Mind over Matter(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“Wednesday, Though I’ve been partial to Thursday since I met the god who got his own day.”He snickered a little, teasing lightly because he knew the brothers were mostly talking. “I already do, but people seem to think I should remember on my own.”Tony twitched a little before smirking. “Well, I’m glad I’m so good I can make the world real again.”he snickered a little turning his head to look down at him, pressing a kiss to his head. Refusing to look at the tight warm feeling that closed around his heart at the idea of loki thinking the tower was home.Shifting a little he nudged him.”Come on, we better get back before bruce freaks out and thinks I’ve been having sex.”he grumbled looking amused though as he shifted away moving to get up. Tugging the god after him, looking amused as he went in search of the others
Loki blinked a little at him. "Thor had an entire Day named after him!?" he demanded, more than a little astonished. "Well! i never! im twenty times more amazing than he is!" he complained with a pout before he smiled a little. "so long as you are, indeed, remembering, who cares how you go about it? i don't even understand the concept of... a weekend? i know what a year is at least... though Asgaurd's year is about five hundred and twenty three days, instead of your three hundred and sixty." he admitted. "we do have an official record keeper who keeps track of dates and history and what day it is or isn't, but most people don't bother with dates unless they're interested in History." he admitted with a smile. "you always make the world real." he murmured, giving Tony a small kiss as he followed Tony out, wheeling the chair for when Tony got tired. "they're through here." Loki stated as he led Tony to the massive Shark exhibit. black tips and great whites, hammer heads and other massive examples of sharks dominated the area. all in separate tanks of course. no need to have sharks fighting after all. still, Jormungandr was practically hyperventilating he was so excited. "hard to imagine he's only fifty." Loki admitted with a smile. "he acts so much older most of the time. it's nice to see him acting his own age."
“He does. But if it makes you feel better, a lot of other gods got days to. Saturn got Saturday, and Wednesday is woden’s day.Which is really odin’s day, but odin isn’t nearly as cool sounding”Tony snickered a little before nudging him.”I’ll rename a day for you, it’ll be lokiday, and all we’ll do on it is have sex.”he snickered before smirking. “...that’s pretty cool actually. I wonder how the astrophysics would be in asgard...”Tony swallowed stopping the science babble before smiling as they walked out, smirking at the sight of jor so excited. ‘We might have to add black tip sharks to my tank. They get along with the dollybacks, wont eat them or anything.”He said looking thoughtful before looking up at the man, “It is.I was worried about him for awhile there.”he muttered settling back into the wheelchair as he yawned.
Loki snorted a little. "well, he can have his lousy day. i will have the most important festivals." he decided with a sniff before smiling. "it is good that the humans know of Odin's greatness." he admitted with a grin before he scowled. "Frigga should not have a day." he growled. "make them rename her day into something less insulting to my ears." he decided with a nod. "what are these Astrophysics?" he asked, frowning a little. "are you talking about Astrology? our Solar system is completely different from yours. we are actually not even in the same galaxy." he admitted. "we are about... fifteen Galaxies away i think." he admitted with a smile. "the physics and stuff is all the same, we just have different names, numbers, and languages for them." he admitted. "oh, that would be fun." he agreed with a grin. "we'll have to put the Tank somewhere nice and visible for everyone, and we could put a smaller one for more Dotty backs in your room?" he offered, his head tilted. "he's had a hard life..." Loki admitted, sounding quite sad. "i want my other Children to come here." he admitted. "it's safe and Jor looks so happy and no one calls them names or glares at them...do you need to go home? we could abandon these killjoys here and go snuggle on a couch in front of deadly sharks."
Tony winced, having left Frigga’s day out on purpose, having hoped the man hadn’t noticed that. “I shall try to make them rename it. Maybe Starkday or Tonday.I kinda like that.”Tony smirked before smiled. “Sort of. It’s space physics. Things that affect the atmosphere and all that. And that’s so cool, really. I wonder just how different everything is and how physics work and...”toyn sighed smirking at the idea but shrugging a little. “I like that idea. We’ll put the big tank out in the living room, replace those damned windows you threw me out of, and put the tank there. That would be better.And a small tank of dottybacks in my room.”he decided the memory of his mother’s love for them, and for her son to private, to painful to be in public. “Okay. If you have a way to get in touch with them, or have thor do so, tell them they’d be welcome.”Tony said smiling before smirking. “Killjoys?Just because I can’t have sex, doesn’t mean their killjoys....and yea...lets go.”He yawned again, suddenly, both mentally and emotionally exhausted, “Guys. Me and Reindeer are going home. I reserved the aquarium for however long you want it, so enjoy.”He called looking amused as he watched the others.
Loki nodded. "good!" he stated with a smile. "i think that's a good idea. and i remember a day that is based entirely on me!" he admitted with a grin. "it is called April Fools! Thor was trying to tell me about it, but i ignored him." he admitted with a nod. "and Halloween might be mine too. maybe. that is where kids play pranks if you do not bribe them with Candy, right? that is a Holiday i can get behind." he admitted with a smirk. yes... but the Tank can't sit in direct sunlight, it wears on the magic." he admitted. "i'll find the perfect place for you." he promised with a grin. "and i don't know if the Dottyback tank will be all that small." he pointed out with a chuckle. "and they are killjoys. look at them, being all indulgent and happy." he stated with a sniff. "thanks Tony! this is great!" Jormungandr gasped as he stared at several small reef sharks. Loki just grinned and took them both straight back to the Tower with his Magic and spent the next twenty minutes making a perfect Tank for Tony and then filling it with Dottybacks straight from the sea with a wild source of natural food that would refresh every day. the Dottybacks wouldn't even know the difference.
“Ah, yes. That is definitely a day made for you. You’ll have to do something this year.”He said snickering a little at the idea, smiling a little. “And yes, that’s halloween. You would like that I think.”he said looking amused before shrugging. “Wherever you want to put them then.”He said smiling slightly, wondering just how big his two tanks were going to be. Smirking as he laid back on his bed watching one whole wall almost become a tank, raising a eyebrow. “So, where are you going to put Jor’s shark tank?”He said sounding amused even as he watched the purple clusters chasing each other, looking more relaxed and pleased then he had in days really.
Loki grinned a little and nodded. "i will allow you to remind me of these holidays while they are occurring." he decided with a nod. "i was thinking in the living room." Loki admitted. "in the floor, so you can look down at them." he grinned at Tony. "what do you think, good? or not?..." he paused as a familiar energy flooded the place and his head shot up. "someone, has just used the Rainbow Bridge to appear in your tower." he warned, drawing a long, wicked dagger out of Thin air. "wait here." Loki demanded even as Jormungandr, Fandral and Hogun magicked everyone else into the Tower, responding to the energy signature. it was a very unusual Woman. "...Hela." Loki breathed, staring at his youngest daughter with wide eyes. she was just as beautiful as ever. she glanced at Loki and then around at all of the people. "Uncle." she muttered to Thor. "i have been kicked out of Nifelheim." she admitted, sounding very, very furious. "Frigga has tried to take my kingdom!" Thor cursed and Loki's eyes flashed with rage, but said and did nothing. he wasn't sure he even had the right to be angry for this new pain against her, considering just how much he'd hurt her himself.
Tony grinned at that. “Now I do like the idea. It’d be pretty cool to walk over sharks.”He said looking bemused as he looked at the tank, “IT’s fine Loki.Thanks.”he muttered looking pleased with the idea of his dottyback tank before his eyes went wide, looking startled at loki’s sudden protectiveness as he pushed up out of his wheelchair, and despite the orders to stay, he grabbed the handheld repulsor that he’d made just in case he needed a weapon outside of his suit, walking into the hallway, pausing out of sight as he listened, wanting to obey loki’s order to stay out of things until he couldn’t. Thor looked down at his niece, his expression thunderous as he frowned. “How?And your brother?Where is Fenris?”Thor demanded looking upset, and needing to make sure that they were fine, before he went to speak to his mother. “Here.”Fenris said as the energy flaired again and the tall dangerous wolfing appeared next to hela in human form, his white blond hair messy around his face, looking alot like loki when he wa syounger.
Loki grinned. "i thought you'd like that." he admitted with a nod. "and of course, bottom will not be see through, we don't want the peons watching us." he admitted with a chuckle before he sobered at the feeling of magic. Jor looked rather shocked that his younger sister and brother where here as well and he looked her over, wondering if she was hurt. nope, undamaged, good. "what do you mean how!? how do you think!? she took a bunch of your nasty freinds and told them to kick me out! what was i supposed to do, face them down in a death fight!?" she demanded. "there where twenty of them! they said they had Odin's Grace but i highly doubt that! he gave me Nifelheim and i made that world! how DARE she take it away! she has no right!!!!" Hela was clearly seconds away from having a well and true temper tantrum. "Hela, please." Jor muttered, pulling her into a tight hug. "be calm now. Uncle will fix it. Frigga is throwing a fit because Loki killed Sif and sent her..." "eyes and tongue. i'll be sending the fingers next." Loki admitted, startling a giggle out of Hela who finally looked at her father, curious and hurt. she had been old enough to remember Loki's abandonment, but unlike Jor, did not know why he had done so. only Fen would have no memories of the God, Fen had grown up knowing only Thor and Odin.
Thor winced as he realized he’d worded his question wrong, because he hadn’t thought it’d actually been possible to kick hela out of niflehiem, “No, no I would not want you to do that.”Thor said watching the siblings, “I will fix this. I will speak to odin.”Thor said though he made no move as he watched his brother and his children, wanting to make sure they were fine together before he left them alone. Glancing at Tony, seeing the inventor stepping out of the hall, he wondered just how steady loki was at the moment, and hoping Tony was ready for whatever emotional fallout resulted. “And that crosses the line right into creepy.”Tony made a face at the idea of loki sending body parts, moving to sit down on the couch, refusing to think about how much his back agreed that sitting down was a good idea. Fenris frowned turning to look at loki, looking curious and confused. Looking up at Jor and hela, the slightly shorter and younger sibling looked to the two elder for guidance on how to speak to the father who had abandoned him.
Loki watched, wondering how he could fix all of this as Thor promised to speak to Odin, who very clearly had NOT had Hela kicked out of Nifelhiem. he had given her that realm to protect her and show his affection for her after all. Odin adored Loki's daughter and made no secrete of it in the least. "Thank you Uncle." Hela muttered as Jor moved over to Hela and Fenris. "come! i will tell you everything." he promised, taking his siblings hands and leading them away, Loki opening his mouth to say something before he grimaced, closed his mouth and looked away. it only took Jormungandr twenty minutes to explain to both his siblings that Loki had been very sick, and had seen people who did not exist. Loki had not understood that the people he saw weren't real, so when those people who where not real started threatening his children, he gave them to his brother so he couldn't hurt them. "i didn't know Aeser could get diseases like that." Hela admitted softly, wondering if she should feel grateful that Loki had abandoned them.... was it just an excuse? "neither did anyone else. it's not exactly studied, but it is studied here. there is an Aeser here who studies it, and diagnosed Loki, and gave him medicine. sometimes he still has very bad days though." Jor admitted with a shake of his head. "i can't make you forgive him... he still scares me a little bit, but Tony can always make him calm, even when Loki doesn't know who anyone is."

"...do you think they could ever forgive me?" Loki asked, his voice barely a whisper. "i braught them into a hate filled world and then i abandoned them to it... i wish they would... yell, scream at me, hurt me... something... anything other than just skirting awkwardly around me as if i am disease ridden and they don't want to be rude..."
“I will speak to him now.”Thor muttered as he left.Fenris frowned as he sat on the floor, the young wolfing staring at the floor and looking so confused, not sure whwat to think. “....what is he like?Now?”Fenris said wanting to know what to think, wanting to know just how dangerous the man was before he considered going out and meeting him. Still feeling hurt and torn up, because despite loving odin and thor, he had been aware there was a part of his life missing, a father he had never been given the chance to know. And he was curious about the human who seemed to smell like his father. “....Tell us about tony.”He asked, wanting to know more, to understand part of their relationship, so maybe that he would have a chance of not making his father angry with him, not wanting to ruin a chance at the relationship before it could grow.

Tony turned his head to look at the man he’d pulled down next to him, bringing up a hand to absently run his fingers through soft black hair. “I think they need time to understand, Reindeer.”he muttered closing his eyes, focusing on loki’s pain instead of just how badly his back hurt. Yea he knew he should tell loki, but loki needed him to be stronger, and damned if tony was going to let him down. “Well, they’re your children, raised by thor, I don’t think they’d be terribly worried about being rude....they’ve only been here twenty minutes. Give them a little bit, LoKitty.”
or smiled. "he is much saner, but still... he is.." Jor scowled and then. "he is frightened of me. i think. or frightened of me hating him. he does not really understand how to fix the pain he caused, even if he knew he did it for us, to protect us, he feels very very guilty about leaving us." he admitted. "he still has days where he's not sane, but Doctor Sky or Tony can always keep him from hurting someone, or himself. he's very spoiled." Jor admitted with a grin. "like a whiny brat. he complains all the time and is always claiming he's superior to everyone." just like Hela, who sniffed and tossed her hair, sticking her nose in the air. "Tony is great! he stood up to the Warriors for me! or. he stood up to Sif anyway. Volstagg is still around somewhere, but he's not shown his face since i saved his spiny ass." Jormungandr admitted. "Tony is a genius, he can do the most amazing things with earths technology." Jor admitted with a grin. "Tony is also the only person who can get lose to Loki when Loki is having a... uhm, 'bad day'. Loki blew up the kitchen one morning, and he only stopped destroying things because Tony distracted him. Tony is fearless, but he's badly hurt right now. Sif stabbed him right through... he really hates that. i think he and Loki love each other, but they are too stupid to admit it."

Loki relaxed into Tony's hands, sighing softly. "i know... but even Jor... he. tiptoes. it bothers me..." he admitted softly, looking up at Tony. "you're in pain?" he asked, noticing the tightening of Tony's eyes, gently stroking his back and front to numb the wound. "...yeah, no rudeness is not something they would care about." he admitted with a grin. "Hela especially. even at six, she knew what she wanted and she didn't care who she had to kick to get it." he admitted with a snicker. "she used to get into terrible fights with Jor over... well, everything. and she simply hated Fenris because he had attention all the time and she didn't. she peed on him once you know." he admitted with a snicker. "i used to have pictures... but i'm not sure where those went..."
Fenris frowned at that, “Well, I will not have father frightened of us. It seems he’s already had enough fear of his ‘people’, delusions already.”Fenris huffed frowning a little, and despite spending most of his time as a wolf, the young wolf was more intelligent then most people would give him credit for....tony’d definitely have someone to talk to, as Fenris found earth things utterly fascinating. “Really?”his eyes widened comically at the idea of a mere human taking on the warriors three, simply for one of loki’s children. Indeed, Loki must mean alot to tony. “We shall make him see that being hurt is not something to be hated, simply a fact of life, and that he will be okay.”Fenris decided, pleased with his conclusion, and being a warrior himself, he understood why Tony didn’t want to rest and be laid up for long.

“Would it make you feel better if I find this adorable, and extremely sexy?I mean, it’s not often I’m the stable one in a relationship.”Tony teased a little, trying to distract him from his worry about the kids before wincing a little, sighing quietly as loki numbed the pain, nearly melting under his hands, it felt so good to not hurt. “We were focusing on you...not me...”He muttered making a face but not protesting the pain relief before snickering. “...I have a feeling me and Hela will get along splendidly.”Tony grinned amused at the idea of meeting a younger....well...she was older then him but still...version of himself. “we’ll ask thor when he gets back. He probably has them.”he said sighing quietly as he closed his eyes, relaxing.
Hela considered for a long moment and then nodded her agreement with Fenris. "agreed. he could not help he was... sick." she agreed. "and he butchered Sif, how could i hate him?" she asked with a smirk. Sif had been bad to Jor and Fen, but she had saved most of her rage, hatred, and vitriol for Hela. it had gotten so bad at one point, that Hela had been walking around with constant bruises because of Sif. "but i'm worried. you said that he still has, uhm. moments?" Hela asked, looking concerned. "what if he attacks one of us?" "Tony won't let that happen. besides, he doesn't usually attack actual people, just things. it's just that people tend to get in the way, he doesn't always see us... or if he does, doesn't realize that we're real."

Loki huffed a little. "shut up and comfort me you annoying asshole." he complained, though he sounded amused. "how can you focus on me if your in pain? i want your undivided attention Tony Stark." he ordered with a sniff as he relaxed into Tony's lap again. "Hela is entirely too much like the both of us for comfort." he admitted with a grin. "Fenris is a lot like Thor, a mighty warrior... but he's so intelligent too." he admitted with a smike as he nodded. "yeah, i'd like to have my things..." he admitted, looking up at Tony. "do you really think my children could forgive me someday?" he asked hopefully.
"Agreed,getting rid of sif was a awesome present."fenris said smiling before looking worried glancing at jor trying to decide if he should be worried before looking thoughtful at the idea that someone had that much influence with loki."well...we should go out and see them before he decides we hate him forever....and we'll just have to play it by ear from there."fenris decided heading for the door pausing out of the way so he could observe loki and tony,his curiosity about the two getting thr better of him.

"Me?annyoing?I think you got me confused with clint,and I was trying to.if it makes tou feel better everyone elsw thinks I'm insane,zo we'll just be unstable together...we're probably like a moltov cocktail waiting to go boom.."he muttered relaxed and sleepy now he wasn't hurting."undivided right...but there was a project I wanted to work on and.."he muttered teasing because it was obvious he had no intention of moving or paying attention to anything else."well we'll just have to see...I mean I like people like myself.it feeds my inner narcissist."he snickered before pressing a kiss to the other's hair closing his eyes."they will."he promised,silently the 'even if I have to beat some sense into them' sounding loud in clear to tony stark.he'd never been this protective of someone,but considering how protective he was of his team and pepper even after they broke up,it really shoulsnt surprise him that he was.
Jor grinned. "he made it slow too." he admitted with a snicker. "he just played with her the whole time, took an ear once, an arm next. it was only when she tried to unleash a disease to kill all the humans that he really got annoyed with her." Jor admitted. "oh, before i forget, never wake Loki from a nap. bad things happen." Clint had tried that the other day and Loki had gone completely apeshit. it had taken Tony an hour to talk Loki down. so far the only people who could safely wake Loki was Tony, Pepper, Sky, and Bruce. the last time Jor had tried it, Loki had babbled to empty space for three hours. something about suddenly waking up triggering something in his brain. Sky had explained but Jor didn't get it. he followed Fenris and Hela followed both of them and they all paused as they watched Loki laying on the couch, his head in Tony's lap.

Loki smiled a little. "Clint is very annoying." he agreed with a chuckle. "you have a project?" Loki asked curiously. he loved to listen to Tony talk about new ideas. "what are you working on now? can i help?" he asked hopefully. "ha. yes you would like people just like you." Loki agreed with a snicker. not that he could say much... "by the way, whats a moltov cocktail? i like cocktails, especially the ones that are brightly colored and taste like sweets." he admitted with a smile. he hummed happily as he luxuriated in Tony's company, wondering if Tony would get annoyed if he took a nap on him? "Do you think Frigga will be put to the death? i can't imagine Odin being pleased with her over all of the bitchy things she's done. i never imagined she'd dare try to take over an entire world out of such juvenile pettiness... that's my job." he complained as he played with one of Tony's hands, stroking the fingers and massaging the palm simply to entertain himself. "oh, i almost forgot..." he muttered, looking down at the floor critically. "how many sharks should we have? three? ten?"
“Well, she did try to attack tony again, after he’d been hurt. Of course he got annoyed.”Fenris rolled his eyes a little before frowning a little, and nodding.”No waking up loki. I can handle that.”he muttered smiling a little.

“I do. I want to try out making a new bike for clint. His birthday’s coming up and natasha said something about him always wanting a bike, and you know despite harassing him, I do like the birdbrain so I thought I’d make something for him and...”he huffed a little before smiling. “I’ll let you hand me things.”He teased before smirking. “It’s a homemade bomb made with lots of alcohol, hence the name cocktail.”He smirked absently stroking loki’s hair, his eyes closed, close to sleep himself with the complete lack of pain. He looked happy and content. “It is your jump to take over worlds...but I dunno...she still is his wife. It might...It might be hard for him to make the decision.”He shrugged a little moaning quietly as teh man played with his hand, resisting the urge to rub himself against the other even as he hardened, after so long on bedrest he was horny, and despite the rule of no sex, he did enjoy the thoughts. “10.”Tony smiled looking down at loki then at the floor. “Ask jor, and the others. They’re back.”he muttered nudging loki to look at the door where all three were hovering watching them.
Loki grinned. "like a motorcycle? those things look so fun, like flying without wings." he admitted. "Flying is the best you know." he admitted with a nod. "of course, humans can't just sprout wings like i can... remind me sometime, i'll turn you into a bird and show you how to fly." he offered with a smile. "i like to hand you things." he purred playfully. "well, if Odin can't, then i will." Loki stated simply. "i won't allow her to bring harm to my family ever again." he decided, baring his teeth before he smirked up at Tony as the man moaned. "poor thing..." he muttered with a smile before he paused, looking confused. "others? oh!" he looked quite startled that his children where standing in the doorway and he sat up and blinked at them, looking rather stunned and awkward. he wasn't sure what to do. "uhm..." "are you making sharks?" Jor asked curiously, looking excited as he walked in, Loki nodding. "ah. yes. you liked the Aquarium sharks so much i got Tony's permission to put a shark-tank in here..." he admitted, Jor looking confused. "...where? there's no room in here for a tank that big.." Loki just grinned and glanced down. the floor had been turned into a Tank before anyone had noticed. Jor watched with stunned amazement as Loki wiggled his fingers in various patterns, creating the reef where the sharks would live and filled the tank with various tiny fish. Loki had to sit down after that, panting slightly. "it's been a while since i did something so big without a focus." he admitted, wiping his forehead. "wow... i didn't know that you where such a powerful mage." Hela admitted, sounding extremely impressed. "ah.. yes. i was the premier mage when i was younger. but.... i got sick. a person can't use their magic properly if their mind is... fractured." Loki admitted, Hela nodding. "Yes, everyone says that a person must have a strong mind to do strong magic." she agreed, blinking her multicolored eyes.
“Yea, that’s it. He has a thing for going fast, and since unlike me, he really can’t fly, O thought a bike would be best.”he looked amused before smiling, raising a eyebrow. “You shouldn’t hand them to me, I have a thing about it. No one hands me things, but I’ll let you sit things next to me.”Tony decided twitching a little before smiling, his smile equally as fierce. “I’m never going to let anyone hurt them either to.”he said before sulking at the other’s teasing. Sighing softly,”I’m going to ask bruce how long it’s until I can have sex...”he muttered sulking a little. Smirking as he looked up at the others,”Its okay.”he muttered to loki when he saw how confused the man looked before smirking as they looked down at the floor. “Oh!Look!Jor!Look theres sharks!”Fenris said, the facade of fiercesome warrior slipping away and once again he was simply a 20 year old asgardian, crouching down to look at the sharks better. Tony smiled looking amused at loki, though he was tired and worn, trying to hide just how much the day had taken out of him as he looked at loki.”Just keep doing impressive things, LoKitty, they’ll like you.”he teased quietly, just for loki to hear. Willing to tease him anytime, but not wanting to get in the middle of the family moment.
Loki smiled a little. "yeah. i forgot about your suit letting you fly." he admitted with a small chuckle. "you know. you could make something like a hoverboard, like on the TV." he mused with a grin as he studied the other, head tilted curiously. "i know you don't like things being handed to you." he admitted with a smile. "whats with that anyway? is it a germs thing or a contact thing?" he wondered curiously. "well, all Asgaurdians will fear the wrath of the Golden Duo soon." he promised with a grin. "since that's the only color we actually have in common." he mused with a smirk. "i'm sure it won't be long." Loki agreed with a smile. "you're healing at a good rate..." he wasn't about to admit that he'd been 'assisting'.

"i know! humans have entire buildings just for people who want to see underwater creatures!" Jor admitted, sounding quite excited. "there where lionfish, and seahorses, and hundreds of sharks!" he grinned. "it was amazing!" he admitted, looking down at the sharks before he looked worried. "won't the glass break with us standing on it?" "nope. it's magically reinforced. we could hit this place with a bomb and the Tank would survive without a scratch." Loki admitted, looking delighted to be interacting with his children. Hela looked rather bored by the sharks. she was much more interested in Tony's interactions with Loki.
“....You, LoKitty, are a genius. I’m making it in gold and green, and telling him it’s a present from both of us.”He grinned already thinking about how to make the hoverboard practical for the archer, who might need it while using a bow, which meant he needed his hands free and...he paused, making a noise that said he wasn’t really listening to what was going on around him as he thought over the new project, before twitching a little at the question. “It’s a contact thing.”he said briefly, ghosting easily over the subject that just said there was a real story to it, but that Tony didn’t want to talk about it right now. “Good. Cause I want to see you on your back soon.”Tony smirked a little.

“ew!Please, refrain from sex talks.”Fenris whined sitting back on his heels to look at the two on the couch, sulking a little before returning to staring at the sharks. “I want to see this building, Jor. We will go tomorrow.”He decided looking amused before smirking at the idea of the tanks surviving, amused before looking at Loki, looking curious. Wanting to ask a million things of his father, but not sure how the man, or tony would take any of the questions.
Loki chuckled a little. "sounds good to me." he agreed with a smirk. "but that should be red and green, otherwise people will just think it's from me." he teased with a grin. "my official colors are Green and Gold after all." he admitted with a chuckle. "and if you figure out how to make it work, i want one too." he ordered happily before nodding. "it's a trust thing isn't it? you don't trust that what you're being handed is safe." he mused. "right?" he asked curiously. "yes, i love it when you lay me on my back and..." he paused when Fenris interjected and he blinked stupidly, obviously having forgotten there where other people in the room.

"uhm, i don't know if we can. Tony made the building empty for us." Jor admitted. "Tony can do it again, he won't mind." Loki promised, smiling at Tony. "he loves spending his money on such things." he admitted. "you'll have to go to the Zoo too." "Zoo?" Hela asked curiously and Loki nodded. "yes. tere are many, many kinds of animals. they are very happy there. they are in massive pens that are build like their own homes. most of them where born there, because they are endangered." he admitted. "so don't set them free." Jormungandr snickered at that and promised to tell Hela and Fenris that story. "...Fenris?" Loki asked, hesitant. "what is it?" "it's alright Fenris, Loki won't get mad if you ask questions unless he's really tired and hasn't had his morning coffee." Jor promised, Loki snorting at that. "i need at least three before i can handle questions."
“Hm, no can’t do that. He’s not you. He’s not a christmas animal.I’ll think of something”Tony snickered, oh yea, tony could make fun of his reindeer no matter what they were talking about. “....stop being smart. You’re making my IQ drop.”Tony grumbled but didn’t deny it wasn’t why he didn’t like things handed to him. The story of why was so so disturbing, and more then one person had expressed a desire to beat howard stark for it, but he was definitely avoiding telling Steve about what kind of father howard had turned out to be, not about to ruin steve’s memory of the man, even if he suspected Steve knew. And telling loki, would mean he might open up to more people, might ask steve ‘why’ he’d ended up with his father, and that would open a whole can of worms he didn’t want to look into.

“You can visit without closing it down. I just shut it down because I don’t like being in a crowd. But I can buy it again tomorrow. And the zoo.You should make a day of it.”Tony shrugged not even worried about blowing money, after all, he knew Pepper would tell him if he was spending to much-which she did regularly actually- so he wasn’t to concerned about spending. “No, don’t set them free. Saving the zoo animals once was enough for me.”Tony snickered a little before going quiet, watching the family. “I’m gonna go visit with steve...”he muttered before pushing up off the couch, leaving father and children alone together as he headed in search of any of the avengers actually.

Fenris shifted from where he was crouching on the floor, resting his arms on his knees, bouncing a little on his toes as he considered what to ask, before staring down, his voice hesitant. “No one...ever could tell me who...my other father was....Without you there, not even thor knew and....”he stopped, for a moment sounding like tony in the middle of a ramble before swallowing.”Who?”He asked, needing to know, looking up at loki.
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