Mind over Matter(Avengers)Lady/Moon

"Hmm yes. He's making me have sex...I never considered how hard it'd be to have a lover who had a libido who matches mine."he smiled a little shaking his head."don't look so concerned.I'm just grouchy cause I'm tired. I don't mind taking care of him thor."tony said sighing before grinning."good...and ask loki.hes the one who told us where they were, he might know how to take care of it."tony said shifting,pressing his face into the pillow he was laying on,snuggling down into the couch. Before smiling as he shifted to watch loki walk into the kitchdn"shhh,thor don't worry about the kitchdn I can pay for it if he breaks it. Just shut up,if you bug him he might put on clothes."tony smirked shifting to rest his chin on the edge of the couch as he watched the jotun try to figure out the kitchen."want help reindeer?"
Thor snorted a little. "Tony, you're libido outstrips most Gods." he pointed out. "you should be glad that Loki can keep up with you." he admitted with a chuckle before he smiled. "we do appreciate it Tony. all of us... well. Father, I, and Loki's children anyway." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i guess i didn't realize until now just how much the others hated Loki... he never did anything to them, i don't understand why they think so badly of him." Thor admitted with a sigh before he snorted at Tony's obvious ogling of his brother. "i do not desire assistance at this time." Loki stated firmly as he examined the user's manual to the stove. "yes i see. so i just." he reached foreward and fiddled with the dials and nodded to himself before he reached over and grabbed the cookbook and Thor glanced at Tony. "he's going to burn everything you know." he pointed out. "you might want to open the windows." he admitted as he stood up. "i'll let you two have your privacy then." he promised with a chuckle. "the Kids where hoping to come over sometime in the next week, when Loki's having a good day?" Thor asked hopefully. "Hela only as a few memories of her Father and Fen has none, they where hoping to meet him now that he's not going to hurt them by accident." "Tony! what is the difference between Baking Soda and Baking Powder?" Loki demanded.
“Really?That’s fairly cool actually.”Tony said looking thoughtful before laughing a little, before looking up at the man “It’s not been so bad. Lots of sex. Life threatening moments, loki threatening me....really, nothing to out of the ordinary really.”He snickered a little before nodding. “Yea.....You’re going to want to talk to Sif. I pretty much told her I’d commit murder by way of loki if she didn’t stop it....I don’t think she believed me.”Tony said before sulking as loki refused help.”Fine.Just do whatever then.”Tony said rolling his eyes as he watched loki before looking up at thor. “Oh, I know. I’m going to order food as soon as he admits defeat.”Tony smirked a little before getting up and starting to open the windows, pausing to look at thor, biting his lip a little. “That would probably be okay...he’s better in the mornings, when he’s still sleepy. He’d enjoy seeing them.”Tony said smiling, remembering the few times loki had spoken about his children before wincing.”see you later, thor.”He said as he headed for the kitchen. “Not sure. You sure you don’t want my help?”Tony smirked as he walked into the kitchen, resting his hands on the man’s hips, leaning against his back a little as he leaned over to look at the recipe.
Thor nodded a little. "i figured you'd like that." he admitted with a chuckle. "at least sex seams to calm him down rather quickly." Thor mused. "could certainly be worse." he admitted with a grin. "as for Sif... she's going to suffer mightily for the things she's said to Jor." he snarled, eyes flashing with a rage that looked frightening on the usually cheerful man's face. "i cannot beleive a freind of mine could be such a cruel bitch." he grumbled. "try not to let him eat too much sugar." Thor suggested. "he tends to get hyper, and that's never a good thing." he warned with a chuckle as he nodded. "i'll bring the kids over Wednesday then?" he offered with a smile as he headed off. "no. i am making muffins! that will teach them i can't cook!" ah, Loki had gotten into a fight with his invisible freinds again. at least they weren't violent anymore with the medicine in him... "hmmm you feel nice." Loki mumbled as he abandoned his pathetic attempts at cooking. "i'm hungry and muffins are stupid. make me food."
“I’ll try to let him eat to much. He’s hyper enough as it is.”Tony snickered a little before nodidng. “wednesday sounds good.”he agreed watching the man go before smirking as he absently tapped his fingers against loki’s bare hips, resting his head on his shoulder. “Ah, well if you must teach them they’re wrong, but there’s better things to do then cook...”He muttered looking amused as loki abandoned the cooking, “Jarvis, order some food.” “Yes sir.” “Hmmm, see we have a hour until the food gets here...whatever shall we do until then?”Tony muttered smirking at the man.
Loki grinned a little as he shrugged. "admittedly, i don't really know how to cook." he admitted with a chuckle as he snuggled into Tony, as always eager for any sort of attention Tony would give him. "hmm we could play a game." Loki mused. "or watch a movie." he teased with a smirk. "there's still some whipped cream left over too." he admitted with a lick of his lips. "how about i lather you up this time?"
"Well, neither am I.”Tony said looking amused stepping n back as he looked up at the other. “Hm, let’s watch a movie. It’ll be fun.”he said heading for the living room and flipping on the tv, sighing quietly as he settled onto the couch, wondering how long it would take the asgardian to pounce on him, settling in to watch the hobbit.
Loki had intended on jumping tony of course, but he got distracted by the amazingness that was Television. he was still impressed with such things, and moving pictures just drew his attention completely and totally. he didn't even look away when the doorbell rang and the food was delivered. "shhh! the movie...." Loki complained when Loki tried to rouse him for food. luckily they had DVR and Tony could pause it. of course, that made Loki squall in rage and glare at Tony for a full minute until he realized there was food. the Cat, which Loki had taken to calling Mini-Me, mewed and leaped onto the counter and yowled it's own demand for food, which Loki promptly offered in the form of canned Tuna and a piece of chicken. most spoiled cat ever. "noodles! i like noodles." Loki admitted. "Asgaurd doesn't have noodles." Loki admitted with a grin. "they don't have a lot of things actually. usually it's spit roasted animals and raw vegetables or fruits. some breads are really good though." he admitted with a nod. "not like your human white bread that tastes like nothing." he grumbled as he sniffed his food and stuffed a forkful into his mouth just as Tony's phone rang and a hysterical Jor on the other end informed Tony that Sif had just tried to kill him and that she was fighting Thor and winning and that he needed help NOW because he would rather not die thanks.
Tony laughed quietly as he laid back on the couch, amused that his lover had gotten so fascinated over the tv that he forgot about sex. And for once finding that more amusing then wanting sex. “hold on...I’ll turn it back on.”Tony said rolling his eyes as loki glared at him, settling next to him as he got the chinese out, smirking as he started to eat. “...you asgardians are fairly boring. We have alot of food here.”he said looking amused before wincing as he paused the movie so he could get his phone, “Jor, hor calm down!What?”Tony demanded even as he got up, looking for his clothes and already hitting the command bracelet on his wrist to get his suit, even as jor explained, he was getting ready to go. Wincing as the suit settled around him he looked at loki, “stay here, please.I’ll be back soon.”He said not about to throw more oil on the fire and take loki with him, and within moments he was on his way to the tower, wincing as the weather got stormy the closer to the tower he got, landing on the balcony as he looked for the two asgardians.
Loki huffed a little. "you better." he grumbled before turning his attention back tot he TV once it was turned back on. "Asgaurdian's focused more on booze and desserts. we are a hedonistic people... why is the little creature not just be-heading the ugly one? why play a game of riddles?" he complained with a scowl before he turned his full attention to Tony as he heard Jor's panicked voice. "...you want me to stay here when that Quim is attacking my baby!?" Loki demanded, baring his teeth into a snarl before he realized he'd have to go to the Tower... and Tony and his ilk had already beaten him. Sif was small fries, Tony would be fine right? "fine, i'll stay." he promised watching Tony leave before aiming his voice up. "Jarvis! i want to see what's happening!"

inside Stark Tower, Sif was fighting with a massive curved staff. Thor was trying his best to deflect the attacks with his hammer, but she was much faster than him, and had the advantage in not having to worry about hurting her freinds. considering she was trying to kill them, her face twisted in rage as she struck out at Aeser and Avenger alike. Jor was doing his best to heal people, ignoring the deep gashes in his own body. he wouldn't die, the humans might. there was no warning for Tony when he landed, she struck, her spear slicing through his gold titanium suit like it was warm butter. she looked quite pleased with herself as she stepped back, everyone too shocked to move as she vanished, leaving Tony with a massive curved blade buried in his body, the blade sticking out two inches from the back. "oh my god!" Jor gasped, rushing forward, intending to help but not sure what he could do. "Tony!" "Move!" Bruce demanded. "Bruce Banner Emergency Code 223547, Suit Removal." Bruce demanded, the suit crawling off of Tony, leaving the blade in place while the suit melted out of the way. giving Bruce the chance to get tony the medical help the man needed. "Someone call 911!"
“Well, that explains why we get along. I’ve been told I take the hedonism to a whole new level.”He snickered a little before wincing. “I don’t know, it’s a movie. If they just killed it, the movie would be over.”He pointed out before nodding. “I do. I can’t manage both sif and you, loki.”He said looking worried because it scared him to consider what loki would be like in the tower. “Yes sir.”Jarvis said when tony was gone, turning on the tv so loki could see what was going on.

Natasha growled even as she trailed a gun on sif, but since thor was fighting her, she didn’t dare trying taking the shot. Looking even more startled when tony landed, to shocked to move for a moment before moving towards him, before turning and running for towels and returning. “I got it!”She yelled even as she yelled for jarvis to call 911 and explaining to the operator what they needed before kneeling down next to bruce,looking at the spear. “It’s to close to his spine, if we pull it out we’ll do more damage.” “Don’t...just wrap the towel...around it...its slowing the bleeding for now....”Tony muttered holding very very still, breathing slowly, his whole body feeling like it was collapsing onto itself.
Loki snickered a little and nodded. "you would fit right in aside from the fact that your a weakling." he admitted with a grin. "some of the Aeser will think of your suit and technology as a unfair advantage and thus, cheating, but then they think that about magic too." he admitted as he slurped down another mouthful of noodles, using chopsticks like an expert. "be careful Tony!" Loki demanded as he agreed to staying right there.

Thor was gasping for air himself, covered in thick cuts. Fandral was nursing what looked like a broken arm, and Volstagg was sitting there, in complete shock, mostly unhurt but too stunned that Sif had done what she'd done to move. that and because Jor had saved the bastards life. "here..." Jor muttered as he set his hand on the long handle and ran it down the shaft, wherever his hand was, the shaft vanished without a trace, leaving nothing but the blade, which made it much easier to maneuver Tony into a safe position. "punctured a lung..." Bruce muttered, shaking his head. "just keep breathing Tony and don't close your eyes!" Bruce demanded as Volstagg managed to rouse himself just as Thor managed to get back to his feet. "she... she tried to kill me." Volstagg complained, stunned. "you saved my life... she tried to kill Thor!" Volstagg complained, too shocked to focus as Jor sighed and pressed two fingers to Volstagg's forehead, putting him to sleep. "poor man." Hogun sneered at Volstagg as he moved to help Thor stop his own bleeding, Jor shrugging. soon the emergency crew was there and taking Tony off. as soon as he was clear of the building, Loki appeared, scaring the hell out of the people who where keeping Tony as stable as they could on the way to the hospital. "don't leave me." Loki pleaded, gently taking Tony's hand. "you hear me? don't you dare leave me."
Natasha looked up from where she was holding the towel against his back,”Come on tony, just focus on me okay?”She said watching the billionaire’s eyes roll up a little so he could look at her face. “I...am trying...to breath....it kinda feels....”Tony muttered shivering a little, the suffocating feeling of drowning in his blood making him flash to memories of being waterboarded in Afghanistan, panic jacking up his heart rate, inducing panic even as the emergency team got him moving out of the hospital. Starting a little he groaned as loki took his hand, laying on his stomach as the people worked on his back, he looked up at loki, even as each breath left a ghosting of blood droplets on kissable lips.”Trying...not to...reindeer....but...if...take care of the...others...k?"he muttered even as his eyes started to drift close, the ER people getting him inside, pausing only long enough to order loki into the waiting room to wait with the rest of the avengers who'd followed them in.
Bruce nodded. "i know, it feels terrible." Bruce agreed, carefully sitting Tony up so he could breath a little better. "shut up, stop talking." Loki ordered when he realized Tony was having too much trouble breathing. "i'll take care of nothing. you'll live or i'll drag your ass from death myself." he growled. making no mention to the fact that the Voices where whispering about making all the nine realms burn if Tony died. he stood in the waiting room, right in the center, his eyes fixed on the door and magic crackling around his fingers. "Brother... Loki." Thor whispered, Loki twitching but not making any other indication that he had heard Thor. "Brother please, you are frightening the sick..." Thor pleaded and that finally had Loki's attention as he looked around, watching people huddle in corners as far away from Loki as they could get. he turned and found his own little corner and huddled there, Jor, Fandral, and Volstagg all looking extremely nervous. "the last time he was like this, Sigyn died..." Fandral whispered to Bruce. "he destroyed half the castle..." damn... Loki was seconds away from blowing up the earth.
“...scary....god...”Tony muttered even as he closed his eyes, a small smile twitching at his lips. “Fuck....”natasha swallowed hard as she glanced at fandal, looking at a loss before swallowing hard, moving to sit next to loki, not to close, but offering him the silent comfort that tony couldn’t at the moment. And nearly a hour later the doctor walked out, looking worn and tired, before moving over to bruce, recognizing the other doctor, and not about to approach the man who’d ridden in with tony, because the asgardian sort of scared him. “He’s alive...his lung collapsed and he’s in a coma, but it’s medically induced, not his body shutting down. He will rest better in a coma for the night and becomes stablized for the night, we’re going to bring him out of it in the morning.”he explained quietly, shooting a look around the room at the anxious looking group
Loki huffed. "i am. i am very scary, now do as i command." he ordered, watching Tony be wheeled off. he glanced at Natasha just long enough to evaluate her threat level before he ignored her again, eyes fixed o the door. he didn't move when the Doctor came out, he just focused entirely on her instead. "Coma?" Bruce asked, looking worried. "what about his spine?" Bruce asked. "i couldn't tell, but it looked as if the blade had nicked it. is there any dangers of..." of Tony being paralyzed. Loki didn't stay to listen to that part, Tony was alive, that was all that mattered. even if Tony could never walk again, Loki didn't care. because Tony was his. and he would take care of Tony, no matter what that entailed. "Loki! wait..." Fandral protested, grabbing Loki's arm, the god spinning on his heal and baring his teeth at Fandral, a hiss falling from his lips like he was some sort of feral cat. Fandral dropped Loki's arm threw up his hands, palms flat and out, and took several steps back before Loki decided he was a threat and killed him. "please, Tony needs you..." "Tony will not be awake until morning." Loki stated, his voice low, dangerous, deadly. "i will be back before Tony wakes. in the meantime, there is a dead bitch walking that i have to find. do not stop me, do not get in my way, do not distract me, or i will kill you." "you got it..." Fandral stated, sounding quite terrified as Loki spun on his heal and walked out of the waiting room.
“We didn’t want him moving until we stablized his back...”the docotr muttered before nodding. “It did.But it wasn’t a big nick, and it will be something to watch for when he wakes. We wont know the exetnt until he is.”The doctor swallowed hard as he talked to bruce, going into more detail on just what to expect.

In the morning Natasha glanced up at Clint as the man came into the room, all of the avengers having been taking turns between sleeping, staying with tony, or staying at the tower to try and keep a eye on the pissed off god, but even jarvis was having a hard time tracking loki. “They gave him the drugs about a hour ago, Tony should be waking soon.”She muttered looking up at her partner and sometimes lover, for once her emotions written on her face, truly worried about what tony stark would do if the damage was worse then just healing. Knowing tony stark would eat his gun if he couldn’t be iron man, couldn’t work. It would destroy the genius. “Did you find loki?”She muttered knowing that the man was worried what loki would do without tony there to be a balancing act.
Clint offered Nat a small smile and settled down next to her. "good... they said that the chance for paralysis is not high, but there is a chance... if he is... it's probobly only temporary..." he muttered, swallowing thickly. "we didn't. every-time we catch sight of him he's gone again, but he's leaving a pretty big wake of destruction. thankfully he's never in populated areas. he's caught up to Sif four times so far... he's really intending on killing her. Fury's covering for him." Clint admitted with a grin. "apparently Fury wants to see Sif dead too." he admitted with a shake of his head before nearly leaping out of his skin as Loki appeared, completely filthy. covered in blood, dust, dirt, and his shirt was in tatters but he was uninjured. "good lord Loki!" "...she shoved me down the side of a mountain." Loki stated with a shrug. "Tony started to wake up so i decided to come here." he admitted, gently running his fingers through Tony's hair, soothing the man, and himself. "on the other hand, she no longer has an arm." Loki admitted, grinning quite viciously. "i have it in the refrigerator at home, i'm going to have it framed." Clint looked a little green at that.
“I know...I asked them the chances.”Natasha muttered because even the temporary paralysis, or whatever side effects this was, she was pretty sure this was going to be hard on the billionaire even if he just had to deal with a collapsed lung. “...Well, I think we all agree we want Sif dead.”She muttered reaching for a weapon as loki appeared before relaxing, sighing quietly. “Loki, you should probably clean up. The dirt and dust wont be good for tony.”She said quietly before smiling as tony turned his head a little into loki’s fingers, even mostly out, the man responded to loki’s presence. “....I don’t think tony will apperciate having a arm on the wall you know.”Natasha said looking a little sick herself. “...Lo?”Tony muttered quietly, choking as he tried to talk around the tube in his throat keeping him breathing. Now that he was awake they'd have to change it for just a breathing mask, otherwise he'd be fighting the gag reflex the whole time
he nodded a little, watching Tony intently. "he's going to be very unhappy." he muttered softly before nodding. "yeah, Sif needs to die... painfully." he admitted before staring at Loki, wondering if the God was aware how close he'd come to getting a bullet in the brain. "clean up?" Loki asked looking confused before he really seamed to notice how filthy he was. "oh... yes..." he closed his eyes and the dust, dirt and blood vanished and the clothing smoothed out into his usual perfect appearance. "i never said i was going to keep it." Loki stated simply. "i'm going to send it to Frigga." he admitted with a viscous smirk. "along with Sif's head." he hissed, delighted as he licked his lips before turning his attention to Tony. "hush, don't speak." he ordered, gently stroking Tony's throat, forcing the muscles to relax so he wouldn't gag or choke. "there, that will keep you comfortable for a few minutes." he promised, turning his gaze to Natasha and Clint. "well!? go get the doctor!" he demanded, Clint leaping to his feet and racing off. he didn't want to spend anymore time with Loki then he had to.
“He’s always unhappy when he’s hurt.”She muttered before nodding. “You’re dirty. And tony’s hurt, loki.”she said smiling before he cleaned up, looking vaguely amused before smiling in relief.”Well...that’s good to know....and why send it to frigga?”she asked curious. Tony closed his eyes as his throat relaxed, closing his eyes again as he tried to relax. Glancing after clint as he raced off, she looked at Loki in curiosity. “You care for him....I wasn’t sure if you actually did.”She said looking bemused at the god’s reaction to tony being hurt. “Mr. Stark, we’ll get that tube out. Just relax.”The doctor said as he walked in, moving over to the bed and gently removing the tube looking down at the billionaire’s obvious confused panic, to drugged to really panic even if his heartrate monitor was tripping out. “You are okay, mr. Stark.”The doctor said as he gently settled the breathing mask onto tony’s face. Not realizing that it wasn’t the situation totally that was making tony panic, but he hated hospitals, and given that he was hurt, it was so much more then his normal panic.
Loki shrugged. "because i hate the bitch and she's the one who trained Sif in warrior Medicine." he stated simply. "i have no doubt that Sif's current desire to kill me and my offspring are because of Frigga's influence." he stated simply. "Sif will die because she hurt what is mine and tried to kill my children. Frigga will be sent the remains as a warning to not try it again." he admitted before narrowing his eyes at Natasha. "i care for nothing. he is mine." he stated. "emotions are for weakly little quims like you and the rest of your pathetic race." well wasn't that nice? clearly it was only Tony Loki had any sort of affection for. or maybe Loki was just annoyed because Natasha was a woman. "shut up you infernal chatterbox!" Loki snapped at the doctor who tried to reassure Tony it was fine. "Tony, i'll make sure it's ok." he promised. "....also, i blew up your landing pad and banished the pieces to a volcano..." Loki stated with a snif. "you'll need to build a new one, but the negative energy is gone. as soon as you can be moved without danger you will be returned to the eyesore that is your tower. and YOU can shut up!" he snapped at empty air. "i'm sick of your constant chattering!" "Loki." Bruce greeted as he walked in. "i thought you might be here. it's time for you're medicine." "i don't need any damn medicine." "Tony wants you to take them." "give me those!" Loki demanded, snapping the pills out of Bruce's hands and swallowing them without water.
Natasha looked startled at that before nodding. “Then you should send it to her.”she agreed though she still looked a little sick before making a face at him but didn’t say anything, not about to get into a argument about feelings without tony awake and aware to referee. The doctor shut up backing up as loki spoke, watching in amazement though as tony’s heartrate dropped as loki spoke. Tony blinked slowly, frowning a little, before cracking a eye to look at him. “...not...a....eyesore...reindeer.”Tony muttered figuring out quickly that he could talk as long as he spoke slowly and carefully, offering a strained smile as loki took his pills, glancing at bruce before closing his eyes. The brief time making him feel exhausted. The doctor glanced at bruce, “You can move him, if you wish. As long as he stays in Stark’s medical lab at the tower, I spoke to his regular doctor from shield, along with you, dr. Banner, you should be fine moving him.
Loki nodded. "i'll send all of Sif to her." he decided. "one piece at a time." he decided with a viscous little grin before he turned his ire out on the chatterbox doctor and voices that weren't there. "it IS an eyesore Stark." he grumbled. "it gives me a migraine every-time i look at it." he grumbled with his eyes narrowed. "thank you. and i'm sorry about Loki. he's working through some recently discovered mental issues that have gone untreated and, aided for several years." Bruce admitted. "he's not usually dangerous. he's just in a bad mood because Tony's hurt." he promised the doctor. "i'll get the paperwork done and have the Doctor from Shield informed so they can move in for half time care." he promised. "we have a psychiatrist living on site already anyway so we might as well have a second doctor." he mused with a chuckle. "i want to have everything settled before we move him, but we should have everything done by lunchtime." he promised, more to Loki, who nodded. "need me to do anything?" Loki asked, Bruce shaking his head. "just do your best to keep Tony calm until we can get him home. he really doesn't like hospitals." "i can do that." Loki promised, returning his hand to Tony's head, massaging the scalp almost without thinking.
“...is not...”Tony muttered sighing softly. The doctor nodded a little glancing at loki before sighing quietly. “Its fine. I can understand emotions running high right now.”The doctor offered a forgiving smile before nodding. “And there is no sign of...permnant damage right now, but if he starts feeling off, seek help. I have no doubt the medlab at stark tower is state of the art, but we have some of the greatest neurosurgeons working here.”The doctor said, genuine concern in the look before nodding. “we’ll have him ready to go by then.”The doctor said as he left to get things ready. Tony frowned a little as loki massaged his scalp, cracking a eye to look at him.”...I’m right here...you could just...talk to me....”he muttered looking pale and drawn, the effort of simply breathing, of talking as tiring to the man at the moment as a hour long battle. "...want to go...home.Now.Loki."
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