Mind over Matter(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“Damn.Always beaten by the cute asgardian. I guess I’ll have to settle for screwing his equally sexy father.”Tony snickered a little before wincing slightly. “Well, at least one of us is believing it. And I will let you know...I’ll probably be whining about it for the next decade, so I’m sure you’ll hear about it.”Tony said before starting to laugh. “Oh thank god for Jarvis. I so want to see that....and I’m so disappointed you guys gave him alcohol without me there. It’s saddening you guys are already moving onto fun things without me.”Tony sulked as he walked into the bedroom, poking loki. “Reindeer. You have to figure out how to fix the tower, I want to go home and watch Cap have sex.”Tony whined a little before smirking as he returned to his phone call. “I’m going to have to watch that video. And tell them to behave, otherwise I might have a asgardian god with me who’s going to find this whole conversation very interesting.”Tony snickered poking Loki. “Loki, wake up. My apartment’s ready.”He demanded, easily holding two conversations at once.
Clint snickered a little. "yeah Bruce said the sex seams to be amazing. god i hate you, i want a sexy god to fuck." he complained, talking to Tony always made him feel better about things. and if loki was letting Tony fuck him, then things weren't that bad right? "well, to be honest we didn't mean to get Cap drunk. we where trying to calm Jor down because Siff was being a bitch, telling Jor that his father was a murderer and that they aught to kill the Kid so he wouldn't follow in his fathers footsteps. we told Thor about it. he was so fucking pissed. he and Odin are going to punish Sif and Hogun when they go back to Asgaurd. Fandral is cool though, he spent an hour last night telling Jor about some of the funnier pranks Loki played on the Warriors three. did you know Loki turned them all into Donkeys once?" Clint asked with a grin in his voice. "Shhhh." Loki demanded, batting at Tony's hands. "go away you worthless Cur, i care little for your annoyances." he mumbled, yanking the blankets over his head, Clint laughing at Loki's response. "well. he's still Loki to be sure." Clint mused. "i think Johnny and Cap are going to avoid the whole Sex thing until they figure out how each other 'Feels'... i mean, i expected that from Cap, he was always a little feminine, but not Johnny." Clint admitted. "and i'll make sure they know that if they pick on Jor again i'll let Loki have them. and if not, i'll show them just how 'puny' our midgaurdian weapons really are. lets see them laugh when i've shot them." and Clint was good enough with a Gun to make it hirt, a lot, without risking their life too much. "silence you insufferable worm." Loki demanded, curling up into a tiny ball. "i was enjoying my dreams. if you do not leave me be, i will see how you look as a rabbit."
“....What?How does bruce know the sex is amazing?I think I’m weirded out that my science bro is listening in.”Tony whined just because he could before smirking. “You know thor’s not dating anyone, and after as many centuries as he’s seen, I’m sure he’s a little bi-flexible.”Tony grinned before smirking. “....I’m telling loki. I’m sure he’d have some choice words to say about jor being like him.”Tony said liking that idea, because he did like jor, and was more then liking the idea of siccing loki on someone who’d upset the kid. “...No I didn’t. That’s awesome.”Tony grinned as loki batted at his hands, settling into the bed next to the sulking man.”You don’t get to laugh, you mangy bird.”Tony growled at his friend before frowning. “Johnny’s weird sometimes. Sometimes he acts like me, and then sometimes like cap....I swear, he spends to much time with Sue and Reed, they’re all a little weird.”Tony said looking amused before nodding even if clint coudn’t see.”Good. And I would pay good money to watch you shoot them.”He said before going quiet for a moment, running a hand over loki’s side, not quite petting but just enjoying touching him while he talked. “Were you dreaming of me?I mean, I know I’m a god, but you could just wake up and talk to me.”he muttered, knowing if he kept talking, loki'd wake up."hey, clint?Wanna help me move in?"
Clint snorted. "according to Bruce you want 'gaga eyed'. which he has seen before when you nattered about an amazing lay... still, i can't beleive Loki is a sub. he's got the looks for it, but with his utter fascination with making people kneel to him you'd think he'd be more of a dominant." he chuckled. "try telling Loki when he's not batshit insane though, alright? we don't want him to kill anyone else. according to Thor, Odin is considering the idea of leaving Loki under the care of the Avengers, but if Loki kills two of his best warriors i doubt the man will be pleased." he admitted simply. "i can laugh all i want you overcompensated red prosthetic." well that was a new insult. Clint must have looked those words up. "well... considering we're us, i don't think we can complain about the Fantastic Four being weird." Clint pointed out. "Steve still doesn't like Sue or Ben though, i've no idea why." he admitted. "i will totally shoot them if they bother the Kid again... seriously, it took me two hours to convince him he wasn't going to turn into a mass murderer." "god, won't you shut up?" Loki groaned as he slowly uncurled and rolled onto his belly so he could enjoy the stroking more. "you will continue to stroke me." Loki ordered imperiously. "...Tony... are you having Sex with loki right now? because... seriously i am hanging up if you are... and i really, don't think i want to be near Loki right now. i mean... it's great that you like him and all but... i really don't want to be anywhere near him until i'm certain he's not going to crawl into my brain again. once was enough."
“....It weirds me out a little bit that you guys have learned the ‘gaga eyed look’....and he’s not. At least not all the time. It makes life interesting, having sex with a schizophonic....I’m liable to find myself talking to very different loki’s in the same span of minutes...it’s amusing.”Tony said looking bemused though he knew that he had to be careful because if he pressed to many buttons, he’d get a loki who wanted to kill him still. “Okay okay, I’ll try.....and have you been asking jarvis to look up words for you again? I think I’m proud, you ingrate.”Tony teased a little before starting to laugh. “I’m allowed complaining about anything I want. I died falling out a window, it gives me the right to bitch.”Tony whined a little before frowning, absently trailing a hand down loki’s back. “...I might come home for a bit. See these stupid warrirors.”He said sounding annyoed that jor had been so upset before snickering, “No, I’m just sitting in bed with him and stroking his back.....he’s a damned cat and enjoying it. And being very demanding about it....and don’t be jealous clint, I’ll find you your own sex god.”he snickered looking amused.
Clint snickered a little. "we always knew about the Ga Ga look. Pepper told us about it, offered us videos and after that we knew if you looked like that we where to avoid you at all costs." he teased with a smirk. "sort of like having a new one night stand every time you two have sex, eh?" he asked. "that's kind of... creepy, actually. yeah i'm going with creepy." he admitted. "no i have not! i'll have you know i actually looked up those words myself you..." there was a pause and a rustle of paper. "sycophantic Man Slut." he chirped, sounding quite pleased with himself, despite the fact that he'd used the word Sycophantic wrong. "...you DIED!?" Clint demanded, sounding horrified. "no one said you DIED! Jor said you had a few cracked ribs, he didn't say anything about dying!" he complained before he huffed. "whatever, just don't bring Loki with, they'll attack him on sight and i have a feeling he'll attack them right back." he admitted before he chuckled a little. "from what i understand from Jor, both he and Loki are extremely touch and affection starved. Thor said that no one touches Loki unless they have to. and it usually ends in pain on both sides. so he's probobly soaking up anything your willing to give him." "hmmm i am a cat." Loki murmured, enjoying the attention. "i didn't tell you to stop." he grumbled when Tony's hand paused too long. "actually, i was thinking of snatching up Fandral. he's pretty damn sexy... oh, hello Fandral, how long where you standing there?" Clint asked, sounding startled and slightly embarrassed, the sound of a male laughing only made the moment better. "well... i'm going to talk to you later Tony, Fandral's getting naked." "Fandral is as much of a man whore as you are." Loki murmured with a grin. "Clint's going to wish he hadn't crawled into bed with him." he admitted with a yawn. "go make me food."
"You should never avoid me.I'm amazing,everyone should want to know."tony snickered a little before smiling."it is..a little creepy. Especially when he goes all 'I'm a god,bow you insignificant worm."tony sni kered as he looked down at the "god lazing about under his hand."..um so proud you learned how to use a dictionary clint."tony smirked a little not bothering to correct the man's wrong usage, rather having his friend feel better then make him feel bad."oops...sorry. I forgit you guys didn't knoe...yea...apprently going through a few feet of concrete can kill even me.but I'm fine,loki fixed me up. I promise,I really am okay"tony promised his friend before smirking."I won't bring him. I'm enjoying my sex life,I'll just have to live watching you all through jarvis.it'll be fun."he snickered a little at that before sighing quietly."he is fairly touch starvex.hes acting like a cat over here."tony smirked before laughing outloud as clint rrlealized fandal was there."have fun clint."he snickered as he hung up looking down at loki,raising a eyebrow."was that a subtle way of telling me you regret having sex with me?"he asked raising a eyebrow at loki's words about fandal,rolling his eyes as he got up and headed for.the kitchen to see about getting food.
Clint snorted. "i'm more worried about him going 'i am an evil bastard, die a very painful death' on you." he pointed out. "besides we both know you love it when he tries to boss you around." he teased with a chuckle. "shut up you old bastard." Clint complained. "i always knew how to use a dictionary." but he did sound pleased with himself. Clint's education had been techy at best and his reading abilities had been minimal and mostly revolved around contracts. "yeah well, i'm sure as hell not going to inform anyone, they'll rip my head off if i do." he admitted with a grumble. "one should never regret good sex." Loki mumbled. "one should only regret bedding piss poor lovers who don't know how to use their dick." he admitted. "you, as much as i hate you, are certainly not a piss poor lover." well, that was almost a compliment. "Man Whores are usually very good lovers. Clint Barton is not a very experienced Lover and is entirely unprepared for Fandral's level of blissful expertise."
"Hm,he likes my dick to much to do that."tony snickered before smiling,glad his friend was so pleased with reading.while he might tease him about it,tony stark had done a kind thing,going out of his way to make sure clint had the books and the computers to learn whatever he wanted,with jarvis on hand in case he needed help. Smirking he agreed."good plan.I have a feeling I'm going to be punished for telling you."he said sounding to amused to actually be worried about it before raising a eyebrow at loki's words as he started eggs and bacon."wow. That was almost a compliment."he snickered a little before sulking slightly."I'm almost sad I'm not at home to witness clint discovering good sex...thank god jarvis can record for me."he snorted amused.while he played the part of the pervert,he wasn't so far gone he'd watch his friend's sex lives unless they invited him to.
Loki smirked a little. "i do like your dick." he mumbled. "you're damn right i'm going to kick your ass Tony, you freaking DIED. and didn't go tot he doctor once you where 'free' from Loki's clutches! who knows how hurt you still are you stupid, insufferable nitwit!" yes, Clint had been reading indeed. "that was Bruce's idea for an insult by the way, what is a nitwit?" Clint asked curiously. "hmm. well it wasn't an insult at any rate." Loki mused as he slowly got up and yawned, stretching. completely uncaring that he was completely naked as he headed into the kitchen to watch Tony cook, his head tilted to the side. "Fandral is a monster." Loki admitted. "he has this thing for delaying orgasms." he admitted with a smirk. "the last record is an hour, as far as i know. he's quite proud of it. particularly since the person he was withholding the orgasm from, immidiatly passed out once they where allowed to achieve said orgasm. you're 'birdbrain' is in for a very long night. oh, orange juice!" he chirped as he dug into the fridge, pulling out a carton of juice, popping it open and drinking straight from the carton.
“Stop!Stop complaining! I’ll stop by the tower as soon as I eat breakfast. I promise.”Tony said sputtering that his friends were insulting him before smirking. “Someone lacking wit. Kinda like you, barton.”The man said looking amused before hanging up and watching loki for a long moment, just enjoying the sight of the naked god. Looking curious as he slid some eggs and bacon onto a plate and starting to eat. “.....I sorta wanna meet him now.”He said looking thoughtful before rolling his eyes at loki’s stealing of the orange juice. “That’s not yours you know, don’t drink it out of the carton.”he snickered though and made no further move to stop him before sighing.”I’ve got to go to the tower for awhile this morning....you can either stay here and wait, or I can take you to the new apartment.”
Clint huffed. "good! everyone's worried about you, you know. whether he likes you or not, Loki is still extremely dangerous. especially as mad as he is." Clint admitted. "you need to start like, checking in or something so we don't freak out when we don't hear from you for THIRTY HOURS!" he complained. "and while i lack wit, at least i don't lack Common sense!" he snarked back before hanging up and giving Tony no chance to reply to any of it. Barton was always good at getting in the last word. "you probobly will." Loki admitted with a small chuckle. "Fandral is one of the few people who doesn't mind me." Loki admitted. "he has shitty freinds, but he doesn't mind me." he admitted as he took another several swallows from the orange juice. "i don't care, it's mine now." Loki stated as he watched the other. "i'll probobly go do stuff." Loki stated simply. "there was a reason i was here, on Midgaurd... but i can't remember what it was. i think i might be sick somehow. there's a healer i was going to come talk to. specializes in halfbloods... you know, Demigods... but i can't remember when i was supposed to meet with her..." he muttered with a scowl. "what date is it?" he asked, lookign adorably baffled as he looked around for a calendar. "it doesn't matter i suppose." he muttered. "i'll just go now... where did my clothes go?" he demanded as he headed back into the bedroom, trying to find his clothing, taking Tony's shirt when he couldn't find his own. "later." Loki chirped as he vanished, leaving behind only an empty carton of orange juice, two dirty plates, and a super clean apartment. well, Loki was very much like a Cat after all. he came when he wanted and he went where he pleased. he'd probobly show up again at a most inopportune moment.
"You're idea of doing stuff scares me reindeer."tony made a face because clint had reminded him that no matter what,loki was dangerous...probably more so like this.looking startled at the idea of loki seeing a doctor he looked curious.maybe jor would know who she was."its may 5th."tony said slowly wondering exactly shen loki had had time to see to getting a doctor."bedroom."he said in answer to where his clothes was looking amused though as loki disappeared with his shirt,trying not to worry aborut what he'd be doing.huffing out a sigh he looked down at himself looking amused.well,it wasn't the first time he'd walked bck to the tower half naked.

Stepping into the penthouse he sighed quietly knowing he should check in with everyone but he was going to amuse himself first.getting a drink he sipped the whiskey as he headed for clint's room,pounding on the door."barton!I'm checking in with you as ou ordered.I'm alive and well."tony yelled knowing he was interrupting something and snickering as he headed off to find bruce,not stupid enough to wait around to see what clint would do
Loki snorted a little. "i'm an evil bastard, it's what i do." he stated simply. "i promise not to free any dangerous animals this time." he promised, looking amused as he shook his head. "May Fifth! shit..." Loki muttered, looking stunned beyond comprehension as he shook his head. "May Fifth..." he mumbled again.

"...Shut up Tony!" Clint demanded. "God i hate you!" Clint complained before he shrieked. "oh my, mother of the Maiden Mary do that AGAIN Fan!" there was an answering laugh and several curses from Clint as Tony headed off, Bruce looking up as Tony walked in. "so. you're alive after all, i had certainly wondered." he admitted with a chuckle. "you know, Clint's been reading dictionaries just for the soul purpose of insulting you." he admitted with a grin. "he's been practicing on Nat, or was until she beat him for calling her 'an odoriferous pond-scum'. really Tony, you are such a bad influence on people." he complained with a grin before he hesitated. "...where's Loki anyway? you didn't bring him did you? Sif and Volstagg are quite intent on killing Loki before the 'mad bastard' affect's Thor and Odin. apparently they think Loki mentally manipulated Odin into taking him in. they are completely out of their place here, and i need to know if it's safe for Thor to come and put them in their places and gain control of them... Sif made Jor cry again for fucks sake! she told him she was going to kill his father, his siblings, and everyone he loves just so he'd know how much suffering Loki caused. it's sick!"
“I know, you insufferable moron.”Tony grinned laughing harder as clint went back to having sex, snickering as he looked at bruce. “Of course I’m well. I’ve been having sex, and no matter what clint says, I can survive falling out a window.”he said smirking a little before grinning wider. “Oh good. It’s so much more fun insulting him back when he comes up with ‘sycophantic man slut’. Though I think he’s lost the ability to speak until fandal gives up sex.”He snickered smirking a little. “I like being a bad influence, its one of the joys of my life.”He said before sighing as he frowned. “He’s in the city. Going to look for a half-god doctor actually. Apparently he had a appointment with her that he forgot about.”Tony said though it worried him, he was determined to not show how worried he was with loki being loose in the city. Smirking a little, that twisted little evil smirk.”....we could have thor without having thor...I can think of someone better to put Sif in her place...though I think I’ll go talk to her after you make sure I’m alive and well, since I told clint I would.”he smiled before sighing. “Go ahead and tell him it’s fine. Loki’s...in control for now. If he was really going to kill me, he would have done it by now.”he said refusing to worry about that thought either.
Bruce chuckled a little and shook his head. "yes, having sex with banged up ribs, that certainly can't have been good for you." he chastised with a chuckle. "did he really? is he aware he used Sycophantic wrong?" Bruce asked with a grin. "and you need new hobbies. sex and being a bad influence are not appropriate hobbies." he stated with a roll of his eyes as he examined Tony's ribs. "well, you're ribs seam to be completely healed. still some muscles bruising but the tears seam to be gone as well, i think Loki healed you a bit more." Bruce admitted with a blink. "Demi gods are real?" he asked, looking a little shocked. "well, if Loki has a healer here, maybe they can help. if you can, find out who, and where she is, i'd like to talk to her about medication. many people on schizophrenia neglect to take their medication for various reasons, we'll have to keep a very close eye on him and make sure he's taking his medication every day. it won't make him 'normal' but he'll be able to function at least." Bruce admitted. "and hopefully it will keep him from trying to take over the world again." he admitted before frowning a little. "Thor without Thor? i don't think i follow." he admitted before he shook his head a little. "be careful, she's got a nasty temper." he warned. "and Jor likes you quite a bit. if she strikes at you, he's going to attack her." he warned. "Thor will be here tomorrow then. from what i understand, Odin has agreed to let us keep Loki. he's quite worried about his son, though that Frigga woman, she's a character. said something about wishing she'd drowned Loki when Odin first brought the little blue rat home."
“...I’ve been in worse conditions and had sex. At least it wasn’t broken ribs.”Tony snorted amused as he was chastised, before nodding. “No he’s not. He was so proud of knowing the word, that I couldn’t burst his bubble and tell him he was using it wrong.”He made a face. “I drink to. And work. I’m studying quantum mechanics right now to. Good hobbies those.”he looked amused but looked pleased. “Good. All kidding aside, those first few hours after waking up, I felt like I’d gotten the shit kicked out of me again.”Tony winced before nodding. “Apparently....and I dont’ know. I’ll try finding out. Though she might be one of his ‘friends’ again, but Thor should have a idea if there’s a healer or not. Surely they wouldn’t be that common.”he looked thoughtful before grinning at Bruce’s confusion. “Loki’s still capable of creating a illusion for himself....He could be thor if he wanted.”he looked amused, cackling with glee at the idea of turning loki loose on the asgardians, really, there was more then one reason the two got along. “Well, I have a fairly nasty temper myself. And I should go see jor so he knows I’m okay.”he looked amused, and pleased. “Good. I could use the thunder-bolt’s ideas on how to deal with Loki.”Tony said before his features went stoic, anger filling his eyes as he swallowed. “...to bad she’s not dead. My father and her could be the perfect kind of couple.”he made a face as he headed upstairs to see how much of his tower he was going to destroy when sif pissed him off, because he had no doubt that if bruce and clint-who were two of the easiest going people he knew- were pissed at her, he was going to blow up at her.
Bruce rolled his eyes. "that wouldn't have stopped you." he pointed out. "it's weird thinking of you as a good guy." he pointed out with a snort. "ah, right. delusions. Loki might very well be 'seeing' her instead of her being an actual person, but there's no way to be sure until we find out for certain." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i'm not sure i want to trust Loki here Tony. right now, Sif and Volstagg are causing a lot of problems and Loki would attack them in a second if he thought he had an open shot." he pointed out with a shake of his head. "try to be careful with your torso for a while, but your fine." he promised. "go reassure Jor that Loki didn't do unimaginable things to you."

when Tony got upstairs he was met by a very unusual sight. Steve. angry. very angry. red faced, screaming in rage Angry. Jor was standing in a corner, watching with wide eyed awe as Steve tore into a short fat man with a massive red beard that looked very much like a dwarf. sitting on the couch was a younger woman with long blond hair and a bored expression on her face as she watched the good captain scream at her tormenting buddy. "Tony, your back!" Jor chirped, looking so relieved it almost hurt. "don't you DARE touch him Jormungandr Lokison! you'll Foul him with your disgusting diseases." Sif sneered, making Jor pause and hesitate and Steve appeared to have heard one insult too many because he struck her across the face. open handed of course, he was still a gentleman. but even a laid back man like Steve had limits, and she had just crossed them. she looked too stunned to react, though Jor had gasped, pressing his hands to his mouth, eyes wide with terror, as if afraid that there was going to be murder in a matter of seconds.
“I’m always a good guy, I don’t know where you get the idea I’m not.”Tony sulked before nodding. “Yea. Exactly...hopefully I might be able to convince him to let me meet her, at least that’d tell us if she was real or not.”Tony said before smirking. “I know, I don’t trust him here either, and he doesn’t want to be at the tower. Apparently the tesseract left a trace of itself here, so he has no interest in being here, which is why I have a new apartment but...”he stopped pausing to get his head back on track before smirking. “As I was saying, I have no intention of bringing him here, I just enjoyed the mental image of watching him beat the idiots up....and he did to unimaginable things to me, but they were all fun and consensual.”Tony offered a grin as he walked out.

Tony paused in the door way, for a moment at a loss to what to say. It was such a rarity to see steve actually pissed, that he had no idea how to react. “...Capsicle, do I need to put you in time out to cool off?”Tony said before looking at jor, smirking a little. “I am.”He said before looking at sif, eyes widening as steve hit her before swallowing hard, not even realizing he’d crossed the room, unlike steve, he had no qualms against hitting women, especially when they were pissing him off. Wrapping his hands in the woman’s shift he pulled her up and slammed her into the window(in fact the very window loki had thrown him out of) and despite her being taller then him, he’d spent the last year working out with thor and steve, not to mention clint and bruce. He was stronger then he used to be. Pinning her there he relied mostly on her astonishment to keep her there, “You are in my tower, quim,here on my tolerance”-yea, he was stealing loki’s insults now. “and if you want to talk about me catching ‘diseases’ we’re going to talk about how I just finished fucking Loki Odinson over every available surface and in every position imaginable. Now, you are going to leave Jor alone, and not talk to him at all, or I’m going to let Loki have his shot at you, and have no qualms about committing what would amount to murder.”He said panting slightly, yep he should have listened to bruce’s advice and take it easy, but arriving at his home, to find this women, who had managed to piss off everyone, insulting jormungandr, made him murderous. And while he knew the woman would be insulted, the man was counting on the asgardians sense of pride and arrogance, knowing the warriors would apperciate a really good threat, and know that it was backed up. If being friends with thor taught him nothing else, it taught him sometimes some well placed, over the top threats could do wonders.
Bruce snorted. "you're the one whose always saying you're not 'hero material'." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "and that's true. if we're very lucky, she'll be a real doctor." he admitted with a smile. "i'm still running blood tests, as far as i can tell the earth medication should be alright. it won't hurt him, but there's no telling what it will do to him psychologically." Bruce admitted with a sigh. "your a bit of a pig tony, i hope you know that." Bruce teased with a chuckle.

Steve glared at Tony, looking annoyed that his nice rant had been interrupted. he said nothing though as Tony moved over to Sif, he simply stepped out of the way, Sif and Volstagg both gasping as Tony hauled her off of her seat and into the air. she gasped as she hit the window and stared at him with stunned wide eyes as he hissed at her. "...you... did what!?" Volstagg demanded, looking stunned. who could ever want to fuck Loki? "understood." Sif whispered, more than a little shocked that so many people where sticking up for the freaks brats... "we won't bother Jormungandr anymore." she promised. she knew what would happen if Loki got his hands on her. he might have abandoned Jor, but Loki had been known to brutally torture people to death when they tried to hurt his children. she had most certainly been hurting the little freak, and she wanted to be nowhere near loki when he found out. "Tony?" Jor asked hesitantly. "you can let her down now..." Jor commented, gently touching Tony's shoulder. "it's alright, she hasn't said anything that others haven't. i promise." if that was supposed to comfort Tony, it was a piss poor attempt. but then, Jor had never had someone who actually cared before so that was probobly why. "Mmmmmrow!" a tiny kitten trotted in, head held high and tail up as it trotted into the Avengers tower. it was a black and Gray Tabby Cat, but seamed to have been crossed with an american Bobtail, because it had only a stub of a tail. it was completely adorable and Jor blinked at it for a moment. it yowled again and glared at them all as if annoyed that it's nap had been interrupted. "...when did you get a cat Tony?" Steve asked curiously as said kitten started to wash it's face.
“it would be nice to have a real doctor. And good....though I guess I should hold off celebrating until I can get the bastard to actually take the medicine.”he made a face before smirking. “Of course I do. I’ve worked hard to be this way.”he snickered.

“Don’t glare so much cap.”He said looking amused though still pissed. Holding sif easily he turned his head a little to look at Volstagg, “Fucked Loki Odinson so much that my ribs are giving me issues. It was fun.”Tony said looking amused as he calmed a little, before nearly jumping out of his skin when Jor touched his shoulder.”....That doesn’t make me feel better, you brat.”Tony said wincing as he let Sif got, rubbing a hand over his side as if to make sure he hadn’t damaged himself, indeed he was feeling the fierce need to sit for awhile before turning. Staring down at the cat for a long moment, having no idea what to think. “...It’s not my cat.When did you get it?You guys have been staying here longer then I have recently.”Tony said at a loss to figure out where the cat came from before walking over and scooping it up, looking at the tabby, “.....I think I’m going to name it loki. Drop him on Clint and tell him that he has to make friends with loki.”He snickered at the idea, knowing it’d be awhile before clint came up for air, but he loved harassing his friend, and if getting him to play nice with a cat named loki, would be fairly amusing.
Steve rolled his eyes at Tony. "you... you fucked... you fucked that freak!?" Volstagg demanded, mortified. "but he's disgusting!" "that's enough." a new voice interluded, the tall Chinese looking man from a corner ordered. "you forget your place Volstagg. Loki is Odin's son, adopted or not. and he is Thor's little brother. they have long supported him. just because he is in trouble does not give you leave to speak as such of him." Hogun stated firmly, making Volstagg grimace. "sorry?" Jormungandr asked, looking a little baffled. "there was no Cat." Jormungandr stated, still staring at the cat. "odd that it should appear now." Sif grumbled, shooting suspicious glances at the fuzzball. "Loki is a shape-shifter..." Volstagg muttered nervously,, wondering if Loki was here for his revenge? the Tabby hung in Tony's arms quite happy to be the center of attention and purred loudly as Steve snorted. "sometimes i wonder why Clint hates you so much... and then you say something like that and i understand." he admitted with a grin as he went back to his easy going, all too friendly personality now that Sif and Volstagg weren't pissing him off.
Tony looked at the other man, frowning. “....I’m a man whore that puts Fandal to shame. I’ll fuck anything, even amazingly insane good looking gods.”Tony said smirking a little before turning to look at the other man, “Hogun, good to meet you, unlike these two.”Tony smirked before staring at the cat in his hand, smirking, “If it’s him, I’m sure we would have already had blood decorating the walls you idiots, it’s just a cat.”Tony rolled his eyes even as he knew that it wasn’t simply a cat, and that it was probably loki, but even as he rolled the cat onto its back in his arms so he could pet it’s stomach he decided just to see where it would go. “Hey!Clint doesn’t hate me.”Tony sulked at that, before smirking heading down the hall, pausing long enough to ask jarvis if the sex-a-thon had taken a break before knocking on the door again. “Clint!Steve says you hate me. Please tell me it’s not true. If it is, I might cry....and I have a present for you.”Tony called more interested in showing his friend he was fine, then really just interrupting. Knowing that the assassin had been worried about him being alone with loki.
Volstagg gaped at him a little and Steve snorted. "Tony? why in the hell would anyone not want to sleep with a good looking God?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "i hate Loki's guts and i want to fuck him." he pointed out. which was a shock in and of itself. Steve had sex!? Steve could curse!? Steve liked men!? "...The human has a point." Hogun admitted. "if that was Loki, we'd already be dead." the cat gave a chirpy sort of sound, as if agreeing with them. "then again... he has been known for his nasty pranks... could be he wants us to suffer." Sif muttered as she watched the cat completely melt into Tony's arms.

there was a pause and then. "Clint is sort of unconscious at the moment." Fandral called as he opened the door with an impish grin. "i think i was a little too cruel to him." "he killed me Tony... he killed me... make him suffer." Clint groaned, laying boneless on the bed with only a sheet hiding his nudity... barely. "come in." Fandral offered before blinking at the Cat. "what's with the cat?" he asked, looking confused before peering closer. "Loki? don't you usually become a Bengal cat?" he asked, looking slightly confused as the Cat mewed at him. "i didn't know you could become a Kitten either, very impressive. you've been studying." the Cat mewed and patted Fandral on the nose. "...that's Loki?" Clint asked, blinking stupidly at the little Furball. "are you sure?"
“Because he’s insane, and threw me out a window. You’d think that would stop me from wanting to fu-”Tony stopped as his mind caught up to what steve had said, twisting to look at the man. “You have sex?You know what fucking means? And since when do you like men, and why didn’t I know this? I would have hit on you a long time ago!”Tony whined sulking even as he petted the cat in his arms, before smirking at hogun.”I’m always right, you should know this.”he said before walking away.

“Good for him. He needs to have more sex.”Tony grinned as he considered the other man whore, “There is no such thing as to cruel when it comes to Clint. He deserves being punished for calling me a nitwit. Good to meet you, fandal.”he said sounding amused tilting his head as he looked at the archer, not in the least bit disturbed at his naked friend. He’d seen to many naked people to be disturbed with the nudity, but he could apperciate how amazingly fit the man was. “He showed up.”He snorted looking amused as the cat patted fandal. “pretty sure. I know none of us got a cat, and he’s enjoying hanging around me. Sounds like the real loki.”Tony snorted before walking over to the bed and dumping the kitten onto clint’s chest. “play nicely now, hawkboy. You need more friends, and I need to figure out how I’m going to convince him to take his medication. so you can babysit."Tony snickered
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