Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Anna nodded a little as she looked at him. “Yea. Pepper came to room with me last night. He tossed her out of his room apparently. With her dressed like....well you know how he enjoys his iron man models.”she rolled her eyes because it was common knowledge tony enjoyed seducing girls who dressed in the fake iron man stuff. His ego knew no bounds. “He’s...”Anna stopped looking frustrated, because while she could discuss things that weren’t medical, things that were she couldn’t say. And tony really was starting to worry her. She’d never known him to refuse sex, and she’d known him for the better part of 20 years. Startling a little as steve dropped his bowl she stared, before starting to laugh, her mood momentarily broken at the sight of watching the ceral fall before sighing. “...maybe his obsession with Loki is worse then we thought...”She muttered because while she wanted to believe that, she had a feeling the problem went deeper then that.

Tony stirred a little as he was talked at, yawning quietly as he rolled away, not even really aware of cuddling. Stretching out on his stomach he sighed starting to wake up, before frowning. Realizing he was in bed with loki,”....why in the world are you in my bed?”He asked after a moment before getting up, before realizing where he was. “oh...sorry.”he muttered realizing he’d come into loki’s room instead of the other way around, reaching out to help loki up, carefully supporting him as he helped him into the bathroom, quiet and withdrawn for once.
he shook his head. "whatever is wrong... i don't think it's Pepper and him having a fight." he admitted, closing his eyes. "no, it's not a Loki obsession. this was all started before Tony even realized Loki was back on earth. it started long before that, maybe even before Loki even WAS back on earth. i think this obsession is just a way if hiding whatever he's feeling..." he admitted. "and whatever he's feeling... it has something to do with Pepper. i wonder if... maybe that thing with Killian affected him more than we thought? i mean, she did basically get turned into a mutant and almost died with him watching... so... pent up guilt?" he wondered. "coupled with his anxiety and depression...?" he muttered, biting his lip as he shoved a piece of Bacon into his mouth, simply for something to do as he thought.

Loki snorted a little at Tony's ever so bright little comment. "no idea when you came in. but it's rather nice waking up like this." Loki admitted suddenly. "it doesn't hurt when i'm laying like this. but i don't have the strength to keep myself on my side at the moment." he admitted, letting Tony help him stand, making choked little pained sounds as he made it to the bathroom. pale and sweating from the excursions. Loki had great control over himself, most people would have screamed as soon as they'd stood up. but Loki was NOT about to submit to a... bed pan. so he would walk to the bathroom and back even if it killed him. stil, he was very relieved once he was back in bed, panting hard and fighting back tears of pain. "i want my smoothie." Loki complained. "i remembered promises of smoothies from the gay man in blue spandex."
“No, I don’t think it is either. Pepper...said he hasn’t really been fighting. He just shoves her out of the room and refuses to talk for days. Which for tony, isn’t really fighting. I mean, he enjoys getting in fights just for make up sex.”Anna muttered frowning slightly, before nodding. “I think you’re right. He always did hide behind obsessions.”she muttered frowning thoughtfully as she ate, before deciding that it really wasn’t breaking tony’s trust, because everyone in the world had watched him have a meltdown, though granted, only a few papers had known for sure what they were seeing. “He had a bad panic attack while he was in europe. Like he had me fly over just to make sure he wasn’t dying. Something’s wrong,steve.”She said looking at her friend anxiously, because tony had been the only person she could relate to for so long, not knowing him anymore scared her.

Tony looked startled and confused at loki’s confession, frowning slightly. “You’re welcome, I guess?”He muttered helping him about and looking vaguely impressed that the man hadn’t fallen yet, even if iron man was twitching every step of the way simply wanting to pick him up and carry to the bed, but resisting the urge, even without magic, he knew loki would try to brain him for that. Wincing as he looked down at the man he smiled slightly. “I’ll go get the smoothie from spangles then. Though he’s not gay.But I’m telling him you think he is.”He snickered as he walked out.

“Captain gay man in blue spandex, you’re presence is required to make a smoothie!”Tony said sounding way to bright and pleased at being awake, which was totally faked, tony stark was anything but a morning person. Pausing as he walked out onto the balcony he studied the two, raising a eyebrow. "A romantic breakfast?Do I need to ask if you used protection?" "W-what?Tony!Behave."Anna stuttered looking halfway between confused and mortified at the man's observation. Because she didn't think steve liked her beyond friendship, so having tony tease her made her crush even worse
Steve nodded a little. "no, Tony fights loud and flashy. i mean, look at his Iron Man! that's not compensating for anything, that's just loud and flashy because Tony likes Loud and Flashy." Steve muttered, amused for a moment before he sighed. "from what i understand... Tony hasn't had any regular sex. i know he slept with that Tiffany girl from where Loki works." Steve admitted. "and before that? i think he slept with some guy while he was in Morocco. that's... not like Tony. at all. i've never seen him go more than a week without sex. and to blatantly refuse it?..." here Steve paused. "i wonder if he's having performance issues? that happens sometimes, so i'm told. if a person is extremely stressed. could that be why he's not having sex? he can't get it up and he's embarrassed or something?" but he knew that wasn't it. Tony would just go to the doctor and get pills to fix it.

"hmmm. yes." loki murmured in response to the 'your welcome'. "i had never taken you for a man with a stutter." Loki admitted simply. "yes. you go get the smoothie." Loki agreed, wanting nothing more than to drink his smoothie, drown himself to death, and be free from this painful torment. sure Loki had been hurt before... that tale about being bound to a rock and having poison dripped on him, wasn't exactly a myth. granted, it hadn't been for the reasons said, and he had never been married to that bitch Sigyn, no matter what she'd fantasized. he'd only been strapped to the rock for three days before someone had found him and released him. still, this was feeling entirely too much like that.

"...what does my happiness have to do with anything?" Steve asked, looking honestly baffled. no one had really explained to him yet that men tended to sleep with men in this time. some because they weren't sure how Steve would react, and others because they where too embarrassed, and most simply because it hadn't really occurred to them that there was no such thing as homosexual when Steve was growing up. well there was, but no one talked about it and Steve had been a sheltered little boy. "actually no." Steve commented suddenly, pointing down. "we had an accident. expect disgruntled phone calls about milk and cereal bowls." Steve commented as he headed off to make the demanded Smoothie, not seaming to get the joke. Steve ruined all kinds of fun.
“I know. He’s been like that forever. Never quiet when he can have the last word in a fight. A loud word at that.”Anna muttered before nodding. “That sounds about right. He was...he appeared to be having sex, with multiple people while in europe, but I spent the night with him for two weeks, and we spent more time discussing his new suit and not watching him seduce anyone that got near him.”She muttered before giving a half hearted snicker. “Tony stark being embarassed?I don’t think it’s possible.”She muttered even if she wanted to believe that, she knew tony. She knew that wasn’t it. She just didn’t know what it was.

“I’m not usually. I just don’t get thanked a lot.”Tony glared looking annoyed with the god for getting him flustered enough to actually stutter, because it was rarely he did it these days, but it was a holdover from childhood that he stuttered when he was nervous or put on the spot. Tony stared at Steve for a long moment before huffing out a sigh. “Nevermind, just go get the drink please.”He muttered before leaning over to look at the ground, raising a eyebrow at anna. “I surprised him, he dropped the bowl. It was cutely adorable.”She said unwilling to let tony know he flustered her, and that they’d been discussing him. She knew he wouldn’t like that.

"So, how are you?"She asked looking at him as they walked inside. "Fine."Tony said smiling. "You?" "Amazing....and why are we using one word answers?usually when discussing you, I get a lengthy boring explanation on your sex life." Tony shrugged as he settled at the island to wait for steve to finish the smoothie. "You want to hear about countless orgies and men I don't know?" Anna stared at him for a long moment, for a moment not believing that he was telling her such a blantant lie. While he'd given the appearance of orgies while in Europe, very few were actually true, for the six months he'd been gone, tony stark had had less sex then he had in his entire adult life.
he nodded. "i know." he admitted with a sigh. "most of those European 'orgies' where... not real you know." he admitted, watching her. "Jarvis told me... i bribed him." he admitted with a grin. "or rather, Clint did. Jarvis is a sick bastard did you know? just as filthy and perverted as his 'daddy'." because to get the information, Clint had masturbated just for Jarvis. neither man was sure why, or what pleasure Jarvis could glean for such a thing, but it didn't matter. "good point, Tony's not about to be embarrassed by anything. hell, he woke up with me in the complete nude one morning and he just walked off as if nothing had happened while i tried to figure out why he had crawled into MY bed naked." he made a face. "seriously though, why MY bed?"

loki blinked at Tony, looking surprised. "oh. i'm sorry then, i thought you where stuttering for stupid reasons like embarrassment." Loki admitted. "i shall endeavor to thank you more often. it is not as if you are undeserving of praise after all." Loki admitted simply, in some way telling Tony that he deserved to be thanked for many things and by many people.

"speaking of lengthy, boring, sex talk... did you know Jarvis is a pervert Tony?" Clint asked suddenly, looking amused. "seriously, like an old man peeping into the windows of little boys perverted." he stated as he walked with them. "also, Natasha has become fixated on River. she seams to think theirs something weird about him. the same way Cap seams to think that Loki us up to something." Clint stated, heavy with sarcasm as he rolled his eyes. "just to warn you since she's going to ask you questions about River probobly. since she won't dare as Loki." he admitted. "speaking of Loki, can i hit him a few times? please? i mean, the man took over my brain, you know that right? i should get to hit him." "you're not hitting him until he's completely healed." Steve stated sternly as he came out of the kitchen with a smoothie. "i made a smoothie for everyone. and i'm making a soup for Loki since he can't have solid food, he gets to have smoothies and broth and he'll probobly bitch about it, so Tony has to be the one to feed him."
"Well yea I know. Tony made jarvis so he could have someone to talk to.are you really surprised he made him just as perverted as homself?besides, I really wouldn't put it past tony to have requested jarvis see if he could get you all to jack off for him.not because tony cares to watch his friends do that,but aimply for the idea pf knowing you did it for jarvis....like I said.hes got a twisted sense of humor."she said before raising a eyebrow and blushing at the thought of the two men in bed together even if she knew tony would never hit on steve seriously that way.he might tease him,but tony had his own problems with thr good captain,that would keep him from seriously considering having sex with him.."he cuddles when hes drunk.and he likes embarassing people. Getting naked into bed with you filled tboth of those."she snickered a little.

Tony startled a little at clints words having been still thinking abot loki's praise before glancing at the assasin."of course.though its not his fault you look so cute when you come."tony smirked proving anna right.he had knwon about jarvis' bribe.houh he didn't know what they'd bribed him for,otherwise he'd have been freaking out about it.sighing quietly he shook his head."there's nothing weird about river unless you count what he does to milk."the billionaire made a face before shaking his head."noyou can't. At least not now. When hes better,maybe."tony agreed before frowning looking at Steve as he picked up thr smoothie before frowning"why do I have to do it?give it to anna,shes his doctor." "True but I'm not the one who's been stalkkng him.you can feed him." "I have not be stalking him!"
he nodded a little. "i wouldn't put it past him either." he admitted with a wrinkle of his nose. "Tony has a weird sense of humor and Clint's just as bad as Tony and Jarvis! i wasn't about to do it but Clint just pipes up claims the 'task' and tells me later that it was the best he's ever had like i wanted to know that!" Steve shook his head. "sometimes... i think i want to throw people out windows too." Steve admitted with a sigh. "especially Clint." he admitted before he wrinkled his nose. "well. so long as he doesn't do pervy things to me i guess that's alright." so Clint did somewhat understand that Tony liked both men and women, he just didn't realize it wasn't 'just another tony thing'.

Clint smirked a little at Tony's quip and Steve choked a little and went bright red. "i am aren't i?" Clint asked. "Jarvis certainly enjoyed it, and we learned what we needed to know after all." Steve was more than a little mortified by this conversation and Clint was looking entirely too smug. "you should build Jarvis a fully functioning body so that he can enjoy things too." he ordered with a grin. "er... milk?" Clint asked, looking curious. "what does he do with Milk that's so weird?" he asked, wondering if he shouldn't run a background check on River. he knew Nat had probobly already done it, but he wanted to see for himself. "you have to feed him because you're the one who pulled Anna back from vacation and moved him in here." Steve stated with a smug little grin. "and you have so been stalking him." Clint butted in. "i'm going to borrow you're computers Tony." Clint informed him as he wandered off to do an extensive background check on River yaguara. there wasn't much. he was of Native American stock, but there was some south american in him as well. according to the 'family tree' River could call his 'bloodline' back to the Ancient Mayans. he grew up on the reserve and had very little schooling, only what his parents could teach him. he started stripping when he was nineteen and just never stopped. he was actually rather famous for his 'Jaguar Dance', where he played a feral Jaguar on stage and another tried to tame him. nothing else was known about him. absolutely nothing. that gave Clint a bad feeling. everyone had something, parking tickets, school records, Facebook! River had nothing. the man had never even been to a doctor for gods sake!
Tony smirked looking amused."not as good as me,but cute nonetheless."tony chirped looking way to pleased with himself for embarrassing steve."though I don't know why you just didn't ask anna,it would have been easier convincing her to talk about sex."the billionaire said as he drank the smoothie,not noticong the look anna shoy steve as if to ask,did jarvis just lie to tony? Rolling her eyes at clint she snickered."dont give him ideas like that,he'd never come out of his room if he had a sex partner who had as much stamina as he could program in."anna snickered though watching the billionaire stare at his drink she was curious as to why the man looked like he was thinking to hard."hm,he puts alcohol in it.its a waste of perfectly good alcohol."tony whined glaring at the mention of him stalking loki before getting up with a huff and grabbing loki's smoothie and heading for the bedroom."as you rewuested."he said holding out the drink for the man as he handed it over settling on the bed with a sigh and a starkpad.

"Find anything more?"natasha asked as she walked into the communal computer section tony had set up for them to share away from his precious lab,leaning over clint's shoulder."
Clint snorted. "i am WAY cuter than you." he stated with a grin. "besides, we can't ask Anna, then she'd be in on the secrete you idiot." Clint stated, rolling with it as Clint went even more red... because he HAD been overjoyed to find out that tony hadn't slept with Anna. "i was thinking more of a Sex partner for ME." clint admitted. "Jarvis has a sexy goddamn voice you know." "...erm..." Steve paused, looking confused. "you know that Jarvis is a guy, right?" "...well, yes Steve i did, what's wrong with that?" "well. guys can't have sex together, so how would you?" Clint stared at Steve for a long moment and then. "oh my god you're serious. you honestly don't know. holy crap that's hilarious! of course two guys can have sex!" "...like.. blowjobs and stuff?" "no, like penetration." "but... there's no opening!" "of course there is. it's just not one that people like you think is an opening." Steve just looked baffled and Clint sighed, looking at Anna. "you explain to him about homosexuality, will you?" "homosexuality?" Steve asked anna, looking completely and totally baffled. "he was joking right? i don't have an opening! i would have noticed it!" that just made Clint nearly collapse with laughter.

"he puts alcohol in milk!?" Clint demanded, looking quite disgusted. "gross!" he complained before wandering off, looking up at Nat as she came in. "just this..." he admitted, pulling up a newspaper clipping that read 'Young Boy only survivor of rabid wild animal attack'. "and this." another newspaper clipping. 'young survivor heavily abused by victims of attack! Miracle wonder in the making!'. the two stories together told a chilling tale about how River was very abused as a seven year old child. beaten constantly and neglected to the point where he almost starved to death before he was found. the group of six who lived in a tiny 'settlement' in South Africa illegally harvesting wood was all wiped out by what appeared to be a rabid jaguar. according to the blood samples they found. River was the only one who survived the attack but almost didn't survive the years of abuse and neglect. once he was mostly stable at the age of ten, he was moved to his closest living relative in one of the few remaining 'true' Native American sanctuaries where his maternal aunt taught him to read, write, fend for himself, and defend himself. taught him how to be a good person. "that's some pretty twisted crap... and... strange. i've never heard of a jaguar with rabies, let alone attacking such a large group of people..."

Loki blinked sluggishly at Tony and smiled as he sucked down the Smoothie. he could use his arms a little, but it was too heavy to hold, so he made Tony set it on the little 'feeding table' that Anna had left there for him. it was the perfect height to allow Loki to suck down anything he needed with a straw. "thank you." he murmured, examining the Stark Pad. "what are you working on?" he asked curiously. "something interesting? is it Top Secrete?" he asked, just as nosy as ever. "is it something that will annoy Fury if i look at it? let me see.." loki demanded, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. anything that annoyed Fury, was something Loki tended to do. like wearing a bright yellow shirt with a pink rubber ducky on it when he 'checked in' once a month.
“No you’re not.”Tony sulked making a face before glancing at anna, snickering a little. “It wasn’t that big of a secret. She knows she hasn’t had sex with me.”Tony said looking confused at why in the world they would bribe jarvis to tell them. “....You know, that you’re thinking of that, makes him as bad as tony.”Anna said changing the subject as she glanced at clint, rolling her eyes before looking startled at steve. “I assumed you told him. I mean, he knows I sleep with guys.”Tony said looking confused as he looked at clint before looking at anna. “I agree. You have to explain.”he said before he left. Anna bit her lip to keep from laughing, knowing steve wouldn’t apperciate it before getting up, “Come on. I’ll explain everything, and since you’re due for your yearly phyiscal anyways, we’ll discuss that to.”Anna said as she hopped off the bar stool before looking at clint. “You’re due for your phyiscal to, birdboy.”

Natasha frowned as she looked over the newspapers, sighing quietly as she read. “Well...that’s....weird.”she said looking bemused at the sight f the articles, shaking her head. “Neither have I. But we’ll not bother him about it. He’s been through enough to not want to force him to re-live it...though I am still going to keep him under watch. Something’s weird.”she grumbled.

Tony smiled a little as he sat the smoothie on the food table, sipping his own smoothie as he worked, glancing over at the other. Flicking his thumb over the screen to change what he was working on, not about to let anyone know he was still working on killian’s formula, before showing Loki his other project. “It is. And sorta. I mean, it’s my suit, so its top secret for fury, but it’s also mine, so he can’t really say who I can show it to.”He said looking amused remembering the time loki had worn the duck shirt before sighing quietly. “Jarvis, show it up.”He said smiling as he let jarvis make a 3D rendering of the iron man suit so loki could see. “I have to redesign it because of the setup with the arc reactor, so it’s just taking time to get it set up just how I want it.”
Steve just flushed harder and Clint saw his chance to maybe, perhapse get the two to do something. "yes, but Steve's too wimpy to actually ASK Anna something like that! it apparently, isn't proper... but then again, he's too wimpy to ask her out on a date too, so.." Clint shrugged a shoulder elegantly and Steve choked and turned faintly purple and glared at Clint in a way that promised Murder. "i'm about seventy years late for my physical." Steve pointed out, not bothering to complain the way Clint was. "so when people tell me that Tony was sleeping with guys... i take it he wasn't just catching his beauty sleep then?" Steve asked, looking quite curious now. "i really didn't realize two men could have... you know..." "sex. Steve. it's called Sex." "right..."

Clint nodded, scowling at the newspaper articles and then. "we could ask Loki. i bet Loki would know. or we could go to that reserve and talk to River's aunt. apparently she's still alive." he admitted, indicating the screen. "did you know that his last name means Jaguar?"

Loki smiled a little back as he gulped down his smoothie and stole sips off of Tony's when the man wasn't paying sufficient attention. "You're suit? you've made a new one? that last one was very impressive." Loki admitted. "did i tell you i had a concussion where it clipped me in the head?" Loki asked with a smirk. "just after i threw you out the window." there was a pause. "i am rather glad you didn't splat though." he admitted as he watched the 3D rendering. "why do you need to redesign it? have not other people worn your suits effectively and without issue? can you not simply make another glowing thing and insert it permanently into the suit, like a rechargeable battery? i love rechargeable batteries, i still cannot figure out how they work... but then, i can't figure out how the TV remote works either." he admitted with a shake of his head.
Anna flushed slightly before raising a hand and punching clint in the shoulder. “Stop picking on him.”She growled looking annoyed and embarassed that clint was making assumptions about her and steve’s relationship when it was obvious that steve didn’t want her like that. Not recognizing that in his own quiet way, steve did want her. To used to tony and clint’s over the top flirting, she couldn’t see how steve was.”Well, then there’s more of a reason to get one. Besides, I want to make sure you’re not having issues with that finger.”She said wrinkling her nose, shuddering at the memory of sewing his hand back together after he’d nearly lost it. Smirking a little she shook her head as they headed for the clinic, ‘Well, I’m sure there’s some sleeping involved, eventually. But no, he’s definitely having sex beforehand.”She said smiling a little, amused as they walked into the clinic, that looked more like a quiet apartment with medical things in it, then the state of the art medical bay that it was. Biting her lip as she gestured him towards the scale, “Up.”She ordered trying to figure out how to explain how two guys had sex without totally freaking out the 1940s man.

“Probably. Maybe I’ll have tony ask. Loki’d probably answer for him.”Natasha said thoughtfully before sighing.”Let’s ask loki before we go to the reserve. I’m fairly certain loki would take exception to having us investigating his friend.”She mused before frowning a little. “No I didn’t.”

“...you’re drinking my smoothie...”Tony sulked a little even as he sipped it, not even caring that they were sharing straws before nodding slightly. “I am. I destroyed all the ones I had when I faced off against killian....I had to redo them....”He muttered before grinning. “Good!You should get a concussion for throwing me out my own window.”he sulked before sighing as he absently rubbed a hand over his chest where the arc reactor used to be, the emotional issues more impairing to building his suit then actually figuring out how to work the arc reactor into teh suit. “They have, I guess I’m just relieving stress by redesigning it.”He shrugged a little before sighing softly, because he’d been putting off making them because he’d promised pepper he was giving up, and it was giving him heart pains to do it, to want to go back to being iron man, when he’d given her his word....but he was going back, because he had nothing else left for him. Smirking slightly he glanced at loki, “Well, I guess its a good thing all the tv’s in the tower dont use a remote doesn’t it?”he teased a little.
Clint smirked a little as Steve glared at the man and when Anna wasn't looking, shoved the assassin into a wall. Clint, bravely, held back a yelp, and wicked laughter and made his escape as Steve followed Ana, nodding a little. "i haven't noticed any issues save for the pulling you where telling me about." the skin was still too new and not elastic enough to cover for the full range of motion, but that would stop once the skin relaxed. "so, there's the kissing and the cuddling... but how does foreplay work? i mean, i know there's blowjobs, but with girls you have to touch their... er..." he went bright red. "boobies... and stuff.... men don't have that... do they even need foreplay? i know i never really needed it..." but he always did it anyway because his female partner had enjoyed it immensely and he LOVED making her gasp and moan. he hopped up onto the scale, letting her mark his weight and then hopped off again and obediently took off his shirt and let her take his blood pressure, heart rate and blood samples.

Clint nodded. "alright, we'll have Tony as Loki. Loki doesn't seam to mind Tony all that much... if we have to. we'll just go talk to River..." he mused. "i don't think he's a bad guy or anything, but he's definitely weird. and there's a few too many coincidences..." he admitted, frowning at the screen. "even you have more of a history file than this, and Shield tends to delete anything that comes up about you." he pointed out before he paused. "...what if... shield?" he asked, glancing at her before he slid tot he side and let her have the computer so she could hack into shield database. once inside, they found River again, and this time, it was very clear with big red words that screamed "Extremely Dangerous. Do Not Approach. Do Not Antagonize.. the same words that they had under the Hulks file. "oh.. my... god..." those five people who had been abusing River had, in fact, not died from a rabid Jaguar... River had killed them himself, along with a handful of other people, though no reason was given for those... murders? kills? whatever the case... River was highly dangerous.

Loki smirked. "you do not adequately protect your drink." Loki stated imperiously. "and i am still hungry." he stated before he nodded. "yes, i had heard about that. it was very impressive." Loki admitted. "they said that you completely kicked ass even when you didn't have you're suit. very adaptable." he admitted with a smile as he studied the suit. "you should change the colors. red and Gold don't look good on you. you should wear Green and gold instead." he admitted with a nod. "you'd look much more amazing." he smirked a little before he gasped. "but... what do they work on then!?" he demanded, eyes wide. "you have to have a remote! then you don't have to get up and push the buttons on the TV!" he stated, more than a little stunned. "how do you make the TV work without a Remote!?" then he paused and smirked. "of course, you make Jarvis do it." he sulked. "so you don't have any TV remotes for me to dismantle?"
“Good. I have some cream to help with that. Tony uses it on the scars on his chest, it never occurred to me that it’d work with your hand until he mentioned it.”Anna said smiling slightly before blushing as they continued their sex discussion. Oh yea, clint was definitely going to die for saddling her with this talk. She was going to kill him. “Well there’s touching and kissing and everything else, I mean I guess it just depends on the guy. Tony enjoys foreplay to a obscene level, and I’ve walked into that orgy way to many times....”She muttered stopping looking away and blushing as he stripped off his shirt, focusing on the medical things in her hand instead of the amazingly muscled chest in front of her face. “And there’s stretching I mean your....asshole...so they can stick it in,...”She muttered flushing and embarassed as she took the blood sample turning away from him so she could hide just how embarassed she was, focusing on labeling the blood samples and everything, and definitely not considering what he was like during sex, but damn he just put the whole foreplay question out there....”...if you want to know more, you really should ask Tony. He’d be enjoying this conversation. Probably record it so he could watch it later.”She muttered as she turned back bandaging his arm to stop it bleeding.

“Which is weird all in itself. Did you see tony’s face?He was genuinely scared when loki was hurt.”Natasha said shaking her head, looking worried before nodding. “You’re right. It’s just to weird.”She agreed before tilting her head.”Weirder things have happened then fury setting loki up to be found by a shield agent.”natasha said thoughtfully before leaning in to read over the file, mouth dropping a little. “...what in the....”She trailed off swallowing hard. “Fucking hell....we’ll have to watch him.”She decided.

“You’re not supposed to steal it reindeer, its mine. And I dont want to get reindeer germs. Imagine what kind of diseases you carry, I mean you’re not human.”The man whined but the wicked laughter in his eyes saying that he didn’t mean any of it before smirking. “I did. Damned thing fell apart on me.”He sulked a little before frowning a little as he changed a few things here and there, going for more of a streamlined easy look. “...I am not wearing your colors!It’s bad enough the others wont leave me alone for getting along with you, if I show up in a fight wearing green and gold, I’ll never hear the end of it.”He whined before snickering at the other’s reaction. “No I don’t.”he smirked wondering how long it’d take the other to realize he just made jarvis do it. “I do. And do you want me to build you a tv remote just to take apart?”He asked even as he saved the new specs for the suit and called up a blank file, starting to build a tv remote. For the first time in awhile, building something simply because someone asked him,
Steve nodded a little. "thanks, i'd appreciate that. it's not enough to cause pain, but it's uncomfortable sometimes when i try to make a fist." he admitted before blinking a little. "Tony enjoys anything he does for his own amusement up to an obscene level." he pointed out. "why would his... orgies, be any different?" he blinked. "stretching? like jumping jacks?" he asked, looking more and more confused before he went incredibly pale. "wait. so you mean that. you mean, they put it..." he stared at her in open horror. "they put their penises in... oh my god.... oh my GOD!" he gasped, ultra freaked out. "and people LIKE that!? oh my GOD! that is so... dirty! POOP comes out of there and people put there... oh my GOD!"

he nodded. "i think Tony realized the same thing i already knew." Clint admitted. "Loki's not a very good supevillain." Clint admitted. "i think Tony is infatuated with Loki's mystery, and of course the danger of pursuing him." Clint admitted as he shook his head. "and i can't imagine that Fury set up anything for Loki. he didn't even know Loki was living on the streets." Clint pointed out. "god... i haven't seen anyone labeled with that warning until the Hulk..." Clint muttered as he stared at the screen where a ten year old River, next to a picture of River as he looked now, stared back at them. "Do you think Loki knows? hell do you think Fury even realizes the two are living together!?"

"if you do not want it stolen, then you should go to greater lengths to keep it out of my reach." Loki informed Tony with a sniff before he chuckled a little. "i had not heard about that part." he admitted with a small little grin. "besides, you would look delectable in my colors, just as i would look delectable on my knees, sucking your cock." he said that as if he was commenting on the weather. "well. yes. River gets annoyed when i take his apart, but i do it anyway." he admitted before he watched in utter fractionation as Tony assembled the remote digitally. "so THAT'S how it works! it's just like a radio, or a telephone... electronic signature waves." he breathed, sounding delighted. "do all remotes work in the same fashion?"
“Here. Rub it in every few hours, it’ll help.”She said blushing slightly as she considered what else could be rubbed on before laughing. “Very true. Tony just has no limits.”She snorted before flushing looking startled and nodding, “Yes. I...yes.”She stuttered to a stop, staring at him with wide eyes before starting to laugh, because his utter horror was just to amazing. She knew jarvis was going to record this for tony, cause there was just some conversations that needed to be here. “Yea, well if you want to know WHY they like it, you’d have to ask tony or clint. Personally, I think tony’s sexuality comes from not limiting himself to one gender. Cause really, the man’s a whore, he’ll tap anything that moves. Maybe some computers to if he could figure out how to make it work...”She said sounding amused and distracted, watching him freak out before sighing quietly. Resting a hand on the super soldier’s chest, mostly to get his attention and certainly not to cop a feel, wanting his attention on her. “Calm down, steve. You like girls remember?No need to worry about what the guys are doing with their dicks.”She said being purposefully vulgar to get his attention on something else.

Natasha laughed a little. “He isn’t is he?”She smirked a little before snickering. “Tony likes anything that’s a danger to himself. Did you see he went sky diving in europe?”She muttered before frowning in thought, “I know we haven’t...and I doubt loki knows. Or fury. We would have heard about it by now.”She pointed out sighing quietly, wondering what in the world was going on, before deciding to stop worrying for now, smirking at her sometimes bed partner, and always best friend.”So, do you think cap and anna are making good use of that actual bed she’s got down in the clinic?”

“Hm, yea. Crash landed in the middle of tennesee. It was pretty horrible and scarring.”Tony grumbled before pausing, thinking about what the other said not sure he was hearing right. Surely he hadn’t just heard a offer to suck on his cock. And he was definitely ignoring the very loud yes his body was telling him to take, after all it’d been a long time since he’d had sex and the god was definitely amazing. “...Exactly. And yes. Mostly. Though there’s more with more buttons and other crap for like the stereo or lights, but basically they all work like this.”Tony said moving to get up, totally ready to ignore the offer of a blowjob because he had no idea what to think before wincing a little as his cell rang. “Pep?”He muttered as he picked it up, glancing away from loki even as he continued to mess around with the remote. “I don’t want to go to the stupid meeting. I hate paperwork....bring it home then. I’ll just sign it here.”Tony said as he hung up, actually looking like a sulking child as he considered the paperwork he was going to get buried in and not able to do anything else.....though considering his current thoughts about the god next to him, that was probably a good thing...
Steve took the jar and examined it with a nod. "will do doc." he promised as he hopped down off the examining table. "i'm not going to ask THEM about it!" Steve hissed in horror. "They'd NEVER shut up about it!" he fidgeted and twitched and made strange sounds and then looked at her as if she was insane, eyes wide and mouth open in shock before he snapped his mouth closed and cleared his throat. "...good point..." he suddenly looked Wary. "...do you think Tony groped me when he crawled into bed with me?" he asked, decidedly worried. "do most men like other men or is it just them? they won't... you don't think they. you know. want to, with me.. right?" he asked, looking more than a little mortified still. "

"i did see that." Clint grumbled, shaking his head. "Tony's going to do one of those things and he's not going to come out of it alive..." he grumbled before studying the picture of River. "he's really kind of Hot, you know?" he asked with a grin before aiming his voice up. "Jarvis!? we think there might be trouble from this guy, River Yaguara. can you keep a Camera trained on him at all times?" when lint got an affirmative Clint relaxed a little. "i think it's time to talk to Fury about this... he'll certainly be able to tell us if River is a threat or not, right?"

Loki blinked a little. "that does sound fairly horrific." he agreed. "but, considering your penchant for jumping out of perfectly good airplanes, i'm less inclined to pity your falling through the sky at rapid speeds." he mused, sucking down the last of Loki's smoothie with a smug little smirk. "i'm not hungry anymore, you can have the rest." there wasn't anything left. Loki was an ass. "you'll have to entertain yourself with Paperwork Tony." Loki stated simply. "as soon as i drink my next potion, i won't be good for anything but sleeping." he pointed out with a chuckle and a yawn. "as a matter of fact, that's about all i'm good for right now... Jarvis? Cartoon Network please?" Loki asked hopefully. Tomy and Jerry was on, Loki loved Tom and Jerry. the TV flickered on and Loki smiled, sagging into the bed, smiling as he watched cartoons and falling asleep with his head cushioned on Tony's shoulder, looking all sweet and innocent when you knew he was anything but.
Anna swallowed snickering a little, she couldn’t help it teasing him about it just amused her. There was a reason her and tony got along so well.”Probably not.”She agreed before sighing quietly, rolling her eyes.”I wouldn’t worry to much about him groping you. He probably cuddled up against you and slept. He likes sleeping next to people when he’s plastered...which in truth, has been most of his life..”She shrugged a little. Studying the man for a long moment she huffed out a sigh, absently tapping her fingers against his chest, not really-okay that was a lie- aware of where her hands were. And even if it was a decidely unproffesional thought, she was enjoying touching him half dressed. “No. They would have already seriously hit on you if they meant it. Tony’ll probably hit on you, simply because he flirts with everyone, but you’re safe. Clint’s screwing natasha, and tony’s found a new obsession that’ll probably end in sex.”She said snickering a little before blushing, dropping her hand and holding his shirt out towards him.”Come on. I have to go beat up birdboy to get him down here.”She snickered blushing as she headed for the door.

Natasha’s eyes grew serious. “At this point, I don’t think he wants to.”She said quietly before smirking. “He is fairly hot.”She agreed before nodding, “I’ll go talk to him. You have a appointment with Anna remember? And no ducking out, I know you hate doctors, but you got to go.”She said looking amused.

“I was traumatizing!”Tony whined before frowning. “I had a parachute and everything! Not a rapidly falling apart suit. It’s so different.”he growled before smiling, frowning as he looked at his smoothie.”You are such a ass.”he growled looking annoyed as he settled back into the pillows, glancing at the tv in amusement, it was quite adorable that loki was watching cartoons....and nearly hit himself for the thought. No, no he did not think adorable and loki in the same sentence. When loki got up next tony was quietly working on paperwork, having shifted just enough to let loki continue using his shoulder as a pillow, having been unable to drag himself out of bed....and well, he had a ulterior motive of being in room with a hurt man. Pepper didn’t yell...though she did sulk and whine a little about him not talking to her before leaving tony to his paperwork. Glancing down when he felt loki stirring he raised a eyebrow. ‘sleep well, sleeping beauty?”
Steve stared at her, seeking the reassurances that he wasn't about to get molested now that he knew. "...so... he only crawled in bed with me because he was drink and needed a cuddle... i can live with that." Steve muttered, relaxing a little at the touch of her hand on his chest. "so they aren't flirting with me. good, okay. i can handle guys doing... that, so long as they don't aim it at me... and, it DOES explain why Cory Anderson in Shield likes to come to work in the female suit..." he muttered with a shake of his head. "Tony having Sex with Loki... that has GOT to go against he natural order of things or something equally world ending..." Steve muttered before he panicked and gently grabbed her wrist. "wait! Anna i... uhm..." here he stuttered to a halt. "i was. i..." he took a deep breath. "iwaswonderingifyou'dliketogetasodawithmesometimemaybe?" he blurted out before he went bright red at how ridiculus that must have sounded. did people here even have soda bars? he doubted it. maybe he should have asked her to dinner? but that seamed so, brazen to him. oh well, he'd done and said it now, no getting around that.

"you think Tony's suicidal?" Clint asked, looking stunned before he grinned at her. "you just want a chance to get into his pants." he teased before groaning. "i don't waaaaannnnt toooooo." he whined, sounding very much like a five years old. but he got up, well aware he couldn't escape both Nat and Anna and dragged his feet towards Anna's 'workshop.'

Loki snorted a little. "you are insane. perhaps, if you're suits are so poorly pieced together, you should consider taking a parachute with you on your flights." he mused sarcastically. "no, i have a nice ass." Loki corrected sleepily. "everyone says so." he informed Tony before dropping off into a doze. Loki slept quite calmly. he didn't snore, or drool, or fidget. he shifted once and a while, reacting to outside stimulus, but otherwise he slept very peacefully. "...Sleeping Beauty?" Loki asked sluggishly. "what infernal nickname have you given me now? Sleeping Beauty. while i'm glad you think i am pretty, i'd prefer Reindeer."
"I think the only reason hes not dead already is he knoes it would upset pepper."natasha said simply not realizing just how wrong she was,not that tony even knew why he hadn't simply put a bullet in his brain, he simply hadn't."I don't care if you don't want to clint."natasha said looking amused as they stepped into the elvator,wincing as the doors opened,and showed the sight of anna and steve close together.damn,they'd interrupted.

it makes you feel better I know for a fact hes cuddled fury before when he got drunk during a debriefing. From what I hear it was traumatizing for them both."she said trying to get him to laugh before nodding."they might flirt simply to see you blush,but they don't mean it,I promise."she said dropping her hand,jumping a little as he grabbed her wrist offering him a confused look as she tried to figure out what he'd said."I-"she broke off as the evelvator doors dinged open,blushing as she jumped away,not that they had been doing anything but it still embarrassed her for clint and natasha to catch them when she wanted to be doing something....blushing as she struggled for professionalism to startled,and reverting back to her usual mode of dealing with things,not realizing she hadn't answered."hey guys. Strip."she smiled tilting her head towards clint.

"...I'm going to make you watch disney.you'll like it."tony anickered blushing ever so slightly.whild he'l hadn't meant it like that,the man was very pretty."hm,you are much like the princess in the story....its about a princess who gets put to sleep by a sorceress and sleeps awhile...I dunno its just become a human thing to say to a sleeping person."tony said shifting a little to get the man off of him, going back yo his paperwork,he wss okay cuddling when drunk ot loki was asleep,but it made him feel awkward when they were both awake.
Clint gave Natasha a look. "do you really think that Pepper's feelings would stop him if he really wanted to end it all?" Clint asked, shaking his head. "no. i doubt it. something else is holding him back, i just don't know what it could be." he admitted with a shake of his head. "well i hate you then, because you should care about what i want." he complained with a sniff. "i give you unconditional sex." because it was. while they fucked, it was only because they enjoyed it, not because they had those kinds of feelings for each other. they both tended to 'stray' whenever they wanted. "...whoops." he muttered as he watched Steve recoil and pull back inside his shy little shell and Anna pulled back into her doctor mode. "now i feel bad..." he muttered to Nat before he smirked at Anna, flirting because he knew it pissed Steve off.

"why Anna. telling me to strip already? we haven't even had our first date yet. i know i'm a whore but you could at least buy me a drink first." he complained as he tugged off his shirt and let her do whatever she wanted to him. "So, whats the verdict, am i dying?" Clint asked, as he always did, yanking his clothes back on. because he had a family history of scrotum and prostate cancer, he had to have those kinds of examinations once a year at minimum. poor Steve looked like he wanted to pass out when Clint had to bend over and let her stick her fingers up his ass. he knew it was a medical procedure, he'd had one himself.. but god. Clint didn't have to look like he enjoyed it that much! he was having a hard time not punching Clint. he nearly leaped out of his Skin when Jarvis piped up that Loki was awake and was bitching for his pain releif. well, that's not what Jarvis said, but you could hear it in-between his polite sarcasm.

Loki blinked at the other. "i like Disney." he admitted. "Brother Bear was a great movie, and so was the Croods." he admitted as he slid off of Tony. "my wounds hurt..." he complained. "when can i have my next potion?" he asked hopefully. "i haven't heard of a movie involving someone named Sleeping Beauty." he admitted. "but then, i watch things through the Netflix." he admitted with a grin. "i love Netflix." he admitted with a yawn, trying to wake up. "Jarvis, will you tell whoever is in charge of me that i want my potion?"
“So?Unconditional sex means making sure you can get it up.”She teased looking amused before nodding, “Me to...but that wont stop you from flirting will it?”She muttered rolling her eyes as she watched clint flirt. “...First dates aren’t required for stripping in Stark Tower. You should know that.”Anna said smiling a little as she examined him, flushing and embarassed as she did his prostate exam, considering the conversation she’d just had with steve. Definitely not what she wanted to be considering with steve there. “You are, but thankfully, not for the next 30 or 40 years. You’re in good health, Hawk.”She said flushing as she washed her hands, jumping a little at jarvis’ voice. “Tell him I’ll be right up.”She said as she walked out of the room, not even aware she’d left steve wtihout a answer, to shy and to embarassed at being caught that she was reverting totally back into being a closed off doctor, which she only did when she was uncomfortable.

“Soon.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before smiling. “Jarvis, put sleeping beauty on the tv.”He said glancing at the screen smirking as it started to play the movie, smiling as he looked at anna, raising a eyebrow. Wondering what in the world could have forced her back into being totally doctory. “Hello, Loki. How are you feeling?”anna asked as she walked over, sitting on the edge of the bed and putting a straw into the potion to help loki drink it.
Clint smirked a little at Nat. "true." he stated with a snicker before he shrugged. "Flirting is what i do." he stated simply as he stripped as she commanded. not in the least bit shy about being naked in front of so many people. "well, as long as i'm not dying now i suppose..." he muttered with a snicker as he gor dressed, watching Anna flee the room and turning to ask Steve how it went. he never got the chance, in a rare show of temper. Steve punched Clint in the face and then stormed out, leaving Clint to cradle his broken nose with only Natasha for Sympathy... meaning he wouldn't get any. "aaauuuugh... he broke my nose! what the HELL!?" he complained, trying to stem the blood flow, well aware that Nat wasn't going to help, and that Anna would think he was lying when he tried to tell her that the Cap had punched him. stupid emotional bastards that they where...

Loki snorted a little. "i'm not going to be able to stay awake through a movie Tony." Loki commented simply even as he squirmed to get comfortable in his mound of pillows and watched the beginnings, smiling a little. "i'm in pain." Loki informed her. "i want Coffee and you won't let me have it. i want a cigarette and you won't let me have it. i want sex and i doubt you'll let me have that either. i'm resorting to flirting with Tony of all things and i really, REALLY want to bake some cookies but i doubt you'll let me do that either. i'm stuck in bed, which is, admittedly very comfortable, watching a princess be taken away for her own safety because some evil bitch named Maleficent felt like she'd been denied her 'rightful place' because she hadn't been invited to the party. the woman had more Ego issues than Loki did... he liked her. he also hated her because her horns where bigger than his. "you know, these things taste terrible." Loki admitted as he sucked down his potion. sagging in relief as the agony faded. "i demand a wheeling chair." Loki finally ordered. "i would like to be able to at least go to the bathroom without the urge to scream from pain... and if you even DARE say the word 'Bedpan' i will beat your head in."
Natasha loked startled, turning to watch Steve storm out of the room before looking at clint. “You interrupted them AND flirted with her. I’m only surprised you got through your whole exam without getting punched really.”Natasha said snickering before nudging the other.”Hold still, I’ll fix it.”Natasha rolled her eyes a little as she gathered what she needed to splinter his nose in place. “You do realize anna wont believe you if you told her cap did this right?She’d think I did.”she snickered a little amusement in her dark eyes and not even a spark of sympathy.

“Well, you’ll just have to watch it again.”Tony rolled his eyes a little as he worked, glancing at Anna as she came in. “You’re hurt, Loki. I wont let you hurt yourself, but I’ll clear you for blow jobs if you can convince him to give you one.” “What?”Tony sputtered looking up from the paper work he was doing before making a face. “I’m going to go get food.”He said scowling at the two before walking out of the room, making anna snicker a little, though still emotionally reserved, anna was warming up to her patient. “...are you really that disappointed in flirting with tony?”she said lookign thoughtful and wondering if loki was serious before smirking. “I’m sorry. I’d change it if I didn’t think it’d mess it up.”She said watching him drink the potion before sighing softly, nodding. “I would never dream of offering a bed pan. Tony has one here somewhere,I'll get it.”She saidsmiling slightly, before giving him a look. “But you wont try to get into it on your own for a few days. He’s going to hover anyways, just let tony help.”She paused before studying loki for a long moment, biting her lip.”....do you know what’s wrong with him?”She asked, not because she thought loki knew tony better then she did, but because he was the god of lies, if anyone could pick apart tony’s, maybe loki could.
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