Mind over Matter(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“Good.”Tony muttered looking pleased with with the idea loki would be able to ind her, and two that loki was making her panic. “Hm, you are a good match for me then. Top of our classes and all.”He muttered before moaning, “So...so I can see.”Tony’s breath stuttered a little as he came, slumping back into the pillows, looking up at loki as he got up. “Stupid bitch, doesn’t know when to stay away.”He muttered closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Later natasha smirked as she glanced at pepper, then the sleeping billionaire. “It’s a shame he isn’t like this all the time...he looks so...innocent and endearing.”She snickered a little having come down to see how they were only to find loki gone and tony resting well...that and she knew pepper wanted to talk to him.
Loki smirked a little as he nodded. "very good match." he agreed with a snicker as he felt the other slump, completely relaxed. "she is a stupid bitch... my theory is that none of the other Realms are hosting her. Thor probobly spread the word of Sif's crimes." he admitted. "she has to keep coming back here because this is the only place where the entire population isn't trying to kill her." he admitted with a smirk as he gave Tony one last kiss before heading off.

Pepper rolled her eyes. "he's only sleeping like this because Loki gave him sex." she pointed out, watching Tony curiously. "i've never seen him this relaxed before though. i think Loki might be good for Tony... is that a kitten?" Mini-Me strutted in like he owned the place and batted at Natasha's shoelaces. "so where is Loki then?" she wondered before she shook her head. "hunting the mad bitch i suppose. Sky did say that Loki and other Asgaurdians took such things very seriously." Pepper admitted before she paled as Loki walked in with avery sick grin, covered in blood and still holding his bloody spear. "i win." he stated before turning and heading into the shower, Pepper gaping after him before her eye twitched a little. "...he just tracked blood all over my nice white carpet, didn't he? the Carpet that was extremly expensive and took me and Tony three months to decide on..."
“Oh...that does make sense. Enjoy yourself.”Tony muttered watching him go.

“True, but he’s been more relaxed, and not the insane stuttering, easily distracted genius we all know and love either. It’s amusing.”Natasha snickered a little before looking down at the cat, smirking. “Yes it is. Loki wanted a kitten, and tony let him keep it, even though everyone knows Tony secretly hates cats. Though he’s grown attached to loki in cat form...it’s weird.”Natasha rolled her eyes. “Probably.”She agreed before smiling a little, looking startled as loki walked in. “Clean up!Tony’ll kill you if you get in bed with him like that.”Natasha yelled at him before smirking, looking at pepper. “...he did. If it makes you feel better, I can see the oil Tony spilled over on his side of the bed.” “Didn’t spill it...stupid cat knocked it over while I was working...”Tony muttered sleepily, blinking up at the two women.
Pepper nodded. "it's good that he has someone to love..." she muttered before flashing an amused grin at Natasha. "not that he'd ever actually call it that... or admit to it." she admitted with a snicker before she examined the ball of fluff roaming around looking for entertainment. "it's really kind of adorable." she admitted, watching the Tabby pouncing on random things. "Piss off!" Loki commanded at the order. "I Won! i must luxuriate in the Glory that is ME!" "...well... he's still as egotistical as ever..." Pepper muttered. "i'm regretting my decision to speak to him... what exactly did he win?" "i'm less concerned about this room, as Tony will ruin it anyway, than i am about the very nice living room i had made." she admitted. "if he tracked blood across the dining room, i am going to make him wash it out himself! with a scrub brush!" she growled before she smiled at Tony. "how are you feeling?" she asked curiously. "Loki took off with you so fast i didn't have a chance to make sure you where really feeling better."
“I dare you tell him that he’s in love. I’ll make popcorn.”Natasha snickered at the idea because she’d listened to part of bruce’s conversation with the man about being attracted to loki, and listened to part of clint’s conversation with him. Tony was so good at avoiding conversations. “It is.Even more so when it freaks clint out thinking loki’s pretending to be a cat.”Natasha snickered before smirking, sighing quietly. “Him and tony get along famously, they’re both egotistical...and probably a blow job or something, whatever tony promised him.”natasha rolled her eyes before smirking. “It would do him good to clean it if he did.Make tony help since it’s his fault.” “...never my fault...”Tony muttered sleepily smiling at pepper. “I’m sore. My chest aches, back hurts, but I can move if I have to...I really am feeling better then I did a week ago, so dont give me that look.”he whined a little knowing pepper was giving him that look that said she didnt believe him because he didn’t like doctors.
pepper snorted. "i'm not going to tell him!" she protested, looking rather amused. "Loki is a shapeshifter, and a trickster, it doesn't surprise me in the least that Clint finds both disturbing." she admitted with a snicker. "and they would get along together. they're both like two year olds... with a penchant for explosions and bloody wounds." she shook her head. "Tony's hurt. i'll make him do boring paperwork instead. that's much more punishing to him." she admitted with a smirk. "and it's always your fault." she pointed out before, indeed, giving him that look. "well. have you taken any painkillers?" "no." Loki stated as he walked out, damp but clean and wearing only a towel. "i use a much better method." he admitted as he gently touched Tonys chest, numbing the nerves again. "this way he isn't constantly loopy." "very impressive... what did you Win?" she asked, unable to contain her curiosity. "oh. Sif's Head." Loki stated with a shrug. "not sure where the body went to... she tried to pop out and i beheaded her just as she was leaving. the head stayed, the body left. but i have what i need." he admitted with a smirk.
“Not just clint, all of us find it vaguely disturbing. Expect tony who wants to know loki can shapeshift into a woman sometimes, cause, and I qoute ‘that would be awesome for my bisexual self, to have a beautiful schizophrenic who sometimes acts like different people, if he can have different bodies to.’ end quote...but I think he should be forgiven, he was very drugged at the time.”Natasha snickered before nodding. “They really are two year olds...and I want a picture of him actually doing paperwork, to prove that he can actually do it.”she smiled. “No it’s not....It’s totally not!”Tony whined before shaking his head.”No.Don’t like them. I don’t feel good on them.”Tony said before twisting his head to look at loki, swallowing hard as he saw all that bare skin, letting out a relieved sigh as the pain went away.”Hey LoKitty, does this mean since I’m not in pain anymore, you’re going to suck my cock again?”Tony muttered, yea he was still loopy. Cause well, pain made him loopy, and even without feeling it, he knew he should be, so he was falling back into his normal ways of coping. “.....Gross. And awesome all at once.” “...You’re right. Two year olds.”Natasha snickered a little.
Pepper rolled her eyes. "i'm sure he'd have said it anyway." she pointed out with a chuckle. "still... i can see how a person with schizophrenia is a bonus to someone like Tony, the pervert." she was glad they where broken up to be honest. she just couldn't keep up with Tony's high energy and high maintenance. Loki was more than a match for Tony's energy and needs. "oh, i'll video record it for you. so that he can't just pose with the piece of paper and claim he did it." she promised with a chuckle. "it 'totally' is." Pepper stated with a roll of her eyes before she nodded. pain medication tended to make Tony react in weird ways. "Don't call me that damn you!" Loki complained before he smirked. "maybe when there aren't people in the room. i wouldn't care but they tend to get upset when i do things like that." he admitted with a shrug. "yes, it is awesome. i'm going to mail Frigga her tongue and eyes tomorrow." he admitted with a vicious grin. "...why?" Pepper demanded, horrified. "because it's Frigga's fault that Sif dared attack Tony and Thor in the first place. it is a warning to the bitch not to try that shit again." Loki admitted with a shrug. "plus it amuses me." "...i really shouldn't have asked." Pepper grumbled with a sigh as she watched Loki massaging Tony's head and shoulders in random intervals, without seaming to realize he was doing it. Sky had told her Loki was an extremely affectionate creature but she hadn't believed him, er, her.
“Probably, but it’s not as amusing when he doesn’t rememeber saying it. I’m wating for the perfect moment to inform him of his ramblings. He commented on Steve’s ass most of the time when Cap was in the room with him and asked about clint’s sex life. I’ve never see clint or steve blush that much before. And he is perverted, you two make better friends then lovers.”Natasha muttered picking up on pepper’s thoughts, and agreeing. If they’d tried dating longer,it would have totally destroyed the one friendship that she suspected meant more to tony then anything else. “Have jarvis record it.” “...is not....and I’ll call you whatever I want Reindeer. LoKitty...Loks....Silver....oh hey, I would totally be okay with doing work if you were my secretary...pepper, can you see that he can have a desk?”Tony said craning his neck to look at the CEO, yea...it seemed even without drugs, the pain relief of loki’s magic still knocked tony’s feet out from under him and made him a little loopy, though as loopy as he was, it wasn’t nearly as bad as it usually was when drugged. He’d shake it off soon enough. “...You shouldn’t have, but now you did, and I’ve decided he’s bloodthirsty enough he should work at Stark Industries. Can you imagine a board meeting with him attending?”Tony snickered smiling tiredly as he leaned into loki’s hands without even realizing it, sounding mostly normal now. Because while the words are ridiculous, it was normal tony, over the top insane, and not drugged. He was starting to come down from his high.
Pepper had to snicker at that and she nodded a little. "record that for me, alright?" she asked with a grin. "he even had Clint blushing!?" Pepper demanded, more than a little stunned. "that's very impressive!" she admitted with a chuckle as she shook her head as Loki scowled at Tony. "Tony Stark if you don't cut it out with the name calling you won't be getting a blowjob until well after you're back on your feet!" Loki stated sternly, making Natasha fight to keep from laughing. it was hilarious watching those two, it really was. "i'm not working at Stark Industries Tony." Loki stated firmly. "you're mad man Fury has decided i have to be an Avenger, remember? besides, i was going to open my own shop." he stated with a smirk. "by the way, i used your money to buy that rundown building next to your ugly tower... i also used your money to have it torn down and rebuilt... oh and i used your money to pay for all the things i need. and for the first months of ingredients." Loki admitted with a grin as Pepper sighed and made a mental note to restrict who could use Tony's money... again.
“I will.”Natasha agreed before smirking. “He did. Him and fandal teamed up on him, apparently if you’re a asgardian god, your sense of humor meshes well with Tony’s.” “...But you’re so cute, and in need of a better name then Loki. I give everyone names.”Tony whined sighing quietly. “Why not?We all have day jobs, outside of the avengers. You can be my awesome sexy secretary.” “...you know, this would be worse if I didn’t know he’d still be saying this even if he wasn’t on pain medication.”Natasha snickered a little staring a little wide eyed at loi. “Okay....and the tower’s not ugly!Stop that..and oh pepper, don’t give him that look, just restrict him to a million dollars, after that he can ask me for money if he needs it."
Pepper snickered a little. "i don't know who Fandral is, but if he can make Clint blush then i'm sure i don't want to meet him." she admitted with a smile. "i plan to have a Day job that does not consist of boring as hell paperwork." Loki informed Tony. "or listening to you all day." he admitted, though his impish grin took any insult that sentence might have caused. "he's not on pain medication, it's just his mental reaction to the sudden loss of pain." Loki stated simply. "it's a bit like a ten minute high. the pain will still be gone when he comes out of it, but it's a lot less traumatizing to mind and body." Loki admitted before he blinked at Tony. "oh i only used around nine thousand dollars. i checked with Jarvis before i used it to make sure it wouldn't hurt your finances." hell, Loki hadn't even dented the massive fortune. "...well, as long as you asked permission first." Pepper complained sarcastically. "come with me please Loki. you and i need to talk." she ordered with a sigh as Loki whined about not having done anything as he followed her out of the room.

two hours later, they where found in Loki's rooms, chattering like old freinds while Pepper painted his fingernails and Loki examined a newspaper. they where both wearing mud masks and had their hair tied up. "i honestly can't beleive you've never had a facial." Pepper commented before looking up at Tony. "hey Tony." she stated before turning her attention back to Loki's fingernails, now a very dark shade of green that went well with his usual attire and his eyes. "me either! as hedonistic as Aeser are, you would thing they would have thought of this. Hey Tony, it's simply refreshing!' Loki agreed as he frowned at the paper. "can you beleive that they never once mentioned how good my ass looks in those pants?" "i can beleive it. at least people are under the impression that you're a good guy now." "how insulting."
“It should. And it wouldn’t be all paperwork. I have fantasties about having sex at work.”Tony snickered a little closing his eyes starting to calm down. “Good....pepper don’t look so upset, you know he could blow through twice that and I’d never notice.... Speaking of that, I’ve done it to you know. I bet 3 million dollars on the roulette table once....”He said looking amused as the two left.

Tony paused from where he was in his wheelchair looking at the two. “....Hello...”He said looking around before leaning back into the hallway. “Hey barton!We’re still in the same original universe where I’m a billionaire and you’re fucking the man whore of a god right?”He demanded looking a little weirded out that his current lover and his past lover were getting along like this. “....Barton!Get in here. I need rescued.”Tony demanded wanting someone else in the room before they started talking about him, and figuring Clint of all people would keep them from doing so. It disturbed him to consider them gossiping about him
Loki snorted. "Tony you don't 'work' at all." Pepper commented. "you spend all your 'work' time in the Lab doing whatever you want. i do your work." "and by that reasoning, you have had sex with me at work." Loki pointed out with a smirk as Pepper sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

Clint poked his head out from where he'd been entertaining Fandral with a TV and blinked at Tony. "...did the universe implode again?" he asked curiously before he walked over to where Tony was and blinked as he watched Loki switch hands and chattered with Pepper about different fabrics and which cut would work best with their figures. "...yep, universe imploded... i'm kind of surprised Sky isn't in on thi...." he paused as Sky came skipping down the hall with three half pint cartons of ice-cream. "i got the Ice-cream!" she chirped happily, Loki and Pepper both grinning as they snatched up their spoons and started working on Sky. "...Tony?... we better leave." Clint muttered. "the ceremonial rituals women partake in are extremely secretive and they have known to attack when disturbed." that the only person in there who was actually a woman was Pepper was left unmentioned.
“It did.”Tony said looking at clint before wincing as he went back to staring at the two. Looking startled as sky came back he eyed the three before nodding, backing out of the room slowly, not wanting to draw attention to himself. “....where’s natasha?It seems like she should be in on the womanly things....” “I’m here. And stark, I’d be more worried about your current lover and ex-lover comparing notes then I would about what I’m doing.”Natasha said breezily as she walked into the room, sitting down on the floor and nibbling on the pint of chocolate ice cream she’d brought. "...I need...to go. What are you guys watching on TV?"He asked pretending he wasn't running away as he headed for the living room
Loki grinned up at Natasha and examined her. "red i think." he mused as he picked up a bottle of Nail polish and started on the woman's feet while Sky got her face masked up by Pepper smirking as Tony practically Fled. "you where right Pepper, that was funny." Loki admitted with a laugh as he watched Tony leave, shaking his head. "still though, are you sure you don't want me to trim your hair? you'd look so adorable with a bob cut or a Pixie cut!" he admitted with a grin at her.

"The one thing all sexy Gods have to watch." Clint admitted with a smirk. "Star Wars." he admitted, Fandral was glued to the TV, the bright colors and movements completely absorbing him as he yelled for Anikin to be more careful! well... at least things here where more in tune. especially since Sleipnir was in there just as glued to the screen.
Tony smiled relaxing as he settled into watching the tv, “Now this is more like it.”He muttered looking amused, though it was more entertaining to watch the asgardians then it was to see star wars again.

By the time they were watching episode 3 tony was up and moving around, and though he wasn’t supposed to, he could walk for a few minutes once in awhile. Glancing over his shoulder as Loki came in, he tilted his head slightly, before returning to making himself a smoothie. “Having a good girl’s day?”He muttered trying not to look as disturbed as he really was.
Loki strode over to Tony, and decided not to say anything about the man being on his feet. he was doing what he could with Magic now that Tony had healed somewhat. Tony wouldn't run the risk of damaging himself further at any rate unless he did something stupid, like got into a fight or tried to do jumping jacks. "yes, i did." Loki admitted with a wicked little grin. "i got Pepper drunk and she told me all sorts of interesting things." he admitted, looking quite amused. "Natasha and Sky passed out, and Pepper's still babbling." he admitted with a chuckle as he bent his head and pressed a kiss to the others lips. "you really shouldn't be up and walking around you know." he grumbled with a shake of his head. "you're going to do real damage to yourself." he complained, knowing Tony had to push limits he didn't bother to tell the man that he was holding him together with magic. if he did, Loki would do something stupid.

(i just realized that Loki using Tony's money to buy a Bakery was the OTHER RP XP oops.)
Tony turned his head smirking a little at the man, before pouring his smoothie into a glass. “....What sort of interesting things? If it was about that time in vegas, I promise it wasn’t my fault, that hooker came onto me.”Tony whined a little before rolling his eyes, “I’m going to have to go shut her up before she starts in on my teen years...”He grumbled a little before kissing him back, making a face. “Astoria said I could be up for a few minutes. Besides, I have to excerise some, otherwise the muscles will atrophy, and all that good stuff, and I’m going to go lay down again as soon as I get my smoothie.”he said rolling his eyes a little as he pulled away, holdign the chocolate smoothie as he walked back towards the living room.

(hahhaha that's amusing. If nothing else, have him build something else, just because.)
Loki chuckled a little and stole a sip of the smoothie as the other poured. "oh yes, the thing in Vegas, the thing in New York.. several things in New york actually. a few things about your collage years, that thing you did when you where twelve..." Loki stated with a snicker. "who knew you where such a handful?" he teased with a grin. "well, so long as Dr. Grey said it was alright." Loki agreed as he smiled and followed Tony into the other room, watching Tony's ass the entire way. god he was horny. he wished Tony was better so they could have sex. "you know, you could have been nice and made me a smoothie too." Loki complained with a grin as he settled down next to Tony. "i sent Frigga her first set of presents too. Thor promised to tell me how high an octave she screams... speaking of, i haven't seen Volstagg around recently, i still need to punish him for picking on my son..." he admitted, glancing around as if the man might come out of the woodwork.
"...its unkind telling you things that aren't already on youtybe...I'm going to have to talk to her..."he muttered eyeing the other,wondering if loki was telling the trutg or yanking his leg.smirking a little as hs raised a eyebrow."I'm definitely more then a handful."he said smirking as he headed for the living roon settling onto the couch with a sigh."no I couldn't have. I'm annoyed with you."he sulked before shrugging."probably hiding. He knows none of us are happy."he smiled though,wondering indeed where the man was.
Loki paused. "what's Youtube?" he asked curiously. "is it like Facebook?" he wasn't about to admit that while Pepper had mentioned the incidents, she hadn't explained what they where. "a very big handful. but i'm not worried, an orgasm usually settles you right down." he teased with a chuckle. "why are you annoyed with me?" Loki asked, honestly looking confused. he apparently didn't get the issue of being best freinds with your lovers ex girlfriend. "well, at least he won't be bothering Jor anymore. Jor DID save his life after all. Aeser take such things very seriously." he admitted with a chuckle. "Hogun at least is sticking around. poor man. he was in love with Sif for so long and then all of a sudden he sees what a raving lunatic she really is... was."
“Uhh...yea. It’s a video version of youtube.”tony muttered before smiling a little, “Hm, not these days. I’m living with a god of mischief, I’m bound to be more troublesome.”he snickered a littel before frowning at the man, looking thoughtful.wondering if the man really was confused before looking at clint. “Explain to him why I’m annoyed wtih him and pepper.”he muttered before nodding. “That’s a good thing. And it’ll be a good thing for hogun to, to be here. Surely he’ll find something here that’ll be interesting.”
he blinked a Little. "so it's like Netflix?" of course Loki would know about Netflix but not Youtube. "it's wrong Loki. very wrong." "why?" Loki asked, baffled. "Pepper doesn't seam to mind..." "...uh..." Clint hesitated, wondering how to explain this when he didn't really understand it himself. he knew most of it was jealousy, but Tony wasn't jealous, and Loki wasn't jealous, and he knew Pepper wasn't jealous... so... "...uh.... it's... not fair to Tony?" "...ah, the potential for Blackmail material, i get it." "...yeah, sure... by the way, i think Volstagg's sleeping in the basement. he's hiding because he's scared, little coward. and Hogun is watching Poke'mon with Fandral.... i left. i hate that crappy cartoon."
“Sorta.”Tony said snickering a little. “Jarvis, bring up some of the videos from Vegas so loki can see.”he said watching the videos as they started to play, definitely sex videos, parties and gambling in there. “Exactly!No one should get to tell you those things unless it’s me.”Tony sulked, but that wasn’t really it. Not that tony knew how to word it, but most of his problem was that for the most part, despite doing the things, and enjoying them, he hated himself for doing it, for needing the escape from his past, from what he was, badly enough to be like that. And...it screwed with him to consider loki knowing about that even if he knew Loki was aware of just how insane he had been, still was. Smirking a little at that. “Me to.And fine, he can stay down there. I can live with that.”He snickered a little.
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