Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“I know. It’s just hard watching him.”Tony smiled a little before pausing. Having not thought of that. “....Damn you, Cap.”he growled shaking his head a little as he looked down at the blond baby in his arms, already starting to think about his own daughters. Whining a little at the thought before smiling. “I know. And he did. I sent the invites he wanted sent, and that was it.”Tony smiled a little looking pleased with himself for limiting the outrageousness of the wedding instead of being insane about it.

Anna sighed quietly as she got up from the chair she’d been sitting in, her soft blue dress flattering her figure and not even showing it’d just been a week since she’d had Chloe. Though the small girl nestled in her arms was still looking around at the world with wide eyed wonder. “Just wear the one you have loki. Or do you want me to go get tony, so he can stand next to you and you can decide?”Anna said smiling a little as she moved to stand next to him, grinning widely as Chloe cooed at her uncle, the twins with steve and tony, clint and the others as they finished getting the wedding ready.
Steve smirked at him. very pleased with himself for bothering Tony so much. it was very, very amusing.

he bit his lip, scowling at his reflection in the mirror. he wanted to be perfect, there where people out there that he had to prove himself better than. "but i want it to be perfect! there are so many people i have to prove my superiority to!" he sighed and finally settled on a style similar to Tony's but without a tie. "...does this look alright?" he asked, scowling at himself as he waved a finger at his hair, making it longer and braiding it down his back, since Tony liked to use Loki's long hair as a handle. actually, Loki liked that too. "he grinned as Chloe cooed at him and he scooped her up and blew a raspberry on her belly. "just as opinionated as your mother!" he teased both mother and baby as he tickled tiny toes. "i look alright, right?" he demanded of Anna, not about to trust Natasha's opinion. he wished Pepper was there, but she was trying to control Tony.
Anna sighed quietly, looking at natasha for help. Natasha raised a eyebrow looking up from her magazine. “Loki, if you wanted to be perfect, just go naked. Tony would find that perfect.”The assassin said looking amused. “Nat!”Anna said shooting the woman a look because she wouldn’t put it past loki to do that before looking at him. “You look amazing. Better then tony. Last time I saw him, his hair was sticking up every which way cause he keeps running his hands through it.”She snickered smiling as Chloe giggled at him hands waving as he tickled her. “hey, she’s more like Steve. Loud and demanding. And thinks she’s in charge.”she snickered a little before looking at Loki, shaking her head a little at his question. “You look amazing, I promise. Now, can I have my daughter back so I can take her to her babysitters for the ceremony?”
Loki blinked at Natasha. "am i allowed to do that?" he asked curiously before sighing as he realized it wasn't allowed. "oh dear... i hope Pepper can fix his hair..." he admitted, biting his lip. "your the one that's demanding." Loki teased. "and she is SO in charge, aren't you little precious?" he asked Chloe with a grin. "you got your daddy wrapped around your tiny little finger." he teased, kissing her tiny fingers. "nope, you can't have her back, she's mine now." Loki teased. "yes you are. you want to be mine and marry my twin boys don't you?" he asked playfully as he tapped her tiny nose before handing her back to Anna. "make sure Tony's hair looks alright too would you?" he asked hopefully. "and.. check on mine?" he asked, still worried about his babies. he didn't like being so far away from them.

finally, he headed for the isle where Tony was waiting and he immidiatly looked to the five babies, which where being lovingly adored by the entire wedding populace... at a distance since Bruce wouldn't let anyone close enough to touch the babies. Loki smiled a little to himself as he looked back up and examined Tony, who had messed up his hair again. he had to snicker, the man looked like he was about to pass out.
“No, you’re not.”Natasha rolled her eyes looking amused. “I’m sure she will. Pepper’s always able to tame him, hair or otherwise.”Anna smiled rolling her eyes a little before laughing. “I am not. And she is. She bosses Steve around all the time. A single cry, and he’s there, demanding to know what she wants.”Anna giggled a little amused as Chloe giggled brightly at the other’s words. “I think Tony and Steve might have things to say about them marrying.”She teased before cuddling her daughter, nodding. “I will.”Anna smiled kissing his cheek before leaving.

Tony smiled nervously, shifting on his feet as he looked at the man walking towards him, his hair slightly longer then normal, the curly strands sticking up every which way. “You still have time to back out you know...”tony said looking at loki as he neared, anxiety in his features. Even now, he was worried about being left.
"Tony and Steve's opinions don't matter." he stated with a sniff. "they will be married, you will see. and they will make glorious, glorious grand-babies." Loki declared with a grin.

Loki snorted as he looked at Tony's hair. "shut up you idiot and come here." Loki demanded, fussing with Tony's hair. "how do you keep doing this to yourself?" he demanded, ignoring the stifled snickers from the crowd as Loki fussed over Tony, making him look presentable again. "i love your hair like this." he admitted with a smile as he kissed the other. "Ahem!" the priest interrupted, looking amused. "you're supposed to wait until after the I Do's before you kiss." "i do!" Loki declared, Kissing Tony again with an impish grin, hoping to calm Tony down with his usual mischievousness.
“I’m not a idiot. Stop. Pepper already fixed it.”Tony grumbled even if he let the other fuss of his hair, shuddering a little, smirking as he kissed him back. Looking at the priest he laughed quietly, “Since when has tony stark ever done anything in the right order?”He snickered looking down at loki, calming a bit as he let loki’s usual mischievousness calm his nerves. Even after a lifetime of being left, of worrying, he was trusting everything to loki. Smiling as they went through the ceremony, dipping his head to kiss him lightly. “I do.”He muttered wrapping a arm around his waist, holding him close.
Loki snorted. "she did a terrible job then." Loki grumbled. "either that or you messed it up again." he accused, smiling at him. "never, and that's why i love him." Loki admitted with a smile as he kissed Tony again before he sat through the ceremony quite happily. "i do!" he stated, kissing Tony again before smiling as he examined the ring Tony had gotten him, looking utterly delighted. "i'm married!" Loki declared, beaming at the assembled crowd. "now i'm going to go have hot wild sex for thirty six hours straight." he decided, wrapping an arm around Tony's waist and started to drag him for the doors. "Loki! you have to have the wedding party first!" Steve protested, intercepting Loki who sulked. "but i don't want to eat boring food." "you get to dance." "i like to dance, come on Tony, wedding party!" well at least Loki was easy to make happy. Loki did indeed enjoy his dancing, smiling as he let Tony lead him through some of the most popular wedding dances, grinning as if he was actually delirious with happiness. "i love you so much Tony Stark." Loki breathed. "and just think. now all the babies will be Stark for truth." he admitted with a smile. "can we go have sex now?"
“I probably messed it up again.”Tony grumbled smiling a little as he let the other straighten his hair, blushing brightly at the other’s words. Looking amused as he wrapped a arm around loki’s waist as the man beamed at the crowd. “You know, I thought I was the outrageous one in this relationship.”Tony snickered a little as they headed for the wedding party, rolling his eyes in amusement as they danced. “I love you to, Loki stark.”He muttered leaning down to kiss him, before grinning wider. “They will be.”He agreed before laughing, stepping back.”Yes. Let’s.”
Loki grinned as he kissed Tony once more, before vanishing to have sex in the privacy of their penthouse. there they lived happily ever after until the end of time.

The End.

(couldn't think of anything else. ^^;)
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