Mind over Matter(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Steve smirked a little at Tony. "no i don't have sex, yes i know what it means, men are alright i guess, and you should see the look on your face!" Tony had just been punked! "besides, i don't have sex with playboy philanthropists." Steve stated with a chuckle.

Fandral smirked a little and nodded. "he is a very naughty boy." he agreed with a snicker. "i enjoyed punishing him very much." "uuuuugh." Clint groaned pathetically, groaning as Fandral smacked him on the thigh. "stop it. you loved it." the God complained with a grin as Clint nodded. "i did. god i'm a horrible masochist and i hate myself." Fandral just snickered and Clint grunted as the cat was dumped onto his belly, the beast sniffing at Clint before it arched and made several gagging sounds. "AAAH!" Clint shrieked, tossing the cat off of him just in time to avoid a disgusting Hairball. "...it's definitely Loki." Fandral grumbled, looking amused as the Cat huffed a few more times and then sniffed, nose in the air and trotted off like it owned the place.
Tony stared at the man, twitching. “You should. Playboy philanthropists are definitely worth having sex with.”Tony said scowling a little as he realized his best friend had been playing a joke on him.

“....if he’s going to be like this, I kinda wanna punish him to.”Tony said looking down at clint, because while he might flirt, might tease, he had absolutely no interest in actually having sex with clint. Coughing to hide his laughter as he watched the hairball and then watched the cat leave, before pausing. “Hey!Where do you think you’re going?!This isn’t your tower!”Tony scowled as he went after the cat, and despite the teasing, the man was actually worried with loki being here, remembering what he’d said about being the tower. Worried if the tesseract’s memory would affect him like this. Catching up to the cat be scooped him up, raising him up to look at the cat in the face.”So. Two face pats for the bedroom, or one for the lab.Cause you’re not wandering around alone.”Tony said knowing he was acting insane for talking to the cat like this, but he trusted fandal’s judgement that this was actually loki, and well...no one had ever accused him of being the picture of good mental health.
Fandral snickered a little. "i think he's punished out for an hour or four." he pointed out with a snicker. the Cat uttered a short, disgruntled sound as it was scooped up and offered Tony a baleful glower and smacked Tony on the nose three times, probobly just to be difficult. he huffed and smacked Tony on the nose again, tail flicking back and forth in annoyance. he WAS a Cat after all. and they did as they wanted, when they wanted. Loki Kitty apparently wanted to nap, because as soon as he was in the room, he splayed himself out on the middle of the bed, taking up as much room as possible, and purred himself to sleep.

"Tony? can i come in?" Jor asked, two hours later. "Bruce sent me to come get you. Thor told us that there is a doctor here that helps Demi-Gods and those descended from Demi-Gods. he said..er, that 'her' name is Immelmann (Ee-mo-men)Sky. most people call her Sky..." there was a pause. "what's a cross dresser?" Jor asked curiously. "no one else will tell me." he admitted, sitting down and hesitating before he started to stroke Loki Kitty.
Tony yelped a little as he was smacked a few times, glaring at the cat. “Okay okay LoKitty, stop being a bastard.”Tony grumbled even as he headed for the bathroom, looking amused as he settled in the bed to work, glaring at the cat who was taking up the middle of the bed.

“Yea, come on in.I’m just working.”Tony said as he looked up from the tablet he was using, and raising his foot to stop stroking his toes against loki’s side. Eyes widening a little as he snickered.”A cross dresser is what your father would be, if he’d ever admit he enjoys women’s clothes.”He snickered looking down at the cat, knowing loki was listening before smiling.”I better go see this doctor..Behave LoKitty”he said heading for the living room and giving father and son some time, even if he knew the two would be out soon enough. Stepping into the living room he smiled slightly, tilting his head as he looked at sky.”Welcome to Stark Tower, Immelmann.”
Loki Kitty glared at him, tail twitching. it was really funny, when he didn't have much of a tail. he ignored the fact that Tony was glaring at him.

"i don't understand..." Jor admitted, frowning a little. "a Crossdresser is my father?... Tony? why in Odin's Dreams would you tell the Prankster God of Mischeif and Chaos to behave!?" Jor demanded, quite outraged. "you KNOW he's going to go against your demands now, just because he can and you're leaving me in here with him!" "Mew!"

"Just call me Sky, please." the... gorgeous woman said, smiling brightly at him. "excuse the way i'm dressed, i was working on a rather interesting case." she admitted. she had long, luscious red hair and beautiful Sapphire eyes and skin so smooth and creamy it looked like silk. she was all leg, and was wearing... combat clothes with a Gun in one hand, a very real gun, and a backpack in the other. the only difference was that this Immelmman had no breasts. completely flat. but other than that, there was no way at all to tell she wasn't a woman. "it's a pleasure to meet you Tony Stark. what i wouldn't give to get a peak into that brain of yours." se teased, flashing him a wink. "are you aware that there is an extremely negative force of energy working inside your tower?" she asked curiously. "like... very, very negative."

(this is Immelmman, only without the boobs XD)
"Yes.if only I could convince your father to wear women's clothes.he has the hips for it."tony snickered lughing harder as jor complained."because I enjoy punishing him for misbehaving!"tony yelled back as he walked into the living room.

Tony grinned as he looked her over.even knowing she was armed,and loki was in the next room didn't detere him from wanting to bend her over. Youcould say a lot of things about tony stark,but that he didn't appreciate beautiful people wasn't one of them.smirking he nodded."sky it is then...and I'll let you look at anyhing of mine you want to."tony smirked winking at her," ...and yes I've been told,but the bastard dint offer a way to fix it yet,so I'm waiting till I can beat it out of him."tony said,mostly joking about beating the answer out of loki,though he was lightly worried on how the teseract's memory...whatever it was....was working on the people who lived in the tower.
Jor blinked a little at Tony and then looked down at the Cat on the bed. "did you break him Loki?"

Sky grinned at him a little, as if well aware of what he was thinking. "now now, work first, then play." she mock chastised before shaking her head a little. "he probobly doesn't know how. from what i understand, the Tesseract exasperated his already deep set issues." she admitted. "in fact, being in close range contact tot eh Tesseract for so much of his childhood and formation years could very well be the reason WHY he has these issues now. much the same way children develop brain malfunctions when introduced to bad chemicals or diseases during formative years." she admitted. "there's no way to be certain without long range studies of the tesseract, which is entirely impossible, but it's a decent theory." she admitted. "this much negative energy floating about, Loki probobly can't even step foot in here." she admitted. "or near here even." she admitted. "i'll take a look around and see if i can't find the source." she promised. "in the mean time, why don't you describe Loki's mental state to me?"
"But play is so much more fun."tony smirked before huffing."damn.I was hoping he could help...maybe thor miht have a idea...but if your right,that could explain some of what loki's feeling.."tony frowned in thought before making a face."you would think he'd do the intelligent thing and stay away since hes the one who told me...but no hes here if you want to see him...of course hes a cat so you really can't talk to him..."tony huffed out a amused laugh before smiling and started from the very beginning and telling her everything,even about the changes during sex,so she could get a good look at what loki was like.
Sky blinked a little and then. "Loki's not here. i'd have noticed his energy signatures. he's probobly 'possessed' the Cat for lack of a better term. his mind is here, but his body is safely tucked away somewhere. like taking a nap with a very vivid dream." she admitted with a smile. "in any case, most cases of Gods having mental diseases, the human medicine works well enough to give them some control over the disease." she admitted with a nod. "there are some things i can do to enhance the effects, but sometimes they work and sometimes they don't." she admitted, listening intently to Tony. "a classic case of disorganized and paranoid type schizophrenia and Compulsive behavioral OCD." she admitted, writing that down. "many Schizophrenia sufferers tend to focus extremely on one thing. some beleive they are being watched by the government, some beleive that the animals are out to get them, there is almost always a constant 'theme'. Loki's is that he wants people to suffer for slights against him. for pain they may, or may not have caused him... but he also seams to have a secondary focus on you. he appears to have a very strong compulsion to either hurt, seek aid from, or fuck you." she admitted. "which it is, depends on his mood at the time. having positive attention given to him appears to have mood stabilizing effects so try not to yell at him unless you want to be attacked. he's a very defensive person. possibly because of the many cases of abuse and neglect handed to him during his life in Asgaurd." Sky admitted with a frown. "so... Loki's attempts at killing Thor, is because of this brain disease?" Hogun asked suddenly, making Sky squeak and spin around in surprise. "i... yes, basically. the Schizophrenia makes him beleive he was wronged and urges him to become violent about it. granted, he would be violent anyway, but he wouldn't normally try to kill you over a stolen piece of candy the way he would now."
Tony teitched at that making a face."hes going to pay for that.."he grumbled thinking about how he'd talked tobthe cat,and felt quite like a idiot,and here it was a normal cat.even if loki had burrowed it for a bit."that's good to hear though I'm not wuite sure how I'm going to get him to take his medicine.."he sihed before nodding."that's what I thought...its good to know that some things are what I think they are....."tony sighed thinking about his mother before wincing."so its a good thing hes foucsing on me right"like I said I easily switched his mood from killing to fucking...should I be more worried then I am about how easy it was?."tony asked concerned because he didn't know if it was just his effect on loki or if everyone would have that effect.snickering at sky's words he shot a glance at hogun."I wouldn't count on him being nice to you guys. Jor's here, loki'll lose his mind if he figures out just what has been going on....might even try killing thor again...are we sure putting them both on the same planet is a good idea?"
she grinned a little. "well, he IS the Trickster god. and if he's here only in mind, then he can keep an eye on you without having to worry about the negative energy." she pointed out. "he understands what's happening, he's just sort of going along for the ride. mostly it's the Cat that's in charge, though Loki can talk it into doing specific things, like going to a particular room, or puking on command, sometimes peeing in someone's shoe. he should still be able to employ the use of magic too, which is probobly why he's here in the first place. as obsessed as he is with you, he's probobly under the mind set that no one gets to hurt you but him." Sky admitted with a smile. "it's... interesting, that he's focusing on you like this. it's not common, but it has happened before." she admitted. "he has strong feelings for you that will probobly change from mood to mood." she admitted. "it's interesting that you have such an effect on him, but i wouldn't be concerned about it. if you can easily keep him away from a raging murder fest, then it's definitely a good thing. sometimes a person like Loki is just malleable to certain peoples desires." she admitted.

"i'm not worried." Hogun admitted. "i never bothered much with Jor. never spoke to him or glared. i didn't see the point. he was a quite child who didn't annoy anyone. honestly i didn't want to beleive that Sif and Volstagg could be so cruel. i've seen it first hand now, there is no denying it. if Loki wishes to extract his revenge on them, i certainly am not going to get in his way. Fandral won't have to worry either, he's always been rather nice to jor.. or, well as nice as he can be. he doesn't care for kids much." Hogun admitted with a shrug. "i don't think Loki cares much about Thor." Sky admitted with a shake of her head. "as far as he knows, he's already gotten his revenge on Thor." she admitted. "at least, i think so. i can't be sure until i actually talk to Loki." she admitted.
"...somehow that doesn't make me feel better. I don't want hurt."tony sulked a little before sighing."well...this is weird.the idea of loki and strong feelings is weird."loki sulked a little disturbed because he so didn't want to consider what feeling he had for loki."well..goid...though the others might consider it horrible cause if he's this mallable to me,I'm never leaving bed."tony snickered.

Tony looked at the other man thoughtfully before smiling a little."well at least you two can stay.I might throw the others out a window..."the man sighed quietly before smirking at sky."well hes in my bedroom probably shitting on my bed or something if tou want to see him...or see if he'll agree to meet you somewhere...I have a apartment out of the tower now...this is weird discussing setting up a meeting through a cat..and coming from me that says something,I have a weird ass life."
she chuckled a little and nodded. "well, strong feelings run in people like Loki." she admitted. "it could be love, it could be loathing, it could be hatred, even jealousy. hell, it's probobly all of the above depending on how he's feeling at the moment." she admitted with a chuckle. "most commonly it's probobly just lust." she assured him. "i'm sure the others will adjust." Sky admitted with a chuckle as she tucked her hair behind her ear. "go ahead. i was considering it myself." Hogun admitted. "Thor's certainly going to do worse than that." he admitted with a small chuckle and a shake of his head as he headed off. Sky just giggled and shook her head and headed to the bedroom. "yes, we'll have Loki meet us there. and bring the Kitty." she suggested. "he probobly wants to keep it." she admitted with a grin. "having a pet could further moderate his moods." she admitted. "and where you expecting to have a normal life? what kind of superhero has a normal life Mister Stark?" Sky asked with a giggle as she watched Jor lazily flicking his fingers, tossing a feather on a string back and forth, Loki Kitty going spastic chasing it. "Loki's hyper." Jor commented with a grin. "sorry about the curtains." they had been shredded in the corner.
“Well, that makes sense. He’s such a drama queen.”tony snickered a little before frowning a little. “The other’s have told me I have to check in with them when I’m with loki.”he said snickering a little before nodding. “I can’t wait until the big guy gets here, I can’t wait to see how thor deals with them.”He snickered before sighing. “....I’m not adopting a cat.”He whined making a face before looking at the cat in amusement. “My life WAS normal. Sex, alcohol, money....then loki shows up and now its all weird.”he whined before snickering as the cat went spastic. “So I can see.....Loki!What the hell!? You’re buying me new curtains, LoKitty.”Tony sulked before scooping up the kitten. “Come on. We’re going to meet you at the apartment hear me loki?”He said turning the cat so he could look at him in the face.
she chuckled and nodded. "that's probobly true." she agreed with a grin. "i've seen Loki before." she admitted. "before i got kicked out of Asgaurd for... well," she motioned to herself. "i always did make a better girl and that was very upsetting to Odin's father Bur." she admitted. "Odin's offered to let me come back of course, but why would i want to? Asgaurdias are so judgmental." she admitted with a sigh. "Midgaurd is so much better." she admitted with a nod. "besides, your not adopting the Cat, Loki is. and it could help with the healing process." she admitted before grinning as the Loki Kitty mewed, completely unrepentant. the cat blinked twice, patted Tony on the nose and then seamed to shudder and those brilliant blue orbs turned back into the normal gray orbs of a cat. "he heard you." Sky admitted with a smile. and indeed, when Tony got to his new apartment, Loki was there, laying on the bed on his stomach and thumbing through an advanced physics book like a teen girl would a fashion magazine. "Hello Loki." "Immelmman." Loki greeted with a smile. "it's been a while." he admitted, ky nodding. "it has. how have you been feeling?" she asked as she started peering into Loki's eyes, nose, ears, and throat. "confused mostly." Loki admitted, lifting his arms so she could examine his chest area. "...i think i robbed a grocery store." Loki admitted. "but i don't remember doing it." "why do you say that?" "there's about thirty galleons of orange juice in the kitchen. and about forty of heavy whipping cream." Sky looked like she wanted to burst into laughter.
Tony raised a eyebrow looking amused before nodding. “You do make a very good girl/”he smirked before shrugging, “So I’ve noticed. Makes me wanna invite them all over, so they can insult jor, and sit back and watch Loki beat their heads in. It’d be epic.”he snorted amused before sighing. “It could but...it’s a cat.I don’t like cats.”He whined a little smirking as the cat patted his nose. “Let’s go then.”he said snickering.

“....You look like a teenager, except no teen ever reads physics.”Tony snickered as he stole the book to read as sky looked loki over, not even really aware that he hadn’t handed over the cat, instead keeping the Lokitty in his lap and snuggled the kitten. Before looking up at the idea of loki robbing a store, pausing as he considered that.”....you know, when I told you to get your own damned OJ, you weren’t supposed to get that much.”Tony snickered before smirking. “And whipped cream is good.Good work, LoKitty.”Tony smirked his perverted look showing exactly what he was thinking about with the whipped cream.
Sky grinned. "i do, don't i?" she asked, looking quite pleased. "people have the funniest reactions when they grope me in bars too, double the bonus!" she admitted, looking quite wicked before she chuckled a little. "it might be crueler to let Thor and Odin have at them. they are extremely protective of Loki. i think Odin always knew that something was wrong with Loki, he just didn't know what... and i didn't either. it wasn't until the last hundred and fifty years or so that schizophrenia was even a disease." she admitted. "and until the last twenty years or so, there was no real way to help with the illness." she admitted. "it wasn't until you described the symptoms that i really understood what i was looking at in Loki." she admitted with a sigh. "in any case, Odin adors Loki's children as well. when they lit Hela on fire, he punished those men as well by making them burn to near the point of death, heal, and then burn again for close to a year." she admitted. "they'd burn for twenty minutes. be allowed to rest for twenty four hours, and then burn again. it was gruesome, and very fascinating." she admitted.

"yes i am aware of that Tony." Loki complained, rolling his eyes. "like i said, i don't remember it." he complained, blinking as Tony's phone rang and fury on the other end informed Tony that Loki had indeed robbed a grocery store and that the Clerk hadn't bothered actually calling the 911. rather, he called the police directly because Loki was 'acting extremely confused, talking to thin air and arguing to no one about the best brand of juice.' apparently Loki also paid the grocer... in monopoly money... where he got the monopoly money was a mystery. "...for gods sake stop calling me that!" Loki complained, the kitten mewing it's agreement and patted Tony on the nose, attacking a random strand of hair. so cute.
“Hm, well I’d enjoy groping you, it’d be fun.”Tony said with a perverted little smirk looking amused before nodding. “Well then, we’ll let thor do it. It’ll be amusing.”He decided before nodding thoughtfully. “You know, I guess that’s true. For me, it’s always been a disease, I guess I never considered what it was like before you guys figured out what it was.”he said before looking equally disgusted and equally fascinated at the idea of someone being burned alive then healed.”....that’s fairly cool. In a weird sort of way.”the billionaire decided.

Tony winced as he picked up, his mouth falling open a little as he listened before laughing a little. “Just call pepper, charge all the OJ and whipped cream to my bank account and from now on, set it so that if the cops get a call like that again, they call me or you. That way we know what’s going on, and I can pay and not worry the normal people about the Reindeer.”Tony said smiling as he got off the phone with fury, looking over at loki, going a little cross eyed as the kitten attacked his hair. “No. You and the cat are one, so you two together are LoKitty.”Tony said smirking, looking over at him because he was so just begging for loki to punish him.
she giggled a little and nodded. "just make sure Loki won't kill us for 'staying' before you do." she teased. "sometimes they can be extremely possessive you know." she pointed out. "yes, Loki's been suffering this for a very long time, but it wasn't discovered in the human world until 1860 or so... i think i have the dates right." she admitted before shrugging. "yes, well. it was a premeditated attack against a six year old girl child. they deserved it." she stated with a sniff. she had to chuckle at Loki's sputtered horror as he realized he had actually tried to pay with monopoly money. Fury agreed and actually asked how Loki was doing before he hung up. "the Cat and i are NOT one Tony. your lack of intelligence is staggering. what i did was basically piggy backed on the cat. everything the cat did was all the cat. i might have suggested it puke on Clint, but it's the one that decided to. the Cat is the Cat." he stated with a roll of his eyes. he wasn't about to punish Tony, the bastard would like it too much. "i'm going to prescribe you some medication Loki, it should help, both with the voices and the dementia and with your obsessive need for everything to be perfectly clean and organized." Sky stated after a moment, scribbling out several things and then writing out a few prescriptions. "tony, i'm giving this list to you so that you can make sure Loki takes his meds every day. i'm going back to your tower to look for the source of the negative energy." "it's pieces." Loki stated suddenly. "when the girl pierced the tesseract with my staff, pieces of it broke off and melted into the landing pad thing." he admitted. "the Cat helped me find the pieces, but they can't be removed unless you want to chisel them free."
Tony smirked a little, amused at loki’s sputtering answering fury’s question before hanging up. “I don’t lack intelligence, I’m not the one who paid for OJ in monopoly money. Besides, I know you two aren’t one, I just like the way your eye twitches when I call you LoKitty.”Tony snickered a little before grinning. “That’s great. Perfect. Clint needed puked on.”He smirked a little before sighing, making a face. “and give a list of it to Bruce to.He’ll make sure I actually remember. I don’t take my own medication, much less know how to help someone else take theirs. But then again, if it keeps loki from killing me in my sleep, I’m sure I’ll remember...”he said thoughtfully before looking surprised, wincing a little. “Well...that makes sense. And you can chisel them out if you want to. Its not like I can’t pay to re-do it after you fix the negative energy. I want to live at home sometime."
Loki rolled his eyes. "it just proves i'm as mad as i thought i was." Loki grumbled. "...is Thor..." he hesitated. "i remember running him through... is he alright?" Loki asked softly, worried about his favorite brother. "i distinctly remember throwing you out of a window as well..." he admitted, studying Tony. "sorry..." he admitted softly before his eye twitched at being called Lokitty again. "i'll make sure Bruce gets a copy." she promised. "and it might help if you put alarms on your phones." "i am a god! i have no need for cell phones!" and then he pulled out the state of the art smartphone he'd stolen a week ago from Tony and started setting up an alarm so he'd take his medication every day twice a day. "i'll take a good look at it." Sky promised. "but even if we get rid of the pieces, the negative energy might cling so it might be a while before Loki can stand to go there." she admitted. "honestly, i'm not sure how he could stand to touch the Tesseract at all." "They told me to." Loki stated with a shrug. "and after i touched it... it felt really good." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "it was really hard to let go of it long enough for Dr. Selvig to make the portal." he admitted. "now leave, i desire to slather whipped cream all over Tony and punish him for calling me names." he stated, Sky laughing as she nodded. "i'll have Bruce pick up your medication then." she promised with a snicker as Loki narrowed his eyes at Tony. "yes, i am going to enjoy this." Loki purred, looking quite wicked.
“Thor’s fine. Whined for the whole time it took bruce to stitch up his side, but he’s fine. And you threw me out a window....and let doom drop me out my building. It was fairly traumatizing.”he snickered a little, “Thanks. You’re forgiven. Amazing sex makes up for it.”he smirked before snickering as Loki’s eye twitched nodding at sky even as he pulled out his matching smart phone, pausing as he stared at loki’s.”....isn’t it bad enough you kidnapped me, must you kidnap my tech to?”He whined a little even as he put the alarms in his phone before sighing.”Just get rid of it, then we’ll see where we are.”he shrugged studying loki for a long moment, raising a eyebrow.”....who said you get to slather me? I was looking forward to seeing those colt legs over my shoulders again.”Tony smirked as he looked over the lanky man before absently waving goodbye to sky,”bye.”he called not even bothering to watch her leave, watching loki with a equally wicked look.
Loki sighed, relaxing as he realized Thor was alright. "well... i didn't kill you." Loki mused, lookign like he was struggling not to laugh. "amazing sex makes up for everything." he agreed with a nod. "yes, i do need to steal your tech." he stated simply watching Sky leave before turning his attention to Tony with a smirk as he headed for the kitchen, dropping clothes as he went. he loved being taken over tables, fridges, and counters.

the next day Bruce was there with the medication, three bottles of it. of course, Loki was having a bad day so it took a half an hour to convince him that the pills would help. then Loki decided that the voices where coming from the dishware and methodically threw every last plate out the window, followed by the bowls and the glasses. when that failed to stop the voices he tried to dismantle the cupboards, hissing about getting his revenge for saying such things about his father. by dinner time Loki had calmed down and was mostly normal again, though he got angry anytime someone else touched the Orange Juice and even tried to attack Thor when the man came over to check on Loki himself. not because it was Thor, but because Thor touched 'his' orange juice. "well. at least he's not actively trying to murder me anymore." Thor mused, smiling at Tony. "and how have you been?"
“No, you didn’t. Not from lack of trying, of course.”Tony rolled his eyes before smirking. “It does. Amazing sex is the thing worth living for.”he said rolling his eyes as he smirked at the other, quite willing to take loki wherever the man wanted.

By the end of the day tony was tired and more then a little grouchy himself, laying on the couch and refusing to share the space with either of the asgardians, much like loki had the day before, laying on his back and holding the physics book above his head as he read, turning his head to look at thor. “That’s because he’s actively trying to kill me. I’m serious, I think he’s trying to make me come so much that I pass out and he can kill me in my sleep.”Tony grouched, twitching a little turning his head a little to see where loki was, yelping as the cat pounced on him. “Loki!Come get your damned cat!”Tony yelled sounding just as grouchy and pissy as ever. The man was missing his lab, and was feeling very out of sorts in a apartment that wasn’t really his, even if he did own it.
Sky was looking quite tired herself. having needed to stop Loki from trying to leap out the window twice, certain he'd be caught before he went splat, and had to pry Loki's fingers off of Thor's throat... not that Thor was hurt by the attempted strangling. apparently his neck was just as muscular as everything else was. "actively?" Thor asked, looking a little concerned before he laughed in surprise at Tony's next comment and shook his head. "i am sorry that you have to be the one to take care of my brother." Thor admitted with a sigh. "it should be i and father taking up this responsibility to our blood." he admitted, scooping up the cat. "on the plus side, Jormungandr has been working very hard to detect every last little piece of the Tesseract. it doesn't effect him in the slightest." Thor admitted. "there are about twenty splinters imbedded in the steal and concrete there." he admitted with a grimace. "we are unsure what to do with them once we have pried them loose." he admitted. "i suppose we could put them with the rest of the tesseract..." he muttered, shaking his head. "...Loki? what ARE you wearing?" Thor demanded as Loki sauntered out, wearing nothing but an apron. "i'm making Dinner, don't bother me!" "...but you do not know how to work a midgaurdian kitchen." "well it's high time i learned." Loki chirped as he passed them, revealing that there was not a stitch of clothing underneath that Apron. Thor just sighed. "there are many things i could have gone without seeing... that was one of them."
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