Mind over Matter(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“Well, I forgot for a time there to. I’m glad to know the sex was that amazing.”he snickered before making a face, sulking a little.”Damn. Yea, that was probably him. The suit’s triggered with my voice. Go.”he ordered slumping in what he refused to call relief as he slumped down to the bed to get his bearings for a moment before stepping out of the bedroom to go meet the others.

“Dont’ yell, I’m here.”Tony said pausing as he looked at them, nodding. “Yea. And he’s been eating rotten shit and can’t remember to do things.”Tony sighed tilting his head as he saw the whole team coming in after Jormugandr. “I’m fine. Really. Though I would prefer getting home, I’m kinda feeling gross from not showering, and having no clothes on under this thing is kinda weird.”Tony whined a little avoiding the conversation of what had been going on, because that was just to weird to talk about yet. “So, you figured out the suit, huh kid?”He said glancing at jor as he pulled off his helmet, looking at the man.
they looked rather disgusted by that and Clint moved over to the fridge and gagged. "is this REALLY what he's been eating!? this meat has mold on it!" "....why are you not wearing any clothes?" Steve asked, looking horrified. "Loki tried to rape you didn't he!?" Jor asked, looking mortified before he hunched up a little, defensive as Loki commented on the suit. "...we couldn't find you. i was worried. i didn't know it was going to work..." he muttered, not looking at Tony, clearly thinking he was going to be in trouble. "come on Tony, let's get you home and get you a proper shower and some good food." "i'll pack up the books he has in here." Jor muttered as he started picking up the journals that where scattered about the place. all of them filled with rambling nonsense. they where able to go back to Stark Tower without any issue at all. and Tony was able to get cleaned up and dressed before anyone started to fuss over him. or rather, Jor started fussing over him, his guilt complex going into over drive as he got Tony food and water and painkillers and anything else he thought Tony might need.
“I know. I got him to eat some real food when I pointed out that I couldn’t eat that shit.”Tony said wincing behind the mask, glad they couldn’t see the blush. “No, he didn’t. He just kept me naked because apparently I look good like that.”Tony said sounding amused before nodding. “let’s go.”He said pleased to be leaving the house, and ignoring the twisting sick feeling he got when he realized just how gross the area he was in.

When he got out of the shower he rubbed a towel through his hair, walking into his bedroom, looking better in a pair of sweats and t-shirt, tilting his head as he saw both jor and steve waiting for him.”....I’d find it a little creepy you listened to me shower if I didn’t know steve was hiding from Johnny, and jor wanted to make sure I was really okay.”
Jormungandr truly didn't beleive Tony. he could smell the sex in the air, taste it even, considering he had an olfactory organ on the roof of his mouth. he wrinkled his nose and finished gathering the things and headed out to the Jet with the three journals he had found.

Steve flushed a little. "i'm not... hiding.." Steve complained, flushing even harder. "i wanted to ask you something." Jor stated with a shrug as he offered Steve a scowl who flushed harder and muttered something about Johnny not going into Tony's rooms as he inched out of the room, wary of running into the Fire starter, who had been rather... clingy since he'd discovered Steve was hurt. "...you had sex with Loki." Jormungandr stated, his face serious. "you need to answer me honestly Tony. was there any blood involved? did he cut you, bite you, anything!?" Jormungandr demanded. "he's quite insane and whether he raped you or you had sex because you're you... he might have tried to enact a Marriage Bond on you." but Loki hadn't tried. there had been no blood, except for on Loki when Tony's aim missed and he caught the gods lip with his teeth. no marriage bond... yet. it was highly doubtful that Loki was done with Tony.
“Yes you are. But it’s okay,”Tony snickered a little looking amused as steve sulked out. Turning to look at Jor he sighed quietly. “...No.Well yes, but it was his, not mine. I bit him.”Tony said looking away from him because he had no idea what to do with the emotions that were driving him to protect his kidnapper when he should have been spilling his guts. Moving towards the door he sighed.”Come on, if you’re going to hover, I’d rather you did it in the lab where it’ll be only you instad of all of them.”He said feeling out of sorts and needing to be somewhere that was his, to get a bearing on his feelings.
Jormungandr looked quite relieved that there had been no blood and went through a short list. chanting? no. strange tattoo's or markings appearing on one or both? no. Verbal commitments to only belong to each other? no. good. "i'm sorry. i don't know what hovering is." Jor admitted, looking confused as he followed Tony. "i was really worried." Jor admitted. "i'm sorry about working your robot man without your permission." he admitted, biting his lip. "some guy named Reed Richard was here too. he was touching your things..." he hesitated. "Clint said Loki was sick, and that's why he's doing these things... if he's not sick anymore... would he be good again?" Jor asked, biting his lip and looking hopeful. "can you make him not sick?" part of Jor still loved his father. still wanted to have a father. he was hopeful for the chance to have his father back. he had many good memories of Loki before the man abandoned his children. he wanted that back.
“No, no and no.He didn’t do anything Jor.”Tony said before laughing a little. “Hovering is doing this. Worrying to much.”Tony said though he knew why the other was worried, shrugging. “I knew you would work with the computers when I was gone. I just never suspected you could get one of my suits going.Don’t worry about it.”He said looking amused not about to scold the other for using his things before sitting down at his workbench frowning a little. “It’s not....it’s not that kind of sickness. You can’t...get better. You have better days and worse days, but he’ll always be....a little off. But if he gets help, he can function. I can try and help him, Jor. But I can’t promise anything. I’ve seen what.... The expectations of trying to live normally can do to a person as sick as your dad...I can’t help him unless he wants it.”Tony sighed quietly, “When we...uh....did things, he was normal. Even more normal then when he was on earth the first time. I had a feeling it’s been a long time since he was like that....there can be hope Jor, I do promise you that.”
Jormungandr blinked a little. "but you where kidnapped! you almost DIED Tony! don't think i can't taste the magic on you!" he complained. "i didn't say anything because i'm not sure the others would take it well, but Loki had to rest your entire chest bones!" he complained, looking quite frantic before biting his lip hard. "but... sick people can take medicine, can't they? to make them mostly better? or at least better than they are now, right?" he asked softly. "can you try at least? try to help him? i know he tried to kill you, and kidnapped you, and probobly did terrible things but..." he swallowed thickly and looked away, quite upset. "isn't there anything we can do to help him?" he asked, lookign hopeful. "i remember, before he left... he used to play games with us all the time, and read stories to us. he taught me how to read before he started going... funny." he admitted. "that's why he left isn't it... because he got sick..."
“....I fell from 50 stories. Of course I nearly died. The only reason I didn’t was because Loki put me back together. Said a captive wasn’t worth anything if he was dead.”He snorted a little before nodding.”you did the right thing. The other’s wouldn’t have handled it well, with knowing for sure I was dead for awhile.”He said pretty sure he’d flatlined for a few minutes until loki brought him back. Before nodding. “They do. I mean, humans who have this can take medicine, but I don’t know how it’d affect a asgardian.”he muttered looking at jor before offering him a small smile. “It wasn’t so horrible Jor. Yes, it was weird, and downright creepy sometimes, but he didn’t harm me, and hell the worst he did was yell at me for trying to ‘steal’ his work.”he shrugged before nodding. “He did. He....he had sense he was getting sick, and didn’t want to hurt you...he saw you on the TV....he was watching when I woke up.....he...he was worried that you were here. I’ll try helping him, but I don’t know if he’ll let me.”
Jormungandr grimaced a little and nodded. "a lot of the trace magic is over your heart... you died..." he admitted softly. "not long, i don't think, but you still died... and he does have a point... i think he knows nothing could keep him from death if he caused yours but i can't be sure of that." he admitted with a shake of his head, watching Tony intently. "we could... try though, right? try making medicine for him, right?" he asked hopefully, his head tilted. "Uncle told me that the teachers used to steal Loki's ideas and stuff." he admitted. "he got really possessive of his things after that." he muttered before he looked quite hopeful. "so he didn't leave me because i was worthless." and he sounded so relieved, that it was clear it was a common taunt. "it's enough that you'll try." he admitted, taking Tony's hand tightly. "i think... i think out of everyone in the world, you're the one best to connect to Loki." Jormungandr admitted. "he's completely obsessed with you, you know... see?" he asked, offering Tony the journal, where Tony's name was scribbled over and over in various locations. "i'm not sure if he understands why he's obsessed though..."
Tony winced at that. “Well, damn. It kinda depresses me that I died falling off my own building....”he muttered grimacing a little before nodding, bypassing the idea of loki connecting tony’s death with his own. Not sure if loki had thought that, and not wanting to upset jor yet if he didn’t have to. “We will. I’ll see bruce about getting some. He’s a biologist, he’d be the one to ask about medicine things.”Tony said before tilting his head nodding. “That sounds about right. He thought he was back at the academy and I was a student.....thank god my mother was like this...it made following loki’s changes in moods easier.”he said not about to admit just how utterly terrified his mother had made him. He was a adult, he could handle it better now. “No, he didn’t. He wanted to protect you guys.”He said looking startled as the other took his hand before squeezing back, looking at the journal before frowning. “probably not....he couldn’t....keep track of why I was there half the time.”Tony said frowning a little as he tried to work out what was written, trying to understand loki’s logic and if he really was in serious danger, instead of the almost playful danger he’d felt with loki in the bronx.
Jor smiled a little. "well, you did get help with that you know." he admitted blinking at Tony. "Bruce is a smart person right?" he asked with a small smile. "he could use me to test medicine and stuff, right?" he asked curiously before he smiled at Tony. "yeah, Clint said you knew how to handle a scitsifantic." he'd totally just mangled the word. "i knew he loved me... i did." he admitted, looking like he wanted to cry he was so relieved to know that Loki hadn't left simply to leave. "just how bad is he, that he thought he was back in school? he hasn't been in school in centuries..." he muttered, frowning a little as he watched Tony examining the journal. there where very few moments of lucidity in them. in one paragraph, Loki questioned himself on why he was Angry at Thor. why he was going through such an effort to hurt the man. Loki was confused and disoriented but seamed to understand there was something wrong with him and contemplated finding Tony Stark to fix him. in another, less lucid moment, Loki spent three pages comparing Tony's ass to other people's he knew, wondering why Tony's looked so much better than others. in a third section able to be comprehended, Loki contemplated the best ways to make Thor suffer by torturing Tony. it was pretty twisted.

"Tony?" Reed asked as he knocked on the edge of the door and poked his head in, looking so relieved to see that the other was home and safe. "i'm glad your back..." he admitted. "but i think that Loki's blowing up Central Park." he admitted. "he's letting loose all the animals and Bruce told me to come get you." "...why in the hell is he attacking a Zoo!?" Jor demanded, looking completely baffled.
“I did,but it still sucks. I could just imagine the headlines.”Tony rolled his eyes before nodding. “He is. Very. And even more smart than me about medical things.....and I think so. I mean, I know the medications act oddly when you take them and you’re not schizophrenic, but we might be able to see how it works on you. I don’t know, but we can try.”Tony said tilting his head a little before wincing. “This....this disease often manifests as the worst parts of a person’s life. The parts that drive them to paranoia and things that were happening to them....My mother’s manifested as my father trying to kill her. Your father’s seems to come out as what happened to him, at the worst moments of his life. The teachers stealing things from the academy, the crimes he thinks Thor committed against him...”He said as he examined the journal, frowning a little as he read, snickering slightly at the mention of his ass. “Well, at least he’s got his proprieties straight. Getting help and staring at my ass.”He snickered, focusing on that instead of pointing out that loki was indeed planning on torturing him.

“Hm?”Tony said glancing up at reed as he came in, smiling slightly.”It’s good to be back.”he said before wincing, sighing quietly.”...Because he’s a reindeer, and wanted company?”Tony snorted amused at jor’s question even as he got up. “I’ll go deal with it. Tell the others to get to the park but don’t approach him. Let’s see if I can talk to him.”Tony said despite being exhausted, he knew he had to try talking to the man. Suiting up he looked at jor, “Come on, you’re coming to. I’ll see you there.”He said as he took off, trusting the others to get there soon enough as he headed for the park. Landing far enough away to not attract attention he took off his helmet, approaching the asgardian prince. “Yo, Reindeer, get so lonely you needed to loose the animal kingdom?”Tony asked glad to see that the police were there and doing a well enough job of corralling the animals into teh park and keeping the spectors out of the park.
Jor blinked a little. "what are Head Lines?" he asked curiously. "so he's really smart then, that's good to know." he admitted, looking happy before he grimaced. "oh dear..." he whispered. "you uh... you DO know the kind of life Loki had... right?" he asked, looking quite terrified. "he has a LOT of worst moments..." Jor muttered. "i've heard all the stories, mostly because people like to threaten me with the same fates as my Father." he admitted, looking like he wanted to go hide under the bed for a little while. "the problem is, i don't know what Thor did to Loki." Jor admitted after a moment. "Thor doesn't know either, aside from dropping Loki into the Abyss, but i honestly don't think Loki even remembers that part." he admitted, shaking his head. "i told you he was obsessed with you. whether he wants to fuck you, or murder you remains to be seen... it probobly varies depending on his mood." he admitted with a grin.

Jor rolled his eyes at the bad joke. "i'll be there." Jor promised, watching Tony leave before glancing at Reed. "i don't think Loki is the only one obsessed." he admitted, Reed snorting as he walked up to talk to the rest of the Avengers so they'd be on standby and not simply rush in to attack Loki. "Silence!" Loki snarled, his eyes shining with rage as he pointed a long spear at Tony. "these animals are beautiful creatures! they should be free, not caged! Cages are a crime against nature and i will see nothing caged!" "ah. i remember this." Jor commented suddenly, into Tony's headset. "am i using this right? are you sure he can hear me? anyway, Loki went through a stage where a lot of the Aeser kidnapped a bunch of Jotun kids and put them in cages to torment them. Loki went completely insane. later, Odin did too when he found out. especially since they threw Loki in the cage too and made him watch them torture the Jotun children. he's hated cages ever since then." "i won't let you torture these poor creatures!" Loki raged, spinning on his heal and unlocking an Ape cage before moving onto the lion pen. fortuneteller most of the animals where well trained, they didn't really want to leave the enclosure save for a few very curious ones.
“It’s our news papers, you know, where people read interesting things.”Tony said before wincing. “I know, I know. We have centuries of ‘worst moments’. We’ll just have to be ready.....and I’m fairly certain loki doesn’t know what thor did..but the disease rarely makes sense.”He smiled a little before shrugging. “Oh, so it’s like all my other dates. That’ll be normal, in a twisted sort of way.”he mused.

Tony raised his eyebrows as he looked at the spear, “We’ve already done this remember? Glow stick of destiny doesn’t work, reindeer.”He said before raising a hand to touch the headset, “Yea I can hear you.”He muttered before nodding slightly as he realized what the problem was. “Loki, they’re not poor creatures. Most of these animals were once wild, and were in danger of being extinct. We brought them here to protect them, not torture them. See, they don’t want to leave.”Tony said moving closer to the man smiling slightly as he waved towards one of the apes who was just staring at loki before grinning slightly as one of the lions walked to the edge of the cage, and stuck her head out far enough to nudge loki’s hand, but didn’t want out of the cage. Wanting attention.
he smiled a little and nodded. "yeah... a lot of worst moments." he agreed shaking his head. "sometimes Tony... i think you might be insane too..." he admitted with a sigh and a roll of his eyes. "

Loki paused, staring at Tony as if the man was insane, looking utterly baffled. "do i know you!?" he demanded, frowning a little. "what the hell do you mean Glow stick of Destiny?" he demanded, head cocked to the side. "they are caged!" he hissed before narrowing his eyes. "they belong free and in the wild, where they came from!" "Loki, most of these animals where born here. they couldn't survive in the wild." one of the Zookeepers explained, wary and worried about the animals. Loki looked down at the lion, hesitating as it nuzzled him. "they... don't want to leave?" he asked, looking hesitant now as he scratched the Lions ears. "they truly don't want to leave..." Loki muttered, stunned as he watched the animals sort of strolling around. the ones that had walked out of their pens anyway. "that's right, this is their home." the Zookeeper stated gently, clearly worried about the God going on a rampage when he saw the animals weren't cooperating. "...do i know you?" Loki asked, focusing on Tony again, staring intently. "i feel as if i should know you..."
Tony tilted his head letting out a frustrated sigh as he realized that loki didn't know him. Why did he have a feeling this was going to be a reoccuring theme with the god?"never mind.and yes you do know mr."he approached pulling off his helmet so loki could get a better look at his face."theyrr endangered in the wild loki,we're just trying to protect them here."tony said smiling at the zookeeper,impressed she was being so calm and resisting the urge to takr a picture at the sight ofbloki petting the lion."thryre home loki.see?"tony gestured to the animals milling around before grinning."yes. I'm tony stark, billionaire philanthropist playboy. And today I guess,animal wrangler.you wanna help get them back home in their cages,reindeer?"
Loki frowned a little as he studied Tony before sighing and turning tot he Zookeeper. "i'm sorry... i didn't know." "it's... fine." she muttered, a little shocked that Tony was apologizing to her. "i just... i saw the cages and the bars and... i thought..." Loki glanced away and patted the lion some more. "yes... this is their home. they're happy here.." he agreed with a sigh. "well i certainly feel like a fool." he grumbled as he lifted his hand and wiggled his fingers, animals lifting into the air and settling back into their pens all the gates closing. save for the one that the lion was half out of, Loki still petting her. "Tony... invite Loki back to the Tower. we can capture him, strap him to a bed or something." or whispered in Tony's ear. "we can keep it a secrete from Thor and the warriors and see if we can't get him sane again... maybe, you think? whatever the case we need to have him contained before someone actually gets hurt..."
Tony grinned a little at the sight of the zookeepers obvious confusion.maybe jor was right he was just as insane as loki was."don't. Most people don't like the cages butbuntil we figure a better way to take care of them we don't have a choice."tony smiled at lokibtilting his head slightly at the advice."hey loki.you want something to eat?ibknow you don't remember md right now,but we had dinner last night together and I know you didn't eat a lot. How about we go and get something?"he said smiling as loki petted the lion. Wondering if he was about to get a lion as a pet at the tower,and trying to think of a nice way to tell him no.
Loki nodded a little. "i don't like cages..." Loki admitted with a sigh as he patted the lions head once more and then gently ushered her back into her cage and closed the gate, shaking his head a little. "eat?" he asked, looking startled, his stomach growling loudly at the mention of food. "...well, i suppose i could have some dinner..." he muttered, moving over to tony, the spear in his hand vanishing into smoke. "you said we had dinner last night? are we associates? i can't seam to remember a lot of things..." he admitted with a frown. "i think there might be something wrong... oh! you're my doctor, aren't you?" he asked, blinking at Tony. "that's why you're here. i did something crazy again and you're trying to figure out how to fix me, right?" Loki looked quite pleased to have 'remembered' on his own. "i've been having memory problems for a while you see..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i can't exactly remember when it started... sometime around when Fenris was born i think. he's my youngest you know... i started missing large parts of my memory then. i thought someone was cursing me of course. but no one would check me..." he paused, looking confused and hesitant. "i started to see things, i think... or was that when Jor was born? i can't recall..." he muttered, following Tony, looking confused and disoriented. "the things i saw... i'm not sure if they where real or not. but one of them tried to smother Fenris... and he was such a tiny thing..." Jor was listening intently, pale but drawing no attention to himself. "i wonder how old he is now... he was only two when i left, but i didn't dare stay... he must be around five now, do you suppose...?"
“Yea, we all got that feeling. No one likes cages.”Tony said smiling a little before grinning. “Yea, food. I was thinking itlaian or something.”Tony said before tilting his head, wondering if he should lie, before realizing he’d get in more trouble when loki remembered who he was if he did that. “I’m not a doctor, but I am friends with yours. I’m just your friend Loki, and I want to get you some help. Your doctor, Bruce, sent me around to get you before you got yourself hurt.”Tony said smiling pleased that the man looked so pleased with himself, before smiling. “No, you never told us it’d been going on that long. We’d known it was for a bit, but that’s a long time.”He said looking startled before thoughtful.”And we’ll check you Loki, I promise.”He muttered resting a hand on the other’s arm to lead him, looking worried on how disoriented and confused the man was, keeping his voice soft and soothing, not wanting to upset him, already moving towards the tower he could see in a distance. Glad stark tower was downtown and close to everything. “He’s older now, Loki. You’ve forgotten how much time, and I’m not sure how old he is now, but he’s older.”He said really, really wanting to ask jormungandr who old they were, but not daring divide his attention between father and son totally focused on getting loki back to the tower without a incident.
Loki nodded a little. "sometimes, i suppose, cages are necessary." he admitted with a sigh, looking back at the Zoo, his head tilted. "and those aren't bad cages.. they have lots of room, and big pools of water, and even trees, so i suppose it's alright..." he muttered before he looked at Tony. "oh. well, i suppose i must be you're freind then too, right?" he asked curiously. "i've never had a freind before. is it very difficult? are there customs i have to be aware of?" now that was just sad. "has it been that long? only three years or so, right?" "no... forty two years if it really started getting bad. fifty if it started when i was born. but i'm certain he was showing signs of this long before we where ever born." Jormungandr murmured into Loki's ear. unseen, but able to be heard. "i don't think it's a good idea if Loki sees me right now. he's calm now, but he might not be if he notices me." Jor admitted. "older than five? perhaps ten? it can't have been that long..." Loki muttered, looking anxious, uncertain how much time he had forgotten this time. "where is Thor? he can tell me how old Fenris is... right? and Jor too of course. yes, Jor. he was a beautiful baby you know. and so smart. he was an emotional child though, he cried a lot the poor thing, and he was always getting picked on by the other children." Loki admitted, scowling. "no one wanted him to play with their children because he was my son..." he admitted with a sigh before he froze at the sight of the Stark tower, swallowing thickly as he took several steps backwards. "no. that is a bad place..." he whispered. "a very bad place. we can't go there, something bad will happen, we can't go there!"
“No they’re not bad cages.”Tony smiled amused before nodding slowly. Not sure what to think of loki calling him a friend because he so knew this could get him in trouble, but he was going to try.”Yea, you’re my friend.”he said before pausing to listen to jor, nodding at the news teh man was hiding before looking at loki, wincing, not wanting to tell him but knowing he had to.”Jor just turned fifty....I am not sure how much younger Fenris is then jor.”Tony said gently before nodding, not sure if it was a good idea to bring thor around, but he’d try, and see where it got him. “Thor had to return to asgard for a few days, but I am sure he will return soon, maybe he can answer your questions.”He said, oh this was not going to be good before pausing, looking at loki and his strong reaction to the tower, nodding.”Okay, okay we don’t have to go.we’ll go to my apartment.”He said, “let me call and make sure it’s clean okay?”He said already dialing johnny to see if they could get to Johnny’s apartment. Hopefully the man was in a good mood. Pausing long enough to get a good answer he smiled, glad johnny kept the place in the city.”Come on. Let’s go then. It’s only a few blocks over.”He said coaxing loki towards the high rise apartment, glad it was easily findable and most important, as equally private as the tower, more so maybe since not everyone in the world knew johnny lived there.
Loki beamed at Tony, looking quite pleased to have a freind, and was completely unaware of the Avengers following them from a distance. "...fifty?" Loki demanded, looking stunned as he stared at Tony. "Jor is fifty!?" he demanded, biting his lip. "...Fenris would be fourty eight then. he was two when Jor was ten." he admitted softly. "eight years apart. Hela would be Forty six... four years between her and her brothers. both of them." he muttered softly. "Asgaurd?" Loki asked, scowling a little. "i hate Asgaurd.." he grumbled. "tell Thor not to bring anything back." he demanded before looking relieved as he was assured they didn't have to go into the Tower. "a block? what do blocks have to do with anything?" he asked, curiously looking around to try and find anything that resembled a wooden, or maybe a stone square. he chattered about his children the entire way there. how Jor had upended his first birthday cake onto Thor's head, and how Fenris had cried anytime that Loki left the room for the fist eight months of his life, and how Hela refused to wear anything unless it was a dress when she was three, and then only if it was yellow, pink, or red. he settled easily into the apartment where Tony sat him, completely unconcerned. after all, Tony was a freind, as far as Loki knew. what did he have to fear. Bruce came in shortly after, looking wary but pleased to see Loki aware of his surroundings.

"Hello Loki. my name is Bruce Banner, do you remember me?" "no. i'm terribly sorry about that." "there's no need to be sorry. i'm going to be your doctor for a while." Bruce admitted. the Warriors Three had already shown up, and he had run tests on them. if he had to, he could shoot Loki up with a common grade tranquilizer and it would put him down for roughly twelve hours. "what can you remember? about the memory gaps?" "well. not much of course. as i can't remember them." Loki quipped, startling a laugh out of Bruce. "but i remember they started when i was rather young. and the more stressed i was the more they happened. i would have only three during the summer, but when school started and the end of the year tests started coming up, i'd get ten or fifteen in a three week period." Loki admitted watching curiously as Bruce carefully drew a blood sample. a big blood sample. Loki actually had to sit there and squeeze the ball while the bag filled with blood, just like at a blood donation. "i used to mark them down on a calendar. so i'd remember when i'd forget things." he admitted. "but i'm not sure where that calendar went... or what i did during the times that i couldn't remember. but sometimes when i was taking the tests, i'd know things that i was quite certain i hadn't studied. or at least couldn't remember studying."
“Yes, fifty.”Tony said wincing, hating to see the man upset at the idea of missing so much of his children’s lives. While he had no pressing desire to have kids, he could understand why one would be upset to miss so much. Wincing at the mention of asgard he nodded. “I’ll tell him. He just had to visit his father, to give him a report on how the nine realms were doing, since he was visiting them all.”Tony said smirking a little. “A block is a area of buildings, see?Like this.”Tony said gesturing as they crossed the street then reached the next one. “That was just one city block.”he said smiling slightly.

He looked up at bruce, offering a slightly strained smile to the doctor, because while he did enjoy loki’s company, it was also straining him to see him like this. Because he was fighting so hard to not think about his mother, and how very different thing could have been, the man was slowly coming undone, but he had every intention of staying with loki, not about to leave him with totally new things. At least he had loki trusting him a little bit. Looking startled at that idea, he frowned. Wondering if they were wrong about what was wrong with loki. He never remembered anything like that...then again, if his mother had memory loss on that scale, he’d been young enough to not remember everything. “I’ll see if Thor can find the calandar..maybe it would help you remember things.”he said frowning quietly wondering if he should give the man his journals or not, before deciding against it for the moment. He wasn’t about to let this calm loki see just what he’d written about everything.
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