Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

"Calm down Tony. we have to be careful." he warned softly. "i think Loki's been telling him our weaknesses." not on purpose of course, but he wasn't in his right mind. he didn't realize that he was their freind, didn't understand anymore that Thanatos was the enemy. "allow me, my Master." Loki hissed, picking up a copy of the 'staff of destiny' giving it a twirl. "the sooner their dead, the sooner you can enjoy my body." he purred before he paused as he watched Thor appear. "as if you care about me." Loki sneered at the Thunder god. "you never gave a damn about me. don't pretend to now." he demanded before he turned his attention to the true threats. the Valkyrie. he didn't even care that he was nude and had semen clinging to the most embarrassing places. the others where indeed fighting now. Tiffany was doing the most amazing things with paper, massive amounts of it twisting and bending to her control. Steve moved with Tony, trying to get to Loki, who was trying to kill the Valkyrie. he had managed to stab them both, but hadn't gotten a good shot yet. he spun without warning and struck, hard, slicing Steve open from left shoulder to right hip, Steve crying in pain as blood spread. the only reason why his guts hadn't spilled was because he held his stomach closed with his hands.
“I do care for you, brother. Why else would I tempt the Valkyrie to fight with me, when they dislike me most days?”Thor thundered even as he allowed the Valkyrie to engage with Loki, staff and hammer in hand as he dealt with thanatos, and for the first time the chitauri was looking nervous as he met the thunder god. Tony meanwhile was indeed moving closer, and winced as a moment before Steve was hit he saw one of the blond Valkyrie’s head whip towards Steve, ignoring her fight with Loki even as her sister knocked loki out cold. And the icy cold feeling hit Tony, because even if he hadn’t been fucking a norse god, he knew enough about norse mythology to know it was never a good thing to have a Valkyrie paying attention to a warrior in the middle of a battle. And he barely even noticed that Thor had dealt with Thanatos, or that the other’s were trying to talk to him, he was focused on getting steve off the ground, “Anna, meet us in the med bay.”He ordered, picking up steve, “This is gonna hurt big guy.”He said even as he got him up, trusting the others to deal with the confused civilians, with both loki and clint, needing to get steve attention, and knowing the other’s would understand...hopefully.

When Steve woke Tony was the one sitting with him, well, actually sitting with them all since all the team had refused to leave any of them alone, so instead of individual rooms, they’d moved them to the tower in the med lab, the huge almost apartment perfect for holding this man hurting and worried people. Smirking as he looked at steve, he looked a little sick. “Remind me next time you go into battle, to not go to war with a Valkyrie. Seems they like you, wonder boy. And if you make me drag my ass all the way to Valhalla to bring you back to your girlfriend, I’m going to be pissed.”he said though the words were caustic and sarcasm filled, there was real fear in his eyes, because he’d seen something he had never considered before. Steve dying with Anna’s hands in his stomach as she tried to save him. While most couldn’t operate on loved ones, they’d had no choice but to let Anna scrub in to work on steve, his body failing to fast despite the serum starting to heal him to leave any doctor benched. With Anna laying in his lap, and laying on loki's bed with the knocked out god, he was the only one still awake, having fought off sleeping because he'd promised Anna he'd stay awake with Steve, if she'd get a few hours sleep. The fact that steve'd been out for nearly 24 hours-all of them really had been- just proved how serious he'd been hurt.
Loki snarled at Thor. "Liar! if you loved me, you would have tried to find out the truth instead of binding my magic and making me live on the street for two months!" he hissed as he engaged in battle. he smiled as he nearly gutted Steve before slumping as he was struck, hard. "T...Tony..." Steve whimpered, pale and hurting. "Tell A..anna... Love her." he whispered before he lost consciousness. he was stunned to realize he woke up, blinking at the ceiling before turning to look at Tony. "...what's a Valkyrie?" he asked, confused. "what happened?" he asked, confused as he tried to sit up, gasping as agony flared through him, trying to catch his breath through the pain. he hadn't hurt this bad since before the serum. he managed to catch his breath after a moment, and shook his head. "how's Clint?" he asked softly. Clint was in his room, sitting in his nest, refusing to come down. Jarvis had joined him up there and neither had been seen since Clint had woken up. "...Loki?" hadn't woken up yet. apparently the Trauma of what he had done had left him in a Coma. "how long have i been out?" Steve asked, wincing as he lifted an arm and stroked Anna's hair. needing to touch her to reassure himself he was truly alive. "and what happened to the red guy?"
Tell her yourself, Spangles.”Tony growled as he held the other, extremely pissed and definitely going to kill thanatos for bringing this about. Smiling tiredly as Steve blinked he laughed a little, softly not to wake Anna. “A Valkyrie is a norse chooser of the dead, takes valiant warriors to valhalla and all that.”Tony said before sighing quietly.”Don’t move. You’re hurt still. Clint’s hiding in his nest with Jarvis, dealing. He’s...not suicidal, Jarvis knows that, but it’s still not pretty. Loki’s not awake yet, he’s...he’s in a coma.”Tony shuddered looking down at the dark haired man laying next to him, swallowing hard. Well, that explained why he was holding anna and watching over steve, he was focusing on taking care of them instead of obsessing over how to help loki, or to do anything. He couldn’t do anything at all, and it’d been a long time since he’d felt this helpless. “Nearly 26 hours. And don’t move, you’ll hurt yourself. Do you want me to wake her up?”he asked looking down at anna, the woman looked exhausted and despite washing her hands and face, she was still wearing the blood soaked clothes, having no one convinced her to leave steve long enough to change, and tony not having the heart to make her. “And Thor killed him. It seems thanatos despite his bragging, can be killed with lightening when channeled through the all-father’s spear. Something about fate being tied to the spear or something. I stopped listening after I heard he was dead. I was more concerned with helping stitch up your carcass.”Tony said wrinkling his nose a little, revealing again just how close they’d come to losing him. Because tony only scrubbed in for medical things under the direst of circumstances, but he hadn’t been about to let Anna scrub in alone, he’d been with her every step of the way.
"...oh." he muttered, closing his eyes. "well... at least i would have had a very noble death." he mused, shaking his head a little. "yeah. noticed that." Steve muttered dryly. "Thanatos got me good." well, at least he didn't blame Loki. "...Jarvis can help him... and Loki will wake up. he's a strong guy. he'll be alright." he muttered, gently taking Tony's hand, as best as he could. it hurt to move, but Steve had always been a noble bastard. "no. let her sleep. she probobly hasn't been sleeping all that long." he muttered. "twenty six hours though. damn. no wonder i have to pee so bad..." he muttered, watching her. "as long as the sick bastard is dead." he muttered with a shudder. he forget how Loki had begged... how Loki had wanted it... "...i was close this time." Steve whispered. "hows river?" River was fine, his cracked skull and shattered arm had healed in a matter of hours all on it's own. he was snuggled up to Natasha, sobbing because it had hurt so much to see Loki like that. to have been so helpless. "...Tony... i really do have to pee..." Steve complained, trying to fidget. "and i think she's sleeping on my bladder... i'm not going to be able to hold it much longer if we don't do something." at least Steve wouldn't complain about a bedpan, he'd used them before. often.
“...Yea no. You don’t get a noble death in the near future, you’re cap. No dying on your team.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little, looking slightly relieved that he wasn’t blaming loki for his near death experience. “He will be.I’ll be here when he gets up.”He muttered looking worried though, before frowning a little when steve disobeyed the order to not move to take his hand.”Don’t make me tie you up. You’re to hurt to enjoy it, but you’re still hurting yourself moving.And no, about 20 minutes.I’m actually surprised she’s been asleep this long”Tony frowned at him before nodding. “Yea, he’s dead. Thank god, At least I can tell that to Loki.”He sighed before nodding. “Closer then I’ve ever seen you being. Even when you got iced.”He paused biting his lip a little. “Be prepared for a emotional clinging, and cuddle starved girlfriend when she gets up. I had her tranquilized after we got out of the operation room and she was still awake." Well didn't that say something.considering just how powerful th he tranquilizers Tony kept on hand were, that and had been to worried up to rest despite being drugged." Can’t wait to see how it goes when she gets up.”Tony smirked, trying to make him smile a little, because a clingy anna was always a amusing one. “he’s healing, upset he couldn’t help loki more, but doing better then the rest of us.”Tony said before snickering. “Hold on, I’ll get a bedpan, old man.I’m sure you remember how to use this.”Tony said getting the bedpan and moving anna a little, knowing she’d be pissed if they got piss in her hair or something, and helping steve before going and emptying the pan before settling down on loki’s bed again. “...steve...no,tony, I can’t...no...come back...come back...”Anna muttered in her sleep, sounding distressed, upset. “Anna, he’s okay. I promise. Rest. You need it.”Tony muttered leaning over to touch her hair, reassuring her that someone was there
Steve smiled a little. "well it's not like i want to die. but i have to admit, if Loki hadn't been so fixated on killing US, the Valkyrie would never have knocked him out." Steve admitted with a smile. "i'm glad we have Loki back." he admitted. "i rather like the little ass hole." he admitted with a smile. "nah, that's Anna's thing... i'm sort of sorry i never got the chance to." he admitted with a shake of his head. "it's going to be a while before i can have sex... you people have turned me into a pervert." he whined with a lopsided grin before he sobered. "she'll calm down once she sees i'm awake." he admitted with a nod. "River really loves Loki." he admitted softly. "River often calls Loki 'My Cub'. very paternal that man. even if Loki is older and does... everything." he admitted, sounding vaguely amused. "thanks Tony." Steve sighed as he was allowed to empty his bladder. "...Anna?" he asked, trying to look down at her. but he was too tired now to even move his arms. it was astonishing how the muscles in your chest worked... well, everything.

three days later Loki still hadn't woken up, though Steve was recovering quickly. still couldn't get up, but he could stay awake for more than an hour at a time. he was sleeping when Loki finally woke. the godling didn't even notice that his magic restraints had been removed, on orders from Odin, who had quickly realized that Loki hadn't been acting under his own power during the New York incident. he just went straight into a shower, turned the water on as hot as it could get, and tried to scrub his very skin off. when he couldn't scrub off the knowladge that he had been raped, and had begged for it... he simply lay in the bottom of the shower and sobbed.
“True.”Tony twitched a little before smirking. “I rather like him to. So he better be back soon.”Tony smirked a little before smirking wider. “You will. Just not for awhile. Though you might find yourself handcuffed to her, so you don’t go wandering without her.”he teased before laughing. “You were always a pervert, Cap, you just got worse with us around.”He smiled before nodding. “She will. And river does. It’s going to be hard...so hard to watch this...but we’ll be okay.”Tony muttered looking worried. “Steve...”Anna sighed tiredly, relaxing at the sound of his voice. “Good.She’ll sleep more.”Tony muttered relaxing as he realized Anna was indeed going back to sleep instead of really waking up enough to be aware of them.

“reindeer?”Tony asked as he came back into the bedroom, having been getting some food when Loki got up, pausing at the sound of the shower. Crossing the room he slipped into the bathroom, crouching down to look at loki through the glass.”Hey. Can I come in?”He asked not about to invade the man’s personal space without asking, careful to keep his eyes on the other’s face, not looking anywhere but at him.
"you love him. don't deny it." Steve ordered, looking amused. "he loves you too. it's alright to admit it to you're papa." he teased, grinning wildly at the look on Tony's face. "if she handcuffs me to her, she'll have to use a bedpan too." he admitted with a snicker.

Loki twitched as Tony spoke and curled up even more, trembling in horror. wold Tony hate him? he had let that disgusting thing use him... so many times. "no... don't look at me. i'm filthy." Loki whimpered through another sob as he shook his head. "i'm disgusting and g..gross and d..d..defiled..." Lokai whimpered, trying to hide himself from his lover. "Don't touch me... don't look at me." Loki whimpered, turning away from Tony. "you don't want me anymore."
"Gotta tell you, that was a little creepy. Please. stop.I promise no more jokes if you knock it off."Tony said during even if he was smiling. Smirking he shrugged."true...she'll wait until your well enough to get up."

Tony started at the other man for a long moment before snarling quietly.And while he knew Loki was in a bad place, his head was a jumbled mess to, frankly it was amazing he was doing as well as he was."since when do you get to tell me what I want or don't? I want you, always and forever.and however you'll let me. you going to let me in the fucking shower or not?"
Loki whimpered at the harsh tone before he turned to Tony, reached out, slid the door open and then crawled into Tony's lap, sobbing and apologizing for being so weak and pathetic. begging Tony to forgive him and not to leave him and pleading with him to not kick him out. just babbling everything and anything he could to try and stay with Tony.

in the medical lab, Bruce was staring at the blood test results he'd gotten from Loki with a mild horror. how was he going to explain this to Tony!? he closed his eyes and turned to look at Anna. "he's not hurt physically and he wasn't infected with anything... but... uhm..." he hesitated and held the test results to Anna. Loki was giving off the same chemicals that pregnant women did. and Loki's physiology meant that he showed pregnancy within days of conception. which meant they couldn't be sure if it was a Thanatos baby, or a Tony baby.
Tony winced at the other’s whimper, hanging his head a little.”Sorry loks.”He muttered feeling ashamed of himself for snapping at the other before looking relieved though as the other climbed into his lap, letting him ramble as he stroked his hair, trying to calm him. Knowing any reassurances he could give would fall short. Pressing a kiss to loki’s forehead as he calmed a bit he sighed quietly resting his back against the wall.”You ready to listen to me, Loki?Cause I’m going to say this once, and you’re going to believe me, because I mean it. I’m not letting you go. I don’t care what happened or anything, you are mine, and even if you try to push me out of my life, you are mine.And I’m selfish enough to not let go.”

Anna stared at the results he was staring at, not sure what to say to the results she was seeing. Shuddering a little. “I’ll...I’ll tell them.You shouldn’t get yelled at for this, and Tony’s already annoyed with me. I’ll do it.”She muttered before sighing. “J, where’s tony?” “Loki woke up. Tony’s with him. I would advise waiting until this evening to tell them. Also, the good captain is awake if you want to see him.”Jarvis said sounding as worried as the two doctors. Swallowing hard she bumped her shoulder against Bruce’s. “Dont say anything yet. I’ll talk to them. Go get some rest bruce.”She said looking at the other doctor, seeing that he looked as exhausted as she felt.
Loki sniffled once he'd sobbed himself out and had fallen silent and he hesitantly nodded. "...i..." he looked up at Tony with an expression of shock and awe and amazement. "but i.. i LET him Tony..." he whispered, swallowing thickly. "i LET him touch me. i WANTED it... i..." he shuddered violently and pressed his face into the others chest. "i'm so filthy Tony, i can feel it... feel him all over me. how can you not be disgusted when i am so...." he shuddered again. how could tony love him, when he hated himself? he didn't understand. but, he supposed he didn't have to understand to know it was the truth. Tony wasn't going to leave him... "...Tony?...i... did i... k..kill...." he had to ask. had to know. had he killed the good captain?

"...no. i will tell them." Bruce stated firmly. "you need to focus on Steve." he ordered firmly. "besides, Tony won't hit me." he pointed out with a grimace. "Loki might, but Tony wont." he admitted before he shook his head at Anna. "we'll tell them together, hows that?" he decided as he followed her up. "i need to check on Steve anyway." he admitted. "i'd trust you to do it, but i want you to give him a sponge bath later." he admitted. "and we both know you are going to be distracted by that idea." he teased gently. "i'll go to sleep after. i think Alec and Anna are going to make dinner tonight."
Tony sighed quietly looking down at him, before frowning, and despite the dark look on his face, the words were gentle. “It’s wasn’t you loki. You know that. And I know that. HE made you want it, there was no LETTING him touch you, he took your will away, and that’s rape.”He muttered sighing softly.”because you loved me, even if I’m the biggest mass murderer to live in the US and not be prosecuted for it. You still want me.”Tony muttered, proving that despite what he usually showed the world, and how much good he’d done, he took the burden of every death his weapons had caused, everything that had happened with the weapons before he’d had his crisis of faith. “No. He’s hurt. Badly, and I wouldn’t except Anna to talk to you until he’s up and moving again, but the good captain is harder to kill then that, even if I had to keep him out of a Valkyries grasp. I don’t think she was happy with being denied such a amazing looking warrior. But alas, he’s still here, and getting testy about being in bed. I mean, it’s probably the first time in nearly 70 years since he’s been really able to get laid up in bed..it’s kinda weird....”Tony said starting to ramble now that loki was calmer, his hold on himself shattering as he relaxed.

Anna frowned opening her mouth to argue about telling them before nodding.”I...I do.”She said feeling upset being torn between her boyfriend and her best friend, even if she knew either of them would tell her to look after the other. “Okay. We can do that.”She said heading for Steve’s room before flicking a glance towards him. “I see how it is. Medically competent enough to scrub in and operate, but once out of the ER I’m regulated to being a nurse. Nice stereotype Brucie. For that I should make you give him a bath.It would be amusing.”She said teasing him a little, because she was indeed distracted at the thought of the sponge bath, still shaken at the memory of being elbow deep in her boyfriend’s stomch as she tried to save his life, even if she was joking about it, there was still screaming, silent fear behind it ,and it was so well hidden if you didn’t know it was there, you wouldn’t see it. Stepping into the bedroom she smiled slightly at steve, her fear and worry easily hidden, sliding calmly behind the mask that had served her well in her teens, blank and calm. “Hey. So you feeling up to a bath after Bruce checks you over?”
he blinked at Tony, his head tilted a little before he nodded. "i do love you." he agreed, relaxing in the others arms. "i'll always want you." he whispered softly. "besides, i caused just as many deaths as you did." he muttered before he sagged in relief as he realized that he had in fact, not killed the good captain. "...i don't understand how Thor got the Valkyrie to help him. they tend to hate him." he admitted. "i'm not sure why... i think he tried to seduce one of them." he admitted. "i imagine he's not too happy. i'll apologize to him later. i really intended to kill him." he admitted softly before he hesitated. "and... Him?" he asked, sounding terrified. he wasn't yet aware that Thanatos was dead. wasn't aware that Thanatos could even die.

"we'll split the anger then... we'll have to watch Loki carefully. he might try something drastic after he finds out." he would either try to kill the fetus, or try to kill himself. they would have to watch him very carefully, because even if Thanatos had been evil and raped Loki, there was still a 50% chance it was Tony's baby. "...easy..." Bruce muttered, setting a hand on her arm. "everything's going to be alright, i promise." he whispered softly. "besides... i really have no desire to see how much bigger than me the Good Captain is." he pointed out. "...bath? do i get to get out of bed?" Steve asked hopefully. "no." "dammit." Steve grumbled. "how long before i can move?" "quite a while. you where hurt pretty bad... Loki's up by the way." "oh good. i was starting to worry...." Steve admitted, letting Bruce poke at him. "it's going to scar, but there's no infection and it's healing well." Bruce admitted as he examined the injury. "i'm going to take a nap. enjoy your bath." he ordered with a smile as he gently took Anna's hand and gave it a comforting squeeze before poking his head into the bathroom to check on Tony and Loki. he didn't disturb them when he realized they where reconnecting.
“Good. Cause you don’t get to leave me. Enough people have left me.”Tony muttered slumping in relief that loki wasn’t going to run away before smiling slightly. “It’s interesting Thor has women who hate him. I mean, look at him.”She snickered because it was a well known fact that most women were caught staring at thor when the god wasn’t watching. “Probably not. But he saved you. And you already tried to kill him under the thrall before, it probably didn’t surprise him.”he pointed out before a evil little smirk curled his lips. “Thor and the Valkyries sliced and diced him, and killed him. Something about Odin’s spear allowed them to spit him on it, and Thor called lightening to cook him inside out....”Tony said smiling darkly, having asked for details when he’d seen the thunder god.

“We’ll watch him. And get jarvis to watch....and remind loki that it could be tony’s child to....and we need to watch clint to. I’m worried about him to.”She muttered looking worried about the others before startling at bruce’s touch on her arm, offering him a small smile, “I’m okay.”She muttered before grinning, “Are you so sure he is?”She said flicking a curious glance over bruce, looking to amused to be really serious before smiling at steve. “I think everyone was starting to worry.”She pointed out moving to sit on the edge of the bed as bruce examined the wound, fidgeting with the blanket trying not to look to worried. “Good.”She slumped pleased to know that steve really was going to be okay. Knowing it was only because of the serum steve had survived that wound, the wound had given them enough time to stitch him back together. “I’ll be right back.”She promised heading for the bathroom, “Sorry guys.Just need a bowl and sponge.”Anna said sounding remorseful for interrupting tony and loki, rushing, quickly getting what she needed before shutting the door, letting them have their privacy as she moved back to the bedroom. “How do you feel?”She muttered quietly, dipping the sponge into the water, gently starting to wash steve, oddly subdued and quiet.
Loki huffed. "i'll murder anyone who leaves you." he promised. "Thor has a lot of women who hate him. he was quite the womanizer when he was younger." he admitted before he jerked, stunned. "did you just say he used Odin's Spear?!" he demanded, shocked. "O..Odin let him use... oh my god!" he whispered. "Odin's spear is known as the Spear of Destiny. it literally puts an end to someone's destiny, cutting through soul, and fate alike. he never uses it on ANYTHING because he got it from he Vanir and had to promise! for him to have used it..." he looked more than a little stunned and he stared blankly at the wall, his lip trembling as he realized that his bonds where gone as well. "he really does Love me..." he whispered, burying his face in his hands as he sobbed. "he really is my father and he doesn't care that i'm a Jotun...." poor Loki, so many people loved him and he didn't understand why. he nearly crawled out of his skin when

"a good idea." he agreed with a nod. "i'll have to find out a Jotun's reproductive cycle. who knows how soon the baby might form..." he sighed a little. "Anna... it's Steve. he's perfect in every way." he pointed out. "i don't want to have my masculinity threatened thanks." he grumbled before he smiled at Steve. "yeah well... Loki's not out of the woods yet." he admitted with a sigh before he left so that Steve could get his bath. "...i feel alright." he admitted. "i'm bored though, and i hate being trapped..." he admitted. "i know it's bad for me but i keep wanting to get up and do things..." he admitted sighing. "that feels wonderful." he admitted, relaxing into the 'bath'. "...was Loki hurt?" he asked suddenly. "Bruce said he was still 'in the woods'. so he's still hurt?"
“Well, wouldn’t murdering then also result in them leaving me?”He muttered before smirking, looking amused.”Now that, I can believe. Both me and him, to awesome with the girls for our own good.”he snickered before growning serious, staring at Loki. “Uh...yea. Was pretty wicked watching him wield that thing like it was you and your ‘glow stick of destiny.’”He muttered still looking amused that Thor had gotten to use it before nodding.”We all love you loki.You are ours. And we will protect you.”He muttered glaring a little as Loki startled when anna came in, shooing the woman away before pressing a kiss to Loki’s hair.”Shush, it’s just anna. She’s giving Steve his required sponge bath...to bad he’s to hurt to enjoy it, poor bastard.”he smiled looking amused a little.

“Well, I’ll run by the college, pick up some of your course work. You can get some work done while laying down, and we can watch some of the movies. And work on the history stuff we’ve been missing out on.”She muttered rambling almost nervously, concentrating on bathing steve, flushing a little. “I’m sure it does.”She muttered before wincing, swallowing hard. “No...he’s pregnant.”She said simply, before swallowing hard.
he smirked a little. "no. then it is a matter of enacting revenge." he informed Tony imperiously. "the ladies loved Thor... until they realized he was dating four of them at the same time." he admitted. "Thor is very skilled with spears, just as much as i am. when Thor becomes King, he will take up the Destiny Spear and rule the nine realms." he admitted. "his Hammer would then go to his own child. the Hammer is a training tool of sorts." he admitted as he snuggled into Tony. "...yeah... just Anna." he muttered, relaxing again. "...whats a Sponge bath?" he asked, looking confused.

"i'd like that." he agreed with a smile. "you could read to me." he decided. "i'd like to watch the movies too." he agreed. "we can watch that documentary on the Galapagos right?" he asked hopefully. "and there's a How It's Made Marathon on at some point. i forget when..." he loved that show. he got to see new things, and how they where made. he went tense before he groaned as that hurt, shuddering a little as he tried to relax again. "...i'm sorry, but i think you just said that Loki was... oh my god... does he know yet!? does Tony!?" he demanded, looking stunned. "...you'll need to tell Tony first. Tony can break the news to Loki a lot gentler than we can."
“Ah, I see.”Tony said before tilting his head down to leer at his boyfriend. “Oh, so you’re good at handling spears then?”He said before wincing, wondering if it was to soon to be making sex jokes, wincing because it was his default to cover his more insecure and upset feelings, that he hadn’t even considered the words before they’d come out his mouth. “That’s really cool actually.”he muttered looking amused at the idea of the hammer being a training tool, what a hell of a training tool. Smiling he stroked teh other’s hair. “Oh, since he can’t get up, she’s using a washcloth to wipe his body down so he can get clean.”

“I can.And of course.”She promised before grinning. “I’ll have Jarvis play it when it comes on. I know how you love it.’She smiled swallowing around the lump in her throat as she considered he’d nearly died, before wincing as he tensed.”Lay still.Don’t do that. It’ll hurt.”She scowled looking anxious, fidgeting before shaking her head. “No, they don’t. We just found out. And me and bruce were going to tell them together, but you’re right. We better just tell tony first.”She said swallowing. “J?” “Already on it. I’ll tell bruce when he gets up.” “Good he’s resting...”Anna sighed looking down at steve, returning to washing him up, ignoring how her hands shook a little as she neared the stitches and beginnings of a scar at his chest.
Loki tensed at the joke, surprised before he relaxed and laughed, delighted that Tony was making normal jokes, kissing the mans neck gently. "yeah, i'm good with spears." he admitted with a grin. "of course it's 'cool' we're gods." he stated with a sniff before he blinked a little at the idea of a 'sponge-bath'. "...i like the idea." he admitted with a smile as he nuzzled Tony. "i want you to wash me." he ordered. "i want you to was Him off... please?"

he smiled. "i do love it. i learned how to make a Gummy bear!" he admitted with a grin. "i was a kid when those first came out you know. i was like, two." he admitted, looking pleased. "i'm older than gummy bears!" he admitted with a laugh. "sorry." he muttered once he'd relaxed again. "reflex motions are hard to control." he admitted with a shake of his head. he watched her intently before he took her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. "people tell me that men with scars are sexy." he admitted with a sheepish smile. "i'm sorry... i must have scared you horribly..." he whispered, bringing her fingers up for a kiss. "you must have known i'd never have left you so easily..."
“Good. Cause I totally need rewarded for good behavior in not drinking or shooting up this whole time.”he muttered shuddering as he felt the other’s lips brushing against his skin. “Cool.Come on then.”he said smiling as he got up, setting the other on his feet reaching in to turn on the shower, stepping in still clothed and pulling loki with him, gently setting about washing him off. “Tell me if it’s to much okay.”he muttered gently stroking the other’s skin.

She stared before snickering, shaking her head. “It still shocks me sometimes, how old you are.”She teased looking amused before sighing.”I know, but you’re just going to hurt yourself.”She muttered before startling as he took her hand, offering him a small smile. “Well, since you are your sexy self, you might kill the girls if they see you like this. I mean, just how much sexy should we have to handle?”She teased, and like tony, the joking and teasing was hiding how she was really feeling, struggling to shove the memory away. Not wanting to think about it, avoiding his eyes as she stared at his chest, her free hand resting lightly on his chest, the other’s fingers curling against his cheek. “...I know.”She said, though she didn’t sound so sure at all. It really was a shame he couldn’t have sex, cause her world was all out of whack, and she preferred rough sex to set it straight, to trust him to catch her as she let go of her control to really just feel everything, but it wasn’t a option so she was struggling to hold it together. In fact now that she’d noticed it, she’d actually stilled her shaking hands.
he smiled a little and nodded. "you do. and i need to feel you inside of me." he admitted softly. hoping that if Tony spilled inside of him, it would wash Him out. "i will." he promised, letting Tony touch him anywhere the man pleased until Tony reached Loki's cock. there the man cringed and shied away, looking ashamed of himself for the reaction. the same happened when Tony tried to wash Loki's ass and the God of lies and trickery nearly broke down again, ashamed that he couldn't trust Tony enough to touch him there. in those places. "i'm sorry..." he muttered, turning around and pressing his face into Tony's chest, seeking comfort. "i'm sorry..."

he chuckled a little and nodded. "well, it's a good thing that their lives are meaningless compared to yours." he purred with a smile. "and considering your three times the woman they are, i'm not too worried about you keeling over from my sexiness." he admitted with a chuckle. "listen to me." he ordered sternly, taking her hand. "you saved my life Anna. don't pretend you didn't. you where the only thing in my mind until that moment. it was thinking of you that i managed to keep myself going. i live, for you, and only for you." he promised her. hessitating before he smiled at her. "i want you to do something. in my room, in the top drawer with my socks is a box. it's all wrapped up in white paper and has a silver bow on it. go and get it for me, okay?"
Tony looked startled looking pained at the reaction and nearly bolting to his feet from where he’d been kneeling at loki’s feet, cleaning him up. Swallowing hard he closed his eyes getting up and wrapping his arms around the other as tony pressed his face against his chest.”Shush, its okay. You’re okay. We’re okay.”He muttered promising him, gently stroking his hair. “I got you.”he muttered kissing his head.

She startled a little at his words watching him, trembling a little as he looked at her. “Good. Cause you’re not allowed leaving me. Damn near went after the valkyrie when tony told me about it...”She muttered, glad that the chooser of the slain had known better then to take her seriously when she’d walked out of the operating room and yelled at them, the valkyrie having stuck around simply to make sure that he had survived. “Why?”she frowned a little before swallowing getting up. “Okay....”she said looking bemused before walking out, returning with the box in a few minutes, so out of sorts she wasn’t even all that curious what it was, simply returning with the box because he had told her to.
Loki clung to Tony, holding him tightly because he was desperate for the contact. "...did i ever tell you that my first born was from a rape attack?" he asked suddenly. "...it barely even registered in my mind..." he admitted. "because i didn't want it, and he cheated to get me down... this is... so much worse." he whispered. "and i don't know why..." he admitted as he simply stood there in Tony's arms. "...can we just... go lay down? i'm so tired... and everything hurts inside and out..." he admitted, resting his head on the others shoulder. simply too hurt to care anymore, so long as he was with Tony.

he smiled a little. "did you really?" he asked, sounding amused. "are they as ugly as they sound?" he asked curiously. actually, the Valkyrie where stunningly gorgeous. ethereally beautiful. "i'll tell you when you get it." he admitted with a smile. "open it." he ordered softly. inside was a small case made of an orange sort of marble like stone. smooth and cold in her hands. "it was my mothers." Steve explained. "open it as well." he ordered with a smile. inside was a beautiful ring. superbly beautiful. "that was my mothers too." he admitted. "it's a wedding ring." he explained. "i'm supposed to present it to the woman i love, on the day i decide to marry her... i was going to propose to you on Valentines day. but i think you need it now."
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