Mind over Matter(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Loki narrowed his eyes at the other. "you think my Helmet is funny!?" he demanded, looking highly outraged. "oh, i get it, you're flirting with death." Loki mused, looking like he wanted to laugh in Tony's face. he smirked a little as he straddled the other, his head cocked to the side. "no, but you are clever with words, and when i am mad, sometimes i do not see you." Loki admitted. "you could talk your way out, i am sure. and i want to leave my mark on you before..." he paused, frozen as he felt the other rock against him and he narrowed his eyes, wondering if this was some sort of trick. "...my my..." he murmured. "now this is a new development is it not? yes i think i could use this... after all, if you are Mine..." he smirked viciously. "yes. i will make you mine." he decided, growling as he kissed Tony, hard. he had brushed his teeth at some point in the last hour, because Loki's mouth was clean and tasted of mint. the Ankle chain snapped off, leaving Tony's ankle free and Loki slid off of Tony's lap and yanked him into the newly cleaned bedroom, tossing Tony in, a new light shining in Loki's eyes. Lust, which seamed to be driving out all of the madness. "Strip for me. i wish to see your body before i make it mine." he hissed, licking his lips. "there is no fancy electronics to save you now, should i desire to take command of your body." he admitted. "but it would be ever sweeter to have you submit through you're own will."

Jormungandr nodded and ran his hands through his hair with a sigh. "dammit..." he muttered, closing his eyes. "and the Warriors three and that bitch Sif... they won't be of any help either. they can't even scratch their own asses without Thor's help." he grumbled, closing his eyes. "is there any way to have Reed come here?" Clint asked suddenly. "Tony has the highest level of technology available, because he built it himself. if Reed could find Tony through Tony's equipment...?" "i'll call him." Steve promised, standing up. "see if he'll come down. we might consider questioning Doom..." "i already did. he doesn't know anything. Loki just popped in, drugged him to high hell and popped Doom back to his robot factory."
“I do. It’s kinda cute you know.”He said looking amused as he looked up at the other, smiling slightly. “I’m so glad you think I’m clever.”he said before sighing softly, closing his eyes. “It is, you bastard. Now get off me.”he growled annoyed with his reaction and his inability to resist. Moaning as he kissed him, closing his eyes as he was kissed, groaning at the taste of mint. Yelping as he was tossed into the bedroom he stumbled and hitting the bed he laid there for a moment before smirking. “.No, there’s nothing to save me. But whoever said you were going to be in charge of this?”tony asked even as he teasingly unbuttoned his shirt, looking at the other man.

Natasha looked worried, before moving to stand next to jormungandr, looking at the man worriedly. “Tony can take care of himself, Jor.Don’t count him out yet.”she said looking up when steve came back in. “Is reed coming down?”She asked, really hoping the man would. They needed help, someone who would understand just how tony's tech worked.
Loki snorted. "no more clever than most insects and spineless worms are." he mused before smirking. "perhaps i will get off on you" he purred. "there are plenty of things to save you. you're just too much of a masochist to use them." Loki growled. "you like being here, trapped with me. stuck and helpless. at my mercy." Loki mused, smirking viciously. "you want me to hurt you, want me to fuck you, want me to control you." he growled as he stroked Tony's face. "now Strip." he hissed, licking his lips as he watched Tony slowly undress, his eyes glittering with list as he finally got bored with hos slow Tony was going and flicked his fingers, Tony's clothes vanishing and reappearing on a chair, perfectly folded. "that's better." Loki whispered, grabbing Tony by the throat, but not squeezing, just holding him there, pinning him in place with the threat of it. "you're gorgeous, you know." Loki breathed. "i've always thought so."

Jormungandr looked up at Natasha. "yes... but this is Loki... my... he's my Father and... and tony was so NICE to me. no one is NICE to me. ever!" he complained, burying his face into his hands. "and now Tony is being raped or tortured because my Father is a sick bastard who gets off on causing me and the people i like as much pain as possible..." he complained. though he knew that wasn't true, Loki didn't even remember Jor existed most times. "yeah, Reed is on his way." Steve admitted with a faint blush. "and he's bringing Johnny..." Steve had never gotten over the first time they had come in contact with the Fantastic Four. Johnny had been more than a little drunk, and had kissed Steve quite nicely. and then proceeded to attempt to pull down Steve's pants and give him a Blow Job. fortunetly, Reed and Sue Storm had rescued Steve from her drunken younger brother.
“I’m so much better then a worm.”Tony growled before shuddering, “Ohh...well, in that case...”he muttered looking amused before looking around the room. “No, I’m not enjoying it that much.”He said looking thoughtful, barely resisting the urge to jerk his head back from the other. While he was attracted to him, he couldn’t help remembering the last time he was this close, definitely not a pleasant thought. Shuddering as he was suddenly naked he laughed a little. “Oh man, if only all my dates came with that trick.”he said looking amused before paling as loki gripped his neck, swallowing nervously. “I know I am. Many over the years have told me so.”He said resisting the urge to give into the panic that swam through his veins.

“For father’s crimes aren’t yours. And tony is nice to everyone, even if he doesn’t believe it.”she looked at a loss on how to comfort him, she was so horrible at this. “This isn’t about you, you know that Jor. It’s about tony and loki....did thor ever tell you about how Tony invited him to have a drink, in the middle of a attack?It was kinda funny.”Natasha said raising a eyebrow as she looked at the captain. “Well, at least you’ll have someone to talk to while Reed works.”She snickered a little amused at steve’s blush.
Loki smirked a little. "you are, or you wouldn't be hard and dripping." Loki stated, examining Tony's impressive erection. "yes, automatic clothes vanisher. it will be all the rage in Kinky sex circles." Loki mused, smirking as he rubbed Tony's throat with a thumb. "you fear me. good." he whispered, watching Tony swallow. "such beauty in a human is a rare thing. and i will posses you, and own you." he murmured, slowly backing Tony towards the bed. "i will make you mine." he murmured, releasing Tony's throat and gently pushing him onto the bed, suddenly tender. "have you ever bottomed before Tony?" Loki asked, smirking. "i'll fuck you gentle, of course. i'm sure if you have gone submissive before, it has been quite a while for you. and once i've ravished you completely... i'll let you have your chance to ravish me." he promised, licking his lips. "and you can be as rough as you like." and with that, Loki lowered his head and kissed Tony again, rubbing his jeans against Tony's cock, just to be mean.

he shook his head. "tell that to the Aeser... they've been punishing me for Loki's crimes since the day i was born." he grumbled, closing his eyes. "...did he really?" Jor asked, smiling a little. "i suppose that annoyed Loki too..." he admitted with a smile. "is this before, or after Loki threw him out the window?" Jormungandr asked curiously. "before. like, moments before." Steve admitted with a grin. "...shut up Nat!" Steve demanded, only blushing harder as Jarvis stated that Dr. Reed and Mister Storm was there.

(you want Reed or Johnny?)
“Hn, I’m always hard. Or haven’t you heard I’d have sex with anything?”Tony teased shuddering a little before laughing. “It would be. You could get paid just to go around and vanish people’s clothes. It would be awesome.”he said before shuddering, “Well, you did throw me out a window, it sorta inspires fear...”he muttered startled at the sudden change as he found himself flat on his back. “No, and I’m not looking to start doing so. Can’t I just watch you ride me?”He whined a little being his usual demanding self, acting like it was normal every day stuff to be making out with your kidnapper, whimpering as loki rubbed against him.

“He did. Before he threatened him of course...which got him thrown out a window.”natasha smiled. “no. It does you good to have someone to chat with.”Natasha snickered, smirking as Richard and Johnny walked in. “,....have you been recruiting? Or did stark finally manage to get himself fired from the team and the pretty boy is his replacement?”Johnny asked looking amused though his eyes were actually worried, because richard had told him what had happened, he just couldn’t be serious, he joked when he was worried, and despite arguing with him a lot, he did enjoy tony’s company on occassion.
Loki snorted. "not everything." he stated with a viscous grin. "i heard you got quite upset when a puppy humped your leg." he taunted as he shook his head. "i'd rather just go around and strip everyone of their clothing anyway. against their will, much more amusing." he admitted with a nod. "you deserved to be thrown out of a window..." here he paused. "strange.. i can't remember why..." he muttered, head tilted before he shrugged it off and set about seducing Tony Stark. "no. i desire to have you beneath me and beneath me you will be." he growled, spinning his fingers, which made the bed twist and flip tony onto his stomach, Loki smirking a little as he watched the bedsheets wrap around Tony's wrists. pinning them over his head, rendering him unable to escape. "good, now stay still." Loki ordered, bending his head and running his tongue from the tip of Tony's cock to the end of the others tail bone and then right back down. "mmm you taste divine. i'm going to deeply enjoy ravishing you Stark." he purred before he resumed his licking, slicking up every centimeter of Tony's cock and ass with ruthless abandonment.

Jormungandr chuckled a little and shook his head as he watched Steve glare at Nat. "pretty boy?" Jor asked, confused as he examined Steve, :he's not that pretty." "...he was talking about you Jor." "oh... i'm not that pretty." Jor complained, wondering if he should feel insulted or not. "i'm Jormungandr..." "...Loki's son?" Reed asked, looking surprised. "like in the Myths?" "...of a sort. most of those Myths are false just so you know." "i assumed so." Reed admitted with a smile. "so where's the computers?" "this way." Bruce stated, motioning for Reed to follow him. "i've been trying to find a few things myself, but i'm not as smart as you or tony is." Bruce admitted. at least when it came to computers. Bruce was a doctor and a scientist majoring in biology of various creatures. not a smart techno mechanic like Tony and Reed.
“It was a dog!I don’t do dogs. Well....does my ex-girlfriend count, cause she can be a bitch....but...no!the dog was invading my personal space.”Tony whined before laughing and nodding. “It would be amusing.”he agreed before frowning, “Well good. The longer you forget why I got thrown out the window, for the better.”He smirked a little shuddering slightly. Yelping as he was flipped to his stomach he growled quietly, jerking at his hands, glaring over his shoulder at the other, groaning as he was licked, melting into the bed after a moment, to tired and stressed to resist the really good feeling that loki was up to. “hmmm.. I have a feeling I’m going to enjoy it to...”he muttered.

Johnny laughed a little. “You’re prettier then Tony is.”he snickered a little before smirking at steve, tilting his head slightly, before looking surprised at how the new guy was. Before watching Reed leave he looked at steve. “So, what’s tony gotten himself into this time?”he asked, wanting to know everything, just in case there was a way to figure this out. Even not as smart as tony and reed, he still wanted to work this out.
Loki chuckled a little. "you're just in denial. clearly you like Bestiality, you just don't want to admit it." he teased, licking his lips. "hmmm i'll worry about it later, i wish to ravage you now." he growled eagerly. he took his time exploring Tony's lower half, smirking as he realized the man was limp with pleasure. he slicked his fingers up with special lube that would dull the pain sensors and increase the pleasure reactors amd slowly slid a single finger inside, working Tony's body carefully, watching the man intently as he added two, and then three fingers, stretching and stroking and slipping that precious lubricant around to make sure Tony would be in as little pain as possible. "i'm going to fuck you now Tony stark, and i'm going to make you like it." he growled, pulling Tony's hips up, forcing him onto his knees, even if he couldn't settle onto his hands because they where stretched over his head and here, loki paused, hesitated. "...i don't do Rape..." he finally muttered. "so if you really want me to stop... i'll consider it."

Jormungandr blinked a little at Johnny. "...Tony was Kidnapped by Loki." Jormungandr admitted with a sigh as he handed Johnny the journal. "he escaped from Asgaurds prison late at night and nearly killed Thor, my Uncle, in the process. Loki spent a day or two hanging low and then broke Victor Von Doom out of prison and drugged him with something that Bruce can't identify. i suspect it is an Asgaurdian made potion of some sort. Loki was always good at those. as of right now we know only one thing for certain. Loki has Tony, and he will either torture Tony to death once Thor appears to punish My Uncle for a perceived betrayal... or he will bind Tony to him permanently in some sort of rape induced marriage bond. either way, Tony's in a deep hole. Loki's sanity is... highly questionable." Jormungandr admitted with a shake of his head. "we can't find Tony, we can't find Loki... and i fear that time is running out."
“Hey, if one of us is into bestiality, I don’t think it’s me. I’ve heard you’re legends you know.”Tony teased a little sighing quietly as he whimpered and moaned, tensing a little as he felt the other’s fingers probing at him, shifting away from him, swallowing hard. “...that’s...weird...I mean...I’ve had sex with guys before...but its weird being on this end...”he muttered talking, rambling really because he was nervous, shifting, a little as the pleasure loosened him up, just making it feel to good to resist, and tony stark was a hedonist at the core. He’d do anything once if it meant pleasuring himself. He groaning jerking at his hands as he was pulled to his knees, trying to get leverage to balance better, loki had him at a awkward angle. At loki’s words he paused thinking. “.....let my hands go, this is just to awkward of a position to hold if your going to fuck me.”

Johnny’s eyes widened as he read the journal, frowning slightly. The concern deepening in his face as he looked at just how obsessed loki was. “Your uncle is staying away then?”Johnny asked before frowning a little. “...But when he doesn’t appear, will loki kill him anyways?Because seriously, Tony will commit suicide before getting married. He dislikes the idea.”Johnny pointed out, wondering just how much tony’s sense of survival would keep him going. He knew tony was one of the most sucidial people he knew, but he also knew he was a survialist at heart...it was a weird, and sort of endearing quality really. “Jor, if anyone can figure out how to trace tony’s failsafe, Reed can.”
Loki snorted a little. "if you are referring to the eight legged horse thing... yes i created an eight legged horse... through alchemy. by accident. i didn't get buggered by a horse." he complained, rolling his eyes. "you humans and you're imaginations, honestly." he grumbled as he slid his fingers in and out. "honestly, can't you ever stop talking? just lay still and enjoy it." he demanded before pausing at the order, hesitating because he'd never... been held during sex. it was just a quick fuck to relieve any feelings if need he might have and that was it. finally though, he slid away and rolled Tony back onto his back, the sheets releasing his hands as Loki bent down and kissed Tony eagerly. Loki liked to Kiss. "ankles on my shoulders." Loki ordered softly. "this might feel uncomfortable, but there won't be any pain." the lube ensured that. he pressed his cock against Tony's ass, hesitated, and then slowly began to press in with a deep moan. "fuck your tight..." he moaned, pausing halfway in so he didn't cum prematurely. and also so Tony could get used to the intrusion. there wouldn't be pain of course, but that didn't mean that it didn't feel really really weird.

Jormungandr nodded, looking vaguely upset again. "yeah, my Uncle's been tied to the bed... but the Foursome is coming tomorrow and they might fuck everything up anyway. they're good at that." he muttered quite bitterly, startling Clint a little when he walked in. "i forgot... they don't like you because Loki birthed you." "yeah." Jormungandr grumbled. "i don't know if Loki has the sensibilities to understand Time right now. a week could be as long as a year to him." Clint admitted. "i was looking it up online, i think he has Schizophrenia." "he has what?" "mass hallucinations and delusions as well as an inability to function mentally. he hears voices and sometimes sees things that aren't there. according to the website i looked on anyway. Tony's mother had it, so he should have an advantage." "so... all this stuff Loki is doing? it's because of delusions?" "mostly, yes. as far as i can tell."
Tony laughed looking amused.”Well, that eases my mind a little.”he looked amused before sighing, shivering as the other told him to lay still and enjoy it. For once just simply laying still, turning his head to look at him he smiled slightly, kissing him back as he squirmed a little. “o-okay.”Tony stuttered a little as he pulled back from the kiss, shifting to rest his ankles up on loki’s shoulders, looking nervous before shuddering, moaning quietly as the other pressed into him. “...it feels weird....weird to be on this side of sex...”he muttered moaning quietly, rocking his hips a little.”Okay...I’m okay...”

“We wont let them hurt you Jor.Even if we have to send them back to asgard. I’d rather have you here, then anyone else. And since it’s tony’s tower, and he agrees, we can get them home if you really don’t want them here.”natasha said before wincing a little, eyes widening as she looked up at clint.”What?Well...”She paused as she considered that. “That makes sense actually.”She said before nodding, looking pale as she remembered everything SHIELD had gathered on the stark family. Shooting clint a look because she knew that despite tony having a leg up on dealing with schizophrenia, howard stark made sure that his son was so terrified of his mother that she wasn’t sure otny would be able to think clearly like this. “Well, every sufferer has a system of logic, if only it makes sense to them....if we can get a thread of what his logic is, and if reed can give a direction to look in, we should find them.”
Loki smirked a little. "i'm sure it does, after all it's not often you find a person who might be more kinky than you are." he teased, offering him a soft smile. "it will be alright, i promise." he murmured, laying kisses to Tony's chin and neck as he pushed in slowly. "yes, i imagine it is." Loki murmured soothingly. as soon as Tony said it was alright he pushed in the rest of the way and paused again, moaning as he nibbled on the collar bone and neck before he started to thrust properly. he kissed Tony again, rocking deep into the genius, panting through his nose as he wrapped his hand around the others cock, stroking and touching as he wrapped his free arm around Tony, holding him. feeling so very good to simply hold someone close.

Jormungandr snorted a little. "yes. your going to tell three gods and a goddess they can't stay here because their picking on the freak son of Loki. THAT will go over well." he stated with a roll of his eyes. Clint shared a worried glance with Natasha, and it was clear Clint hadn't mentioned Tony being afraid of Natasha purely for Jor's sake. no need to worry the kid anymore than he already was. "alright so Loki has a specific reasoning for what he's doing?" Jormungandr asked, taking the journal and examined it intently. "so far, we can tell he's obsessed with Tony and playing a game that he may, or may not be aware of." Jormungandr muttered. "how bad is this Schizophrenia anyway?" "...it depends on the person." Clint admitted after a moment of thinking. "for Loki, it's clearly violent. with him so obsessed with Tony..." he hesitated. "we just have to trust Tony."
“No, it’s not that often.”Tony smiled a little, sighing quietly, relaxing as the other pushed into him, tilting his head back as loki kissed his neck, groaning as he kissed the other back. Gasping as loki stroked him, he whimpered thrusting up into the touch, groaning as he came, eyes wide as he looked up at the other.

“I tell alot of people to do things they don’t want to do. Tehy can’t be more stubborn then trying to get tony to eat. We’ll see.”Natasha said smiling a little nodding a little at clint’s look, knowing why the man hadn’t mentioned it. “Yea, most likely.”Natasha said responding to the question before sighing. “But it’s a violence restricted to his tasks. Not...indiscriminately. Violent when he needs to be. We’ll have to trust tony to know where to give in and not resist what’s happening....”Natasha said because even as she said it, she had no idea if tony stark was ever capable of just giving into something without fighting against it.
Loki moaned as he followed Tony into Orgasm, flushing a little. "sorry..i... usually last longer than that." he admitted, looking quite mortified as he gently pulled free, studying Tony. the man would be a little sore in the morning, but Loki had a salve to fix that. "up for another round, or did you want to sleep?" Loki asked, looking faintly amused. "i wouldn't mind being fucked in true Tony Stark Style." he admitted, wiggling his ass a little. this was the sanest he'd been in days, probobly months, maybe even years. there was hope for Loki yet.

Jormungandr had to chuckle a little. "i can see it being hard to make Tony eat when he's focused on something." he admitted with a nod. "so, as long as tony goes along with what Loki wants, or talks him out of it, Loki won't hurt him." Jor looked quite happy about that. he had a lot of faith in Tony. he knew Tony could talk his way out of almost anything, Thor had told him so.
“Me to...”Tony groaned a little flushed himself, groaning slightly as the other pulled free, lowering his legs as he laid back panting ever so slightly. Laughing quietly as he shifted to look at the man he palmed the other’s ass squeezing. “I’m definitely up to another round.”he growled pushing the other over and pinning him to the bed, for the moment forgetting this was the insane genius who’d kidnapped him. Only focusing on that this was a attractive man he’d had the hots for for awhile, and that he wanted another round. Bending down he kissed him hard, hands absently running over his body.

“Have faith jor.”Natasha smiled getting up. “Come on, let’s go see how Reed’s doing.”She said smiling as she headed down for tony’s lab, not only coming down because she was hoping to ease jor’s mind, but because she needed to see if her friend was okay.
Loki grinned a little. "well, so long as i'm not the only one who came too early." he purred, arching into the grip on his ass, moaning happily as he was rolled onto his back, grinning eagerly as he kissed back arching into he touches. he was one of those people who loved every touch, very responsive. "god i forgot what it feels like to have someone touching me." he moaned, arching against Tony eagerly. "after your done fucking me. i'm going to suck you off, just because i want to." he moaned as he squirmed under Tony, slicking the man's fingers with the same Lube as before. mostly because he didn't have the focus to summon something else.

Jor nodded a little as he followed Natasha, Steve flushing hard as he realized he'd been left alone with Johnny storm. "...er... hey." he stuttered, looking quite embarrassed.

Reed was entirely focused as he tapped on a computer, Bruce watching from a distance, watching in amusement as Reed reached fifteen feet away to grab a manual from Tony's desk. "wow! that was amazing. can you stretch other parts too?" Jormungandr asked curiously. "you're a smart person like Tony is right? have you found him?"
Tony laughed softly, smiling at the responses. “You, are very responsive, reindeer.”He teased his lips ghosting over a collar bone, looking amused as he rocked his hips into the other, groaning.”Oh, and who said I’d let you?”He muttered smirking as he slid a hand under the other, sliding his fingers into the other, taking his time preparing him, pressing against his prostate teasingly, before slapping a hand against loki’s thigh playfully. “Put them up on my shoulders.”He ordered growling as he waited for the other to obey before easing into him slowly, not wanting to hurt him.

Johnny smiled tilting his head as he looked at the super soldier. “Hey. How are you?I mean, I know you’re all worried about tony, but I saw the attack on the tower, you were all fairly shaken up.”The human torch said, looking worried, worried that they were ignoring injuries in favor of looking for loki.

“He is, and Reed, I’m so glad you have that power instead of Tony .Could you imagine the jokes about stretching body parts.It would never stop.”natasha said rolling her eyes a little moving over, leaning over his shoulder to look at what he was workign on
Loki snorted. "you go two years without even a hug and see how sensitive you are." he groaned, arching intot he touches with a gasp and a moan. "i did. i'm in charge here." he groaned, moaning eagerly as he was touched and teased and prepared, yipping in surprise at the smack and offering Tony a half hearted glare even as he lifted his long, coltish legs and settled them on Tony's shoulders. "oh fuck yessss." Loki moaned, arching and rocking into the cock sliding into him. "i'm not fragile or a virgin Stark. fuck me like you mean it."

Steve shrugged a little. "i'm fine. just worried." Steve lied. he was a bad liar. he was pretty sure he had a broken rib or two. "Jor is shaken up the most. he's had a bit of a crappy life and he's become quite attached to Tony in the days he's been here." he admitted with a sigh as he sat down and barely hid a wince. "we have to find Tony... who knows what Loki's doing to him..."

Bruce snorted. "he still makes the jokes." Bruce pointed out. "every time Reed and him get together they make the jokes." he pointed out with a small chuckle as Jormungandr examined the Iron Man suits. "...doesn't he have Nanobots in his body that summon these things?" Jor asked curiously. "could we send one of them to get Tony?"
“I’d never do that. Hate going two days without getting touched, much less years.”he snickered a little laughing at the other’s words, grinning as he was glared at. “Keep that up and I wont fuck you into the mattress.”he growled kissing the other harder before smirking. “I will, I just like seeing you so snarly.”He teased looking amused as he shifted, before giving into the desire and fucked loki as hard as he could, hands bruisingly tight on the god’s hips as he held him still, lowering his head to kiss him.

Johnny stared at him for a long moment before sighing.”Tony’s got a leg up like you said. He’s dealt with schizophrenia before, he’ll be able to talk to loki.”He said before frowning harder, getting up and pulling steve to his feet. “Come on. We’re going down to the med lab. You’re hurt.”he said already walking the super soldier towards the elevator.

“True, but we don’t have to hear about it all the time.”Natasha snickered a little before frowning slightly, “I didn’t know he’d moved on from the bracelets to nanobots.”She said looking curious because tony had probably said something, but the definition of the suit had probably been lost in translation from tech to normal speech. “Reed?Could we?” “If we could find out to trigger them, yes. They’re set to respond only to his command but...Jarvis, can you give us a hand?” “I will help sir, but it will take awhile. Sir tony didn’t want to let even I help with turning them on, as he didn’t want to chance someone stealing one.”Jarvis said even as he and the scientist worked on getting the suits going.
Loki snorted. "it's hard to find bed partners when everyone hates you." he pointed out. "just fuck me Stark!" Loki whined. "please!" he moaned, sulking at the other. "you just yelled at me for being snarly!" he complained, sighing a little as he was finally fucked, arching into the other and letting loose a cacophony of noises until he was silenced by the kiss, clinging to Tony eagerly and completely uncaring of the bruises forming on his rather slim hips.

Steve snorted. "Tony was so scared of his mother he used to sleep under his bed instead of on it Johnny." Steve stated. "the only real experience with schizophrenia he has is of terror." Steve admitted with a shake of his head, yelping as he was yanked to his feet. "quite it! it's no good going to the Med Lab! Bruce isn't in there!" he complained, shaking his head. Bruce was everyone's doctor, but with him working with Reed, no one wanted to bother Bruce with a few non dangerous injuries.

Bruce chuckled a little at that and Jor paused. "oh... i didn't realize it was a secrete..." Jor admitted sheepishly. "sorry Tony..." he muttered under his breath. "...what if?..." he wondered before he cleared his throat and swallowed a few times before opened his mouth... and Tony Stark came out. "Iron Man Mach..." he paused and looked at the number. "Fifty Four Activate." and waited with bated breath to see if it would work. was it voice activated only, or did it need Voice and DNA, or Vioce and Nanobot? or not Voice at all? "that was impressive! how did you do that?" "Shapeshifting." Jor stated in Tony's voice. "i made my Vocal cords match Tony's. it's a bit painful, but it's worth a shot right?"
“No one said I couldn’t change my mind.”Tony snickered against the other’s skin as he thrust into the other’s, holding the other tightly as he bit his lip concentrating on fucking the other into the mattress, shuddering as he came, hand closing around loki’s cock as he stroked the other, having every intention of getting him off, and probably getting some sleep.

“....Damn.Fucking hell. He’s not going to be able to think.”Johnny winced, having not realized that tony’s experience had been totally insane. That was just insane. Glaring at steve he frowning. “I know. And I’m perfectly capable of binding your ribs until Bruce can look at them. At least then you can move easier.”Johnny said as they got downstairs.

Natasha smiled looking at the sheepish man. “If it gets him out of this, I’m sure he wont care we all know....we would have found out eventually.”Natasha said before staring at jor, shuddering a little. “That is....that is weird.”she shuddered a little. “...And it worked. It’s starting up. Jor, go open the balcony doors. I have a feeling its a combination of nanobots and his voice. You’re here doing his voice, but the nanobots aren’t. The suits going to go for him.”Reed said paling slightly as the parts of the suit started to dismantle enough to fly in search of their inventor.
Loki snorted a little. "stop talking. god don't you ever shut up?" Loki whined, panting and moaning as he was fucked, and fucked hard. just the way he liked. he screamed as he came, tossing his head back and offering a breathless chuckle. "fuck... i don't think i've ever cum so hard in my life." he mumbled, closing his eyes before blinking at the sound of something smashing. "what the hell?" he asked as a shoulder piece wrapped around Tony's shoulder, lifting en eyebrow and watching, more curious than annoyed. "does that always happen after you have sex?"

Steve nodded. "don't tell Jor. the kid has a massive guilt complex when it comes to his father." he admitted with a sigh. "he was abandoned by Loki when he was around Ten, but seams to think Everything Loki does is his fault." he shook his head a little and offered Johnny a scowl. "i'm fine." he growled through gritted teeth, but he didn't fight Johnny. he wasn't about to admit it, but he did have a very tiny crush on the fire starter. he sighed and sat down and carefully stripped off his shirt, letting Johnny examine the mass of bruises around his middle where a Doombot had grabbed him in a bear hug. bis rubs where bruised and he had two broken ones on his right side.

Jor smiled sheepishly. "yeah... i guess so." he agreed before he smirked a little. "i can't do much shapeshifting. mostly it's eyes, vocal cords, sometimes i can do fingerprints." he admitted. 'it always hurts a bit though, so i don't practice all that much." he admitted before he took off at a run to get the Balcony doors tossed open. "Jarvis! track the suit!" Bruce demanded. "and get the Jet started up!" in case Tony was a few hundred miles away... he wasn't. he was in the Bronx. the slums of New York. a half an hour drive from where they where in the Tower. give or take ten minutes depending on traffic.
Tony snickered a little as he looked down at the man under him, smirking slightly. “Me either.”He muttered before yelping as the sound of smashing came through, already shoving away from the man to twist to defend himself before...frowning as he realized it was his suit, yelping as it closed around him. “Not normally no....”he muttered staring as teh gauntlets formed around his arms before laughing a little. “Fucking hell. Someone figured out how to turn my suit on.”he whined a little annoyed that someone was interrupting his sex life, and because they’d gotten his suit working, within moments completely enclosed in his suit, he raised the helmet to look at loki.”You might want to leave, we’re going to have company soon.”he said not sure why he was warning him, but doing it anyways.

“I wont.”Johnny said frowning a little looking annoyed that anyone could abandon a child, even if they were sick. Scowling right back at the other man he smirked a little. “No you’re not.”he said as he bond the other’s ribs, for the moment totally focused on helping steve, and not how much he wanted to run his hands over the super soldier. “There.”he muttered glancing up as jarvis informed them that the jet was waiting for them. “Let’s go then.”

“It’s sorta creepy, and awesome all at once.....”Natasha said looking fasincated. “Yes sir. The jet is ready, and Sir tony is in the bronx, the jet has the instructions, and I shall keep track.”Jarvis informed them.
Loki blinked a little as he was shoved away, blinking a little as he studied the suit. "thats right. i forgot. i hate you." he muttered, his head tilted. "it was probobly Jormungandr." Loki admitted. "he can reform his vocal cords you know. used to play all sorts of lovely nasty pranks on people." he admitted, looking highly amused. "hmm." Loki pondered his options before he shrugged and vanished. no sound, no warning. just gone. his clothes vanishing a few seconds after.

he sighed a little as he let Johnny bind his ribs, shaking his head a little. "thanks i guess." he muttered, flushing a little as he slowly slid to his feet and pulled on his shirt, rushing up to the Jet. they where there in a matter of minutes. "...gross." Clint muttered, clutching his gun tightly as they stepped out into an abandoned part of the city. it was filthy, disgusting, and it completely went against everything Jor knew about his father, who hated filth and mess. "Tony!" Jormungandr yelled as he raced up the stairs, sword in hand. where the sword came from only Jor knew... but the only person in the mess of the apartment was Tony. all the other apartments where completely abandoned. "...this is where he was living?" Jor asked, shocked as he picked up the other abandoned journal. "this place is a mes... are you alright? did he hurt you!?" Jor demanded, looking indescribably worried.

(where he was living)
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