Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

he snorted and then yelped when that hurt. "Steve knows i don't mean anything when i flirt!" Clint complained. "i'd never have sex with Anna! for one thing, she'd probobly stop to inform me that i'll need to drink plenty of fluids after. or worse, inform me that my scrotum is a little late to react or something! she's my DOCTOR for gods sake, even i have morals!" he complained with a sigh. "no one loves me." Clint complained as he let her fix his nose. "oh, i'll blame Tony for it." Clint decided. "she'll beleive that, besides, we both know Steve waited until she was out of earshot for a reason." he admitted with a smirk. "now, am i staying home, or are we talking to River together? he should be at work right now."

Loki pondered that and then nodded. "i'll have to." he decided. "i don't like Maleficent. she has better headgear than i do." he complained with a scowl. "i'm not hurt so bad i can't have a cigarette or more solid food!" he complained. "i just have to have someone hold it for me..." he complained with a sulk. "shut up stark, i don't want you to feed me." Loki sulked, well aware he couldn't have both. someone would HAVE to feed him if he wanted something other than a mostly liquid diet. he couldn't even eat Jello right now. if it couldn't be eaten with a straw, he'd have to be fed, and he was more than a little proud. he might let River feed him, maybe. "no, not really, Tony is exceptionally handsome for a human, and well practiced, but he gives no reaction, which is boring. at least River get's annoyed, and Alec goes red, violently so. he nearly hit me over the head with a Coffee cup once, that was most amusing." Loki admitted with a yawn. "no, you can't change it... a single ingredient out of place, and it will become a very volatile poison that will either kill me, or melt me and then kill me." Loki admitted with a grin. "but no one would dare give the future King of Asgaurd mediocre potions." it was rather odd that Loki trusted Thor so much, considering Loki had tried to kill him. "i can handle Tony assisting." he agreed. "he knows how to help me up without causing too much pain." he admitted before he stared at her for a long moment. "i have a theory." Loki admitted to her question of whether he knew what was wrong. "i won't say anything else about it at the moment until i have more conclusive proof."
“....are you saying steve’s weird for wanting to have sex with his doctor?Or has no morals?”natasha said starting to laugh at the idea of steve rogers, of any of the current residents of the tower, having no morals. That was to amusing. “Okay, I admit, it is a little odd, but she’ll be good for him.”She smirked before nodding. “She’d definitely believe tony broke your nose. And we’re going to see river. I don’t want to see him without backup.”She said smiling as they headed for the door, looking amused.

“....Everyone has better headgear then you do. I think you’re overcompestating with those horns.”Tony snorted amused. “I wasn’t sure if the cigarette smoke would be bad with the potion...I mean, it sometimes messes with human drugs. Tony has to go totally cold chicken from all his dangerous things, if he’s hurt enough to get pain killers.” “It sucks.”Tony said before smirking. “Good. I didn’t want to feed you either. I’ll have Cap do it. It’ll strain his sensibilities when you refer to him as the gay man in spandex.”Tony mused, yelping as anna punched him in the arm before returning to look at loki without even acknowledging she’d hit him. “If it makes you feel better, he’d have a amazing reaction if you were up to what he’d want to do.” “I don’t want to have sex with loki!” “You are in denial, playboy.”Anna rolled her eyes as she watched him go before nodding. “I figured.”She said looking bemused at his words about thor, surely that trust had been broken at one time? Sighing softly she nodded.”I’ll go get the wheelchair then.”She said before glancing at the door, biting her lip again before nodding. “okay, I can live with that.”She sighed quietly getting up.”Take care of him loki.”She said closing her eyes for a moment, because she knew she wouldn’t be allowed close enough to help, maybe loki could get through to tony? “I’ll be back.”seh smiled as she walked out to get the wheelchair.

But on her way back the elevator stalled to a halt, making the woman stop, staring at the wall, her grip tight on the chair in her hands. enclosed spaces freaked her out, and having Jarvis tell her that he had to stop the elevator because the motor that kept it from falling overheated just made it worse. "Steve?"Tony yelled as he walked into the living room, holding his cell phone, he'd called anna as soon as he'd realized what had happened, "Talk to her. I have to go up and work on the motor. Seems the clean energy overheated it. It's going to be awhile."He said sounding anxious not even waiting for a reply before he rushed off to the top of the tower to look at the motor, only pausing long enough have Jarvis tell loki that there was a slight problem, and he'd be back as soon as he could, not even questioning the desire he'd felt to tell the asgardian where he was.
Clint snorted. "Steve's from a time period where there where no lady doctors." he pointed out. "when he was growing up, women where only housewives. it's why he's so impressed with Pepper, you, and Anna. he's never seen a woman in a position of high power until he woke up in this time period." he admitted with a smile. "alright, let's go then." he agreed. "i'll get my Gun." he preferred his Bow, but he couldn't exactly carry that around wherever he went. he tended to save his Bow for missions.

Loki smirked. "i get more attention with my Headgear." Loki admitted simply. "and human chemicals do not interact with Asgaurdian ones. they are incapable of interacting with each other. sort of like pouring oil in water. they can brush against each other, but there is no real interaction, let alone chemical responses." he admitted. "so give me my cigarettes." he ordered. "besides Stark, you take a mildly enjoyable thing and turn it into something entirely inappropriate." at least Loki had enough muscle control and strength to work his own cigarette. "everyone wants to have Sex with me. it's the sarcasm i think." Loki admitted with a grin. "you think it strange that i would trust my brother?" Loki asked with a chuckle. "even when he hated me, Thor was still protecting me. even when i deserved to die, Thor stood up for me. it was never Thor i wanted to punish, no matter how furious i was. but he was the best way to make those that i did want to punish suffer, so i did it." he shrugged. "i am selfish that way." "i don't know if i can take care of Tony." Loki admitted after a moment. "i find him undeniably fascinating, and beautiful in more ways than just his appearance. but i cannot help him, if he won't let me." he admitted as he grinned at her. "you know, the Captain has a deep sense of affection for you." he admitted. "you should ask him out."

Loki was half asleep when the warning that something bad was happening, but he couldn't do much so he just laid in bed and waited for news. Steve looked over at Tony and blinked before picking up the phone and pressing it to his ear. "uh... hello? am i using this right? Anna are you alright?" Steve asked. "hey, don't panic, Tony is amazing at this techno stuff, and i'm going to the floor above the elevator right now. i can go down into the chute and pull you out, alright? i'll be right there, you won't have to worry about anything at all." he promised, already making his way down to the floor that Jarvis told her she was under. trapped between floors, that had to be scary. well he wouldn't let her do it alone. "i'm on my way Anna, i'll be there in just a second." he promised, wrenching open the elevator doors, uncaring that he had bent the doors. "i'm going down the ladder now, i can see the top of your Elevator." he informed her, it was hard to talk on the phone and climb down the ladder at the same time, but he wasn't about to drop the phone. he hit the top of the Elivator and pulled open the hatch and looked down at her with a smile. "hey there. you alright? here, i have a flashlight." he told her, handing it down to her. "do you want to come up, or do you want me to come down?"
“True.”Natasha sounded thoughtful about that before smiling as she got her own gun, amused that he left the bow. It was adorable really how very attatched clint was to the thing. Quiet as they headed down to the strip club, she raised a eyebrow at clint as they got to the door.”Sure you want to come in with me?”She asked smirking.

“Good. I’ll get your cigarettes and good food then.”Anna said smiling a little at him, looking pleased with hearing about asgardian medicine, and making a mental note to ask him more, as thor really didn’t know that much, she figured if anyone would, loki would. “Yes I do, it’s a talent, but watching Steve figure out gay sex was awesome.”Tony snickered a little before frowning. “No, that’s definitely not it.”Tony scowled. Anna tilted her head as she looked at loki, nodding slightly. “Thor is loyal, very much so.”She muttered looking thoughtful as she considered what loki was telling her before stopping, tilting her head. “He wont let anyone, if anyone can be more stubborn then Tony, it would be you, reindeer.”She teased a little before flushing, looking embarassed. “Oh...I can’t do that....it’s...no...”She shook her head as she left, looking very very confused.

“Yea, you have it right.”Anna whimpered quietly as she sat down in the corner of the elevator, her voice tight with panic as she pressed back against the wall, her legs drawn up against her chest. Truly, absolutely terrified of elvators and enclosed places. She was fine like for short trips, but this was to much. “You can’t climb down here!What if it falls, or you fall while you talk and try to climb down. Cap, stop!”the pure panic in her words as she tilted her head back, looking up at him with anxious eyes, shuddering a little as she took the flashlight from him. Looking anxious as she considered what her options were, before realizing that as scary as getting out would be, staying put until tony fixed things were even more unbearable. Standing up after a moment she held a hand up towards him, “Help me up.”She said her voice soft and shaky, holding onto his wrist in desperation as he picked her up, nearly collapsing into his arms as soon as her feet hit the top of the elevator.
Clint snorted a little at her. "shut up and go inside, i want to see the naked men." Clint demanded, pushing his way in past her and pausing in front of the door gaurd, offering him a badge and informing the man they where there to ask River some questions as a witness. after some reassurance that River wasn't in trouble, they where let inside where two younger men where twirling on stage, completely naked save for a ton of see through scarves and a thong. Clint ignored them, he preferred his boys, not boys. he liked the older crew, his age or older for the most part.

Loki smirked a little. "Steve is the time traveler? he is unaware of Gay sex?" he asked, looking highly amused. "i might have to... show him, just how Gay sex works." Loki mused, well aware that was going to annoy Anna. "hmm, i take it you will be teasing this Steve in the future, yes?" Loki asked with a grin. "you should set up specific 'traps' where he will walk in on scenes of random gay sex." Loki mused. "that would be entirely amusing." he admitted as he snickered at Tony. "Thor is a brain dead oaf who trusts too much, and more often than not, the wrong people." Loki stated simply as he lit up his cigarette and took a deep inhale with a happy groan. "but, once he has a true freind, he will protect them to his death." Loki admitted. "why can you not? do not tell me you are a coward?" Loki asked with a smirk.

Steve nodded. "calm down Anna, the Elevator won't fall. it can't actually. safety procedures have kicked in, there are six sets of breaks on each cable, three on top, three on bottom. that's twenty four very tight clamps attached to four cables that are thicker than my arm and are nearly brand new. the only issue is the motor." he assured her. "it's no more dangerous than if i'd already been in the elevator with you." he assured her. "besides, i've fallen from twenty thousand feet and came out without a scratch... what in the world makes you think five feet is going to do anything to me?" he asked, sounding amused. "see? everything is fine." he promised softly before reaching down and carefully pulling her up without any effort at all, wrapping her into tight hug and holding her tight while she trembled. "shh... it's alright. i have you." he promised, stroking her hair and rocking her gently. "it's alright now. i won't let anything happen to you." he promised softly, ignoring the phones now as he simply held her until she calmed down. "now. see the elevator doors right there? we just have to climb up that ladder, no more than five feet." he assured her. "you go up first, and don't look down. you won't fall with me right behind you." he promised softly.
Natasha snickered, “So do I. But I don’t want you hitting on the same ones I want.”she pouted looking amused though, twitching slightly at the sight of the boys on teh stage. Like clint, she prefered her boys, labove the age of consent. Though she was sure they were...they didn’t like it. Rolling her eyes a little she nudged clint, nodding towards the backstage the guard had directed them to, pausing long enough to knock on the door, knowing better then to simply walk it. “River?”

“Yes he is. And he was most definitely unaware until Anna told him.”Tony snickered before grinning wider, watching anna flush. “No you wont. Either of you. He’s not gay.”She glared at the two laughing men looking annoyed with her friend and his obsession. “I think I might have to do it.”Tony grinned already starting to plan on shocking steve. “That’s good to know, since Tony might need that.”Anna sighed quietly before tilting her head, looking annoyed wtih him. “No.I am not. But he is so flustered with the new world, I do not want to make him feel weird for trying to date.”She said looking flustered herself. Ahhh, so that was why she was mostly resisting asking him out, because she had no idea how to approach him.

Anna whimpered quietly, “I know, I know. Tony’s explained it before.”Anna swallowed hard before giggling a little. “Natasha told me about that. Jumping out of airplanes are more tony’s thing you know.”She giggled a little though the sound was anxious leaning against his chest, sighing softly. “I know you wont.”She muttered as she slowly calmed a little, safe in his arms. Though she was still anxious, the dark box of the tower elevator made her nervous. Turning her head up she nodded, “I can do that.”She said moving away from him a little, looking shaky before climbing up onto the ladder, scrambling up quickly, and collapsing onto the floor with a sigh, panting quietly as she relaxed, so much better in the sunlight filled floor of the tower.
he smirked a little. "don't worry, we'll take turns picking out who we'll flirt with." he promised with a snicker. "i get the gay ones, you get the straight ones and we'll split the Bi ones until we're even." he promised with a snicker. he followed her into the backstage and cocked his head curiously at the long hallways and rows of various doors. some for props, some for costumes, some for People. in room 12 was where River was getting ready for his act and he pulled the door open after a moment. "yes?" River asked curiously, dressed in nothing but a pair of Leopard spotted spandex pants. "come in then, i don't have much time, i'm up in twenty minutes." he warned, letting them in and leaning over to focus on his face where he was lining his eyes with Khol. "is this about Loki?" he asked, blinking at them once he had his eyes properly outlined. "i thought they caught the man who did it?... he's not... he's not hurt worse than we thought is he?"

Steve smiled a little and nodded. "that's right." he admitted with a grin. "it was an emergency." he commented with a shake of his head. "i normally jump with a parachute." he admitted with a grin. "besides, i'm good at umping out of airplanes." he admitted with a wry grin, helping her to the ladder and letting her scramble up before joining her, gently hovering over her. "Anna? are you alright? come on, i'll make you some Hot cocoa." he promised softly, helping her to her feet. he helped her into the kitchen, carefully settled her down and offered her a smile before he made her the Cocoa. "Jarvis? will you tell Tony that i have Anna and that she's alright?" he asked the computer hopefully, nodding when the computer agreed before he gently set the warm cup into Anna's fingers. "there, this should help."
“That’s a good diversion of labor.”Natasha grinned at the idea before looking things over before facing River. Swallowing hard as she looked down, for a moment distracted by the near naked man. “Sort of.And no, he’s not hurt worse. If anything, he’s well on his way to seducing Stark.... You give me a weird vibe. And since Loki gives me the same vibe, and we looked into your past, you have nothing....and a warning from SHIELD. We came to ask about that.”She said studying the man, tilting her head a little.

“Well, I would hope so.”She smiled looking amused, before swallowing as she laid on the ground, glancing up at him as he leaned over her, flushing as her mind gave her a thought of what he could be doing if he was going to hover. “F-fine. Just don’t like enclosed places....or dark places...”She muttered blushing a little embarassed about her overreaction to the simple mishap before following him into the kitchen, wrapping her hands around the mug with a sigh.”Thank you.”She smiled glancing up at him, sipping the drink slowly.

Tony grinned as he flicked the switch to the motor, looking pleased with himself as he took the stairs down to the penthouse level-as it kept him away from wherever steve and anna would probably be, taking the long about way back to loki’s room,grinning as he walked in.”From this day onward, all supervillians shall cower in fear of the name of tony stark, matching making awesome billionaire.”he said pleased and happy as he watched loki stare at him. “To much?It might be to much.”he snickered a little.
Clint smirked a little. "yes, yes it is." he agreed with a snicker as he followed her, studying River much more openly than Natasha was. "well, Loki needs to get laid AFTER he heals." River stated with a sigh. "he won't wait that long, but it's whta he should do." he admitted, running a brush through his hair before he froze and turned to stare at them, his movements suddenly very different. they where too graceful, far too smooth, the motions of someone who was very powerful, and knew he was powerful... but also moving with such liquidity that should have been impossible for a normal human. not even Natasha could move like that. "Shield...." he whispered. "that is a name i have not heard in a very, very long time." he admitted, leaning against the table, Clint tense and gripping his gun tightly because River suddenly exuded something very, very, very dangerous. "the last time, i had anything to do with Sheild, was when i was almost Ten years old." he admitted. "they kept me just long enough to help me learn control, and once i wasn't a danger, they gave me a chance to stay, or escape as i pleased. i chose to leave of course. i kill only when i feel like it, not when someone else tells me to." he stated with a slow, lazy smile. "i have to warn you, guns don't do shit to me. if i wanted to kill you, you couldn't stop me."

he smiled a little and nodded. "i can understand that." he assured the other. "i used to have a phobia about small places too." he admitted. "i was a bit of a runt growing up, and the older, bigger kids used to lock me into small places at school, and i was only let out if a nicer teacher found me, or my mother called the school to complain that i hadn't come home." he admitted. "i was afraid of tight spaces for a long, long time... i wouldn't suggest doing what i did to get over it." he admitted with a wince. "it was very unpleasant..." he admitted with a shake of his head before smiling as she drank. "i'm glad you're alright. you are pretty brave, you know that?... i'm used to people completely freaking out on me, but you held yourself together very well." he admitted. "you should be rather proud of yourself."

Loki stared at Tony for a long moment and then. "shhhh." he demanded, offering the other a glare. "Sleeping Beauty just poked her finger on the stupid whatever the hell that thing is..." Loki was very clearly struggling to stay awake long enough to finish the movie, and wasn't all there mentally. "super villains are lame. Prince Charming is hot. have you ever noticed? and he has a wonderful voice. but he's kind of a creeper..." Loki muttered. "who just starts dancing with a crazy woman singing to herself in the woods? why are cartoon people so STUPID?"
“Since when does loki or Stark ever do what’s good for them?”natasha muttered before pausing, tensing even as she went for her gun, wincing slightly tensing, ready to shoot him despite the warning. “I would rather not have this turn into a fight. We just were interested because you got the same designation as the Hulk, and well...we care about tony, who in turn, weirdly, cares about loki, who likes you. We wanted to know what we were getting into.”Natasha said moving her hand away from her gun, watching the man, not that she had any idea of what he was, but she knew he was dangerous, and knew that this would probably go badly, but being calm and placid, even as her eyes looked around, searching for something that would do him some harm if guns didn’t work.

Anna tilted her head, smiling slightly as she looked over the super soldier. “Tony showed me a picture of you as a kid once that his dad had, still cant imagine that you were that small once. You were all sharp angles and jutting bones.”She muttered giggling a little swallowing hard as she looked down at her drink, sipping it slowly. Before shaking her head. “No, not really. You were right, I was in a tower build by tower stark, literally put together with iron man, despite the fear, I knew that the elevator wasn’t going anywhere...”She sighed quietly, biting her lip, shuddering a little. In the bright light of day, her past was a distance memory....or as distant as she could ever make it be. “....I was raised here you know. With tony. After my parents died, Howard took me in, because...well, at 13 me and tony were running circles around the rest of his scientists.....we weren’t kids. We were means to a end, to creating something better.” her smile turned bitter, shuddering more. Needing to talk, and he had shared what had made him frightened of small places, it seemed only right to share hers. “If...if we didn’t make something he liked, or didn’t do it fast enough or...hell, steve, we were teenagers. We acted out, and we were punished for that...”She swallowed. “He locked us in a deprivation tank-robbing us of all our senses, except our minds. And given no outlet for the ideas....”She shrugged knowing he’d understand just how horrifying that was for them, having lived long enough with tony to see what the man was like when he couldn’t give voice to the ideas in his head.

Tony’s mouth fell open a little, “....you are soooo high.”He muttered sounding amused as he moved over to the bed, settling in next to loki, yep he was just hiding from anna and steve until it would be safe to reappear, not enjoying the god’s company. “I’m prince charming you know, women keep telling me this.”he said snickering before laughing. “But yes, he is sorta a creeper....and well, I don’t think they’re supposed to be all that smart.”he looked amused as he yawned, starting to fall asleep to now that he was just watching the movie.
River snorted a little. "well, that is true." he admitted. "if it's bad or illegal, Loki is usually interested in it." he admitted with a shake of his head before he smirked as both agents went for their guns. "i got the same rating as the hulk, because i am very similar to the Hulk." he admitted. "the only difference, is that my monster has no control over me. i am the monster, there is no mindlessness, no second personality. when i 'shift' it is because i want to, not because i get angry or upset." he admitted, watching them with a chuckle. "i'll show you after my dance." he decided. "you might find it fascinating." he admitted. "in the meantime, i can tell you one thing for certain. Loki is one of Mine, he is my Pard, my Family, Mine to protect." he informed them. "because Loki has such a close connection to Tony, that makes Tony a part of my Pard. and because you are a part of Tony's family, that means that you are also a part of my Pard." he admitted simply. "what is important to Loki, is important to me." he paused and looked at the clock. "i'm on in five. go have a seat and i'll meet you out front once i'm done." he decided, wrapping a thick, heavy, black leather collar around his neck and snapped a Leash to it, testing it before heading out into the Hallway.

Steve made his face. "i know. i was sick all the time too. i had pneumonia as a baby, and it ruined my health until the Super Serum." he admitted. "i had bad asthma and a worse attitude. i was as brittle as a twig and... honestly, i looked like one." he admitted witha grin. "Howard Stark was creepy." Steve admitted with a shake of his head. "Fear has very little to do with common sense you know. i knew the walls weren't getting tighter, but that's still what it felt like." he admitted with a shake of his head before he stared at her, more than a little stunned. "Howard was an ass." he stated firmly. "he was all too happy to use anyone he wanted, no matter the age or the ramifications." he stated simple before he gripped the table hard. "if he was still alive i'd KILL him!" Steve hissed, his eyes flashing with fury. "you where a CHILD! how could he... i knew he was a sick fucker but THAT!" he took several calming breaths and then winced as he realized he'd cracked the table. "i thought it was sick, what he was doing in the War, the human experiments... but this? this is... god..." he took a few calming breaths and then offered her his hand. "i'm sorry you had to go through that... i really am." he whispered. "i'll make sure no one ever uses you like that again."

Loki nodded. "i sooo am." h agreed with a bright grin. "but the pain is gone!" he admitted with a nod. "i want Jello." he whined before pointing at the screen. "biiig Dragon. Dragon's are real you know. they're from Niflheim. we unleashed them on Midgaurd once by accident." he admitted with a nod. "you humans where so very silly, thinking they could kill Dragon's with spears and swords, so silly! look at him! he's so stupid!" Loki informed Tony sluggishly. "you're not prince charming! Prince charming is a blond. i don't much like Blonds." he admitted with a shake of his head. he too was falling asleep, but was fighting to stay awake so he could see the end of the movie.
“Well, him and tony are going to get along smashingly then.”Natasha snickered a little at that before sighing softly, tilting her head as she considerd that before relaxing. “Well. That is good to know. We have enough problems with the hulk, we don;t need another...”She said thoughtfully before smiling slightly, “Pard. A jaguar’s group...huh.”Natasha said thoughtfully as they left, heading out to get ready to watch teh show. “Well, this has been interesting.”She muttered at clint, sipping the drink she ordered, glancing at the man.”So, do you think steve’s asked Anna out yet?”she asked, letting her mind work over the problem of river as she thought about other things, watching the crowd and dancers.

“That sucks. I had pneumonia as a kid to. It was horrible.”She agreed before laughing, nodding quietly. “he was. Very.”She agreed before nodding. “Yes....that’s what it felt like...but at least Tony was smart enough to put lights in there, even in emergency mode...”She muttered, knowing tony had done it for the same reason she was glad for them. He would never run the risk of being in somewhere dark tight ever again. After Afghanistan the fear was even worse. She was actually surprised some days he could live with being in his suit. Yelping as he hissed, moving away from him, responding like she would have howard, to startled by both memories and the talking to be calm. Staying in the seat she swallowed hard as she rested back into the chair, nodding quietly,slipping her hand into his, wrwapping her fingers tightly around his, taking comfort in the touch. “Why do you think I work here?Tony lets me do what I want, asks for opinions on projects, and mostly...leaves me alone.”She smiled softly, looking up at him, offering a shaky smile.

“Well, that’s good then.”Tony snickered a little before staring at the dragon, raising a eyebrow. “Go to sleep, reindeer. You’re not making sense.”he snickered a little, amused about the accident of dragons, and making a mental note to ask loki about it later. “Fine, i wont be prince charming...I’m better then charming anyways...”he muttered yawning as he shifted, snuggling against the god, even if he wasn’t drunk, he was dog tired and wanted to cuddle the man.Yawning as he fell asleep.
River smirked. "why do you think i manipulated Tony into becoming more involved?... the stabbing thing was highly unwanted." he admitted with a scowl. "i WAS going to fake an attack on Loki to get Stark more interested, but..." he shook his head. "some fuckhead on drugs with a knife changed that." River admitted, swallowing thickly. "for a moment... he was dead..." he shuddered violently and then smirked at Natasha. "very clever, yes. a Pard is for Jaguars." he admitted. "there is a reason why my last name is Yaguara." he admitted with a chuckle as he headed off. "very interesting. whatever he is, it seams to be a little too focused on Jaguars... you don't think he can turn into a jaguar do you? like a shapeshifter or something?" he asked. "that thing he did.. where he went from innocent civilian to Class A Danger Threat was.... very unnerving..." he admitted before zeroing in on the stage, where River stood, chained in the center of the room, tossing his head back and uttering a feral Yowl that made many of the people in the audience jump and then lean forward eagerly. the entire act was River trying to be free, while his 'owner' tried to Tame him, using whips, coercion, kindness, anything and everything, and it ended with River on top of his 'owner' dominating him the way he had tried to Dominate. it was sexy, it was naughty, it was frightening and exciting and it was no wonder why he was pulling in close to five hundred dollars a night. "i think i just came..."

he smiled. "i was too young to actually remember it. i wasn't even a year old when i got it." he admitted. "sometimes i'm not sure Tony can handle being int he suit." Steve admitted. "you'll notice he still hasn't made one." he admitted with a shake of his head. "he's drowning in something and i'm not sure he even knows what it is." he admitted with a small sigh before wincing as he realized that he had frightened her. "i'm sorry." he whispered, quite ashamed of himself. he smiled when she relaxed and he chuckled a little. "you and Tony are very close. you're lucky to have each other." he admitted with a nod. "but, if you ever need to talk, or just need someone to sit with, i'll always be there for you, alright?" he offered with a small smile. "...listen... i was wondering... and you can totally say no... but, would you, erm, maybe want to... you know... go, uh... out, sometime? like... uhm, get a s..soda, or a coffee or... or something?" he was bright red and cursing his failure of courage, but he'd asked, and there where no sudden distractions or interferences, so he figured it was alright... maybe.

"i am too! how dare you insinuate that i am of inferior brain capability!" he wailed, quite insulted. "Jarvis! Jarvis! punish Tony! Make him suffer!" Loki demanded. "and pause my movie since Tony won't shut up." he demanded, turning to glare at tony. "when i have use of my arms again, i will make you rue!" he informed the other, eyes narrowed and looking... entirely adorable instead of frightening. "...oh stop talking already." he ordered, closing his eyes and going to sleep himself.
Natasha looked startled at that before starting to laugh. “It’s not everyday that you see tony getting manipulated. This is pretty great to know about.”she said snickering a little before wincing. “I know....I’m sorry river.”she said quietly before looking thoughtful as she sat next to clint, tilting her head a little. “well...he’s focused on jaguars...hopefully, not but in all honesty?Probably.”She said thoughtfully before her mouth fell open a little as she watched, squirming a little, nodding quietly as she kept her eyes on the stage. “Me to....can we take him home with us?”She questioned shifting closer to the man at her side, definitely wanting sex now.

Anna winced a little, “I don’t think he can. He’s been worse...since he fell out of space, when he took that nuke up. He doesn’t know I know, but he’s taken the stairs more then he does the elevator these days, cause he can’t do it...”She sighed quietly, looking so sad, wishing her best friend would talk to her. “No...he might not know what it is, but we need to figure it out, and get him to let us help, otherwise he’s going under....”She muttered before looking at him, offering him a small smile. Shrugging. “...we were the only child prodigy’s attending MIT at the same time...it kinda gave us something to bond over. Though tony hates it sometimes, cause you know, he does the whole guilt trip on what his father did, and blames himself.”She rolled her eyes because even if he didn’t say it, she knew tony, knew the man blamed himself for the sins of his father, even if he had suffered right along with her.”Thanks. It’s always nice to have someone there...”she sipped her drink before looking up startled, blushing at his words, before nodding mutely a loss for words for a moment. Surely she was dreaming, cause every thought she’d had about the good captain in the last year of knowing him, was coming true. “I would like that. We could grab coffee tomorrow morning...after your run...”She muttered blushing looking around.

“You’re sleepy, it makes you short on brain capability.”She snickered a little shifting, yawning as he listened to the AI refuse to punish him, amused as loki paused the movie. “Shush, I’m going to sleep.”He ordered yawning as he fell asleep
River smirked. "it's because he doesn't expect it, that makes it so easy. i would have a much harder time trying to manipulate someone like Pepper Potts, who has to deal with Tony, and possibly Loki's manipulations constantly." he admitted with a chuckle as he headed off. Clint looked at her, his pupils dilated with lust as he nodded. "fuck yes. do we share or take him one at a time?" he asked hopefully. hoping to GOD River liked men. he followed Nat out to the front of the building where they would meet River, who came out twenty minutes later dressed in leather pants and a silk shirt and his hair pulled back into a Ponytail. "you smell like sex." River commented, sounding amused. "i take it you liked my dance then, hmm?" he asked with a smirk. "come on, we can't do it here, people will completely freak out." he admitted, flipping his very expensive jacket over his shoulders. "you name the place." he smirked. "and if you're not scared off after, maybe i'll help you with that little problem you have?"

he nodded a little. "yeah i noticed that too." he admitted with a sigh. "i don't know if we can get close to him right now. he's pushing us all away for some reason, Pepper the most. it's like." he bit his lip. "it's like he's terrified he's going to get us hurt or something." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Tony is like that... but honestly, i'm like that too. right now i feel bad because i didn't kill Howard while i was being his Lab Rat in WWII" he admitted with a sigh. "stupid, i know..." he admitted with a shook his head before he smiled at her before he brightened like the sun. "what, really!? i mean, uh, yeah that sounds great!" he admitted. "we could go to that really cute Cafe down on Fifth! they have muffins there. everyone loves muffins." he said with a grin. "you should probobly rest. you had a pretty traumatic experience just now. do you want me to get you anything or... anything?"
“I’m not sharing with you. Go get your own jaguar.Besides, you have a broken nose, not good for blow jobs.”Natasha teased following him out, looking amused as she paused looking at river before nodding. “We did. And Stark tower. It’s the most private place in the city, and you can check on loki after if you want.”Natasha said flushing a little as she considered the man in front of her, moving towards their car. “Come on then you two.”she ordered looking amused as she got into the car.

“Maybe that’s it...if he thinks he’s the reason everything keeps happening....”She shrugged helplessly, having seen tony’s face when he realized loki had been hurt, had noticed the guilty look that had crossed the billionaire’s face. Knew he blamed himself. Nudging his shoulder a little she smiled slightly. “Don’t. If you killed him then, you wouldn’t have your best friend.”She pointed out, blushing as she finished her hot chocolate. “I would like that. Muffins are amazing.”She said looking happy that he was this excited before sighing quietly, nodding. “Just come sit with me until I fall asleep...it’s easier to rest when I’m not alone after...that.”She said as she got up pausing, thinking it over for a long moment before heading to her bedroom, leaving it up to him to follow. STepping into the bathroom and changing into her pj’s of a pair of iron man sweats, and a captain america t-shirt...tony’s idea of the perfect nightclothes, before climbing into bed, wondering if he was indeed going to be joining her, or if his 1940s sensibilities would keep him away,
Clint glared at her. "you can't just decide to keep him for yourself!" he cried out in rage. "at least find out if he's Gay or not first!" "i'm not." River stated simply, making Clint go bright red. "sorry, but i don't fuck men." "Son of a bitch!" Clint complained, glaring at Natasha as if it was all her fault, which made River laugh. "Loki will be asleep by now." River commented simply as he followed them, hesitating in front of the car, as if he wasn't sure it was safe, or was afraid it was going to bite him. he finally slid into the passengers seat since Clint had crawled into the back to sulk.

Steve nodded. "it could be. but it doesn't seam right, what set it off so bad? it couldn't be the thing with Killian could it?" he asked with a frown. "...yeah, i guess you're right... but i'd rather be missing a best freind then submit him to that kind of hell." he admitted with a sigh before he smiled. "sure, i can sit with you." he assured her with a smile as he followed her, watching her ass. suddenly he understood why Clint and Tony where so perverted... he felt so dirty and quickly returned his attention to the back of her head. his 1920's sensibilities wasn't about to keep him away from her when she clearly needed him there. so long as he wasn't in the same bed as her, and didn't see her naked, and she didn't wear anything... well... he joined her in the bedroom and settled himself into the chair next to her bed. "i like the shirt." he admitted with a grin. "you need new pants though. those are clearly of inferior quality."
“Yes I can.And I will.”Natasha snickered looking amused at clint’s outrage, before patting his arm. “If you really want to seduce someone, just go see tony. He needs to have sex.”She snickered because like steve and anna, she’d noticed just how rarely the man was having sex. Nudging him a little. “Don’t glare at me, its not my fault. You could stay and pick someone up you know.”She pointed out watching river for a moment looking amused as clint sulked, driving back to the tower. When there she got out and headed for the elevator. “Is it messy, whatever your going to do?Cause tony will kill us if we mess up the penthouse.”She said looking at river, trying to decide what floor to go to.

“It really started to get bad after that. It has to be,but I don’t know why. Yes, pepper was hurt, but he fixed extermis, its not like she really was damaged by it.”She huffed a sigh.”I asked loki. He suspects something, and is going to let us know if he figures it out.”She muttered before smiling pleased as he joined her in the bedroom, laughing quietly at his words as she curled up in the bed, sitting on the side of the bed next to him, laying on her side to face him. “I thought you would. But they’re comfy!And he’ll sulk for days if I get rid of them.”She giggled a little starting to relax, closing her eyes as she started to fall asleep. “Dont leave me alone cap, please....dont want to sleep alone...”She muttered as she drifted off.
River smirked a little as he watched the by-play between the two. "i'm not about to seduce Tony! it would be completely weird!" Clint complained. "i mean, he's practically my twin!" he complained. "and i don't want to stay and pick up someone! i want to see the freaky thing that River does!" River just laughed and shook his head. amused. "no, it's not messy." River assured her as he slipped, all liquid grace, out of the car, studying Stark Tower. "my eyes hurt already." Clint had to snort at that. River calmly let them take him upstairs and stretched as he left the Elevator and rolled his neck as he let them take him into a more secure location. finally he turned, and that deadly grace swung into motion as his entire body rippled and changed, sprouting fur and twisting elegantly and disgustingly. when he finally stopped. there was a massive [uerl=http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y135/Amy2005_6/Anthro/jaguar.jpg]Jaguar[/url] in front of them, on all fours. it Growled, shook itself out and that's when Clint realized that the shape was wrong... it didn't have legs, it had arms and feet! shaped just right that it could run on all fours... or just two. and then, as if to prove this point, it stood up, tossed it's head back and stared at them with amber yellow eyes. "oh...my....god." Clint breathed, realizing that the beast in front of him was bigger than he was. it was bigger than Thor was! by at least a foot! and an inch in shoulder length! the strange paws where missing a knuckle, or had gained a knuckle whether you looked at it like it was a hand or a paw. each 'finger' tipped in a gleaming claw almost two inches long. and those fangs.... no wonder River had such a warning on Shield archives... and why they hadn't tried to keep him when he didn't want to stay.

Steve nodded. "well, Loki is the god of lies. if anyone can figure it out, it's him." he admitted with a grin. "you know they're going to have mad gay sex right?" Steve asked, clearly he'd come to terms with the whole 'men fuck men up their ass' thing. "although, i wouldn't hold my breath on the Loki Telling us bit. he is a very possessive little megalomaniac you know." he pointed out with a small chuckle. "Tony sulks anyway." he pointed out. "you just keep them because it makes his head swell and you think it's funny when he's a swaggering egotistical ass." he teased with a grin. "i learned how to swear, Clint taught me. seamed to think i wasn't 'adapting' properly." he admitted before he smiled softly at her. "i'll stay all night." he promised her. "i won't leave you."
“Exactly why you should. Could you imagine how good the sex would be?”Natasha teased, simply because she knew it would never happen, despite their man whore status, the two men liked each other to much to consider sleeping with each other, which was definitely weird and awesome all at once. Pausing she considered that,”You know, it’s almost to bad loki doesn’t have magic. You could sleep with tony, without it being tony. That would be kinda cool...”Natasha said her eyes going unfocused a little as she considered that before laughing at river’s complaint. “You get used to it after awhile....well, at least until you get to the penthouse.”She snickered staring at the man as he shifted, looking at a loss to what to say. And while she liked the human half of this man, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to have sex....at least, not until she’d come to terms with this. “...Well....at least loki has his own hulk to protect him....”She said staring wide eyed and at a loss.

“I agree.”Anna smiled a little before giggling, nodding. “I know. We’ll be lucky if they dont use every surface in the house....and considering tony’s not been having sex....”She shuddered at the mental image that gave before smirking. “They’re both posessive little megalomanics. But he might tell us.”She said smiling, “Well, he did buy me a iron man plushie....and he’s always a ass. Giving him more ammo to just be a bigger narcissist just amuses me...”She snickered before nodding. “Good.”she muttered falling asleep.

In the morning Tony smirked as he glanced at steve as he walked into the kitchen, poking at the slightly burnt scrambled eggs he’d been making. “Do those look safe to eat?”He asked glancing at the super soldier before smirking, raising a eyebrow. “You look less then rested, and didn’t sleep in your own room.”He smirked, the man was definitely going to tease steve, and since he was trying to make loki some solid food...and failing... He needed to distract himself from feeling like a failure....making fun of steve just made him feel better.
Clint made a face. "i have just a few words for that. 'no, way, in, hell.'. i hope that is sufficient enough evidence as to why i will never, ever be sleeping with Tony Stark ever. and oh, my god Natasha EWE! the guy took over my BRAIN!" he complained. "he tried to take over Manhattan!" "actually, he was throwing a temper tantrum." River commented to that. "he was WHAT!?" "you'd be throwing a temper tantrum too, if you found out you where essentially abandoned simply because you where 'too small to keep' and then adopted. he grew up hearing horror stories about his people. his people are basically the boogeymen. werewolves, vampires, terrors in the night to Asgaurdians and Loki heard all those stories as well. and then to find out he is one? not even because you're adopted father had the guts to tell you, but because you're 'real' father came knocking, how would you feel? yes. he threw a tantrum." Clint was gaping at River. "how the hell do you know that?!" "Loki talks in his sleep." River admitted as he shook his head. River had to chuckle at Natasha's 'hulk' comment. "Yes, i suppose so. only i don't think Loki realizes exactly what i am." River admitted, his voice low, gravely, just the hint of a growl, sexy. "oh he knows there is something 'off' about me, but he doesn't know exactly what. he can still sense things with his magic, even if he can't use it. i beleive he thinks i am a Shaman. which is more or less, also true." River admitted, flexing his paw. "this ability has been passed down, father to son, for over three thousand years." he admitted. "i am the last of my kind." he admitted. "as far as i know." he admitted. "you're not going to pass out are you? i assure you, i don't eat human, they taste disgusting." Clint just squeeked at that.

Steve snickered a little. "i'll make sure to stock up on the Bleach." he promised her. "...an iron Man plushie?" he demanded with a groan. "where is it? i'm going to burn it." he decided, though the grin on his lips promised her that he was joking.

in the morning, Steve was staring at Tony with narrowed, furious eyes and he stalked forward and swung, clocking Tony right in the eye. he'd have a very impressive shiner later. he snarled and grabbed Tony by the front of the shirt and gave him a good, hard shake. "if you ever Do something like that to Anna again, i'll kill you!" he hissed, teeth bared in fury. he had asked Jarvis if Tony had fixed the Elevator, when Jarvis had asked when the elevator had broken, Steve knew that Tony had done it on purpose. for what reason, Steve didn't know, but he was FURIOUS that Tony had done it. "i won't tell Anna you did it." he hissed, eyes narrowed. "and you should be fucking glad all i did was hit you!" he spat before spinning on his heal and walking away. "well. that looked like it hurt." Bruce commented as he walked in. "did you know we have a massive bi-pedal Anthropomorphic jungle cat in the Tower?"
Natasha started to laugh harder at clint’s reaction, so amusing to think about clint refusing to have sex with anyone. “What, afraid you might get schooled in how bad you’re having sex?”she teased looking amused before staring at river, eyes widening a little as she considered that. “...oh...yes I would be throwing a tantrum to.”She said, and considering it was a god throwing a tantrum, that no matter how much damage it caused, well gods lived on a bigger scale. No wonder it had happened as it did. “...well, does it matter he doesn’t know?You’ll protect him, that’s what matters.”she said shuddering a little as the other flexed a paw, reacting to the voice but not sure what to think about this. “No, I’m not going to pass out. Though if you keep it up, clint might. He’s a pansy.”Natasha snickered a little before sighing. “How long do you have to stay in this form?I mean, it’s early enough that tony’s probably up and looking for food if your hungry.....”

Tony yelped nearly falling as he went with the blow, before steve caught him. Looking up at the man he winced, and not just because he knew what he’d done was wrong, but it had been the only way he could think of to force them together, and since he was dealing with the fallout from his own romantic explosion, he hadn’t wanted to watch them waste the time they could have together....even if it meant playing dirty. Inflicting a little emotional harm on his best friend, he could handle better then watch her pine and want steve, and never do anything about it..Looking up at steve like he was drowning in the emotional pain he snarled quietly, not realizing just how much he was revealing in that single look. “Get off me.”he demanded putting his hands on the other’s shoulders and pushing, not that it could get the super soldier to let him go. Stumbling as steve let him go he leaned against the counter as he got his bearings again, glaring at the other scientist as he came in. “You don’t have to look so cheerful that someone finally punched me.”He scowled before pausing. “What...?”
Clint rolled his eyes. "more like i'm afraid we'd kill each other duking it out for Dominance." he pointed out. "i don't 'sub' and i know Tony doesn't either." he pointed out with a snort before he gaped at River. "holy shit.. no wonder Loki went ape shit... it explains some of the things i saw in his head too, when i was under his power i mean..." Clint admitted. "he didn't give a shit about the tesseract, or the Chitauri." he admitted, shaking his head. "that was one hell of a tantrum though." "he'll find out soon enough i'm sure, but he doesn't exactly know that i know he's a god either. let alone that he's That loki." River admitted with a smirk. "i can come in and out of this form as i please. i can even retain only certain parts, like those Japanese Neko." he admitted, already fading back into a human as gracefully as ever, though this time he looked just like any other common civilian. he'd turned off his Predatory aura or whatever.

Steve snarled at Tony again for good measure before he went back to Anna, not wanting her to wake up alone and Bruce smiled a little. "you shouldn't feel so special. Steve broke Clint's nose. i think Steve's ust overly emotional right now that's all." Bruce admitted as he took a sip of his coffee before shaking his head. "yeah, some big jungle cat.. spotted, panther maybe, or a leopard... i don't know but it was big, yellow, and had spots." he admitted. "Clint and Natasha where with it, so i think it's either safe, or we're being attacked. i figured i'd better ask before i tried to Hulk Out on it." he admitted, blinking at Tony. "i take it you didn't know about it?" he asked, wondering if he shouldn't have intervened? but Nat and Clint hadn't looked frightened...
“well, he’s probably going to figure out we’d tell you he’s that loki.”Natasha snickered a little before grinning a little. “Now that is fairly cool.”she said watching the man change, she had a weakness for cats. They were just adorable. “Well, we better get some sleep. Come on, you can crash in the guest room.”She grinned a little as she headed for the suite of rooms they’d been given.

“Really?Damn. I wouldn’t have pulled that stunt if he was that emotional.”Tony grumbled looking annoyed at having missed that part, definitely not something he would have done given those circumstances. Frowning a little as he thought about that. “Huh. And no, I’ve been watching sleeping beauty with the princess....I love when things happen in my tower without me knowing. Jarvis.” “Sir?” “Will you ask birdbrain and spidey to join us with their cat. I’d really like to know what’s going on.”He said smirking, knowing the others would be down soon, even if to just yell at him for their nicknames, wincing slightly as he fingered his eye, wincing at how sore it was, and knew it was already starting to bruise.

Anna stirred as steve came back in, offering him a sleepy smile. “Morning.”She yawned as she stretched, snuggling down into the bed. Much like tony, she wasn’t a morning person, sitting up slowly she ran her fingers through her hair, getting up. “You going for a run, or did you want to go for coffee and breakfast first?”She asked blushing ever so slightly.
he pondered that and then nodded. "good point." he agreed with a chuckle as he watched her react to his shape-shifting, twin ears popping up on the top of his head and his long tail sprouting out to hang over his low slung leather pants. teasing her. "thanks. i've been up all night dancing for people who don't appreciator me enough." he tensed when Jarvis requested their presence and he looked around with rapidly flicking eyes, trying to find the source so he could tell if it was a threat or not. "what was that!?" he demanded when he could find no person.

Bruce chuckled. "he's been a little overly emotional ever since he found out that you hadn't slept with Anna." he admitted. "he hides it well. he'll calm down once he's certain Anna's not forever scarred by the Elivator stunt... good work on that by the way. Steve never could resist rescuing a woman." Bruce admitted with a grin. "i almost wish Clint had thought of it. then he'd have a broken nose, AND a broken jaw." Bruce could be mean sometimes. "...Tony you're not going to eat those are you?" Bruce asked, staring at the eggs in horror. "maybe you should just order in?"

Steve smiled at her. "good morning. i was going to get breakfast for you, but Tony was in the kitchen and i think he contaminated everything in there." he admitted, lying only a little. "i thought i'd go for a run and let you wake up a little." he teased with a smile. "don't want you to be a Zombie now do we?" he asked with a smile. "i'm not sure what a Zombie is, but apparently they look like very sleepy people." he admitted with a shrug.
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