Mind over Matter(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Loki blinked a little as he watched the videos, his head tilted. "i didn't know humans could bend like that.." he admitted, looking rather impressed and not at all disturbed the way most humans would be. Loki had done worse. "well, Pepper needs freinds and i really kind of like her a little bit." Loki admitted, pouting at Tony. "if i promise not to hold anything i learn about you, against you, can i still be freinds with her?" he asked hopefully. "oh, i'll drag him up later and deal with him." Loki mused. "he's apologized to jor for his actiosn though, so it will be more humiliating than painful." he admitted with a nod.
“Hm, I was younger. Not sure if I could still bend like that.”Tony snickered a little even as he turned off the videos, eyeing the asgardian next to him, biting his lip a little. “...Fine. Do whatever.”he muttered not because he didn’t want loki to have friends, but he hated himself most days, and watching loki not be disturbed over the videos like everyone else he’d ever met, left him reeling and trying to figure out how to deal. “Ahhh...I would like to see that.”he smiled before rubbing a hand over his face,”You want to go out for awhile?”He asked.
Loki smirked a little. "i can bend like that." he admitted with a chuckle before he sighed and wrapped his arms around Tony, resting his head on the others belly. "you can help me. it will be fun." he promised with a grin. Loki was still easily tired, mostly healed but not up to a hundred percent yet. "out?" he asked curiously, his head tilted. "are we going to do that thing that Pepper and Natasha told me to never do? Clubbi?" Loki asked curiously, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "we can go to the black leather place right? i like black leather." he admitted with a nod. "just remember that you have to stay sitting. maybe we shouldn't go clubbi. maybe we could do something else... like the aquarium! Sky told me about that, all kinds of fish and water creatures. it would be amazing... or we could go to the Zoo. Svaini would love to see me. i'll just have to be careful not to open the gates this time. oh! when your better, you have to take me to a roller coaster." he ordered. "Natasha says they're amazing." he admitted. "i don't understand how you make cotton into a candy though... it sounds rather disgusting..."
Tony smiled closing his eyes, running his fingers through the other’s hair. “Yes, out. I don’t do well with being stuck inside, and while I can take the wheelchair, I would rather just go walking.Easy stuff.”He said before making a face.”No not clubbing. Clubbing would require me able to dance, and I’m not up for that yet....the aquarium. Let’s do that. You’ve already seen the zoo, we’ll go back sometime, but we’ll go see the fishes first.”he said already calling on his cellphone, dialing the aquarium. And while he wanted to go, he didnt want to share it with others,so he made it a private event for just him and loki, and any of the others if they wanted to go. Snickering at loki’s words he nodded. “Of course. I love coasters....and that sounded like a order?Why are you giving me orders?”He teased stealing a kiss before moving to get up slowly, “It’s not real cotton its...its hard to explain.”he snickered looking at loki. “let’s go.”
Loki nodded. "i hate being trapped too." Loki admitted with a smile as he leaned into the touches with a happy little sigh. "yeah, we'll do the clubbi when you're feeling better." he agreed with a nod. "i enjoy giving orders." Loki admitted with a smirk as he watched the other. "i'm good at them too, like when i ordered you to shut up and suck my dick... that was fun." he admitted with a laugh as he hopped to his feet and skipped over tot he wheelchair to help Tony into it, if the man needed it anyway. "not real cotton? then why do they call it so?" Loki complained with a small scowl and a shake of his head. "so, are we inviting the others? Jor would get a kick out of the fish..." he paused. "i wish Hela and Fen where here..." he admitted, sounding so wistful it almost hurt. now that Loki was sane, the pain of realizing he had abandoned his children was fresh and new. he'd given them up to protect them, but that didn't make him feel any better about it.
“Well, I enjoyed obeying that order.”Tony’s smirk dimpled his cheek as he laughed a little. “But I much rater give them.”he teased smirking a little as he moved to the wheelchair and climbed into it, nodding. “Jarvis, please inform the others that we’re going to the aquarium, if they would like to go. And tell them no, it’s not a private date, and I really don’t care if they come.”he said knowing that if given the chance the others would probably skip out just out of the desire to not be invited on a tony stark date. Glancing up at loki he nudged him a little, wrapping one hand around loki’s thigh, tugging him over to get his attention,”Don’t look so sad. You’ll make me do unspeakable and potentially harmful things to myself if you keep the look up, Reindeer.”He muttered tugging him down for a kiss before pulling away, craning his neck to grin at jor.
Loki smirked a little. "of course you did." he stated with a chuckle. "and you certainly are good at giving orders." he admitted with a nod as he watched Tony carefully for any signs of stumbling. when he didn't, he felt quite pleased that he was recovering so well. "...i know. i can't help it though." he admitted with a smile at Tony. "if you do harmful things to yourself, i'm strapping you to the bed." he warned before grinning at Jor who looked quite excited at the idea of going to a 'fish show' as Sky had explained, who was apparently going to be joining them. Fandral and Clint where coming too, and Hogun seamed highly interested. Volstagg was still hiding. by the time they reached the ground level, nearly everyone had joined them, save Volstagg. even Thor was there, though when he'd gotten back no one knew. he had pulled Loki aside for a short moment before they got in the car and Loki looked, for the rest of the car ride, like the cat who'd gotten two canaries and a dish of cream. "...your starting to frighten people Loki." Clint complained, Loki just grinning more and shrugging as Pepper snickered and Sky giggled. they knew Loki well enough now to understand his moods. no doubt Thor had told him that Frigga had gotten her 'gift'... and hadn't liked it much.
Tony looked amused.”I am, I enjoy orders.”He snickered quietly glancing at the other as he settled into the wheelchair. “You look pleased.”He said looking amused before sighing quietly, making a face at him, “If you’re going to strap me to the bed, you better be doing more enjoyable and harmful to.”he teased looking amused at jor being so excited. “Loki always frightens people,clint.”Tony said looking amused as he glanced at loki as he leaned back into the seat, playing on his phone. For once actually looking over stark industries paperwork before smirking a little wider, leaning over to kiss loki’s cheek as they got to the aquarium. “Come on.”He smirked looking at clint. “Now, bird brain, no eating the fish. I know your a hawk, but no eating the show.”He teased as they headed inside
Loki had to chuckle at Tony and shake his head. "i am pleased." Loki stated quite smugly. "and if i have to strap you to the bed it's because i'm severely annoyed with you." he pointed out. "so no, i wouldn't give you any sort of sexual delights." he stated with a chuckle. "and yes, i am always frightening. beware my amazing terror inducing self." he demanded, which just made Clint roll his eyes and turn to Fandral. "is he always like that?" "on good days, yes." he admitted with a chuckle before snickering at Tony's joke. "Tony! dammit, you had to ruin my fishing trip!" Clint complained with a grin. "how am i supposed to catch a great white shark if you won't even let me try?" he complained, Jor looking confused. "the fish in here are for eating?" "NO!" Pepper stated, pointing at the boy. "we do not, in any way or form, touch, bother, or hurt the fish! Tony, you're confusing the otherworlders, quit it!"
“I am very aware of your amazing self. If I praise you enough does it mean I can do unspeakable things to it?”He teased looking amused before slanting a look at fandal, smirking. “well. At least they’re well suited in their stupidity.”Natasha said snickering a little. “....”Tony paused tilting hsi head at that, “....We could catch a shark.”Tony said perking up a little at the idea, enjoying the thought before snickering at pepper, “You befriended my Loki, I’ll confuse whoever I want.”Tony huffed making a face as he headed inside, nudging clint a little as he let loki wheel his wheelchair inside. “Find a way to lose pep and nat, we’ll go get us a shark.”he muttered.
Loki smirked. "so long as you don't mutilate me in any way." he ordered with a chuckle. "and if your going to do anything nasty there had better be a LOT of praise, sucking up, and blowjobs." he ordered with a smile. "...Tony. this is an aquarium. we'll go to jail if we try to catch a shark here." Clint pointed out with a grin. "when you're feeling better, i'll show you where we can catch sharks, and Tuna, and other massive fish." he promised. "it will be awesome. we'll take the whole gang. everyone will be in Bikini's and shorts. imagine all that naked flesh." Clint was practically drooling at the thought. "there are Sharks! i want to see the Sharks first!" Jor pleaded, looking so hopeful it was funny. "we'll see the sharks eventually. it's a long hallway basically that we walk through. we can't just skip to specific animals you know." "oh... i thought we could." Jor admitted before heading off to explore the depths, chattering away at Sky who had decided to keep an eye on the young asgaurdian.
Tony snickered because he'd besn mostly kidding but now he was considering it."I'm tony stark, I can do what I want.even if it means catching a shark in a aquarium." "Tony just wait,you own a boat we'll all go fishing after you're up and about again."natasha said rolling her eyes amused as she trailed after jor and sky. Glancing up at loki tony drooled a little at the idea of everyond in swimsuits befode smirking at loki."ome on,reindeer.I plan on screwing you against a tank somewhere. It'll be awesome."he smirked teasing him mostly,becauase while he'd enjoy sex he wasn't being demanding,mostly teasing the other man. He was quite content really to just be with him and see the fish.
Pepper rolled her eyes. "your an egotistical ass." she stated simply as she moved away and Loki started to laugh as he watched her leave. "...something like this?" Loki asked, transforming into a very busty woman with slender hips and wearing a Bikini that looked like it might pop off. 'her' bottoms had a very naughty bulge in them though and Clint started to squeal about his eyes being burned out. "i do recall you asking me if i could take on full female form." Loki admitted with a smirk as the naughty bulge vanished, indicating that he really was, all female. "can we really have sex? you've been cleared for it?" "no he hasn't." "damn. we're coming back when your better Tony and you WILL fuck me against the glass here..." he demanded, nose in the air. "Loki i don't care if you walk around like a woman, but you need to put clothes on." Bruce demanded, Loki sulking as a sexy evening dress covered the God, Sky clapping, quite impressed as Jor laughed.
"...you're just figuring this out?"tony said snickering a little before looking at loki his mouth going dry as he studied the female,his eyes blown wide with lust,"...we're definitely having sex with you in that form...that was hot.."he said sulking a little shooting bruce a look."I'm fine!I can have sex!"he whined as he looked at the glass walls before smirking running a hand over loki's ass as he changed into the evening dress."why?I paid them to close the aquarium for md.its just us. We could have him naked...mostly anyways."he chirped a little looking him over,not really caring how he dressed,but mostly interested in teasing the others,amusing himself since indeed he knew he couldn't have sex no matter what he said.
Pepper just rolled her eyes. "i think even people who have no electronics at all know your an egotistical ass Tony." she pointed out. "people who don't even know you, know your an egotistical ass." "dinosaurs know he's an egotistical ass." Loki chirped. "but he's MY Egotistical ass. he's be quite boring if he wasn't you know." Loki admitted with a chuckle as Bruce shook his head. "no you can't. that sort of stress on your spine would snap it." he warned before smirking. "and he has to be dressed because no one else wants to see that much of him." he stated firmly as Loki sighed. "you humans and your need to have everything all covered up." he grumbled as he examined a long water snake in a tank, his head cocked to the side curiously as he came across some turtles. getting distracted by the very impressive wildlife.
“I knew you loved me, pep, but stop with the compliments. Your new best friend might get jealous.”He grumbled looking up at pepper, because he couldn’t blame loki for befriending her, she was just that awesome but pepper should have known just how weirded out it would leave him. Sulking a little he sighed.”Damn...and I don’t care what anyone else wants.”he sulked even as he smiled slightly watching the other’s enjoy the impressive wildlife. So quiet for once that no one noticed when he excused himself, leaving them to their ogling as he made his way to the only exhibit he ever visited at the aquarium. While pepper was right it was mostly a simple walkway to go through, there were small side exhibits, small hideways that were easily missed unless you knew they were there.

Tilting his head slightly as he stood leaning against the wall having gotten tired of sitting and abandoned the wheelchair, he glanced over his shoulder at the norse god before returning to watching the small purple orchid dottyback fish, the brightly colored fish chasing each other around and around. And he had known the other’s would probably worry, but he’d assumed no one was really worried yet as his cell phone hadn’t rang, and seeing loki approaching in the glass, he knew why. They’d sent loki to track him down. “Hey.”he muttered his eyes focused on the fish, and for once sounding sad and subdued.
Pep snorted a little at him. "he's hardly my best freind Tony. i was having a bad day and he knew exactly how to make me feel better. and he understands my man problems." she stated, well aware that would freak Tony out even more. "don't worry Tony-Chan." Loki chirped, his lip twitching... he'd discovered Anime! oh god! "i'll give you a private show later." he promised with a chuckle.

Loki smiled as he headed intot he little side room, watching the purple fish with his head tilted, curious. "what are these ones called?" he asked, not wanting to press Tony into talking until the man was a little more relaxed. "is something wrong?" he asked softly as he studied Tony, gently taking the others hand. "whats wrong?" he asked after a moment, stroking tony's hair. "did i do something wrong?" he asked softly. "if this is about stealing Bruce's Chimeras, it's not my fault... they wanted to be set loose on the unsuspecting public..."
“...Just-just shut up!Please. Stop.”Tony yelped looking even more annoyed with his former girlfriend then he already had been, wincing a little at loki’s words. “Hawk!I’m going to kill you. I have enough issues without you introducing him to anime!”Tony howled sulking a little.

Tony smiled a little from where he was leaning against the wall next to the tank, his eyes meeting loki’s in the glass reflection before going back to watching the fish.”Orchid Dottyback’s.”He said quietly letting the other take his hand, closing his eyes a little as he leaned his head into loki’s hand. “No nothing’s-....what did you do?”he sputtered for a moment distracted from his denial as he turned to look at the god, before huffing out a sigh. “I’d be more worried about that if I wasn’t sure they’d be following you around. You befriend some of the oddest creatures, Loki.”he muttered.
Pepper snickered a little and smirked at Tony a little as Clint laughed. "oh come on! he LOVES Anime!" "i do! although... Sailor Moon is kind of crappy and Naruto got boring after a while, but i liked Full Metal Alchemist and i loved Death Note." he admitted with a grin. "

Loki smiled a little. "they're pretty." he admitted before chuckling at Tony. "oh do calm down i didn't really do anything." he promised with a smile. "although, his creatures do like me a bit." he admitted. "Animals like me. i have a connection to them. admittedly some connections are stronger than others. you're Hulk for example. he's too intelligent to be controlled, but i can feel him, almost constantly. i can read his moods and emotions much like i can the Lions from the Zoo." he admitted with a smile. "and these fish here. they are very content... and are thinking about spawning." he admitted as he watched Tony. "and i can feel... some things from you sometimes. but i can't really understand what i'm reading. human emotions are so strong it's hard for me to tell the differences." he admitted. "i know you're feeling something very strongly, in the blue end of the spectrum. which tends to be sadness, depression, jealousy, upset emotions... i think." he admitted. "are you sure your alright?"
Tony smiled looking at him, relaxing. “Hm, well that’s fairly interesting actually. I wonder just how much we could study that...I mean, we could learn more about animals...”he said looking thoughtful at the idea before looking at the fish, laughing quietly. “They’d make pretty baby fishes.”He snickered a little before sighing, raising a eyebrow at the other’s admittance.”really?”He said looking vaguely disturbed that loki could feel his emotions before sighing quietly. “...I’m fine.”he said quietly, before rubbing a hand over his face. “....My mother used to bring me here. It was...one of the few times I ever remember spending time with her, that I wasn’t scared...this room was her favorite...she always loved the color purple...”he muttered.
Loki nodded a little. "there are a lot about Animals that you don't know about." he admitted. "but then, how could you?" he asked with a smile. "humans don't have the access to the same things i do." he admitted. "they would make pretty baby fishes." Loki admitted with a smile. "they don't even know that they're in a tank. they do seam to think we're fairly ugly fish though." he admitted with a chuckle. "yes, but i can never really tell exactly what your feeling. it's mostly colors. blue and greens for negative emotions, red, orange and pink for various happy colors..." he grinned at her. "when you're really focused on your work, you sort of glow this glorious sunburst of colors... like a sunrise." he admitted. "it's really beautiful. i've never seen emotions mix like that, Aeser can't feel emotions like that." he admitted. "i mean... they can be angry and jealous at the same time. but they can't be jealous and happy at the same time the way you humans can..." he admitted before he looked at Tony his head cocked. "Your mother... she was... sick, like i am right?" he asked, blinking at Tony as he turned to the Tank, his head tilted. "...so it's a happy sad..." he muttered, biting his lip a little as he settled next to Tony. "...will you tell me about her? i never really had a mother memory. Frigga always hated my guts..."
“True, but now we do. If you’re going to keep hanging around me, I’m going to put you to work.”he teased looking amused before smiling slightly. “We would make fairly ugly fish, but amazingly beautiful people.”He snickered a little before frowning a little, looking thoughtful at that. “...Huh. So you just see just how obsessed I am with work... You should be warned, I don’t do well with relationships. I tend for forget about things people find important.”he muttered before nodding quietly. “She was. For as long as I can remember.”He said shifting to sit on the floor, resting his head on loki’s shoulder, looking thoughtful because it was hard to talk about her, but....well, he could to loki. “She was... She wasn’t really there. I mean.....she was sick, but unlike you she didn’t think she was seeing people...she thought she was the dream, that she wasn’t really here, and that we were parts of her imagination....The only real time she came back, was here with me, been the mother I wanted...was here. She loved fish so much, she came back for me... And I think she knew it. Somewhere, she knew I was real...because we came every week, no matter where we were, we’d fly back to new york for the day, just to be here.”He said not sharing that the other 6 days he’d lived in constant terror of the woman who’d given birth to him, thanks to his father’s cruelty. That wasn’t something loki needed to know about.
Loki chuckled a little. "sure. i might as well make myself useful." he agreed with a smile. "yes, we are very good looking aren't we?" he mused with a grin as he shook his head a little. "it's amazing watching you work." he admitted with a smile before he looked at Tony. "you mean birthdays? Aeser live for hundreds of thousands of years Tony. why the hell would we celebrate a day in which we where forced into the world?" he asked, looking completely baffled. "anniversaries are the same. though we do have the occasional festival, it's only because something happened then and there that needed celebrated. we have no holidays such as your Chissymast or hallow-eam... so what you can never remember, i don't particularly give a shit about. and if i feel ignored... which can take a long time. i'll simply do something to get your attention. like walk into your lab naked and proceed to suck your cock." he smirked. "even you can't focus through that." he assured the other. "honestly, even if you fuck someone else, i'm not likely to give a shit unless i don't like the person who you fucked." he admitted. "emotions like jealousy are extremely limited in people like me, so it will be rather hard for you to truly annoy me." it was like Loki was made just for Tony.

he listened to Tony explain about his mother and he nodded. "i can understand that. sometimes i can't tell whose real and who isn't. sometimes, when i'm... lost, i can't tell who you even are. i know your you, of course. i know i like you a great deal. but sometimes your name, or your person is lost to me. and sometimes your another person entirely. sometimes your someone who i hate, sometimes your someone i don't care about..." he shrugged. "this is an amazing place." he admitted. "it's really hard to see someone when you're not sure whats real and whats not." he admitted, looking at Tony. "she must have loved you a lot to be able to push away the fog and see who you where." he admitted with a smile. "i wish i could love someone that strongly." he didn't seam to realize, he already did. even when he didn't know who Tony was, even when he was in a murdering rage, Tony could always talk him down, make him calm again. "you know. if you want.. i could make you one." he admitted, indicating the tank. "magic would make it always the proper kind of water with the proper amount of salt of PH or those funny things the fish have to worry about." he admitted, blinking at Tony. "you could always have your purple fish then."
“We are.Very.”tony snickered a little before nodding slightly, “Yes.And anniversaries and everything....I mean...I usually don’t know what day it is either...”He said frowning a little but relaxing as he realized that loki at least wouldn’t expect him to remember any holidays or anniversaries or birthdays, the things he’d failed at so epically with any relationship he’d ever tried to have. Grinning at the idea of loki naked in his lab he smirked. “Not that I’d particularly want to ignore that sight.”he mused looking amused and slightly embarassed as he realized just how perfect the aeser was for him....embarassed because of the warm feeling it gave him.....pepper and natasha were right, he was in love, and he’d never be able to admit it. Least of all to himself.

Tony smiled a little looking at him,”Well, I’ll just have to keep reminding you who I am....and gotta tell you, sometimes when you forget who I am, the sex is awesome. I mean, cause you forget what I like, and what you like, and it’s so fun rediscovering things...”tony blushed a little looking amused before biting his lip, flinching at his observation. Because he knew his mother had loved him, and it hurt him badly to know that he had to have hurt her, even if she wasn’t always sure he was real, being scared of her. Because despite her violence towards his father and sometimes to the people around her, maria had never once hurt her son, despite what howard had told him. Smiling a little at loki he sighed quietly.”I’m sure you will.You still have years worth of life left,reindeer.”he muttered like loki, not realizing that the man already loved him. Looking startled at loki’s words he turned to look up at him, before nodding. “I...I would like that.”He said looking pleased with the idea of not having to come here, to enjoy the memories of having his mother with him.
Loki smiled a little and nodded before giving the other a baffled look. "day? like... today is weddingday?" he asked, looking rather confused. "no that's not what you call it... well we don't keep track of that either so who cares?" he asked with a smile. "just make Jarvis tell you when an important event is occurring a.. week? before hand, three days before hand and the day of." he suggested. "exactly, besides, i'll probobly be busy with my own research so i won't be much better than you." he admitted with a shrug. "well. as long as your entertained." he decided with a chuckle. "Sex sort of... makes it easier to tell whats real and what's not." he admitted. "the overwhelming pleasure sort of punches my mind and i jsut know your real." he admitted with a smile. "i know you like sex." he admitted with a laugh. "i think no matter what my mental state, i always know that." he admitted with a chuckle. he looked over at Tony and smiled a little, resting his head on the others shoulder, simply enjoying the touch. "good. you can show me where to place the tank when we get back home." he promised the other. home. Loki had called the tower home. if that didn't fill you with good feelings then nothing would.
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