Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“We are.”She muttered resting her head on his chest before nodding.”I can do that. I mean, I didn’t say anything cause I thought you’d leave cause I was demanding sex and you just didn’t want to tell me and....okay. I’m rambling now. It was stupid, I admit that.”she muttered sighing a little before wincing. “I’m sorry.”She muttered wincing, hating she’d reduced him to fighting like that, that he felt so bad about it. “Hmm, I know. Which is why I’m being patient, I really don’t care. It’s really okay steve. I promise.”She smiled knowing it would just take time for him to figure out exactly what he could do in the bedroom or not. Grinning at his words she laughed quietly. “It’s not like your smackign me around Steve, it’s just a spanking. Which I enjoy. No bruises or pain, well a little pain, but that’s the fun part...but where was I?Oh yea, consenting adult here, spanking and hitting are different.”She muttered willing to have this conversation as many times as he needed, cause she knew it was just something that needed talked through. Tilting her head back she shook her head. “But no. I wasn’t angry with that....I was angry cause I thought I was forcing you to do something you didn’t want....like you said. We just need to communicate.”She said smiling at him before looking amused.”True. We’ll nap, well, I’ll nap, you talk to morgana.”She yawned before smiling.”You feel alot of guilt, for things that aren’t your fault.”Anna yawned slumping tiredly against his chest, totally relaxed now that they’d worked things out.”I’ll be fine. Just come to bed after you’re done. I want to cuddle until you have to leave to save the world.”She yawned tiredly, hoping he’d get a little time to sleep before he had to leave, sure tony was doing his best to end this quickly.”Go.I’m going to bed.”She said tiredly shuffling off to bed.

“Steve?”Morgana smiled a little as she looked up from the book she was reading in the study, having not gone to join any of the others because she’d had a feeling he’d come find her as soon as he was done talking with anna.
he nodded as he wrapped his arms around her. "i will never, ever leave you." he whispered, voice choked with emotion. "i love you. even if i'm completely pissed at you, i will never leave you." he promised, nuzzling her gently. "we'll have fights, all couples do i think.... we're just a bit more vocal than most." he decided, smiling sheepishly. "you really don't mind?" he asked, biting his lip. he hated that he was too afraid to give her what she wanted, bondage, spanking, anything that took her free will away from her was something that made him cringe, because he wanted her to be his equal in all things. "...i just. don't understand how they're different." he admitted with a sigh. "i don't understand how you can be my equal when i'm tying you up and hitting you..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i'll give you all the cuddles in the world." he promised, kissing her.

"...hey..." he muttered. sitting down in front of her, struggling what to ask for first. "...what does it mean when a woman likes to be tied up and hit?" he finally asked. "does it make me...bad, to like it? it scares me." he admitted, babbling about it now because he so desperately wanted to understand, and Morgana was so good at explaining things.
"I love you to.I don't want to leave you ever.no matter how mad I get."she muttered snuggling into his chest shuddering a little before smiling."no.its kinda cute actually,but...I might you know,send you out with tony and loki when this is all over. There's clubs for...bondage and all...and tony is good at figuring out limits. Or maybe not or....we could go and explore but...I dunno,but I don't want to force you no matter what.I love you to much to make you uncomfortable."she said relaxing knowing he'd understand that she was perfectly happy with whatever he wanted or would try.she loved him and knew he loved her,that was enough."well...ask morgana.she miht be able to help."she said before grinning."good.I'm going to go sleep."she smiled yawning as she left.

Morgana looked startled at the line of questioning before smiling,having not thought this would be what they discussed,but maybe it needed said."we've talked a little about this before...anna's childhood left her under thr care of someone she didn't trust,knew would hurt her,that there was no escape. Some abused children find comfort in giving into bondage,the darker side of sex. And no,its not bad to likr iy,as long as she's enjoying it to. Steve, even tied up,anna's in control.totally. and while it might not be true of some couples, she trusts you.trusts you enough to explore the side of her that wants to give up control,of being able to get away BECAUSE she trusts you so much,that she knoes you treat her as a equal,and would want her to rnjoy herself to.shes trusting you to stop if she asks you to....more then the pain or the hitting ot anything, bondage games for some people, are all about the loss of control and trusting the other person to catch them."morgana said watching him hoping he understood that anna was only pushing for this sort of thing every once in awhile,because she trusted him in a way she'd never trusted anyone.
he smiled a little and nodded. "i'll never leave." he promised with a smile before he gasped in horror. "you'd... you'd be so cruel as to make me spend time with THEM, alone!? TOGETHER!?" he demanded, looking truly panicked at the idea. "there are clubs?" he asked, looking shocked. perhaps it wasn't as... twisted, as he'd originally thought. if it was so popular that there where clubs... "i'm not sure i want Tony to figure out my limits... not that i really understand what that means... but i'm sure it involves me and him in some form of sexual encounter." he shook his head. "no. just no." he muttered before offering her a smile. "i will as Morgana." he agreed. "sleep well."

"i don't understand why that would comfort them." he admitted with a sigh as he scrubbed his face. "i'm scared i'm going to like it too much." he admitted with a shake of his head before he paused and stared at Morgana, something finally clicking in his head. "you mean... she likes giving up control... to me?" he asked, stunned. "because she trusts me... she feels safe enough to totally let go..." he muttered, looking amazed. "that's... wow. i didn't... so..." he paused, working it all out in his head and reordering things according to this new information. "it's all about trusting your partner... like in a spar. i trust her not to push me too hard, and she trusts me not to hit her too much..." he muttered. "she only asks once and a while, because she needs to trust me the most during those times. like when she's upset.. oh my god i GET it!" he stated, staring at Morgana with wide, astonished eyes. "i get it!" and with that, he was racing out the door, forgetting all about feeling guilty about... everything actually. "that, had to be a hard conversation." Bruce mused, looking like he wanted to laugh at his lover. "i've never seen him so red in the face before. was he talking about sex?"
“Hm, noooo. I’m not that mean.”Anna grinned giggling a little as Steve freaked out, sighing quietly. “Hm, there are. A few good ones here, though I prefer the european ones. They’re...just different then the US ones.”She smield a little nuzzling the other before smirking. “The limit of what you’re willing to try...and probably. You’re right, doing that with your son would be weird.”She giggled before smiling and shrugging.

“Because they trust you to not betray it. Tony and Anna both trust you more then they do most people. Tony trusts you to not let him backslide and end up the man he was before Iron man, and Anna...anna trusts you with everything.”Morgana smiled before nodding. “She does. I get the feeling she’s rarely trusted anyone, even tony, to totally lose control of herself. It makes for a...difficult and lonely existence sometimes.”Morgana smiled before nodding. “Exactly. She trusts you to not break the trust she has in you. And that makes sense. Anna is a very physical emotional woman. She connects with people through touch, even if it is a casual hug or more, like she has with you. When she’s upset, giving up control to you, gives her a new balance again. Lets her find her way again.”She smiled watching him, pleased that he was so excited, smirking ever so slightly as he ran out of the room. Glancing up at bruce as he came in she nodded, leaning back in her chair.”I’ve had harder. This was more hard because I so wanted to laugh at him....and he was. It seems Anna shares more of tony’s tendencies then anyone would have thought behind that calm and collected exterior.”She snickered a little leaning over to kiss him.”but they’ll be okay. How’s tony doing?”

Anna stirred grumbling a little as he climbed into bed, having been starting to go to sleep.”Steve?”she muttered blinking a little yawning as she stretched, looking up at her boyfriend, looking sleepily pleased with him. Even if they’d been fighting, she was always happy to see him.
he sighed, relaxing when she promised she wouldn't do that to him. "well... i think i'll avoid the clubs for now." he decided, looking terrified again. "yeah, Tony's not coming near me, ever. he is my limit." Steve stated firmly. "actually. him, Loki, Clint, Bruce, Natasha, Morgana, Bucky, River, Tiffany, Alec, complete strangers off the street and professionals are my limit." well. he was decisive wasn't he?

"...i didn't realize they trusted me that much." he admitted, looking shocked. it was kind of... a good feeling to know that they where so close to him really. it was... it was very nice to say the least. "thanks Morgana! you're the best!" he chirped as he left to go seduce his girlfriend. he was freaking horny now! "hey." he muttered, offering her a smile as he crawled into bed with her. "so. i learned some things." he admitted as he wrapped his arms around her. "i'll tell you about them later." he promised, realizing how tired she was.

"That's something i really didn't need to know." Bruce admitted with an amused grin. "and Tony's completely losing it. i gave him a dose and he's asleep now while Jarvis does the scanning thing. it's hard because Loki's signal keeps vanishing and then reappearing." he admitted. "he'll wake up in about two hours, Loki should have settled down by then, i think."
Anna giggled, “So decisive.”She teased amused at his words, smirking a little.

“They do. Though I wouldn’t expect either of them to really admit to it, beyond small gestures of trust.”Morgana said smiling as she watched him go. “Hm, you did?”Anna smiled up at him, waking up a little more, shifting slightly, smirking as her hip brushed against him, raising a eyebrow at how hard he was.”...should I be jealous of morgana?”She teased raising her head to kiss him. Tired, yes, but even tired and worn out, it had been days since she’d had sex with him, and she was feeling needy now as she felt him pressing against her hip.

“I know, which is why I told you. It’s so adorable you blush when around any of them.”Morgana teased before sighing quietly. “Good. This is, horrible.I wish he’d talk....but he wont. At least not until Loki settles.”Morgana sighed, looking worried for them all before standing, wrapping her arms around his waist, leaning against his chest. “How are you?”she said knowing he was worried about his friends.
Bruce smiled a little. "trust is extremely hard to come by." he admitted. "especially for kids like them who have been hurt very badly." he admitted before he sighed and nodded. "i know, but Tony has a lot worse trust issues than all of us combined. until Loki and Clint come back and we deal with Him, whoever he is... Tony wont calm down." he admitted before leaning into her a little, kissing her gently. "i'm not okay, but i'm not..." he struggled to find the right words. "i won't break down just yet." he promised, closing his eyes. "lets just keep the others from freaking out and then we can work on me... how are you doing?"

Steve smiled a little. "never." he promised her with a chuckle. "i just understood a few things and when i was thinking about them and you i got turned on." he admitted, kissing her neck. "i'm going to try something.... and you're not allowed to move. at all. not an inch, not a twitch, nada. you just lay there and be still and rest." he ordered, trying to be firm, and failing a little bit because he was nervous. nervous or not, he continued and carefully started touching her, sliding his hands down her sides and unhooking her pants button. "i learned about this on the Red Tube. it's called 'eating out'. the girls on there where really horrifying, and the men where worse, but they seamed to think this was the best thing ever, so... i want to try."
Morgana nodded, before sighing. “He’s also spent time in a cave because he trusted the wrong person. Are you really surprised he has issues?”She mtutered rubbing a hand over her face because she was pretty sure that she only knew half the story, but she was helping him, on the rare occasions he actually talked to her. Nodding at bruce’s observation. “Well, we’ll just have to hope we can keep him stable, Pepper and Anna’ll be the one most helpful with that. They’ve been doing the balancing act with him so long they’ll be helpful.”she said before studying him, before nodding, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Okay. The others first.”he muttered before leaning into him fully, closing her eyes.”I’m....dealing. I’m scared for all of you. More so because you’ve all told me things, things that make me so afraid of upsetting what control of issues you do have. I’m afraid for clint and loki, none of us will be the same, even when they do come home...”

Anna smiled relaxing, before raising a eyebrow. “Oh?And what was that?”She said before freezing, holding still at the command. Even if he failed a bit, there was just enough of his ‘captain america’ voice, the command there to make her inner submissive obey, shuddering a little as she laid still under his hands, whimpering quietly in longing as he slowly undid her pants, wanting more. “....You were horrified by it?Then why do you want to try?”She questioned quietly, even as her breath came out in pants, trying not to squirm at the idea of him eating her out, closing her eyes as she gave herself over to him, trusting him to do whatever he wanted. Curious to see where it’d go.
he nodded. "not surprised in the least." he admitted. "it just makes it hard to get close to him. Steve's his best freind, Anna's his sister... they barely managed to connect with him, you know?" he sighed. "Pepper too, she was never able to get too close to him or he'd panic. that's why Loki was so great for Tony. Loki didn't care if Tony panicked and went out and slept with a few dozen women. he just grinned when Tony came back, asked him if he took video and that was it." he smiled a little at her and nodded. "but i agree, Pepper and Anna, maybe Steve will be the ones to help him now... if we can get Steve out of bed. Anna needs some loving." he admitted as he smiled at Morgana, leaning down to kiss her. "i think you could use some loving too." he admitted softly. "let's go cuddle and eat a pint of ice-cream each." he decided. "we have your favorite in stock today."

he smiled at her when she went still. he wasn't sure that would work, but it had, and the feelings of power rushed through him. power, and protectiveness and joy at finally giving her what she wanted. "mmm. they weren't you." he explained. "so i was a bit horrified." and if that wasn't the most romantic thing to say, ever. "but i figure if you like it half as much as they did, then it's a good thing." he purred, slowly sliding her pants down. "remember. no moving." he warned, eyes sparkling with mischief as he slowly slid her panties down and examined her for a moment before leaning down and touching his tongue to her, tracing her nether regions slowly, carefully before gently biting that tiny little nub that every woman had. causing just a sparkle of pain with her pleasure, cautious with his movements, but still doing them as he adjusted his technique to what made her moan the loudest.
"They'll help him. When you go after loki,you better let anna and pepper have a comm. Besides knowing how its going,if tony loses it they might be able to talk him doen....and anna does need some loving.but its not like he could do anything for tony right now anyways, because hes holed up in the lab. Give him a hour or two before we go see to him."she said knoeing tony'd resist any form of help. Laughing she nodded."I think that sounds amazing."she grinned as they headed for their private little moment of peace,trying not to worry to much.

Anna flushed smiling slightly at his romantic words swallowing hard before shuddering."hmm it'll be fun..."she gasped as she felt him touching her,shuddering harder as she tried to hold still before whimpering as he played with her,her orgasm building."please,please I want to play with your hakr.."she begged quietly wanting something to hold onto,needing to touch him and knowing the begging would probably set him off,trembling so hard and tears of frustration in her eyes at needing him so badly.
he nodded. "i'll make sure everyone has a Comm." he promised. "you included. i think Alec, River, and Tiffany are going to come with us." he admitted. "so that might help... i still don't know what Tiffany can do, but Alec, Loki, River and herself have all assured me that she'll be perfectly fine in battle... so..." he shrugged. "he's still asleep anyway, so Tony will probobly sleep for another hour and then lock himself in the lab until we get a true hit on Loki's location." he admitted, taking her arm and smiling as he led her away for a romantic movie, ice-cream, and just some good old fashioned snuggling.

"he smiled as she started to beg, pondering how much he wanted to torment her. not much, not yet. she needed the reassurance. "you can move." he finally gasped before burying his mouth into her again. he couldn't beleive how awesome this was. she tasted wonderful, she made the most amazing noises and he was so turned on by the power he had held over her, that he was pretty sure he was going to cum in his pants. "Cum for me." he moaned. "Cum for your Captain."
Anna moaned quietly at his words, moving without even really registering the words, fingers buried in blond hair, fisting the soft strands even as she squirmed under his mouth. “Cap, ohh...cap...”She moaned shuddering as he played with her, startling a little at his words, giving a pleased little moan at the command in his voice even as the world shattered around her, body obeying the command to come before she’d even really processed it, gasping as she jacked off the bed, every muscle tight as she arched and rested her legs over his broad shoulders, before slumping bonelessly into the mattress, panting quietly. The unease she’d been feeling despite their talking disappearing, reassured by his actions, boneless and content.
Steve grinned as he listened to her moaning his 'name' over and over again. god it was hot. so fucking hot, and watching her cum was even more so. "....i really enjoyed that." Steve admitted as he fished his cock out of his pants and moaned as he stroked himself. he'd ask her for one of those amazing blowjobs when she'd recovered. then they could take a nap before heading out to fight for Loki and Clint. Jarvis was pretty damn pissed, and he was already working on fixing his own body. wouldn't be the first time Jarvis had built something, he'd actually constructed most of the Iron Man suits.
“Me to.”Anna panted softly turning her head a little to watch him, shuddering a little as she watched him stroke himself. “You are amazing.Really.”She muttered before pushing up, smirking as she lowered her head to blow him, definitely showing her apperciation for his effort and strides in being dominate like that. Yawning when they were done she snuggled down into him,”Sleep.Then go fight bad guys.”She ordered sighing quietly.

“Tony?Tony, where are you going?Wait for the others.”Anna ordered as she stepped into the lab, realizing that tony was to far gone to really make the connection that he’d not informed any of them he’d found where loki was, and she only knew he had because he was suiting up. Lucky for them all she’d come down to check on the genius, raising her cellphone she dialed steve, even as she moved over to tony.” He’s suiting up, so you guys better get ready to go, but I’m going to need help keeping him here until you’re all ready to go.”Anna said even as she split her time between talking to steve and dismantling the iron man suit just as fast as tony was putting it on, slowing him down just long enough to let the other’s catch up.
Steve grinned as he watched her. "good, i'm glad i did it right." he chirped happily before moaning eagerly as she engulfed him. he was a happy man when he went to sleep.

Steve was the first one to respond, getting suited up and settling into the Jet. Tony's personal 'Avengers' Jet which ran on clean energy and could keep up with Tony. Bruce was next, followed by the three 'Kids' Alec, River and Tiffany, all wearing their own sort of uniforms. it was Bruce who came down and helped her by grabbing Tony's arms and pinned them to his sides so that the suit couldn't finish wrapping around him. "Okay! we're ready! Bruce as soon as you're on board, Tony can be set free." Steve reported through the Comm, which Bruce had, as promised, made sure that everyone had. Morgana and Anna wouldn't be left in the dark this time. "where are we going Tony?" Steve demanded. using his 'captain' voice.
"Go.I have him."anna said as she heard steve's call waving the other away even as she kept tony still."staten island.the north side along the cliffs.I think they chose the place to give clint a better hangout so we couldn't really hide from him."tony said calming slightly at the captain's tone, responding to the chain of command eben if he didn't play well with others...at least according to most people.his team knew better."I'm letting him go,cap. Be ready to go."anna said as she stepped back letting the rest of the suit to assemble before smiling sadly as tony was barely all the way in the suit,pieces still settling around him as he left the tower. Making sure jarvis was monitoring the bleeps that were the things he'd put on loki, trying to keep calm as they flew,listening to the others plan,knoeing that he had to knoe what the plan was,otherwise he might get loki and clint killed
they followed Tony into the sky and Steve muttered a few curses under his breath as he realized where they where going. "we're just going to have to go in." Steve warned. "we'll fly around in from the back of the island, land as far out of sight as we can." Steve instructed. "don't fly off without us Tony, we need surprise on our side." he warned, swallowing thickly as he wondered just how bad this was going to be. they landed several feet out on the beach, they could see a massive 'army' of people, all of them Blue eyed zombies. He had been working hard. in the middle of the zombie army was Him who was seated on a throne like object. as the Avengers came closer, the crowds parted for them, no fighting needed. Steve nearly cursed when he finally caught sight of Loki, who was naked, had semen coating his inner thighs and buttocks, and was kneeling before Thanatos, sucking the bastards cock. being that Loki had no access to his own magic, he wasn't really good for anything else. Clint was there too, fully dressed and gripping his bow, eyes fixed on the group, ready and willing to attack at any second.
“Okay. I’m not going anywhere.”Tony said even though he sounded annoyed at not being able to go faster, he did stay with the quinjet, before landing just on the the left of the jet, frozen as the crowd parted. “Hey tones, Tony!Listen. You’ll get him killed if you rush in. Do your thing, talk and then go after him.”Anna ordered even as she switched stations to talk to the others without tony hearing. “Steve, you’re going to have to hit Loki really really hard. And Clint. Natasha, you re-calibrated clint last time by doing that, but tony’s not going to be able to hit Loki. And take Clint out of the game early and hard, cause otherwise you guys are going to be walking targets.”She observed before turning her comm back to everyone, including tony, absently smirking as she listened to tony muttering to himself. “Welcome. I was wondering how long it would take you to find us.”Thanatos said as he stroked loki’s hair, looking totally at ease with being caught being given a blow job.
Steve nodded and Bruce sighed, relieved that Tony was obeying orders. River just growled deep in his throat, annoyed that this was taking so long. a member of his Pard was in danger and they where all just sitting there! "Tony.." Steve took Tony's hand, offering support. "calm down. it's going to be alright." he whispered before he cocked his head and nodded as Anna spoke. "keep him distracted Tony." he muttered. "the closer we can get..." he muttered, glancing at River who nodded. he would be the one to hit Loki, because honestly, Steve wasn't sure he could do the hitting either. "it was a bit of a pain to track you down." Steve agreed, stepping up to Thanatos, taking the lead while the others spread out and Alec flexed his fingers, working on connecting himself to as many souls as he could. the more he could 'take over' the more 'allies' they would have. it was harder than he anticipated, wresting control away from Thanatos. but he had a few minds turned to him already. Loki didn't even seam to realize the others where there, he just looked up at Thanatos with a look of utter devotion on his face, adoration and love where there too. he sucked all the harder, trying to bring pleasure to his Beloved. entirely lost to the Thrall. "You have our people. we want them back." Steve stated firmly, River snarling as he watched Loki. loki was never that submissive, ever. it bothered the three newbies to see Loki so... helpless.
Tony shuddered in the suit, tilting his head towards steve as he took his hand back from him, “I’m okay. Just annoyed.”he grumbled before sighing softly, struggling for control. “Got it. It’ll be fine.”he muttered as he walked closer, moving through the crowd, looking vaguely freaked out that they were just moving to let him through. “Not so loyal are they?” “Ah, why should I worry about the thralls, when I have the whore sucking me?”Thanatos said watching him before turning his head to look at Clint, smirking a little. “I think not. They don’t want to go, and I have better plans for you little world now that I am here myself, like I should have done the first time.”
Steve nodded a little. "we'll get him back Tony. i promise." he whispered before turning his attention fully onto Thanatos as River snarled. Loki just moaned as he was called a whore and River snarled again, his skin rippling before he settled down again as Clint stepped forward, closer to Thanatos as if moving to protect the red skinned thing. "what in the hell do you want with earth anyway!?" Bruce finally demanded. "we've killed your army once. i Know that bomb killed the entire race of the Chitauri. Loki was able to check before they bound his magic. these people, these... Thrall... they stand no chance against us, so why bother trying?" he demanded before grimacing as Loki pulled his mouth free with a pant and nuzzled the long cock. "please... master. fuck me again." Loki pleaded, completely uncaring of the people around him. Bruce knew exactly what Thanatos was doing, he was trying to make them loose control by tormenting Loki. by raping him right in front of them.
“Earth is interesting. It is new. And most of all, it is a world the All-father wishes to protect. I would give much to see the all father suffer. And if I can use both his adopted son, and kill his natural born son when he arrives, then it will be all for the better.”Thanatos smirked a little as he loki pulled back “I will, loki, however many times you want.”the man smirked as he picked loki up, sliding into him with one long roll of his hips, watching the avengers in amusement, ducking his head a little to avoid the repulsor blow aimed at him. “Ah,ah, ah. So bad Man of Iron. Hawkeye, will you take care of the nuisances as I take care of my whore?”
Steve scowled a little, wondering if there was a history behind that or not. "you honestly think you could kill Thor?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "when he comes, it will be with an army of Aeser. possibly even Jotun, Light Elves and Dwarves." he pointed out, looking quite pale as Thanatos picked up Loki, the man mewling eagerly as he wriggled on top of Thanatos. "Yes Sir." Clint stated, striking out immidiatly with arrows, and trying to bash Tony's head in. he was suddenly stopped by River who moved faster than a snake, gripping Clint's hair and driving his knee into the man's nose. Clint was down for the count. "...little rough weren't you?" "he'll recover. now get out of my way, i'm going to gut the redskinned bastard!" River snarled, leaping into the air, shifting as he moved. this time it was Loki who moved faster than the eye could see, and River hit the dirt, as still as Clint. "son of a bitch!" Bruce growled, his skin turning an odd shade of green. "Let Loki go NOW you sick fucker!"
“I can. Even a thunder god is at the mercy of other things.”Thanatos smirked. “Steve...”Tony muttered his voice tight and broken as he watched, moving closer to steve, trusting steve to be able to stop him if he went for thanatos. Trusting Steve to stand between him and committing what would probably be suicide. “So rough with my toys. I shall make you pay for that.”Thanatos growled as loki moved, shaking his head.”I simply could not. He is quite enjoyable.”Thanatos said his smirk widening as thunder cracked and within moments the asgardian prince was standing in front of him, blond hair fluttering a little in the sudden wind. “Let him go Thanatos. And I will spare you.”Thor thundered as he raised his hammer, and it was only in that moment Tony noticed a unusual addition to the other’s usual attire. A spear, and two women with him. Watching the battle ready women moving slowly through the people, moving to fight, to get closer to loki, and engaging the jotun, tony realized what they had to be. Valkyries. “Now. They’re distracting him.”Tony growled as he plowed into the crowd, even as the valkyries took more and more of both loki and thanatos attention, using it to move closer to loki, trusting the others would be fighting to.
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