Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Loki grinned a little. "your so funny." he admitted with a chuckle. "i've heard Fandral is the best, he's such a masochist." he stated with a chuckle. "so much so that he actually has a handler, because otherwise he'd let people hurt him really bad." Loki admitted. "yes. everything is always your fault. but at least the good things are your fault too." he teased with a grin. he took his leek and let Tony get him back into bed and grabbed Tony's hand and tried to shove it below his massive belly. "orgasm now!" he ordered hopefully. he eagerly writhed under the attention but when he orgasmed there was a sudden flood of wet that soaked the bed and Loki blinked several times and then looked at Tony. "...Tony love? i need you to go get Anna and Bruce." he ordered. "Frigga too if you can find her." he ordered. "and please hurry." he ordered, offering Tony a sweet smile, hoping his lover hadn't noticed that Loki's water had broken because Loki hadn't listened to Anna and had an orgasm. in his defense, he had thought she just meant no penetration, not no orgasms at all.
“I am. And he was interesting.Such fun to order about.”he snickered a little before frowning at that. “Well, as long as they good things are mine to.”He muttered smiling as he stroked the other, smirking before frowning.”hn?”He asked looking startled before nodding, quickly climbing out of bed and going to find the other’s. Staying with steve as anna and bruce went to help loki. “What...what do I do steve?I’m not ready.Nope. Not yet.”He muttered anxious, watching the door,wa waiting for anyone to come and tell them loki was okay.
Loki chuckled a little and nodded at Tony's comments. he himself had never 'tasted' Fandral. after all, he wasn't much into hurting people, never had been. when he realized the babies where coming, he had to make sure he was calm, and could only hope that tony was calm too. "Tony, stop it. Look at me!" Steve demanded, spinning Tony around so that they where face to face. "you ARE ready!" he stated sternly. "i've seen you reading those baby books! you probobly know more than Loki does!" he stated, looking amused. "i saw you practicing with those baby dolls. you can change a diaper... though, it's a little more gross when it actually has poop in them. you know how to hold a baby properly, you know how to burp them and feed them. you know more than any other father on this planet or the next! your ready Tony. you just have to take a deep breath, calm down, and remind yourself that anything you don't know, Loki does. don't forget, he's already had four, and everyone has high praises for Loki's kids. have faith in Loki if you can't have faith in yourself." he ordered, smiling at Tony. "you're going to be a great dad Tony. you are." he assured the other.
Tony yelped as he was spun to face steve,reaching up and resting his hands on muscular forearms,taking comfort in the solid strength there."I...the books said to practice.."he muttered blushing a little over the fact someone hsd caught him using the dolls to practice.shuddering a little,broken edges settling into place for the moment, even if he'd need reassurance later,he was okay for the moment. Taking a deep breath he nodded a little,before a smirk curled his lips.steve never said how to calm down,just do it...and teasing steve always helped."so grandpa, do I have siblings to look forward to,I mean it'll be weird if they're a lot younger then my own kids."he teased loking amused and starting to relax.

Later anna smiled as she stepped back,a dark haired twin fussing a little as it.nudged as her shirt,"so.we already know this one's the attention hound tony is.."she smiled down at the sleepy content baby in her arms before looking up at loki as bruce helped frigga clean him up."you want tony now or get a few minutes sleep first?"she said willing to delay what she knew was going to be a hyper tony
Steve smiled at him a little. "yes, the books say to practice, and do you know how many people do? about a single percent." he admitted with a chuckle. "that already makes you like, ten times better than most men." he admitted with a smile. "...shut up Tony!" he demanded, going bright red. "if you must know, no. we make sure to have safe sex. i don't think Anna's ready for a kid." he admitted with a smile. "maybe once she falls in love with yours she'll be more ready for it, but for now i think suggesting it would put her into a panic attack." he admitted with a lopsided grin. "rest assured, i do intend to give you siblings. better behaved ones at that."

Loki smiled tiredly as he held two babies to his breasts, letting them suck greedily. he had been worried about not being able to produce enough milk. he needn't have worried. he was a freaking milk factory. the twin girls had come first, and as Anna had seen in her medical scans, they did indeed have tails. and adorable little kitten ears, and beautiful heads of pink, and blue hair with matching eyes. the twin boys looked so much like Tony it was hilarious. from the messy black hair to the long limbs to their incessant need for constant attention. "mmm, Tony." Loki demanded sluggishly. "he needs to see his babies." he ordered with a smile as the twin girls finally stopped drinking. "here. switch so the boys can eat." he ordered, carefully swapping twins so the needy boys could get their first drinks of milk.
“Well....Okay.”Tony frowned a little blushing a little at the knowledge he’d done something uncommon before smirking.”No. You are grandfather. Gramps. Grandpa.”Tony snickered a little before smirking at the other, shrugging.”Probably not. And it would probably. Good idea on just waiting.”he snickered amused he was counting on his kids to make anna fall in love. “Hey!I’m perfectly behaved!”He whined a little.

“Anna smiled as she looked at the boy in her arms, rolling her eyes a little. “These are definitely tony’s kids. Never a mistake.”she snickered before nodding. “Okay. I’ll go get him.Here. Take the fussing children, I’ll be right back.”Anna smiled settling the girls into the small cribs before going after their father. “Tony!”Anna grinned, looking at the man’s relieved face.”Go on in. They’re all tired, but fine.”She promised watching him go before stepping into steve’s arms, slumping into him. “Hey. I’m tired.”She muttered yawning as she snuggled against him.

"Loki?"Tony smiled as he walked into the room before promptly losing interest in his lover as he fussed over the newest additions to his life, even the boys as they fed. After a few moments before flushing brightly looking up at loki."Sorry....how are you?"He muttered offering him a small smile.
Steve chuckled a little and then glared. "don't call me that damn you! i'm YOUNGER than you are!" he complained with a huff. "and you are NEVER behaved. if you where a bit younger i'd have taken you over my knee." he teased with a grin.

Loki chuckled a little. "well of course they are." he admitted with a chuckle as he settled the boys into place, smiling as he simply watched them feed, wondering if he was going to cry again. probobly. he had to smile as he watched Tony fuss over the little darlings, chuckling at him. "i'm fine. a little sore but this isn't my first rodeo." he admitted with a smile as he handed the other one of the little boys, who had finished eating. "burp him would you? Arnbjörn is still eating." he admitted, stroking the tiny head. "it's going to be impossible to tell these two apart. at least the girls have different colors." he muttered with a smile. "we're going to have to find a way to mark one somehow so we don't get them confused."
“Hm, you are. But you are still grandpa.”He snickered before laughing. “I’ll let loki take me over his knee. You have a girlfriend to punish instead of me.”he snickered as he left.

“Good.”Tony said looking relieved before smiling as the boy settled into his arms, nodding. Moving to burp the boy as he frowned a little. “we’ll think of something. We’ll be okay.”He grinned leaning over to kiss him, glad that they were all fine and safe.

Nearly a month later Tony frowned a little as he watched the couple in front of him over the edge of his tablet, Arnbjorn laying on his stomach and gurgling away as the lights flashed as tony worked on a new system design for SI, raising a eyebrow as the watched steve and Anna sniped at each other. While he usually found their sarcastic fighting-because he so rarely meant anything except that they haven’t had sex in the last few hours- amusing, he was getting a little worried, as this sarcasm battle was going on nearly a day. “I feel like I should be putting you two in different corners or something.”he said from the floor looking amused, babysitting all the babies as loki was in the next room making lunch. All of the small family settled on the floor in various states of sleeping or watching daddy work. Watching anna and steve walking in from their morning run, he was curious. “Shut up Tony. I’m going to go get a shower.”Anna grumbled pressing a kiss to steve’s cheek having despite been being annoying to him, she was nice to him. Smiling as she headed for their bedroom.
i almost forgot! Thora and Thyra, and Armbjorn and Arnbjorn. i couldn't find any proper baby pictures so this is them as toddlers. so cute!)

Loki chuckled a little as he watched them all while Thora and Thyra wiggled about on a blanket on the floor, sucking on fist and rubber duck alike. the fussy Armbjorn, now often called Jori which complimented Arni quite well, was actually sleeping for once. in any case, the babies where public 'aww' number one. anytime they went out as a family, the Twitter, youtube, facebook and everything else exploded with the news that the babies where out and about. Loki often teased Tony that his babies where more popular than he was. "...i just don't understand!" Steve finally burst out, yanking on his hair a bit before he sighed and scooped up one of the little girls and cooed at her. "she keeps biting at me, all the time, it's like she hates me all of a sudden, but she's still so sweet to me at the same time! i've tried apologizing for things, but that only makes her more furious!... probobly because i don't actually know what i did wrong!" he complained as he sat next to Tony, scowling as he let Thyra suck on his fingers. "have you tried just asking her what's wrong?" Loki asked as he came in with four perfect temperature bottles. Loki couldn't keep up with milk demand anymore, and since they didn't actually need his breast milk, they got mostly formula now. "yes! she bit my head off for it!" Steve admitted with a sigh. "...what if she... doesn't want to marry me anymore?"
(awwww XDD)

Tony smiled looking amused at the kids, because while he pouted when Loki teased him about how popular they were, he really didn’t care. It was actually kinda nice to not be the focus of the attention. “She’s being annoyingly moody. Maybe she’s PMS’ing.”Tony said slightly amused that anna was being this bi-polar when it was usually him that was that damned bi-polar. “Well, just take her to dinner, apologize for everything and everything, and beg for forgiveness. That usually works...though she tends to try to beat my head in if I do that so I dunno...”Tony frowned a little smiling as Jori squirmed taking the body from loki, helping him to eat it. Looking up from the baby he was holding he stared at steve.”....please tell me you weren’t stupid enough to ask her that?”He said even if he had a bad feeling he had, and probably gotten a violent reaction to it. “Hey Reindeer, want to do grandpa a favor?She likes you. And rarely yells at you. Maybe you can talk to her.”tony said smiling sweetly at loki, knowing he was asking a huge favor from the man.
Steve snorted. "yeah, you go ahead and tell her that, while i laugh as she turns you into a paste." Steve stated with a snort. "no i assure you i was NOT that stupid." he assured Tony. "but what else could it be? i just don't understand..." he muttered with a sigh before glaring at Tony as he was called Grandpa again, Loki chuckling as he handed Steve another bottle while he expertly, or rather magically fed two of the babies at once, holding them, and letting magic support the bottles. "sure, i can talk to her. but you owe me." he warned, smirking at Tony. making sure that Toy knew that it wasn't going to be something Tony was at all happy to do. it would probobly be humiliating too. too late though, because Loki was already out the door after Anna, both men now holding two babies each.

"Anna? can i come in?" Loki asked as he knocked on the door. "if your naked cover up because i'm not taking no for an answer." Loki called chearfully as he unlocked her door and stepped in. he knew she wasn't naked, Jarvis had told him. "so. wanna tell me whats wrong, or shall i guess? because Steve is upstairs right now panicking because he thinks your having second thoughts about marrying him."
“Hm, she broke my nose once when I told her that. I’m not going to do it again.”He snickered a little before relaxing, looking pleased that steve hadn’t been that stupid before frowning. “Well, it’s anna. She’s weird, and liable to be fretting over something horribly stupid.”Tony said before smirking as he was glared at, smiling as he fed the babies before looking at loki.”Fine.”He huffed, because he knew it wasnt going to be pleasant, but he’d do it if he figured out what was going on. “Now you owe me,rogers.”Tony twitched a little looking at steve, but smiling slightly.

“Yea. Hold on.”Anna called as she brushed her hair stepping out of the bathroom dressed in a pair of jeans and one of steve’s dress shirts, before frowning at the man a little. “...what?!But-he knows I love him. Why would he think that?”She frowned looking hurt a little. Despite her hiding, she knew she was being unfair, but it hurt her heart to know he was panicking. Swallowing hard she sighed quietly, “Guess.”she said not ready to talk yet as she stepped back into the bathroom, leaving the door open so they could talk as she got ready/
Steve had to snort at that, shaking his head a little. "you deserved to have your nose broken then." he mused. "i'm sure it's something small..." he admitted with a sigh. "do you think maybe i... scared her? i was a little mean last time..." he muttered, looking worried, wondering if maybe he'd upset her when he blindfolded her and made her beg like a slut and called her as such. "i owe you nothing, i'm not the one who asked Loki to go solve my problems."

"he's just upset. he knows you love him, he just doesn't understand why your acting the way you are." he admitted. "he suspects it, but he also thinks that he frightened you during your last 'scene'.... remind me to sound proof your room." he muttered before studying her. "well. your sick?" he asked, his head tilted. "you contracted some horrible human disease like Aids and you don't want to tell him because you think he'll think you cheated on him or will leave you. no? i know your not dying. my protection spells on you would detect a deadly disease." he mused before he narrowed his eyes and flicked his fingers at her. "...your pregnant." it wasn't a guess.
“That’s what she said.”Tony sulked though before tilting his head.”...Maybe.”Tony said frowning, not sure about that. “Did she freak out when you blindfolded her?Safeword out?”He asked wondering if she’d hidden just to have sex, and hidden just how much it had upset her, not wanting to upset steve. Cause he knew she didn’t like being deprieved of her sight,but surely she would have told him if she was truly freaked out. “...You do to. You asked me to help figure this out. Sending loki was my solution.”he sulked a little watching the other, trying to figure out if he wanted to talk.

Anna relaxed a little at the knowledge steve was just upset and not seriously wondering if she loved him before smirking at Loki. “I would apperciate the sound proof. And no, he didn’t. He warned me before blind folding me.”she said brushing her hair, looking out of sorts and tired before looking at him, raising a eyebrow. “...that’s stupid. Seriously?”she asked making a face at him before wincing at his words ,looking away from him, her shoulders hunching a little as she braided her hair. “...yes.”Seh said soft and quiet, scared.
he grinned a little and shook his head. "she would." he teased before he frowned. "no. she didn't safe-word out... i had thought she enjoyed it. i knew she was a little hesitant but when i told her what i was going to do before doing it... which is fun by the way you should totally try that... she calmed right down and... i thought she had as much fun as i did but..." he bit his lip. "i'm not sure she'd actually safe-word out if she needed to... what if i really hurt her, or frightened her?" he asked, looking at him, eyes wide.

he smiled a little. "yeah i imagine you would." he teased with a chuckle. "good. he's a bit worried that he hurt or frightened you. seams to think you might not Safe-Word out." why that sneaky bastard was listening in on Tony and Steve's conversation! he stared at her for a long moment and then. "you know Steve wants babies right?" he asked softly. "he was hoping you would be open to the conversation after you got comfortable with my babies." Loki was SO cheating! "or is it that you, so foolishly think, that you are not going to make a good mother? why are you so afraid of such a joyous thing?"
“I’m sure she did.Hopefully. Don’t worry. Loki’ll figure out what happened.”Tony said looking really worried, wondering how messed up it was going to be if he really did frighten her and she was afraid to tell him. “Why aren’t you sure she’d actually safe word out?”He asked after a moment, curiosity getting the better of him. Because that was part of the game, steve trusting her to tell him if it was to much, as much as her trust of him was to.

“...No. If I’d been truly upset with the blindfold I would have.”She said sounding slightly anxious with the idea steve didn’t trust her to tell him before staring down at the counter, before frowning at the other then looking down again. “...We’re not married. I know he’s changed about some things, but even now that’s one of the things most people find wrong. Having a baby before marriage. Having sex before marriage. I know he’s okay with sex, but he’ll freak when he realizes we’re having a baby. I mean, I love that he’s old fashioned about some things, but this, this is going to be bad.”She babbled a little, her shoulders hunched, while it wasn’t a complete, totally undertandable reason, it was enoughg to understand what she was thinking. She thought steve was going to be angry with her for getting pregnant.
Steve nodded a little. "...well, it was..." he hesitated and then. "it's the way she keeps looking at me." he explained. "i wasn't afraid of her not safe-wording out before. but she looks at me like she's terrified of me. i'm worried that she'll let me do something to her because she's scared of me, or scared of me leaving, or scared of me not being happy about it or something..." he admitted, looking at tony. "does that make sense? i want to trust she'd Safe-Word out but right now... i don't know if i do trust her to, because there's that FEAR..."

he nodded. "he's just scared you won't Safe-word out because you keep giving him these fear filled looks." he explained. "i never knew he was so serious about being a Dom. he's rteally scared he's hurt you. how interesting... even more interesting is that Tony is so sympathetic. i'll have to reward him later." he mused before smiling at her. "your species is pregnant for at least eight months, are they not?" he asked. "so you have at least seven months to get married." he smiled at her. "besides, didn't you know that Steve is a 'bastard child'? his mother was never married. Steve never even knew his father. didn't you think it odd when he never mentioned his Father?" he asked curiously. "you do know Tony and i are not married. in any sense of the word, he doesn't have any problem with us. i honestly think you are over reacting. Steve loves you, and he's already admitted that he wants children." he admitted. "he was only waiting because he thought you weren't ready for them. you have to talk to him. because if you don't, he's not going to have kinky sex with you. you know there needs to be complete and total trust for that. with him thinking your scared of him, you could break that trust." he warned, offering her a smile. "...do you want me to tell him?"
Tony frowned at that. "I know a lot of things steve,but your fiancee isn't terrified of you...I think shes worrying about something and its making her scared but..."tony looked frustrated not knowing what to tell him because he knew just hpw afraid anna was of being left.

"I really don't mean to look at him like that..."anna sighed softly before grinning."he really is good isn't he?better then I thought he'd be..."she said before starting at the other the logic battering away at her fear before looking surprised."I...no.I guess I never considered it.."she said feeling horrible for never considering why steve never talked about his father before looking at loki with such a hopeful look it was painful.maybe she really was going to be okay."and I know just how much trust it takes loki."she scoeled a little before her jaw dropped./"you would do that?"she said because she was surprised he'd be willing tot talk to steve for her,to allow her to be such a coward about it
he frowned a little. "so... i didn't upset her with the blindfold?" he asked hopefully. "maybe she's sick and she doesn't want to tell me." he muttered. "what if she has like, Cancer or something, or like, Syphilis or something horrible and contagious and she's scared i'm going to leave her. i know she still has those abandonment issues..." and then it was like a light bulb. "oh!... she's scared i'm going to leave her. whatever it is, that's why she keeps giving me those looks, she's scared i'm going to leave!"

he smiled a little. "i know. but he's a very clever man, whether you where aware of it or not, he was always going to notice." he pointed out. "yeah, the only reason why i know is because i looked at his files." Loki admitted with a smile. "i know you do. i'm just warning you it's going to be a while before Steve trusts himself around you." he admitted. "i could." Loki admitted. "but Steve's not going to like it if i'm the one who has to tell him." Loki pointed out. "either way, it has to be you to decide who knows and how you tell them." he smirked at her. "if i tell him, you run a high risk of being punished." he pointed out. "and not in a pleasant way."
“No, I doubt it. She trusts you, more then anyone else.”Tony said before his eyes widened comically at the idea of anna having syphilis. “Well..if...”he swallowed hard around his laughter, trying so hard to not laugh at him. “She had any of that, she’d have bugged bruce by now for answers to what to do, and since he’s not up her trying to tell us without telling us, I think we’re okay.”He said before smiling as the other had a lightbulb moment before nodding.”She is. Loki’ll convince her to talk to you.”

“Hey, I know how clever my boyfriend is. I just didn’t think he was that observant.”She grumbled blushing a little before sighing softly, “...I know. I had that I made him insecure...fucking hell...”Her shoulders slumped staring at the floor before glaring at the man in front of her. “I hate you loki.”She grumbled before walking out of the room, knowing he knew she really didn’t mean it before pausing in the living room, eyes widening at the sight of steve with the twins, looking worried and startled and scared at the sight.
he smiled a little and nodded. "yeah i trust her too." he agreed with a chuckle. "and you have a point. Bruce would let us know if she was sick, because it's really hard to self diagnose. so she's not sick and she's not dying, so maybe it's one of those misunderstandings? maybe i said something or didn't say something that's making her freak out about something?" he mused.

Loki snorted. "he's a Captain. he has to be observant." he pointed out. "you just have to talk to him. he'll forgive you." he assured her. "i'm sure he's had his moments of panic." he admitted with a smile. "and everyone hates me. it's one of my charms." he admitted with a smile as she stormed off. shaking his head as he vanished into space and reappeared next to Tony and Steve, taking the babies from Steve. "go talk to your woman." he ordered with a smile. "i assure you, it's nothing too bad." "too bad! i knew it! she's sick isn't she! she has Cancer, or.. or... uh... that's the only really bad disease i know..." Loki snorted at that. "no she's not sick. go talk to her you idiot." "fine! i will!.... after i have hot kinky repeated sex with her!" he snapped, shoving his nose in the air and stalking for the door, Loki biting his lip hard to keep from laughing at the Captain. "yeah, we created a monster, i know." Loki stated to Tony.
“Hm, though it doesn’t keep her from trying. Did I ever tell you about the time she tried to self diagnose a head cold and was sure she had pneumonia?”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “Hopefully. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Glancing up startled as he looked at tony he smirked glancing at Steve. “You are so adorable, grandpa.”He teased looking amused shaking his head at Steve’s words, amused that he was going to punish her before trying to talk. “We did. But he’s so adorable, really to be disgusted with how much sex that damned serum makes sure he can keep up for. It’s amazing Anna’s not like fallen down or begged out from having to much sex.”Tony snickered before looking at Loki, raising a eyebrow, waiting for a answer.

“Steve?What-I-weren’t you helping Tony?”Anna sputtered from where she was sitting at her table, pausing in the middle of her new research project, a new look into genetics and medicine using bruce’s help, actually really excited to be not doing something she normally would...it distracted her from her worry about the baby. Looking up at her lover in curiosity, and worry.
Steve snorted at that and shook his head. "this is why i make sure she goes to Bruce when i think she's hurt." he admitted with a chuckle. "fuck you stark!" Steve stated with a huff. Loki just started to laugh. imagine, Steve cursing like that. "you know. i think i am a little jealous." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm tired after four rounds. i've heard he can go ten." there was a pause. "although, Anna can't, so that might just be a guesstimate." he admitted with a chuckle. "besides, as restrained as Steve is, i imagine he's perfectly fine with just three rounds of sex."

Steve smirked at her. "i was until Loki came back and took the babies away. he's such a snot." he complained, watching her. "i want you to go into the bedroom." he ordered. "and lay on the bed and start playing with yourself, but don't get undressed. i want to watch you strip." he paused, studying her. this was usually her cue to either tell him No, which meant she wanted it rougher, do what he told her to, or tell him she wasn't in the mood, which meant he would back off and let her work on what she was working on, usually while he rubbed her back and her feet. he always gave her the choice.
Tony snickered amused they’d gotten Steve cursing before glancing at Loki. “It is ten. I asked Anna. And got punched for the effort.”He snickered a little before smirking. “And she only knows that because she gave blow jobs, sex and hand jobs back to back just to see how long it’d take him to get tired. And yes, I demanded details, I was curious okay?”He sulked a little before smiling. “he would be, he’d be fine with whatever she wanted, you know.”He said before huffing. “Are we just going to discuss their sex life, or are you going to tell me?”

“He is.”Anna agreed before looking up at him, shifting a little, looking anxious. To moody, to upset with being pregnant and worried about telling him to want it this gentle but also frozen between a fear of harming the child she carried. Swallowing hard she looked up at him, before nodding mutely, slipping off the stool and headed for their bedroom. Swallowing hard as she looked at their bed she squirmed nervously as she laid down, playing with herself as she waited for him. As worried as she was about telling him, she needed to know if he still trusted her enough to play, and knowing she had to tell him, made her want sex before she did, because she was such a anxious mess of nerves.
Loki stared at Tony for a moment before he snickered. "i love how you know that, and did that." he admitted with a chuckle. "but you know, it's one of those things we should know... simply because Steve is hot and it will annoy him that we know that." he admitted with a smirk. "still... ten... wow..." he admitted before he sighed and laid his head on Tony's shoulder. "i can't tell you. she'll never forgive me if i do." he admitted. "she has to accept it for herself first." he admitted, looking up at the other.

Steve watched her, studying her before he relaxed and smiled at her. "good girl." he praised, watching her leave before breathing a sigh of relief. things could be salvaged. good, whatever was wrong, it wasn't that bad... he was sure of it. "what a pretty sight." he purred as he stepped into the room. "now. i learned about something interesting." he admitted with a grin. "it's called Wax Play." he admitted, picking up a candle. "i actually had to online order this thing because i didn't trust the store candles." he admitted. "it's a low heat melting wax, a lot like the paraffin they use when you do that manicure hand bath thing you love so much." he admitted. "i light this, and it drips onto you, it's hot, but it won't actually burn. i tried it myself already." he admitted. Steve always insisted on doing something himself before he did it to her, so he knew what it felt like. "want to try?" he asked with a lopsided grin.
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