Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“I do not!”Anna sulked flushing a little before smiling. “I am.”She muttered, leaning into him, “I know. I’m not comfortable either, but I’m trying to be.”She muttered, because taking care of him, doing the small things to fuss over him with, to make sure he was okay, was relaxing her in a way that nothing else would. “...they are?”She said startled, because she always knew when he was watching her, but hadn’t noticed the others. Smirking around him as he protested she rolled her eyes up to look up at him, raising a eyebrow as she swallowed him down, looking so beautiful with that pouting red lips wrapped around him. Moaning around him as he pulled her hair she hummed quietly, shifting, resting her hands on his hips, shifting to deep throat him before looking up at him, raising a eyebrow higher, a silent question of just how brave he was feeling. Would steve rogers, the man who blushed at the simplest things, really be brave enough to have sex in public?

“Really?Awesome.”Tony grinned looking pleased at the idea before making a face at loki. “Don’t laugh.”he grumbled annoyed before making a face. “No, he can’t. I could make erections and fake other bodily functions, but that....no. Figured if barton was going to get it up the ass, he might enjoy the non-clean up, but maybe...h,mmm...”tony trailed off already thinking about it before glancing at the person down the table, his hand twitching a little, as if even without the suit on, he was responding to the threat to his children. “... Just as evil as he is? You are the ones who hated him before giving him a chance. Gave the chitauri a chance to take control of him, how dare you condemn him for your cowardiance?”Tony growled looking pissed even as his eyes went around the room, searching for the other’s, needing a moment to control himself, because if he didn’t get control soon he was going to steal loki’s engagement ring and use the arc reactor as a temporary weapon.
he smiled a little. "we'll just beat up anyone who tries to cause a scene." he decided before smirking at her. "they are. filthy brats." he grumbled, glaring at the curtains before moaning as she wrapped those lips around his cock. he looked down at her and smirked, licking his lips. he was brave enough, yes. "stand up." he growled. "lift your dress, show me that pretty ass of yours." he purred, waiting for her to obey him before he cupped her ass and gave it a squeeze before he lowered her underwear, smirking a little. "now remember, there are people very close by." he whispered. "we mustn't make a noise." he warned, smirking. "stay completely silent." he ordered even as he slid a finger deep into her.

Loki smirked a little. "well. now you have something to work on." he stated with a grin. "there are dildo's that can fake an orgasm, it's just a pump that feeds into sort of a squirter, but it simulates it well enough. you could make a built in auto 'ejector' sort of thing." he mused before he winced as Tony responded to the man who had spoke. "How Dare you! you have no rights to even BE here Human!. Loki is Evil! a filthy half breed bastard who... urk..." "you would DARE say such things about MY Brother!?" Thor demanded, shaking the man hard. "how DARE you speak to guests of the King in such a way! i grow sick of your mouth! perhaps i aught to cut out your tongue!?" Thor demanded, the man whimpering in fear at the threat, shaking his head hard. several people had stood, hands on weapons, the Lady sif and the Warriors three where glaring down five others who where glaring at Thor and Loki, clearly they where dissenters who didn't want Loki there.
Anna moaned quietly as he ordered to her feet, panting quietly as she looked up at him. “ARe you sure?I mean, I know how you blush.Wouldn’t want to embarrass you by doing this in public...”She muttered even as she shifted to turn away from him, slipping her dress up, leaning forward, resting her hands on the balcony railing, talking because sometimes she was in the mood to be punished...and seeing how hard she could press his buttons when in public just amused her and turned her on. Moaning as he spoke she hung her head as she panted, trembling a little, biting her lip, shifting on her feet.”Must I, master?”She muttered questioning him, quietly sounding amused as she gasped quietly, shifting back against the finger in her, trying to get more, needing more, totally unaware of how the party was falling apart inside. Focusing totally on her captain.

Tony winced a little when he felt loki flinch, “Sorry...”He muttered realizing he’d been to protective, swallowing hard as he struggled to not lash out again, raising a eyebrow as thor yelled. Swallowing hard he pushed his chair back, looking at thor. “Maybe we should get the other’s and just go....I mean...this is obviously upsetting everyone...”Tony said for once in his life trying to be diplomatic, simply because he had a pregnant fiancee to protect, not to mention friends that were somewhere and weren’t aware of how badly this was about to go. He needed to calm things down, before he got them killed.
Steve slapped her ass, his eyes narrowed a little. he was amused that she was itching for a punishment, but he couldn't let that show on his face or it would ruin the entire 'play'. he slapped her twice more, hard on her ass as she spoke before pulling out the silk rope that Jarvis had suggested. it was strong, but was much less likely to leave marks when she pulled. he wrapped one length around her wrists and tied them to the Banister. "Naughty little bitch, you're just begging for a punishment aren't you?" he demanded, forcing her head back by a hand tangled in her hair. "maybe i should just stroke myself off, and leave you needy and wanting the rest of the night?" he mused.

"You will not leave Tony." Thor stated, tossing the man over. "You are guests here, invited by the Allfather. and Archimedes has always hated Loki." he stated, glaring at the man. "i don't know why, considering he's nothing but a half breed himself." Archimedes snarled viciously. "begone, all of you! before i draw upon you the wrath of Odin!" that had the entire group scattering and the warriors three relaxed. "i am sorry. i never imagined that he would cause problems. not when father invited you himself." "it's fine Thor. he's always been a dick." "it's not fine. Anna said you have to keep your stress levels down..." "i'm not going to go into labor because Archimedes is a dick Thor!" Loki snarled, feeling frustrated and upset and angry and he couldn't help himself as he burst into tears which drew almost everyone's attention.
Anna swallowed hard as she listened to him, jerking a little as he slapped her ass, biting her lip to keep from making any noise, whimpering as he tied her hands up, gasping as he jerked her head back, squirming in his hold. “N-no master, please, no don’t.”She whispered eyes wide as she looked up at him, squirming. Almost daring him to indeed leave her needy and wanting him. Knowing that the game would be interesting if he did, since they’d never tried it before. Never been denied, and since they had grown comfortable with it, she was testing the boundaries of what she could do.

Tony bit his lip before nodding, sitting back down. “Well...Then we will stay.”He said still looking unsure and a little curious himself about what archmedes is before watching them scatter. Sighing quietly as he looked up at thor. “It’s not okay, but we’re fine.”he muttered before looking at Loki raising a eyebrow, looking a little anxious. “You sure?I can go interrupt whatever game Anna’s playing now.”He said looking ready to do that, wanting to make sure loki really was okay before startling as loki burst into tears, sighing quietly as he shifted, wrapping him in a hug, glancing at thor. “I can’t carry him, but can we get him out of here...?”He muttered.
he smirked a little. "that's much better." he praised her with a smirk before smacking her ass again. "did i tell you that you could speak!?" he demanded, adding a second finger. stroking in and out, teasing her, rubbing her in all the right places before pulling his fingers out. "i think i will." he decided with a smirk as he took his cock in hand and stroked himself off onto her ass. "don't clean up." he ordered. "i want you to stink of me as you walk around and talk to strangers." he teased with a smirk as he pulled her panties up and untied her. "i'd make you walk around without panties, but i fear someone would slip in the wet your dripping."

Thor smiled. "i will deal with them." he promised softly. "they will not go unpunished for this." Thor assured both Loki and Tony. "no, i don't want Anna here." he grumbled. "she's having sex when i can't!" he complained, causing a small roll of chuckles to run through the watching crowd. they where well used to pregnant Loki. he'd only had four other children. "yes. we can take you to your rooms." he promised, carefully picking Loki up and carrying him into the massive sitting room that led into Loki's rooms. Loki had calmed again and was simply sniffling as he snuggled into Thor. "i'm sorry... stupid hormones. that was bad..." Loki muttered, sounding tired again. "i need another nap." he admitted with a sigh. "Thor, would you go back to the dining hall to make sure that Anna and Steve don't get stranded there alone?" he asked as he settled onto one of the many, very luxurious couches with a few dozen massive pillows.
Anna yelped as he smacked her, whimpering quietly at his demand, squirming, pressing back into his hand desperate for more before turning her head to look at him, eyes wide and blown as she watched him stroke off, shivering as she felt come sliding over her skin, whimpering quietly as she slumped over the balcony railing, straightening as he pulled her panties up, turning to face him, trembling a little,”Well, you’ll just have to live with the knowledge I’m covered in come and dripping wet for you for the rest of the night.”Anna smirked leaning up to kiss his cheek, before slipping away from him, stepping back inside the ballroom. Just in time to hear loki’s announcement about having sex. Flushing brightly as she made her way to get something to drink, trying really hard to ignore just how turned on she was by what steve had done.

“She’s going to kill you when she finds out you announced that they left to have sex.”Tony snickered a little before looking pleased at thor’s words, content to know they were leaving. “I think I want a room like this at the tower. This is amazing.”he said looking around him, smirking a little. Settling down onto the couch with loki he sighed. “It’s okay. We’ve gotten used to you yelling at us. You’ll be back to normal soon.”Tony muttered brushing a kiss to loki’s hair, closing his eyes. “Relax.Nap, Thor’ll go get the other two.Even if he does interrupt them, we wont leave them alone.”Tony snickered a little already imaging what thor was going to be walking in on as he watched the thunder god leave.
he smirked at her as he licked his lips. "god if that isn't fucking arousing." he whispered, adjusting himself with a smirk. "i'll give you a proper fucking tonight, i'll tie you down until you can't move, fuck you over and over and over again until you can't move in the morning." he whispered before laughing as he heard Loki's announcement. "something must have happened." Steve mused, shaking his head. "come on, we'll follow them."

"don't care." Loki grumbled. "i hate her and i hate Clint too. filthy bastards. having sex when i can't. Morgana too. i bet she's getting laid all over the place. and Natasha. and Tiffany. did you know Bucky is a pervert too? they had a foursome the other night." Loki admitted. "i don't yell at you! shut up!" Loki... well... yelled. he scowled at them before he happily settled in and took a nap, asleep before Anna and Steve joined them three minutes later. "what happened?" Steve asked curiously. "we came out to see Loki sobbing..." he decided to ignore Loki's rather abrupt comment about Anna and Steve having sex.
Anna looked up at him, flushing brightly as she shuddered at the knowledge of what h ewanted to do.”As you wish, master.”she muttered before nodding. Slipping a hand into his following the other’s out.

“...He’s best friend’s with Rogers. Are you really surprised that he’s a pervert?”tony muttered before wrinkling his nose.”but I could have lived without knowing about their foursome....”he muttered before smiling. “No, I guess you don’t.”He teased a little pressing a kiss to his head, glancing up at the other two as tehy walked in. “One of the lords took offense that Loki was there, and that as a human I was there and defending him....we thought it would be better to leave the party for the evening.”Tony said pressing a kiss to Loki’s hair, looking amused, studying the man in front of him, before looking at Anna, a amused smirk curling his lips.
Loki grinned a little. "it is amusing to me." he admitted with a snicker before dropping off to sleep. Steve grimaced at the information and he flexed his fingers, his eyes narrowing in rage at the thought of someone upsetting Loki in such a pregnant condition. "well. maybe we'll have to find these people and show them just how strong we 'humans' are." he decided, smirking at Anna. "plus, Anna gets aroused when i kick ass." he purred, smirking at her. he wondered how long she would last without sex in such a state of heavy arousal.
Tony smirked watching them, “I think you should. Thor was on his way to deal with them.”Tony smiled a little. “I do not!”Anna whined a little flushing as she looked up at him, resisting the urge to squirm. Tony rolled his eyes, waving them away. “Go. He’s going to be asleep for awhile, and Thor would most likely let you pound on them. After all they’re Aeser, its not like you’d have to hold back like you do when you beat on humans.”Tony smirked knowing they both were going to drive Anna insane with that mental image.
Steve smirked as he spun on his heal and marched out, looking exceedingly excited about a real challenge. he eagerly beat up all five of the dissenters, and Natasha and Clint did their fair share of showing just how skilled they really where. by the time they'd finished with the dissenters, most of Asgaurd was stunned at the display of amazing abilities shown by the humans they had thought weak. when Bruce turned green and tossed Thor about like a rag doll... well, they where more than impressed. it didn't take long before every last asgaurdian decided that fucking with the earthlings was a bad, bad, bad idea. by the time they where done Loki had woken up and was back in his hovering chair because he hurt too much to walk. apparently all four babies where dancing jigs inside of him, and he soon had a gathering of people around him, eager to feel. mostly children, some women, quite a few warriors wanted to see too, and Loki was all too happy to let them feel the babies kicking as he chattered at Tony about how the blessing ceremony was going to happen. Odin would set his hands on Loki's belly, give then Names of Power. which where basically a reading of their 'fates'. Odin would assign to them Runes of Power which would guide their lives and grant them special protections.
Anna smirked as she watched her fiancee, her eyebrows raising as he walked towards her. “You’re looking sweaty and bloody.”She muttered waving a swipe of asgardian blood off his cheek, amused that he’d really had a challenge to go with. And damned if that hadn’t been as hot as hell, just to see him let go. Leaning back against the wall she tried not to plaster herself to his front like she wanted to.

Tony smiled as he watched everyone, though his eye twitched every time someone touched loki, smiling as he listened. “So we have a few hours until the ceremony. How about you show me some of your favorite places?”Tony said nuzzling his cheek on the other’s, just wanting to be with him, and know that everything was okay. Because he was getting nervous, not only with how active the kids seemed, but because loki said he wouldn’t make the month, and he was so so worried.
he grinned, looking wildly happy in a way she'd never seen. it was so rare for Steve to get a real challenge, to get that hopping, happy adrenaline high that he was practically stoned. "that was awesome, i wanna go again!" he stated, looking around for another challenger, sulking when he didn't see one. "well. we have two hours until the ceremony. get your ass tot he room, i'm gonna tease you some more." he decided, smacking her ass. too hopped up to care that there where people watching.

Loki grinned as the last few people touched the belly, one of them a tiny tot barely three years old. "how does they get in there?" the little girl asked and Loki choked and looked utterly panicked as the mother burst into laughter. "it's a secrete." Loki explained to the little girl. "when you get big, then you get told the secrete." he explained with a grin. "oh, i only have one favorite place here." Loki admitted with a grin. "it's only when i'm by your side that i am ever happy." Loki purred, making many of the women gush about how romantic that was. "come on. i'll show you the Garden i used to play in when i was a child."

three hours later, Steve still hadn't actually fucked Anna, he'd teased her, let her cum over and over but had yet to insert his cock into her. because he was a dick and was loving the way she was writhing and begging and just so turned on by the deprivation. he'd give her a real fuck after the ceremony. they where all in the same place as when Thor had been inducted as the future King of Asgard. Loki was sitting on the golden throne, draped in ceremonial robes and Odin was intoning the rites. it was long, and rather boring as Odin spoke on and on before finally turning and settling his hands on Loki's belly and spoke in a deeper, more powerful voice.

"I Name Him Algiz- He will be a warrior, a protector of the innocent. A soldier who does only what is right, never what is easy. I Name Him Tiwaz-he will be a man of order and justice. a leader who joins many people in peace. I Name Her Thurisaz- She will be a peacekeeper and a source of great inspiration. Creator of Just Law and true Order. I Name Her Kenaz- She will be a scholar, a creator, and an advocate for equality." Thor intoned, magic swirling around Loki's belly, binding the babies to their Runes, and the protections that came with them. "The Children, Aeser, Now and forever." Odin declared to many cheers. and with that, the Ceremony was over, the Children had been blessed, and now bore the protections of Odin himself. no one was going to fuck with Loki's babies, what with all the aunts and uncles they where going to have.
Anna grinned so happy for him, because she’d never seen him like this,and it hurt her heart to know this wasn’t something he could have at home. “I’m sure Thor would be willing to indulge you with another fight before we go home.”She said looking amused before yelping as he smacked her ass, “Hey!There’s people watching!”She sputtered, not that she actually cared, but it amused her that her usually reserved boyfriend was acting like this.

Tony smiled biting his lip as he tried to look serious in the face of the girl’s question before grinning. “You’ll find out when you have someone to love, sweetheart.”Tony reassured trying not to laugh before looking startled at his lover. “...You’ve been spending to much time with steve, you sap.”he teased before smiling.”Let’s go then.”

By the time they actually made it to the ceremony, anna was a mess, despite being allowed to orgasm, she was still desperate for him, riding that shining edge of need. Though she was well in control by the time they got to the ceremony, the slight trembling as she felt Steve’s arm brush against hers as tehy watched the ceremony the only sign she was as close to snapping as she was.

Tony flushed watching his lover, looking interested and trying really, really hard to not be bored. But he was tony stark, and ceremonies of any kind bored him to tears. Before shifting, focusing as odin touched his stomach. His eyes widening a little at the naming, swallowing hard as listened, looking pleased at the cheers going up before moving to loki’s side, wrapping his arms around her. “Twin boys and twin girls....I love you.”He muttered kissing him hard, absently rubbing his stomach. “They will be amazing, loki.”He muttere.
Steve was smirking, that tiny little, self satisfied 'i'm an asshole' smirk that told the world that he was way into the Dom mojo. "when the ceremony is over." he whispered in her ear. "you will go back tot he bedroom, strip yourself naked, strap yourself into those leather manacles, and wait for me." he whispered. "i'll give you more sex then you can handle." he purred before focusing back on the ceremony as Odin gave the Names of Power. "wow... that's kind of cool." Steve admitted, looking stunned. "i wonder how much those names will influence the babies?" he mused, blinking as Fandral leaned over. "the Names will only affect them as much as they can. maybe the Algiz will join the military, or the police force, or maybe he'll be a superhero like his fathers. the Names are only a guideline, it's up to how he is raised, how much he is loved, and he himself how much the Runes will affect him." he explained with a grin. "and you can slip away now if you like, Loki will name the babies now that he knows the genders and then he's going to sleep no doubt." he teased, making Steve flush hard as he realized Fandral had heard his orders to Anna.

Loki smiled as he watched Tony struggling not to be bored. it was so cute that he was trying. "yes. twin boys and twin girls." he whispered. "Thora and Thyra for the girls." that was going to make Thor cray. "and Armbjörn and Arnbjörn for the boys." he decided with a smile, looking up at Tony. "what do you think?" he asked softly, rubbing his belly. "they seam to like it." he admitted with a giggle. "they will be amazing, they have us for parents, how could they not be amazing?"
Anna shuddered a little as her head dropped a little, shivering as the other spoke. It was almost almost to much. She was starting to get to that shining edge where the arousal was only turning into pain. “Y-yes master.”She stuttered a little turning to look at him, eyes unfocused as she watched the ceremony, before nodding.”That was pretty cool. Tony’s going to sulk cause he doesn’t get his own name.”she snickered a little before turning to look at fandral, tilting her head a little. “Huh. That is awesome, really.”she said looking interested, and definitely was going to have a conversation later about it with loki, but she was to far gone to really be that curious about the names at the moment. Eyes widening as she looked at Fandral, biting her lip. “It’s not nice teasing him.”She said to the other man, blushing though as she stood.”Stay.Enjoy the naming. I’m going to...the bedroom.”She smirked before slipping away from them both walking on shaking legs as she got back to the bedroom. Smirking as she followed the orders, squirming the whole time as she slipped the manacles on, closing her eyes as she tried to calm, knowing steve, he’d probably take his god awful slow time getting back.

Tony wrinkled his nose a little.”It’s not nice laughing at me.”He muttered knowing loki was trying not to laugh at him for being bored before grinning. “Definitely. And prepare for a bone crushing hug. You’re brother is going to love the twins being named after him.”he snickered before nodding, “They are lovely....so are they Lokison, or stark?”He mused before laughing. “Very true. I’m amazing. They’re going to be perfect.”He smirked watching both anna and steve leave, rolling his eyes.”we’ve created a monster.”He muttered nudging loki to get him to watch them leave before sighing.”how are you feeling?”He said looking a little worried.
he grinned a little as he watched her. he knew how finely she was riding. he'd have to fuck her hard and fast before he broke her. "Tony has his own name. it's called "Attention seeking brat"...." "Loki doesn't have his own name either." Fandral admitted. "it has to be given while in the Womb. Thor doesn't have a name either because Odin cannot bless his own." he admitted before he grinned at her. "hey. we all heard Loki this morning." he admitted with a chuckle. "besides, he can punch me out if he doesn't like it, i saw him him the ring, he's a beast... not gay though huh? what a pity, i'd have loved to beg you for a chance at him..." he admitted with a grin as Steve choked and turned to glare at Fandral. "i don't cheat on my love. go away." Fandral pouted, but left. Steve joined her ten minutes later. "the little girls names are Thora and Thyra, and the boys names are Armbjörn and Arnbjörn." he admitted as he slowly stripped himself, watching her. "you where such a good girl today." he purred, smirking at her. "so i'll let you decide. do you want me to fuck you right away, or do you want me to spank you first?"

Loki chuckled a little. "yes it is. it's so cute you tried for me." he admitted with a smile. "yes i know." he admitted with a sigh. "but it's improper to name a child after yourself." he admitted with a chuckle. "and technically they are all named after Thor." he admitted with a snicker. "Armbjörn and Arnbjörn basically mean 'Bear'." Loki admitted with a laugh. "Army and Arny i think." he admitted with a grin. "since you have such issue pronouncing proper, civilized names. as they will be living on Earth, they will be both." he admitted. "for example, Thyra, whatever name you choose, Lokidottir Stark. it is traditional for the Father to give them a second name." he admitted with a smile. "yes we did. Anna must be delighted." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "i'm a little tired but i'll be alright. i'll sleep more and more as the due date comes alone because the babies are feeding on my magic." he admitted with a yawn. "your going to be a great Father."
“Very true. Though Loki feeds his ego, so it’s more of a attention seeking brat then ever.”She snickered before tilting his head looking at fandral, wrinkling her nose. “Well, loki doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”She huffed before smirking at Fandral,”No. Not gay.And all mine.”She growled possessively. Looking up when Steve came in she swallowed hard watching him, skin flushed and splotchy, so aroused it was painful and watching him was making it worse. Squeezing her eyes shut to relieve some of the tension she smiled. “Tony’s going to have those down to nicknames soon.”she snickered a little but sounded pleased with the names before whimpering. “f-fuck me please. Steve, please.”She whispered her voice coming out almost broken,desperate.

”Ah. I see. Remind me to not be around when he comes visit, he might crush me in that hug.”he snickered before making a face. “Hey, I have no issues pronouncing them. It just seems pointless to give such a long name to a little baby. I mean, I’ve always been tony. And hmmm..I’ll have to think about it.”He smiled pressing a kiss to loki’s head before snickering. “Probably. If he doesn’t break her first.”He snorted amused before studying the other as they headed for their rooms. Even if they weren’t going to bed, he was going to make the other rest. “I’m not sure about that, but I have the other’s to pick up the slack. I mean, Anna and Steve wont let me ruin them. And natasha and clint, and the others.”
"Loki knows all." Fandral teased with a chuckle. "alright. all yours." Fandral agreed, not about to argue about it. "yeah. you want me to fuck you?" he asked with a smirk. "lift and spread those legs." he ordered as he shucked the last of his clothes before joining her in bed and wasting no more time, fucked her into the mattress.

Loki snickered a little and nodded. "so give them nicknames, and besides, Thora and Thyra are not long names." he complained with a roll of his eyes. "well i have faith in you." he murmured, kissing the corner of his lip. "now. lets go back to my rooms so i can rest. i'm tired." he complained, snuggling into the other. "maybe, if your a really good boy, i'll let you go have sex with one of the Aeser." he teased with a grin. Loki was truly a pervert. he loved to let Tony go have sex with someone else and then watch the Videos of it later.
Anna grinned as she followed the command, cracking a eye to look at him. Smiling in delight as he came to her. Afterwards Anna smiled slightly, shifting, snuggling into his chest, still covered in come and sweat, but to tired to strung out to move. “....love you...”She muttered seeking reassurance, strung out enough to want it as she snuggled into him, sore and tired even as she sighed quietly, already drifting away.

“They’re not.”tony snickered a little before frowning at him a little, returning the kiss. “Okay. We’re going.”he promised as they headed for the rooms, raising a eyebrow as he looked down at the man. “...you’d let me go fuck one of the aeser?”He asked in curiousity as he walked into their rooms, settling loki into a bed with a smile.
he smiled at her. "i love you too." he whispered, kissing her before snuggling into her. simply holding her while she slept.

he smiled a little at him. "of course i would." he admitted with a grin. "my suggestion is Fandral or Suferfell. they will eagerly accept the fuck and not expect anything after." Loki admitted with a grin. "and then when you get back i want you tell me every naughty detail while you stroke me off." he was too big for sex, but he could enjoy an orgasm... too bad he couldn't reach his own cock. he sighed happily as he settled into bed with a smile. "hmm, i love my bed." Loki muttered with a sigh. "i'm moving this bed into the tower." he decided. "you'll just have to live with it." he muttered, already falling asleep. "go have sex." Loki mumbled. "i'ma take nap."
"okay."Tony said looking bemused that he was being sent to have sex before smirking. "I will definitely stroke you off after."He said leaning down to kiss him lightly before smirking. "Whatever you want love."He teased rolling his eyes as he left.
by the time he came back he was more relaxed then he had been in days the furious, hard sex with fandral having given him a way to work out some of the nervous frustrated energy. despite everything or anything anyone said he knew he was going to be a horrible father and since he couldn't say that to loki or any of his other friends without getting chewed out he had been going insane. Smiling slightly as he knelt on the edge of the bed he leaned over to kiss loki awake.
Loki hummed happily as he was kissed awake, snuggling into Tony. "mmm you smell like Sex." Loki purred, sounding quite delighted by that. "who'd you fuck? hmmm must've been Fandral, Suferfell wears that nasty perfume." he mumbled, nuzzling Tony. "i wanna hear all about it." he growled eagerly with a grin. "and then you gotta stroke me off, because i'm freaking horny." he ordered, grinning up at Tony. "you look a lot more relaxed too. i'm glad. your nervous energy was starting to make me twitchy... oh! damn it!" he grumbled. "hold on, one of them..." here he glared at Tony. "who i am sure is Yours, is dancing a jig on my bladder again." he grumbled. "help me up i have to pee terrible."
Tony laughed softly looking amused, relaxing even more at loki’s reaction. Despite his reassurance, he really hadn’t thought that loki would be okay with it.”Yes it was fandral.”he muttered shifting laying down next to him, before frowning.”I was perfectly relaxed.”he muttered even if he knew he’d been wound tight before rolling a eyebrow. “Do you always blame me for everything?”He whined before smiling helping loki up, carefully wrapping a arm around his waist as he helped him towards the bathroom.
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