Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“Oh good.”Tony blushed a little at loki’s insulting before wincing. “Death by anna is never quick and painless.”he sulked a little before shrugging. “Why not?You own it. Just tear it down.”Tony said looking thoughtful before holding his hands up.”Hey, I build cars and machines for a reason, not design buildings. Don’t yell at me for not knowing what’s correct.”He grumbled before smirking a little. “IT would. Do whatever you want. We’ll get Jarvis to help with the blueprints, and have the contractors over so they can see exactly what you want, and I can make sure they’re going to do it.”Tony smirked a little before leaning over to kiss him.

Anna yelped as he scrambled up off her, looking up at him with bleary laziness, to hazed out in her afterglow to realize what he was talking about quickly, before her eyes widened, swallowing hard to keep from laughing. Laughing at the adorable idiot would not win her any brownie points. “No, it was perfect...I’m sorry...I just...came...”She blushed hard, looking away from him. “Now...you need taken care of...let me do that for you...”he smirked squirming down the man’s body, sliding her mouth down over him, moaning at the taste of herself on him, turning her intense focus on getting him off, and making sure he didn’t feel like he’d ruined the moment.
Loki chuckled a little. "your so cute when you blush." he admitted with a grin. "well, i like that idea." he admitted. "we'll tell Jarvis to get right on that." he agreed with a grin. "you don't mind that River, Tiffany and Alec are living in your Tower do you?" he asked, looking slightly worried. "they didn't have anywhere else to go..." he admitted, looking rather sheepish. wondering if Tony had even noticed.

he blinked at her, wondering if he'd broken her somehow. had the books lied!? "A..anna?" he asked before he relaxed as she finally responded. "came? oh you orgasmed!...oh!... i thought i'd broke you or something!" he admitted with a bright flush. "Take care of... oh my god!" he gasped as he felt her mouth close over him, arching as he tossed his head back, babbling about how much he LOVED her. it didn't take long for him to achieve his own orgasm. "...i'm pretty sire i just died." he admitted sluggishly. "oh my god, i didn't know girls actually did that...."
“I’m always cute.”He huffed before smiling. “Good. And I’ll have him set up the meeting for this afternoon. I have to go to a board meeting in like...”Tony paused wincing as he glanced at his watch.”A hour, but I can be fashionably late.”He said not about to rush to go to a meeting that he’d hate anyways. “....they’re living here?Since when?”Tony said looking thoughtful, and yea, the tower was big enough the man hadn’t actually noticed the three were living there before smirking. “Well, I guess that makes Tiffany’s mission to seduce all the avengers and River’s romance with Natasha easier....how is it I didn’t know this?”He sulked, not really caring just annoyed with himself for not noticing.

Anna smiled a little looking amused at his words, “No, definitely didn’t break.”She teased a little smirking as she sucked on him, amused at his babbling. It was quite adorable really. Raising her head as she swallowed the cum, she wiped her mouth a little before shifting, snuggling into him, feeling like a rag doll, all loose and limber as she collapsed onto his chest, content to just be with him, and maybe take a nap, before she went to kill tony. “Well, I do. And I enjoy it...watching you come undone was awesome...though we might try to get through sex next time.”She teased yawning as she snuggled down into him, feeling to content and tired to really tease him for his small freakout.
Loki grinned. "that you are." he agreed with a nod. "a board meeting? why doe they call them that? because they're boring?" he asked, honestly not understanding the concept. Asgaurdian's didn't have those kinds of meetings. oh they planned things, and talked about various duties, but to fight about money and the like was just... ridiculous to most of them. "uh. i'm not actually sure, i just noticed this morning when River was collapsing onto a bed and his nameplate was on the door." Loki admitted sheepishly. "i think the other two just followed. they did get kicked out of their apartments too, because of me... or rather, because they where freinds with me." he admitted with a smile.

he chuckled a little and nodded as he kissed her. "well. i'll have to try next time." he decided, glancing down at her crotch before he wrapped his arms around her and gently nuzzled the back of her neck. "hmmm i'm tired now... is that normal?" he asked, sounding slightly annoyed. no doubt he'd wanted to have pillow talk. the emotional upheaval had been too high for him to try and stay awake now. "how about a nap before we get up and let Bruce yell at us for having sex without his permission?" he asked with a smile.
“They are boring, but it’s....I don’t know why they’re board meetings actually. I just know that I have to show up and make the final decisions on new projects and all that. And since it is still my company, I do have to go.”Tony made a face at that as he wrapped a arm around his waist, heading back for the tower. Not looking forward to going to his meeting, but knowing he had to. The real pepper would be disappointed in him if he didn’t, and since she’d died, the man had tried really hard to attend to things, even if the AI could take care of most things. “Heh. Well, as long as I’m not the only one who failed to notice.”he snickered looking amused. “It’s fine. I really don’t care if they’re here.”he said nudging him, “Come on, I have to go get natasha to. Even if she’s off assignment now at SI, I like taking her, cause they all behave better if she glares at them.”He snickered a little, and it wasn’t that, at least not totally. If natasha was there, he could avoid interacting with fake pepper some. At least his avoidance of talking to her, wasn’t as noticable if there was another really, attractive woman in the room for him to pay attention to.

“Hm, yes.You will.”She said flushing brightly at the suggestion, shivering a little at the idea shifting to get comfortable, smiling as he nuzzled her. “It is...some.We’ve just had a emotional few days, no wonder we’re tired...”she muttered already starting to fall asleep and nodding sleepily. “Let’s.You know he’s going to yell...”She muttered content and sleepy, still recovering, the woman was out within minutes.
he blinked a little and then. "that's fairly stupid, even for stupid people." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you know. you should make a Tony-bot." Loki mused. "then it could go to your meetings and you can do stuff that's not annoying." he admitted with a grin. "and no one would know. which is the best part." he admitted with a nod. "no, you weren't the only one." he admitted sheepishly. "alright, i need a nap myself." he admitted with a sigh. "i'm almost all better, but i still get tired too easily." he admitted with a small sulk as he gave Tony a kiss just as Natasha came down, dressed just like she always was for these meetings. the official story was that she was his personal bodygaurd. everyone thought she was Tony's babysitter. "ready to go?" she asked him with a smirk. well aware that he found the whole thing just as amusing as she did. imagine, Tony stark not driving off a babysitter. impossible.
Tony grinned at her, smirking as he he did. “Always. Since you’re looking like my secretary, and I’ve always slept with my secretary, do you want to do something?I mean it’ll be fun.Reindeer, think about the threesome...”Tony snickered babbling a little because he couldn’t help it.

Nearly a hour in Tony was bored out his mind, barely listening to pepper on the speaker phone, as he worked on his tablet, absently working on a new bow for clint tilting his head a little when the sound of the door reached him, but he was tony, and didn’t care who was showing up late, as long as he got to leave soon it was a few moments before he got curious enough to see who it was, and when he did, his brain short circuited even as he realized something. Raza and the others, had been brought back in the condition they’d been the day they’d died. Which was fine, when someone wasn’t already dying. But even as he stared dumbly at the woman in front of him, he realized Pepper Potts was still dying, had come for him, dying and there wasn’t a damnned thing he could do about it as he watched the faint lines of fire beneath her skin, so much like when he’d held her as she burned alive in his arms. “Tony?Tony, what’s happening?”Fake pepper asked over the phone, without video, all she knew is that the room had gone silent. "N-nothing. Gotta go, Pep."Tony stuttered hanging up even as the real pepper glared at him. "You are such a bastard, Stark. You couldn't even do this right could you?"she growled, and tony realized a second thing. The other's had been sent to destroy him physically, he had a feeling this one, would destroy his soul.
Loki snorted a little. "no thanks. i don't particularly like the way she looks at me. you have fun though." he offered, which baffled Natasha a little bit before she remembered that Asgaurdian's didn't care about who someone slept with, so long as they emotionally stayed together. a culture Tony stark would have thrived in.

Natasha stood there, back straight head up and glared at anyone who dared speak out of order. she loved this, it was so fun to watch powerful men squirm under nothing more than a well placed glare. it was hilarious that these men, some of them three times her size, where so terrified of her. she could only stare as a glowing Pepper Potts appeared and she swallowed thickly, shooting a glance at Tony. "oh...my...god." she breathed, everything suddenly snapping into place as she turned and glared at the idiots who where still sitting there. "Out! all of you! get the hell out!" she demanded, the men scattering as she turned to stare at Tony. "Pepper was dead?! you fucking asshole!" she snarled before turning to face Pepper. "we need to get you to Thor, now." she admitted. "Frigga will know how to fix you." maybe. "she was able to fix Anna at any rate. come on! Loki can get in touch with Thor and Thor can bring Frigga." Natasha decided, grabbing Peppers arm and shrieking as she was burned. "damn! i forgot about that. Pepper come ON we can yell at Tony later!"
Tony flinched mentally scrambling for a answer that didn't involve gibberish coming out of his mouth as he stared at pepper,at a loss before wincing as natasha yelled at everyone to leave,already halfway to the door before his mind even caught up to the fact that she hadn't been talking to him.pausing he swallowed looking at the two women."don't!she'll get hotter the more upset she is and not in the fun way and-" "Anthony edward stark! Shut up and move."pepper snarled, already raising a hand and shoving him towards the door,barely noticing he didn't flinch as her burning hand touched his arm. Well,that explained some of the burn scars on his arm,not from a welding torch like he said,but fdom where pepper had touched him. Nodding silently he hustled them all down to the garage and drove for the tower,pausing only long enough to ask jarvis to send a text to clint(silently of course he wasn't getting the assassin in trouble with natasha if he could help it) and told him pepper was back. And he knew they all where going to be pissed,but it was his fault that she died,and listening to pepper whimpering in pain as she burned alive again was what he considered a suitable punishment for not being able to reverse engineer extremis,despite trying on and off for months after she'd died.

"What is going on clint?"anna asked as jarvis announced that they were all needed in the living room,eyeing the archer in curiosity sensing he knew more then what he was saying.
Natasha shook her head a little as she realized Tony had lied about his burns, but she couldn't blame him for that. she was already on the phone, speaking very fast to Jarvis who was on the other end. warning him what was happening and to do what he could to get Thor.

Clint sighed as Anna asked him what was going on but he decided to answer. "...the Pepper Potts you have all been worried about the last several months... is not Pepper Potts... she is an exact carbon copy replica... just like Jarvis..." "oh my god..." Bruce looked horrified. "Pepper died, and Tony couldn't handle it. that's why he's been... they way he is. only... the real Pepper showed up at the board meeting... and she's dying again. if she dies, we might very well lose Tony on top of it." he admitted, looking at the others. "i found out, and i thought it better to keep it a secrete until Tony was more stable... we never anticipated Pepper being brought back from the dead."
Anna stared at the assassin, at a loss for words. “...oh...my...god...”She said quietly eyes wide and hurt, and scared. Because he had no idea what to do for her friend, before nodding a little. “You did the right thing....it....it doesn’t feel good to know you guys were lying-”She looked towards loki, knowing the man had found out, but she understood.”But you did the thing tony needed you to do. Took care of him.”She took a shaky breath before looking up at the billionaire as him and the girls walked in, moving over to him, wrapping her arms around Tony, and wincing a little as he clung to her like a child who wanted his stuffed animal with him. Gently hugging him, holding him gently she glanced at the other’s, nodding towards pepper, offering a small sad smile. “Go...go down to the med lab.I’ll stay up here with Tony...”She muttered, having tried to step back and realized the man wasn’t letting her go anywhere as he clung to her. Not sure why he was clinging to her and not loki, but willing to let him do what he wanted. Turning her head to look up at her boyfriend, needing the solid presence of captain america, who always could make her believe that the world would be okay, even if it was falling apart around her.

"....It hurts...Tony...you said you figured this out drunk, why haven't you figured it out yet?"Pepper growled glaring at tony, along with her own personality, thantatos had highlighted teh flaws in her character, the anger, the pain of dealing with one Tony stark. Tony flinched resting his head on anna's shoulder, avoiding looking at anyone, because he knew they were going to be so disappointed with him, feeling like such a failure. "S-sorry...I tried, I did!"He said sounding highly anxious.
Clint grimaced a little and he looked away before he twitched, surprised at Anna's logic. "yeah well... it didn't help much." he admitted with a sigh. "and i didn't want to lie... but i was more worried about Tony doing something damaging than i was about hurting your feelings." he admitted with a shake of his head. Loki nodded a little, agreeing with the others sentiments. he watched Anna comfort Tony and moved over to Pepper, studying her now that he knew Tony was in safe hands. Anna and Clint wouldn't let Tony do something stupid. "Pepper Potts..." Loki muttered. "i can help, a little bit." he admitted softly, lifting his hand. "my Magic is bound, but my Genetics are not." he admitted, his fingers slowly turning blue, the color leaking down to his elbow, mist billowing off of it like it was dry ice. "it will hurt, but it will slow down the burning." he promised. "long enough for someone to find a way to save you." he admitted, holding his hand out to her, letting her decide whether or not to touch the Frost Giant. "easy Tony." Steve whispered, stroking Tony's back. "you did your best. now lets let magic try." he suggested. "Jarvis has already gotten Thor's attention, and he's bringing Frigga... she can fix Pepper... you know she can." he tried to reassure. he could only hope it was true.
Anna tilted her head a little at Clint’s twitching, “Barton, my best friend is tony stark. I live in a cold world of logic, I know you did what was best for him.”She smiled a little looking relieved that tony had good friends, friends who’d do anything to help him, even if it meant lying to others. Pepper looked up at loki, hesitating for a long moment before looking at tony, at natasha who was being a silent shadow in the background, prowling, as if standing guard, making sure that nothing could get to the so vulnerable billionaire, and that they were trusting loki to be near. Nodding she reached out to take his hand.”Thank you.”She said before sighing in relief as the coldnress spread. “I’m magic. I’m good at things, amazing, all I do is magic...should be able to fix this...”Tony muttered struggling to focus, really falling apart now that the man somewhere safe, with people who he knew would take care of him, and more then anything else, scared of disappointing them more then he had already, scared to see how they were all reacting to this. “Come on Tony, we’re going to sit down sweetheart. Come on...”Anna muttered nearly stumbling a little as tony leaned against her more as he relaxed fully. Shifting the man she settled them both onto the couch, even as she comforted the man in her arms, her mind turned to the newest problem. Their dead were returning to the living and...she shuddered trying not to think about that.

Looking up as she heard the thunderstorm that always heralded thor’s arrival, looking startled as she realized a few hours had past with loki helping pepper to stay cool as tehy awaited the arrival of the asgardians. “see, there, Frigga’s here.She’s going to help tony...”She muttered looking a little startled as she realized the exhausted billionaire was sleeping on her chest, effectively trapping her on the couch until he decided to move.
Clint smiled a little and nodded. "true." he agreed with a sigh. "still doesn't make me feel any better about it though." he pointed out with a small grimace. Loki offered her a smile, well aware that she didn't know the story behind him just yet. Natasha would fill the woman in. Loki was just glad that his bloodlines was helping. shapeshifting was magical, reverting between Easer and Jotun was genetic... though, he hadn't been sure this would work either. "you're very welcome." Loki muttered, studying her. wondering how this was going to go down? he didn't care if Tony got back with pepper so long as he stayed with Loki. threesomes where common to Aeser... but Pepper was not an Aeser and neither was tony, for all he acted like one. "Tony... try to calm down a little." Steve murmured, glancing at Anna, silently asking her if she was alright with holding him.

an hour later Loki woke up from his own Doze at the sound of Thunder and Frigga and Thor both paused at the sight of Loki in Jotun form. most of the time, he avoided it like the plague. as if it might kill him to be what he was. "the extreme cold is counter acting her burn." Loki muttered. "she'll have frostbite, but you can fix that." he admitted, blinking as Frigga started to examine Pepper while Thor kept out of the way, Steve glancing between Pepper and Tony, as if he was worried that Pepper might try to kill Tony once she was better.
“I know.”Anna muttered smiling quietly at clint, looking hurt still, but hiding it because tony needed her, needed her to stay with it, instead of being hurt. Studying loki and pepper as she held tony, she wondered just how things were going to work now. Tony couldn’t do without loki, and it was equally obvious he hadn’t been able to do without pepper. It scared her, made her want to get them all out of the city. And with a quiet word to jarvis, she got the AI working on getting Stark mansion ready for them to go, the upstate new york estate perfect for hiding from the world. “I’m calm, I’m the picture of calm and collected and hey, anna did you know you smell like steve kinda. His cologne anyways.”Tony muttered, burying his face against her neck as they curled up on the couch. “I know sweetie, just rest.”Anna muttered letting tony ramble because she knew there was no way they’d get him to focus on anything, before looking up at steve, nodding quietly. She was okay, she’d rant and rave later, she could be here for tony, like he had been there so many times for her, and it hurt something deep, broke something irrepairable to think that he hadn’t trusted her to tell her what happened. But she’d think on that later, she needed to just be here.

Frigga looked surprised at the sight of Loki in jotun form before smiling slightly. “Then it was a good thing you were here wasn’t it?”Frigga muttered smiling at her son sweetly, because no matter what anyone said, the jotun runt was her son, as cherished as thor was. Examining Pepper frigga frowned as she rested her hands against the woman’s skin, a slight puckering between her eyebrows. “Her body has been changed.....”She muttered mostly talking to herself. “It was a genetic change. A formula that keeps rewriting itself to keep from changing back to purely human.”Tony muttered from the crook of anna’s neck, cuddling her, and for once not even really aware of the soft female body against him, totally focused on pepper and what was going on,even if he wasn’t watching.

“I can stablize it...but cannot change it back, dear.”Frigga said looking at pepper worriedly, before glancing at the billionaire. Having gotten enough feeling for the room to know that they were all worried pepper would attack tony. Pepper took a shuddering breath, getting to her feet, looking pissed, but the anger was covering fear. “I was fine!I was gone!Now you and your freakish problems got me dragged back to the land of the living tony, and for what?For your own tortures?Did you not-” “Stop.Now, pepper.”Natasha said moving to stand between the billionaire and his former assistant, protecting pepper as much as she was tony, knowing that all of them were to close to losing control to let the redhead lose her temper on the fragile unstable tony. Scared of how much he was probably losing it behind the quietness he’d slipped into for most of the last hour.
Loki was wondering the same thing as Pepper, and so was Clint, Bruce... everyone really. "well i'm glad o know you like the way i smell Tony." Steve commented, looking more than a little freaked out.

"i suppose so." Loki muttered, carefully avoiding looking at Frigga. he no longer tried to delude himself by convincing himself he hated her. no, now there was only deep shame at his actions. he snarled when Pepper started to yell at tony and he was moving in a flash, using their connected hands to yank Pepper down into the chair once more, where he then loomed over her. "do not DARE to blame Tony for this!" he snarled, the rest of him having gone blue in his rage, his blood red eyes staring at her as his horns curled upwards, letting everyone see exactly what he was. "do not DARE to yell at Tony after all he has scarified in order to try and save your life! you have no idea what your death has done to him and i won't let your life hurt him anymore than your presence in existence already has!" he snarled, baring long fangs at her, showing just how possessive and protective Loki could be over tony. icy mist rolled off of his body like he was a fog machine, and the floor was freezing in an ever outward circle where he was standing. even Steve and Bruce looked more than a little intimidated by Tony right now. "now Sit down, shut up, and let my mother fix you before i send you back to death where you belong you cowardly insignificant, unappreciative Quim!" "Loki!" Thor snapped, making the Jotun whip around and glare at Thor before he sighed and glanced at Pepper. "that was out of line and i am sorry."
“Never said you smelled good, just that she smells like you.”Tony huffed a little making a face as he snuggled anna. “You know he’s not going to remember this, don’t look so freaked.”Anna teased looking amused as she glanced up at her boyfriend.

Pepper’s eyes went wide as she looked at the jotun, pressing back into the seat as she tried to pull her hand away, at a loss for words. “Reindeer, it’s okay.I’m...I’m going to go get a shower.Yea...A shower would be good...”Tony muttered already pulling away from anna, already heading for his bedroom, needing time away from the people he was so very afraid he’d disappointed to the point that they’d leave him. “Loki, go take care of your mate. I will see to pepper.”Frigga said looking at her son, hesitating for a moment before resting a hand on his arm.”Go.”She ordered, the words coming out with motherly concern, concern for not just loki but for tony, who seemed to be losing his grip.

Anna swallowed hard, getting up, looking at the others as frigga headed for one of the bedrooms with pepper, the woman already starting to work on stablizing the woman, not sure what she expected, but knowing this was going to be bad. “Clint, do me a favor and go down to the lab, pack up one of the small projects, your arrows or something he can work on.”She said already shifting into planning how to best take care of the genius before looking up at Steve, before looking away, because she wasn’t ready to fall apart, wasn’t ready to face what she was feeling. “We’re all leaving for Stark mansion as soon as Frigga’s ready. Pack stuff guys, we’re not coming back for awhile.”She said looking amused as the others followed her directions, knowing Stark mansion had its own set of memories to drive her and tony insane, but anyplace they could go, would. She’d rather have tony somewhere she knew what memories he was facing, instead of being surprised, and Stark mansion was in the middle of fucking nowhere, it would be peace and quiet as tony tried to get a grip again.
Loki snarled at Tony, eyes flashing at the lie but said nothing but he did relax and nod, expression softening for Tony, and only for Tony. "i'll join you in a moment." Loki called, trying to sound seductive. it didn't work, but he knew Tony got the message. 'you can fuck me as hard as you need to.' Sex was just something that Tony needed. "i am sorry... mother." Loki muttered. it was the first time he'd called her that in a very long time. "i will try to contain my temper." he promised before he left to slide into the shower behind Tony, hugging him from behind. "Tony. i love you." Loki mumbled. "and i know you love me back. i know you love Pepper as well. we can make it work, the three of us. i will never leave you." he promised, kissing that spot Tony loved most, just in-between the shoulder blades. "Frigga will save her, and she will calm down, and we can make things work." he paused. "...what are we going to do about Pepper Bot? it might be kind of hot to see them have sex with each other..." he teased, smiling a little, trying to calm Tony down with amusing thoughts of sex as he stroked the others belly and inner thighs.

"you got it Hotrod." he chirped to Anna, sprinting off. how he'd come up with a nickname like that was beyond anyone's comprehension... but then, it was Clint after all. "i'll pack Loki and Thor's stuff and get Peppers things too." Bruce promised. he was always packed, because there where always medical emergencies he had to get to. River was already in Loki's room though, packing the Frost giants things. Tiffany and Alec where working on the others. they too where worried about Tony, and Loki. "Stark Mansion in California, or Stark Mansion in New York?" was Clint's question, wondering if he needed to pack his swimming things. he had brought up the multi kit. a toolbox basically... starkified. and several small projects that Tony was working on. Clint didn't recognize most of them but if it kept Tony distracted, he didn't much care what they where.
Tony smiled a little, offering a faded version of his seductive smirk.”Awesome.”He muttered. Frigga smiled as she looked up at loki, biting her lip to keep the tears from coming at being called mother again.”Go take care of your mate loki.”She muttered watching him go. Tony tensed a little as the other got into the shower with him, hanging his head a little, letting the water beat at him, shuddering a little as loki pressed a kiss to his back. “...I can’t...cant do the three thing...to weird...”he muttered already scrambling to get his footing again, because he couldn’t explain the dead tight feeling in his chest at the idea of being with pepper again, he only knew that he needed to work on it, needed to think about it later. “....oh gods....I wonder if we could get clint to let jarvis have sex with the pepper-bot...cause you know, I wonder how sex between AI’s would work....”He muttered twisting to look at loki, picking the other up, pinning him to the wall as he kissed him, losing himself in the other’s body, because he knew the other’s were planning things, had paid attention enough to know anna was already moving things, that he just had to distract himself long enough to let them do their thing. “Sirs, Lady Anna says its time to go when you are ready.”Jarvis’ primly british voice said looking amused.

“....sometimes I wonder about his sanity.”Anna muttered smirking up at steve, wondering about Clint’s nickname and making a note to ask him about it later before nodding, sending steve down to pack her and his things before smirking at clint. “New York.He hasn’t stayed there in years, less memories of...everything.”Anna sighed quietly, because there was older memories there, but as hard as it was, they were older then the ones scarring the billionaire now, and easier dealt with then the California mansion Pepper had pretty much lived in. Smirking at clint she knew why he was asking.”Pack your swim stuff though. There’s a indoor pool.”she looked amused before smirking slightly at the toolbox, “Jarvis?will you let Tony know it’s time to go?”She asked knowing pepper wouldn’t be able to leave yet, but she was getting tony out of here, now.
Loki chuckled at Tony's comment and shook his head before he nodded at Frigga, glancing at Pepper, wondering how she was handling the fact that Tony had 'moved on' but he left before he, or she, could say anything. "well... we'll think of something." Loki promised. mostly, he just wanted tony to be happy. if that meant letting Tony be with Pepper, then he would give the man up. it didn't matter at the moment, what would happen, Loki was going to enjoy every moment he had with Tony. "i think Jarvis is a little too fixated on Clint." he admitted with a chuckle. "Fuck, Tony." Loki moaned as he arched against the other as he was picked up. he had to admit... he didn't mind being so small when Tony was pushing him around and pinning him to things. "Jarvis, tell Lady Anna we're doing meditation and need twenty minutes." Loki demanded, yanking Tony's head up for a deep kiss. "fuck me fast. we can have a longer session when we get to wherever we're going."

"you have to wonder? i know he's insane." Steve admitted with a smile. "ah, i see..." Clint muttered as he came back up. "i wonder if this is going to be the last straw that breaks Tony?" he wondered, looking very worried. "you do know they're about to have sex right? Loki's not going to be happy you're interrupting. you of all people should know that Tony falls into sex when he's upset." he smirked as Jarvis told them Loki's message. "see?" he teased with a grin. "come on Hotrod. we'll get everything packed into the Car and then try to get them to stop humping like Rabbits."
“Something, I’m good at coming up with something.”Tony muttered smirking a little before laughing.”He is, but Clint’s perverted enough to enjoy the threesome with two AI’s.”Tony snickered a little looking amused as he buried his face in loki’s shoulder, laughing at Loki’s response to anna. “I like that idea. So many places to fuck in the mansion.”He growled before getting down to work.

“I try to give him the benefit of the doubt.”She snickered before wincing, “I don’t know...”She said looking worried herself, fidgeting because she knew tony was skating that edge of shattering. Smirking, she nodded at clint’s words.”I know. And I know that better then you do, but I got him to give a time limit.”Anna smirked having interrupted simply so she could get them to know they were leaving soon. Rolling her eyes as she picked up the bags and headd out.”Hotrod, really?”She smirked at the assassin as she headed for the car, trying not to worry about what was coming, knowing once he consciously acknowledge where she was taking him, Tony'd dig his heels in, simply because he knew how much it disturbed her to be in the house.

When they eventually made it to the mansion, and after nearly a hour since it'd taken that long for the water to run cold, after all, tony was concentrating on giving loki screaming orgasms, and not the clock and when he should be leaving. But alas they'd made it to the mansion, with thor and the others, without frigga who had done everything she could. While the former CEO was still warmer to touch, she wasn't burning alive....but the anger was still there, still under the surface and tightly wrapped up. Which had made for a very uncomfortable limo ride as all the avengers and the others played referee to keep things from going boom. But it wasn't until they were pulling into the driveway that Tony really came out of his daze, frowning at the house. "....Anna.Why are we here?" "It's more isolated then any house you own.And you need quiet." "I don't want to be here.[i[You[/i] dont want to be here" "I don't care. You needed peace, well this is peace"Anna growled her annoyance at the billionaire showing through as she got out of the car as happy parked, starting to gather their things.

"Here..."Tony muttered reaching a hand out to help pepper out of the car looking at the exhausted looking woman and trying not to start the extreme nervous rambling that was ready to fall out of his mouth, having only not talked the whole time because he'd caught up on some sleep snuggled into loki's side.
Loki chuckled a little as he nodded. "we'll christen every room." he agreed with a smirk as he let Tony do as he pleased. an hour later he was lucky to walk, his legs where so much like limp noodles from the pleasure.

"...you do realize he'll completely ignore that time limit?" he asked with a grin before he smirked. "yes, Hotrod, because you're always on the go." he teased with a snicker. "even when you should be resting." he stated, giving her a stern look.

Loki blinked and looked down at Tony. "but Tony. you promised me you'd fuck me in every room, and i want to sully all the places that the... man, ever touched." he complained with a pout. "i want to make him roll in his grave." he admitted with a smirk before he let tony out of the car first and started on passing out the luggage to the people who could handle it. Clint and Bruce mostly. "Pepper..." Loki commented, offering the woman his arm. "come and walk with me?" he offered. "i wish to apologize for my... temper, earlier." he admitted, leading her inside and glancing at Tony, a reassuring look as he took Pepper inside and did, in fact, apologize, explaining that he was emotionally.... unstable yet. then he explained that she wasn't the only person to 'return from the dead' and he doubted she would be the last. he explained how Tony had been passively suicidal and how he'd created a Pepper Bot in his insanity and explained what all was happening in the world that he knew of since her demise. and most importantly, he promised to work out something that he, Tony, and she could be happy with, even if he had to stop being Tony's lover in the process. this would give Anna the chance to further sooth Tony while he distracted Pepper...hopefully.
“Yea, but it’ll end sooner then if I didn’t give him one.”Anna said before staring at clint, “...no!No you don’t get to do the overbearing protective thing. Steve and Bruce already got that covered.”she whined but looked amused.

Tony paused, turning to look at loki in bemusement, pupils blown wide with lust as he shifted a little in his seat.”Well then, I think I can do that.”he smirked a little as he got out the car. “Hm?”Pepper looked up at the man, looking startled before nodding, slipping a arm into his, “It is....fine. I’ve been known to be overprotective of Tony to....and I am sorry I yelled at him. He didn’t need anyone else yelling at him.”She muttered before settling in to talk, knowing the other’s would take care of tony. Going quiet as she thought before looking around the library, looking vaguely amused. “...I had known he’d changed the house, but I didn’t expect there to be nothing left of what Howard had built...”She shuddered a little before resting a hand on loki’s arm.”Go, take care of him. I think I would like some time alone, maybe read stuff online, catch up on more things...”She said feeling offbalance.

Anna looked up at her lover as he stepped into the living room, absently running her fingers through tony’s hair as he laid in her lap, the tools and arrowheads he’d been working on still clutched tightly in his hands.”We should probably be glad he’s exhausted. Means he’s not staying up and overthinking....”She muttered lowly, not wanting to wake tony up before loki came back. Trying not to look to hard at what she was feeling, because she didn’t have the time to break down, didn’t want to feel lost, broken at the idea of her best friend not trusting her. And she didn’t want steve to have to deal with her being even more broken and emotional then he already did, so she was focusing on tony, instead of herself. “Did everyone get settled?”She asked, having sent the around to choose their own rooms, with only the orders that the master bedroom was for tony and the one across the hall was hers, otherwise they had free reign of the 20 room mansion.
Clint smirked. "but i like being the overbearing, overprotective Big Brother."

"good." Loki chirped with a chuckle as he nudged Tony before he left before he focused his attention on Pepper. "yes, i have heard the stories." he admitted with a grin. "i heard you gave... kill-e-um? quite the thrashing." he admitted, sounding quite impressed. "and i do beleive that you where more than a little shocked to find yourself torn from the loving arms of Hela and thrust back into this hellish place... how is Hela by the way? she's my daughter you know." he admitted. "she always forgets to eat... and being that her minions are dead..." he shrugged. "they don't think to feed her either, because they don't need food and certainly don't get hungry he admitted. "can you blame him? the stories i've heard makes me want to go to the land of the dead and slaughter Howard to death all over again." he admitted with a viscous snarl. "how could anyone be so cruel to their own children?" he wondered. "do you want me to send someone to you? Natasha maybe? you liked her right?" he asked, a little concerned about Pepper as he settled her into the room that someone had set up for her.

Steve smiled as he settled on the floor next to her so he wouldn't disturb Tony by making the couch wiggle. "i am glad he's sleeping. i was getting a bit worried about him. he'll feel better when he wakes up and then Loki can take over..." he looked at Anna, worried about her. "how are you holding up? i have a hot bath drawn up for you when Loki comes to get Tony." he admitted, looking quite pleased with himself. "i used the YouFace to find a massage tutorial." he admitted, grinning. "so i'll give you a massage tonight." he promised with a nod. "and yes, everyone is settled, even Pepper... erm.. has anyone. uh,,, thought to tell, er, the other Pepper? you know... that she's not really Pepper?"
Pepper smiled slightly. “Killian.And it was quite the thrashing...Tony was quite determined to correct the problem...I just think killian’s extremis was something no one was ever supposed to tamper with. Which is why it kept overwriting itself....I am very thankful for your mother.”She muttered before looking startled at that much understanding, nodding quietly.”Yes...it was very traumatizing to find myself in the middle of the city, with no idea what was going on...”She stared at him for a long moment, before smiling.”Seh was kind. And no I didn’t.”She said looking thoughtful before shaking her head, “No, no I really can’t. I’m just surprised he actually left the house and just gutted it.”Her eyes grew concerned, resting a hand on his arm.”I do not know how howard could do it, but I know this is the house they lived in. Take care of him Loki.”She muttered understanding that tony was reeling and not sure, knowing better then anyone, except probably anna, just how confused her coming back had to leave tony.”Natasha would be fine.”She smiled as she got settled in.

Anna smiled looking amused as he settled on the floor next to her, shifting slightly to brush her fingers through his hair, looking amused as tony whined quietly, but settled back to sleep after a moment. “I’m still worried, but he’ll feel better after sleeping. And loki gets back.”She muttered before sighing quietly looking down at the man in her lap, pain and hurt showing in her face before shaking her head.”I’m...”She stopped, knowing better then to lie, cause really, who could lie to captain america? “...not fine. But coping.”She shrugged a little before smiling, biting her lip to keep from laughing at just how pleased he looked with being able to use the computer. “IT’s youtube darling and a bath and massage sounds amazing.”She muttered but wincing a little. “No...I mean, that’s going to be awkward, but since this pepper isn’t ready to run the company, and Tony’s in no shape to run it, I think it’s better to leave a fully functioning ‘pepper’ dealing with it until he’s got enough emotional control to deal with the AI....”she muttered looking concerned because she had no idea how the other pepper would deal, but knowing Tony didn’t have the emotional armor to deal with it right in the moment. In a few days, yes. But she wanted him to get his feet under him again. Smiling a little when she saw loki.”Come back for babysitting duty?”She teased him a little, glancing at tony, wondering how to get up without disturbing him.
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