Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Steve glared at the man as Loki glanced back at Anna and Tony to make sure they where alright. physically anyway. "cover his head so no one can see who he is... and cuff his hands behind his back, we can claim he was trying to steal something." Loki ordered, Steve nodding as he pulled off his outer jacket and flung it over Howard head, forcing the man's hands behind his back and cuffed him. Steve always carried some sort of restraint. this time it was a Zip-tie. "come along mister stark. we have words to have with you." Steve warned, letting Loki manhandle Stark out of the Museum. no one tried to stop them. Steve moved back in order to comfort Anna, wrapping his arm around her tightly even as he clasped his fingers in Tony's. trying to offer what comfort he could to the man of Iron as well. Loki marched Howard ahead of them, giving the man no chance to speak. he viciously pinched Howard anytime the man so much as tried to open his mouth, leaving painful welts behind.

"Hey. what's going on?" Alec asked from where he was lounging on the couch reading one of Steve's business texts. "we've got another Living Dead." Loki explained. "you might desire to leave. this one is in for a very painful end." Alec went a little pale. "...you're... going to kill him?" "yes, as a matter of fact, i am. slowly." "...i'll be playing with the scientists downstairs then." Alec decided, heading for the stairs as Loki pushed Howard down onto the Couch where Alec had been sitting. "so, mister Stark. i'm going to ask you a few questions, and if you lie, i'm going to break one of your fingers, do you understand? as a God of lies, i can always tell when someone is lying, so don't try to." he warned, tugging the jacket off and staring at Howard, his eyes narrowed. "why did you steal Steve Rogers sperm?"
Anna giggled a little, though it sounded slightly hysterical at the sight of the zip tie. “It’s so good to know you’re always ready for the rough games, Cap.”Tony teased looking amused as tehy got out. Anna snuggled into her boyfriend, and Tony shot his father a startled look at Steve took his hand, tilting his head a little as he considered the others, looking vaguely amused that loki was beating on howard as the tried to talk.

“And Cap’s going to help. It’ll be a bonding experience, my lover, me, and my father. It’ll be fun.”Tony snickered looking shaken as he watched howard settle onto his couch, looking disturbed that the man was in a tower that had been built so long after his death. “Because I could not have kids, and we were interested in seeing if since we couldn’t replicate the serum to create another Captain, we were going to breed one.”Howard said simply watching Anna and tony as the two paced, not really paying attention to Steve, feeling like he knew the man well enough to know he wasn’t going to get attacked. Not realizing that steve was just as angry and pissed with him as loki was.
Steve snorted a little. "haven't gotten that far actually. it make's Anna's wounds hurt when i try to tie her hands behind her back... she does like to be spanked though." Steve snarked right back, sounding extremely amused. he had definitely been spending WAY too much time with Tony, Clint, Loki, and Jarvis.

"don't forget about your Mother." Steve ordered, sounding extremely amused as he flashed a smirk at Anna, wondering if he was about to be hit for that comment. "so, you stole my sperm so you could experiment on babies?! you sick fucker!" Steve snarled, his hand wrapping around Howard's neck, squeezing tight, choking the man quite severely. it took Loki several long seconds to pry Steve's fingers free. "i haven't finished questioning him yet." Loki complained, scowling at Steve who snarled, glared at Howard and moved back over to Anna, wrapping his arms around her. "that's why you pushed Tony so hard, you wanted him to display Mister America's special gifts..." Loki mused, studying Howard. "Why torture Anna and Tony? you of all people had to have known that they would work better if given love. so why fuck their lives up the way you did? where you angry that they where smarter than you or what?"
“...Steve!”Anna scowled flushed a bright red as Tony started to laugh.

“I wasn’t. But she enjoys watching more.”Tony said smirking, moving away from anna before she could smack him. Anna frowned looking up at her boyfriend, smacking his arm.”Behave.”She growled before wincing as Steve grabbed Howard, looking away as Howard tried to breath, going red in the face as he looked up at the super solider. “Yes, it is.”Howard said his voice sounding rough and broken from being choked, looking at the two, smirking slightly. “No, they wouldn’t have. They had to prove they were better then anything I told them they were, better then me. Their hatred drove them further then love would ever would have. Besides, they were the ones no one wanted, no one cared what I did.”Howard sneered a little. “....We’re wanted. Always were.”Anna said quietly, her voice quavering slightly, sounding unsure, shaken. More then anything else, Howard’s presence back in her life, in tony’s life, was going to leave them broken. “WE were always better. At everything.” “Of course you were. You’re the super child, and she was a child of one of the howling commandos, bred for the sole purpose of being better then anyone else.”Howard sneered.
Steve smiled at her a little and chuckled before turning to glare at Howard, Loki snarling at Howard's response as he reached out and snapped three of his fingers in rapid succession. "you told a lie. i did say i would punish you if you told a lie. you see. you might not have wanted them, but Anna's father loved, and wanted her. Peggy even wanted her, even if the woman was more than a little mad. and Tony was wanted by the world. and he was wanted by Anna. even after all those who loved and wanted died? they still had each other who loved and wanted. and now? now they have us. the Avengers. who have become far greater in your Absence. you think they hated you? they didn't, you where nothing more than a passing nightmare. you barely even register to them anymore. sure, it hurts them now, having you here, but when i kill you, they won't ever think of you again because you are a nothing, and a no one." Loki stated with a sneer. "now. last question. who brought you back from the dead?!"
Howard howled in pain as his fingers snapped, yelling as he tried to get away. “He never was very good at telling the truth.”Tony said quietly, tilting his head a little. Anna’s eyes widened slightly as she watched the scene, feeling shaken as she shuddered, shifting to get up. Needing out of the room, needing away from the nightmares that were threatening to choke her. Tony looked worried as he watched her leave before turning his full attention back to Howard, starting hard. “I do not know his name....he...he promised I would be able to have my life back, if I simply came here. To mess with them.He...not human. I do not think.But not anything I’ve ever seen before.”Howard said frowning thoughtfully, distracted to much by the pain to think to clearly.
Loki smirked viciously as he watched Howard scream in pain. "Anna?" Steve asked, shooting Howard one last glare before he turned and followed Anna out of the room to comfort her. he picked her up and carried her all the way to the bedroom where he drew her a hot bath and gave her a massage, which he was getting ver good at.

"He', Whoever he was, lied. the Dead cannot suffer the living." Loki stated simply. "you would have died today, no matter from an accident, or from heart failure, you would have died within twenty four hours of being reincarnated." he stated simply. "there is no coming back from the dead. Hela's grip is too tight, and the Uruka would have dragged your screaming soul right back to where it belonged." Loki admitted simply. "describe him. tell me what he looks like, and maybe i will give you a merciful death." the Uruka where Hela's 'pets'. they went out and found the wicked souls that deserved to be punished for their earthly crimes, and dragged them down to Nifelhiem for Hela. they where quite hideous, and very painful. their counterparts, the Uruki, where the opposite. they took the kind and innocent souls and carried them to the lands of paradise. the only reason why Pepper was still alive, was because Frigga had 'saved her'... and because Hela allowed it. "tell me, what the thing that brought you back looked like." Loki ordered again, his eyes narrowed at Howard.
“I’m okay.”Anna muttered as Steve followed after her, quiet as he picked her up, looking amused as she let him sooth tight muscles, laying limply across the bed, content to float on the feeling of his hands on her. “You’re getting good at that..”She sighed quietly, “I can’t...I can’t do this again. I survived him once...it hurts....”She trembled a little, swallowing hard.

Howard scowled. “No!No, that’s not true. He promised.” “Howie, you are talking to a god. I’m sure he knows more about the dead then you do.”Tony scowled a little as he got up to pour himself a drink, pausing a little when he saw howard watching him.”So glad to see you got your drinking under control, Anthony.” “You don’t get to complain about my drinking, old man.”Tony frowned as he sipped the whiskey. Howard frowned a little watching the two before starting to describe thanatos. “Loki?Do you know them?”Tony muttered as he moved over to sit down next to loki, reclining back on the couch like he didn’t have a care in the world.
Steve smiled a little. "no your not." he murmured softly, kissing her forehead. "but you will be. he's nothing more than a ghost." he promised. "he'll be gone before you know it." he reassured her. "i know it hurts, but i won't let him touch you, speak to you, or even look at you again." he promised. "i'll kill him myself if i have to." he promised. "for now... we're just going to rest and snuggle, ok?"

"yes, i am a God. and i'm the Father of Hela too so i know even more than normal." he admitted with a smirk. "besides, Tony's drinking is under control. this is the first drink he's had in a week. last week it was a single glass of champagne at that boring dinner party." he admitted. "he's always been better than you. and considering how you died the first time... drowned in your own pool in a drunken stupor wasn't it?" Loki asked with a smirk. "how pathetic. no one even noticed you where gone." he went pale as Howard described the enemy and Loki swallowed thickly. "no. it can't be... not him... please not him!" Loki pleaded, staggering back before turning on his heal and stalking off, shoving himself into a corner to hide. trembling like a frightened puppy as he closed his eyes and tried to hide from the world. "not him... please not him.... anyone but him..." fortunately, Howard wasn't going anywhere, tied up as he was, so they didn't have to worry about him causing trouble while Loki had his emotional breakdown.
Anna sighed quietly looking at him."he is a ghost..."she said closing her eyes needing the reassurance that howard stark would be gone soon enough no matter what. Eyes widening as she sat up on her elboes to look at him,tears misting them."you'd kill him for me?you..you love me that much?"she sounded shocked despite knoeing he loved her. For tony to express a desire to kill hoeard wasn't anything odd,for steve,her good hearted captain,it was something altogether different.

"He did. We probably wouldn't have noticed at all if anna hadny been lovked in at the timr."tony said the sneer firmly in place as he watched the silent sulking howard before froening at the description.glaring at howard for upsetting loki,and making sure he was tightly tied up he hurried after loki crouching down in front of him."loki?loki eho is it?"he said his voice concerned,and even without his suit on hid hands were twisting slightly,as if he was alrrady facing off against someone with the repulsors going.
Steve smiled a little and nodded before looking startled by her outburst. "well, yes of course... it's not like i've never killed before you know." he pointed out. "and he stole my SPERM Anna! i think, out of everyone, i deserve to kill him the most!" he stated with a sniff. "because not only did he steal my Sperm, but he also then proceeded to Torment my Son in my absence. to make matters worse, he also tormented the woman i love. so therefore, it's only right that i get to kill him." he decided, smiling. "especially since you can't, and shouldn't. Loki won't for fear it would upset Tony, and Tony won't because..." he didn't finish, he didn't need to. deep down inside, Tony still wanted his father to love him.

Loki nodded. "and even then, you didn't notice until after you found Anna." he mused before he completely freaked out. "....it's...it's Him." Loki whispered, trembling. "He is the Eye of destruction and disorder. the creator of War, and waste, diseases and disaster." Loki clung to Tony, trembling all the harder. "his very name causes pain and misery to those who dare say it. He rules the darkness and the Abyss..." he whispered. "he gave to me the Chitauri...." he shuddered violently. "after months of torture he shattered my mind, gave me the Chitauri and set me loose upon the world..." and with that, he simply broke down, sobbing into his knees.
“Well...I guess that’s true. It’s just...not a normal thing thinking about Captain America, willing to commit murder.”She teased lowering her head to kiss him lightly before grinning. “And yes. You of all of us, deserve to kill him. And I could kill if I wanted. I am a doctor, I know how to end lives.”She frowned looking annoyed with his observation before nodding, resting her head on his shoulder,”...You opinion of him matters more then howard’s, you know. Even before he knew you were his father. Tony rather have you proud of him, instead of thinking he was just ‘a man in a big suit’.”She muttered sighing quietly because she knew tony would probably try to rationalize it, but he still wouldn’t kill howard.

Tony winced a little, lowering his head, pressing a kiss to the other’s hair, holding him gently, closing his eyes.”Shush, I got you.”he muttered gently touching the other’s hair, holding him tightly, “...I got you loki. I wont let him have you. Your mine.”He growled before standing up, holding loki gently as he headed for his room, “J, will you tell clint we have company and that I want him to watch him?” “Right away sir.”Jarvis said before the AI smirked down at the man under him, despite being in the body, he could still connect to the house, and knew when people were talking to him, though for the most part it didn’t affect how he acted in the body, at times, like this, it was odd and awesome all at once.”Tony said we have a guest....it seems Howard Stark has decided to visit.”His smirk was as dark and vicious as tony’s when he was at his worst, pushing up off the man he’d been making out with.
Steve chuckled a little and nodded. "good point." he agreed. "but is it really murder, when the man is already dead?" he asked curiously. "and yes, you could kill him, but i won't let you. because you shouldn't have that kind of think on your conscious." he admitted with a smile as he kissed her forehead. "and i know. i didn't like him much at first, but... when i realized it was just how he'd learned to get attention... i guess i just understand him now." he admitted. "i kind of wish..." he sighed. "but then i never would have fallen in love with you." he mused. "in any case... wondering 'what if' never got a person anywhere."

Loki shuddered against the other, clinging tightly to Tony as he sobbed. too frightened to really understand what was happening around him at the moment. he just sat there and whimpered and murmured and mumbled about how they where all going to die and that the Creator of Destruction was going to kill them all. Loki was actually having a full blown panic attack... it was kind of... weird to see someone who was so well put together so afraid.

Clint groaned as Jarvis's attention wavered. usually that meant that someone needed him. "damn..." he groaned as he sat up, shaking his head. "Tony is seriously killing Sexy time on purpose and i intend to hit him at the soonest available moment." he admitted with a sigh. "Howard Stark huh? interesting. i always did want to ask him a few well deserved 'questions' and break a few of his fingers." he admitted as he slid a random shirt on, uncaring that it was Jarvis's and far too tight on him. "come on Metal Man." he teased with a grin. "let's go see what shape the old bastard is in."
“....you know, probably not.”Anna thought about that before sighing, frowning at him. “But it’s okay for you do have it on yours?”She frowned a little at him, smiling slightly, resting her cheek against his shoulder.”That should scare you, you know. Understanding tony.”She teased. “If you go down that road, I would have never existed, and tony wouldn’t be the man he is. What if wont do us any good, and...”She stopped frowning a little.”I...I think the dead are being used to distract us. And hurt us. I mean, we’ve been emotionally compromised, all of us, to really consider why it’s happening.”

Tony sighed looking worried as he held the man in his lap, settling onto his bed, just reassuring loki he was there, holding him even as his mind frantically worked on how to help. Needing loki calm, to get things done, but not sure how to make this better.

Jarvis laughed a little. “He probably is....and hit him, or hit ON him?”Jarvis smirked raising a eyebrow as he pulled on his own t-shirt, amused that clint had grabbed his and he’d gotten clint’s slightly larger one. Heading for the door he rolled his eyes.”Metal man?I thought that was tony.”he mused a little before sighing as they walked into the living room, frowning hard at the sight of the stark founder. This was....interesting.”I am a AI, you know....I have all the torture things in the world in my head....”Jarvis mused as he glanced at clint.
he chuckled. "when i want to this badly? yes, it's well worth it. besides, i've already killed, several times, it won't bother me nearly as much." he assured her. "now, if it was just a random person, i wouldn't be able to do it unless i was fighting for my, or someone else's life. but that's alright because i honestly don't see any reason why i would need to." he admitted with a smile before he frowned. "...you're right. i hadn't noticed but all the dead are direstly aimed to cause the most amount of emotional damage as possible... oh fuck.... please don't bring back the Red Skull, please... please don't bring back the Red Skull..." Steve muttered under his breath, suddenly terrified that his enemy would come back to haunt him. but then again... he had very powerful freinds now... it wouldn't be so bad this time, right?

Loki did calm down a little after a while, though he refused to remove his face from Tony's chest, and he was still trembling like a leaf he was no longer sobbing or whispering about how horrible He was or how they where all going to die.

Clint snorted a little. "flirting with Tony IS fun." he agreed. "but hitting him is more fun." he admitted with a grin. "well, you're more amazing than he is, so you get the cooler nickname." Clint stated with a grin and a shake of his head. "hey. speaking of. wasn't Howard the one who first developed you?" he asked curiously. "isn't there a robot Law of some sort that says you can't kill your creator or something like that?" he asked curiously. "or is that just Sci-fi?" he asked, mostly ignoring Howard. "besides, i think Steve actually has first dibs on him. after all, the bastard did systematically torture Steve's Son and Steve's girlfriend."
“Which was the point I think. I mean, it left us emotionally compromised enough to not go looking for whoever was doing it.”She shuddered before looking startled, shifting wrapping her body around his, though trying to wrap a supersolider up as snugly as he did her was sort of ridiculous considering just how much bigger then her he was. “Hey, hey don’t look so worried. I wont let you go to the ice this time. I promise.”She rested a hand on his chest, sounding anxious, scared for him, because she hadn’t considered that. Hurting because she hadn’t considered that any of his enemies had come back, after all, so far it’d been all tony’s, never had thought about the other’s having problems coming back to haunt them.

Tony sighed softly, pressing a kiss to his hair,”You okay?”he muttered rubbing the other’s back, closing his eyes. “What can we do to stop this?”He said, wanting to end things before the enemy really got wound up, feeling now that the dead were just the opening act.

“Hm, I am more amazing, though you only think that since I can do that thing you like.”Jarvis teased looking amused as howard stared at them in shock as howard realized just how much tony had developed the AI he’d known as a simple computer. “He was.” “Jarvis?”Howard questioned slowly, wanting to be sure. “yea. You like? I am fairly amazing.And....you have been watching to much Sci-fi, but if anyone is my creator it’s Tony. Howard might have started me, but Tony did so much more. I was his pet project, the thing he tinkered with when he needed something easy and small to focus on between other projects.”He said before humming a little. “True. Tony’s got a sense deprivatation tank in the tower though, we could toss him in there. I mean, it wouldn’t kill him.”Jarvis mused because while neither of them used it, tony and anna had agreed to put the tank in simply because sometimes it was useful to have one, just in case.
he nodded a little. "good point. i wish Thor would come back, i bet he knows something..." he muttered with a sigh before he smiled at her. "Red Skull was never much of a threat to be honest. it was just his army that was trouble." he admitted with a shudder. "there's no chance of me going into Ice... and with the GPS tracker installed in my... well actually i'm not sure where it is but Tony assured me it would be on me at all times, even if i do get frozen again, you'll be able to find me." he admitted with a smile.

Loki shuddered and shook his head. "no..." he whispered. "He is coming for me. i failed Him and now He's going to make sure i'm dead..." he whispered, pressing himself more tightly into Tony. "He is the thing of nightmares... i'm scared... i want Thor to come back..." well, that was new. Loki, until then, had mostly still been pretending to hate his brother. but now that he was scared out of his mind, he was just a scared little kid who wanted to hide behind his big brother. if he'd had the mind, he probobly would have wanted Frigga and Odin, but those pains where still too fresh.

Clint smirked a little and nodded. "this is true... you where always Tony's favorite." Clint agreed with a smile. "that and Dummy. you know, Loki taught that thing how to fetch?" he asked with a grin. "well now, that IS a good idea." Clint chirped, licking his lips eagerly as he nodded. "let's put him in there. he won't drown, and maybe he'll come to understand just what hell he put those poor kids through. Loki can keep the Death thing from collecting him for a few days i'm sure." he mused, smirking at Howard. "how long was Anna trapped for, five days? perhaps we should let him see just how horrible that really was." he mused, picking Howard up and dragging him tot he deprivation tank. "come along little Howard. you're going to learn what it feels like to be trapped. not knowing when you'd be let out, if you'll ever be let out... could be we won't. maybe we'll leave you in there for weeks, maybe even a month, and let you starve to death." he mused. "wouldn't that be fun?"
"We'll.we'll send him a message.he was taking care of things in asgard but if he understands whats going on,he'll return."anna mused already getting up wanting to send thr man a message brfore turning to look at steve,leaning down to kiss him lightly."well even if he dors come back,he won't have a army."she muttered before smiling pleased."probably your ass or something.tony'd enjoy getting a free grope in the guise of science."she teased amused because she knew while tony had flirted,he'd carefully not crossed the line,because he did enjoy having steve around and wouldn't want to chase him off.

"You're mine.he can't take you."tony growled feeling protrctive before startling a liytle turning to look down at the man sitting against him."I'll get thor back.talk me though how to get a message to asgard,ill get him here."tony promised looking doen at loki,anxious to make the man feel better.

"I'm everyone's favoeite.and I know.I actually think tony's a little disappointed he doesn't have a real reason to threaten to send him to the community college really."jargis snickered looking amused before growing serious."it wad.five whole days by herself in it.and I.am sure loki would be more then willing to help us torture howard more."jarvis said looking amused as thy drug howard towards the tank,looking pleased at the sound of him begging for mercy. Opening the door for clint he shoved the man in"you never listened when they asked for mercy.you won't get any now."he said shutting the door leaning down to kiss clint lightly."we better go check on everyonr.it worries me anna and tony weren't in there watching us torture him..."
Steve nodded a little. "this is true. and as good as Loki's being, maybe he'll come with good news for the poor guy... you know, it's really hard to imagine, but i actually like Loki now... i mean, he never did really explain why he did what he did. but whatever it was, i think he honestly feels bad about it." he admitted before he choked. "you... he wouldn't really?!" he demanded, looking horrified. he was fine with Tony and Loki, and even Clint and Jarvis... so long as it wasn't him they where making googly eyes at.

"...i don't know if you could stop him." Loki admitted softly. "i don't think Odin could even stop him..." he admitted, showing just how terrified of this guy Loki really was. "uh... i don't have any Magic Tony... i can't contact him." Loki pointed out. "but... i think he left a way for Jarvis to get a-hold of him." Loki admitted, sounding hopeful. the Avengers could do anything, Thor and Tony might not be able to take on...Him, alone, but together? all the avengers? they could do anything!

Clint smirked. "and i'm your favorite, right?" he asked with a grin. "i know! Dummy's more of a puppy than anything now and Loki gave Tony a stern tongue lashing the last time he upset Dummy." he snickered. "it was hilarious, Loki cuddling that poor thing. it's not really built for cuddling." he admitted with a chuckle. "Dummy really is super adorable though." he admitted with a chuckle as he watched Howard sobbing. "yeah it worries me too." Clint admitted. "we'll check on Tony and Loki first. i know Loki broke the man's fingers." he admitted with a frown. "and Loki's going to need to be there when Hela comes to claim the soul... so we can torture him for a little while longer."
“You know, I hadn’t thought I’d like him either, but he is fairly okay. And good for tony. Tony’s taking better care of himself these days.”She hummed pleased before snickering at his reaction, looking down at him, starting to laugh, her mood over howard being there broken with that. “Nooooo.He has no desire to crop a feel, even if you have the finest ass in the city.”She smirked shifting cropping a feel herself before smiling. “The tracker’s in your hip since it’s simply the easiest spot to have it.”She snickered still giggling over his reaction.

“Of course.”Jarvis rolled his eyes at Clint’s question before smiling. “....I sorta wanna give Dummy a puppy body now, so Tony can get yelled at even more.”Jarvis snickered a the idea before smirking. “It was. I took a picture, was thinking about giving it to Tony for his birthday.”He said before sighing as he watched howard. “Let’s go then. And he should have broken more.”He snickered.

“Oh...that’s right. Well...I’ll ask Jarvis.”he muttered looking pleased the other was sounding hopeful, glancing up at the two men walking into the room, tilting his head.”
I thought you were watching howard?” “we’re torturing him at the moment, so we could come talk to you.”Jarvis smiled a little looking concerned at the other two, not sure how to ask if they were okay without getting a violent reaction.
"yeah, e makes Tony eat. and take showers. and take breaks." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "so it's less Tony taking care of himself and more Loki telling Tony to." he admitted with a snicker and a shake of his head before he gave her his ever so good patented panicked looks. "...oh thank god... so Tony doesn't want to slip into my room and night and... uh... 'snuggle'? i don't know what a snuggle is, but it sounds very horrific."

"Ha! Dummy wouldn't make a very good puppy." he pointed out with a chuckle. "he has his own personality but he's barely smarter than the moss covered boulder that used to sit in front of my front yard." he pointed out. "and i think he would normally have broken more fingers..." he admitted with a sigh. "i have a feeling Loki or tony found out something that upset one of them. they wouldn't have left him otherwise."

Loki nodded, snuggling more into Tony with a happy sigh. "how are you torturing him?" Loki asked, confused and Clint smirked viciously. "we put him in the deprivation tank and promised to leave him in there for days, if not weeks." "...i'll speak tot he Uruka when it comes for him then. it will leave Howard's soul alone if i ask it to." he promised with a smirk. "...i need Thor. go get Thor." Loki demanded, looking for all the world like he was trying to crawl right into Tony he was clinging so tightly.
“Yes, but Tony doesn’t want to upset Loki, which means he’s actually listening to when we tell him to do things, even if it isn’t loki telling him to do something. Loki’s made taking care of tony easier.”She snickered before laughing, leaning down to kiss him, amused that he looked so panicked. “Noooo. Tony only wants to snuggle Loki.Well. Maybe. Tony snuggles everyone when he’s drunk and sleepy. Snuggling is...snuggling. Curling up with someone. Like when you hold me while we watch movies. He’s a snuggly drunk.”Anna snickered a little looking amused kissing her boyfriend slower, “hm...but if you think it’s properly horrifying, maybe I’ll just go snuggle someone else...”She smirked making a move to get up.

“He was crying when we left him down there. It will be appropriately traumatic.”Jarvis agreed looking pleased when loki said he’d take care of the uruka. “You’re going to bruise my ribs, reindeer.”Tony muttered as he let the god cling to him. “I’ll get thor.”Jarvis said looking worried, glancing at clint, waiving a hand, telling him to stay, take care of the obviously panicked loki and worried tony. Leaving the room, only to return within minutes with a visibly worried looking thunder god. “Loki?Whatever is wrong?Must I have words with Tony for upsetting you?”Thor thundered looking around, even though he had asked, he was looking for a reason beyond tony for the upset.
he chuckled a little. "good point." he agreed with a nod before he looked even more panicked as she said Tony wanted to snuggle Loki. it made all sorts of bad thoughts pop into his head. whens he told him Tony snuggled everyone he looked confused, realizing that Snuggling did not mean anything he had thought it might mean. "...oh!... snuggling is... oh!" he looked so relieved it was almost funny. "i kind of thought Snuggling was... well at first i thought it sounded like something painful you know? and then when you said Tony was snuggling Loki i thought it was..." here he blushed bright red. "but i think i'd like to Snuggle you." he admitted with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her, keeping her in bed. "you better not! your my... uh, snugglie?" he asked curiously. "Snuggler?...."

"good." Loki muttered as he heard that Howard had been crying. "sorry." he muttered, loosening his grip just a little. "Thor!" Loki gasped as the other came in, now looking torn between who was safer, Tony or Thor. "come here!" Loki demanded, deciding he wanted both of them. "Tony didn't do anything." Loki complained, his trembling easing now that he was practically smothered between thunder god and iron man. "...i cannot speak his name..." Loki whispered. "His eye will see me if i do... but... the Creator of Destruction and Misery has been bringing back the dead." Loki whispered, wondering if Thor even knew who He was. Loki certainly hadn't. "he twisted me up, made me hurt and then gave to me the Chitauri and set me loose upon the world." he looked up at Thor, his eyes shining with terror. "he will try to kill us all... but he can't, the Avengers, together... they can stop him, don't you think?" he asked softly, seeking reassurances and safety. terrified out of his mind. "you can stop him...."
Anna grinned, giggling a little at his reaction, so amused that she’d freaked him out. She really shouldn’t have done it, but it was so adorable to watch him freak out. “No, nothing painful. Quite enjoyable really.”She muttered smirking as she leaned down to kiss him slowly, “Hmmm, well snuggling can lead to those things. And are you ever going to stop blushing over it?I mean, you’ve had sex now. Some pretty amazing sex, if I do say so myself.”She teased just because seh loved teasing him, shifting, smiling as he pulled her close, letting him trap her in bed, not really fighting to get up.”Snuggle bunny. I know its weird.”She said smiling a little, giggling as she shifted, snuggling into him.

Tony smirked a little as he watched loki try to decide what to do, resting his head against the other’s shoulder. “....are you feeling okay?”Thor asked frowning a little as he moved to get in the bed, sitting down next to him, shifting to hold the jotun just as tightly and snugged close as tony was. “...Who?I...what can I do?”He said thunder rumbling in his words, frowning slightly as he considered what he was hearing before smiling, looking at him. “We will stop him. For not only am I, the thunderer, here, you have Iron man. And Hawkeye. And black widow, and the good captain....not to mention mistress Anna. I would not want to be her enemy.”He shuddered a little. “You are safe, we will make sure this...person...is taken care of.”
Steve pouted at her a little. "you're picking on me aren't you?" he demanded with a sigh. "you are so mean." he complained with a pout before he smiled and kissed her back. "i don't know." he admitted, flushing a little more. "it's hard... where i came from, sex was not discussed... ever." he admitted. "not even in school... not even to other men, not really. it's just..." he shrugged. "a cultural difference i guess." he admitted with a smile. "but.... it is pretty amazing sex, i agree." he agreed with a grin.

"...no." Loki complained. "i'm scared..." he admitted as he let Thor comfort him. "River can help too. and Tiffany, she's a superhero too, even if she doesn't have a whole lot of practice... and Alec too, he's got some pretty amazing talents..." he admitted softly as he relaxed in his brother and lovers embraces. calm now that he was surrounded by the very people who made him feel safe. unaware that Frigga had come with Thor, and was waiting outside, listening to everything. hoping to understand her son a little more. she'd learned enough to know that it wasn't entirely Loki's fault. yes the boy had attacked Thor and allowed War to nearly happen between the Aeser and the Jotun... but he had received an extreme shock. she needed to speak to Odin, if there was a threat so large that Loki was so terrified of it, then the King needed to be informed.
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