Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Loki just shrugged. "you could throw up." he pointed out. "besides, you wouldn't stab me... actually i'm not entirly sure you could. no one's tried, but bullets don't seam to be able to get through once my Magic defends me." he admitted. "i can't access it, but it still does as it pleases." he admitted. "in terms of protecting me anyway." he admitted.

"sure, take it all. i can't eat it all and River hates sweets unless it's super dark chocolate or ice-cream." Loki admitted as he licked his fingers free of cookie batter and picked up a large bag full of red frosting and started to decorate one of the cakes that was already painted gold. an Iron Man cake... well at least Tony would be happy. "good God loki have you been up all night?" "no." "half the night then." "woke up, couldn't sleep." Loki stated simply. "and you know what sleeping pills do to me. i didn't dare try one." he admitted as he examined the finished cake, his head tilted. "have a good night?" "i got five hundred bucks in tips." River admitted with a grin. "and i got laid." "i thought fucking for money was my deal?" "no, you fuck Virgins for money, because your tiny and the little poufs don't think you'll be capable of raping them if they decide otherwise." "pouf?" "...it's slang for Gay." "...oh... it's a stupid slang... pouf. honestly, what am i then a cushion? pouf... i am insulted."
Tony grinned at that, pleased with getting all the sweets. Not that he was going to admit it, but tony stark was a sweet junkie, a sweet tooth so bad that he could survive on chocolate and alcohol. Raising a eyebrow at the iron man cake, he smirked. “That impressed with me were you?”He said amused that loki was making him a cake before looking at river, though he didn’t jump this time. Raising a eyebrow as he considered loki, eyeing the man before mentally smacking himself for considering loki and sex in the same sentence, in conjunction with himself. Yep, last thing he needed was to consider having sex with loki. Snickering at loki’s whining over being a pouf be shrugged. “Well, you are kinda soft, and squishy. A pretty, pretty pouf.”Tony teased his eyes holding wicked, amused laughter as he got a tupperware container from the cupboard to take the sweets with him.
Loki snorted a little as he examined the three cakes he had made. one was an Iron Man, one was a Black Widow, and one was a red white and blue cake. "it gives me great pleasure making cakes in honor of the people i hat most, knowing they will be cut up, chewed viciously, and digested in a most heinous manner." Loki stated with a sniff, which made River cringe a little. "that's kind of sick Loki." "i am a sick man." Loki agreed as he helped Tony box up all the food and sent the man off. feeling much better, Loki himself even went to finish the second half of work.

it was three hours later that Tony got a call from River. how River had his number, was a secrete, but that wasn't exactly the important part. "Tony! Loki's been stabbed! several times!" River called, panic in his voice. "they have the guy who did the stabbing on the ground, but Loki's bleeding EVERYWHERE and i don't... i just... oh my god..." and there was a sound of someone retching, River was being ill. "god... you have to get here... fast... i don't know what to do... they're working on stabilizing him but..." there was a choked sob. "they said that Loki might not make it to the hospital! they stabbed Tiffany too, but she only had it the once in the shoulder, she won't stop crying..." River babbled. "oh shit... Loki! Loki BREATH damn you!" River screamed, the sound of flesh meeting flesh over the sound of the phone being dropped.
“River?What?”Tony answered looking up from the piece of his suit hwas working on, sounding starrtled to hear from him before wincing. “Hey, hey calm down!I’ll be right there. And I’ll bring help, okay?”Tony said even as he ran for the stairs, hoping that thor hadn’t returned to asgard. Even if loki hated him, and thor sucked at magic, he might still be able to help loki live. Cursing when he realized thor had returned already he grabbed natasha on his way out- being the first person he saw- and left.

“River?”Tony said walking into the cafe, having asked jarvis to find loki and river, pushing his way through the crowd still gathering outside, thankfully between his own glare and black widow’s silent threat of violence, they were easily allowed through. Knowing they wouldn’t have moved him until they had him stablized enough to do so. Natasha raised a eyebrow as she followed him silently into the building, ignoring the glares the police were giving them, finding tony's reaction to all of this interesting, looking at the pale obviously shaken billionaire.
when Tony got there, there was police everywhere, Tiffany was gone already, and so was Loki, but River was sitting inside, staring at a massive pool of blood on the floor that police where taking pictures. "T..Tony!" River gasped, his hands shaking so bad he couldn't even hold the cup of Coffee that had been made for him. Alec was obsessively making batches of Coffee for everyone, the police not bothering to stop the man, recognizing a coping mechanism when they saw one. "They took Loki to the hospital once they where sure he wasn't going to d..die again." River stuttered, clearly in shock. "i've never seen so m..much b..blood before. it... it smells like... like..." he went silent and swallowed hard. "i think i'm going to be sick again..." but he didn't rush off to puke and then he continued, looking at Tony. "the bastard came out of nowhere. screaming that Loki was an alien... an Alien of all things! he didn't... he didn't even have a chance to turn around. he was stabbed four times in the back.... and then Loki turned, he was so pale... the man just kept going. the police said that loki was stabbed nine times in the front..." River admitted with another shudder. "at some point Tiffany tried to pull him off, that's what Alec said. the bastard stabbed her too. Alec was calling nine one one and Tiffany was calling me and i could hear him SCREAMING..." he shuddered again, his eyes flashing. "i just left work... i didn't even pause to tell anyone anything, i just left..." River whispered as Alec raced over. "River! i got a call! they've stabilized Loki! he's in surgery but they think he's going to be fine!... they're... concerned about the number of Scars Loki already has though... do you know anything about that?" "abusive home life as a child." River lied perfectly. Natasha could tell it was a lie though, she wasn't the black widow for nothing. "i'm going to the H..Hospital." he stammered, standing up and staggering for the door. collapsing halfway there to retch. there was nothing to come up though. so at least he didn't make a mess of the crime scene. then he was up on his feet and walking again. pretty impressive for a civilian. most people just froze after witnessing something so violent.
"Hey.easy there."tony muttered as he moved to grip the other's hands helping him hold his glass of coffee, looking a little sick as river told him.guilt sttabbing him just as surely as the man had stabbed loki. This was his fault,evem if he hadn't been in the room.he knew it was his fault."not really...well its weird yes,but not a lot of good pictues of loki exists,so there's very few who really know it was him."natasha said,even as she wwtched the room,protecting the two very shaken men before texting clint,getting him to go over to the hospital.she might not like loki,but she wouldn't leave him undefended when it was obvious tony did care. Tony looked relieved at the idea loki was stablized before frowning."...he won't like the
hospital...when we can move him...we'll take him to the tower."tony muttered mostly to himself as he tried to figure out how to help loki the best. Tkny winced stumbling after river and at the sight of the man throwing up, he couldn't stop his breakfast coming up as he got outaide. Leaning against the wall as he threw up. Natasha sighed quietly,for once not making fun of either of them for having weak stomachs."do you two want to go to the hospital?" "Yes."tony said simply not able to explain the fierce desire to need to be there,to see cor himself loi was alive.
River looked a little startled by Tony settling his hands, as if he wasn't aware they had been shaking. "no one else knew who Loki was, not even Alec realized and he was in Manhattan that day too." River admitted, looking quite shaken. "i think this guy just saw that Loki looked similar enough, and got lucky by actually stabbing the right man." River admitted, his voice trembling. "Tower? i doubt Loki would like that any better. but he can't stay at the apartment. there's no one there to take care of him... not if i have to work. and i'll have to pay loki's hospital bills, so i have to work..." River muttered, unable to truly think about things as he headed for the door. "Don't patronize me!" River snarled, his eyes flashing again, glowing yellow orbs staring Natasha down before he forced himself to his feet and kept going. it was only a fifteen minute walk to the nearest hospital, which was where Loki had been taken.

there they where settled into a waiting room. Tiffany was the first out, a half an hour after they got there and she joined them in waiting. Alec joined them a short while later and after three hours a doctor appeared. "are you here for Loki Llewellyn?" the doctor asked, River surging to his feet. "he's just fine. the blade missed most of his vital organs. his left lung was pierced and that was the worst injury. Mr. Llewellyn is very lucky to be alive." the Doctor admitted. "Alive he is, and he should recover very well. we have him on Oxygen right now, because his lungs are weak, and he's still asleep from Anesthesia, but you can visit him in small groups. no more than two at a time." River and Tony where allowed to visit first because Tiffany was too busy sobbing in relief to be quite for Loki. said God was laying in bed on his side, supported by cushions, an air mask attached to his face and shirtless, covered in heavy bandages. but he was sort of awake, blinking heavily. it was clear he was still very dopey from the Anesthesia. "...happened?" Loki managed to ask, making River grimace a little.
“Some luck.”Tony muttered looking annoyed at that before sighing. “I know he wont like it, but you can’t afford to stay home or the hospital bills. I work at home, have a doctor on call 24/7, and I have more money then I know what to do with. I’ll convince him it’ll be okay.”Tony said sighing softly before wincing. Looking vaguely amused though at him challenging Natasha, and even more bemused as it didn’t invoke a violent reaction. Well, at least this was interesting. Not realizing Natasha was watching him just as much as he was watching her and river.

“Yes.”Tony said looking up at the doctor, getting to his feet slower, looking relieved through that loki was okay....well at least alive. Smiling slightly as he walked into the room he sighed quietly as he looked him over, “You tested that theory of you being stab proof, reindeer games.”Tony said remembering their conversation about tony stabbing him if he didn’t leave him alone. Before growing serious, sighing quietly. “You were attacked for being a alien.”He muttered sighing softly as he moved over, resting his hip against the bed, attacking more like a concerned boyfriend then someone that loki hated most days...not even realizing he was acting like he really, truly cared for him, instead of just finding him interesting.....which is exactly what it was. Tony cared, but wasn’t ready to admit it.
River nodded. "shitty luck." he agreed, shaking his head. "alright. we'll talk Loki into staying with you." River agreed before shooting Natasha one last glare before heading to the hospital.

"Stabbed?" Loki asked after a long silence and River bit back a chuckle. Loki was too doped up to keep up with the conversation, it was kind of funny. "'s Alien?" "an alien is a man from space. someone who comes from a place other than earth." "...ah..." Loki mumbled. "i hurt..." "i know Loki, but you know we can't give you painkillers... remember what happened when you took those aspirin?" "freaked out." "yeah, you freaked out. don't worry though, i'm sure we'll find you something to help with the pain." "Thor..." "Thor? your brother right? we'll have Tony ask him for something." "scared." Loki admitted and River smiled. "your alright now Loki. you're already out of surgery. you're not going to get any worse." thankfully, Asgaurdian's couldn't get infections. "weak." "only for a little while Loki, you'll be right as rain in no time." "helpless." Loki muttered, a single tear rolling down his face and River shuddered and closed his eyes, gritting his teeth hard. "you're not Helpless Loki... remember? i'm teaching you how to defend yourself. you didn't have a chance this time, they told me what happened. how the guy just attacked you. from behind. you're not helpless..." River tried to reassure the god who just turned his face away and went silent, breathing evenly he appeared to have gone to sleep and river pressed his hands against his eyes, clearly fighting back tears, or even growls of rage.
“yea. But not my me. I’m not that insane.”Tony snickered quietly, amused slightly at the sight of loki trying to follow the conversation before nodding slightly, “I’ll talk to thor. He’s supposed to be back tonight.”he muttered to river, smiling slightly as he watched loki relax, resisting the urge to reach out and stroke the man’s hair to reassure him, truly disgusted with himself for wanting to comfort him when it was his stupid fault he’d gotten hurt. Everyone around him always got hurt. “I’ll go back to the tower if you’re staying with him....I don’t know how long it’ll take thor to get back, but I’ll return after that.”He muttered resting a hand on river’s shoulder, squeezing to offer a bit of comfort before leaving.

“Steve!Will you call Anna for me, and apologize for me. I know I promised her a week off, but I need her back here. And do you know when thor’s supposed to be back?”Tony called as he walked back into the avenger’s floor of the tower, smiling slightly. Because his doctor had begged for a week off, since it’d been awhile since she’d had a week off, but Anna was a brilliant doctor, and had a soft spot for the super soldier. Which was why he was making steve tell her she needed to come back, to treat loki of all people. But tony had such problems with trusting people, that he didn’t trust loki’s care to anyone else, and that meant getting the surgeon back here so she could set up the quiet peaceful recovery room loki would need.
River rolled his eyes. "perhaps we should simply TELL Loki he's going to be in the tower, at least until he recovers." River mused. "he won't argue if i TELL him." River mused. "yes, i'll stay with him." River promised. "i don't trust these doctors alone with him." he admitted, shaking his head. "i'll stay with him for as long as it takes." he promised, watching Tony. "and Tony?...thank you. for coming... for helping. i know what Loki did. and i know it was horrible, but... he's not the same as he was. Torture does that to a man."

Steve blinked as Tony got home, muting the TV. "i've already called her, soon as i saw it on the news." Steve admitted, looking at the TV where the Blue Moon Cafe was on full display, crawling with people. "Thor's supposed to be back tomorrow morning." Steve admitted. "i don't know if they have monitoring on Loki or not, if he notices Loki's hurt he might be back early but i can't be sure." Steve admitted. "so Loki's going to come here then?" Clint asked, well aware that Tony was obsessed with the God for some reason, and everyone knew Tony's obsessions always ended up in the tower. "say, whose the hunk?" Clint asked, watching a 'replay' of River arriving on the scene. "Loki has a roommate? i never expected that one." Clint admitted as the information scrolled across the screen. "how is the little megalomaniac anyway? the News won't say."
“Now that, I can get behind. Ordering loki around.”he snickered a little before nodding. “I don’t trust doctors with him either, but that’s my own issues with them, and not anything to do with him.”he said before heading for the door, pausing in the doorway as he stared at the door, “....Can’t have him dying on me. He makes the most amazing pastries.”Tony muttered, as close to thank you as he was going to get before he left.

“Good.How is she?”Tony said momentarily distracted by the thought of his doctor, cause dude, she was beautiful....and had the most adorable fascination with the super solider....who was oblivious. It was quite amusing to the engineer really. “Damn. Oh well.”Tony sighed as he slumped onto the couch, running his fingers through his hair. Figuring the god would be back in the morning, as loki was no longer dying, so they’d probably just wait. “Yea. Best medicine and all that. His roommate can’t stay home with him, I can just have jarvis watch him.”Tony reasoned, though everyone knew he was obsessed with the god, and there was no chance that tony wouldn’t be supervising loki’s recovery personally. “River. His roommate...and yes. It’s definitely weird to see them together....and remind me to hide the alcohol, river does weird shit to it.”he grumbled before sighing softly, concern in his eyes as he watched the tv, “Stabbed 13 times and a collapsed lung, but he’s stable now.”
River snorted. "just don't do it too often or he'll stop listening to you. usually Orders are followed by a great deal of coercion and bribes." River admitted with a small smile. "a LOT of bribes... and often scraping. a lot of scraping." he admitted with a sigh. "he really is an impossible bastard... spoiled rotten." he admitted with a grin. "...yeah. Pastries."

Steve flushed a little. "she's good. a little annoyed by being called back, but she was fairly understanding when i told her that a... freind, of yours had been stabbed. i did have to promise her two weeks free though." he admitted with a lopsided grin. "i'm guessing they can't use human medicine on Loki?" Clint asked curiously. "who names their kid River?" Clint asked, looking fairly scandalized. "weird shit?" Steve asked curiously. "Thirteen times!" Clint yelped, looking mortified. "didn't he defend himself at ALL?" "...how?" Bruce asked suddenly, having been watching the TV. "huh?" "how is he supposed to defend himself? he doesn't have magic anymore. and from what i understand, he was attacked from behind and was down before anyone could react. even the police officer who was drinking coffee on break. so how exactly was he to have defended himself?" "...good point. shit. thirteen times. he's lucky he's not human." Clint muttered. "maybe it IS a good thing he's coming here to stay. if one person recognized him, others will take notice too. i don't like him, hell i HATE him, but i kind of feel a bit sorry for him too..."
“Good. I’ll buy her flowers or something. I’ll ask pepper.”Tony mused despite being him, he didn’t do gifts well, especially for women. So he’d ask pepper...which, in truth was just like asking himself...in female version. If he thought to hard, it made his head hurt. “No, tosses him into memories or something. Which is why I wanted thor, loki said he had medicine.”Tony muttered rubbing a hand over his face before looking at clint. “Who names their kid clint? It rhymes with flint, and mint, and squint.”Tony said, yea definitely stressed enough that he was being sarcastic and stupid. “That’s the best part. The bastard DIDN’T know who he was. At least not really. Just thought he was a alien, who looked like loki. Definitely got lucky on that.”Tony sneered a little before getting up. “I’m going to bed. Wake me up if Thor gets back.”he said before heading for his room.

“Loki, I come bearing gifts of medicine and a place to stay. How are you feeling?”Tony smirked as he walked into the hospital room, looking more relaxed and happy then he had before he left. Definitely drinking himself into a stupor the night before had been perfect to actually get some sleep. Holding up the small bottle of healing potion he smirked at the asgardian. “I hope you like sponge baths, cause there’s no way you’re getting out of bed to clean up.”A small teasing leer twisted tony’s lips.Yep he was in a rare mood. “Of course, I’d volunteer to help, but your doctor might have a fit about that.”

"So. Tell me about this...friend....that tony has. Please tell me tony's not the one who stabbed him."Anna said as she walked into the living room, her black hair pulled up into a flirty pony tail, looking closer to 18 instead of 34, having graduated college with tony, they two had managed to stay friends...which for tony, was weird in that he'd never had sex with her. Yea, no one really understood their friendship, but both child prodigy's made it work, as no one else really understood them, since anna was one of the few people who could keep up with tony when he went on a tech babble.
Steve blinked a little. "she has allergies Tony. no flowers. but her some dark chocolate, she loves that." Steve informed him, not bothering to wonder why he knew that about Tony's personal doctor. "...Tony... go to bed." Clint demanded, sounding rather exasperated as he munched on one of the cookies that Loki had baked. "where did you get these cookies? their fantastic! and theirs hundreds of them. i can't stop eating them." Clint complained before they al gaped at Tony. "you mean this madman attacked loki because he thought the bastard looked like himself!? fuck! the idiot could have stabbed a pregnant woman for all he knew!"

Loki was still laying in bed when Tony got there, breathing mask on his face to help him breath even with a weak lung. "Stark... i have a place to stay." "Loki, we've been through this.." River scolded. "but i don't want to!" Loki whined. "everyone there hates me. they will mock me, and poke me with sticks, and sneer at me." he complained before coughing weakly. "don't get so worked up." River scolded. "if you cough too hard you're lung will tear and then you'll have to go into surgery again." "screw you." Loki complained, though he had calmed down a little. "when can i leave this place? it smells bad and the nurses smile at me too much. they're up to something..." he complained before he narrowed his eyes at Tony. "i hate you so much." Loki growled before he coughed again and sagged into his pillows. "i'm tired, and i hurt..." he complained, River snorting as he examined the bottle in Tony's hands. "is that the medicine from his brother?"

Steve flushed a little as he realized that Anna was there. "no, Tony's not the one who stabbed him." Steve promised her with a grin. "though i wouldn't blame him if he had. it's Loki, bad guy who tried to rule the world? let in all the aliens? yeah apparently Tony's all obsessed now because Loki bakes cookies and makes coffee." Steve admitted. "i think he's up to something, but no one will beleive me." Steve admitted with a sigh. "anyway, Loki's still in the hospital right now. he's too weak to be moved, but i can take you to the hospital to see him if you'd like."
“....chocolate it is.”Tony said smirking to himself, grinding his teeth to keep from laughing out loud at the idea steve knew more about his doctor then he did....though , in all honesty it took tony years to remember pepper was allergic to strawberries, so it wasn’t really surprising steve knew more then him. “Loki. He even has captain america and iron man colored cakes.”Tony snickered before nodding, “Yep. Like I said, he got lucky, in that sick twisted way”Tony snickered as he rubbed a hand over his face heading for bed.

“Yes, you do. Stark Tower.”Tony said smirking a little before tilting his head. “we wont poke you with sticks, though I can’t promise I wont speak tech to you, since you’re the only one in the tower that can’t run away from me when I start.”he said looking amused before smiling slightly.”In a few hours, I think. As soon as Anna clears you to be moved, as I don’t trust any of them here, so she’s coming in to see you.”Tony smiled pleased with it, “Also, your new doctor’s name is anna and be nice, as she sees me naked on a regular basis, I don’t need her feeling pissy when she stabs me with needles.”Tony sulked a little before nodding. “It is. Freshly arrived from Asgard, courtesy of a distressed thunder god.”Tony said smiling as he popped the lid off the container and pouring the light green liquid into a glass before moving over to loki. “Come on now, time to feel better. Thor said it’d help.”Tony said though he was his usual chipper self, at every sound of the heart monitor and all the machines he twitched a little.Yea, someone definitely had a problem with hospitals.

“Well, that’s good, cause it’d be so awkward having to be nice because tony’s a dick and stabbed him.”Anna said though like the others, she to was worried about the billionaire, but since he was her patient, she couldn’t tell anyone about what she’d figured out. All she could do was make sure tony didn’t take it to far. “...You know, I wish I could say that’s the weirdest obsession tony’s had, but it’s not. It’s really, really not.”Anna said shaking her head before smiling, patting steve on the arm reassuringly. “I’m sure he’s up to something. And I would. Tony texted and said he wanted loki out of the hospital as soon as could be....something about not liking hospitals, but that could have just been tony projecting....I’ve never seen a man who hated hospitals as much as tony.”
Clint immidiatly started choking, fearing he had been poisoned or something... granted, he'd already eaten over a dozen of them, why spitting out that single cookie would have any effect was beyond mental abilities.

Loki shook his head. "i hate Stark Tower." Loki complained, sulking. "and i hate you goody little two shoes Avant-garde or whatever you call yourselves." he grumbled. "and i hate YOU." River looked highly amused. "and i hate YOU too, and i hate this stupid hospital, and i hate these infernal machines that NEVER SHUT UP! and i hate the white walls and the scratchy sheets and the nurses who CLEARLY want to kill me! i hate Earth, and i hate earthling, and i hate your stupid technology and you're stupid toys and your stupid stars and trees and animals that NEVER SHUT UP!" Loki ranted, River just watching with amusement. "he's going to do this for a while." he warned Tony. "this, is what we call, the Loki rant. he does this when he's frightened usually. or extremely upset. it's best to just let it run it's course." River admitted. it was a short rant though and Loki finally just settled for scowling at them. "Tony... Loki is wearing a breathing mask and the muscles that help him use his arms have been severed." River commented. "he can't drink that like that." he pointed out as he grabbed a straw. "here Loki." River offered the man the straw and Loki swallowed down every drop with a look of someone who had just drank some sort of liquified manure might have. "vile stuff. at least Thor got the right potion." Loki muttered as River replaced the oxygen mask. "how many did Thor bring?" five, that was all Loki would be allowed to have. those five potions would mostly fix the lung and the severed arteries, fixing what was life threatening before working on the lesser wounds. Loki would have to heal slowly after that, because the potions where toxic if you took too many. Loki would have one a day, and then he wouldn't be able to have anymore for six months.

Steve snorted a little and shook his head as he nodded. "yeah, i know." he admitted. "he's been obsessed with some pretty weird shit." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i doubt Loki likes hospitals." he admitted as he led her down to his very own car, curtsey of Tony, and opened the passenger door for her. because it was the polite thing to do and he was still a twenties boy. you opened doors for girls then, whether you liked them or not, and he really did like Anna. "can't really blame them for hating hospitals though, i never liked them much myself." he admitted. "it's the smell... and the way the nurses smile at you all the time, and the way you can't do anything but lay there because everything that isn't boring is banned." he grumbled as he took her to the hospital and led her up to Loki's room where Loki had resumed his rant about everything that he hated about where he was.
“Hm, yea. Did I ever tell you about the time he spent two years breeding great danes in college? He said he was bored with engineer. Personally, I think he did it because Howard told him not to, but it was a fairly amusing and weird obsession, watching him cuddle puppies in the lab.”Anna snickered a little as she settled into the car, blushing ever so slightly as he opened the door for her. “Hospitals are weird. Definitely why I work for Tony. Private practice and all, and my office smells disturbingly like grease and oil, and there’s enough amusing stuff in it to keep someone entertained for a century.”She snickered a little because like them, she didn’t enjoy hospitals, but her doctor’s office couldn’t really be counted as a hospital, as it was in the tower, and was so much like the ordered chaos of tony’s lab to be really like a hospital.

Tony bit the inside of his lip to keep from laughing in loki’s face....or calling him a drama queen. Swallowing hard he sighed quietly. Nodding quietly at river’s words, smirking ever so slightly because there was just some things you couldn’t listen to without thinking ‘drama queen’. “Sorry.”Tony muttered wincing as river grabbing the straw, feeling a little stupid for not thinking about it before smiling slightly.”Five. And they’re all at the tower, so you have to come there.”Tony said his eyes getting that wicked preverse laughter, amused at the wording before turning his head to look at Anna and Steve, stepping aside, knowing better then to get in anna’s way....with his luck he’d get stabbed or something else.

“....If he’s this involved and hasn’t passed out yet, he’s probably safe to move. Though I’d prefer if you didn’t work him up, jackass.”She said frowning up at tony. Tony winced raising his hands defensively. “It wasn’t me!Don’t blame me.”He whined a little. “Anna, loki, loki this is anna.” “...you know, he’s kinda cute, I can see why you like him.” “...I don’t like him anna. I’m just taking him to the tower because he needs a place to stay.” “....”Anna stared at the billionaire for a long moment before snorting. “I hope pepper knows she’s getting to share you with him from now on.”She muttered before moving closer, ignoring the ranting drama queen, looking him over."Hello, Loki."
Steve snorted. "Great Dane's? really? that's... kind of adorable actually. i think i'll get him a Great Dane puppy." he decided with an impish little smirk. "well, i still think you're a miracle worker." she had to be, after all, she'd practically reattached his finger when he'd gotten it chopped almost in half during a battle and he could still use it perfectly.

River wasn't bothering to hide his amusement at all as Loki ranted and then sucked down the potion. "i do not desire to go to that place!" Loki complained before he glared at Anna. "how dare you claim i am involved! i will smite you!" he paused. "well, i would if i could..." River snorted and turned his face away, struggling not to laugh in Loki's face. the God's arms where useless, but Loki had a very vicious kick. "i am NOT worked up!" Loki snarled, even though he knew he was. he was tired, and hurting, and frightened and helpless and now there was another stranger in the room who Loki didn't know and didn't trust. "Loki. look at me." River demanded, gripping Loki's chin and forcing eye contact. "remember the beach..." he demanded, loki shuddering and then stilling as River calmly counted Loki's breathing in a classic meditation exercise. "there... better?" "...yes. sorry. i'm alright now." Loki muttered, relaxed and lethargic now that fear and panic where not running him. "i am cute, aren't i?" Loki asked, looking quite smug. "you can't see them right now, but i have muscles, Tony was quite impressed." Loki stated, River snorting as he looked away to keep from laughing again and Loki scowled at him. "i don't like you." "you love me. i feed you." "..."
“It was. Especially cause Howard nearly had a ecliptic fit every time tony showed up carrying a puppy. It was quite amusing.”Anna smiled blushing at his praise.

“....No you wont. Because that would upset tony.” “That’s not a deterrent. He’d do it because it upset me.” “Well, it was better then telling him he’s fairly helpless at the moment.” “You just told him.” “Shut up, boy wonder. I’m worrying.”Anna scowled at her friend as she gently looked over the stitches, careful to not touch him if she didn’t have to, understanding part of his fear before relaxing as loki did. “You are very cute.”Anna agreed, having every intention of getting the man to at least trust her a little bit, because while she knew it would be hard, she needed him to trust her. Laughing softly at that she nodded. “The must be a impressive set of muscles then, it is not easy to impress the man-whore.” “Hey!” “Why are you protesting?It’s true.” “It’s still unkind to call me names.”Tony sulked a little. “Well, I’ll feed you to, and not any of that shitty hospital food, I’ll make stuff.”Tony added. “You’re not allowed anywhere near the stove, Stark. Loki? Never,ever eat anything he gives you, unless you confirm he hasn’t made it.”Anna said in that conspiring voice, that said she was trying to make a joke, but she was a child prodigy, and like tony, playing well didn’t come to her naturally, despite being a doctor. “Now. You are well enough to be moved. We can go to the tower, or you can stay here with the creepy nurses, and tony hanging out with you. At least at the tower you can count on him spending time down in the lab. Here he’s going to be bored, and a bored tony stark is never good.”She chirped a little before leaving the room to take care of getting him checked out, not even waiting long enough to get a answer.
Loki snorted at their byplay, looking much less frightened and much more amused now as his eyes flicked back and forth like he was watching a tennis match. this woman was very much like Tony, and thus much like him. that wasn't so frightening. he could sort of predict her actions now if he had to. "i've been helpless for months now, it's not much of a surprise." "have i not been teaching you martial arts?" "i suck." loki whined. "i can't even break a board." "...Loki, you didn't REALLY try to...." "i broke my wrist." "you idiot. that's Karate not Jiujitsu! you have to build up you're bone density and strength before you can do crap like that!" "Thor can do it!" "Thor is a hulking beast of a man! he doesn't have the brain power to even process pain!" River stated with a roll of his eyes making Loki laugh in delight. he loved picking on Thor. "why would i eat something that Stark gives me? clearly this is all a plot to have me poisoned." Loki stated with a nod, which made River snort. "you're not watching anymore TV Loki. god." "but i like TV." Loki complained. "you HAVE to let me watch TV!" "no, i don't. you watch those super crappy daytime soap opera's and seam to think they have a basis in reality." "they don't?" "NO!" "well screw you then, you're obviously lying. Angelo is a real man and he's sexy and some day he's going to realize that Annabeth is a bitch and get together with Antoni. and then they'll have three babies and live happily ever after." "men can't get pregnant here!" "well they should!" Loki complained with a huff as he relaxed in the bed.

once Anna had everything in place, Loki was dozing in a wheelchair and he grumbled halfheartedly as River wheeled him out and into the street where Happy was waiting with the Car. by the time they reached Stark Tower Loki was dead to the world, completely asleep and it was Thor who, very carefully, extracted Loki from the car. River studied Thor intently, but the bog man was too busy checking to make sure that Loki was actually breathing. Loki made an annoyed sound and he snuggled in a little more securely into Thor's arms and Thor chuckled a little weakly. "i always forget how small he is..." he admitted softly. "he was always so tiny as a child compared to the rest of us." Thor admitted. "even for a human, Loki is... small." and that was true. if you lined up everyone by height in the tower. Loki would be the shortest. the only reason he appeared so tall was because of those damn boots he always wore... and the helmet. clearly Loki had issues with his small stature. "i don't remember him being shorter than me..." Clint commented after a moment and Thor's face twisted. it took most of the people there several moments to realize that Thor was trying very hard not to laugh. "Loki's a shapeshifter. he made himself taller." Clint, Steve and Bruce all gaped at Thor for a long, long moment and then River started to snicker. Thor was choking on his laughter and Loki made a distressed sound as the shaking aggravated his wounds, which sobered Thor immidiatly and took him inside so that Loki could sleep in a nice, overly soft bed. Thor moved into the kitchen where River, Steve, Bruce, and Clint where all laughing their asses off at the idea of Loki using his Shapeshifting to be taller. it was such a... such a... such a TONY thing to do!
“Well, it’s still not a nice thing to point out. Unlike some people, cough-tony-cough, I try not to insult gods who can throw me out the window.” “Have you ever met any other gods?” “No, but he’s cute, and you’re obsessed, so I figured I better be nice.”Anna said. “...Don’t worry, reindeer. I suck at hand to hand to. It’s why I have a suit.”Tony reassured looking amused at river and loki’s talking. “Hey!I can cook.” “No he can’t. He burned water once.”Anna said smirking a little before staring at loki for a long moment. “Noooo. Oh no, nooooo Steve!You can’t let him move in.”Anna demanded twisting to look at the super soldier. “It’s bad enough Tony watches that crap when he’s down in the lab, I absolutely refuse to treat another patient who will babble about annabeth and anotni.”She said sulking, even if she was laughing, glad they’d done their job and gotten loki to relax, not really caring. “I do not.”Tony said looking flustered at having his secret love for soap operas discovered, he hadn’t even known anna had known.

“Well, everyone looks little to you big guy.”Anna said looking up at thor as they walked inside, smiling slightly. Because like loki, she was short, and even tony was nearly loki’s natural height. Staring at thor as he tried not to laugh she snickered looking at tony. “So, so very like you.”Anna said looking amused as the billionaire sulked and looked annoyed with having all his friends making fun of him.

That night Tony sighed quietly as he walked towards his room, glancing aroudn to make sure none of the others were watching-even if he knew jarvis was- and poked his head into loki’s room long enough to make sure the man was okay, glad to see the man was dozing, and looked somewhat peaceful before heading for his own room across the hall. Yep, that was right, Tony Stark, billionaire playboy who valued his privacy to the point of keeping the others away from his bedroom, had put loki in teh guest room directly across from him. Yea...he was so not looking into the emotional connection that caused that. Huffing in annoyance to himself he pushed open the door to his bedroom, for a moment totally at a loss for weirds as he considered the woman in his bed. Definitely not what he wanted, and given how worried he was still over loki, and the emotional reasons he’d refused to let pepper into his bedroom, walking in to find her in his bed, dressed to seduce, pushed him right over the edge. Growling as he stalked across the room he wrapped a hand around her arm and pulled her out of his bed, for once not paying attention as she stumbled next to him.

“Tony-” “No. I told you to stay out of here.I meant it, pepper.”Tony growled as he pulled open the bedroom door and shoved her out, wincing a little though as she hit the opposite wall, and definitely ignoring the other avengers he could hear in the living room. Looking a little trapped he knew someone-steve- wouldn’t be able to leave it alone and in a last minute effort, bolted into loki’s room and shut the door behind him, “Reindeer?”He asked wondering if the man was awake, and really hoping he wasn’t, because he so didn’t want to talk to anyone until he had control again.
Loki snorted. "he deserved to be thrown out the window.... a shame he didn't splat. it would have been amazing art. i would have had it magically preserved and then hung his splattered form on a wall of victory." "...gross, Loki. that's just... gross.' River complained, making a face as Loki smirked. "yes, i know. i am good at gross... i thought it was physically impossible to burn water? i know you can put oil in water and it will look as if water is burning, but is it not completely impossible to actually burn water?" Loki asked, lifting an eyebrow as River stared at him. "Loki? you remember how i explained that sometimes people say things that are just figurative comments to further explain something? such as 'green with envy?' Burning Water is one of those things." "oh."

loki had only woken breifly, just long enough to enjoy a very nutritional smoothie made by Steve before he dropped off to sleep again. Thor had explained that the potions would make Loki ery sleepy, and might make him rather delirious, but that the sleep was good for loki and to let the mischief maker sleep as much as he wanted. granted, Thor also made the comment that the more Loki slept, the less he would whine, but why mention that? Loki was awake enough to hear the 'fight' and frowned, wondering if there wasn't a bit of Domestic abuse going on? no. Pepper didn't sound frightened, just annoyed and upset. he decided it wasn't any of his business until he realized... even without his magic... there was no... life, in Pepper. she was not alive. she was... holy shit. did Tony know? did the others?! no, he doubted the others knew, but did Tony? it would explain a lot... far too much...

he shifted as he heard the door open and he blinked sluggishly. it was so hard to keep his eyes open. "Stark?" Loki asked sluggishly. "did you have a nightmare?" Loki asked. a good cover. yes, Loki didn't know anything. Loki didn't know the sordid little secrete at all... not at all.... "you can sleep in here if you like." Loki offered, already fading back into a doze. he's worry about the Piper who wasn't Piper in the morning... or was her name parsnip?... well it started with a P at any rate.
“yea, its me reindeer.”Tony muttered even as he walked into the room further, relaxing minutely as he realized loki had been asleep, and hadn’t heard the argument happening just out of his door. To frazzled from the run in to really consider that loki might be hiding the fact that he knew.“Thanks. Get some sleep.”he ordered watching the man go back to sleep before huffing out a sigh and snagging one of the pillows and curling up on the far side of the bed as far as he could get from loki.

In the morning Anna frowned as she made coffee, and a bowl of ceral before joining steve out on the balcony, all of them usually ate out here if the weather was nice enough, but since tony hadn’t appeared enough, she wanted a chance to talk to steve before he did. She hadn’t seen tony for more then a few minutes since the thing with killian, and even then it was when he needed her to doctor him up and not because he actually wanted to talk, so she needed someone else’s opinion. “...Since when does tony refuse to have sex.”She said having spent her evening calming a distraught pepper.

Despite having started the night across the bed, tony stark was usually a cuddler if given the chance to sleep next to someone, and since it’d been months since he’d allowed himself to really sleep next to someone, it wasn’t any surprise that he was cuddled up against loki, the god tucked gently against his chest as he laid on his side, a arm resting across loki’s hips gently holding him against him, his head nearly resting on loki’s shoulder but not, cradling him ever so gently, like he’d break. Not really aware of doing it.
Loki smiled as he realized Loki had bought the lie. sometimes, Tony was a bit of an idiot. "goodnight Stark." Loki muttered as he went back to sleep.

Steve blinked at Anna a little, eating his own breakfast, three eggs, a bowl of cereal, four pieces of toast and several strips of bacon. he needed to eat a lot. "Tony refused Sex!? shit..." Steve muttered, utterly stunned. "he's never done that before..." Steve muttered, looking even more worried than ever. "maybe he's depressed? maybe he's dying again!? god... i just dropped my cereal..." Steve muttered, watching the blue porcelain bowl fall through the air and hit the ground hundreds of feet below where it shattered and seconds later, splattered the passersby with milk and chunks of cheerio. "oops..."

Loki was sleeping well when he woke up all instantaneous due to the frantic need to pee. not that he could do anything about that. he was stuck in bed... at least he didn't have to wear the oxygen mask anymore. "..." it took him a moment to realize why he was so warm and comfortable. Tony was spooning him. Loki rather liked the sensation, a lot. so much so, that he ignored his screaming bladder for anther ten minutes before he finally deigned to get Tony's attention. "Stark... i have to pee." Loki demanded sluggishly. "get your lazy ass up and help me use you'r weird little bathroom."
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