Mind over Matter(Avengers)Lady/Moon

"I can most definitely order a god around.cause I have a hammer weilding god to back it up."tony said looking amused as he left the room.

"So do I,but I understand him."tony sighed quietly as he shut the door walking back to the living room with steve."jor said he was already having problems before he abandoned his kids....I don't know for sure,but it sounds like flashbacks...I don't know all I know is that they didn't help him when they had a chance. He might have lost it anyways...but theyrr blaming him for his failure to get help but never want to admit that they're at fault to."tony sighed quietly.
Steve nodded a little. "Thor said something about that too. remember? after we'd caught Loki? he said 'Loki's always been a bit Odd, but he was never like this'... i think something might be... wrong, in Loki's head." Steve admitted. "doesn't make him any less dangerous, but it would explain some things." he admitted with a sigh. "i don't think Asgaurdians have mental help Tony. i was talking to Thor about multiple personalities the other day, and Thor had no idea what a mental disease was. if Loki's Sick? he never had a chance to get help. he probobly didn't even know he might have needed it. no one would have known he'd needed it. but them picking on him all the time? probobly made the problem even worse." Steve admitted with a sigh. "...Fury called..." Steve admitted. "Victor Von Doom escaped from his high security prison... again." Victor was an old 'freind' of Tony's. they had collaborated on many projects. they had created the Jericho together. he hadn't been with Tony in Afghanastan because he'd been up in space with Dr. Reed Richards. he had already been a bit of a sorcerer and Tech wiz when working with Tony, but after the space accident he'd turned into something a little bit... more. he'd gone insane of course and the Fantastic Four had done what they'd had to. Fury was in constant contact with the Fantastic Four of course, as well as the Avengers and the X-Men. but normally only one group saved the world at a time. no matter the cause though, keeping Victor Von Doom in prison was almost as hard as it was keeping Eric Lehnsherr under control. still, Fury usually let Tony and Reed deal with Victor because of the history.

(i just couldn't resist. XDD)
“Maybe....most likely. And...I know, it still doesn’t excuse them for not considering it. I mean...it had to be obvious something was wrong...”tony said sounding vaguely frustrated even if he knew the asgardians had no idea about the mental problems that could have been made worse. Looking at steve he frowned, growling quietly. “Isn’t it Reed’s turn to deal with the megalomaniac? I mean, I already have my own god after me, I don’t want a would be god chasing me to.”Tony whined even as his mind started seeing bad things....”Shit. We have to find him now. Jor said loki’d team up with someone who meant something to us. Victor Von Doom definitely fits that bill.”Tony growled. “Jarvis, search worldwide video feed, see if Von Doom shows up.” “Yes sir.”
Steve sighed and shrugged. "not if they didn't know. they would have simply assumed Loki was moody." he pointed out. "they might have known something was wrong, but they would have assumed it was a Loki thing. he was angry about being picked on, or afraid of a threat... not that something was wrong in his own head..." he pointed out. "well, Fury just wanted to let you know. Mr. Fantastic-" here Steve paused to snort at the ridiculous name. "-is already on it with his band of do-gooders." he admitted, looking amused. "i think they where as bored as Clint is honestly... or was anyway." he blinked, stunned as he realized Tony was worried for a good reason. Loki mixing with Dr. Doom was a bad... bad.. BAD idea. "...i'll warn the others." he promised, shaking his head. "and then i'll call Sue, warn her that they might have a megalomaniac God on their hands... i just hope Magneto doesn't get involved in this crap." he muttered as he rushed down the hallway. Steve never got the chance to warn him, all at once, half the building was gone and there where mighty Von Doombots everywhere. Victor did so love his robots.
“you know, you do have your own bad of good doers yourself, Cap.”Tony pointed out before looking amused wincing slightly. “Yea, that was deifnitely my thoughts. Call-”Tony yelped as he scrambled back from the floor he was standing on as it fell out from under his feet, cursing even as he free fell out of the air, “Going to kill loki. Even if it’s not his fault, bloody fuckkkkk!”Tony cursed even as he touched his bracelet, disoriented as he fell head over heels, looking relieved as his suit folded around him, but unlike when loki had thrown him out his own window it wasn’t quick enough and he went smashing into the concrete street below him, wincing as he crashed through the few feet and straight into the subway station below, wincing as he felt his suit folding around him. Yes, the suit could take a punishing from a hammer wielding god, but it wasn’t meant to be dropped from stories high them crushed through feet of earth. Wincing as he laid on the subway rails, he tried to figure out how hurt he was, and if the white light he was seeing coming towards him, was the light at the end of the tunnel, or the subway train....and oddly the thought it might be the train didn’t bother him so much. Yep, definitely hurt if he was being this disconnected about being run over by a train.
Steve snorted a little. "i don't have a 'band' i have a team." he pointed out, looking rather mortified. "the Fantastic four is a Family. ugh, Families should NOT fight crime together." he stated with a shake of his head before he gasped as the floor rolled underneath him, chucking him into empty space three floors down he landed and was besieged by robots. Von Doom laughing as he floated in the air and orchestrated the robots like he was a conductor at a musical. "Where's Tony!?" Jormungandr demanded as Steve managed to make his way back up to the top. "He fell! he should be in his suit around here somewhere. probobly fighting off Robots himself!" once they had Victor captured... which was horrifically easy this time. from the looks of Victor, he was as high as a kite, his pupils so wide you couldn't see the colors of his eyes. from the fact that he'd been stuck in the neck, as proof by the rather bruised ring of needle marks, he hadn't drugged himself up. Loki had probobly done it. now that everything was under control, it was painfully obvious that Tony wasn't about to show up and kick some ass...

Tony woke up rather slowly. as if his head was filled with cotton balls. a side effect from spells used to save his life. he was sitting in a recliner, which was reclined all the way, both wrists handcuffed to each arm of the chair. "oh good, you're awake." Loki's smooth tones stated. "i am sorry about that. i hadn't expected you to be so hurt when i got my hands on you. it took me quite a while to patch you back together you know. quite the fall... i'd have expected something similar to when i threw you out the window." Loki smirked. "you're no good to me dead, after all." he admitted, studying Tony intently, eyes wild and hair greasy and tangled. his skin was even greasy, showing that he hadn't washed in a long while. or brushed his teaeth.. or shaved... all around he was nasty. "it was rather easy taking Von Doom you know. just a quick little step... and i was inside. i do hope he's enjoying the drugs i gave him. he was such a naughty boy. trying to tell Us what to do, wasn't he gentlemen?" Loki asked, grinning imperiously at... empty space. "oh shut up. your voices are annoying to me. go make yourselves useful and clean something. good help is SO hard to find these days. but they DO have good ideas sometimes." Loki admitted with a grin. "would you care for something to eat? or drink? you haven't been asleep for long you know... certainly not long enough for your freinds to notice you missing... oh look, they stopped Von Doom." Loki mused, indicating a TV that had the sound muted. "they'll notice you're missing soon enough now. but they won't find you." he smiled at Tony again. "we're going to have such fun, you and i."
Natasha growled as ran into the room with steve, looking pale and shaken, having been taken care of some of the bots on the lower level, she’d gotten a look at the hole tony had drilled into the ground. “Tony up here?”She said looking desperate, that despite seeing where he’d fallen, and how hurt he had to be, that he might have gotten up anyways.

Tony frowned slightly, closing his eyes as he groaned, feeling horrible and stuffy. “...I want to sleep again...”he muttered shuddering a little turning his head slightly,”...when you threw me out the window I was prepared for it...not so this time.”he muttered struggling to focus on the man in front of him...confused at how bad he looked. He had thought he’d known the man, had figured he was self aware enough to want to look good. But he didn’t...”...von doom is insane...no wonder you two get along...”he muttered looking thoughtful as he considered what he was hearing....because while his head was cloudy, the connections he’d made when reading loki’s journal snapped together with painfully bright clarity. “...That’s why I build my help, I trust them to be good.”he muttered wondering if he could talk himself out of this. “...food would be nice.”he said as his stomach growled, turning his head to look at the tv, frowning quietly, before looking at the god.”...are we?”
"no he's not..." Steve whispered, Jormungandr shaking his head. "the man was a distraction..." he whispered. "Loki was here... i think he took Tony and i didn't notice because i was pissing with men made out of metal!" Jormungandr was very attached to Tony, even though it had only been a few days, there where not many who would pay much attention to Jor. Tony had given Jor more than just attention. he'd actually cared...

Loki chuckled a little. "i'm afraid that it's time to get up. you can sleep again later." he promised with a happy little grin. "oh my, you're right! still i didn't expect Doom to simply blow the place up you understand... i had expected a little more finesse form someone as smart as him... perhaps i gave him too many drugs?" Loki wondered, his head tilted. "you think so? yes i think you're right." he agreed to empty space. "oh, Victor's not SO insane as all that. his wires are just a little loose, that's all. it's not his fault he's an arch villain... a very bad man DID kill his mother after all." he admitted with a grin. "he's a lovely little sorcerer too. nowhere near my level of ability, but enough to be amusing on occasion." he admitted. "oh! yes you have a lovely array of helper-bots don't you? what a good idea!" Loki chirped, delighted by the idea before he turned and glared at empty space. "no we are not going to have That Kind of fun! i need him alive and without any pieces missing!" he snapped. "and i'm certainly not going to paint the walls with his entrails! why do i even keep you around? you disgust even me, and i'm pretty bad." Loki mused as he moved over to a large fridge and started poking around for something to eat. in the end Loki made a bunch of sandwiches with bread that was decidedly stale and meat that smelled... not very good. Loki didn't seam to notice as he devoured two of the sandwiches, which would have made a human sick right then and there. "oh my yes, lots of fun. but don't worry. you're too pretty to kill." Loki promised, grinning viciously. "i don't care about YOU after all, just Thor. and Thor has to suffer, and do you know why?" he didn't wait for an answer, he just nodded to empty space. "yes, that's it exactly, because he's a traitor. and Traitors must suffer." he froze suddenly, staring at the screen, where Jormungandr was talking to the woman, Natasha. "...Jor..." loki whispered, eyes wide and back rigid with shock. "that's my Jor..."
“Damn. Fucking hell.”Natasha cursed before nodding, “Tony’s hurt. Badly.”She said looking anxious because she had no idea if loki would heal him or not before looking at jor. “Sit. Calm. We wont do tony any good if we can’t think things through.”

“I’m always right....and he’s bat shit insane, you idiot. Holding a grudge against me. You should have figured he’d simply blow my ass up....”Tony grumbled looking amused though that loki hadn’t even considered that. Which made him worry, because even if the man was unfocused, loki had always seemed to be able to plan. Not considering victor would destroy the tower just seemed weird...and it worried him more then anything else. Watching the man he tried to remain calm, and remember everything he had done to deal with his mother. While he’d been young when she died, he still remembered the mental strain of schizophrenia, and he knew he had to stay calm to not make things worse. “Yes, please. I would prefer keeping all my pieces together.”he said joining the conversation, remembering his mother had always seemed better when it seemed someone else could hear the voices in her head. Paling a little at the sight of the food he swallowed. “Loki...the meat...it’s going rotten. If you want me alive, I can’t eat that.”Tony said struggling to keep his voice even and calm despite the pain he was in, knowing that the fact he was still hurting even though loki had healed him, showed just how hurt he had been. Opening his mouth to ask about traitors and treason he paused, nodding a little. “It is. When you hurt thor, your son took it personally, and came to warn us that you were here.”
Jor shook his head. "yes. of course." he whispered, taking a deep breath and swallowing hard. "we have to find Tony..." he agreed. "Loki won't hurt Tony. he needs Tony alive to..." he bit his lip and shook his head. "this is basically a public punishment. he's punishing my Uncle. making Thor watch as his most favored humans are taken from him... no offense.. he'll keep tony alive and well until Thor shows up, and then he'll publicly t..." he swallowed hard and closed his eyes. "Torture and kill Tony, i think. it's, it's hard to understand him. he's not... acting like he usually does."

Loki smirked a little. "ah but it's not YOU he has a grudge against Tony." Loki stated with a shrug. "the only person who Doom has any true mind for is Reed. you're barely a blip in his consciousness... though, he did like you at one point. he thought you where something he could aspire to. silly, yes? imagine trying to become someone like you. truly a silly thought." he admitted with a wave of his hand. "i simply gave him too many drugs. made it hard for him to think properly you see." he stated, tapping his head. "it's hard for me to think sometimes too. yes. very much so... would you lot SHUT UP!" he demanded, wheeling on empty air, suddenly Furious. "i can't THIN with you SCREAMING ALL THE TIME!!!!" he paused, breathing hard before he returned his attention to tony, looking rather surprised that he had responded, his head cocked to the side as if he wasn't sure who Tony was just then. then he simply made himself a sandwich and paused to blink at Tony. "rotten?" Loki asked, blinking at Tony before suddenly focusing quite a bit more than he had previously. "oh my... when was the last time i went shopping?" he asked, sounding curious, his head tilted. "this meat is bad, why didn't any of you tell me? look at us! now we're being bad hosts! we can't feed Tony crap like this!" he threw the plate at the wall, the sandwiches scattering and the plate shattering. "go and get him EDIBLE Food!... Pizza! yes what a good idea! we'll order him pizza, i beleive he likes Pepperoni." Loki muttered as he looked around, as if expecting a box of Pizza to simply appear before he watched the TV. "i haven't seen him in so long... but i couldn't. it wasn't safe..." Loki whispered. "i was going to hurt him. hurt them. They wanted me to, you know. i had to leave so that They wouldn't hurt my babies. my precious babies..." he whispered, closing his eyes. "so. Pizza." he decided, moving tot he phone."a nice big pepperoni Pizza and some painkillers. yes, you must be in pain still, why-ever did you not say so? you make it very difficult to be a good host you know." Loki complained with a titter. "i do have some soda pop here." Loki admitted as he stared at the phone, turning it in his hand as if he wasn't sure how to use it.
Natasha took a shuddering breath before tilting her head. “Is there a way to get a message to your uncle?Tell him to stay away?If loki is waiting for him, he wont do anything as long as he’s gone. It’ll give tony time.”She said swallowing hard. “If he is not acting like he normally does...then we have no way to predict him.”She said looking shaken, but having a feeling the man most able to follow, to rationalize, to survive being with loki, is the one he took. Tony stark would be able to talk loki.

“Well, that’s true I guess...and what?Everyone wants to be like me. I’m amazing.”tony said looking amused despite the pounding headache. “Well, loki, maybe if you don’t scream at them, they wont scream back?”Tony asked after a moment tilting his head a little as loki stared at him. “It is. And make sure you’re okay to loki. Eating rotten food can’t be good for you, even if you are asgardian.”Tony reasoned wincing a little as the plate shattered, struggling for calm. Before tilting his head, looking thoughtful as to why loki ran away....well, at least that made sense, as much sense as any of this did. “You didn’t hurt them loki. You left them with the man most capable of taking care of them...I know you were betrayed by Thor, but he has seen that your children were well taken care of...”he muttered before nodding, “Pizza sounds good. Pepperoni....and I’m sorry. The pain’s making it hard to concentrate...I’m sorry I’m making it hard to be a good host...”Tony said before smiling. “I would like some pop....loki?”He asked trying to lift his hand even with his shackled wrist. “If you let me have that I can show you how to use it, and get us both some good food. I think we could both use some good real food.”
Jormungandr nodded. "yes, i can get a message. he'll hate it, but he'll do it." he promised. "Tony... understands the way Loki thinks. he might very well be able to talk Loki into letting him go, or changing his plans into something we can anticipate. something, anything... Tony build a life support system and an amazing suit of armor in a cave... he can do anything..." Jormungandr muttered.

Loki blinked at Tony. "yes, everyone wants to have shrapnel buried in their chest along with more enemies than you have brain cells. and being how smart you are, that is a lot of brain cells." Loki pointed out with a smirk before he paused, as if startled. "no. they always scream. always screaming. insults of course. they do like their insults. worthless, pathetic little freak that i am yes..." Loki muttered before he seamed to snap out of it again and shrugged. "i've been eating it for... how long has it been i wonder?" "three days? or weeks? not months surely? well it's been three at any rate that i'm sure of." he admitted with a nod. "no, no i didn't hurt them. my freinds, they didn't like the children you see. didn't like it that i was paying more attention to my children than i was to them... they didn't like that at all. i didn't want them to get hurt. so i left them, and Thor protected them. but he didn't protect them enough. not nearly enough and then he Betrayed me..." he snarled, lifting his lips in a facsimile of some wild beast. "yes. Pizza!" Loki agreed, switching from topic to topic as easily as Tony was breathing. he retrieved a Pepsi, nice and cold and perfectly safe and handed it to Tony along with a bottle of aspirin. "..." he stared at Tony with narrowed suspicious eyes and then. "...you have to promise." Loki stated, sounding remarkably like a child. "you have to promise not to try and escape." he demanded, studying Tony before he unshackled Tony's right wrist and handed him the phone, watching his every move. Tony wouldn't get away with any trickery that way. or so Loki thought anyway. he gave the address obediently when Loki was certain Tony was actually ordering a Pizza, and decided it would be alright to let Tony have one of his wrists free... or maybe he'd forgotten in favor of scribbling various words on the far wall, which was already covered in words. and mathematical equations. wrong mathematical equations because three plus six did NOT equal twenty two.
“Tony can do about anything. Surely reasoning with someone as insane as him, is a cakewalk.”Natasha said, “Go get a message to thor, and get some sleep jor. We can’t do anything more for tony until SHIELD has a chance to go through the video, see if they can pick anything up.”

“I got the shrapnel out you know.And thanks, though I’m not feeling particularly smart right now...stupid pain...”Tony grumbled before frowning a little. “Well, join the club. I feel pretty freaky most of the time.”Tony said before looking curious. “Now, you got me totally distracted by the thought of how you survived on this rotten crap....”Tony rambled a little, pain making him ramble more then he uusally did. “Oh, I see. And down boy, thor’s not doing anything to anyone soon. He’s hurt fairly badly.”He soothed, as if loki really was a wild beast before sighing quietly, loki was making his head hurt with the easy topic change, especially since despite being healed, he still felt like he’d been dropped off stark tower, oh wait...Sipping the pepsi he smiled as he took the aspirin, he nodded. “I wont.I just want to eat.”Tony said as he took the phone, calling in and despite having every chance to call jarvis, and ordering a pizza that way, he didn’t. Instead he really did just call the pizza joint he knew downtown, and ordered a pizza for them. Setting the phone down he looked at loki. He had no idea why he didn’t reach out to shield or the others now that he had a phone, he just knew that he didn’t. Making a distressed sound in his throat when he looked at the math problems he whined a little. “Reindeer, please stop. You’re making my head hurt just watching you add wrong, and you told me to tell you when you’re being a bad host.”He said sounding vaguely amused despite the weirdness of the situation.
Jormungandr shook his head. "how can i sleep? i fell asleep and then Tony was taken..." he whispered. "i won't sleep until back up arrives..." he muttered as he headed off, pulling what looked like a mirror out of his pocket. "Fen. i need you to wake Uncle. i have... news." Jor admitted before his voice was cut off as the door to his borrowed bedroom was closed.

Loki lifted an eyebrow. "did you?" he asked, looking curious as he deftly unbuttoned Tony's shirt. "you DID! look at that, no more glowing sun." he mused, tracing the scars on Tony's chest for a moment. "you don't turn blue." Loki grumbled sarcastically. "they don't tell horror stories about your kind when you where growing up. i used to be scared that one of my kind would crawl out from under my bed and EAT ME..." he hissed before shaking his head. "Jotun tend to eat raw meat." Loki admitted with a shrug. "too cold for fire normally." he admitted before he narrowed his eyes at Tony. "Thor's hurt?" he asked, confused and then. "oh yes, i hurt him. yes, stabbed him right through the middle. i am fond of that. it gives them a chance to regret before they die. yes..." Loki muttered as he looked around, as if trying to find something again. "what?" Loki demanded, jumping as he stared at the other. "oh, yes. i'm sorry, it was just an idea you see. an idea in my head. here.." he tapped his temple. "have to get it out or i forget what it is you see." he admitted, turning his attention back to the wall. "i'll be only just a second..." he muttered, focusing quite intently on writing down words that made no sense. they where all similar, focusing on water and it's forms, but they where scrambled and there where no connections or junctures. "so, what shall we do now?" Loki wondered. "i can't do anything until Thor get's here you see. you're his favorite you know. yes, so i have to wait to see if i can't capture another one of you. yes, but if i can't that's alright because hurting you will hurt HIM... but i can't do that until he's HERE, so what to do with you until then?" he wondered, his head tilted to the side.
“I did.”Tony said shuddering a little as loki touched his chest, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the touch. And wasn’t that fairly sick in and of itself?”No, but my father told me that my mother was going to kill me in my sleep if I wasn’t careful. I spent three months sleeping under my bed so she couldn’t find me right away.”Oh yea, howard stark had made a villian of his wife, just to make sure his son loved him more....and it had worked. For a time. Until tony had been a teenager and angry at all those missed years he’d had with his mother, when he lived in terrified fear until her death. “Yes, he is.”Tony said shaking his head a little to get the memory away before sighing quietly. “I know how the ideas are loki, but the math’s wrong. Shouldn’t you be doing math right?Don’t you want me to help you do math right?”He said slowly before watching the other, frowning as he considered what the other was writing, trying to figure out the connection between it all, spacing out before startling as loki talked to him. “I’m his favorite?”he said after a moment before frowning. “No, loki. Not another one of us, just me. If I’m his favorite it wont hurt as badly if you have the other’s. Just me.”He said before smiling a little. “You should let me sleep.”
Loki snatched his hand back at the shudder. "sorry." Loki stated, not realizing it hadn't been a shudder of pain before he stared at the man in stunned amazement. "really?" he asked, looking quite amazed that someone could understand how he felt. Granted, Tony didn't grow up to realize that he WAS the monster under the bed... but it came close enough for Loki. "the math isn't wrong! see?" Loki rambled off a long list of highly complex math that... did indeed equal twenty two but... that's not what he wrote down as he said it. in fact... one couldn't be sure those where letters of any language at all. it looked like something a baby might scribble out. "oh yes. you are. he likes you the most." Loki admitted with a nod. though, it was doubtful, Thor didn't have 'favorite' freinds. he just had freinds. but loki didn't seam to understand that. "yes. your right of course. i'll just take you away and it will hurt even more because i'll make sure he understands that i simply let the others go because they weren't worth the time. yes, because they aren't his Favorite... not like you." Loki murmured, stroking Tony's hair and the side of his face as if Tony was a cat. "yes, you sleep. yes." Loki agreed, slinking off. "sleep and get better and then we can have fun.. but what kind of fun?" he wondered, muttering to himself. when Tony woke, there was a box of Pizza next to him with three slices missing. so at least Loki had eaten. there was several glasses of water and two pepsi next to him as well, and a book on particle physics that Loki must have thought Tony would enjoy. his other hand had been unshackled, but there was a shackle on Tony's ankle now... though it had a long tether. allowing him to get up and walk all the way into the bathroom, though it jerked two feet short of the door. making it impossible for Tony to open it to yell for help. Loki himself had curled up under a table in the corner and was writing furiously in a little notebook, muttering under his breath and seemingly unaware that tony was even in the room at all, let alone awake and moving around.
“It’s okay.”Tony muttered before nodding. “Really. My father was a bastard. I think mine and yours are in the running for the worst dad ever award.”Tony said offering the man a small smile, before his mouth fell open a little. “Well....you’re right. The math is right.”he said twitching a little as he stared at the wall, trying to figure out the wall drawings, wondering if loki was even aware that he’d just scribbled, instead of writing the math problem he’d just written. “Yes, I know. It’s a burden, to be everyone’s favorite.”Tony said wondering if he was piling it on a little thick, especially since he knew thor really didn’t have favorites, he had friends. But he sensed loki didn’t get that. Though it was kinda creepy that loki thought he was thor’s favorite. Maybe he thought there was more to the friendship then there really was?After all, tony’s bi-sexuality wasn’t any secret to those who knew him, so maybe loki took it that way. Sighing quietly as he started to drift off to sleep even before loki gave him permission. Looking around when he woke up tony looked at his ankle in bemusement as he ate, and then at the book. Wondering why his kidnapper was trying to entertain him,even as he started to read. Hey, if he was going to be stuck he might as well read. Getting up he went to the bathroom, and moved around at the end of the chain to just see how far he could go, he didn’t even try to leave. Moving over he sat down next to look, looking thoughtful. “I have your other journal....well, von doom probably blew it up, but I hope there wasn’t anything you needed in it....Jor had it. He thought you might want it back, so he brought it with him."
Loki nodded. "Odin wasn't much of a bastard you see. it was really my Mother. oh how she hated me. yes she didn't like me at all. never touched me, and hated it when Odin did too." he admitted with a nod. "i used ti get sick a lot, and Frigga wouldn't even come to check on me, but Odin did, yes. Odin did often, he couldn't heal me, but he got me potions and food and drinks when others would simply have let me rot to death. yes." he muttered before smirking at Tony. "i know my math. i do. my math is good." Loki was getting worse. "you are the favorite." Loki agreed with a nod. "everyone likes Tony Stark. everyone wants to be him you know." Loki chirped, repeating Tony's words from earlier.

Loki twitched when Tony spoke to him and he whipped his head around and scowled at Tony. "excuse me! can't you see i'm busy?" his voice was younger, but sharper. "if you have my property return it when i'm not trying to figure out how Water becomes ice at a molecular level Thank You." he sneered sarcastically before he scowled. "who are you anyway and how did you get in here? this is a private wing of the library, only advanced students are allowed in here..." he paused, looking at the chain around Tony's ankle. "i say... have you been kidnapped?" he asked before he suddenly seamed to realize he wasn't in a library. "my word! have i been kidnapped?" he asked, looking more than a little shocked as he examined his wrists and ankles. "no i don't beleive i have, but how did i get here?" he looked to his left. "what do you mean this is where i live? i wouldn't live in a heap like this i DO have standards you know... oh dear, Evil you say? well we always did joke about what we would do first if we went evil, didn't we Sigyn?" Loki asked with a trembling smile. "i must have kidnapped you myself. i'm terribly sorry about that." Loki muttered to Tony. "i can't seam to remember doing it though. here." he touched the shackle. "you toddle off while i sit here and try to figure out when i lost my mind."
Tony stared at him looking startled.thor adored his mother,tony had never gotten thr feeling lady frigga was anything but kind,when odin just gave off that vibe."I'm sorry loki."he muttered before smiling."I know.I'm just that awesome."he muttered.

Tony stared looking startled and trying to get a sense of what the hell to do,swallowing hard as he shifted away slightly.' "Sorry I just thought you would want to know right away where your journal got to. And I'm tony stark."tony said playing into the illusion they had just met even if he was as confused as all hell."well I don't know if this your house, but this is where you brought me."tony said looking around him sighing quietly."and you did,but you could always lrt me go you know."tony said only half serious,having a feeling that wherever he was right now,loki was somewhere aware enough that he meant to keep him around.tilting his head he sighed quietly getting up and moving back to his chair.""well if you wish to talk I'm going to sit here and read okay?"he said smiling as he settled down with this astrophysics book thouh he was thinking more about loki then reading,trying to figure out exactly how to get out of this predicament
Loki blinked at him, looking annoyed. "Tony Stark is a stupid name." he snapped before calming himself as he realized he wasn't having his work interrupted. Loki hated that. "no no. it's my house, i'm sure of it." Loki admitted with a nod, snapping his fingers at the piles of garbage, making them vanish. cleaning because Loki hated disorganization. Thor had once said that Loki went insane of someone moved even a book out of place without his permission. the classic signs of OCD. everything had to be clean, everything had a place, and it had to be placed just so. which was why the appearance of the house was so disturbing, as well as Loki's appearance. "didn't i let you go?" Loki asked after a moment, frowning as he watched Tony reading. "i'm sure i let you go..." he cocked his head. "hmm... apparently you want to stay.. are you a stray? homeless i mean? i don't have much i don't think but i can feed you at least." Loki admitted with a nod as he headed into the kitchen to start cleaning in there as well. "well i can't feed you, all the food i have is bad." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "but i should be able to order food from somewhere. i have this money..." he held up a massive wad of fifty's. probobly stolen from Victor. "i'm not sure how earth money works though." he admitted with a shake of his head as he pressed the money into Tony's hands. "feel free to order food. i have to get back to my studies. i'm going to be famous you know." he admitted, his eyes glittering. "everyone will be amazed with me when i can formulate the exact mathematical equations for nature itself! all things have a pattern you see. and all things react. if i can find the mathematics then we are so much closer to controlling the weather! imagine it, no more freak hurricanes, no more blizzards that kill. we will be in control of the very earth!" he smiled, his eyes glimmering in amazement. "no more unexpected earthquakes or volcanic explosions." he nodded to himself, returning to his notebook. "i will show them all just how brilliant i am. then they won't care that i'm a bit of a freak, because i will hold weather in my hands!" well, Thor had said Loki had been a very ambitious child.

back at Stark Tower, Jormungandr dropped Loki's journal onto the table in front of the other Avengers. "we where wrong." he stated, his eyes troubled and his skin pale. "Loki didn't take Tony because Tony is the weakest of the group... he took Tony because he's obsessed." he stated, flipping open the journal where Tony's name was written over and over and over again. "we have got to find Tony, and we have got to do it NOW, before Loki does something that can't be forgiven." "...what do you mean?" Clint asked, looking worried as Jor swallowed hard. "i think he might try to rape Tony, and force him into a Bond of Marriage of some sort." "...oh hell."
“It’s not stupid. How nice is loki, anyways?”Tony frowned looking bemused before sighing quietly. “No, you just touched the chain, you didn’t free it.”Tony said looked at his shackled ankle before snorting, looking amused. “I am not a stray!”He sputtered looking amused. “I have more money and houses then what I know what to do with. And you already fed me loki, I’ll order more food in a bit.”He said looking amused before growing serious, his mouth falling open a little. Could loki really do that? “....are you serious?You can figure that out?Can I see?”He said looking eager to see if the math would actually work, even if he doubted it, he was still interested.

Natasha started a little looking up from the tablet she was working on, having been going through video from around the city before frowning.”...Why tony?I mean, okay, it’s stark, and he’s good, but Loki already fucked around with clint’s head. Wouldn’t it make more sense to work with him?”She said looking pale and shaken at the idea of what tony was facing, when he wasn’t the phyiscally strongest of any of them, it worried her. Badly.
Loki blinked at him a little and then looked down at the chain. "oh... how strange, that should have worked..." he frowned and reached down, muttering under his breath as he yanked and tugged for a moment. "...how strange... it's set with my magic, but i can't open it. i must really not want you to go." he mused before smirking at him. "you look a bit like a stray, with your hair like that." he pointed out. "don't know any good grooming spells?" he asked with a snicker before he glared at him. "NO! you can't see! it's MINE and i won't let ANYONE use me again! it's MY work and i'm getting credit for it! you can piss off!" Thor had spoken once about a professor who had stolen Loki's research and claimed it was his own. "besides!... i haven't worked it out yet." he sneered, glaring at Tony. "you just go over there and don't bother me!" he demanded, suspicious and wary as he ducked back under the table, glaring at Tony before he paused and studied the man intently. "i know you, don't i? you seam so familiar to me..."

Jormungandr shook his head. "he wants Tony, because Tony was the challenge. Tony is the smart one, the clever one, the sarcastic one. it was him that Loki had the verbal sparring with and him that Loki had to outsmart last time. it's like a game, and Loki wants to play with Tony... only. i don't think Loki is really aware of his own thinking." he admitted, sounding shaken. "the Warriors Three will be here tomorrow. they might know how to find Loki. i've done everything i could think of. tracking spells, finding spells, locating spells. Loki's protected himself so completely that magic won't be able to find him. i would bring Fenris here... but i don't dare place him in this kind of danger."
Tony yelped a little as he jerked the chain, making a face.”Don’t do that!It hurts.”he growled looking annoyed with the man before smiling at him a little. “I do not. You’re the one who messed up my hair you know. You pulled my helmet off.”Tony sulked as he patted his hair down, trying to get it back into its normal order before wincing, “Okay. I didn’t want to steal it loki, I just thought if you needed help, I could help you with it.”He soothed, leaning back in his chair but willing to leave him alone, struggling to remember how his mother had been calmer when he’d gone with her moods, did what she wanted. It was hard to not snap back at the man when he was yelled at. Looking up at loki’s words he nodded. “You do. I am-was-one of thor’s friends.You brought me here to hurt him.”He muttered wincing at the idea of reminding him of why he was here, but knowing he had to get the man to make a connection with them, hopefully reason would reassert itself.

“So, if tony keeps playing the game, loki will keep interested in him....do you think it’s possible, with loki being as...insane as he you say he is, for tony to talk his way out of it?”Natasha asked before frowning, “And these are hopeless to. There’s not a video anywhere of either of them, after loki took him out of the subway. At least we know he’s still alive, even if Jarvis can’t find him, I know tony has a failsafe built in that kicks in the moment he dies.”
Loki blinked at Tony for a moment after he yelled and then shrugged. "i was only trying to help." he stated with a shrug. "a helmet? i have a Helmet." Loki stated, swelling with pride. "it is an Honored Helmet given to me by my Father. Thor has Wings, to symbolize flight and new beginnings. i have horns, for strength and battle prowess." he admitted, nose in the air, looking ever so proud that HE had a helmet given to him by his Father. "everyone wants to steal my work." he growled, glaring a Tony. "everyone. because i am smart, and you are not." he stated with a sniff before he paused and studied Tony, something flickering in his eyes. "oh yes... i remember now." he murmered, back to lucidity. "you are Thor's favorite, i took you so i could punish him." his eyes trailed along Tony's body, alight with that same made gleam as before. but at least he wasn't acting like a kid anymore. he slunk over to Tony, his head cocked curiously. "you know... i wonder if i shouldn't hurt you... just a little... record it, and make people watch.." he muttered, settling onto Tony, straddling him as he traced the length of scars on Tony's chest. "i could carve my symbol here... sear it in place with magic, so that even if you escape, you will always knw that you are mine." he smirked. "yes, that is a fun idea, is it not? and you are always so clever, you might find a way to escape. i simply can't have you getting away without some kind of punishment, now Can i?"

Jormungandr nodded. "yes, as long as Loki is focused on Tony, he'll most likely not hurt anyone else... unfortunetly, he might very well hurt Tony..." Jor admitted, looking even more worried about that. "still, Tony is clever, and he's good with words, he might be able to talk Loki out of doing anything too drastic." he admitted before he paused. "a Failsafe? couldn't we track him through that failsafe? he must have a chip, or something inside him right? that we could trace?"
“I’ve seen your helmet.”Tony said swallowing looking the other over, biting his lip to keep from saying the first thing that came to his mind at the word ‘prowess’. And thoughtful at how proud he was of the helmet. “You have some kind of prowess, reindeer, but I don’t think it’s battle prowess, horny.”He teased, his eyes alight with laughter willing to distract the other before smiling. Though it didn’t quite reach his eyes as he watched loki ‘grow up’, glad at least he was acting older. At least this was easier to deal with. Shifting slightly as loki straddled him he sighed, closing his eyes as his breath left his chest in a stuttering pleased sigh,”I am clever, but I’m not going anywhere. I have no magic of my own, you know.”He pointed out shifting, groaning as he rocked his hips into the other, damn him and his fucking stupid attraction. Even when loki had thrown him out the window, he’d been attracted to the bastard. And with him straddling him....well, no one said tony stark ever had restraint. “If you’re going to mark me up, you better sleep with me first. I don’t do pain normally.”Tony smirked back.

“He might, but Tony is good with words. He might get hurt, but he might be able to talk him out of alot of things.”Natasha said looking at the man, knowing he was worried about tony. Shaking her head a little, looking worriedly amused. “Tony’s to paranoid for that. He outsmarted himself this time. It is a failsafe chip, I asked Jarvis is tony had a way to keep track of him...and he does...but it can’t be back traced. So Jarvis knows he’s alive, but he’s developed it well enough to not be able to find him either. At least, not that jarvis knows. I had fury put in a call to Dr. Reed to see if he could do it."She said because if anyone in the world knew how tony stark's mind worked, and might be able to make a run around hsi tech, it was richard reed.
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