Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Loki nodded. "i saw videos. i was most impressed." he admitted with a viscous grin. "we will have River teach you some Tai Chi and Tae Kwon Do." he decided. "he won't teach me Tae kwon do after i promised to pummel annoying people with it... you humans have the strangest sensibilities... i can hurt someone just as easily with a stick as i can a fist..." he complained with a sulk. "i suppose being burned alive wasn't helping either. i know how much pain can piss with your head..." there was a pause. "i don't think that's right..." he admitted with a frown. "...i might convince him to burn this place down after i have sex in every room. it bothers Anna too." he admitted. "i'll make him buy a new house somewhere else." he stated with a nod before he blinked at her, his head tilted. "i will." he promised her with a smile as he leaned over and kissed her forehead, a little annoyed that she was still a few centimeters taller than him. he hated being so tiny, he wanted his shapeshifting back dammit.

Steve smiled a little as he leaned into the touch. "well, we'll cope together then." he promised with a smile as he gently kissed her fingers. "right, Youtube." he agreed with a chuckle as he shook his head. "good point." he agreed. "eventually wer're going to have to tell...uh... this is confusing... Pep two, that she's not real... i mean, she is real, she's just noit, you know, human... i think." he admitted, biting his lip. "this is a mess..." he muttered before blinking as Loki walked in. "certainly." Loki agreed, grinning as she tried to figure out a way to move. finally Loki took pity, strode forward and in a very practiced move, had Tony cradled in his arms... being that Loki was much smaller than Tony, it looked very awkward, but Loki managed it like a champ. he was a otun after all, Loki could lift small cars if he wanted to. he hushed Tony, murmuring platitudes and carried him off to bed.
“I would like that.”she said before laughing, making a face.”We do, but don’t think to much about it, I threaten to beat up the board every once in awhile.”she said looking amused shaking her head.”No...it’s mess with your head.”She corrected before looking pleased with that. “I think that would be a good idea. It’d make a good fire.”She said looking amused and settling back to rest even as natasha came, the two women catching up.

“It is confusing. We’ll have to ask her if she wants a different name. Cause I don’t think Tony would be all that cool with destorying her, we have enough weird things going on, we could just keep her around...and no. I asked tony. She’s definitely a AI, all machine, despite how close to human she looks.”Anna said having been curious herself, before snickering as loki took tony.”thanks loki.”She smiled looking amused at the smaller man carrying tony as teh billionaire whined about being moved. Looking down at her boyfriend she nudged him, “Come on. You promised me a massage and a bath.”She said looking happy as she pulled him towards her room, not even considering the pictures that were in there, or if he noticed them, that they were going to screw with steve’s head. Pictures of her mother and howard, pictures of her and tony using his first shield-the one howard had replaced with the vibronium one, using it as a sled in the deep snow, pretending to use it to fight each other, while a peaceful looking howard and peggy watched on. The only part of her life she’d left for her mother, was in this room, the only time she acknowledged she even had a mother was here. Quiet for the whole time of the bath, just content to be with him, knowing he was just letting her chew things over in her head, smiling quietly as she laid on the bed, turning her head to watch him as he got ready for the massage.”Thanks babe.”She muttered sleepily, so emotionally overwrought and warm, and happy with him that she was starting to go to sleep.

“....you want me to walk...?”Tony muttered as he shifted, resting his head on loki’s shoulder, raising a hand to rub his face tiredly as they got to his bedroom.Blinking up at loki stupidly. “You okay?”he muttered lookign worried about his lover
Steve nodded and smiled. "yeah. we could call her Salt." he decided, looking quite pleased with himself for such a joke. clearly, certain peoples had been a very bad influence on Steve. "well... Jarvis is real." Steve pointed out. "he has a mind, and emotions, and now he has a body..." he muttered. "sure, everything is all electronic, but aren't we the same?" he asked curiously. "i mean, don't we run on electrical impulses that rush through our body?" he asked curiously before he offered her a smile. "i did indeed." he agreed as he stood up and followed her, washing her hair for her as she luxuriated in the bathtub before giving her a full body massage, working from the feet, up the legs and across the back, down the arms to the hands. "go to sleep love." he murmured, giving her a small kiss. "it's been a long day."

"no, as a matter of fact, i don't want you to walk." Loki admitted with a grin as he carried Tony to the bedroom. "no i'm not ok! i'm freaking tiny! i'm like a Dwarf! Pepper is even taller than me!" he complained, scowling at Tony. "i demand you tell Thor to make me taller!" he demanded, mischief in his eyes told Tony he was only joking. "Peppers with Natasha at the moment. Bruce is doing a very bad job in trying to flirt with Morgana. River is at an audition, Alec and Tiffany stayed at the tower. Clint is screwing Jarvis again, leaving us two, all to ourselves for a good long time." he smirked at Tony. "whatever shall we do with ourselves?"
Anna stared at him before starting to laugh, “We’re cutting down on your Tony time. And I got scolded for the jokes.That was awesome. I can totally see it.”She giggled looking amused before nodding. “We are. And maybe that’s why it was easier for him to do it, tony understands electrical crap better then anyone in the last 20 years.”She snickered a little before sighing quietly as she smiled tiredly, shivering a little as his hands stroked over her skin.”It has...feels amazing...”She muttered sloppily, sleepily kissing him back before following his orders to sleep.

“Oh well then okay”Tony muttered before pausing, thinking over the other’s words as he settled into the bed.”I shall tell him, but I don’t think he’d be able to help.”he snickered a little tugging the other down next to him,”I’m sure I can think of something.”he smirked pulling him close and lowering his head to kiss him slowly, having every intention of forgetting himself.

And so the next few days past like that, with tony ignoring everyone in favor of sex and projects, rarely coming up for air and usually only long enough to ask the other avengers their input on projects that involved them, and the others doing their best to help him, and try to be normal. But the longer she was in the house, the more weirded out anna got, even if it wasn’t showing. She had gotten very good at a young age of hiding how she was really feeling, because otherwise howard would find a way to make things even more awkward for her and tony. Which was how she’d ended up down in the lab that had once been howard’s, mostly sealed off because tony hadn’t been able to bring himself to destroy it, because to do so would have meant dealing with the things down there. And in the face of all her anxiety, Anna had retreated into that prehistoric lab in a effort to figure out if there was anything worth keeping, or just burning the whole place once they were done here. Actually hoping she’d be able to convince tony to just burn the house. When steve when to look for her, he’d find her on the floor, sorting through years worth of pictures, half projects, and alot of junk.”hey.”She muttered jumping a little as she heard him walking in, craning her head back to look at him.

Meanwhile tony smirked from where he was laying on the top of howard’s car, panting ever so slightly as he glanced at the jotun laying next to him. “I feel like a teenager again, fucking on the hood of my dad’s car.”he snickered because it amused him to consider that in the last two days they’d had sex in every one of howard’s prized cars, because these were the ones that had to many memories, to much emotional turmoil to have at stark tower.
Steve blinked as he went into the dusty dirty room and blinked as he watched Anna. "hey, are you alright?" he asked curiously as he settled down next to her, examining the pictures. "may i?" he asked for permission before picking up the nearest picture. "hey! this is Peggy!" Steve stated, sounding shocked, delighted, and horrified all at once. "she was the first woman i ever had feelings for." he admitted. "did you know her?" he asked, handing her the picture.

Loki chuckled a little. "oh but it's so much fun." he mumbled. "and now that we've sullied the bastards wheels, what else shall we sully?" he asked with a grin. he was more than a little worried about Tony, but what could he do really, but let the man try to calm down as much as possible? Pepper-Bot was still running things, she'd been told that Tony had gotten a disease from across the seas that was highly contagious and he and the other's where in 'exile' until he got better and they failed to show symptoms. so she at least, wasn't trying to poke around. the Real Pepper was usually in the presence of Natasha or Sky, both of whom where a little concerned about the Woman's state of mind. "we should go sully up his workstation... and then piss on everything."
Anna smiled nodding.”Fine. Just trying to figure out if I want any of this shit before I tell tony I’m buring it all.”Anna said looking amused before looking at Steve, eyes widening in horror as she looked at him, her mouth hanging open as she tried to think of what to say.

“It really was....ohhhh sexy lab time, I can get behind that...though I think I’m a little to housebroken to piss on it.... Then we’re going to eat...then sully my lab. Cause you know I had one here to.”Tony snickered as he pulled on his jeans and waited long enough for the other to get dressed before heading for the lab that was really just a few rooms over, the things that howard took the most pride in all really close together. Pausing at the sight of the two already in the lab he smirked. “Ohh, so glad I’m not the only one having sex all over his-”Tony said as he neared the two, pausing as he looked over his shoulder.”Oh hey, I forgot dad had this picture of your mom.”Tony chirped before looking at anna and steve’s face, not understanding why anna was staring at him in horror
Loki chuckled a little as he nodded. "you might be too housebroken, but we're turning this entire place into Tinder anyway, so why can't i?.... since we're done with the cars, i'll piss on those too." he decided with a smirk. "too bad i don't have to pee at the moment." he grumbled as he followed Tony into the Lab. "we're not having Sex...!" Steve protested, flushing hard. "...uhm... mom?" Steve asked, looking more than a little shocked as he looked at Peggy and then at Anna, his eyes wide. "oh my god i'm a pervert..." Steve whispered, voice etched in shock and horror, Loki blinking a little. "...i'm sorry, how did you come to that conclusion?" Loki asked, looking confused as Steve staggered to his feet. "excuse me..." he needed to talk to Morgana... or get drunk. he'd do both! never mind that it was physically impossible for him to get drunk...
"I never said we were burning it."tony said snickering a little because despite his protest he really was going to burn it."you should be. "Tony snickered at steve's protests amused that anna hadn't even bothered protesting sex before growing serious looking concerned. "Yea...she was my mom..."anna said flinching a little, all those xhildhood memories crashing into her,her mother's impossible standards, as she wathed steve's horrified face.flinching a little as she watched him run she pushed to her feet."have fun tony.."she muttered knowing why him and loki where down here flinching when tony grabbed her arm, shrugging him off after a moment."don't...I'll see you guys later.."she muttered walking out leaving tony confused and torn, wondering who needed his attention more steve or anna.looking at loki for help.

Morgana looked up startled from the food she was helping bruce make,opening her mouth to ask if he wanted some before pausing and moving away kissing bruce's cheek lightly before taking steve's arm."come. We can talk in the office.."she muttered directing him into the home office before turning to look at him."what happened?"
Loki smirked. "you and i both know that you're going to burn this place down." he agreed with a chuckle before he paused as he looked at Anna and Steve, his head tilted. "Anna?" Loki asked, looking worried as he realized they'd blundered into something emotional. "uh, Tony you go do what you can for Anna." he decided, giving his lover a deep kiss. "i'll make sure Steve doesn't do something stupid." he promised as he headed after Steve, pleased to see that he'd run straight to Morgana... though he didn't seam to realize it until she took his arm. Steve started to just babble at her. fast paced and frantic most of what Morgana was able to get was that Steve had fancied himself in love with Anna's mother and now thought he was a despicable pervert for loving Anna.
“..I’ll do that.”Tony muttered kissing him back, “once, there was a time I didn’t think those two words belonged together,but steve and stupid is starting to become common.”he snickered a little before following out after anna.

Morgana sighed quietly as she sat him down just letting him ramble, knowing that he wasn’t going to be able to be talked to until after he’d started to calm down. Settling back into the chair she watched him, tilting her head as he took a moment to breath.”Steve, how did you find this out, about anna’s mother I mean?”she asked gently after awhile, worried about the young woman who’d so hesitatingly started skirting around the idea of talking to her. While neither her or tony came out and said it, the two were relaxing with morgana around, and were seemingly starting to think about getting help. And she wondered who’d told steve, wondered if there was anna somewhere all on her own.

Tony winced a little as he walked back in from the backyard, sparing a glance for the assassin sitting on the couch, gesturing to his face with his free hand as he held a towel against his forehead.”Hey. You any good at stitches, legolas?”He asked before moving towards the mirror by the fireplace, lowering the towel to inspect the gash across his forehead, though it bled alot, it wasn’t in need of stitches.”On the other hand, never mind. It just wont stop bleeding.”Tony grumbled, because he of anyone, should have known better then to go out after anna when she was already pissed at him, and in the middle of worrying about steve.
it took a good while for Steve to calm down. he honestly thought he was a disgusting pervert. "...we where looking at pictures." Steve muttered, hands shaking around a glass of scotch. he wasn't sure where it had come from. "i saw a picture of Peggy, i loved her you know? but i never actually told her because i was too shy and couldn't compete with that... that... fucker, Howard..." wow, Steve had said a real curse. that was impressive. "Tony mentioned that she was Anna's mother, i don't think he realized... god i'm so fucked up... what am i going to do!? i can't stay with Anna because she won't want me, and i shouldn't want to stay with Anna because, for gods sake's she's my first Love's daughter! but i want to stay with her..."

Clint blinked at Tony and then shook his head. "nope." he admitted. "want be to get Bruce?" he asked as he stood up and moved over to the other, head tilted. "here, let me see that..." he ordered, examining the wound before pressing a cloth firmly onto Tony's head. "head wounds always bleed heavy. what did you do? get tossed head first into a counter or something?"
Morgana sat on the chair across from him, sipping her own glass of scotch, because some things just needed alcohol, even if he couldn’t get drunk.”So you’ve told me.”Morgana muttered eyes widening at his curse, humming a pleased tone.”well, at least we know what you really think of Howard...though I don’t think you’ll find anyone who disagrees.”she teased a little before sighing quietly. “No, probably not. I doubt Anna realized either. From the vague things anna’s said, I don’t think she got along with her mother...”morgana looked worried for him before tilting her head.”Steve, did anna say she didn’t want to be with you? And steve, anyone you could meet, would be that much younger than you...yes, it’s weird a bit that she’s peggy’s daughter, but you love her. And she loves you.”Morgana rested her hands over his, steadying them around the glass he was holding.”Steve, the question isn’t if yo uwant to stay with her or not, but if you can convince anna your not looking at peggy every time you look at her.”Her words were gentle, because she’d figured out enough about the dynamics of anna’s world to know she never felt good enough, or that she was part of something, to know this was going to tear her apart.

Tony huffed.”Damn.”he sulked a little “Nah, its okay. I might be able to convince anna to look at it later.”he grumbled before letting thte other look wincing as clint pressed the towel against his forehead again before snickering.”Nothing so dramatic. Just tried to talk to Anna when she was upset....and not calculating quick enough to duck when she threw one of my own tumblers at me”Tony grumbled, trying not to worry about the fact that anna was actually drinking.
Steve shook his head a little. "i don't think you understand at all!" he complained, sighing a little. "...Peggy was... sort of obsessive i guess. quite the Type A kind of girl... i can't imagine it would have been easy living with her." Steve admitted softly. "i liked her a lot. but it was... different than from how i feel with Anna..." he admitted, biting his lip hard. he looked up at her when she settled his hands and he blinked at her. "how could i see Peggy? she's nothing like her... Anna doesn't look, act, or even smell like Peggy..." he admitted, frowning a little. "...it's really alright for me to... to be in love with Anna? it doesn't make me... wrong? or perverted?"

Clint shook his head. "what did you do to upset her this time?" Clint asked, looking confused. "well... you do have a very large collection of tumblers, i'm sure you won't miss one." he teased with a chuckle. "have you tried sending Steve in to talk to her?"
“No, I probably don’t.”Morgana sighed queitly tilting her head a little before smiling.”No, I can’t imagine it was. And good, cause that would have been a little weird Steve, gotta tell you, if you would have been in love with them both...imagine the jokes Stark would come up with...”She teased him lightly before wincing. “Because she is peggy’s daughter, despite you not knowing before, she might think you’re with her because she is your connection to Peggy....I don’t know, I just get the sense that peggy hurt her badly. So she’s probably feeling alone and confused, just like you steve.”She muttered before smiling, “It is. Nothing wrong or perverted. Now if you’d met her as a child, that’d be different, but you didn’t. You met her as a adult Steve, and a woman who knows her own heart....no matter how confused she’s acting. Trust her to not think your weird or perverted. After all, do you really care about anyone’s opinion but hers?”

”I didn’t do anything!”Tony whined.”Well, okay, I tried to talk to her when she was already upset, but she didn’t have to break the thing on my forehead!”Tony grumbled before wincing, “...I’m not sure who upset her more, me or steve. But since I’ve already been clobbered, I think I will see if he’ll try.”Tony snickered nudging his friend.”Thanks.”he muttered looking to be in a better mood after the short talk with Clint before heading for the office, figuring since loki hadn’t come to find him, that he’d managed to get steve to talk to morgana. Knocking lightly before he poked his head in.”Hey solider boy, it’s your turn.”
he shook his head. "no it was just... i think it was just because Peggy was the first woman i ever really. interacted with, you know?" he asked with a sigh. "Tony is insufferable all the time anyway." he admitted with a shake of his head. "so i just have to convince her that i want her for her, and not for Peggy... i can do that..." he muttered, biting his lip a little. he hoped so anyway. "well...i'm usually confused so... at least that's not too much of a shock." he admitted with a sigh. "no... i have to hope that Howard isn't her Father though, ugh." he admitted with a shudder. "so she loves me... even though i'm ancient. that's good to know." he offered Morgana a playful smirk. "she's the pervert, not me." he chuckled a little. "no, i don't care about anyone's opinion... though, i might trust Bruce if he tells me i shouldn't do something, and you of course." he mused. "one can never trust Tony or Clint... and i'm just not sure about Tiffany or River... Alec can be trusted i suppose." he admitted with a nod.

"...ah, she's upset at Steve then? have they finally had a lovers spat? even me and Jarvis have had one of those already." he admitted with a grin. "granted, he didn't have a physical body at the time..." he admitted with a chuckle. "no problem, the bleeding stopped at least." he promised. "but i'd have Bruce give you a few butterflies." he suggested. Steve looked up at Tony and nodded before he paused as he blinked at the others forehead and he sighed. "yep..." he muttered, tossing back the last of his drink. "this is gonna hurt." he muttered as he headed to the bedroom, knocking slowly. "Anna? can i come in? i'm sorry... it was a panic attack... i have them sometimes when i get overwhelmed..." and wasn't that the truth? Tony had seen one of Steve's panic attacks. he hyperventilated, babbled, and often passed out. he hadn't had one in quite a while.
“Ah, I see.”Morgana smiled before snickering. “He is, but that’s no reason to give him even more ammo to harass you with.”She smiled before nodding.”Yes, you do.”She said quietly, watching him, before grinning. “Oh, if howard was her real dad, I’m sure you would have heard tony and anna howling over it by now, not to mention her last name would be Stark and not St.Clair.”she pointed out before snickering. “I’m sure there’s a fossil kink or something. Maybe she just likes old things, old man.”She teased before grinning. “Well, at least you have a idea who to trust with decisions. And never Loki either, he’s not the god of mischief and tony’s lover for nothing.”She snickered.

“Yea...and...kinda.Sorta? They’re weird, and having even more weirdness.”Tony snickered because he was mostly deflecting, before grinning. “...I find it mildly weird you were fighting with my house before you figured out I could actually give him a body.”Tony teased before nodding. “I think I’ll do that.”He said smirking a little as he looked at steve.”Good luck.”He said amused that the man had downed the rest of his drink before leaving. When steve knocked the sound of breaking glass hitting the door drowned out his words for a moment.”Go away! Tony I mean it! Go fuck loki or go ignore someone or go build another fucking AI!Just get the fuck away from-!”Anna snarled, the words sounding slurred, having drunk enough to actually be feeling it despite having a tolerance that nearly matched tony’s. Before going pausing, frowning at the door. “Go away steve....”The words sounded defeated, tired. So unlike the normal anna it was painful.

Tony smiled a little as he swung into the lab, smirking a little as he saw loki and bruce, raising a eyebrow."Talking about me?"He pouted leaning over to kiss loki lightly before looking at bruce, waving a hand towards his forehead."Can I get a few butterflies please?"
Steve smiled a little and shook his head. "good point." he agreed with a sigh and a shake of his head. "hey! you're a mind person! you're not supposed to make fun of me!" he complained with a smirk. "oh, i think everyone knows better than to listen to Loki. there are times when his advice is needed of course, he did help Bruce after all, but he's a prankster at heard... bad pranks too for that matter. he put salt in the sugar bowl you know. everyone's coffee was disgusting this morning. i think he was annoyed because we kept 'making is wrong'.... i'm still not sure how you can make a pot of coffee wrong..."

"weirdness? well i'm sure i'll hear about it later." he stated with a shrug. "well, it's not like you haven't had fights with him." Clint pointed out. "i think the only person whose never annoyed Jarvis is Steve." he pointed out with a chuckle as he wandered off. "of course we are." Loki admitted with a smile as he sipped on a cup of Coffee as Bruce lifted an eyebrow at Tony. "sit." he ordered, reaching for the medicine cabinet for the large cuts box. "what did you do? bash your head through a window?" Bruce demanded as he carefully applied the super adhesive bandages to keep the wound closed.

Steve blinked at the sound of shattering glass and he sighed a little. "well, Tony's gone and pissed you off again. i'll beat him up later." Steve promised as he slowly eased the door open. wary of more flying glass. "come on. You're my Forever aren't you? My amour pour toujours... Jarvis taught me that." he admitted. "My Forever Lover." he promised. "please... talk to me. i hurt you, i know i did... i need to know how to fix it..."
“Oh, but I am. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine.”Morgana said wisely before smiling slightly”You let tony near the coffee machine. Of course the coffee is wrong.”she teased watching him go.

Tony sulked a little at that, settling on the stool as he looked at bruce. “I would never do that. I’m not that stupid. But Anna’s annoyed with me, and threw the damned glass at me. Apparently my head’s hard enough to break a tumbler.”The man sulked before looking at loki, poking him a little. “You could have reminded me she was already annoyed with me before sending me after her.”Tony sulked, annoyed at himself for not remembering.

Yet even as he eased the door open, anna didn’t throw anything at him, as is resigning herself to the fact that he was going to come in no matter what she said, and the child prodigy was already closing her heart off, backing away from him, in a effort to protect herself. Even if she wasn’t a spitting image of peggy, her hair was her’s, teh inky black that looked like the night sky, the shape of her eyes, the curve of her jaw....yea she was peggy’s daughter, and she’d been hated for it. “...go away...”She said quietly slumped over the edge of the bed, head in her hands as she stared at the floor, the bottle of scotch cradled in her hands as she rested her head against it.”...just...go.”she said quietly, desperately, trying to step away needing to not face him, not now. Not when she understood just how utterly fucked up her life was. This was just so wrong, and so like her mother, to be a ghost standing between her and being happy.
Bruce snorted and Loki blinked. "...Anna was annoyed with you?" he asked, surprised. "i suppose for...'tattling' as it where? i guess i didn't think about it..." he admitted. "sorry Tony. here, i'll kiss it better." he promised, kissing Tony's forehead, but being careful not to actually touch the wound as Bruce gave Tony a good shot of penicillin, just to be sure there would be no issues.

"i won't go away." Steve stated with a suprior sniff. "you accepted me and now you're never getting rid of me. even if that does make me a croddle robbing pervert." he stated. "though, you're dating an old man, so i guess it's all okay." he mused with a smile. "it's been a while since i was smacked with the shock of how long i was asleep..." he admitted. "i've gotten used to so many things... TV, and florescent lights and vehicles and girls wearing only their underwear... of course, apparently that's alright because it's not 'really' underwear but a bathing suit... which is... just..... ugh." he admitted. "it was such a shock, you know? finding out you where the daughter of someone i knew... it's a little... odd. especially with us being... sort of the same age... totally makes my brain hurt... but you know what? i don't care. i might have had a panic attack... who wouldn't? but i don't give a damn. i love you, like, twenty times more than i ever loved anyone... even my mom!.... well, no that's a bad example i didn't love her much..." he admitted with a grimace. "i love you more than i've ever loved anyone though, and i'm not going to give that up for anything."
“Uh-huh. She hasn’t forgiven me for not tellign her about pepper, and for tattling...yea, she wasn’t happy.”Tony grumbled looking amused as loki kissed his forehead, wrapping a arm around loki’s waist, tugging him closer. “Just how sorry are you?”He muttered with a perverted little smirk.

“.....You’ve been spending to much time with Tony, if you figured out what a cradle robber is.”She muttered raising her head just enough to sip the scotch in her hand, shuddering a little, swallowing hard as she listened to him. “...You like my bathing suit.”She reminded him smirking a little before swallowing hard, bounding to her feet, setting the bottle down, wavering on her feet a little. Drunk enough to be unsteady. “Well, I didn’t love mine either, so it’s okay.”She made a face, looking around the room, looking anxious and upset, before shaking her head. “No, you can’t mean it. I’ve never been enough!Good enough to love, or good enough for her! I just had never considered it was you she was always comparing us to!”She yelled, drunk enough that she was skipping around, not really tracking the words he was actually saying, but the argument she’d been having with herself. Starting to cry as she crumbled, landing on the edge of the bed, yea this was why she didn’t usually join tony on his drinking benders. While Tony drank to forget, drinking allowed Anna to remember. Not even really aware he was still there, crumbling. "....she didn't want us... she wanted the family she wanted with you....I just hadn't known it until you said you knew her...."
Loki winced. "oh... right, i forgot about the Pepper thing..." he admitted, looking quite ashamed of himself before he smirked at Tony. "i'm so sorry i might let you put that black leather collar on me like i swore i never would." he teased with a chuckle. "i'm so sorry, i might even let you tie my hands behind my back and call me your bitch." he teased with a smirk because he knew he was turning Tony on. "i'm so sorry, that i might even let you spank me." "before you do that... i need to talk to you Tony... and to Steve too." Bruce warned, looking awkward and hesitant.

Steve shrugged. "Clint told me." he admitted. "Tony's too scared of you to corrupt me." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i do like your bathing suit." Steve agreed with a smile before he sulked. "but, i don't like other people seeing your bathing suit..." he admitted with a sigh. "Peggy was a bit of a Bitch, yeah." he admitted with a nod before flinching as she exploded at him. "oh Anna..." Steve whispered, suddenly realizing just how horrible Anna's childhood really had been. it was just like his own mother, who hated having such a pathetic, wimpy little brat for a son. Steve's mother had even blamed Steve for 'ruining her', making it impossible for her to have children. "oh Anna i'm so sorry... but i would never have married Peggy." he admitted, wrapping her into a hug. "i didn't Love her, you know? it was just a crush at the most. she was pretty and the first woman i ever had a lot of interactions with. so i developed superficial feelings for her, the same way little boys do on little girls." he admitted. "i Love you, Anna. only you.... besides, she shot a gun at me..." he stated, trying to get Anna to giggle.
“Yea, me to.To busy having sex to really remember that...”Tony sulked because now that anna had reminded him of it, it was all he could think of. And wondering just how his team was really reacting. Cause he’d seen anna’s reaction, which made him wonder just how much of the insane family he’d gathered was doing. “Ohhhhh, I have a collar here somewhere...and you are a bitch.”Tony groaned a little as he shifted on the stool he was perching on, hard and wanting, frowning a little at the sound of Bruce’s voice, craning his neck to look at the man.”...uh...okay?I’ll go get him....but if I get beat up by a super soldier, I’m going to be pissed.”Tony grumbled looking at the man’s face, deciding it wasn’t in the best idea to ask what was going on before he went and got steve. “Come on. We better go get him.”Tony muttered snagging loki around the waist before heading for the bedroom, hoping the soldier and doctor had settled a little, otherwise this was about to get violent,.

“Tony is a sissy, I’ll have to get jarvis to punish clint somehow.”She muttered before smirking a little. “Well, I’ll just have to wear it for you then...”She said before swallowing hard as she cried, burying her face in her hands. Startling as he wrapped her in a hug, burying her face into his chest. “...she married a big blue eyed blond you know...he was my favoritest person in the world, and I could never understand why she couldn’t love him like I did....he died when I was five, and nothing was the same after that...thank god I could run away to Tony’s, otherwise things would have been unbearable.”She muttered because despite peggy having been british, she had abandoned her daughter after her husband’s death to Howard and Maria’s care, because she knew anna would be looked after, and tony and anna were child prodigies who had more in common with each other then peggy who had never understood her daughter. Never understood that she just wanted loved, and when peggy died when she’d been 12 her world had coming crashing down as Howard came to have sole custody of a child who had no one else in the world to take care of her. A child prodigy to use to his own ends. Sniffling a little she clung to steve, because even listening to his words, she knew it would take longer to accept that he was staying, that he wasn’t keeping ahold of peggy by being with her. But she could, and would, try to work on her issues. “Really?”she let out a watery giggle, swallowing hard.”I love you...”She whispered quietly, clinging to him, her hold desperate and needy, and even without her saying it, he had to know just how shaken and out of sorts she was. Nearly jumping out of her skin when there was a knock on the door.

Tony winced resting his hands on the doorframe, wincing as he listened to the silence on the other side of the door. “Hey you two, I’m sorry, but Bruce needs steve down in the med lab.”He said gently, regretfully, tugging loki to stand in front of him, hiding pretty much from his team leader and best friend who he was sure either of them would be ready to beat him up.
Loki nodded. "yeah, that's about it." he agreed before he smirked at Tony's fidgeting before he frowned as he watched Bruce. "...is this a private thing?" "i... no i think it would be best if you where there for Tony... we'll have to try and make sure Anna and Morgana are there too..." oh dear... that was not a good sign.

Steve chuckled a little. "Clint would only enjoy it you know." he pointed out. "especially if it was Jarvis who was doing it." he admitted with a chuckle. "no i didn't actually. i haven't even thought about her since i became an Avenger." he admitted with a smile as he stroked her hair and just let her talk. he knew that running to Tony's wasn't as good as some would have thought, with Howard being such a bastard. "Your father must have been a truly amazing man." he muttered with a smile as he kissed her forehead. "yes really. she was a madwoman. everyone was scared of her." he admitted with a shake of his head before he smiled. "i love you too." he whispered, kissing her neck before looking up at Tony, frowning a little. "why does he need me? am i sick?" "we don't know... but he wants Tony and me down there as well as Anna and Morgana so..." Steve swallowed at that and then looked down at Anna. "are you up for it? your pretty drunk..."
“I know.”She muttered looking amused before sighing softly. “Well, that was probably a good thing...I don’t think about her if I don’t have to....and don’t give me that look. I know being able to run to tony’s wasn’t the best, but Tony loved me. Which was more then I had at home after my father died....and he was.At least to me.”She muttered quietly, because despite what howard had done, she’d always figured it was worth it, because she got to be with tony, who loved her as if she was his own sister, the only children, having found family in each other. Shuddering a little as she clung to steve, quiet and resting, to drunk to focus now that she was calming down. Stirring a little at loki’s words she frowned a little, “I’m okay...”She muttered holding onto steve tightly, refusing to fall, because she was indeed that drunk. “Come on,sweetheart. Let’s go see what the doctor wants.”Tony said stepping back,”I’ll go find Morgana, go on down.”he said before hustling away and letting the other’s help the drunk anna downstairs.

“...Cap, make the floor stop moving.”Anna muttered a arm wrapped around steve’s waist unsteady as they made their way downstairs. Smiling a little at Bruce, “What’s wrong, bruce?”she asked, smiling worriedly as she stepped into the room, nearly jumping out of her skin and falling when tony and morgana arrived down behind them. "Hey big guy, you're interrupting my sex life. Which already has a kink in it, after my ex comes back from the dead. So tell me, so I can go back to fucking over loki over every surface."Tony snickered a little, cracking a joke because he was truly worried about what bruce needed to tell them, settling onto one of the stools, and watching his drunken best friend stumble and cling to steve. Finding it vaguely amusing, he didnt get to see her drunk alot, so this was amusing.
Steve nodded a little. "Tony does love you." he agreed with a smile. "it's kind of cute how he dotes on you all the time." he admitted with a chuckle. "you are not Okay." Steve complained, pouting at her. "it's not fair that you can get drunk and i can't." he complained, teasing her as he kissed her forehead again. "alright..." Steve muttered, watching Tony go and get Morgana, Loki staying with Anna because he knew Tony wouldn't be calm if he thought she wasn't alright. "Do you want me to carry you love?" he asked, a little worried about her as he carefully settled her onto one of the beds. "i'm sorry Tony but this is very important. i think it's something you really need to know... it's not... bad, persay..." he admitted. "alright so. you know how as a child, the fingers on your left hand where all fused together? they had to surgically separate them from each other..." "hey, i had that too..." Steve muttered, surprised. "right. as did your father Steve. it's genetic... and quite rare. it's... unusual for two people to have the same genetic defect so... i ran a paternity test." "a what?" "i ran a test to see who Tony's father was..." Steve suddenly felt sick as he stared at Bruce. "...Tony's father was not Howard Stark..." Bruce admitted, swallowing thickly. "Tony's father was Steve Rogers..." Steve stared at Bruce, wide eyed, opening and closing his mouth. "i...but... never... sex?!" Steve babbled, falling into another one of his infamous panic attacks, his breath coming in harsh, short gasps and suddenly... he was gone. out of it, he just collapsed. too many shocks in one day, he passed out.
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