Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Loki grinned as he examined Tony's curly hair with obvious delight. "isn't that the point?" Loki asked, smiling a little. "making people jealous of us?" he asked, his head tilted. "Tony, are you alright?" Loki asked, looking worried as he followed Tony into the restaurant. he ordered escargot for an appetizer, because he was gross and liked to eat creepy crawlies. he also ordered lobster for his dinner, because he freaking loved Lobster, served with a side salad and a soup. "i love coming out to this place." Loki admitted with a smile. "i feel so... proper." he admitted. "like a prince." he grinned at that, because technically he WAS a prince.
“Well, yea I guess.”Tony said smiling a little before nodding. “I’m fine. Just overthinking.”he said. He knew he was being a idiot. Seriously. But he couldn’t stop. After all, he was Tony Stark, isolated broken genius who had insecurity issues even if he knew loki wasn’t going anywhere. Settling a little as he got his own dinner, and tried not to make disgusted faces at the escargot, but looking amused as he ate his lobster, smirking a little. “I love this place to. With you.”He said quietly before laughing, rolling his eyes.”You ARE a prince, love.”He muttered biting his lip before getting up, moving closer, kneeling at his side, and holding out the ring in his hands, “I know, you’re a prince, and deserve so much more then me, a broken down, former addict, amazing genius to marry, but marry me loki. I want nothing more then to have the whole world know you are mine...”he muttered looking anxious the ring in his fingers a miniature piece of artwork, the silver of the vibranium housing one of the most intricate projects tony had ever created. The small band of almost shadowy glass not dark enough to hide the blue glow of a arc reactor. Oh yes, tony had made the world’s smallest arc reactor, a piece of himself, something he’d never shared with anyone, not even pepper, to let them have a piece of the tech that had kept his heart beating for so long.
Loki frowned, looking a bit worried. "over-thinking about what?" he asked, worried. "is this about my surprise? you know i'll love it." Loki assured him with a smile. "i love everything you make... except for that thing that explodes in your face. Pepper Spray. that. i hate that. never make it again." he ordered before smiling. "i know." he admitted with a smile before he blinked, looking amazed. "Tony? oh..." he breathed, stunned as he stared at Tony. "i... Tony... i.." he looked horrified and panicked as he looked around. "Tony i don't know what to do!" he hissed. "how do i accept?!" he demanded, a snort from behind informed Loki that people where indeed watching. "you kiss him to pieces and scream 'yes yes yes' over and over." someone whispered and Loki blinked. "what.. really?" "yup." so that's what Loki did, he kissed Tony senseless, stating 'yes' in-between each kiss because Loki was too polite to scream. "it's gorgeous." Loki whispered as he took the ring and examined it intently, tears streaming down his face. "it's like i have a little piece of you with me always."
“Hm, yes. I know, but I still worry.”he muttered before wincing. “I didn’t mean for it to explode!I was trying to give you something to protect yourself with.”Tony sulked a little before agreeing. “Yea, okay not making it again though.”he said before flushing wincing at the other’s panic, not responding because well, he was tony stark with a shitload of issues and the longer loki didn’t respond, well at least with a yes, the more panicked and choked he was feeling. Yelping as he was kissed he melted as he kissed him back, wrapping his arms around him. “It is. I love you.”he muttered nuzzling his cheek against the other, sighing quietly, happily, holding onto him tightly before nodding. “Hm, that was the idea.”he muttered nuzzling him, glancing around. “How about we get dinner to go?Go home and celebrate with the others....I tried to do the traditional proposal of going out and dinner and all...but I realize I just want to be at home, with the others, with you.”[/align]
Loki huffed a little. "well it did." he grumbled. "besides, i still have that repulsor you gave me." he admitted with a smile. "i never go anywhere without it you know." he admitted with a smile. "i love you too tony." Loki whispered, kissing him again. "yeah... lets go home. hold on." he muttered, snapping his fingers at a waiter. "i want four steaks, two rare, one medium rare and one well done, no pink in the center at all." he ordered. he continued on, listing every last favorite for the particular Avengers they lived with, finishing with a seafood medley for himself and Tony's favorite. and then an order of desserts for everyone, leaving the waiter looking flustered and horrified as he wrote everything down. "i figure if we're going home, we should at least bring everyone some good food." he admitted with a grin. "make sure to tip them well Tony." Loki ordered as he kissed the other eagerly. "now... which finger am i supposed to wear this on?" he asked, examining the ring.
Tony rolled his eyes as he watched the other order all his food. “That poor waiter. I think you scared him, loks.”he teased watching the waiter go to get their food even as he dropped a few hundreds onto the table, in to good of a mood to not give a huge tip before kissing him.”Here.”he muttered sliding the ring onto loki’s ring finger, kissing him again.”Let’s go.”He said when their food came, amused as they left, smirking a little as he texted anna to tell her to get off her soldier’s cock and get ready for a party. Which had the desired effect of annoying her.He lived to annoy anna.

When they got there Anna was indeed curled up in the recliner with Steve, head resting on his chest, looking lazy and content, practically boneless as she laid across him, having gotten a whole body massage to help with the soreness, and good food and she was just happy to be with her fiancee. “What do you want Tony?”She grumbled annoyed with him. “Wait. We have to wait for everyone else to get here.”he said looking amused as he waited for the other's to trickle in
Loki chuckled a little. "i frighten everyone." he admitted with a chuckle before beaming as he examined the ring on his finger as he picked up all the bags of food, magicking them perfectly light. he grinned as he bounced around Tony, chattering the mans ear off as he started setting up the food for everyone, not even bothering to take them out of the packaging, he just spelled the Styrofoam containers into plates and the cutlery appeared on it's own as all the food stayed steamy and hot. soon all the others where in the room too, chattering as they noticed the food and took their places where they usually sat and examined their meals to check that they where the proper ones. "wow Tony, thanks for bringing us food." Clint chirped, looking delighted. there where rope burns on his wrist and he had a darkening bruise on his neck where Jarvis had obviously bitten him. Steve was staring at Clint with a look mingled of curiosity, horror and amusement. "...uhm... so... whats so exciting?" Bruce asked as he slid his glass of red wine to Morgana. he still didn't trust himself with alcohol.
Anna smiled from her place cuddled against steve’s side, raising a eyebrow as she looked up at him. “you’re looking thoughtful?”She mtutered teasing him a little before shuddering a little. “you’re being stared at, Clint.”Jarvis said in clint’s ear, jealously in the words as he bumped against the other, pressing a kiss to his hair. “We’re getting married. Loki said yes.”Tony grinned raising loki’s hand so they could see the arc reactor before grinning wider.”And we’re celebrating anna and steve’s engagement to, because they never told anyone, so we’re all going to celebrate the weddings coming up."
Steve nodded. "i'm unsure whether i should be annoyed that Jarvis hurt him, or planning on making my own marks on you..." he admitted. "Steve is new to the whole D/s scene." Clint explained. "part of him wants to hit you for hurting me and the other half wants to ask you for the kinds of ropes he should use to minimize damage on Anna." Clint whispered back to Jarvis, sounding amused. "besides, he's so straight that when i offered to help him see if he could Sub, he nearly leaped out of the room and ended up hiding behind Anna." he admitted, well aware Jarvis would going to be annoyed that he'd offered. "Married?" Bruce asked, looking delighted. "i'm happy for you. and you as well Anna." he admitted, looking amused. "whose planning the bridal showers and the stag parties?" "Tony can plan Steve's and Clint can plan Tony's?" "why don't i get to plan one?" Steve complained. "because your a boyscout who thinks drinking and strip clubs are wrong." Steve blinked a little. "whats a strip club?"
“Hmmm...”She hummed a little shuddering a little at the idea fof him marking her, looking up at him.”Hickey’s aren’t so bad.”She said, her voice soft and quiet. “Ahh I see. I was wondering if he really would put all that he learned to use.”The AI hummed looking amused before glancing down at Clint, glaring a little. “what do you mean you offered, Barton?”He said growling softly. “Yes. Married. Like in it for the long haul.”Tony blushed looking amused at everyone’s reaction, blushing and cute before laughing. “You are a boyscout. A strip club is a place where women dance and take off their clothes. Which I think you should totally go to, just so anna can ‘punish’ you for going afterwards.”Tony grinned, a little punch drunk himself simply because he was so happy and relieved that loki actually said yes. Having been nervous he’d say no for weeks now, that he was extremely happy to be proven wrong.
he grinned a little. "i'll make sure to leave a few hickies next time then." he promised with a grin. "yeah. he actually got her punch drunk." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "Steve was actually bragging about it. he's so cute sometimes." another bad thing to say. but he was itching for a good punishment. "i offered... it was only a joke. i would never have touched him without your permission." he promised Jarvis with a sly smile. "i'm going to get married in a pretty white dress." Loki decided with a grin as Steve choked on his laughter. "Tony. Strip Clubs weren't invented until 1947." Clint commented. which was... kind of creepy, actually. "so... people get naked on stages?" Steve asked curiously. "that sounds... interesting." he admitted with a grin. "Tony?... can we go have sex now?" Loki asked hopefully as he licked the last bit of clam from his lips.
Jarvis raised a eyebrow turning his head to study the blond before smirking.”Good.”He said sounding pleased that the girl he’d watched over as long as he had tony was going to be completely happy. Snickering a little at the idea of the captain bragging about something so personal, before sliding a arm around clint’s shoulders, sliding a hand through his hair, yanking slightly. “You just enjoy pushing my buttons don’t you?I’m going to punish you when we’re alone, Clint.”He growled quietly. “Me to.We’ll go dress shopping together.”Anna said smiling happily. “...It’s creepy that you know when they were invented, Clint.”Tony rolled his eyes before nodding.”Yea. Lots of naked people.”He snickered before looking down at the man at his side, his eyes blown wide with lust.”Yea.Let’s go.Goodnight guys.”He called over his shoulder as he walked towards their bedroom.

Tony smiled happily as he looked up from the bag he was finishing packing, leaning up to kiss Loki lightly. Looking vaguely nervous, but he'd been happy about the engagement all week and his mood refused to drop. It was sorta creeping anna out some, to always see him so smiley and happy without the usual sarcasm. Hell, he'd even given Steve sex advice unasked for....though that was probably more to watch the captain blush then just being nice. "Hey. You ready to go?Thor's here."Tony said smiling at his lover, nervous about going to asgard, but trying to be relaxed.
Clint grinned a little and nodded before his breath hitched as his hair was pulled. "Yes master." he breathed, that breathy little 'sub' sound he made when he was so horny it hurt. "okay, ew! eating here!" Bruce complained with a grin as he studied Jarvis and Clint. rather surprised. well as long as they where happy, but he'd never imagined Clint could be so submissive.

Loki smiled as he looked up from where he was reading a pregnancy magazine for things he wanted for the babies. he was waiting until the Blessing to find out the genders. "yes, i'm ready. help me up?" he asked. he had swollen like a balloon, and was so big he had to waddle now and had trouble getting up off the bed or chairs on his own. which also meant, no more sex for Loki. on Anna's orders. only another month to go before the birth. Loki's breasts where already swelling with milk, no matter which form he was in. he was walking around mostly in female form, because his male hips couldn't take the strain. he had indeed gotten a breast pump, simply to ease the pressure in his breasts, and build up a stockpile of milk for the babies. he was going to have four of them, he wouldn't be able to produce enough milk to feed them all properly if he didn't start stocking up now. "Good heaven's Loki!" River squalled, having not seen Loki for the last week because he was dancing at a very, very fancy place where he could live in site. "make one more remark and i'm turning you into a squid!" River was smart enough to shut up.
“Always, love.”Tony smirked kissing him again, wrapping his arms around the other....well at least as much of him as he could. Nuzzling him a little.”Just another month, and you can tell Anna she’s not allowed ordering you around after that.”he teased a little, “Just imagine, you can boss her around when she gets to this point eventually. Revenge will be sweet.”He teased before turning his head to glare at river, eyebrow twitching. No matter how happy he was, he was getting edgier the closer he got to the kids actually being there. “Where is everyone?” “We’re here.Just waiting on his royal highness.”Anna sniped from where she was waiting with steve on the balcony, annoyed with them both because Loki had yelled at her for kissing her fiancee in plain sight, offended she got to have sex when he couldn’t, and tony for being well...tony. "Brother. You look well."Thor said as he smiled at the jotun, leaning down to hug him delicately.
he smirked a little. "good!" he muttered, rubbing his belly. "although, i don't think i'm going to make it to a month." he admitted with a chuckle. "they are growing very fast. Anna's a bit worried though, apparently one of the babies has a tail." he admitted with a grin. "revenge will be sweet." he purred. "Don't touch me you oaf!" Loki demanded even as he snuggled into his brother. Loki had been doing that often. telling someone not to touch him and just sagging into the contact. he was always a cuddly sort when pregnant, but hated that he was. "lets go then." Loki ordered after a moment of just hugging his brother. "my feet hurt and i want to sit down." he grumbled as he waddled for the balcony where they would all leave, snuggling into Anna. "i can't wait until i have these babies." he admitted with a sigh. "i was hoping you might be Godmother." he admitted, looking up at her. "Tony says it's important." he admitted. "and since he's choosing Godfather i get to choose the Godmother." he admitted. "and i don't think Natasha can be trusted around small babies."
"You will."tony muttered pressing a kiss to his hair trying not to sound to anxious at the idea of being a father.really he had the rest of the avengers he should be able to do it."its good to see you to."thor said refusing to be off put by loki arguing with him over being held. Nodding as he stepped back."let us go then."thor said as he walked towards the balcony."ehat?really?"anna looked startled her features going soft before nodding eagerly."I would love to...and no.natasha would teach them to kill from the crib or something."she laughed wincing as the disorienting feel as heimfall transported them to asgard.
Loki grinned at her. "yes, really. and i know. she's never being left alone with my babies. or Clint. he's not allowed to be alone near my babies either because he's a pervert." "oi!" Clint complained as they vanished, Loki beaming at Heimdall who glared at him. the Gatekeeper had never really forgiven Loki for his actions. Loki didn't care, he babbled at Heimdall for a full ten minutes until the Gatekeeper had softened and was smiling. it was hard to hate Loki when he was so happy and cute. "Hey! shorty!" "I AM NOT SHORT! HOW DARE YOU!" Loki raged, turning on the warriors three who where all laughing until they caught sight of Loki's belly. "good heavens!" apparently they where not aware of just how pregnant Loki really was. thankfully Thor had thought ahead and had a hovering chair ready for Loki so the man wouldn't have to walk. he was too big to be on his feet for too long. "wow." River muttered as he looked around at the place. "this is cool!" "Thank you." Odin stated with a smile. "Welcome to Asgaurd. please, come..." he paused and stared at Loki's belly and then looked up at the man. "...you're not going to make a whole month." "i know!" Loki stated, looking delighted as he rubbed his belly. "they move now! one of them has a strange fascination with kicking my bladder. it's horrible." "must be Tony's." Clint chirped, making River and Tiffany laugh.
By the time Heimdall had softened Tony was getting a little twitchy with the need to go explore, but he stayed hovering at loki’s side to watch over the man, even if he trusted the other’s to look over him, he didn’t want to leave. Bristling a little he wrapped a arm around loki’s shoulder even as he turnd to look at the warriors three.”Just who are you calling short?”He growled, his nervous easily shifting into protective anger. “Friend tony, this is Fandal, Hogun and the lady sif.”Thor smiled as he helped loki into his chair before they moved to the place. “Thank you for inviting us.”Tony said looking up at his father in law looking nervous before his eyes widened in panic.”No, not yet. I’m not ready!”He stuttered looking anxious before glaring at Clint.”I know how to program your boyfriend,birdboy. I could make sure you have a submissive jarvis for MONTHS.”He threatened, though everyone there knew that he’d never do any such thing. He liked jarvis how he was.
Loki smiled a little as Tony defended him and he nuzzled the others neck. Loki stuck his tongue out at Fandral, who snickered. "where's the Dwarf then?" Loki demanded. Volstagg was very clearly absent. "stuffing his face is he?" Loki demanded, Fandral nodding. "of course he is. he always is." "i know how to backup his programming and overwrite your new program for the old one." was Clint's reply. "besides, Jarvis lets me top when i've been a very, very good boy." he admitted with a grin. "of course, i'm never a good boy." he admitted with a chuckle. "hey, Jarvis... Fandral has a pretty nice ass doesn't he?" Loki snorted and shook his head. Clint was always itching for a punishment. clearly arvis needed a firmer hand. that or Jarvis was enabling the assassin. " "Loki, do you need a rest?" "yes. tired. want a nap." Loki grumped. "you!" he pointed at Fandral. "Show Tony all the fun places and help him with his science things while i sleep." Loki demanded, Fandral snorting a little. "as you wish my lord." Fandral stated sarcastically. "i'll see you in a few hours, kay?" Loki asked, grinning at tony as he kissed the other happily before chattering at Thor and Odin as he led the way to the bedrooms. "Tony Stark." Fandral mused, examining the other before he smiled. "it is nice to see Loki smiling again. I had feared Thor would never forgive himself for his part in Loki's pain, but they are both very happy now. i would like to thank you for giving them that."
“It’s wrong that you’re stealing my creation.’Tony whined a little but rolled his eyes wincing a little.”Stop. It’s bad enough I know about Rogers’ penchant for being in charge, I don’t want to know what you and my AI gets up to.”Tony whined a little. Jarvis turned his head looking down at his lover, raising a eyebrow. Definitely an enabler...most of the time. “Well, if you think he has a nice ass, why don’t you go feel it?”Jarvis growled moving away from the man so that he could look around asgard with Tony. Enough tony’s creation to want to see things. “You’ll be okay?”Tony muttered looking down at Loki, stealing a kiss before sighing. “Fine.I’ll see you then.”He said smiling as he walked with Fandal, pausing as he studied the asgardian. “You don’t have to thank me for that. I’m to selfish to have been doing it for them. I like him around.”Tony said embarassed at the man’s thanks before grinning, hefting his bag a little.”Let’s go explore.”he said excitedly.

Hours later Anna smirked as she made her way through the crowd towards Steve. Having been checking on Loki she found it amusing that Tony had run late to his own arrival dinner, odin having thrown a feast for them all, but tony, being tony, hd dragged fandal around so much to be late in getting back to get ready. “So...you know this is a pretty big place...”She smirked at steve, eyes dark and amused, and you just knew she was planning something.

“Sorry. I meant to get back on time, but we got distracted by the prisons. I mean, those prison cells are awesome. Totally bar free but still secure and-”Tony stopped huffing a little as he straightened his tie, leaning down to kiss loki’s cheek, looking ruffled from rushing to get ready but calmer now. “Sorry. Did we miss much?”He asked lookign around at everyone eating and mingling, the steady flow of the food.
Clint smirked a little and nodded. "i have stolen your creation. Jarvis is mine now." he stated quite happily before pouting at Jarvis as he wandered off with Tony. "damn..." he muttered with a sigh before heading off as Fandral chuckled. "selfish or not, you still helped." he admitted with a smile.

Steve grinned at her. "it is. yes." he agreed with a chuckle. "what have you got planned?" he asked, looking amused as he studied her. in the last week, he had learned a lot about what being a 'dom' really meant. he couldn't beleive how perverted he really was.

Lkoi chuckled. "it's alright, i knew you where going to be late." Loki admitted with a grin before he grimaced a little at the mention of the prison. "yes. Loki helped create them. even he cannot escape." Volstagg admitted before he paused. "...sorry, that was rude of me..." loki snorted. "your ability to say the worst things at the worst possible times is not something that has been beaten out of you." Loki sneared at Volstagg who winced. "in any case, you didn't miss anything. Clint stole Jarvis at some point and they're off fucking somewhere and i think Anna is planning the same thing." Loki admitted with a snicker. "Bruce is gagging over the medical bay and River hasn't left the sparring ring yet today."
“Hm, since when do I have to have something planned to talk to my finacee?”She muttered looking up at him, and even if she wasn’t in the need for being totally dominated, she enjoyed him still being in charge, of taking care of her. Because she was a doctor, and sometimes felt like she took care of everyone else without having anyone take care of her, she was okay with letting him fuss over her. Slipping closer she wrapped a arm around his waist, subtly nudging him towards the balcony behind him.

“Well, I’m glad I’m predictable.”Tony muttered before wincing, his eyes flinching as he looked down at him, resting his forehead against his.”Sorry...shouldn’t have mentioned it...but it was amazing...”Tony muttered in his ear, feeling bad for upsetting him before laughing quietly. “Well, clint is always fucking jarvis, and Anna I’m amazed hasn’t worn out the super soldier yet.”He snickered resting his forehead against the other’s head, pressing a kiss to his head.”Shouldn’t they all be here?Since I mean, it is our feast...”he muttered.
he smirked a little. "oh, not that. it's the look you have on your face." he teased with a snicker. "have you had something to eat?" he demanded, wanting to make sure she had something in her belly at least. because he did so love to fuss over her. he grinned as he followed her, humming with amusement. wondering what she had planned.

Loki chuckled a little as he kissed Tony. "i know they are amazing. i'm the one who invented them." Loki admitted. "a long time ago true, but i still invented them and tested them too. that was how they knew i couldn't escape them." he admitted as he slipped that nasty fruit into his mouth. it was like twenty pounds of icing in your mouth all at once. just too sweet. 'honestly, i'm worried more about your mechanical man." he admitted with a chuckle. "all that sex cannot be good for him." he teased with a chuckle. "no. this is just a feast. they'll be there for the actual Ceremony." Loki assured Tony with a smile.
“fine, I’ll just change my look then.”She said though trying to look like she wasn’t up to something just made her look more guilty of something before smiling. “Of course. I wasn’t going to skip dinner. I know better then to let you figure out I’m pulling a ‘tony’ and not eating.”She teased glancing around to make sure they were alone, moving to the edge of the balcony looking over, enjoying the view before turning to look at him. “You’ve been tense since we got here. I thought you could use something to relax about.”She smirked stepping closer, deft fingers undoing his belt and slacks, not giving him a chance to think about it as she sank to her knees, swallowing him whole, smirking around him as she listened to the sounds of the party going on not ten feet away from them.

“Ah, well I’m proud of you. That was amazing, love.Almost as good as the mini arc reactor.”He snickered rubbing a thumb over the other’s rings before making a face at the fruit. Having tried it, but it was to sweet for him, even with his notorious sweet tooth. “Hm, maybe not, but if clint breaks him I’ll just work on a better body. I’m sure we can work something out.”he said now that he thought about it looking a little worried about the AI, before smiling, relaxing.”True. But you know there’s naughty sex games we’re not allowed to help in, it seems wrong they’re having sexy time.”he sulked a little.
he snorted at her. "that's not helping." he teased. "now you look constipated." he teased her with a grin. "good. as long as your eating." he stated, smiling at her before blinking. "i'm sorry. i just. i'm not very comfortable here. all of these people hated Loki at some point and some of them still do and they keep looking at you." he growled, annoyed that they where eying up his woman. "what are you... oh my god... but..." he looked at the cloth that hid the balcony and then at her and back again, struggling to decide what to do before he leaned back and invited her to do what she wanted, tangling his hand in her hair and giving it a harsh tug just to get her going too. "fuck i love you." he moaned with a smirk. "and so naughty, fucking my cock like this when anyone could walk in and see us."

Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "i'll show you the math i used." he promised with a smile before snickering at the look on Tony's face as he ate the slices of the overly sweet fruit. "this is true. i bet there's a lot of improvements you could make. can Jarvis ejaculate?" he asked curiously. "we'll be able to have sex in a month." Loki promised with a smile. "well... maybe give myself a few days to recover." he mused before glaring at someone down the table who had the audacity to say- "Filthy Jotun freak. they should have drowned him at birth, and carrying that monsters spawn too. would be better if they just killed the whole litter before they grow up to be just as evil as he is." yeah, Loki was about to get pissed. he didn't care about himself, but the second they insulted or threateed his babies he tended to get very, very mean.
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