Mind over Matter(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Loki offered Tony a baffled look. "christmas?" he asked, honestly baffled. he hadn't gotten to the 'major' holidays yet. "we could wrap it in Dark Blue and Silver." he suggested with a smile. "those are his favorite colors i think." he admitted with a nod and then he grinned at the other. "i like to make your IQ drop. you get frustrated then and fuck me into submission." he admitted with a nod. "oh yes please!" Jor chirped, ignoring the flirting. "Hela would love the Zoo!" he'd only seen a glimpse of it himself. "oh shut up Tony... i..." he looked momentarily panicked when Tony got up, but relaxed again when he realized he was being completely silly. there was no reason to be afraid of his own children. "...oh..." pain flared across Loki's face as Fenris asked and he visibly closed in for a moment, struggling to contain himself, Jor and Hela both tensing as Loki relaxed again. "He was an amazing man..." Loki breathed softly. "Full of wisdom and joy... he was one of the only people who didn't hate me." he admitted with a smile. "when he was near, there was no pain, there was no suspicion, no voices whispering in my ear of false visions in my eyes." he explained softly. "he was a gorgeous man too. he looked just like Fenris does now. all silver hair and eyes and skin as pale as the moonlight. as if he was spun out of stars and moons just for me..."

there was a long pause, Loki struggling to contain himself again. "i was truly happy for the first time in my life with him. Sayo." Loki breathed. "he gave me three wonderful children... just after i conceived Fenris however... Sayo vanished. he did that sometimes, on a mission, so it wasn't until six months had passed that i started to worry. by the time Fen was born, i was frantic. no one knew where he was, no one had sent him on a mission... by the time Fen was three months old, terror had turned into rage... he had left me..." Loki swallowed thickly. "and then he was found... in the torture halls..." all three children knew where that was. they where very, very rarely used. and only on the most wicked people, like child rapists. it was where punishment was handed out to those who needed an extremely shameful, and painful death to keep them from going on to Valhalla. "no one has figured out why he was in there... but we all know he never deserved such a death... it was guilt, and greif, and rage, and pain that..." he tapped his head. "the voices started coming, fast and loud and by the time Fen was two... i was no longer safe. and i knew it somehow, i just..." he frowned. "everything after that is so fractured and distorted..." he shook his head. "Odin was able to make sure of one thing though. Sayo, despite being tortured to death, never broke. he never begged. his Soul is in Valhalla." and that, was a comfort no one could imagine. "i never told anyone who your Father was, because he was afraid we would be forced apart. i guess someone found out..." he admitted softly, wondering if he had shared too much... but they deserved to know. to know who they're brave, glorious Patra was... and why he hadn't been around.
“Hm, yea. A holiday.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “They are.”He muttered smiling slightly before making a face.”Well,I will do it as soon as I can.”He muttered smiling as he watched the kids before nudging loki.”You’ll be fine.”he said quietly.

Fenris stared at his father, wincing a little,”Sorry you don’t have-”He sputtered to a stop when Loki relaxed, looking thoughtful, smiling quietly. Glancing towards the door tony had disappeared down, he knew loki had found that kind of relationship again, to have a second chance when the first had been so cruelly taken from him. Shifting to get up he moved over, moving on all fours instead of getting all the way up, the wolf showing through as he moved over, only hesitating for a moment before sitting on the floor, resting his head on loki’s knee, so much like a dog wanting attention. “I am sorry father...for what happened.”He muttered wrapping a arm around his legs, holding onto him, understanding now, more then ever, that loki had abandoned them, to protect them, and trusting that odin and thor would take care of them. “I wont let anything happen this time. I’ll help you keep Tony safe.”he promised quietly turning his head to look up at loki, his wide blue eyes full of promise and the need to protect the father he’d always wanted, to protect the man who’s own mind had betrayed him with what was real and what wasnt
Loki didn't want Fenris to think he was mad at him, so he started talking when Fenris was trying to 'back out' as it where. he watched Fenris move. it might have looked odd to some, but Loki could see the grace etched into every motion. his son was a Wild creature, just as Sayo had been. Sayo had often moved like that, and Loki swallowed thickly. it almost hurt, how much Fen looked like Sayo. at the same time, he was overjoyed that his children didn't look afraid, or hateful towards him. he went as stiff as a board when he was 'hugged' looking more shocked than anything, and confused. it wasn't that he didn't want Fen touching him, it was just that the only people who ever touched him was people who wanted Sex, so Loki wasn't sure what to do or how to react. and then Fenris spoke and it yanked so hard on Loki's heart that it was impossible to hide. his lip trembled and he burst into tears, falling to his knees next to Fen and swept into a hug, sobbing all the while. "i'm sorry. i'm sorry, i'm so, so sorry." Loki gasped though his sobs, Jor and Hela joining in the group hug, clinging to their father. it was Jor who started crying first. he had the most childhood memories of Loki. he even remembered Sayo a little bit. he had felt the most hurt in knowing he had been abandoned, because he had remembered how much Loki had once loved him. now, here was proof that Loki had always loved them. he could no more contain his tears than Loki could.
Fenris went tense to as loki did, not sure how to react yelping as the man started to cry.”I’m sorry I’m sorry!Don’t cry!Jor!Help!”Fenris whined looking so upset and squirmy that he was so very bad at emotional things, before starting to cry himself, shifting, snuggling into the doggy pile of family that was happening around him.

“....If you four are having a mental breakdown of some kind, please tell me, because I don’t want thrown out a window again by a emotional asgardian.”Tony mused as he stepped into the room looking at the small family, for once the sarcastic sneer gone, replaced by a gentle amused smile. Poor idiot was in love and didn’t even know it. Someone needed to point it out to him, otherwise he was just going to be blind, and wasn’t that amusing for a man who usually saw everything.
Loki held his children, feeling warm and happy and ever so complete. "s...shut up T.Tony." Loki hiccuped, sounding amused as he released his children and wiped his eyes and handed out handkerchiefs so that his kids could wipe their eyes and blow their noses. "there now..." Loki muttered, offering them a hesitant smile. "you'll all stay here then? i'm not... fixed, but i am much better." he admitted. "i'd... i'd like to have my children again..." he admitted, looking hopeful but worried. Jor just beamed and nodded. Hela demanded magic lessons and nodded. "i'll still be ruling Nifelhiem though, so i'll need to go there for a few hours everyday at least..." provided they could chase Frigga's men out of there anyway. "now. i think everyone is in need of a nap." Loki admitted, struggling to contain himself still. Jor seamed to understand, because he grabbed Hela and Fen's hands and started babbling about the massive pool of water tony had in one of the lower levels that was for swimming in. Loki just smiled and then looked at tony again, crying once more. "they don't hate me! they don't hate me!" he gasped, trying to wrap his mind around such a thing. struggling to ground himself. high emotional moments tended to throw his.. issues, into overdrive, so he was fighting to keep himself in real life. he was doing quite well actually.
“You know me, LoKitty, I never shut up.”Tony was smiling though as he watched the kids wiping up, making a face.”Urgh, you guys are getting snot all over my nicely clean shark tank....I’m going to make a rule about no crying in here...”He sulked but looking amused though. “T-thanks.”Fenris hiccuped a little as he wiped up his face before nodding, “I would enjoy that. I hear your mate is a wizard with tech. I would like to learn electronic things.’Fenris said his features morphing into something like tony’s look when he was considering a new project, and despite being a warrior, fenris was a geek to, and loved tinkering with things. “I’d love to. It’ll be fun having a new whiz kid to teach.”Tony snickered watching them leave before looking at loki, moving over to sit next to him, “So I can see.”he said tangling his hand in loki’s hair, dragging him around for a kiss, remembering what loki said about the world seeming real during sex, hoping to help the man in real life.
Loki snorted. "don't call me that damn you." he complained, all three kids snickering at the ridiculous nickname. "look! now my children will never take me seriously!" he complained as the children snickered. "Tony is amazing at Technology." Loki agreed. "he can do the most amazing things. remind me to show you Television, it's the best!" Loki admitted, Jor nodding eagerly. "Thor says Fenris is very, very smart." Loki admitted, smirking. "actually, all three of them are labeled as 'Genii. geniuses." Loki smirked. "they got very good genes." he stated, looking quite smug. "beautiful, brilliant, and they have common sense. much better than most of those twitterheaded Aeser." "...Twitterheaded?" Hela asked, sounding highly amused. "yes... it is an earth saying. i am not sure since the birds here have the sense to fly away when faced with danger." that cracked up the kids and they laughed on the way out.

Loki grinned at Tony and kissed back, drowning himself in eager pleasure. "dammit... you're still hurt." he whimpered. "we can't have sex..." he grumbled, kissing Tony again. "i wish i could heal you. but you'd go into shock. and that would be bad for sex too." he growled, clearly unhappy that he couldn't have sex. but also unhappy that Tony was hurt that bad. and unhappy because he could see little critters dancing around and the could hear the annoying whispers, like someone standing too far away and whispering about you. you know they where talking about you, but you couldn't understand what they where saying.
“You’ll have to make me stop if you want me to.”He said smirking darkly before smirking. “No one ever takes you seriously, loks.”He teased. “Oh!I’ve heard of television. I would like to see.”Fenris agreed looking eager at the idea. “They do have very good genes. The best.”he smirked looking amused at loki, “....you pick up the most interesting slang.”he mused

“Hm, but I can still enjoy this.”Tony muttered looking startled that the other cared enough to be so upset about him being hurt, smirking as he stood, straightening as he wrapped his hands in loki’s shirt.”Come on.”He growled dragging the other towards his bedroom and laying down on the bed, “Come here. Straddle my chest, Loki.”He ordered his eyes dark and amused, not about to let the other forget.
Loki glared at Tony. "i won't have sex with you." he stated simply. though they both knew that was an empty threat to say the least and they both knew it. "what's slang?" Loki asked, looking confused. "enjoy what?" Loki asked, utterly confused before he turned and snapped to empty air for them to 'put that down before you break it', before turning his attention back to Tony as he followed the other. "straddle your chest? but you're hurt..." he protested, looking worried as he settled onto the other tentatively, barely touching Tony, he was more hovering in place, his long legs flexing with the effort. Loki's muscles weren't like humans though, he could hold that position of over an hour if he wanted to. it would ache after, but he didn't mind that.
“I know and I’m going to listen to the doctor’s orders.”Tony smirked looking amused because he knew he couldn’t have sex, no matter how much he complained. He wouldn’t risk injuring himself. “It’s words, like twitterhead and youtubing and other things that mean things.”He smiled a little rambling and to focused on sex to really explain slang.”yea, just hold yourself up. Brace on the headboard if you want.”Tony said smirking as the other settled on him, looking pleased as laying down mostly kept his back from hurting even as he undid the other’s pants, raising his head up enough to just slide his mouth down over loki’s cock, closing his eyes as he went to town blowing the other.
Loki blinked, looking curious before he tensed, surprised as he realized what Tony was going to do. "oh. my god." he moaned, tossing his head back he simply felt, and enjoyed the sensations rushing through him. it had been SO long since he'd had a blowjob. he preferred to give them really, but this was amazing. he let Tony suck him into oblivion and happily napped for an hour after. it wasn't enough to keep Loki from having an episode, but it was enough to make it a very mild one. when the kids finally came back from the pool, Loki was methodically taking apart a microwave, trying to figure out how it worked. "you! hold this! and don't let it get away, the nasty little critter keeps trying to escape on me." he admitted, handing the heating coils to Hela, who blinked. "hold them tightly now, they tend to squirm." he paused and blinked at her. "you're the new student, yes? welcome to the Academy, forgive the mess, i'm a little scattered lately." poor Hela looked like she wasn't sure if she wanted to laugh or cry. "now then, since you're new, i'll take it easy on you." Loki promised, dusting his hands off. Loki had taught for a while, after graduating with the highest scores ever recorded, he had agreed to teach various leveled students that showed promise. he thought he was back in that time, and Hela was his new apprentice. she looked delighted to be learning from the best though as Loki explained the basic 'laws' of Magic, which wasn't unlike physics, or alchemy. you can't create something from nothing, you can't change anatomic makeup, you can't turn lead into gold. that sort of thing.
“She’s a very new student.”Tony said from where he was perching in the window seat looking amused as he watched loki take apart the mircowave. While he should probably stop it, it wasn’t horrible, and it wasn’t like he wouldn’t be able to put it back together. And since it wasn’t overly horrible and loki wasn’t being a danger, he was just relaxing back and enjoying learning. “...you look like very pleased.”Fenris muttered as he slipped into the seat next to him, looking at the tech genius amusedly. “I am. I’m learning new things now shush.”Tony ordered knowing if they interrupted to much loki would stop giving his lesson.
Loki grinned, clearly pleased to have such a willing body of students. "are we quite done with the id;e chitchat?" Loki demanded of Fenrir and Tony, lifting an eyebrow before he returned to his 'lecture' about manipulating magical energy. Hela was even taking notes, in Old Fithark, an ancient Norse language that was typically thought to be mostly dead. she was learning mroe than she'd ever learned before. Loki really was a really good teacher, and he looked like he loved doing it too. "now, when using magic one must always remember the rate of equivalent exchange. you cannot make more than you have, and if there is something leftover you must find something for it to become or for it to do, else the whole thing tends to fail in some very spectacular ways." Hela nodded. "like trying to turn a pin into a candlestick, it's just not possible." "precisely." Loki glanced at the microwave and blinked. "...well now, where did that mess come from? well, it might be good practice, everything seams to be there, see if you can't put it back together." he decided, Hela nodding as she examined it for a moment before she held her hands over it and focused. a flash of baby blue light, and the microwave was as good as new. it even dinged.
“Sorry teacher.”Tony said a small smirk playing at his lips as he considered what he wanted loki to teach him, settling back into the chair to listen. Tony laughed a little as loki stared at the mircowave, smirking a little as hela put it back together. “Well...it looks okay...hold on.”Tony smirked as he bounced to his feet. “Clint!Get in here.”He yelled waiting for clint, moving back to his seat and sitting before clint appeared, holding out a hot pocket. “here, go nuke that for me.I’ve been told to not get up, and I dont want them messing around with the mircowave..”he said swallowing the snicker that threatened to escape.
Loki offered tony one more glower before returning to the lesson. "Very well done Hela!" Loki chirped, clapping his hands. which was proof that he was coming out of it, or already was. sometimes the 'transition' was so smooth that no one noticed. Loki scowled at Tony's yelling again but said nothing this time, no doubt Tony wanted to show off his daughters amazing skills. "...you couldn't make one of them do it?" he complained, Jor shrugging. "i don't know how to use it." he admitted, Loki blinking rather owlishly at Clint. "and just who are you then?" Loki demanded. "you're too ugly to be a student here. you look like a Orc. Orc's can't use magic!" "...i think i've been insulted." Clint grumbled as he took the Hot Pocket and set it into the Microwave, pushed the buttons, pressed start, and yelped like a wounded dog when the microwave crackled, popped, and promptly melted. "...oh dear...." Loki muttered, smiling rather playfully. "a little less power next time my dear." he stated, patting Hela's shoulder.
Tony smiled looking amused glancing at clint.”They don’t know how to work it. And Loki’s having a moment...As you can tell, you orc.”Tony snickered. “..he does kinda look like a orc. Though he’s not as ugly as one.”Fenris mused tilting his head. Grinning wickedly as it blew up. “Hm, thanks for trying to make me food clint.”Tony said sounding to pleased to be completely innocent in wanting clint to make it for him. Clint really should know better then to do things tony asked him for.
Loki scowled at Tony. "That is Professor to you!" he warned. "i'm not sure i like you very much. you're much too opinionated." he stated with a sniff, Jor and Hela snickering at that as Clint rolled his eyes. "hmm. your right, he's certainly not ugly enough. perhaps a Halfling then? he seams much more intelligent than an orc too, so i'm sure he's bathroom trained." Orc's where typically violent, ugly, and stupid. put ten of them together, and there still wouldn't be enough intelligence to light a light-bulb. "....you're an ass Tony!" Clint complained, though he looked rather amused as he stormed out, Hela laughing outright at that. it was hilarious. "yes, well. i think that shall be a good end to a first lesson. keep practicing." Loki suggested before narrowing his eyes at Tony. "and you and i, Mister Stark, will be having words in my office about your attitude." he paused and looked around. "...where is my office?"
"He could be a halfling.though I'm not sure if orcs are in midgard or not."fenris said looking like he was really considering it before sighing quietly snickering as tony got scolded."I'm sorry professor."tony said looking to amused to be truly contrite."I know clint,but you'd worry if I wasn't being a ass."tony snickered watching his friend go before looking up at loki."my attitude professor?snd it is just down the hall. Third door on the right."he said simply figuring there was no harm in letting loki use his personal office for whatever the man wanted,not sure if he was out of the delusion yet or not and not wanting to upset him by denying him a office.
Loki shrugged. "there could be. or one of the midgaurdians might have been an unfortunate victim." Loki admitted. "they do tend to... fornicate, with their prisoners. and they aren't too smart so keeping control of those prisoners isn't likely. many Orc victims usually get away with nothing more than a bit of bruising... it's when your not their cup of tea that they tend to go all bloodthirsty." Loki admitted with a chuckle before he turned his stern expression back onto Tony. "good then. March." he ordered, helping Tony to his feet and down the hall to the third door on the right. "right then." Loki stated, wiggling his fingers, Tony's pants and underwear... if he was wearing them, vanishing as Loki took a firm grip on the back of Tony's neck and pushed him onto the desk. "had a little chat with certain people." Loki admitted, his eyes glittering with mischief. "not only are you a naughty boy with a bad attitude who needs severe punishing, but Dr. Banner has cleared you for sex. so i'm going to fuck you until you can't walk all over again. as punishment, of course."
Tony sulked, dragging his feet.”Heyyy, I don’t take orders well.I give them.”Tony grumbled even though he was following, pausing as he looked down at his now missing pants-cause he was tony stark, since when would he ever wear underwear...outside of the suit of course. “Oh,certain people now?Do I know these people?”He teased as he laid on the desk, smirking up at him over his shoulder ,not looking overly worried about being pretty much being pinned to his desk. “Ohhh...but I’ve just been allowed to start walking again loki....and why do I deserve punishment?”He whined twisting his head to look at the man.
Loki offered Tony a scowl. "you'll take orders if you don't want to be expelled from this institution." he warned with a smirk. "and we wouldn't want that, now would we?" he demanded before he snickered a little. "oh. just people." he teased. "many people. everyone in the building seams to want to see me punish you." he teased with a chuckle. "though, i don't think they expected me to punish you in this manner." Loki admitted with a snicker. "you deserve a punishment for denying me sex for so long and teasing me." he teased as he poured a warmed oil all over Tony's rear end. "now shut up and enjoy this. when i'm done, you can have you're turn."
“No, no we wouldn’t want that.”tony snickered, squirming a little, sighing softly. “Hm, I don’t remember pissing off that many people.”He grumbled sulking a little at the other’s wanting him punished before laughing.”No, probably not, but they should have known it was coming.....and hey!I tried having sex.I kept getting yelled at!”He whined groaning as the other poured the warm oil, squirming a little as he relaxed. “Would you hurry up then.”he demanded shifting his hips, feeling the friction against his cock, sighing quietly at the feel.
Loki snickered. "they all are under the impression i am going to take you over my knee and give you a paddling." he teased with a smirk as he kissed the other's back. "you did indeed, and i would have been most angry with you if you'd gone against Doctors orders. but you still teased me." he pointed out with a chuckle as he slowly slid his fingers deep inside of the other and wiggled. "since you teased me, i think i'll tease you." he well, teased. he knew neither of them would hold out that long, but it was fun to torment his lover sometimes.
“A paddling is sometimes fun.”Tony mtutered moaning quietly as the other kissed his back, shivering as he glanced at him, laughing a little. “That’s not my fault. I didn’t mean to tease...”he moaned shuddering hard as the other slid a finger into him, shifting a little to press back into him.”LoKitty, come on. You know you just want to fuck me. Just do it already.”he growled, the begging words more angry then begging, a demand to be fucked after so long absent. The playboy hadn't gone this long without sex since afghanistan
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "i don't typically like to hit people, but in a controlled setting i suppose it could be arousing. particularly in some... what do you call it, roleplaying?" he asked with a smile. "you did too mean to tease." he accused with a silk before smacking Tony's ass. "don't call me that!" he complained with a shake of his head as he pressed on Tony's prostate just to torment Tony before he chuckled, lined up, and slid in with an eager moan, thrusting slowly and working his way faster and harder, making sure that Tony could handle the sex without pain.
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