Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Steve snorted. "of course not! i'm running on the assumption that if i can get out of bed, i can have sex." he admitted with a grin. "i've been planning for a while too." he admitted looking rather wicked. "Tony and Loki don't know? you don't think they'd be happy for us?" he asked, looking slightly baffled. "...of course... as little sleep as Tony is getting... yeah i could see a freakout." he agreed. "i won't tell them then." he promised, kissing her as he headed off, grinning as she snuggled under his arm.

"...i know." Loki stated, preening under the praise before he examined Tony intently, licking his lips. one thing that had changed, was Loki's sexual appetite. he was like, perpetually horny and he didn't give a damn about other people when he wanted sex. he would have it when, and where he wanted... as Clint had found out the hard way. the man had thought Loki was bluffing when Loki told them all to 'evacuate the kitchen or watch me ride Tony's cock.'... it hadn't been a bluff. "...yeah, i think so. i know Odin fucked up but... i didn't exactly make things easy for him. i didn't... i was quite ashamed of myself you know? and i... i didn't tell him that Thanatos 'enthralled' me the first time because i honestly thought i deserved to be punished. so i acted out against the guards holding me, and i cursed his name and made quite the spectacle of myself... Frigga calls it 'misplaced Guilt' and Morgana says it's 'taking too much onto myself'... either way i practically made him do what he did... that's why he wants to bless my children." he admitted. "to try and make up for punishing me without all the information."
“Ah, well, easy sex. Laying back and letting me do the work, sex.Okay.”Anna teased looking amused, “And you have to listen to me, I’m a do-you’ve been planning sex?”She sputtered pausing, looking up at him. “No, I mean yes, they’d be happy, but they’re both.... Weird. Right now. I mean, seriously. Tony’s running on no sleep and coffee, and loki’s hormonal and I really wouldn’t put it past him to pounce on tony wanting to get married if I tell him, and tony doesn’t need that and....yea I’m being stupid, but...it didn’t seem right to tell them without you.”She shrugged a little smiling as tehy got to the kitchen.”What do you want to eat?”

Tony raised a eyebrow as he reached for a pair of jeans, “I just left the lab, loki. I want to eat, and maybe sleep, then I’ll let you do whatever you want to me. I promise.”he whined a little before tilting his head, tugging the other over for a kiss. “I know. And okay...it’ll be okay then.Morgana's good for you.”Tony smiled hugging him before stepping back, not about to admit that he'd spent some time ranting to the woman either. Not wanting to upset loki to know he was having a harder time with the idea of kids and this then he already knew.”Come on. Let’s go.”
he pouted at her. "but that's boring!" he complained. "i want to be able to torment you! of course i've been planning it! when you sleep i make Jarvis sow me internet stuff about this thing called BDSM... i don't think i'd be really comfortable with you calling me Master, but i think i can do a lot of the other things." he admitted. "i've been trying to decide what to start with, you know, so we can decide together what we do like, what we do't like, and what's weird but we can do if we HAVE to.. like for birthdays and stuff." he admitted with a nod. "Jarvis is horrifyingly helpful actually... i think he and Clint practice... a lot... and i think Clint is a sub..." he admitted looking vaguely traumatized. "...i really want a hamburger and fries actually, but some french toast would be pretty good too." he admitted with a smile.

Loki huffed a little. "fine. but you have to give me a blowjob after." he demanded with a sniff. "and then i want to ride your cock again. i enjoy that." he admitted. Loki was fine with anything now. but he refused to lay on his belly and be taken from behind as Thanatos had. it still hurt too much for that, and his belly wasn't very happy with him when he did it anyway. "Morgana's the best." Loki agreed. "she wants to know the gender of the babies of course. nosy women. if it's not Morgana it's Anna and Natasha pestering me! but i don't want to know the genders yet." he complained with a sulk. "they do know how to give the BEST foot massages though." he admitted, brightening. "i think i shall demand one."
“...I thought you were freaking out over this.”She said flushing bright red and looking out of sorts at finding her 1940s boyfriend suddenly really comfortable with BDSM, and barely repressing the full body shudder at the idea of calling him master, thinking about the one time they’d tried. Oh yea, she’d enjoyed being completely under his control, she just couldn’t help but think about being tied up. Blushing horribly as she started cooking. “Have to?We don’t have to do anything....and Jarvis is always horrifyingly helpful when it comes to sex. Even before Clint. I think it’s something tony programmed in....and urgh!I could have gone without knowing Barton bottoms.”She whined a little before smirking, “We’ll get hamburgers and fries later.French toast for now.”She smiled looking curious before smirking a little. “So....do I get to call you master out of bed, or just in it?”She said offering him a small flirty smirk.

“Fine by me. I enjoy giving blow jobs.”he said smiling a little before grinning. “And sex even more. I just need food first.”He promised stealing a kiss before snickering. “Anna wants to know because she’s already being a demanding mother-in-law, and natasha and morgana, are just girls. They’re nosy.”He snickered as they walked. “You should. Though don’t trust Anna to be giving any today. Her Capsicle is up and moving now. And-....did you just call him master?”Tony paused in the doorway of the kitchen looking so very curious.
he shrugged. "i gave up freaking out about it about a week ago." he admitted with a smile. "i did a LOT of research and Morgana explained a lot of things... i just... understand it now. that's all." he admitted with a smile. "well. alright, that's true. doing something you don't want to, smacks of rape, but you know what i meant." he stated with a smile before he grinned. "you might have a point. Tony seams to be the sort." he admitted with a laugh before he laughed. "me too! but Jarvis started giving me examples! it was awful!" he admitted before his breath caught and he stared at her with pupils blown wide. "...

Loki grinned happily. "great!" he chirped, clapping his hands. "now come on! food, and make it fast i'm horny." Loki demanded. "oh, Steve's up?" Loki asked, faltering. he had somehow managed to avoid seeing Steve in all of this time, but he could escape it no longer. "...yes she did." Steve admitted. "we're trying to work out the dynamics between us." he admitted, refusing to be embarrased... which didn't stop him from going beat red. "whatever... french toast?" Loki asked hopefully, half hiding behind Tony. though, as pregnant as he was, not even his own terror could keep him from good food.
“Well good. And research is good...even if I’m fairly sure Jarvis is silently laughing at us. I mean, it’s Jarvis.You know he’s probably enjoying it.”She muttered before nodding. “Don’t worry. If I’m not enjoying it, you’ll know.”She said before looking back at him, opening her mouth to say something,”...master?”She muttered enjoying his reaction before glaring at tony as he walked in.

“Its okay.”Tony muttered softly when Loki faltered, shifting to rest a arm around his waist, tugging him close. “....That’s awesome. And Anna’s cooking, just sit.”Tony said sliding into a seat at the table, smirking at his friend. “...who says I’m cooking for you?” “He’s pregnant and I can’t cook.”Tony pointed out smirking as she set plates in front of the three of them, tossing a wider smirk at Steve. “Hey steve. Here’s something you need to know.”he smirked, because he was so enjoying embarassing them both....well at least trying. Definitely it was his attitude that Jarvis picked up. Reaching up as Anna stopped next to him he tangled a hand in her hair and pulled, smirking at the breathy moan that escaped as her head came back, trapping her next to him. “She has a thing for having her hair pulled. Which she tells no one, since she reacts really, really strongly to.”Tony snickered holding onto her before letting go, looking amused as Anna glared at him before returning to cooking her own food.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "yeah, he's definitely laughing at us." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "oh good." he stated with a smile. "i don't want to do anything you wouldn't like." he admitted before he moaned softly as he was called Master again. why the hell was that so fucking erotic!?

Loki snuggled into Tony, looking wary and cautious as he sat down, eyes flicking from Anna to Steve, wondering why they weren't yelling at him. "what?" Steve asked, looking confused before he snarled as he watched Anna go 'weak kneed'. he moved without thinking, punching Tony away from his woman, practically frothing at the mouth in rage that another man had made her feel pleasure. Loki had started to laugh, finding Tony's punishment highly hilarious as Steve went bright red. "oh my god Tony! i'm so sorry! i don't know why i did that!"
Anna and tony both yelped as tony was shoved away,ony because he was startled and the table slammed into his ribs as steve shoved him,nd anna cause tony still had a fistful of her hair.letting go wuickly tony smiled weakly as hr looked up at the furious super soldier."jealous much?"he teased a little though he looked a little shaken,shooting loki a look for laughing."tony.you deserved that."anna growled though there was still a edge of desire in her words she was more annoyed with tony for doing that in public and not allowing her and steve to discover it on their own.tony sighed a little rolling his eyes as he settled back to eat."whatever. Loki,didn't you want to talk to them?"tony said not about to allow loki to avoid the two,because toy wouldn't choose between thrm,nd he knew if this wasn't taken care of now,it'd drive them apart.
Steve flushed hard. "is that what that was?" he asked rather weakly. "i've never been jealous before... i don't think i like that..." he admitted, sitting down before he collapsed, Loki still giggling as he gently ran his hand down Tony's side, soothing the bruises and healing what he could. "...no..." Loki muttered rather weakly as Steve sighed. "Loki, please calm down. neither me or Anna are angry with you..." "but i almost killed you!" Loki protested. "don't you understand that!? i came so close to killing you and if you hadn't been superheroes you... would have..." Loki broke off to sob, tortured by what he had almost done. he had nightmares still, about gutting Steve, about being under the Thrall. about his children coming out as monsters and eating people... yeah, that one woke him up in a panic that Tony had to calm him down from, horrifically often.
“Yea, I think so.”Tony winced a little before smiling. “Well, it’s okay to be jealous every once in awhile.”He snickered a little relaxing as the other healed him. “...And Tony’s came close to killing him. I mean, getting bowled over in the middle of a fight when that doombot threw tony at him could have just as easily killed him. He lived Loki, and it wasn’t you who wanted to kill him.”Anna reached over, squeezing loki’s arm before offering him a smirk, and you just knew whatever came out of her mouth next was going to have Tony’s perversion written all over it. “I’m just angry you got him hurt right about the time he figured out he liked being in charge. Do you know how long I’ve been holding out for bondage sex? And now, is the first time he’s been allowed to since he got hurt. And you still interrupt us.”She teased sulking a little. Teasing steve more then she was teasing tony and loki.
Steve shook his head. "that really hurt you know." he complained, sulking at tony. "you never did apologize for that you jerk." he complained, making Loki giggle again and wipe his eyes. "...." he gaped at her as Steve squeaked in horror as Loki burst into delighted laughter. "well, just think. tonight you'll be all alone, and he'll be well fed and well rested." Loki chirped, looking ever so happy that they didn't hate him as he tucked into his food. "besides, Tony won't let me have sex with him anymore anyway. he said he only wants food, but i know better. he just can't keep up with me anymore, the poor man."
“I did to. Doesn’t letting you date my sister count as apologizing? Besides, you threw the shield at me, THAT hurt.” “Let?Let!?” “I stand corrected. Fully support you dating Anna. Doesn’t that count as a apology?”Tony whined looking amused before staring at Anna. “You, are so adorable.”Anna muttered leaning down to kiss her boyfriend, raising a hand to rest against his cheek, absently stroking his hair out of his face. “I do to. I have a lot of sex with you, but I just spent 9 hours in the lab. I want to eat.”Tony growled before pausing, staring at the couple in front of him.”....are you wearing a ring?” “Yes.”Anna said squirming in her seat, blushing slightly. "when?How?" "Uh...awhile. And in bed, and I was upset."Anna muttered trying to avoid just how long they'd been engage and not said anything.
Steve blinked at Tony. he didn't even bother commenting when he knew Anna was going to go all 'big sister' on his ass. "i didn't throw my shield at you anyway, i was aiming for the Bot that was trying to take your head off and missed because i was body checked into a building." he complained before he pouted at her. "you did that on purpose." he complained even as he kissed her back. "well... you should have spent that nine hours sleeping like a normal person." Loki teased, looking curious. "what where you working on? is it fun? can i help?" he asked hopefully before giving them a baffled look. "what is the significance of a ring?" "...it means we're going to get married." "...married?" "uh.... we're... having a ceremony to prove out love for each other, and then we'll sign a piece of paper that will tell the state, the law, and others that we are married so that we can do a bunch more legal things that will change her name to my name.... it's long, complicated, and i'm pretty sure it's designed to prove our love for each other." Loki blinked at them and then. "all i understood of that was that you where proving your love for each other. congratulations either way, it sounds joyous and important."
“Hm, I did. But it was adorable either way.”Anna teased looking amused at steve’s reaction before smirking at tony. “he wont. You know that.”She pointed out to loki. “Well, I would if someone wasn’t hormonal and demanded that I spend all the time you were awake with you, so I got some work done while you were sleeping.”Tony smiled a little before squirming a little. “Uh...no. Sorry. It’s...dangerous.”Tony said acting cagey, because he so didn’t want to tell him what he was doing, as it was a surprise.”It’s a surprise for you.You can’t help.”He blurted for a moment as everyone stared at him. “Hmm...you know. Mated. Like Odin and Frigga. Or Thor and Sif. Thor explained courting things to me once, their relationship right now is like when you have to court someone on asgard.”Tony explained looking amused at loki’s words before frowning. “You didn’t tell us.” “Well...you guys were upset. I didn’t...want to upset you guys. I mean...he asked me and you were freaking out over the babies and I didn’t want to make you feel bad or...I dunno...”Anna shrugged feeling stupid for not telling them now before smiling as she finished her food. “You feeling okay?”she muttered looking at steve, the doctor in her showing as she fussed over him.
he huffed. "i refuse to allow myself to be called adorable." he complained, though you could see the laughter in his eyes. "well... he will if i beg." Loki admitted with a smile. "and he's always there when i wake up..." he frowned a little. "you DO sleep right?" he demanded, looking worried at Tony. "...dangerous?" he asked, already giving in. he wouldn't do anything to risk the babies. "well just be care... oh?" he asked, perking up. "a surprise? can i have a hint? is it awesome? will it make me want to have sex with you?" he asked, eyes sparkling. "oh! i see! very nice. many days of peace and prosperity to you." Loki stated, offering them a grin. "calm down Tony. i probobly would have been annoyed if they'd told me yesterday, let alone a week ago." he pointed out as Steve sulked at her. "i'm fine and i'm not going back to bed." he stated imperiously. Loki snorting. "obey your doctor." he ordered. "i do what i want." Steve stated, Loki gaping at him. "that's MY punchline!"
Tony offered loki a small smile.”Yea.”he said simply not about to admit that he was averaging about 3 hours a night, plus whatever naps loki demanded he take with him.“Yea, a surprise for you. And no, no hints. And everything makes you want to have sex with me.”Tony pointed out smiling. “Thank you.”Anna said blushing slightly at loki’s words. “But...but she didn’t tell me!”Tony whined sulking at not being told something so important before smirking at steve. “I thought you wanted to go to bed with your doctor?”He teased. “It is his punchline, don’t go acting as stubborn as loki. You’re still hurt.”Anna said her eyebrows pulling together in a slight anxious look, still feeling so upset and twisted up at him actually hving been hurt so badly, that she was worrying over the small things.
Loki gave Tony the stink eye before he shook his head, letting the topic drop. "well... true." he admitted with a chuckle. "i am like, constantly horny. i always am when i'm pregnant." he admitted. "this is the first time i've had a constant source of a willing sex partner though, it's very nice." he admitted. "no, she didn't. but honestly, as freaked out as you where, would you have cared?" Loki asked, lifting an eyebrow at the other. "you know you're going to have the most important part of the wedding Tony." Steve admitted with a smile. "you'll have to give the bride away." "...why are you giving her away? i thought you wanted to keep her?" Loki asked, completely baffled. "Jarvis? Google 'Wedding' for me?" Loki demanded as he pulled out his ever present Stark Tablet. "...and tell Thor to bring me my Fruit... and i want more Anchovies... and ice-cream with peanut butter and that cheese sauce that Clint puts on his chips." Loki demanded. "and someone punch Steve for me, since i can't reach." Steve snickered a little and offered Anna a smile. "i'm fine, i promise. there's no pain, i'm just a little tired from the walk. five minutes rest and i can make it back to the bedroom no problem. i know i need to take it easy." he promised her.
“Well, I feel special, even if I’m not so willing when I’m hungry you know.But let me finish eating okay?And maybe a nap.”Tony said looking amused though before frowning. “I don’t care. She should have told me. This is nearly as important as telling me Killian was hitting on Pepper, and she interrupted work to tell me that.”Tony whined refusing to admit that they were right before smirking. “I am,aren’t i?”he said looking amused at the idea. Smirking at loki’s confusion. “See?Brides need their father’s to give them to their husbands. Or in anna’s case, me handing her over.” “I’m not a football!”Anna sputtered a little snickering as Jarvis simply comfirmed loki’s request for foods and said he’d let thor know. “Why are we punching steve?”Anna asked frowning annoyed with loki before looking at steve, rubbing a hand over her face. “I know...I know you know. It’s just hard okay?”She muttered blushing a little, wincing at the word choice as tony leered at her a little. Blushing slightly, but not correcting herself, because it was so hard for her to not fuss as much as she wanted.
Loki snickered a little at the other. "yes. a nap, i would like a nap." he agreed with a nod. "but i get my blowjob first." he ordered as he shoveled down his french toast. hey, he was eating for four now, and they all usually wanted something different. "well she didn't tell you because she was more focused on important things. like your sanity. and besides, you didn't care that Killian was hitting on pepper until he kidnapped her." he pointed out with a chuckle. "...i still don't understand." Loki admitted, shaking his head as he settled in to study american weddings. "we're punching Steve because it's fun and it doesn't hurt him." Loki admitted with a grin. "i know." he muttered, leaning over to kiss her. "i'm glad you care so much to worry about me." he admitted with a smile before he flushed hard. "stop it Tony!" he demanded, offering the man a glare. "go screw your boyfriend." "don't touch me, i'm studying." Loki ordered, quite distracted as he read about weddings. "go take a nap so you can be in peek formation to fuck me properly later." Loki chirped as he read the ceremony on Tony's Tablet. though he did get up and follow Tony out of the room. "i don't think i like the idea of a wedding." Loki admitted. "it sounds so... permanent. and you can't go have sex with other people if you get married..." he complained. "i don't want to trap you like that..." he grumbled as he slipped into bed next to Tony. "especially since in another month i'll be too big and full to have sex." he admitted. "...you'll love me even when i'm fat right? you don't think i'm ugly, right?" aaah mood swings...
“Of course, darling.”Tony smiled looking amused. “No, I really didn’t. But it was still annoying.”Tony grumbled looking amused though. “Hey, he’s still recovering. Don’t go punching my boyfriend.”Anna grumbled blushing a little as she kisssed him back. “No. Well, yes to screwing, but no to stopping. You two shouldn’t be so sickeningly adorable if you didnt want teased.”Tony smiled a little as he got up, tugging the other after him. Settling onto the bed he frowned a little at Loki’s words. “It is permanent. But you can have any kind of marriage you want...even seeing other people if you want...it’s just a confirmation of love...like a promise, I’d always come back.”Tony said sounding anxious and upset before frowning a little. “Don’t be stupid. Of course I’ll love you when you’re big and round. And no, you are beautiful like this, always.”

“...did you see tony’s face when loki said he didn’t like weddings?”Anna snickered a little stealing a look towards steve, having a idea what tony was working on now at a simple look at his face.
Loki grinned at being called 'darling'. he loved that. "true." he admitted with a chuckle as Steve snickered. "Anna, love, i don't think Tony can hit me hard enough for it to hurt." he admitted with a smile before he glared at Tony. "i'm going to hurt you one of these days. i really am." he grumbled before he watched them leave. "Loki just doesn't really understand." he admitted with a chuckle. "i think Tony is planning on proposing." he admitted with a grin. "anyway, can we go have sex now?" he asked, eyes glittering mischievously. "i have plans you know."

Loki blinked a little. "...any kind of marriage?" he asked curiously. "so it doesn't have to be a trap?" he asked curiously, studying Tony. "so it's... like promising." Loki decided. "Promising to always love the other. promising to always be with the other..." finally Loki smiled. "oh that's romantic. i like that." he admitted with a smile before he snuggled into the other. "i love you Tony." he murmured softly. "do you think Anna would let me be in her wedding?" he asked hopefully. "i want to be a bridesmaid. they have the most fun." he stated, showing the page that he'd read that on. "hmmm i'm sleepy." he admitted, abandoning the Tablet in favor of taking a nap on Tony.
“I don’t care. He doesn’t get to hit you.”Anna said stubbornly before smirking a little as Tony snickered as he left. “You know, threatening him would work better if he didn’t know you really wouldn’t.”She pointed out before nodding. “Me to.It’ll be interesting.”Anna snickered before raising a eyebrow. “Plans, do you, master?I think you’re supposed to be ordering me, not asking, master.”She muttered her voice dropping to a purr, kissing his cheek even as she walked out of the room, her laughter drifting back behind her as she headed for her bedroom.

“No, it doesn’t. Do you really think Steve’d consider trapping anna in any way?It’s just a promise, loki.”He muttered smiling, relaxing as he realized everything was okay as he leaned back against the headboard, smiling slightly as he was snuggled, wrapping a arm around his shoulder. “Love you to.” Sputtering a little after a moment. “What?You dont think steve’s groomsmen aren’t going to throw him the best bachelor’s party ever?Cause me and clint are going to so make sure super-soldier gets a amazing party.”Tony muttered smiling as the other snuggled him, closing his eyes.”Sleep sounds good...”He muttered yawning as he drifted off himself.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "hush, i've hurt him before." he stated. "i've punched him in the face." he pointed out. he had too, just after Tony had 'set up' the Elevator 'accident'. "...god i love it when you call me that." Steve hissed. "get your ass in the bedroom so i can fuck you good and proper." he demanded, smacking her ass with a laugh. of course, he couldn't properly keep up with her, wounded as he was, so he had to catch up in the bedroom.

he considered that and nodded. "your right. he would never tie her down... well he would." Loki stated with a snicker. "but not forever." he admitted with a chuckle as he snuggled the other. "whats a bachelors party? i haven't gotten that far.... can i be a bridesmaid and a bachelor?" he wondered, his head tilted. "well. i do what i want." he decided with a grin. "so i'll be both." he stated quite happily. sleeping ever so content in Tony's arms. when Tony woke up, it was to a very warm mouth wrapped around his cock.
“Not sure if I believe you or not.”She teased looking at him, because tony had said it was clint who’d punched him, having known better then to try and convince Anna that steve had punched him. Grinning at his words she yelped as he smacked her ass, grinning as she realized she had a few moments to give him a surprise. Sliding back onto the bed she tucked her heels up on the bed, leaning back on her elbows, letting her legs fall to the side, pants unbuttoned, looking like a very good wet dream waiting for him.

“Urgh...I never want to think about their sex life. It’s bad enough I know she calls him master.”He whined a little looking amused though despite his protests before smirking. “It’s pretty much just a party to celebrate steve’s last night as a non-married man....pretty much a reason to drink and have fun.And I’m sure you can do whatever you want.”He teased as he fell asleep. When he woke Tony smiled yawning a little as he stroked a hand through loki’s hair, pressing up into the other’s mouth.”Hmmm, I should wake up like this all the time.”
Steve smirked a little. "oh, it was me who punched him." he admitted with a chuckle. "i punched out a few people." he admitted with a snicker. "hey i have my moments of temper." he pointed out with a smile. he entered the room with a fire in his eyes. "god you look sexy." he hissed, his voice delighted. "take the pants off." Steve demanded, licking his lips as he settled down in a chair. "lift your shirt... masturbate for me... show me how much you want my dick." well well, someone HAD been studying.

Loki snickered a little and nodded. "yeah, but you know... you did deserve to be hit today, making Anna moan like that." he teased, running his fingers through Tony's hair. "makes me wonder if YOU like to be dominated?" he asked with a smirk. "i know i do." he teased with a chuckle. "i like parties. though, i'll have to be careful not to drink any alcohol." he admitted. "it won't hurt the two babies, but the ones that are half human could be affected by my drinking." he admitted. of course, byt the time Clint and Anna where ready to be married, Loki would have given birth. "hmmm you should." Loki agreed with a chuckle. "now shut up and cum." he ordered as he lowered his head and started to suck once more.
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