Mind over Matter(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Loki snorted. "it is too." he muttered back, smiling a little at his human. "yes well... Loki is an interesting sort of guy..." Bruce admitted. "we're not entirely sure how 'nice' he is normally so it's an adventure to say the least... at least he listens to Tony.." he muttered before he nodded to the Doctor. "i'll make sure to send you weekly updates and i'll make sure to run diagnostics twice a day to make sure nothing isn't going wrong. Tony doesn't like to tell us when he's not feeling well so i'll have to take a more involved role in making sure he's fine." Bruce admitted. "hush, you're supposed to be resting." Loki ordered, offering Tony a small scowl, probobly in an attempt to look imposing and demanding. it came across more as affectionate and worried though. "i'm sorry tony but you can't go home yet." Loki admitted. "Bruce has to set everything up so you don't get infections." he admitted. "or something, that's what you humans get right? infections? anyway, to keep you entertained, i'll read to you." he decided, pulling out a quantum physics book from thin air. "now... "A wave is a propagating disturbance in a continuous medium or a physical field..." Loki began, skipping the introduction entirely.
“....am resting...”Tony frowned blinking up at the other,”...cute...not scary...”he rolled his eyes a little before scowling.”...dont care...go home. Now.”he demanded even as he slumped back, utterly exhausted with the few minutes of talking and letting loki’s voice lull him into resting,”...I know this....”he muttered as loki told him about quantum physics, but didn’t find more about the topic as he went to sleep. A few hours later he snapped awake the moment bruce and clint came into the room, nearly bolting up off the bed, panting with the effort as he pinned his teammates with a look.”Time to go?”He asked looking anxious with the idea, afraid they’d decided to leave him here.
Loki huffed. "you are talking, not resting." he grumbled with a roll of his eyes. "and you can't go home now." he stated with a small scowl. "shut up, i don't know this so this is what we're reading." Loki ordered before gently calming Tony with a few strokes of his head. "yes, time to Go." Bruce promised with a smile. "we have Dr. Grey at the Tower to oversee your transfer and i'm here to get you there." he promised. "we've managed to work out a way to transfer you without moving you. Loki?" Loki nodded, he'd already explained to Bruce what he could do. "alright Tony, i want you to take a deep breath, and hold it, close your eyes and... here we go." in an instant Tony felt as if the world had squeezed tight around him before snapping back away from him. when he opened his eyes... he was in his own medical bay. with all his own technology and a familiar Doctor smiling at him as she ran a scanner over Tony's back. "...the transfer was complete, no additional damage. well done Mister Odinson." "thank you." Loki chirped, looking quite pleased. "Now Mister Stark..." the Doctor, Astoria Grey, started very sternly. "You are to lay as still as possible. right now you run the risk of temporary paralasis." she warned. "the stiller you remain, the less chance of that happening." she ordered. "if i havle to i will encase you in a full body cast." she warned, Loki's lip twitching as she offered Tony another scowl. "i have adapted your bed." she stated, showing tony how the 'sides' could drop down so he could work on a large screen beneath him. this way, he wouldn't have to sit up or anything while he was healing. "if you remain completely still, you should be healed enough to sit up and sit in a wheelchair within the week." Dr. Grey assured him.
“Good. Like Tori...”he mtutered yelping as the world squeezed around him, his heart rate spiking high in panic as he looked around, and even with the familiar things, it was still panicky. Swallowing hard to relax, she tried to calm, “...I can still work...”He said sounding pleased about that, “...you could...just put me in...the iron man suit...that...would be awesome...”Tony muttered offering astoria a smile looking amused even as he relaxed, huffing a little.”I have...loki to...order around.I’ll be okay...”he muttered even if he still looked a little panicked at the idea of being stuck in bed for so long.
Loki smiled a little. "it's alright, you're home, and this was the easiest, safest, and fastest." he assured Tony. "and of course you can still work, it was my idea." Loki admitted with a grin as he settled down next to Tony. "and no iron man suit for you for a while. the suit will put pressure on your spine. if i have to, i'll numb you from the armpits down so you can't move." Loki admitted. "and i'll make sure to keep you entertained." he promised with a smile as he kissed Tony's forehead. "and if your a really good boy, i'll give you blowjobs." "no blowjobs for at least a week." "...damn." he grumbled with a small sigh. "sorry Tony." Loki muttered, rubbing Tony's skull again, massaging the head. "i'll help you with some research if you like?" he offered with a smile. "i can run you through some basic magical mathematics." he admitted. "from what i've been able to discover, Magic and Physics aren't that different. they follow the same basic laws... can't create something from nothing and stuff like that, so i don't see why they can't be compatible." he admitted. "now, try and get some rest, i have to go see if i can't cut off another of Sif's limbs." he admitted with a vicious grin. he vanished without a sound, and was back ten minutes later, splattered in blood that wasn't his own and grinning viciously. "i got her ear this time. not much, but it certainly ruins that pretty face of hers!" he admitted, looking quite happy. "i managed to slash her across the chest too, so she'll be laying low to heal that for a while as well. i'll kill that little bitch yet!"
Tony looked up at loki with wide panicked eyes before swallowing hard, focusing enough to make his blood pressure stop before pouting. “...but...I like being iron man...”he whined a little sulking at the idea before waggling his eyebrows.”Promise?There’s things to do...with me in bed...”he snickered wetly, with his lung still screwed up, it was hard for him before pouting at astoria at the order for no blow jobs. “No fair...”he muttered wanting to be angry, but melting under loki’s fingers as he rubbed his skull.”....That would be great. I like it.”he said before sighing as he slumped a little.”go.”he muttered already asleep before loki left. Jolting awake when loki returned, blinking stupidly before sighing. “.....why..not just kill her in one go...”He muttered.
Loki smiled a little as he watched Tony. "and you will be Iron man again." he promised. "but you have to be still until then." he stated before smirking at Tony. "when you're feeling better, i'll let you do anything you like to me." he promised. Dr. Grey looked highly amused to say the least as Tony simply melted under Loki's fingers and did as he was told. she'd been under the impression that Loki followed Tony's demands, not the other way around. well, at least they where good for each other. "you think i haven't been trying!?" Loki complained, scowling at Tony. "she keeps freaking running away! the cowardly little bitch!" he growled, baring his teeth. "she'll get her death soon enough." he hissed, licking his teeth. "how are you feeling, in any pain?" Loki asked, running Tony's head again. he liked the feel of Tony's hair in his fingers.
Tony frowned a little at that.”Can’t be...hurt....”he scowled knowing he wasn’t making sense it what he was trying to say, but he knew he was hurt, and definitely scared he wasnt able to be iron man. “....hmmm I’ll hold you to that promise LoKitty..”Tony muttered. “...so scary...just freeze her...do that freaky ice thing you can do...”Tony muttered before sighing, turning his head a little into loki’s hand before coughing, nodding.”Chest hurts...back hurts...can’t move, body hurts cause of bedrest and I don’t want to mess up my back...”
Loki smiled a little. "it's alright Tony." he murmured softly before he glared. "don't call me that!" he complained, reconsidering the idea of becoming Tony's 'pet' cat. he did have a favored feline form after all. an F2 Savannah Cat. he weighed upwards of twenty pounds. he knew Tony would love it, especially since he was a billionaire and could thusly take 'lokitty' anywhere he went. especially if they had Loki's feline form classified as a helper cat. "i tried to freeze her!" Loki complained, scowling. "i have to be touching her to do it... i am sure she's got a very bad case of frostbite though." he admitted with a smile before he looked worried. "hold still then." he ordered, gently tracing his finger down Tony's back, blissful numbness following. he could breath easier now without the pain, and he couldn't move at all, but who cared? it didn't hurt at all. "hows that? better?" he asked softly. he'd basically just overly relaxed all of Tony's muscles while numbing a good chunk of the nerves. "it's only for a little while Tony. and i'll keep you as comfortable as possible." he promised with a smile. "do you need anything else?"
“...You make that sound perverted...”Tony snickered at loki’s sulking over not getting ahold of sif before freezing, looking startled before relaxing, closing his eyes as he shivered.”Oh gods...that feels amazing.”Tony muttered taking a deep breath, wincing a little. “Yea...not a good idea, but I can breath better.”He said smilign a little at the god, before shaking his head, glancing at the bed.”Just lay down with me.That’s all.”He muttered blushing a little at the desire before swallowing hard, looking worried about the god."....how are you?"
(Lokitty's Size)
(Lokitty's Pattern[/url)

you know... i'm gonna die if someday, one of us gets a cat, and we name it Lokitty...)

Loki smirked. "i'm good at that." he admitted before smiling at Tony's super relaxed state. "good, i'm glad i can help a little bit at least." he admitted as he settled down next to Tony.

a week and a half later, Tony was well enough to get out of bed. still too weak to stand, he could at least be wheeled around in a wheelchair. it was then that Loki strutted in and grinned at Tony. "so, since i'm a wanted psychopath, i can't exactly go with you in my current state. however, here you're going to need these..." he handed Tony a leash and a leather collar with metal studs, the sort of thing you put on a bulldog. "being that your an eccentric billionaire philanthropist, you'll of course need a pet to make you feel better. so, i will be accompanying you in your excursions thusly." and with that, Loki was no longer a Loki. he was, instead, a very large Savanna Cat. he was as big as a medium sized dog, and was sleek, graceful, and looked even more massive than he was when he settled himself onto Tony's lap. sitting down, he was eye level with Tony. "Holy shit! that is a BIG cat!" Clint yelped as he walked in, having come to get Tony for another one of those super boring press conferences. everyone was wondering what was being done to contain the 'Loki situation', particularly since his last battle with Sif had ended with a Magnitude 6 earthquake which, didn't hurt anyone, but took down a few of the structurally compromised buildings.
(I already call my cat LoKitty, though her real name is bella...she kinda acts like loki.)

Tony sulked at being stuck in a wheelchair, looking like a petulant child as he let Loki help him, before raising his eyebrows as he was handed the leash.”...it’s unfair getting me sex toys when I can’t have sex.”He teased smiling a little before his eyes widened. He hadn’t wanted to go out alone, and even with his friends and pepper, it was....different having loki with him. “...you’re being nice. It’s sorta weird.”He said looking thoughtful as he considered loki doing this, just for him before his eyes widened at the cat, smirking. “You make a good cat, LoKitty.”he muttered before smirking at Clint. “Are you scared, birdbrain? I have something that can pounce on you now....though he probably wont want to. Indigestion from snacking on you would be unpleasant.”Tony snickered rubbing a hand over the cat’s ears looking a little easy easy with everything then he normally did, because well, he was used to being up on his own feet, this...being hurt, was horrible for him. “So, why must I attend the press conference?You know I don’t want to be on tv.”Tony grumbled, for once in his life he didn’t, because he hated appearing weak. Smiling slightly as he slipped the cat and leash onto the cat letting loki climb into his lap before looking at clint. “let’s go then...”
Loki smiled a little. "well, it can be that too i suppose, keep it in mind for later. as i recall, Dr. Grey DID clear you for blowjobs." he admitted with a grin as he shook his head. "my medication is just affecting me oddly, that's all." Loki stated with a sniff. with the medication taken daily, Loki's moods where settled and stable and he usually no longer heard voices... though, about six days ago they had needed to replace the entire kitchen because Loki had destroyed it in a schizophrenic rage at three in the morning. it was so bad they'd had to sedate the God, and when he woke up, he remembered being really furious, but he couldn't remember why or what at. Loki offered Tony a baleful glare and uttered a long, high pitched YOWL of annoyance before turning his attention to Clint and licking his lips rather suggestively. "your attention because you're the one who was hurt by Sif." Clint explained. "you don't actually have to say anything, Pepper's doing all the talking... she doesn't really beleive that Loki's not evil though." he warned. "so prepare yourself for a scalding lecture." he warned, grinning at the cat. "Loki does make a Good Cat... is there anyway to keep him like that?" another high pitched yowl was the answer. "gods! he can make a man's ears bleed going on like that!" Clint complained, sticking a finger in his ear as if to check for blood.
“I will...and she did. I want a blow job for attending this stupid conference, and behaving.”Tony sulked before smirking.”Yes, that has to be it. You don’t like me at all, and therefore must be nice.”he said rolling his eyes even if it annoyed him somewhat that he hadn’t been allowed out of bed to help with loki’s rage, at least the others had known what to do. Smirking at clint he rubbed the cat’s ears even as he cringed at the yowl. “So?I don’t care. I dont want to go, and pepper’s going to lecture me and I don’t want to hear it.”He whined before looking down at the cat, raising a eyebrow. “he can’t stay like this. I refuse to have sex with him like this.”he smirked wincing as he rubbed his ears, boxing loki on the ears lightly.”Stop it. I’m already hurt, don’t make my ears bleed.”he demanded as he rolled the wheelchair closer heading for the elevator, having no desire to go, but knowing pepper’s lecture would be worse if he didn’t.
Loki chuckled and nodded. "you'll get two." he promised with a grin as he shook his head. "of course that's it." he stated with a sniff, but the affectionate look he shot Tony told the world that he was lying. "good point." Clint agreed with a smile. "but you know Pepper only yells at you because she had to find out you almost died three days after the fact in the newspaper." LoKitty made a chirping noise and offered Tony the equivalent of a grin. clearly he thought that was hilarious.

LoKitty decided to nap on the way to the press conference, which was filled with people who wanted to hear what the Avengers where doing about this new threat. Clint moved over to arue with Pepper, who was shaking her head a lot and clearly didn't want to say anything in defense of Loki. it was Bruce who finally took the stage and explained about Loki's Schizophrenia which had made him extremely violent due to childhood abuse and neglect mixed with the glowing blue orb which tripled the schizophrenia side effects. it was Steve who stood up and told the world that Loki wasn't so much as trying to cause trouble, as he was acting out in true Asgaurdian behavior and trying to take revenge on one Sif Yaggadottr for trying to murder Thor, and Tony. the crowd was openly aping in stunned shock and one brave, brave soul demanded to know where Loki was if he was so innocent. Clint replied that Loki was anything but innocent and would be held accountable for the crimes in a version of house arrest and community service. (meaning that he would be forced to join the Avengers after he battled the evil Sif) he also admitted that they couldn't exactly find Loki because he was hunting Sif with a bloody ruthlessness that spanned the nine realms... not exactly the truth, but not far off.
“Good.”Tony said smirking, pleased with the idea of getting blow jobs before making a face at clint. “You don’t have to find it so amusing that I forgot to call her. I was kinda drugged at the time.”Tony sulked.

Tony was mostly dazing out as he watched the press conference, actually refusing to talk to anyone even though they aimed questions at him. He was tired, hurt and cranky, he didn’t like reporters either, and knew that if he opened his mouth he was going to be a smart ass. Smirking as they asked where loki was he rubbed loki’s ears.”hear that LoKitty, you get to come play fun and games with us when sif’s gone.”he muttered before watching them all leave, looking up at pepper. Wincing. “hey Pep.”he muttered offering her that wide eyed puppy dog look that had only gotten worse after he met steve and thor, who had world class puppy dog looks. “Can we go upstairs before you yell at me?”he said quietly.
Loki purred loudly as he was stroked and looked up at Tony as if he thought the world was going to end at the thought of joining the Avengers. Pepper narrowed her eyes at him before she sighed. "i'm not going to yell at you Tony." she promised, patting his head before she turned her wrath on Clint and Bruce, Natasha and Steve for not informing her that tony was hurt. LoKitty was making that chirping sound again, clearly laughing at the mortified men and bored assassin. well, at least Pepper knew that Tony couldn't be expected to tell her when he was drugged to the teeth. "now! what sort of BS is this Loki crap?" Pepper demanded sternly, Clint choking on his tongue. "it's not BS Pepper." Steve stated simply. "Loki really does have Schizophrenia. and a major case of OCD... he completely rearranged my room last night." he grumbled. "i mean, it looks nice, but i can't find anything!" he complained. "so... so this isn't a cover up?" Pepper demanded, looking horrified as everyone shook their heads. "Loki is really hunting down Thor's best lady freind for trying to kill Tony?" several nods. "...i think i need to sit down..." she muttered. she'd just managed to sit when a massive explosion rocked the stage they where sitting on and Loki leaped off of Tony's lap, racing throught eh screaming people to leap onto what looked like an unsuspecting passersby. "Filthy Jotun Freak! Frigga should have drowned you at birth!" Sif screamed as she attacked Loki. she looked very much worse for the wear. missing an arm, an ear, burns covered her face and she was missing two fingers. Loki was really taking her down a piece at a time at this rate. they traded blows for several minutes before Loki managed to chop off her hand at the wrist and she vanished, Loki breaking down into furious curses, glaring at the empty space before he scooped up the decapitated hand and vanished, Clint sighing a little. "i think Sif meant to blow us up and missed..." Steve muttered with a shake of his head. "Loki's really a good fighter though." Clint muttered, looking mildly impressed. of course now Loki was throwing a fit and throwing things in stark tower because the bitch had gotten away AGAIN.
“Oh, well good. For once its not me.”Tony said sounding pleased, looking amused as he watched the rest of his team get reamed, hiding his smirk. Because really, it was so nice to be the one pepper was turning his wrath on. “It’s true pep.”Tony said biting his lip, trying to figure out how to tell Pepper that not only was it true, but he was fucking loki over every surface he could bend him over....well, at least when he was allowed to. Tony, being tony, and reckless to the nth degree when people were in danger was out of his seat within moments, and even unable to fight, and stumbling on his feet, he was getting reporters back from the stage even as natasha tried to stop him along with trying to get the people back. “He’ll be a good avenger, if we can keep Tony from killing himself. Bloody fuck, stark, sit the fuck down.”Natasha demanded tugging on the man’s arm even as he stumbled towards loki. And while she could easily put the man on his ass, she didn’t want to actually hurt him more, which meant not hitting him. “LOKI!”Natasha snarled needing the asgardian to convince his boytoy to stop the stupidity.
Pepper was still more than a little stunned at what was happening, just sitting there, gaping at the destruction sown by Loki and his fight with that bitch. Sif really wasn't good at being an Evil villainess. "Tony! sit down! you're still hurt!" Pepper pleaded, shaking her head as Natasha called for Loki. "what good is He going to..." she paused as Loki appeared and set his finger on Tony's forehead, blue eyes narrowed in annoyance. "i was having a Temper Tantrum Tony!" Loki complained. "sit down before i numb every part of your body and resend my promise for good behavior blowjobs." Pepper choked as Loki effectively got Tony back in his chair. "you stupid idiot! what if you'd done damage to your spine!?" Loki demanded. "never mind, we're going home right now!" Loki growled,grabbing Tony's chair and vanishing, Pepper squalling in fear at Tony being 'kidnapped'. Loki simply took Tony straight to DR Grey and upon being reassured that he was fine, Loki allowed Tony to remain in his chair. "you know. i think the first thing i'm going to do when i finally catch Sif, is to cut out her tongue." Loki decided. "and then i'll poke out her eyes and that will be the first things i send to Frigga, her tongue and eyes. what do you think?" Loki asked to... nothing. another bad day it seamed. but at least he wasn't angry anymore. "yes, i agree. i'll send the fingers next. all ten pf them." he decided with a decisive nod before he turned to Tony and smiled. "i beleive someone was promised some Blowjobs." apparently he'd forgiven tony for being an idiot.
Tony glared at pepper, looking annoyed.”I’m perfectly fine to wa-”He paused, paling a little because he knew that he wasn’t going to get to fight with loki. “Oh, just wait. It’s something to see.”Natasha muttered glancing at pepper. “You promised!You can’t do that!”Tony whined even as he slumped into the wheelchair, the threatens working even better then it had when it was pepper threatening him. “Don’t.They’re upstairs in the medlab, pepper. And...there’s some things you should know.”Natasha said looking at pepper, and at a loss on how to explain. “They’re fucking. Like demented rabbits.”Thor said looking pleased with himself for remembering how fandal and clint had described them.

“of course I’m fine. I’m not a idiot. I do know what I’m doing.”Tony whined at the doctor before looking at loki, looking mildly disturbed at him talking to air before sighing, closing his eyes slightly, content to rest know that he realized it was just a bad day, but not a epically bad one. “I was. But it seems the one who promised them wanted to throw a temper tantrum more then take care of me...”Toyn sulked annoyed with being scolded like a child, even if he had deserved it.
Pepper was staring, how could she not!? Tony was... good lord he was behaving! "I can do anything i like! and you're not behaving very well right now Tony Stark!" Loki growled, glaring at tony with that 'i am a God you miniscule Worm' look he was so good at. "...so, Tony's not been kidnapped?" she asked, looking hesitant. "...Thor... you can't just say things like that..." Steve complained, wondering if he needed to have words with Clint. "they're... well that explains a lot." Pepper admitted, finally starting to see the humor in all of this. "so... Loki has Schizophrenia..." "he does." "and that's why he attacked Earth and tried to kill us all?" "his Dementia made him beleive that Thor had betrayed him in some manner. he decided to take away Thor's 'toys'... us." Bruce explained. "Immelmman Sky will be able to explain it more in depth." "who?" "Asgaurdian psychiatrist... sort of. she's... er, he's...." "she." "right. she's been on earth for a good thousand years or more." "he's not dangerous right now then?" "well... usually. he has his bad days. but Tony can usually calm him down, and if he can't we have sedatives."

"You are an idiot. you where told not to stand. or to walk. or to sit up on your own. one might think you WANT to become a paraplegic!" Loki growled before he sulked at Tony. "i deserved that Temper tantrum." he complained. "besides, i'm insane, i'm supposed to behave badly. what's your excuse?" he complained as he took Tony back up the stairs, where Sky was lounging on the couch. "you two!... distract the woman!" Loki demanded to.. no one as he raced past her, Sky snorting in amusement as Loki tried to avoid her, and took Tony with him. "Have Fun!" Sky called, not even moving to intercept the way she usually did when Loki was having an 'episode'.
“I always behave, and even if I’m not, I’m tony stark, it’s expected of me!”Tony whined looking like a sulking child and not in the least bit intimidated by the look. “No, not really. Though does it count as kidnapping when tony enjoys being stolen?”Natasha sighed huffing a little. “....Tony said I could.”Thor frowned a little which made natasha sputtered. “Never,ever listen to tony on social norms Thor.”She snickered a little before nodding. “Yea, it does explain things....for some reason Tony enjoys the craziness....are we sure tony’s not insane?”Natasha said looking at his ex girlfriend in amusement before sighing. “Come on, let’s go upstairs, get something to eat, and we’ll tell you everything that’s happened since you left...”

“You were endangering people!I was moving people out of the way. Helping the others. And I do not!No. Definitely being stuck with not walking just can’t work for me.”Tony said looking anxious at the idea before smiling a little. “....I have to deal with you. That is worth behaving badly.”Tony sulked before smirking as sky just watched them go. “I’m definitely going to enjoy myself.”Tony called after them, settling back itno the bed when loki got down to the medlab.
Pepper choked when Tony complained about being tony stark. she was half temped to go beat him over the head but was distracted by Natasha. "that's true..." she admitted as she stood up and brushed herself down. "well. lets go then." she ordered, right back to herself, normal as can be. "i want to talk to this... uh, Mimoman?" "Immelmman." "yes, her." Pepper demanded as she stalked up to the elevator. "and of course Tony's insane!" she stated, giving them baffled looks. "you HAVE met him you know." she stated, pausing long enough to have a cup of coffee before she leaped onto Sky and the two started a long discussion about the threat level that Loki posed and then on Aeser in general... even if Loki wasn't exactly an Aeser.

Loki huffed. "i was trying to stop HER from spreading a magical illness curse!" Loki complained. "or did you want every single person on the planet still breathing to suffer the effects like your small pox mixed with the bubonic plague!?" loki demanded, lifting an eyebrow. "anyone who didn't have a good amount of Aeser Blood would have died. including many animals that are too close to human genetic code." he pointed out. "she just attempted to purge all of humanity." he explained. "she can't do that now though, not without a hand!" he looked so pleased with himself. "now then." Loki purred, settling Harry into the bed, licking his lips. "i'm going to enjoy this, so try not to bitch so much." he ordered before he slowly slipped Tony's pants off and gave him his whole, undivided attention.
"Oh...well...I guess that is a goid thing to stop."tony said flushing as he realized he'd scolded the other for doing a good rhing,swallowing hard as he forced himself to relax and not overthink the fact that sif had nearly killed all life on earth.smirking at the other who looked so pleased with himself."good. I'm proud of you for stopping her."he teased a little before smirking moaning quietly as loki slid his pants down."hmm...I think I like you like this the best...with your mouth around my cock."he muttered as he slid his hands through loki's hair,gently petting him as he relaxed.
Loki chuckled a little. "she wouldn't have had the chance. i have a World Net up. anytime she breaches that barrier i know exactly where she is." he pointed out. "her attempting to unleash a disease simply means that she's panicking and is doing her level best to stay alive." he admitted with a shrug. "if i haven't killed her in a month or so, i'll start stalking her across the other realms as well. she won't be able to hide from me. there's a reason why i graduated the Academy with the highest scores ever recorded." he pointed out with a smirk. "and there's also a reason why i'm called the Silvertongue." he purred as he pleasured his lover. "hmmmm." Loki didn't bother responding to the jibe, he just kept right on sucking, licking and nibbling. only once Tony was spent completely did he stop, smirking at the man as he licked his lips. "you take a nap. i'm going to go kill Sif. she's up in the Himalayas." he admitted with a snicker. "i don't know why she keeps popping up on earth. idiot bitch."
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