Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“I am. You’re just to adorable.”She teased smiling a little, before grinning. “It’s hard is it?”she smirked at him, shifting to straddle his waist, squirming back against him, teasing because she couldn’t help it!To much time with tony to not tease him. And with such a nasty shock of having Howard back, she was willing to shove it aside in favor of having sex with her boyfriend. “It is.We should have more.”She muttered even as she leaned down to kiss him.

“See?We have more then enough help to take care of things.”Tony muttered shifting to lay down, smiling amused as both brothers laid down with him, “It’s a good thing I have a big bed....should I refrain from incest and threesome jokes with you two in bed with me?Anna hit me when I made them about her and steve.”Tony snickered a little, relief in the sound that Loki was calming, yawning as he settled in to rest. Mentally and emotionally exhausted enough that all he wanted to do was rest for awhile. They could confront the idea of Thanatos soon, but not right this minute.
he grunted a little. "you're not nice." he complained, though he sounded amused. "when i'm around you, 'it's' always hard." he teased with a grin, making a sex joke simply because he could get away with it. "you want to have sex now?" he asked, even as he was unbuttoning her pants, licking his lips. "well, it would certainly be rude of me to refuse." he agreed with a grin.

Loki nodded. "we do." he agreed softly before he started to laugh at Tony's comment. "careful Tony. Thor might take exception to that comment and decide to teach your place." he teased with a chuckle before he too decided sleeping was best. "don't leave ok?" Loki pleaded softly to Thor.

when they all woke up, Alec was speaking to a... creature. Thor would recognize it immidiatly as a Uruka, a creature of Death sent by Hela to collect the souls of those who needed to suffer in the Pits of Misery or the plains of woe. what was the most astonishing, was that it was Listening to Alec! "...oh my god you're a Necromancer!" Loki gasped, gaping at Alec who flushed brightly and glanced away. "ah... no, not as such i'm.... i'm a little bit more than that..." he admitted looking quite sheepish. "i'm more of a Soul Bonder." a Soul Bonder was even more rare than a necromancer. unlike a necromancer, a soul bonder could literally play with souls. he could take a soul out of one body and put it in a new one. or he could remove a soul, combine the body with another creature, and return the soul. they where rare, extremely dangerous, and where usually killed at birth because playing with souls in such a manner usually twisted their own, making them foul and evil. Loki was gaping at him in shock as the Uruka chirped and vanished in a swirl of shadow and smoke. leaving Howard with them until he died or Alec called a new Uruka.
Anna laughed at his joke, looking amused.”Hm, that’s good.”she muttered squirming a little, sighing quietly as she started to undress him.”Definitely rude.”She agreed.

“I would?”Thor asked eyeing the genius next to him, looking amused as tony snickered tiredly. “Sleep.We’re not leaving.”Thor ordered rolling his eyes at the two, settling down to sleep himself.

Thor stared at the man, for a moment at a loss for words. Not sure what to say about that, before nodding a little. “It is a great shame then that you are with the Mistress Pepper, for Hela would surely find you very interesting.”Thor mused looking a little disturbed though, worried about the other’s soul before looking at Tony as the man stepped into the room. “Well, at least that means we’re going to get Howard to stay for awhile.”He said before frowning, tilting his head a little as he heard arguing, looking bemused as he realized the golden couple was actually arguing. He hadn’t ever heard steve and anna fighting about anything, so this was weird. At least, until he realized what they were arguing about. Rolling his eyes as he realized Anna was being stubborn, and simply wanted left alone.

“I’d drop it Steve. She’s going to go whether you think it’s a good idea or not.”Tony said even as he formulated a plan.”She goes to the Med conference every year. Just stalk her if she really wont let you go with her.”Tony said rolling his eyes, because he knew that anna was only protesting Steve going with her because she was in the mood to argue because howard was here, and it was fucking with her sense of wellbeing. Hopefully steve would take the hint and take a step back and not let her keep goading him into fighting. “See?Even tony agrees I can go by myself.”Anna scowled. “I didn’t say that. I said he could just stalk you.Now, are you done being a bitch?” “I am not being a bitch!”Anna scowled, having not slept well the night before, memories driving her nightmares into being worse then normal, then having woken to talk to tony for awhile, and found out about Thanatos, yea the woman was on edge, and picking a fight because she was anxious. And having remembered the medical conference, and needing something normal, she was going to go.
Alec flushed a little and shook his head. "Hela and i get along well enough but she's a little too insane for my tastes." he admitted, making Loki laugh brightly. "how is your soul so clean?" "oh! that's EASY." Alec admitted with an impish smirk. "so long as i stick to still living souls, nothing happens. it's when you break the laws of nature and start bringing dead souls back to life, or snuffing out living souls that causes problems. i mostly commune with the dead, they know all sorts of interesting things. sometimes Hela lends me a hand, though i never knew her name until recently." he admitted with a shrug before blinking as he too realized Anna and Steve where arguing, Steve complaining that it was way too dangerous for her to go off on her own with dead people cropping up all over the place.

"i don't care if she goes!" Steve complained. "i want her to go! she'll have fun. i just don't want her to go ALONE!" he protested before he blinked at Tony. "...oh." he blinked a few times and then glared at Tony. "she is not a Bitch!" even if he was annoyed with her, he'd defend her to the death if he had to. and that included name calling. "Medical conference? your going too?" Bruce asked, blinking at Anna as Steve goggled at Bruce. "your going?" "i go every year... or, i used to before... you know, Mean and Green." that caused several snickers. "now that me and Him had an accord i can go again. there's been massive advancements in genetics. i'm actually going to be presenting one of my discoveries this year. it's going to be great!" he admitted with a grin as he lifted a tiny bird cage. "what is that?" "my presentation." he admitted with a grin. "...is it dangerous?" "only if your a meal-worm."
“Well, considering who her father is, are you really surprised she’s insane?”Tony teased his lover, nudging the jotun, dipping his head to press a kiss to messy black hair, looking fascinated with the idea of communing with the dead.”Could you summon certain people?I mean like Einstein or plato or....”He trailed off as his inner geek showed through, looking vaguely amused that the two were arguing.

“If you’d stop arguing, she’d stop protesting it.”Tony said quietly ignoring Anna as she headed for the kitchen to track down something to snack on. “She’s just wound up...and Yes, she is being a bitch. Always.”Tony said refusing to be intimidated by the man glaring at him. Anna looked startled as she walked back in,sipping her orange juice. “I go every year. I usually end up giving a lecture on tech and health care, especially since moron over there might not like practicing medicine, but he’s made me some awesome tools....somehow I always get tasked with introducing them at the conference.”She snickered a little rolling her eyes, teasing tony. Starting to relax before looking up at her boyfriend.”See?I’ll go with bruce. And I guess if you want to come, you can. I mean, it’ll be boring and long and I don’t want to hear that you’re bored, I get that enough from Tony but...”She took a shuddering breath her eyes bouncing around the room, avoiding looking at steve, not wanting him to see just how much fighting with him over stupid shit had upset her. Cause while she knew it was stupid, it was also their first fight and she was afraid he’d leave her...even if logically she knew that was a stupid thought.
Alec shrugged. "i didn't know Tony was her father until just now so... pretty surprised." he admitted as Loki snorted. "no. i'm not powerful enough to summon a dead soul that's more than ten years old." Alec admitted. "i've been practicing quite a bit though." he admitted. "i've improved quite a bit, and i intend to improve even more as i keep aging." he admitted. "the older i get, the more powerful my skills will get."

"as don't make me hurt you Tony." Steve warned, his eyes narrowed before he offered her a smile. "as long as you don't go alone." he agreed. "i don't like the thought of you being on your own right now when the dead are popping up all over the place." "yeah, that's whats bothering me." Alec admitted suddenly. "the person whose doing this isn't following the Natural Order... they'll have one hell of a twisted image." "he's red." Loki admitted, voice suddenly timid. "and large..." Steve reached over and took Anna's hand. "promise me you won't duck out alone... stay with Bruce... please?" he pleaded, watching her intently, worried about her. worried for her as Bruce smiled. "i'll keep her safe Steve. i promise." he promised, glancing at her. "you're going to be stunned into silence when you see my amazing presentation." Bruce admitted with a smirk as he headed for the door. "are you packed?" he asked Anna. "Tony's letting me steal the Jet." he admitted with a grin. "so we'll be there in a matter of hour or two."
“Yes father. Should I worry about spankings and such?”Tony snickered a little watching them. Anna shuddered sighing quiuetly biting her lip. “I know. ..I’m sorry.”She muttered reaching out, squeezing Steve’s hand, calmer now. “I don’t think this...this person has any sort of normal image if he was willing to give the chitari to loki.”Tony muttered offering loki a comforting smile, wrapping him in a huge, trying to comfort him. “I shall have to speak to father. This cannot go on.”Thor said looking annoyed with each new piece of information he gained. “I will.Even if he bores me to tears.”Anna said smiling at her boyfriend, teasing her friend a little. “We’ll keep each other safe.”She promised leaning up to kiss steve gently before grinning at bruce.”No I wont. I see genius every day. You are the one who’s going to be amazed when you see some of the new stark tech. And yea, let me grab my bag and I’ll be right down.”Anna grinned as she bolted for her bedroom grinning as she walked back out, practically bouncing in place as she slid the duffle bag over her shoulder, kissing her boyfriend soundly. “Don’t get in any trouble while I’m gone okay?I’d hate to have you relying on tony’s medical skills.”She teased before bounding out of the room after bruce, the two doctors chattering happily about doctors they both knew and the presentations they were looking forward to. “...I am so glad I don’t have to share a plane with them.”Tony smirked watching them go, before growing serious, knowing they had to get to figuring out exactly what the super villian was up to with the dead people.
Steve blinked at him for a moment and then. "Tony?... stop making father jokes before i push you off the landing pad." he ordered with a roll of his eyes before he smiled at her. "i'm sorry too. i shouldn't have yelled at you." he muttered softly as he smiled at her as Loki winced at the mention of the Chitauri. he still wasn't 'over' what had happened. and how could he be? they had tortured him, messed with his head and then made him slaughter innocent people. no one could really get over something like that especially someone who had basically been a civilian. "Bruce isn't nearly as boring as Tony is." Steve assured her, Bruce snorting as he rolled his eyes. "be safe." Steve ordered. "and call me if you even suspect foul play." he ordered, kissing her back. Loki was snuggling into Tony when Thor commented and he sighed. "does he have to know?" Loki asked softly. suddenly it was obvious, Loki was ashamed of himself, ashamed to have been so weak. he had allowed himself to be punished, quite unfairly, because he honestly thought he deserved it.

"oh no. i see Stark Tech every day. it's not all that impressive." Bruce stated. "no one has EVER managed what i've done." he admitted with a smirk as something under the cloth covering started to chirp and warble in pretty bird like tones. "hush now my sweet, don't give the game away." Bruce gently scolded with a grin before he followed Anna out to the jet and off to the medical conference. "yeah, me too, i can't understand a word they're saying... did Bruce have a bird in that cage? or is it something that i don't want to know about?"
Tony frowned sulking but stopped making bad jokes as Anna smiled. “You’re okay.”Tony muttered nudging loki a little before his eyes widened, sputtering a little.”I’m not boring!”Tony scowled. “I will.And I’ll call the moment anything looks wrong.”Anna promised leaning into him for a moment. “Yes, loki. He does.You take to much of this on yourself, let me help you.We’ll figure this out.”Thor said ruffling his little brother’s hair a little, leaning down to kiss his forehead.”I will return within a day, hopefully with answers.”he said smiling as he left. Anna’s eyes went wide, looking curious as she looked at the bird cage. “Nu-huh, my things will be more amazing...though I wanna see what you have.”Anna grinned following him. “...I don’t know, and we probably wont want to know. We’ll find out soon enough I guess.”Tony said looking curious and amused as he watched them go, for the moment relaxed and happy.

Though two days later he wasn’t at all happy or pleased, and it had everything to do with Odin not having any easy fixes, the all father working in asgard to figure out what to do with Thanatos, and with a put out thor returning to earth to help them corral the dead. For the moment there was no answers, and Tony Stark was not a man used to not having answers. Scowling a little as he blocked a blow to his face, he smirked at steve as they circled the sparring ring, amused that they’d all taken to working off some stress by beating the living crap out of each other. “Enough.”he said stepping back, panting and tired. And while they usually apperciated turning off all the electronics and even Jarvis for the time they were in the gym, except in dire emergencies, what Tony discovered when he flipped back on his phone was definitely one of the times that made him regret turning off his phone. Glaring at the 12 missed calls from Anna he leaned back into teh room to yell at Steve.”Check your phone. Anna’s been trying to get ahold of us. J?”

“I am sorry Tony, she hadn’t called the Tower, only the team’s cellphones, I didn’t notice until you pointed it out.... I do not know why she didn’t call the tower.”The AI scowled fiercely as he left the gym with Clint, already searching the tower records to find what could be happening before frowning, “There was a bombing at the medical conference. There seems to be no casualties, nor any ‘supervillians’ involved, which is why the avengers were not called in, but I would recommend leaving for DC soon. There are no reports of Bruce becoming Hulk, but they would surely like you all there soon enough.”Jarvis said already heading for the elevator to gather their things and already getting ahold of the airport to get a flight, even if he knew Tony would probably be going as iron man. Tony looked at steve, tilting his head a little, and even with his own lover safely at home, he knew how he’d feel if he didn’t know what happened, and so he made a offer he’d never made before. “It’d be uncomfortable, especially going mach 4 without your own suit, but I can get you to DC in under a half hour if I fly you there.”he said tilting hsi head.
Loki shook his head and snuggled more intently into Tony. he wanted this horror to be done and over with already. he was frightened and upset and he wanted to go to bed. "i don't need help." Loki protested. "i need Him to be gone..." he muttered with a sigh as he watched Thor leave. "now they're going to pity me." he grumbled, disgusted. Bruce laughed at her blatant attempt to figure out what he had. he was going to blow the socks off the entire medical, scientific, and smart person population! because he, had made a fully living, fully formed Chimera. he'd used over fifteen different birds to create what he had created. he was calling it a Rain Bird, because it always trilled an hour before it rained, sang while it was raining, and seamed to sulk when it wasn't raining. fourteen different songbirds had been used, along with two hummingbirds and a bluebird. it was a gorgeous specimen, and he was the talk of the Conference. Bruce had literally combined different genetics, turned it into an Egg and carefully inseminated a bluebird and hatched it from the egg himself. it loved to show off too, as it stood on it's 'stage' and preened in front of the stunned audiences. Bruce was very smug for the rest of the conference.

Steve panted as he stepped back from Tony. he'd barely broke a sweat on Tony, but that was why he usually sparred with River before he faced Tony. later he'd go against Clint so long as something didn't happen. "my phone?" Steve asked, plucking his phone out of his gym bag and frowning as he struggled to work it. he could call the people on his contacts list now, but he still had a lot of issues with the phone. "a Bomb!?" Steve demanded, looking furious as he rushed into his Gym Bag and was already stripping down and getting dressed in the new suit Tony had made for him. he could make the captain insignia hidden if he wanted to, without it, he looked more like an Agent than he did a superhero, which was the whole point. "....you'll give me a lift!? i can handle Mach four." he promised, wondering if he needed to take his shield or not. he decided to take the one Tony had made, which could fold up until it could fit in his pocket. it wasn't as strong as his normal one, but it would still stop bullets. "let's go then!"

(Bruce's Bird.)
Tony paused already pulling off his own workout clothes and pulling on the under suit for his suit. “Yea, I can give you a lift.”he said not in the least surprised Steve wanted to come before heading to the land pad and suiting up, smirking a little at the good captain. “Hold on, old man, you’re about to get the ride of your life.”He snickered a little as he picked him up, shifting the man around to ride against his back, steve’s arms wrapped around his waist, holding on and out of the way so it wasn’t tossing tony’s balance off enough. And between one breath and the next, he stepped off the tower and was heading for the capital.

Within the next half hour tony was touching down at the conference hall, staring around at the mass confusion and teams of police and firemen streaming in and out of the building, watching the building collapsing onto itself. “J?Call Anna.”He said flipping up his mask, turning his head this way and that, looking for the woman. “Tony?” And with that simple word tony had to catch steve’s arms, despite the suit holding him up, to keep on his feet his relief to hear her voice that strong. “Yea it’s me. Where are you in this mess?” “Over by the trees across the street. I can see you.Just walk straight.”Anna ordered hanging up, and leaning tiredly against the man at her side. A arm wrapped around Bruce’s waist, absently rubbing his back, hoping to keep him calm even as he held his chimera, but it was the man she was leaning on that would capture both Steve and tony’s attention as they got close.

One James Buchanan Barnes.

“Anna....Steve’s here.”James muttered into dark hair, flicking a glance up towards the two avengers approaching, gently easing the tired woman away from him, not wanting to upset his friend more then he already had to be. “Steve?”Anna muttered blinking tiredly, letting exhaustion pull her under now that her hero was there. “Hey hey, no sleeping. You have a concussion, St. Clair.”James ordered gently shaking her, offering a hesitant smile to Steve, not sure how to have this conversation, but needing to get anna and bruce looked after before they did.
Steve nodded before glaring at Tony. "i am not an Old MaaaaaAAAAAN!!!!!" he screamed as they took off, shocked. this wasn't like falling out of an airplane at ALL!!!! "i'm gonna be sick." Steve groaned as they finally landed. "you didn't need to do the corkscrew Tony!" he complained as he struggled to stay standing as Tony leaned against him. he gave no thought to anything else, he just rushed to Anna, pausing at the sight of Bruce, who looked like the building had literally collapsed on him he was covered in blood, dust and bruises. but he'd managed to not change. he hadn't gone Hulk, so that was a good thing at least.

"Anna!" he gasped, racing over to see what was happening as the 'rain bird' chattered and chirped and cheeped in what sounded like annoyance. "....B...Bucky!?" Steve demanded, staring wide eyed at his best freind, wondering if he needed to start hyperventilating or not. "Anna! don't go to sleep!" Steve demanded, gently forcing her to sit up. Bruce was lost to the world, meditating very deeply to keep the Hulk calm and dormant. honestly, it was rather surprising to Steve that the tiny bird in Bruce's palm, only about three inches tall, wasn't flying away. it was just chattering at them. "we need a doctor over here now." Steve muttered as he looked around before he nodded. "Tony! watch her!" he demanded as he sprinted off to get an EMC. he was back in a matter of minutes, practically draggign the poor emergency care physician. Bruce had finally come out of his meditation and had slipped the bird into Anna's hands to give her something to focus on.
“You are to.”Tony grinned laughing as steve screamed. SMirking as he pulled off his helmet, he waved a hand away from him.”Puke over there. And yes I did, I wanted to see if I could move with you hanging on, just in case we have to do it later.”he said following as steve rushed towards the others.

Bucky offered a small smile at Steve, “She just has a concussion. I checked her over, but you might want to get someone else.”Bucky said as he shifted away to let Steve hold his girlfriend, smiling slightly as Tony replaced steve, the billionaire gently keeping Anna awake. “It’s so pretty Bruce....you’re going to have to put it in the living room...so we can all enjoy it...her?Him?It’s cute.”She muttered tilting her head to look at the other scientist. “Calm down Steve.”Tony said as he straightened, moving out of the wayt so the EMC could look anna over, before letting out a relieved sigh as it was announced she just had a concussion and a fair amount of bumps and bruises, but she was okay. “Just keep her awake for the next 24 hours, and let her rest.”The EMC said before moving away to check on the next patient.

“We should get to a private room....Steveeee....I want a bed, and you in it. I’ve missed you.”Anna ordered tilting her head to look up at her boyfriend with a dazed smile. Bucky smiled slightly, moving away, “...I’ll let you guys get going then...”he said looking torn between wanting to stay with them, and not wanting to invade their privacy knowing things were going to be ugly when they realized what had exactly happened.
Steve huffed a little at Tony. "Jackass... you just liked hearing me scream." he grumbled as he shook his head before nodding at Bucky. "you where never a very good nurse." Steve teased Bucky, distracted byt he fact that his girlfriend was hurt. "i am going to." he agreed with a smile. "i don't know the gender yet. like most birds you won't be able to tell until it reaches maturity and either starts laying eggs or doesn't." he admitted with a smile. "and i DID tell you that my presentation was the best." he teased with a snicker. "i won't calm down! don't tell me to calm down!" Steve ordered, making Bruce snicker. "you and i both know that if it had been Loki sitting here, you'd be even worse." Bruce pointed out with a grin before he looked excited. "did you see though!? did you!? i didn't go green! a building dropped on me and i was able to keep the Hulk Down!" he quieted as the EMC came by and nodded as he imparted his orders.

"uh... love? you have a concussion. i don't think you can have sex with a concussion." he pointed out. "let's go find the Jet and go home." he decided, picking her up. "i missed you too." he admitted with a smile. "you're not going anywhere James." Bruce stated, catching the others arm. "we need to get you somewhere safe before Death comes to reclaim you. i don't think Steve could survive loosing you again." he admitted. "come along. Steve's going to be delighted once he calms down." Bruce promised. "and you're not the first person to come back from the dead."
“I never heard you complaining about it. I must’ve been okay.”JAmes rolled his eyes looking amused at steve’s words, vaguely amused that the man was this worked up. Pleased that the man had found someone. “Oh...well we can’t just keep calling it a it. We need a name....and it wasn’t, but I will admit that it was a good second best to mine.”Anna agreed. Tony snickered a little, shaking his head slightly, “I will tell you whatever I want. You’re freaking out the people, seeing the Capsicle freaking out.”Tony said easily before glaring at Bruce, twitching a little. Not even able to handle even the imaginary thought of Loki being hurt. “Would not. And I did, that was pretty awesome. You’ll have to tell Loki his help helped.”Tony said smiling a little.

“I’m a doctor, I can do whatever I want. It’s not ‘against medical advice’ if I say it.”Anna said primly, resting her head on Steve’s chest. Tony snickered a little, shaking his head. “..I forgot how weird she got when she had a concussion.”He sniggered already calling the airport to get a plane, flagging down a cab. James looked at bruce, looking worried for a moment, before nodding a little. “If you think that’s best...”he said worrying about being around his friend even as they all piled into the cab settlign in next to steve and anna, looking down at the woman with a indulgent smile, because despite knowing her for less then 3 hours, he could see why steve had fallen for her."She's a delight, Rogers."he muttered looking up at the other.
Steve snorted. "i was too unconscious to complain about your doctor skills." he pointed out. "well why don't you name it though. but be warned, it's very vocal and very opinionated. it will tell you if it doesn't like a name." he warned with a chuckle. "and mine was WAY better than your silly laser scalpels and advanced portable MRI systems. i made life!" he complained. "how do you get better than MAKING freaking LIFE?!" he complained, the bird trilling in what sounded like agreement. "i will tell Loki that his help... helped." Bruce agreed, sounding amused as Steve snorted at Anna. "you are mentally compromised and therefor i'm not allowed to listen to you." he stated simply as he carefully buckled her into the Jet seat, shaking his head. "it is for the best, you'll see." Bruce promised. "hell, even if it was you who blew up the place it would still be ok." he promised with a grin. "and it's okay because i said so." that got a snort from Steve. "that's right. we all listen to Bruce." "you do. because if you don't, i'll go grean and turn you into paste." "...good point." he agreed with a grin as he made sure Anna wasn't going to fall asleep before he enveloped Bucky into a tight hug. "god i missed you..." Steve whispered. "i'm so sorry Bucky... i'm so sorry i got you killed... and if you think she's a delight now, wait until she's not concussed. then she's simply amazing!" yeah, Steve was a bit manic at the moment. "...you ARE real right? i'm not hallucinating?" "...do you hallucinate often Steve?" Bruce asked, looking a bit concerned about that. "sometimes..."
“Don’t care, you still weren’t complaining about it.”Bucky snickered a little. “Oh. Well. I shall name it....Loki!Since it’s loud and very opinionated...wait. No, that would be tony.” “You are not naming the bird tony. Shush, and think of something better.”Tony ordered rolling his eyes a little. “My presentation was awesome!And I can TO MAKE LIFE! I just need help doing it. Steve, I need help. I want to beat Bruce and make life!” “.....I think we should muzzle her until she gets some sleep.”Tony shook his head a little looking amused. “No, you have to listen to me. You’re dating me, and I’m a doctor.....and ohhh we could join the mile high club. Steveee...” “...what is this, mile high club?”Bucky said looking thoughtful. “Then I should listen to him I guess.”Bucky said looking amused though, wincing a little. “Well...it was me. I mean, I was ordered to go in, and place the bomb. But the bastard never said anything about not telling anyone...so I went and found you. And anna. The..person, thing...whatever...wanted to make sure I knew who you were.But-”His stressed rambling broke off when steve hugged him, hugging the man back tightly.”You didn’t get me killed steve, I’m sorry I left you on your own.”He muttered before leaning back a little, frowning. “Well, I’ll be looking forward to it. I want to see the girl who finally got you wrapped around her fingers.”he teased before frowning. “About what?” “You do?Steve?What?You halluc...hallucin...”Anna trailed off, the long word to much for her concussed state, and showing that not even anna had known about steve seeing things. “Seeing things?”
the bird did not appreciate her trying to name it such a thing and whistled angrily and offered her a stern glare. Bruce looked immidiatly pleased with himself when she started babbling about making life and Steve went a bright furious red. "uh... three mile high club?" "it's when you have sex in an airplane at three miles in the air or higher." "ANNA!" Steve complained, going red again. "besides, i already made life! i need... at least a year before i make life again!" Bruce snorted at that. Bruce just nodded at Bucky. "i suspected so. the timing was too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence." he admitted with a grin. "so. did He by any chance tell you anything else? we've a God back home whose scared out of his knickers because of this guy and we rather like him, so any information you can give us will be highly appreciated." he admitted before frowning at Steve who shrugged. "it's a side effect from the Serum as far as anyone can guess. it happens when i'm really really stressed out. it's easy enough to ignore because usually i can tell what's real and whats not... but... where you guys are talking to Bucky, that either means he's real, or i'm dreaming all of this..." he admitted with a shrug.
“What?It would be awesome.”Anna said grinning up sleepily at her boyfriend, looking amused despite she was being yelled at before frowning. “......you already did?No. Getting tony doesn’t count, because he’s already all grown up.”Anna frowned at that. “Seriously. Muzzle her, and you can have all the kinky sex you want with her like that.”Tony snickered,m not able to help himself before focusing on bucky. “Yes, more please. I’d rather figure out something instead of telling Loki I failed again.”He twitched a little as he slumped into his chair. “He’s staying in new york. At least...I recognized brooklyn when I woke. It was...different, but still home. And he’s pissed. Annoyed that his army was defeated by such...primitive apes’” “Hey, as the primitive ape that blew the shit out of the army, I feel insulted.”Tony said frowning even as he slid his helmet back on so he could talk to jarvis, already working on a way to track the villian. “...You’re not dreaming. You’d never dream of me hurt. Steeeveee...I want to sleep.”Anna whined tiredly, sounding like a sulking two year old. “I think your girl’s asking for attention, Steve.”Bucky teased a little even if his eyes were serious, settling back into his seat as he thought knowing they'd be to new york soon enough
Clint shook his head. "yes but it's only been a little while for me. i need to recover first." he stated firmly, glancing at Bucky and then Tony, begging for help. "i don't want Kinky Sex!" he complained. "i want her to sit still and not hurt herself anymore!" he complained as he gently stroked her hair before he froze. "he's... he's... Here?! in New York!? NOW!?" he demanded, sounding utterly horrified. "Loki's going to freak...." he muttered softly. "...Tony. he's a primitive ape too you idiot." Bruce stated with a roll of his eyes. "and Loki calls you a primitive ape like, a dozen times a day." usually while they where 'fucking like monkeys' "don't go to sleep yet Love." he ordered, rubbing the tip of her ear affectionately. "if you can stay awake until tomorrow, i'll let you do that thing that i wouldn't let you do because it was gross." he promised her with a smile.
Tony grinned looking at his best friend, ruffling the girl’s hair affectionately. “Leave him alone, kitten, he’s been helping me create awesome things in the lab.” “You should get your own boyfriend to play with.” “I have one, but I need yours to tote things around. Let him rest okay?”Tony said smiling amused at her sulked before paling, staring at bucky. “Fuck...Shit. No one tell Loki until I can okay?”tony ordered before looking at bruce. “I know, but I’m still insulted. I’m smarter then your usual primitive ape....and Loki tells me that during sex.Or arguments.”Tony sulked a little. “Hmmm..which thing?”Anna stirred nuzzling the man’s hand as he played with her ear. Bucky snickered ,looking out the window as new york came into view.”Are you bribing your girlfriend with sex, rogers?”He teased his best friend, grinning as they landed. Looking interested to see what was going to happen next, still nervous about being there.”I can...maybe draw a map. I mean...he led me through the city to the airport...if you can get me a map. I might...” “I’ll get you the best map available as soon as we get back to the tower.”Tony promised as they piled into the car waiting for them, heading back for the tower.
Steve rolled his eyes. "i set things near his hand." he admitted with a smirk. "since he doesn't like to be handed things. which... is kind of hilarious because Loki just drops things ON him." he admitted with a snicker. as he'd walked in once just in time to see Loki drop a very heavy motor on Tony's cock when the Jotun had been reading a book instead of paying attention. Steve had laughed for hours off and on after that. "i certainly am not going to!" Bruce assured Tony. "i like all my body parts where they are." he admitted with a shake of his head. "whichever you want." Steve promised with a wrinkle of his nose, hoping she didn't remember his promise later. "if it keeps her calm i'll bribe her with anything. she's just... never ending! which is great, but i get cramps!..." he complained with a sigh. "at least i don't get tired." he grumbled as he did his best to entertain his girlfriend by offering names to the little bird. Rift, Royal, Heather, Song, Winter, Blue, Hedwig, Zues, Zox, Xypher, and others where all rejected. clearly the bird just didn't like Clint.
“Loki likes dropping things on him.”Anna agreed smiling tiredly. “...and here I thought you were a super soldier these days. Poor steve, getting outlasted by his girlfriend....though I am glad you don’t fall asleep. Anna’d probably think you thought she was boring.”Bucky teased amused that the man was complaining about getting laid, when he had such problems getting to that point. Snickering as he settled in with a map, eagerly working.

Hours later, Anna smiled tiredly, resting her head on Steve’s shoulder, having been dozing. While she wasn’t actually allowed to really sleep, at 24 hours, she was allowed dozing, and had taken full advantage of her very comfortable boyfriend, using his lap as as a resting place as he talked with bucky. “....you could have stopped me....I sounded like a idiot...”She yawned tiredly as she woke enough to be aware, and having slept enough to be truly aware. Smiling, watching the two guys from the 40s talking and working on a map. Bucky frowned a little glancing up as she spoke,hearing the shame...and was that hurt blending her voice?glancing at steve to see if he'd read her wtong,but he didn't think so.despite only knowing her a little bit he recognized the signs of long term abuse,anf the fact that she was concussed left her with nearly no defenses,so she sounded how she was feeling...what he didn't knoe ehat was she could have taken to heart,knoeing abused children had a tendancy to read into things and find things that weren't really there.....if only bucky knew who and how bad the abuse had been,he'd been downstairs after howard already.

Tony sighed softly as he tugged loki into his arms, settling back against his bed. Having dragged loki into here as soon as he’d gotten a chance, after settling bucky in and getting a medical test on everyone to make sure they weren’t hurt more the anna’s concussion, he was trying to avoid telling loki just yet, because it made him nervous.”Reindeer...there’s a problem.”He muttered rubbing the man’s back, knowing loki had a idea what he wanted to tell him,after all bucky was working on a map of the city, but also knowing he needed to tell him, because he knew loki was going to freak out.
he rolled his eyes. "shut up Bucky, at least i'm gettign laid." he shot back. "no more Whore houses for me." just because he knew that was going to catch Tony's attention. "and she is anything but boring." he admitted, flushing brightly. "although... the women in this time are incredibly...." he coughed, trying to find the right word. "in your timeline they'd be complete sluts and every last one of them would have been arrested for public obscenity." Bruce explained with a chuckle.

Steve smiled as he watched her resting, stroking her forehead to get the hair out of her face. "i could have, but then you'd have talked about something even worse." he pointed out. "besides, Bucky thought you where adorable." he teased with a grin before he turned his attention to Bucky and the Map, his head tilted. "are you sure? that's horrifyingly close... Loki isn't going to like this one bit..."

Loki yawned as he snuggled into tony before he went tense as Tony uttered those dreaded words. he looked up at the other, his eyes wide as he trembled. "He's in the City." he whispered, burying his face in Tony's chest. it will be alright. i'm sure of it.. i know it.. it has to be alright..." he muttered, trying to have faith in his lover and his brother and the others... but he was so frightened, he could already feel the madness of Thanatos pulling at him. it was such a sweet, safe feeling, and he wanted to give in, but he was too terrified to. he didn't want to feel the pain again...
"I would not have..."anna teitched a little before offering a shy smile to bucky. "I'm just glad we stopped discussing his sex life.more then I ever wanted to knoe about the good captain.though I think tony nearly swallowed his tongue hearing you were in a whorehouse."bucky snickered before nodding.""yea.pretty sure.I mean I could be wrong,but I recognized the old city even if its changed."bucky said frowning a little.

Tony sighed wincing a little hating he'd upset the man so much shifting to make sure thry were both comfortable."you're safe loki.I promise...don't go drifting away on me okay?"tony said the tone going soft and begging,cared the lure of insanity was stronger thrn loki,stronger thrn thr jotun's need to be with him
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