Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Loki snarled, baring his fangs as horns sprouted from his hairline, his fingers, now tipped with what looked like talons instead of fingernails, twitched with the need to tear into his prey. he seamed mindless with fury, with rage. fortunately Fandral was not, and while he wasn't as magical as Loki was, he still knew a thing or two. "i have a lock on Armbjorn." Fandral stated suddenly, looking enraged. "they're in Asgard!" he admitted, Loki snarling as he vanished, heading straight for Asgard while Fandral gripped Tony and Clint's shoulders. "i'll come back for the rest of you." he promised, vanishing as well with Tony and Clint, reappearing just in time to see Loki struggling against Heimdall, who was sporting several long cuts, but didn't seam to be that annoyed. he mostly just looked concerned. "hold him as long as you can. someones kidnapped his babies." Fandral explained, Heimdall's eyes flashing in rage that someone would dare remove children from such a loving 'mother'. it only took moments before everyone was there, the entire Avengers team, and all of them where pissed. Anna was there too, as well as the injured Aeser so that Frigga could heal them. Fandral was too tired to be of any help now, but Loki was jerking in a single location, so he seamed to have a lock on his babies as well. Heimdall let Loki go, and the man was off, racing down the rainbow bridge faster than most of the people there had thought he was physically capable of going. Tony was the only one able to keep up with Loki. who headed straight for the Palace, where Odin was waiting, looking confused when he realized Loki was in a furious Rage. Loki just went right past Odin without even a glance and only Bruce stopped to explain to the king what was happening. Odin just nodded. "Loki is free to do as he wills." Odin declared. no one was stupid enough to get between a furious mother and his babies. particularly not a violent sorcerer Jotun like Loki.
“What?”Tony sputtered at the knowledge that the children were in asgard, nodding a little as they all disappeared. “Loki. Loki wait up.”Tony demanded as heimdall held onto loki. Anna though looked relieved as Frigga helped her with the wounded, watching the other’s go. Focusing on healing, instead of worrying about the twins, or the others. She had to trust them to take care of themselves.

Tony indeed look relieved that odin wasn’t going to stop them, following after loki. “Fandal?Can you give us a direction?”He said silently cursing, because despite his upgrades to try and make the suit work well here, jarvis was still glitching on him, leaving him only communicating about half the time. Silently following loki, he forced his body to do more of the work then he normally did, made the suit move with his sheer desire to get to his children.
Loki didn't respond to Tony, there was no reasoning with Loki when he was like this. he snarled and kicked and writhed ad was off like a shot to get to his babies. he did slow down a little though, as if sensing that Tony wasn't keeping up and then he paused in front of a single door and looked at Tony, astonishingly stepping to the side and letting Tony splinter it into pieces. all four babies where inside. looking no worse for the wear while a familiar asshole and five sycophants where revealed, apparently arguing about whether to just outright 'kill the bastard spawn' or 'try to pull the evil out' first. Archimedes, who had dared to blatantly insult Loki after being invited there by Odin himself, was now about to die. he started to scream as Loki raced in, but Loki didn't attack Archimedes, he attacked the bitch who was holding his precious little girl with the words 'we could cut the ears and tail off and she'd be almost normal' Loki had the woman on the ground, torn to shreds while the giggling Thora watched. the rest of them tried to flee, or grab a baby for hostage, but it was much too late, Loki was already moving on to the second sycophant while Tony and the other Avengers kept the other three from escaping.
Tony smiled slightly as he looked at loki, blasting off the door, before stepping in. Staring stupidly for a moment at the people in front of him, cursing as he realized that he couldn’t blast any of them, without hitting one of the children. Simply keeping the three from escaping he eased around to look at the children, huffing out a sigh as he realized they were okay. Keeping a eye on loki, but not really worried about the man. When they were all dead he smirked slightly, “Hey Reindeer, want to give us a hand?I can’t really pick them up right now you know.”He aid absently letting Thora grab at his metal hands.

Meanwhile Anna cursed quietly as she rubbed a hand over her stomach, “No, no not now sweetheart. Not now. I’m helping someone, sweetheart. Just be patient.”She muttered at the child growing in her, panting quietly as she rested her hands more fully on hogun’s side, helping frigga bandage the wound, but it took everything to not cry as the contraction tightened her body, nearly sending her to her knees. She wanted her husband, now. But she knew he was busy, had a fight to take care of. She could do this without him, because it was to early. She couldnt be in labor.
Loki took his time in killing the last one, Archimedes. slowly slitting his belly open and pulling out the intestines while the man screamed, which had sent most of the Avengers scrambling out of the room to go be sick. even Clint scampered, though Steve stayed, watching for any hint of trouble. he wouldn't look at the blood splattered walls, but he hadn't run away either. "well i can't either you know. i'm covered in blood and i'm still too pissed off." Loki admitted, his words slightly slurred around the fangs as he showed tony his Talons. "i got them." Steve promised as he stepped forward, picking up the twin boys while, Bruce picked up the little girls. "there. all better. lets go, all this stress isn't good for Anna and i want to check on her." Steve admitted, Loki nodding as he watched Archemede's slowly bleeding to death while trying to pull his guts back in. "you go ahead." Loki stated. "i wish to see the light fade from his eyes." "...yeah that's creepy. Tony, you're mate is creepy."

Frigga looked up at her and winced as she realized Anna was in labor. "how far apart are the Contractions?" she asked as she worked on stitching up Hogun's chest. "and please keep in mind that your mate, and therefore your child are not entirely human." she admitted. "while you might think it early, the baby is fully formed and could very well simply be ready a few months earlier than full blooded human babies." she admitted as she wiped her forehead. "do you have enough time to finish?" she asked. they had managed to save Volstagg, who was laying, asleep on his bed. Sif was still in dangerous territory, but they could do nothing for her but hope she woke up. they had set the broken skull, but there was nothing they could do about the massive concussion even with magic.
“Yes, but you’re magical. Just magic it off.”Tony said even as he studied the other, before wincing. “yea, that wouldn’t be good for picking them up.”He muttered before wrapping a arm around loki, pressing a kiss to his hair, before smirking at steve.”You just want to hold a baby since yours isn’t here yet.”He teased before looking at loki.”...I’ll stay with him. Go on.”He said watching the other’s for a moment before smirking. “I know. But we all have our handicaps. I’m a recovering addict, he’s creepy. It works.”He snickered watching the other’s go.

“2-20 minutes. I have time.”She swallowed shuddering a little, even if they were far apart, they were screwing with her concentration. “Well....that’s true. I never considered what the serum would do to the baby...”She muttered looking thoughtful as she considered that, tensing a little, concentrating hard as she helped frigga, gentle hands working on stitches, bandaging. While the contractions were growing closer together, she was still working on the cuts, knowing soon she’d have to stop, but needing to finish. “There.Done.”She muttered relief showing in her face as her and frigga finished, eyes closing for a moment.
Loki snorted a little and waved a hand at himself, vanishing the blood off his person but leaving it everywhere else. on the walls, the ceiling, everywhere. it would prove as a lesson to anyone else thinking they could take his babies. "yes. yes i do." Steve admitted with a smile. "i can't beleive i have to wait two more months. it's so not fair." he complained, leaving just as a large group appeared, attracted by the sounds of screaming. they stared in stunned shock at the mess and one fled to find Odin to tell him that Loki had lost his mind and killed Lord Archimedes. that same person came back saying that Odin knew Loki was killing them and to not bother the 'young prince'. soon word had spread across all of Asgard that Archimedes had stupidly stolen Loki's babies, and he'd tortured them to death for it. Loki finally calmed enough to change back into his normal 'human' form and he settled into Tony with a sigh. "i feel better now." he admitted with a smile. "lets go get our babies. YOU! spread the word, i don't want that mess cleaned up for at LEAST three days!" he warned one of the two guards who where now standing outside the doors, protecting Loki from anyone who might wish retaliation.

Frigga nodded. "as soon as they get closer tell me." she ordered as she worked faster to safe Hogun's life. "i am sure your baby will be healthy and strong." Frigga admitted with a smile. "good. now go sit down." Frigga ordered. "i just have to place them all in a healing stasis and then we can work on your labor." she promised the woman, turning to one of the gaurds who where always posted. "go and get Lord Steve Rogers. inform him that his child is on it's way." she demanded, the soldier saluting before taking off at a run as Frigga washed her arms up to the shoulder
Tony tensed, looking ready to lash out at the groups as they freaked out before relaxing slightly. Glad that odin had the sense to just confirm loki was here on a mission, turning his head he relaxed slowly, wrapping a arm around Loki’s shoulders, pressing a kiss to his head. “Let’s go get you cleaned and me out of the suit. Then we can go home.”He muttered looking amused that the guards were waiting for them to leave.

Anna swallowed hard as she sat down, whimpering quietly as she rubbed a hand over her stomach. Large frightened eyes trying to stay calm,”Where’s steve?He should be here...”Anna muttered looking anxious and focusing so much on the child she didn’t realize frigga had sent for him. Meanwhile, the guard panted as he ran towards Steve and Bruce, slowing to a walk as to not freak them out while holding loki’s twins. “Lord Rogers, the lady anna is in labor, and lady frigga sent me to get you. You must hurry, your lady has been asking for you.”He said even if he didn’t know anna was asking for sure, he knew women asked for their husbands at this time, and shifted a little. “If you let me take the twins, me and lord banner can see them back to their parents, while you go.”
Frigga smiled at her. "he should be on his way." she assured him. "just take deep calming breaths and be reassured that i am the best healer Asgard as ever seen." she stated playfully, smiling at Anna. "you are a strong woman, you will be fine." she promised the human woman. "now. let me see how far along you are... good lord!" she stated after a brief examination. "your lucky you didn't have the baby while operating on Hogun!" she admitted. "you're going to be ready to start pushing very soon. try to catch your breath and drink this. it's a restorative, and it won't hurt the baby, it will give you strength and energy." she assured the first time mother, handing her a cup full of soft pink liquid that looked like flavored water, and tasted like it too. but every sip seamed to warm her, and fill her with strength and even the pain eased, just a little.

Loki huffed a little and shook his head. "i want my babies." he ordered, heading straight after Bruce and Steve, ignoring the bloody footprints he was leaving behind. the guards didn't move to follow them. obeying Loki's orders to make sure no one cleaned up the mess.

"Steve went stock tense, his eyes wide. "i'm sorry but did you just say... but she shouldn't... she said two months!" he protested before he actually snarled at the Guard. "no way in hell! these babies where just kidnapped i'm not handing them over to some asgardian stranger!" "...i had not realized that you felt so strongly about it." Loki teased as he scooped the babies out of Steve's arms, nuzzling them and cooing at them, now completely ignoring everything and everyone but the babies. Steve just blinked, shrugged and turned to the Soldier. "lead the way then." he ordered. "and make it a fast run. if i'm not there when Anna has that baby i can kiss my balls goodbye!"
“okay, I’m calm.I am.”Anna muttered looking up at the woman, swallowing hard, trying to relax, rubbing her stomach.”hear that sweetheart?Daddy’s on his way.”She muttered to the baby before yelping as the woman examined her, more out of surprise that she was that far along then anything else.”Good thing I didn’t. That would have been complicated.”She said before raising her hands to take the drink, sipping it slowly, closing her eyes as she relaxed more, it was amazing, made her feel okay.

“We’ll go get them okay?”Tony smiled a little before following after the other’s, pausing at the guards. “Steve’s very protective. But we’re here,go, cap.”Tony said watching him go, before gently leading loki towards their rooms, having every intention of settling him and the babies in before going to make sure anna was okay. But first he needed to see to his family, like he knew anna would expect him to do.

The soldier nodded before taking off back towards the healing room, pushing open the door for the good captain, wincing a little at the quiet whines from the woman on the bed. Though he was glad it wasn’t outright screams, it couldnt be that bad if anna was still in control. “Steve!”Anna gasped looking up at him, the utter happiness of having him there showing that she hadn’t been sure he’d get there before she delivered.
Frigga smiled at her. "yes, Thor has been telling me about how excited your mate is. apparently Thor is now quite terrified of having his own child because Steve was chattering about something called 'Colic' and teething." she snickered. "oh, not so complicated as the concussion the poor thing would have had from hitting the ground." she teased with a chuckle.

Loki barely registered Tony as he headed off to find his babies, cooing over them and examining them before he snarled at Bruce, who quickly handed the boys over to Tony. Loki snarled again and Bruce quickly backed off, not about to mess with a hormonal, mama bear Loki. the man finally seamed satisfied that his babies where no longer in immediate danger and headed off to his rooms where he fussed over all four babies, looking for so much as a scratch before he finally, finally started to properly settle down. "i can't beleive they aren't hurt." he whispered, sounding like he was about to burst into tears at any moment.

"hey!" Steve stated, smiling as he rushed over to Anna. "hey there, how are you feeling?" he asked, gently stroking her hair out of her face and grabbed a damp cloth that he pressed to her face to sop up the sweat and cool her off. "i thought you said two months?" he teased, grinning impishly. "i guess she was just as impatient as i was. this does not bode well for the future." he admitted with a chuckle. "alright! i see the head! just a few more good pushes Lady Anna!" "....head?" Steve asked before he looked down at Anna's dress covered groin before paling. "oh..." apparently he hadn't given much thought to how it came out. "...uhm... i think... uhm..." and he was on the ground, Frigga snorting. "Men."
Tony bit his lip to keep from laughing at the sight of loki growling at bruce, it was fairly adorable really. Watching him look over the babies he smiled a little as he to made sure they were fine before settling them on the bed, before looking at loki.”Me either. But they are. They are fine loki.Come here.”he ordered wrapping his arms around the other gently.

“...steve..talks to much. To excited.”Anna snickered a little before looking up at steve, “How do you think I’m feeling?It hurts, steve.”She whined looking up at him, before glaring at his teasing. “I thought it’d be to months!You’re a bad influence if she’s as impatient as you.”She scowled before nodding. “Okay, I can do taht.”She panted looking at frigga before looking up at steve, looking confused at his words.”Yes...”She said before yelping as he passed out, giving a breathless snicker. “Tony’s never going to let him hear the end of it...I hope he got a concussion doing that...”She panted, not really meaning it, but she was annoyed at being left on her own. following frigga’s instructions, relief making her collapse back against the bed as she heard a babe’s angry squalls at being in the new bright world.
Loki crawled into Tony's lap, clinging to the man and burst into tears, unable to keep them at bay now that everything was alright. his babies, his precious babies had been in harms way and several people he thought very highly of where probobly dead. he was glad he'd given Archimedes such a slow death. he finally fell asleep, curled around his offspring as if worried they might vanish if he wasn't touching them.

Steve winced at her blunt answer. "i'm sorry! i didn't know i could influence her while she was still in the womb!" he protested, pouting a little as he stroked her hair. "he probobly has." Frigga agreed with a chuckle. "don't be too mad at him. he did just have to witness Loki in a true temper. i've no doubt that whoever annoyed Loki was gutted, or torn to pieces. add that to the fact that he probobly only just realized that a newborn baby was being forced out of your vagina..." she smirked. "a lot of men pass out." "i didn't pass out! i swear. i just.. had to take a small nap." Steve slurred just before the babies cries filled the air and he staggered back to his feet and gently wiped Anna's forehead again, trying to comfort her and offer apologies at the same time. Frigga just chuckled and cleaned the baby and settled her into Anna's arms. "...oh my god. that's a baby. we have a baby. Anna look it's... it's... oh hell..." and then he was on the floor again, making Frigga laugh brightly. "he is so excited he just can't stay awake! the poor man!"
Tony sighed softly, muttering quiet soothing things even if it had no impact on the other’s upset, gently stroking his hair. Closing his eyes as he held him, shifting so that they could all sleep, relaxing slowly.

“You can’t. I’m just being bitchy.”She growled at him, relaxing a little as he stroked her hair. “Hm, that’s true...I guess I should be nicer...”She muttered before laughing, wincing a little. “Ohhh don’t say it like that...it hurts as it is, I dont want to think about shoving a newborn out of a hole usually for something smaller....though he’s not that much smaller...”She hummed a little, sounding thoughtful before laughing.”A small nap,okay.”she muttered wincing, trying to relax, leaning into his touch as steve stroked her forehead, looking down at the blue eyed blond child in her arms, nodding a little. “we do. And she’s so pretty.”she muttered before wincing, startled as he past out again. Smiling tiredly, she shook her head looking at frigga.”Will you put him to bed, he probably wont be up for awhile...”she said looking worried about her husband
Frigga chuckled a little and shook her head. "your body is built for it." she assured the girl before snorting. "is he really that large or are you simply running on too many endorphins?" she asked with a small smile. "yeah, just a small nap." Steve assured her, Frigga snickering as he simply passed out again. he was up again in a matter of fifteen minutes, looking incredibly mortified that he'd done such a thing as pass out. and he refused to hold his daughter until he was certain he was done. "...Rogers? when was the last time you had food?" Frigga demanded and Steve blinked. "uh..." "...no wonder your passing out!" Frigga chastised the man, shoving a straw in his mouth. "drink! all this stress when your blood sugar is so low is bad for you!" "blood sugar? what like diabetes?" "no, like someone whose been starving themselves for upwards of a week!" "i haven't gone without food for that long!" "no but the amount of calories you NEED your body is acting like it." Frigga stated with a roll of her eyes. "congratulations Anna. your husband isn't overly emotional, he's just an idiot." she stated with a smile. "...i had dinner. yesterday." "and it is now dinnertime, again. i imagine you didn't have breakfast or lunch either yesterday?" "...i was making the wedding perfect." "you need to eat three large meals a day. no more passing out." Frigga ordered, Steve nodding as he gulped down his drink and then smiled sheepishly at her. "i didn't know that would happen, don't look at me like that..."
“He’s fairly big, but not that big.”She smiled a little before looking down at the newborn in her arms, smiling as the girl calmed cooing quietly as she watched her mother. “Steve! You know you have to eat.”Anna said looking up at him, looking anxious because he’d been pretty much starving himself. Slipping out of her role of new mother, to doctor. “You know the serum makes you need to eat nearly as much as thor.”She scolded lightly before smiling slightly,”Well, I don’t know if I prefer idiot over emotional.”She snorted a little before shaking her head as she looked at her husband, shifting to let him sit down next to her.”Now sit.And help me decide on a name for our daughter.”
Steve winced. "i'm sorry!... i just... forgot to eat." he admitted sheepishly. "i felt fine until i realized Loki's babies..." he paused. "actually, no, i felt fine until i witnessed what Loki did to the people who took his babies." Frigga nodded. "loki gets very protective." she admitted. "did he at least refrain from pulling their heads off?" "yeah, but he gutted one of them. god it stunk." "well, they shouldn't have kidnapped the little royalty then. i don't know what they where thinking, Odin would have punished them if he'd caught them first. and then handed them over to Loki for death. they should have known that." Frigga admitted with a scoff. "keep drinking." she ordered, shoving another cup into Steve's hands. he huffed but sucked that down as well and smiled at the precious little girl. "she's so perfect." he whispered. "hold on right here!" he ordered, suddenly sprinting out of the room and returned with... a baby book. it was well worn, which meant he'd probobly been carrying it around. "i was thinking maybe Sophia, or Isabella, or Chloe or something really pretty..." he admitted, smiling at her as he stroked the tiny little cheek. "she's so small." he breathed. "i didn't realize how tiny she would be..." he admitted, looking about ready to burst into tears. "she's so perfect... god, i sort of helped make this..." he breathed, making Frigga snort. "sorta?" "well... i supplied the materials." that had the goddess laughing.
“Well, you should have still ate.”Anna scolded lightly, to happy to be truly upset with him, even if she would remember later to scold him more. “I’m so glad I didn’t see that.”Anna said shuddering a little at the idea, before smiling tiredly, to tired to really follow the conversation. “She is. She looks like you.”She muttered watching as the baby looked up at steve with clear blue eyes. “...not going anywhere...”She said startled as he ran out, looking startled when he returned with the book. “...you’ve been planning.”She said looking startled at the idea smiling. “I think I like Chloe.”She said quietly before smiling wider.”Well, I’m not overly big you know.She was bound to be short.”She teased him a little shifting to rest her head on his shoulder, both mother and daughter dwarfed by how big he was. “...You did do that. And so very well.”Anna teased looking up at him, before shifting the baby into his arms yawning.”I want to sleep....wake me up when the others get here?”she said knowing as soon as the others got things under control, they'd be here.
he smiled sheepishly. "i know. but i was just so excited about everything that eating sort of slipped my mind." he admitted. "and i'm glad you didn't see it too. he actually snarled at Bruce. i think he's not going to let people near his babies for some time." he admitted. "no, she looks like you. she has your face." he breathed with a smile. "i have been planning." he admitted with a grin. "Chloe. my little Chloe... Chloe Elizabeth Rogers..." he whispered, smiling at her. "hows that sound?" he asked as he gently took the baby, letting her suckle on his finger. "i'll make sure no one comes in until you wake." he corrected. "you need to rest. sleep. i have the little one." he promised her, kissing her forehead.

three hours later, that's exactly what he did. he let Anna sleep and refused to let the others in, save Tony. he let Tony in because he was Anna's brother. "hows Loki?" Loki was doing rather... well he wasn't good but he wasn't bad either. he was just being overly possessive of his babies. he wouldn't even let the healer in the room. let alone the guards, the maid, or the poor soldier who had tried to bring Loki and Tony some dinner. he let Tony touch and hold the babies, but only for a few minutes at a time before his mothering kicked in and took them back. he was just a frantic mommy who was terrified his babies where going to be taken again. Thor had assured Tony that it was normal in Jotun parents to display this kind of behavior from time to time. Thor even told him about the time that Jormungandr had broken his arm after falling down some steps because the Nanny hadn't been playing close enough attention to him because she'd been changing Fenrir's diaper. Loki locked himself in the bedroom for the full two weeks it took Jor to heal and wouldn't even let Frigga in to see them.
“She has your eyes.”She smiled, yawning a little, looking amused. “I like it. Very pretty.”She muttered closing her eyes, smiling as she watched the baby suck on his finger, “Okay. You’ll be okay.”She muttered falling asleep.

Tony smirked a little as he stepped into the room quietly, “I’m special. Everyone else has been trying to get in here to visit.”he muttered snickering a little but quiet wincing a little at the question.”being possessive and not letting me hold them for longer then a few minutes. Thor says it’s normal, but it’s going to be a interesting few days.”He muttered before looking at the small baby against that broad chest, chloe sleeping peacefully, “You look content, captain.”He teased a little moving over, looking at the exhausted woman worriedly.”She okay to?”He muttered gently touching anna’s hair, so very happy for them.
Steve smiled. "she'd be annoyed with me if i didn't let you in." he admitted with a chuckle. "she needs sleep though, so keep your voice down." he ordered. "well his babies where just kidnapped." he pointed out. "and he did hear one of the bastards contemplating 'removing' Thyra's ears and tail. wouldn't you be just as terrified?" he asked with a smile. "Loki has different instincts than us. while you instinctively know that no one else is going to dare, Loki's instincts are telling him that everyone is a threat. and yes, even you." Frigga informed them as she walked in to check on the Warriors two and Sif. "i am content." Steve admitted with a smile. "yeah, she's fine, though i'm going to get it later. i passed out because i haven't been eating enough." he admitted. "in the last three days i only had dinner last night because i was so excited. i forgot about how much calorie intake i need..." he admitted as he gently settled the little girl into Tony's arms. "meet your niece. Chloe Elizabeth." Steve admitted, his voice full of pride. "doesn't she just look so much like Anna? she's just so perfect..."
“True, but I thought you might be to enamored with your daughter to remember that.”He snickered a little before nodding. “I know.It’s just hard to not get to hold them...and I’m still terrified.”Tony shuddered a little smiling as he looked at frigga, before smirking. “You are going to be in so, so much trouble you idiot.”He teased before smiling at the little girl settled into his arms, offering a quiet coo. “You are so pretty, chloe. And look like your mother. Good. No taking after your dad okay?”He cooed at the girl, smiling as she settled into his arms, before biting his lip. “hey steve. When we get back home, would you consider being my best man?I had planned the wedding for when you got back from your honeymoon but since this happened...well...we might as well give loki something to be happy about.”
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "i imagine it must be. i'm sure Loki will calm down soon..." "he will be calm once he returns to your world." Frigga promised. "he does not feel truly safe here the way he does in your domain." she admitted with a smile. "she's going to grow up to be smart." Steve agreed, nodding at Tony with a grin. "but she'll know how to defend herself from nasty teenage boys too." he stated with a sniff before he stared at Tony. "really? you mean it?" he asked softly, smiling. "you do know Loki is going to want a big wedding? he will want everyone to know he belongs to you." he teased with a grin. "there might even be paparazzi." he teased with a smile as he gently checked to make sure anna was comfortable before handing Tony a bottle that Frigga had procured before she'd left.
“good. I don’t want him to stay this upset.”Tony said relaxing at the idea, because it upset him to see loki so upset. “She will. She’s your and anna’s daughter, not to mention she’ll be with the rest of us. It’ll be a smart girl....and I’ll help with the defense from teenage boys. They’re just going to freak out seeing you, cap.”He teased before nodding, “Yes, I do.”Tony said smiling before shuddering.”I know I know. The invitations have already been sent to the major papers and celebrities and socialites to come.”Tony shuddered at the idea. Because while he might enjoy a quiet wedding better, he would do what loki wanted, and give him a huge wedding.
Steve smiled a little. "he'll calm down. he does trust us, and you, he's just out of sorts right now, that's all." he said with a smile. "and besides, shouldn't you be more worried about your own daughters? with those cute ears and tails, they'll be every hentai perverts best dream come true." he teased with a grin. "you know, i don't think Loki want's THAT big of a wedding..." he pointed out. "but i suppose Loki made the guest list?" of course he had. he had invited only one newspaper, the one that was 'leaking' the news that Steve was married and his wife pregnant shortly after. and would report that due to complications Steve's baby had been born two months premature, but was recovering well. that was being 'leaked' right now, Fandral had sent the letter himself after Steve had asked him to.

a week later Loki had finally calmed down, and was instead fretting about what to wear to his own wedding, scowling at the mirror as he altered between suits, tux's, and other various things. he didn't want to wear a dress, though he did have one picked out for Tony's Enjoyment for the honeymoon. he knew what Tony was wearing, he'd made it himself after all, but he couldn't decide what HE would look best in, without clashing with Tony. he was well aware that Anna his 'bridesmaid' was silently laughing at him and that Natasha, his other bridesmaid, was getting annoyed but he couldn't help it!
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