doesn't have to...hes very upset with what happened..."tony sighed quirtly,just as wistful because he knew how much this had upset jormungandr.worried about both of them before gasping as he was kissed,burying a hand in the other's hair as he thrust up against him laughing."I think I can do that."he smirked as he rolled the other over,pinning him to the bed as he worked on pulling off his clothes.
Loki snorted. "it's quite obvious." he stated simply. "you would not want me to stay if you did not hold some form of affection for me, whether physical or emotional." loki stated with a smirk before he looked confused. "what happened?" Loki asked, frowning a little. "you mean when i tried to kill you and take over the earth or when i left him?" he asked, looking hesitant and confused. "i can't... remember." he muttered with a frown. "i think there might be something wrong with me." he admitted before discarding the idea in favor of sex. "Yes! stark. God." Loki moaned, letting Tony do all the work, too desperate for attention and physical contact to worry about anything else. he arched against the other, gasping as he kissed Tony, his tongue working with the others as he ran his fingers down Tony's back, moaning eagerly.
“Shut up loki.”Tony growled making a face before sighing softly.”Both....he’s not had it easy, despite being with thor.”Tony muttered raising a hand, gently stroking a hand over loki’s hair as he looked to upset to not try and comfort before smirking. “Yes, I know I’m a god.”He growled smirking as he sat back on his knees at the sight of the man when he got him undressed, running a hand over his cock as he kissed loki back. Moaning quietly as he got his own clothes out, reaching out to look for some lube, growling quietly as he had to move away to look for it. Annoyed that he wasn’t in his own rooms, and johnny wasnt what one would call organized. Raising his head he growled as he found the lube on the floor, pouring some into his hand as he coated himself with it, shuddering at the feel of the cool liquid on his cock...making a show of doing it. Cause he knew loki was watching.
Loki snorted. "make me Stark." Loki sneered before shaking his head. "no one likes the Jotun freaks. had he stayed with me, it would have been worse." Loki muttered softly. "and They didn't like how much attention i paid to my children." he muttered. "i'm not always sure if The are real or not, but how could i risk it?" he wondered before rolling his eyes at Tony. "you are not a god you egotistical little worm." he growled before moaning as he had his cock stroked, arching into Tony. "don't think... that you... are winning this argument simply because you're..oh my god." he moaned as he watched the other stroking himself, licking his lips. "no... let me." Loki demanded, batting Tony's hands away, muttering under his breath before he engulfed Tony's cock in his hot, wet, talented mouth. apparently he wasn't called Silvertongue because if his ability with words.
Tony looked thoughtful as he considered that, wondering just what had happened between the brothers to make loki think that, as thor took care of the children now. “I am to. You just don’t want to admit a human can be as good at sex as a god is.”Tony snickered grinning as the other arched into him, smirking as he stroked his own cock, raising a eyebrow.”See?I’m your god.”he teased pouting as loki pushed his hands away before moaning, letting his head fall back, staring at the ceiling as he buried his hands in the other’s hair, fucking his mouth before drawing back after a few moments, panting as he struggled for control.”hands and knees loki.”he demanded staring at the man.
Loki snorted a little. "i will never admit such a thing no matter how many times you fuck me stark." he growled before grinning at the other. "yes. the God of premature ejaculation." he taunted as he swallowed Tony whole, uncaring how rough the other got, swallowing around the other. "Fuck, stark." Loki moaned, unhappy that the other had pulled away. "i wanted to taste you." he gave Tony an annoyed glance at being ordered about. "make me Stark." he growled even as he settled onto his knees, ass in the air as he rested on his Forearms, panting eagerly as he awaited the worlds of pleasure that Tony was so good at. "Fuck Stark what are you doing, staring at it!? Fuck me!"
“I think I’ll put that to the test....and hey, I’m not the one who came to early last time, reindeer.”Tony growled laughing as loki complained at him pulling away. “I know. Another time. I want to see you on your hands and knees first.”he said groaning a little, smacking him on the thigh a little to get him to move over, amused as he stood at the edge of the bed and indeed,d stared at the god waiting for him. “Yes I am. Hold on, I kinda want a picture of this moment.”He said searching for his cell phone before getting jarvis to snap a picture of loki on his hands and knees. “yea, definitely my knew screensaver.”he smirked before he knelt behind the man, gripping his hips tightly as he drove into him, groaning a little as he fucked the man as hard and fast as he wanted to, knowing loki could take it.
Loki snorted. "you are too." he stated, looking quite annoyed with the other. "bastard." he grumbled as he settled into place, turning to look at Tony with an eyebrow raised. "you want to have a picture of this? really?" he demanded, looking highly amused. "you better not put this as your screensaver. i'll kiss you." Loki warned, moaning eagerly as he felt himself being breached instantly. "fuck yes. god Stark you dick, move." he moaned, rocking onto the other, trying to get Tony to move. eager and wanting and desperate. he wanted it and he wanted it NOW!
Tony grinned looking at him.”I do.”He chirped looking pleased at himself for thinking to take a picture, “And it is. And since you don’t want to go near the tower, you’ll knew know it. This will be great. I can have something to jack off to when I’m in the lab.”Tony grinned looking to amused at loki’s warnings to take it seriously as he thrust into the other, smirking as he fucked him, amused that loki was so eager. Reaching under the man he let go of one hip, closing his hand around the other’s cock, stroking him even as he pounded against the other’s prostate, smirking. He was enjoying watching loki come completely undone.
Loki huffed a little. "i don't like the Tower." he growled. "the Tesseract was there... it made everything worse. i couldn't think, They had control..." he muttered. "the Tesseract still lingers there, whispering things at me..." he muttered with a violent shudder. as Tony fucked him though, he forgot about the fear and the pain and his own wrongness and simply enjoyed everything Tony was doing to him, moaning and groaning and arching. letting go, loosing control because it was alright to, and because it felt far too good not to. still, he managed to last a lot longer this time, and he was screaming Tony's name by the time he came because it was just that good. he panted hard, laying on the bed once they where done, his eyes closed. "god i love it when you fuck me... we're doing this again... like, three or four times a week." Loki muttered sluggishly. "and next time... next time we should do something kinky..." he muttered.
Tony groaned as he came, barely pulling out of the man before collapsing down next to him, yawning tiredly. “Oh, just a few times a week?We could do more. I usually have more actually.”he muttered tiredly, smirking. “I can do kinky. It’ll be fun.”He snickered shifting, snuggling into loki and falling asleep, not caring that it was early in the morning, he just wanted to sleep more.

Later tony smiled as he walked around the apartment in his boxers, trying to decide what to do, because he was worried about his friend. While he wanted to keep loki around, needed to take care of him in a way tony didn’t understand why he wanted to, he didn’t want to hurt clint either. Swallowing quietly as he dialed the man’s cellphone, he wanted to see if clint was still accepting his calls, not sure what he was going to say, but figuring he might as well try.
Loki snorted. "i still hate you." he grumbled. "i'm still going to kill you." he mumbled, but it lacked a certain level of sincerity and it sounded more like Loki was trying to convince himself of that, rather than Tony.

Loki was still sleeping peacefully when Tony finally got up and Clint answered the phone on the third ring. "Clint Barton here. whose calling?" he asked, sounding vaguely annoyed, and amused. so Clint was angry with Tony, but was at least still taking calls. "Tony... seriously man, what the hell are you doing. i know he's sick, but... god man he killed Coulson." Clint complained. "he took over my brain Tony... why are we helping him?" Clint demanded, needing answers. if he could get a real answer from someone, then it wouldn't hurt so much. "hey, before i forget, Pepper found you an apartment. it's about a block away from the Tower so if anything happens we can be there in an instant. Johnny and Reed and Bruce are already high tech-ing the place so that Jarvis can be there with you too." Clint admitted, well aware that they where going to help Tony. for Jor's sake if nothing else.
“The world’s sexiest man if you must know. I was looking for a date. Any takers over there?”Tony asked rolling his eyes a little, falling back into his normal flirting teasing friendship with clint before sighing quietly. “I don’t know. I mean. I know what I’m doing, having amazing sex, but....Would you believe me when I say I have no idea why I’m doing this, beyond that I need to?”He asked wincing because he knew that wasn’t the answer clint wanted, but it was the only one he had. At least, the only one he was willing to admit to himself. “Good. Though that means Johnny doesn’t have a reason to bunk with Cap anymore....maybe we can set them up on a date?”He mused sounding really pleased with the idea of having a new place to have sex in, because it meant a whole knew place to defile.
Clint snorted a little. "sorry, currently pending on whether or not i want to screw Jormungandr or not." Clint teased back. they both knew Clint would never touch Jor, the boy was entirely too young for Clint's tastes. sure he was fifty, but he acted like a young teen desperate for attention and affection. everyone loved Jor like a little brother, but no one could deny he was freaking sexy. "...yeah, i can beleive that." Clint admitted, sounding amused and annoyed again. "when you figure it out, let me know alright?" he demanded before chuckling a little. "actually, i think the Cap and Firespitter issue is solved. Cap got completely drunk by 'accident' last night. apparently he didn't realize that Kahlua is not just a tasty milkshake drink. he got completely hammered... Jarvis recorded the whole thing. anyway he walked up to Johnny, told the man he was an asshole for molesting him and then not even having the decency to ask him out to dinner after, kissed him and then dragged him into his room. Cap passed out before he even got his own shirt off, but it's certainly going to be interesting when he wakes up." Clint admitted, snickering a little as Jor's voice drifted up, complaining that he couldn't find his pants. "unfortunately, Jor and the other warriors didn't realize it either. the Warriors aren't so bad, but or got completely pissed. he really tore into the warriors though. he made Fandral Cry Tony! it was amazing! and then Voltagg made Jor cry. that short little fucker has a broken nose now. Hulk didn't like them picking on Jor. we're not sure where Sif went, Hulk sort of tossed her off into the horizon when she and Volstagg ganged up on the little guy... Jor! i found your pants!" Clint called. "Hogun isn't so bad, but he doesn't do much other than watch anyway. he doesn't seam to have much of a personality."
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