Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“It is. And extremely annoying, when I don’t want him to dote sometimes...and I’ve had more then one person be jealous of me.”She muttered because the past was littered with significant others, for them both, who hadn’t understood the relationship between the two broken geniuses. And only steve and loki had ever really cared to figure it out. “Hey, it’s not my fault your all super and amazing and musclely. You’re the one who wanted to be soldier boy.”She giggled a little, cheering a little before nodding.”Yes.”She muttered smiling pleased as she was settled onto the bed, sitting up to watch them looking worried. “Uh-huh. I never heard the end of the frog jokes from, miss know it all over there. Claimed I was the missing link in the evolutionary chain.”Tony twitched a little glaring at his best friend in amusement, before looking at steve, his mind already racing to fill in the blanks even as bruce talked.

“.....Did he just say he never had sex?”tony asked, looking pale and shaken himself, focusing on the stupid fact instead of facing what he knew was the bigger issue. Yelping a little as anna grabbed his arm and hauled herself to her feet, stumbling as she tried to get to steve, yelping as she fell cracking her cheek on the edge of the table, and in her drunken state, for a moment not realizing she’d cut her cheek open as she knelt next to steve, trying to shaking him awake. “Anna, let Bruce help you. I’ll take care of steve okay?”Morgana said as she knelt down next to steve, before getting a rag and gently wiping down his face, not sure how to wake the super soldier without freaking him out, but figuring he would wake soon enough.
Steve had to chuckle a little at that and he nodded a little. "well, you're an exceptionally amazing woman, everyone should be jealous of you." he admitted with a smile. "Frog jokes?" Bruce and Steve chorused, sounding amused. "well, i don't know about being the missing link, but it's certainly genetic."

"yes, he did say he just never had sex." Bruce agreed, wincing as he watched Anna panic. "after i realized for a fact that Steve was your father, i did some... digging. they stole Steve's sperm... or, Howard did anyway, he wanted to run a few more tests on his genetics... it's all recorded. when Steve... died. or was presumed dead, Howard realized that he was sterile. he used Steve's sperm and inseminated your mother Maria." Bruce explained, sounding rather strained as he gently cleaned Anna's cheek and examined it before deciding it wasn't deep enough to need stitches and simply used gauze and medical tape to keep the gash clean while it healed over. "nnnnguh..." Steve groaned, pushing Morgana's hand away, blinking stupidly. "i could have sworn you just told me...." "we did." Bruce admitted. quite worried about Steve who was staring at the ceiling. "but i was a virgin..." "you don't have to have sex to get people pregnant." "that doesn't make any sense!" Steve wailed, hiding his face in his hands. "everything is always happening to me all at the same time! i can't handle this much at one time! why can't it be staggered like normal people!?"
“...Uh-huh. She kept telling me I was a throwback, just crawled out of the primordial ooze and I should go back and leave her to her legos....she was five at the time. She got better insulting me after that.”Tony sulked a little.

“.....this is weird, even for me. I’m a billionaire genius playboy, I’ve had some weird conversations, but this has to be the oddest.”Tony whined a little looking relieved that anna wasn’t going to keep stitches. “....Wait. Does that mean his genius, his healing, is part of the serum?”Anna asked, the worried girlfriend shutting off for a moment and the doctor coming in front, looking curious at least until Steve woke, moving over to kneel down next to him. “Steve, I know it’s alot. And you have to admit, none of us are overly normal Steve.”Morgana said calmly, trying to make him feel better before moving back as anna crouched down next to her boyfriend, gently resting her hands on his arms, looking pained and worried.”Steve?This isn’t your fault. It’s stupid Howard’s and his obsession and he’s weird and would have found it weird and awesome to have a super kid....this isn’t helping, someone stop me from talking.”Anna rambled, sounding like tony when he was on a nervous ramble. “Anna, stop.”Tony ordered, his words that soft command that he’d picked up from steve, that Captain voice that expected to be obeyed, looking amused as anna did indeed stop rambling as she looked up at him. "Steve. This changes nothing. I mean, yes it's weird, but you are still my friend who is in fact younger then me physically and...oh gods, this is sooo weird."Tony grumbled looking a little out of sorts himself, and taking over for the rambling anna. Having no idea how to respond before bounding to his feet. "I'm going to go talk to pepper."he decided before walking out. "....should we be worried?"Morgana said watching him go. "Uhhh... loki?"Anna said not sure, glancing at the asgardian. because she wasn't sure if tony wanted to talk to someone who he thought hated him, or because it was pepper, and the only one who'd known him nearly as long as anna. Wondering if he just wanted the reassurance that nothing had changed, or was looking for proof that everything had changed.
Steve snickered a little. "i don't know. that's a pretty impressive insult. when i was five my shining glory was 'you stinkyhead." Bruce pointed out with a grin, Steve nodding. "i called my Teacher a 'big stinky doodoohead' once." Steve admitted with a grin. "she thought it was hilarious." he admitted.

"as far as i can tell, no. his Genius does not come from the Super Serum. that's all Tony. but the pain tolerance, the ability to hold his alcohol, his healing rate... that's all the Serum. and any children Tony has will have that as well. it's genetic now. Tony's super intelligence might be passed on, but it's questionable." he admitted. " Tony's children will also, most likely, be born with their fingers fused together, but the Super Serum might cancel that out as well, it's hard to tell." he admitted. Steve scowled at Morgana. "you're perfectly normal." he grumbled, Bruce snorting at that. Morgana and 'normal' wasn't exactly correct after all. "i just don't understand! i've never had sex until you! how can tony be my kid!?" Steve demanded, wild and panicked and no doubt thinking it was a crime against nature. "it is Howard's fault!" Steve wailed, setting his face in his hands. "it's alright, i'll watch him." Loki promised with a smile. he honestly didn't care that Tony was going to Pep. he had been so dependent on her for everything, physically, emotionally, work related, everything, for so long that he would instinctively go to her.

"...so...someone explain how Tony is my kid..." Steve demanded, Bruce sighing as he explained in the simplest terms possible. "Howard basically stole your sperm." Bruce explained. "he froze it, and sometime after you.... froze, he unfroze your sperm, and inserted it into Maria. it's all natural, sort of. it's actually been done to hel women who have problems having kids, and gay couples who can't have kids." "oh, well that's great." Steve sneered. "i'm a freak of nature and you're..." he paused as he realized he was taking his anger out on Bruce and he took a deep breath. "i need to hit something." "i think River's in the Training Room." "Anna, will you be alright here?" he asked, stroking her undamaged cheek. "i'm not fit company right now..." he admitted, looking concerned... and traumatized.
“Shut up all of you.”Tony made a face smirking though, amused they were finding the name calling between geniuses amusing.

“huh...well that does explain some things about Tony.”Anna looked at her best friend thoughtfully, smirking. “Well, considering the other parent would be loki, intelligence is probably a given.”she snorted amused. “I am not. Have you seen who I’m trying to seduce? No normal person would consider climbing in bed with a man who gets green and angry when he loses control.”She pointed out. “Honey...”Anna muttered at a loss for words for what to say as she watched steve. “You’re not a freak, cap.”Anna muttered sitting back on her heels, swallowing hard as she leaned her face into Steve’s hand, nodding a little. “Go. I’m going to sleep off the hangover and I’ll come find you after, okay?”she muttered looking worried as she watched him go before letting morgnana help her back to her bedroom.

Later pepper smiled quietly as she looked up at loki as he stepped into the room, “Can you tell me in intelligent speak what happened?All I got was a jumbled version of steve and howard and something about his dad, and how everything happens to him and that anna was going to never be a good stepmom and...it was fairly weird.”Pepper said as she gently stroked Tony’s hair, the genius having been talking so fast and worked up that he’d actually just collapsed onto the floor, leaving pepper bemused on how to help him, so she’s just laid his head on a pillow and sat down next to him, to try and sooth the worried frown on his face, the tension that didn’t go away despite being unconscious.

Anna swallowed hard as she rubbed a hand over her face, ignoring the pounding headache, pausing in the doorway of the gym and smiling tiredly, worriedly at the sight of her boyfriend. Not sure how to help him, or tony, but knowing she had to take care of them, even if she drove them insane. So she’d start fussing over Steve, figuring her boyfriend would be more open to her fussing and worrying then tony would be. Sighing quietly as she moved into teh room, making her footsteps purposefully loud, not wanting to startle him or river by talking but not wanting them unaware she was approaching either.
Loki flushed a little at the idea of bearing Tony's children. it wasn't as horrible as he thought it might be. he did love Tony, so, why not have children with the man? "...trying? you mean he hasn't given in yet?" Steve asked, blinking a little as Bruce flushed a brilliant red. "...you've been spending way too much time with Tony..." "...sleep well alright?" Steve asked with a smile. "and drink plenty of fluids." he didn't bother commenting on the 'not a freak'. who else but a freak would end up with the life he led?

Loki smiled a little. "yeah Tony's pretty wigged out." Loki agreed with a shake of his head as he settled onto the other side of the bed, watching Tony. "Howard Stark was Sterile." he explained. "he stole Steve's sperm and impregnated his wife with it. Tony is Steve's son. pretty messed up." Loki admitted. "Steve's not handling it all that well either. but Steve also found out that Anna is the daughter of somene he had a crush on while he was in the service of his military. so... he actually passed out. seams to think he's a freak." he admitted, gently stroking Tony's hand and fingers, hoping to calm the man. "how are you doing?" he asked Pepper. "
“Nope.”Morgana grinned looking up at bruce amused.”Well, you brought me here to talk to tony, and Steve’s dating his best friend. It kinda results in enforced Tony time.”Morgana teased. “I will, don’t worry.”Anna smiled watching him go.

Pepper huffed out a sigh,before her eyes widened.”What....that...oh tony....”she sighed quietly. “It wasn’t enough that howard fucked up his childhood...but messes with their relationships...bloody hell...”Pepper looked frustrated at not being able to help her friends more when she knew that they all were probably falling apart before smiling slightly at loki. “We’re all a little freaky you know.”She pointed out before looking down as tony responded to loki’s touch, shifting away, moving to snuggle against loki. “...he doesn’t want me, Loki. I....it’s hard. Watching him, even as upset as he was, he was so confused on how to talk to me...it hurts. Because Tony’s never had problems telling me things. Well, except that time when he was dying, but really that was one time thing and....”Pepper sighed quietly. “It’s hard knowing you were here for him, when I couldn’t.”
forgot the last part in the last post ^^; i'll fix that now.)

"yeah." Loki admitted with a sigh. "and poor Anna. turns out the reason why her mother was such a bitch was because she was too hung up on Steve to ever move on. took it out on Anna from what i understand." he admitted, shaking his head. "i'm the biggest freak of all you know." Loki admitted, sounding quite proud of himself. "no ones ever not been afraid of me after turning Bluer before." he admitted, sounding rather amazed. "oh Pepper..." Loki muttered. "you are helping. Tony's just a little weirder out because, well for one he's afraid your mad at him, for two.. he built a robot of you so accurate no one knew you where dead... we really do need to tell her at some point. that's not going to be fun..." he admitted, offering her a smile. "things will settle down. there will always be a place in the Avengers for you." he promised with a smile. "besides, Tony always did keep the stupidest shit a secrete." he pointed out with a sigh. "honestly, the dumbass." he complained, offering her a smile. "so... i bet you have all kinds of blackmail on him... you wanna share with the class?"

Steve was shirtless in the ring, panting and sweating, River in the same state. Steve looked much more relaxed than he had before hand. sometimes a man just had to hit someone to feel better, and with River having an almost instant healing factor, he made the perfect target. "Hey Anna, are you feeling better?" Steve asked as he ducked a swing from River, tapped the man twice and smirked as River dropped to the floor with a WHOOF of rushing air. "i win again." Steve stated, River cursing as he shook his head and tried to catch a decent breath of air as Steve ducked under the ropes and headed over to her, gently examining her cheek. "that looks like it hurts..." he muttered, looking worried. "...you know... the Step-mom jokes are never going to end right?" he asked, wrinkling his nose.
“Oh...I had known she hadn’t gotten along with her mother, but that’s just horrible....”Pepper sighed shaking her head before grinning.”You might be, but you made me feel so much better. Though....Tony’d probably want to come up with a way to fuck you like that, just so you know, be prepared for when he calms down enough to think about it.”She snickered a little before sighing, looking down at tony, “I know...but he doesn’t want me. Not like he once did. He was accepting Loki, I saw it in his face...he.. .he’s upset because he thinks he should still love me like he had, but...I can let him go, if he’d be happy. You’ll talk to him wont you?”She smiled a little before smirking. “There better be a place fofr me. You guys need babysitters, seriously....and he is a dumbass. And I do.”Pepper grinned widely settling in against the headboard to talk and tell him everything from when she’d met tony at 17, content to just know that Tony was safe for now.

Anna smiled a little looking pleased that the man looked better, flushing a little as she watched her sweaty amazing looking boyfriend beat on someone. “Better luck next time River.”She snickered a little before smiling as she tilted her head a little letting Steve inspect her cheek.”I feel better. Less...manic. Or headachy...How about you?”She muttered shifting a little, wrapping a arm around his waist before snickering. “I know...though tony should be worried. I mean, I’m his step mom now, I can totally punish him...ohhhh...can I punish him for lying to us?”
Loki nodded. "yeah it's pretty bad... especially when she ran away to tony's house..." he admitted, shaking his head. "at least she's always had Tony... right?" he asked before he smiled at her. "i'm glad i was able to help... hows the frostbite anyway?" he asked, examining her fingers. "Tony can't fuck me like that. it's like trying to fuck liquid nitrogen." Loki admitted with a smile. "if i still had my magic i could turn off the cold, but right now i can't." he admitted with a shrug. "Tony... i think he's in love with the idea of loving you." he admitted with a sigh. "he thinks he's betraying you by moving on... i'm not the one who will convince him that it's alright." he admitted softly. "if it hels... my freind Alec is really cute, and single?" he offered with a grin. "he'll even be glad that i'm not trying to set him up with a guy." he admitted before his grin turned wicked as Pepper she shared Blackmail Material, and he even added a few of his own for her.

Steve chuckled a little as River grunted as he laid in the Ring and Steve snickered a little. "i might have been a little too rough on him." "Fuck you America." River groaned, making Steve laugh. "well, apparently not." he mused before he smiled at her. "good. i feel better too. sometimes i just have to hit on something that hits back." he admitted. "not that River really hits all that hard." "fuck you America." Steve snickered again. "i can totally see you taking him over your knee and administering a good ass whipping." he agreed with a chuckle. "besides... i don't think he was lying to us, so much as he was fighting to lie to himself." he admitted.
“As bad as it was in this house, you’re right. She had tony, and tony had her....as much as most of the tabloids make out of their relationship, they’re siblings, they’re what they need to be.”She shrugged a little because she’d never been one to be jealous of their relationship, understanding it for what it was. Family, a family built on bonds and ties and not of blood. “It’s fine. A little sore, but your mother took care of it.”She said showing him her slightly red fingers before snickering. “It wouldn’t stop him, you know. He’ll try to figure it out. New sex things always appeal to him, even if it’s dangerous.”She snickered before tilting her head looking thoughtful before sighing. “Well...that does sound like something tony would think. I’ll have to sit him down and talk...when he’s not falling apart. Or having a identity crisis cause he just found out Cap was his dad....oh gods, does this make Anna his stepmom?”she mused before grinning widely. “I remember him. I think I would like that.”She grinned. “....are you two talking about me?”Tony grumbled as he listened for a few minutes hearing them talk, frowning ever so slightly as he started to wake up.

“I could never believe that. Cap, to rough?You’re just not rough enough.”She said her look going dark and teasing, the look in her eyes promising sex and not fighting before laughing. “If you keep saying that, I’m going to worry you want to fuck my boyfriend, Riv. And just what would I tell natasha?”She snickered before wincing a little at that mental image. “Then again, maybe I’ll leave punishing to Loki....and I know I know, it just...hurts you know?”She huffed out a sigh, annoyed that his reasonable argument about tony lying to himself instead of them wasn’t making her want to forgive him for hurting her.
he nodded. "they really are good for each other... so long as one of them is calm." he admitted with a smile. "when they're both down, bad thigns tend to happen... as you can see." he admitted, indicating the passed out Tony. "you know, he's kind of cute when he's not being so annoying." Loki admitted with an impish grin. "i know it won't stop him. but my refusal will." he admitted with a chuckle. "it will be hard to fuck me if i refuse to go blue after all." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm not sure there's ever going to be a calm moment for Tony." Loki pointed out. "bad things seam to congregate around this ragtag little group." he admitted with a sigh. "well. technically no, since Steve and Anna aren't married, but that's not going to stop the jokes." he admitted with a smirk before he grinned at her, delighted by the approval of a date with Alec. "great! no Tony, we're talking about Alec actually." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "i'm trying to get him a date." he admitted. "go back to sleep, you need some rest. Steve's beating on River and Anna's sleeping off her hangover."

Steve's breath hitched a little as he watched Anna, swallowing thickly as his pupils widened. showing her just how aroused he really was. "i ahte you both." River complained, sounding amused. "besides, Natasha knows that i don't screw men." he stated. "she'd laugh in your face if you tried to tell her that i was flirting with Steve." Steve snorted a little and shook his head as he led her away. "...yeah it does hurt. but i bet hurt him even more. seeing her everyday and yet knowing she was dead... i think he might have actually gone insane there for a little while." he admitted with a shake of his head. "come on. lets go eat ice-cream in the bathtub."
“Yea, so I can see. But they’ll be okay.”Pepper muttered before laughing. “He is fairly adorable when he’s not talking.We should gag him more, quiet tony is cute.”she smiled before sighing.”You’re right...but I’ll talk to him when he wakes up...if he’s calm.”She promised before smirking .”No it’s not. And you know they’re only not married, because neither of them have asked yet. They’ll get there.”She pointed out before smiling amused at loki’s delight at her saying yes. “...oh..good. No one should talk about me. Especially you two...”Tony yawned before frowning, sitting up slowly. “I don’t want to sleep more. Have things to do...labs to defile...stepmother’s to yell at for braining me with a tumbler....”Tony sulked, well at least he was making jokes, and no matter how screwy his head was, he’d accepted that steve was his dad, and that he was going to have to deal with it.

Anna’s smirk widened as she watched steve’s face, her own pupils blown wide as she watched him respond to her.”Why?Can you smell lust? I mean, you are a cat....”Anna said looking curious for a moment before grinning. “Very true. But I might have to try that anyways.”She muttered before sighing, “...I know, don’t be so reasonable. I wanted to be mad at him for being a bastard. If you’re going to make me really think about it, I’m going to feel bad for how I treated him...”she grumbled before smirking, stopping long enough to snag a tub of ice cream as they headed for the bedroom. “You just want me naked again don’t you?”She teased as she started stripping down, nudging him a little. “Now. I think you said something about being rough?”She smirked looking amused and curious to see how he'd react.
Loki smiled a little and nodded. "oh, he's perfectly silent when he has my cock in his mouth." Loki admitted with a smirk before he sighed. "you probobly didn't want to hear that..." he muttered before he smiled at her. "i AM sorry... i did offer him a three way relationship... i'd never touch you, you're far too much of a woman..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "well Tony... we where talking about you." he admitted with a smirk. "i have so much blackmail on you, i'll never have to resort to threatening you with sex withholding ever again." he chirped, looking quite pleased. "i'm pretty sure that beating you with a tumbler was punishment for not telling her about Pepper." Loki pointed out with a smile. "anyway, stay here and i'll get you both food." he promised. "any requests? and yes, Tony. i know. super fancy frilly coffee drink." he agreed with a chuckle.

River looked up at her. "i can actually." he admitted with a chuckle. "you two stink of it. funnily enough human lust is kind of a nasty smell." he admitted as he shook his head. "but if your angry at him, then he won't calm down." Steve pointed out. "his entire world was just turned upside down. i mean... for gods sake i'm his father! i have a son whose OLDER than me! that's messed up to a major degree! to say the least." he admitted with a shake of his head. "...yes. yes i do want to see you naked again." he admitted with a smile. "and i'm not having rough sex with you until i'm certain i'm not going to aggravate your wounds." he stated firmly. "...i might bite you a few times though, if you'd like." he offered with an impish grin. "i've been learning a lot on the YouFace. uh... You...tube? there's this thing called Red Tube too. it's full of stuff with sex in it." he looked so proud of himself. "i took notes!" and that was just sad.... amusing, but sad.
"Loki! I didn't aant to rhink of that!" Pepper whined before sighing."well...tonys tony.never the easiest road,but you'll be good for him loki don't worry,I'm happy for you two."she promised not wanting him to feel bad."...pepper!" "Ehat?" "So...so mean to me...I hate you both."tony sulked though his eyes showed he was amused and glad they were getting along."...oh.yea that might be it.she'll forgive me.shes my new mommy,and mommies have to love their kids which means forgiving me." "I don't think that's how it works tony." "Yes it is.and I'm going to tell her thst just to watch her blush."tony grinned before making a face."I don't always want fancy coffee!but food does sound good."he said realizing it was the first timd in awhile he was hungry.

"Huh.interesting."anna said looking thoughtcul at river's sense of smell before sighing."I know...I've already mostly forgiven him its just...it hurts you know.but its not the first time hes not told me omething important and it won't be the last so it'll be okay....how are you doing with having a son?"she said looking worried about him before grinning."I would like.and it'll be a few mor days until I'm up for rough sex....but if it'd make you feel better I'll go se bruce and make sure its okay."she said amused before blushing both touched and amused that her boy had gone through so much trouble to try and make sure she'd enjoy sex,when all she really needed was him."youtube. And I've seen redtube...and I'm glad you toom notes.we should have a test,see what you learned."she muttered her voice dropping to a purr as she looked up at him with eyes blown wide with lust her features soft with love,her heart aching at being loved so much he'd done this,when she knew using the computer,and the topic itswlf would have ben hard for him
Loki grinned at her sheepishly. "sorry." he mused before nodding. "i'd be bored if he was a common person. i love a challenge and i love how moody he is all the time. his brilliance doesn't hurt either." he admitted with a chuckle. "he'll always need you Pepper. you know that right?" he asked with a smile. "he won't leave you completely... i'll smack him if he tries." he promised with a grin. "you don't hate us." Loki teased with a smirk. "you love us! and that was creepy Tony..." he complained. "make sure Jarvis records her reaction." Loki demanded with a snicker as he headed off to get food, and give Pepper and Tony some privacy.

Steve chuckled a little and shook his head a little as River scoffed. "go away, you both stink." he complained before heading off for his own shower. he stank too. "it does hurt a little. but it's Tony. he doesn't think about things like that. he never thinks about repercussions... and i think you beaning him on the head with his own tumbler is punishment enough, don't you?" he asked with a grin before he grimaced. "it's... weird. really really weird." he admitted with a sigh. "but... i can't let it get in the way. Tony's my best freind..." he admitted. "and he's helped me so much... it's hard to think of him as a son, when he's been a best freind for so long... you know?" he asked softly before he chuckled at her. "yeah, i want to make sure it's alright with Bruce first." he agreed. "and even then you have to tell me if it hurts." he ordered, kissing her happily. "a Test?" he asked, licking his lips. "yeah... i could go for a test. i'll show you just how much of a quick learner i am." he purred, picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom where he proceeded to show her just what he'd learned. it involved the ice-cream, a LOT of licking, and perverted, sexy words. who would have thought Steve would have learned to talk dirty just for her?
“Well, at least one of us does. I might be happier when I don’t have to deal with the moods on my own.”She snickered a little before relaxing, sighing quietly. “That...that is good to hear.”She said quietly, looking pleased with the idea tony never leaving even if he bitched. “I know. I’m going to creep her the hell out. It’ll be great.”Tony snickered smiling as he settled in to talking ot pepper, content to just be with her, with the knowledge that loki trusted him to be alone with her and be okay.

“Well....Yes.I guess that is enough punishment.”Anna laughed before wrapping a arm around steve’ waist, holding him tightly, “He’ll always be your best friend you know. He’d prefer if you keep thinking of him that way instead of treating him like a son....if anything, you’ll make him freak out if you start treating him in another way.”She said quietly before smiling.”I will definitely tell you if it hurts.”She promised before smirking, “Oh, I think that would be a good thing to know.”Anna giggled a little.

Later Tony looked up from the bow he was working on, smirking as he saw the two stepping into the room. About to push things into the open, but he wasn’t going to let things fester, he’d rather steve and anna know he was back to himself-mostly- instead of worrying them. “Mom!I want to go home. Being here is boring with you two always running off to have sex and all and I guess I should be proud since I’m fairly certain the good captain was a virgin.” “....This is creepier then I thought it would be. Stop being weird tony.”Anna ordered before tilting her head.”Are you really ready to go back to the tower?” “yea.I don’t like it here, and me and pepper talked...so yea....I’d like to get back to my real lab.”
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "yes, we have THREE people to deal with his moods now. you, me, and Anna.... if i could just get him to talk to Morgana. the woman's amazing!" he admitted with a chuckle. "i imagine you are." Loki stated to Tony with a roll of his eyes. "you are so mean to her... you know. there's an incest joke in here somewhere..." he admitted. "after all, she's both your sister and you're mother in law... Steve's practically your brother and now he's your father... yes, there's certainly an incest joke in there somewhere..." he mused with a grin as he wandered off.

"...you really think so?" Steve asked softly. "i guess i'm a bit glad of that. i mean, if Tony where ten, or younger i'd gladly take on the responsibility... but he's a fully grown adult and has been for some time now. i think i'd much rather have him as a best freind..." he admitted with a smile before he offered her a smirk and began the ravishing.

Steve looked more than a little stunned when Tony called Anna 'mom'. "oh my god Tony!" Steve complained. "stop! Stop that right now! i'll have nightmares!" he complained, pinching the bridge of his nose. "this is worse than when you figured out i had feelings for Anna. oh my god..." he complained. "dammit! no more words about my virginity Tony Stark or i'll kick your ass!" Steve complained, just as he always would have. "and then i'll take you over my knee and administer a spanking the likes of which you've never witnessed!" here he smirked. "i brought you into this life and i can take you out of it!... i've always wanted to say that. it was my mothers favorite line." he admitted with a laugh. "oh good. so. where should i start pouring the gasoline? i've already got the Fire department on standby." he admitted. "we don't want anything but the house to burn after all. i told them it was catharsis... Morgana's word. they're totally willing to help you burn this place to teh ground." Steve admitted with a grin. not about to admit it had been Jarvis's idea to contact the Fire brigade.
Tony grinned. “I’m soooo telling him that.”Tony smirked looking pleased at the idea of more things to tease steve about.

“I do. And he’s more then capable of taking care of himself....well, no he’s not. But he wont appreciate you being all weird on him either.Just be his friend.”Anna snickered.

Tony smirked watching the two, before his smirk widened. “Oh! So it was true!Ohhhh, I love it that you’re such a blushing virgin.”Tony snickered. “Tony!Do not make me spank you, no matter how much you’d enjoy it.”Anna giggled, so relieved that the two had easily settled into their friendhisp again. “It is a good line. You should say it more...oh hey, I have a question. Since Anna’s my sister and your my d-” “STOP!Now.”Anna ordered clamping a hand over the genius’ moth before he said the rest, smirking a little as tony nodded, hesitantly lowering her hand. “Yea, pour the gas. I’m ready to watch this go up.”Tony smirked scampering to his feet, yelling for the other’s, over eager to be gone now that he’d decided to leave.
Steve glared at Tony. "i know your secretes Tony stark!" he smirked, narrowing his eyes. "i know why you like orange suckers so much don't forget." that, was a particularly embarrassing memory involving three Policemen, an overnight stay at a candy-store, and an entire barrel of orange flavored suckers. "it is a good line, and i intend to say it often." Steve admitted with a chuckle before he looked confused at them. "...was Tony about to make an incest joke?" he demanded. "am i actually going to have to kick his ass?" he asked with a grin as he watched Tony leave. "we have everything important out already according to Jarvis." Steve admitted. "and the others are all ready to leave whenever. i'm glad things are mostly alright again... it was... getting really weird there for a while." Steve admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head as he reached over and pulled out a tub of Gasoline to start pouring it all over the lab. outside, there where indeed, a good six firetrucks soaking the ground so it and the trees around it wouldn't catch fire. once Steve and Tony finished pouring the gasoline all over everything, Steve handed Tony a match and smirked at him. "go ahead tony." he suggested, handing another match to Anna. "you light one side, and he'll light the other."
“....Shut up!You know nothing!”Tony howled before sulking. “Yes he was. And he’s not going to make any more of them. It’s wrong, and tony’s going to be a good boy and just not say anything else.” “...you do a good mother tone. It’s kinda weird.”Tony snickered as he left. “It was really weird, but you two will be okay. He’s not treating you any different, I mean yea, the jokes are horrible, but those would have happened no matter what. He can’t help it.So it’s really okay.”Anna snickered amused as they watched the firetrucks soak the ground. “I think I’m high. I think my dad gave me gas to get high.Can supersoldiers get high?”Tony craned his neck to look at the taller man, smirking pleased with himself as he headed for his side of the house. “This is goign to be awesome. Jarvis, record this for me.”Anna smirked at the AI, amused as her and tony tossed the matches, wicked, happy pleased laughter escaped both geniuses as they watched their childhood nightmare go up in flames.
Steve smirked. "i know all!!!!" he stated imperiously with a snicker. "it's better than 'your mama' Jokes." Steve pointed out, looking amused. "i almost gave Clint a fat lip the first time he said one of those." he admitted with a snicker. "and you have to admit. it does sound a teensy weensy bit incestuous..." he admitted with a chuckle as he shook his head. "i'm really glad things are going to be alright... until we tell Pepper Bot that she's a Bot..." he muttered. "i hope she doesn't react too badly..." he muttered. "it would really suck if she tried to kill Pepper... like in that robot movie Clint was watching last night..." he shuddered. "that was really awful, i think i had nightmares." he admitted with a shake of his head. "...Tony you're not high, you're just overly excited... and i don't know if i can get high, i've never done drugs and NO, i never intend to." he stated firmly, shaking his head. "...this is really helping them?" one of the firefighters asked and Clint turned to them. "imagine the thing you fear the most. a fear that's lasted from childhood to now. now imagine you can burn that fear away... this house, has the worst memories a person could ever experience for the both of them, and now they're burning it away. making it go away. the house, and it's memories, and the people who once lived in it can't hurt them anymore." well, he was going to be proven wrong, but he didn't know that.
“...No, no I don’t have to admit to anything.”Anna made a face but she was smiling before sighing.”Well, she is tony’s creation, and no matter his mad genius, I’m fairly certain his AI’s don’t kill.....well, except if it was through sex. Cause Jarvis might kill clint one of these days...”She giggled a little. “...But-but you should!I mean, you can’t get drunk. I’m totally wanting to do a experiment with serum withstanding drugs. I mean, that would be epic.”Tony grinned chattering excitedly with anna over the idea of them getting steve high, the two genius rambling happily as they watched the world burn. Yea, this was the best thing that ever could have been done for their nightmares.

A few weeks after they returned to the tower, they were proven just how utterly clint had been wrong about things that couldn’t hurt them anymore. While life had settled into a odd rhythm, with Tony still avoiding pepper-bot despite being yelled at for it, hiding his in his workshop to get ‘work’(also known as avoidance things) done, the world had once again settled into their ordered chaos, with anna and steve doing their history dates, and all the world settled. And indeed they were on their tour of the natural history museum in Washington DC, a day trip just the fiyr of them(loki having bribed tony out of the lab for the day, just to get some fresh air), when the world went decidely pear shaped.

“You were always ambitious, Anna. Finding and de-icing the good Captain, is just proof of that.”Howard Stark sounded amused and pleased as Anna jumped, his attention already turning towards his son who looking like he was about to hit the floor. “And you. It is good to see you made something of yourself.” Anna swallowed her whimper, looking around for steve and loki, having been so distracted with tony as the two geniuses inspected cap’s original motorcycle from the 40s, already plotting how to build it exactly like that for his birthday, that they’d both lost track of their lovers.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "well. are you sure Tony actually devised a fail safe program? we know Jarvis isn't going to kill anyone but Badguys anyway. and he has faith in Pepper, but even Pepper can kill. she killed Killian after all." he pointed out. "i'm probobly just being paranoid." he admitted with a sigh. "i am NOT going to try to get high!" Steve protested with a roll of his eyes and a shake of his head.

it had been Clint to explain to Pepper Bot what was happening. she took it in stride, just like the real pepper and... horrifically, the two peppers got along great. they where often seen taking care of the company, together. with two people doing the job, just the way they wanted it, both Pepper's where much more relaxed and a lot less stressed. work also got done a lot faster, so they had a lot more down time. plus, the board of directors thought the whole thing was freaky, and finished their work much faster in meetings as well, instead of blathering, so they could get out of there. the official story was that tony had created the Bot as a joke, and Pepper had simply taken it away from Tony and used it herself. well, that was what the board, the company, and the world thought anyway. not even Fury knew the truth. Steve thought it was hilarious the way the two Pepper's would finish each others sentences, confusing the hell out of everyone.

Steve and Loki had wandered off to examine some of the Hydra Weapons that Steve had been faced against, neither of them took any notice at all that Tony and Anna weren't in sight anymore until Loki realized they weren't commenting on the weapons. "where did they go?" Steve wondered, looking around before heading off with Loki to find them. "Howard Stark! you Semen stealing bastard!" Steve raged, storming over to the dead man and punching him straight in the face. Loki thought that was hilarious because he started to laugh, even as he settled himself directly in the way so that Howard had to get through him to get to Anna or Tony. "well. look at this. Howard Stark back from the Dead. i really will have to talk to Hela about letting you people go..." Loki admitted, a maniacal gleam in his eye. "of course, i'll have to thank her too. this is the perfect chance to give you another death. a slow, painful one. i think i'll start with the bones in your fingers first." "Loki! we can't torture him here! there are children around." "...good point."
Howard doubled over luthing his broken nose as the suprr soldier hit him,glaring at the man but wisely saying nothing,sensing that the two men in front of him wanted nothing more then to hurt him.sneering a little as he looked at his son and anna as they stayed where they were,though tony did step closer to loki and anna huddled against his side,for once not caring how much smaller she was then tony when it meant she could hide against him."we should take...him...back to the tower.you guys can talk to him all you want."tony said wrapping a arm around anna's shoulders pressing a kiss to her hair."steve....we better just go.."anna said looking torn,wanting her boyfriend but not wanting to get closer to howard as he straightened,glaring at the couples. Looking annoyed that this had been his welcomd back.
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