Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Loki smirked a little and nodded. "i doubt we'd get anyone else to agree though. spoilsports." he muttered with a chuckle. "yeah, i have to admit, taking care of her was a great distraction. i know i shouldn't have worried... i mean, you are Tony Stark after all..." he admitted. "but i guess i was more worried than i thought i was..." he admitted, watching Tony curiously. "you make me... feel things." he complained. "things i don't understand." he muttered, pouting at Tony. "so you have to promise to stick around, at least until i've figured myself out at the very least." he commanded before smirking as he remembered last night. "well, i wasn't that cruel, after all, you have more ribs then i do." Loki pointed out. which was why Loki could bend in such ridiculous ways. Loki's body looked very much human, but he was missing two ribs, which allowed him to twist a lot more. his backbone was also much more flexible. there was cartilage along with bone, making the ability to touch the back of his head to his tailbone simply a fact of life for Loki. which was what happened when you bred an Aeser with a Jotun. "are we going to have sex again? because i'd really like to have Sex again."

Steve smiled a little as he stroked her arm and her sides, making sure to stay in constant contact. he knew how freaked out she must have been. he'd seen the looks Loki had been giving her, and Jarvis's comment about her being insane had told him just how bad she must have been. "good. we'll get Tony and Bruce to work on it right away." he decided with a smile as he snuggled her. "well, Tony did relive some pretty bad trauma. he was actually buried for a while. good thing the Hulk isn't so violent anymore. he's the one that dug Tony out." he admitted. "he spent the next three hours babbling." he admitted. "i wanted to hit him... every third topic was about sex." he grumbled. "...speaking of Sex i was... um... wondering something." he admitted, taking on that sheepish, timid tone he took on when he was worried someone was going to be upset with him. "would it be... bad, if i admitted that i've never... you know... had sex...?"
“Well, it’s always been a great distraction for me...”he smiled slightly before looking up at the other, tilting his head a little. “You make me feel things to, so I’m going to stick around long after when you figure them out okay?”he teased smiling a little, something settling in his chest at the idea loki wanted to keep him around, soothing the insecurity away. “True, but twisting you up like a pretzel took work.”Tony grinned leaning up to press a open mouthed kiss to his chest. “I’m more then willing to have sex, alot of sex, then go see to the others.”tony muttered nibbling on his lover, even as he drove himself into the other, having every intention of making sure loki knew he was very much alive, before he went to reassure the other one that he was still alive.

Anna smiled quietly, relaxing a little bit more at each pass of his hand, closing her eyes. For the moment, willing to set aside her fear and worry, in effort to enjoy his company. Knowing later, she could freak out on tony, for the moment she just wanted to be with him. “Bloody hell....no wonder’s he’s still manic...not only a memory, but he hates tight places, and stuck in the suit...”He shuddered looking disturbed at the idea before snickering. “Yea, that’s how he is. But it’s better to let him talk it out, otherwise he goes the other direction and gets totally depressed.”She made a face before frowning a little as she opened her eyes, hearing his tone before looking startled, “...you’ve never...what...how?!”She sputtered looking shocked her pouncing on him, kissing him hard. “Not bad, not at all. It’ll be fun.”She said before blushing, leaning back, her own eyes going guarded, timid, “that is...unless you have a issue with me having done...it... Before...”She said rubbing her fingers over his shoulder, playing with his shirt sleeve neverously.
he chuckled a little and then looked startled by Tony's admittance to having feelings as well. "i'd like that." he admitted with a nod as he licked his lips. "you love twisting me up in a pretzel." he purred with a smirk as he leaned down and kissed the other, letting Tony do as he willed with eager moans and matching movements. he absolutely loved having sex with Tony Stark. he had a happy grin back on his face by the time they where done. "hmmm that was great." he mumbled with a chuckle as he slowly sat up. "Foods here, i think." he admitted. it had been there for hours actually, but everyone had been too tired to eat so Coulson had simply settled it all in the fridge to wait for them all to wake up and get hungry. even Clint and Jarvis hadn't come up for air yet.

he smiled a little at her. "yeah he was pretty bad. we actually had to cut him out of the suit." he admitted with a sigh. "i still don't understand how he managed to be the only person in the cave at the time." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "all these dead people popping up is highly upsetting." he admitted with a shake of his head. "we'll get him to talk, either to one of us or Clint... i doubt we'll get him to talk to Morgana." he admitted with a sigh before he flushed and glanced away. "well... i was still a kid when i finally got into the military... and once in the military i really... well the serum sort of killed my initial libido..." he admitted, biting his lip. "so... until now, i've never... you know, wanted to..." he admitted, glancing at her. "i'd rather one of us knows what were doing." he admitted. "i know i won't hurt you now at least, and... i'm going to stop talking now..." he muttered shaking his head when his stomach growled, loudly. "damn... i'm hungry." he muttered sounding rather surprised.
Tony blushed a little as his lover looked startled, absently rubbing his thumbs over sharp hipbones, “Good.”he muttered kissing him back. When they were done tony slumped back into the bed, sighing softly. His ribs ached, but it wasn’t a sharp pain so he knew he was okay, he was just in need of resting, but he couldn’t do that, because he was starving. “Did I ever tell you cheesburgers were the first thing I had last time I got out of the desert?”He snickered a little even as he got up. “Come on, time to go eat.”he said his stomach growling as he headed into the kitchen, smirking pleased at the sight of cheeseburgers, starting to warm up everything. Figuring if he was up, the other’s would probably be surfacing soon enough.

“Damn...and he probably waited to make sure he was the only one there, or recklessly rushed in...”She shrugged a little looking vaguely amused with the idea before nodding, “It is. I have no idea what’s going on, but we’ll figure it out.”She smiled leaning down to kiss him again. “we’ll see who he wants to talk to first.”she said swallowing hard, looking thoughtful as she considered that.”Well...I guess I can see how that would put a damper on things...”Flushing brightly as she realized she was the first person Steve had wanted to. It was...a interesting feeling. “Oh good.”She said relaxing, before smirking a little. “Don’t let tony know. You’ll never hear the end of it.”She teased a little kissing him hard as she got out of bed. “Well, you’ve been in the middle of no where for a few days, of course you’re hungry. Come on. I’ll feed you, hopefully tony’s come up for air, cause I have some things to say to him to.”Anna muttered making a face as she headed for the kitchen.
Loki chuckled a little at Tony and shook his head. "Cheeseburgers are amazing." he agreed. "especially with a little bit of Avocado and heaps of bacon on them!" he admitted with a wicked little grin. "i love Bacon." he admitted with a nod as he followed Tony out into the kitchen, watching him heat up the massive amount of burgers and Pizza's and decided to add his own contribution in the form of milkshakes of various flavors.

"actually, i think he was in there looking for his tech." Steve admitted. "he was trying to find out a clue as to who was selling the stuff. i don't know how we managed to miss Raza in our sweep, that's why we weren't concerned about where Tony was, we thought we'd gotten everyone." he admitted with a sigh. "yeah. quite a damper." he admitted with a smile. "at least Howard was a little bit sorry he made me impotent... the jackass." he grumbled. "you think i'm EVER going to tell anyone else i'm a virgin at ninety?" he demanded, looking highly amused. "you must be joking..." he complained with a shake of his head. "yeah i bet you do... just try not to yell at him too much, ok?" he asked with a smile. "as bad as Tony is right now, Loki's worse, he's a bit overprotective." he warned as he headed into the Kitchen, grinning as he accepted his burger, three patties, two slices of cheese, lettuce, tomato, mayo and Jalapeno Peppers. yum! River was also there, munching on a burger that was four patties tall, had bacon, peperoni, Canadian bacon, and three different cheeses on it. the man was clearly a carnivore. there wasn't a hint of vegi anywhere near him. Tiffany was daintily eating a single patty vegi burger, and Alec was eating a slice of Pizza. they where living in the Tower for now, just until Loki's new shop was built.
“Ah, now that makes sense.”anna snickered a little before sighing quietly, wincing. Smirking slightly at the idea of howard stark ever being sorry for something he’d done. Swallowing the giggle that threatened to escape she smiled. “He was a jackass, but at least he didn’t do it on purpose....and I was just making sure you’re intelligence is still in tact after your trip to the desert.”She teased a little amused because she knew tony would have a endless supply of jokes if he found out. “I’ll try not to.”She said looking amused as she followed him into the kitchen, stepping into tony’s arms as teh billionaire looked at her, curling his body around her a little as she hugged him breathless. Yea, the two were having a moment. Smiling a little as they settled at the table to eat.

Later Tony smirked a little as be bumped his shoulder against steve’s, nodding towards the door. “come on. We need to talk. Loki’s distracting Anna.”he muttered looking amused at the two who were arguing over which movie to watch. Smiling slightly as he headed down to the workshop he settled at his workbench, “Anna told me about your idea. I’m only disappointed I didn’t think of it first.”He pouted a little as he started gathering parts and peices, before flicking a glance at steve, trying to decide how to tell him what he’d figured out in the whole team bonding thing they’d had going on as every ate. Smirking as he knew he was about to shock the other, and knew there was no nice way to tell him. “Your girlfriend wants to break up with you.”
Steve smirked a little as he shook his head. "unfortunately, after listening to Tony babble so much my IQ might have taken a hit." he admitted with a small chuckle watching with a smile as Tony and Anna hugged. he knew that had to be painful, but tony wasn't uttering a sound.

Steve looked up at Tony curiously before he followed the other. wondering if they where going to have one of those 'man talks' that Tony loved so much. "i just thought of it because Clint told me about the chips they put in Dogs last week." he admitted with a shake of his head. "can you do it? it would be a good idea to have all of us have them. then, even if we get separated in battle, we'll know where each other is and whatnot... that's how it works right?" he asked, looking up at him. horror raced across his face as he stared at Tony, looking confused and rather betrayed. "Anna wants to break up with me? why!? what did i do!?" he demanded, wondering if this was all some kind of sick joke or if it was just a misunderstanding... surely Anna wasn't going to leave him!?
“....”Tony stared at him for a long moment, before cracking up. “Oh man, I’m telling the birdman he’s getting tagged like a dog. It’ll be amusing.”he snorted looking amused at the idea because he didn’t know why it amused him so much that steve had thought about it from a dog, but it did. Swallowing hard he nodded. “yea that’s how it works. I’ll even get something so we can monitor each other, just in case we are separated and link it through jarvis and...”he swallowed stopping the tech babble, because he knew steve didn’t care, would only care about the final product. Wincing a little at steve’s response he wished he would have sugarcoated it a little, but well...he’d deal with it. Wincing a little he made a face. “Don’t look so betrayed. I’m only telling you so you can stop her from making a mistake. She loves you. And you love her. You can’t let her walk away.”he sighed quietly running his fingers through his hair.

“You...you’re you. Patriotic, amazing, selfless, pain in the ass hero that you are.”Tony frowned looking frustrated to explain, because he knew anna, knew why she was trying to do this, but not sure how to explain without making it worse. “Fuck...you need to see something. Jarvis?Can we see what happened when we were gone?Steve’s room please.”he said wincing a little as his computer flickered to life, watching loki sitting next to the bed, and seeing so many of steve’s clothes under the bed, and even without sound tony knew loki was talking to her. “This is what she’s like when she thinks she’s been totally abandoned. She loses her mind.”Tony sighed rubbing a hand over his face. “She didn’t say it in so many words but I know her. She can handle this, handle being totally scared out of her mind sometimes, if it means being with you... She’s afraid you wont want to. Wont want to scare her, which granted, she’s usually okay most of the time, but times like that..... She doesn’t want to make you choose between her and being a avenger, doesn’t even want to let you think of it, because she’s afraid you’ll give up being a avenger , which you love, for her, even if she'd never dream of asking it from you. And she wont do that. She doesn’t want you to hate her....She’s trying to break up with you so she can protect you both.”Tony snorted a little. “She’s trying to do a good thing, and totally fucking it up. So I’m forwarning you, so you can head her off at the pass.....and yes, I know the logic doesn't make sense really, but..."Tony shrugged a little, helpless to explain totally, but knowing what most of anna's logic was built on.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "you can go ahead and tell him. it Was his idea after all." he admitted with a snicker. "we could always just have a HQ set up. they could monitor us and let us know where each other is through our Coms instead of us getting distracted by screens, and then as a backup we can each carry a portable scanner that lets us know where each other is, that way we'll never be without a way to contact each other at the very least." Steve mused, thinking about the shows he'd been watching with Anna. star Trek had something very similar. "...oh..." he breathed, more than a little shocked as he stared at Tony, more than a little shocked that he was being so... well, he wouldn't let Anna get away from him! never!

"....oh my..." he muttered, watching her hide under the bed in a nest of all his things. that was both cute and creepy at the same time. he had known it was bad, but he hadn't realized it was THAT bad. "i won't let her feel that way again." Steve muttered, his eyes taking on a strange glint. "i can have her and be Captain America at the same time, that i know." he muttered, more to himself than anything else. "but how do i convince her of that?" he wondered, his head tilted. "logic based on panic never makes sense tony." Steve pointed out as he stood up. "remind me to buy you something as thanks later." he ordered, distracted as he headed off to find Anna, glancing at her in the kitchen he steeled himself and moved over to her. "we need to talk." he muttered to her. "let's go to the bedroom." he muttered, leading her into the other room, ignoring the slightly worried looks everyone was giving each other as they left. "it will be fine." Bruce promised. "she's healthy enough for a round of sex. and he'll never hit her no matter what the issue is. so it's fine." that wasn't very reassuring.
Tony stared at him for a long moment before snickering."I should have known anna'd make you watch star trek."he snickered before smiling slightly, pleased that steve was willing to fight,"you're allowed to say its creepy.it is,but fod her,thinking you weren't coming back....howard couldn't get us under our beds. He couldn't reach. You've come to mean safety, good things to her,she used to hide under my crap.now its yours."tony snickered a little though the humor didn't reach his eyes,because he knew just how creepy the action could be precieved, but knowing it was her own way of coping."you can.but she's panicking. She's not being logical.just talk to her."tony smiled watching the other man,raising a eyebrow at the odd glint in his eyes. "Buy porn or something,it'll be good thanks."he snickered a little watching him go before heading back upstairs himself.

Anna looked up at him,frowning slihtly as she syudied her boyfriend before nodding."okay.."she muttered as she headed for his bedroom,looking around the room before settling her ass on the edge of the desk there,amused that his room was big enough that tony'd let him put a desk in there so steve could do paperwork if he needed to. Leaning against the dsk she looked up at steve,trying to be calm."whats up?"she asked not realizing tony had told him what she'd been trying to get her head around.

"...that's not comforting bruce."tony grumbled making a face at the doctor as he wrapped a arm around loki's shoulder pressing a kiss to the other man's hair trying to not worry to much.
he grinned. "i kind of like it." he admitted with a smile. "she only likes certain seasons though." he admitted, making a small face and a shake of his head. "we're going to start in on Stargate, uh, SG-1 soon too." he admitted with a chuckle before he nodded. "i'm very glad she feels safe with me." he admitted. "i'll have to start wearing a specific jacket for her, then when i have to leave, i can leave it with her." wow, Steve was better at this than people gave him credit for. "i know she's panicking... i intend to have a very long talk with her. i don't know how else to try and convince her i'm not leaving." he admitted with a snort at Tony's order. "why bother? you have every porn ever made." he admitted simply.

"...Anna." here he hesitated, studying her before he took a deep breath. "you are the first woman in my entire life that i have ever felt anything for." he stated sternly. "and i'm not about to let you throw me away just because you're having a panic attack. you can forget it. i am not ever leaving you, i will cling to you with the very force of nature if i have to." he warned, his eyes nurning into her. desperate to make her understand. "i love you. and i'm not going to let you dump me."
"Now that doesn't surprise me,capsicle."tony snickered before nodding."some seasons are better then others and you will like stargate....we might have to do a movie night for it. Mozt of us enjoy it...and thor would definitely like it."he snickered at the idea of shoeing the asgardian the shoe before tilting his head looking thoughtful and slightly surprised that steve had thought about that.while he'd known the captain was kind,he hadn't expected such a easy acceptance of anna's problems."I have to make clint a jacket. I'll see if I can make one that'll work for you both."his mind already turning over the idea for a 1940s bomber jacket."I do...I'm sure you'll think of something."he smiled a little.

Anna looked startled at the topic,her eyes shuttering a little as she realized who must of told him what she was considering.she was going to kill tony. Looking up at him she took a unsteady breath looking at the floor."its not panic...I mean, it is but I know you...if I keep losing it you're going to feel guilty and..and try to give up or resent me for making you worry and I can't...I can't do that steve..."she said though her words sounded sure,it were her eyes that said.'please don't leave.' Her logical side and the part that loved him at war with each other. Swalloeing she looked back at the floor staring down."..I'm..I'm trying to break up with you because I love you..."she said though shd sounded like she was wavering,willing to let him catch her when she broke apart...and her panic was definitely ripping her to pieeces.
Steve smirked a little and shook his head. "i'm sure i'll like it. it can't be worse than Star Wars." he mused with a playful grin as he faced Tony, practically looming. "Tony!... i, am...your... father!" he collapsed into laughter at the look on Tony's face. "i can't just buy one?" Steve asked, confused as to why Tony had to make him a jacket. "i'm sure Anna will have an idea for something." he agreed. "after she's done kicking your ass for tattling anyway."

Steve stood there, as cool as an icecube in the arctic sea and shook his head. "your not doing this because you love me. you're doing this because your a coward and too short sighted to see the truth. the fact of the matter is, i can love you, and have a life with you while still being Captain America." he stated simply. "and the truth is, i can't be Captain America forever. eventually i'm going to get too old to jump out of Airplanes." he pointed out. "you're abandoning me because you're afraid i won't choose you. but how can i choose anything else when you are for a lifetime!?"
“Hey!Hey star wars is a american classic, captain, and it is your honor bound duty to enjoy it and-”He paused staring at steve for a long moment, stupid for a moment before starting to laugh. You are most definitely not my father. You’re not cool enough.”Tony made a face at him, before making a face. “You could, but where’s the fun in that?”He whined looking sulky that steve wasn’t excited at the idea of getting a tony stark created piece of genius. Really, anyone should be happy.”Urgh...I was trying not to think about that...”Tony grumbled.

Anna flinched at his words, her eyes shuttered and hurt at his words, at the name calling, and mostly, because it was true. Looking down at the floor she swallowed hard, “....You’d choose me?”The hurt and loneliness in those words were heartbreaking, because she so wanted to believe. So needed to. “...I’m for a lifetime?”she whispered quietly pushing away from the desk and moving over to him, looking so tiny and petite next to him. Even next to tony, she was small, Steve towered over her, and for her...that meant safety. More then love, more then anything, he was her safe haven, and she loved him. With wide dark eyes she looked up at him, before raising a hand, running her shaking fingers through his hair before dragging him down for a kiss.
Steve rolled his eyes at Tony. "Howard stark was many things Tony, but 'cool' was never one of them." he stated with a snort. "almost makes you wish you where adopted, don't it?" he asked with a wry grin, well aware that Tony wished for it everyday. "well if you insist, i won't stop you." he promised with a shrug.

Steve stared at Anna, wondering how much he was going to have to fight with her before he relaxed at her broken question. "Captain America is for a decade. maybe." he admitted, lifting her chin so she would look him in the eyes. "you are for Always. You, are my always." he promised with a smile. "you are the one thing that's kept me sane in this crazy, insane world where nothing seams to make sense." he promised, stroking her hair before letting her drag him down for a kiss, kissing back eagerly as he picked her up and carefully settled her onto the bed, holding her happily. "...Anna. i love you." he whispered softly, smiling as he held her. "forever and always." he promised, kissing her neck. just because it was there, looked delicious, and he wanted to.
“Hm, always.”Tony snorted looking amused as he rolled his eyes because it was true. He definitely wished he was adopted, at least it would explain some things about his own father. By the time he ventured out of the lab he was pleased and happy as he held the jacket under his arms, tossing it to clint as he walked into the room.”As demanded, Legolas.”He rolled his eyes as he tugged loki into his arms, smirking as he kissed him lightly. “....so. How pissed do you think they’d be if I played sex music for them?”he asked the group, glancing towards the bedroom and trying not to worry, before smirking wider. “Speaking of sex, Legolas, how was it?”he asked twisting to look at the archer. He knew that most people had boundaries, but he was tony stark, and no such boundaries existed to stop him from asking things he wanted to know about. And since he’d never tried having sex with ‘pepper’ he was interested in seeing how the AI went with it.

“A decade with iron man...you’ll be lucky to survive it.”She teased a little as she looked up at him, her body nearly going limp with relief, with the surety of knowledge in his eyes that she could see, he meant it. He wanted her forever. “I’ll keep you sane, for however long you want me.”She muttered eyes widening a little as she was picked up, blushing slightly as she looked up at him. “I love you to, Steve. My captain.Just mine...though I might share with the others, if you need to save the word or something...”She muttered the words coming out as a strangled moan as she tilted her head back, whimpering in pleasure as his lips brushed over sensitive skin. It’d been so long since she’d had sex, that being with her so very good looking boyfriend, and being as sexually frustrated, and just as angry as she’d been lately, she was squirming a little. Running her fingers through his hair she tugged his shirt up, making a pleased little sound as her hands trailed over his chest, enjoying the muscles. And definitely having every intention of seducing her innocent virgin.
Clint smirked as he caught the jacket and pulled it on with a smirk. "it's perfect. thank you." he stated, feeling much more happy. "they'd be pretty pissed. Steve more than Anna. he's trying to commit to her you know." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "it was fucking fantastic!" Clint breathed, closing his eyes. "he wore my ass out." he admitted. "and he must have a sex manual installed because i've never cum so hard in my life!" he admitted with a grin.

Steve pretended to shudder with a grin. "well. just promise we'll at least go insane together." he decided with a chuckle as he leaned down and kissed her again. "all yours." he agreed, biting her lip a little. "do me a favor though? and never, ever tell Tiffany she can have her chance at me, ever, again.... i was terrified." he admitted with a smile as he gasped as he felt her stroking his chest, shivering again... unable not to. it felt so good. "god... Anna i want you so bad." he moaned as he kissed her again, stroking his hands up her shirt, rubbing her hips with his thumbs.
“Welcome.”Tony smirked a little looking amused that his friend was so happy to have his jacket back before making a face.”I know. But she’s already pissed at me, and I think music would be helpful.” “No, tony.”Jarvis said rolling his eyes blushing a little as he looked at clint. “I am connected to the internet you know.”He said looking amused. “Good. Glad to know my talents extend to making you a amazing sex partner.”Tony said though there was a hint of pain in his eyes as he set about making himself some coffee.

“I promise.”She said smiling at him before making a face.”I didn’t think she’d take me seriously! I’m sorry.”She said blushing a little as she looked up at him, nodding quietly.”But I wont tell her that.”She said smiling at him,blushing harder at his words, squirming under his hands, amused that even simply holding her, his hands spanned nearly the width of her waist. It was amazing, just how very big he was. It made her curious. “For a man who doesn’t know what he’s doing, you know exactly what to say.”She muttered raising her head, leaning up to bite his shoulder gently, just enough to leave a mark on a well defined chest muscle, looking amused as she leaned back, hands sliding down, tugging at his belt. To needy, to eager to take her time, at least not yet. She’d slow down once she got him undressed.
Clint smiled a little as he watched Tony. "and you want to make it worse? she'll forgive you for tattling. she won't forgive you for interrupting." he pointed out with a grin as he glanced at Jarvis. "i'd forgotten that actu..." he paused and then narrowed his eyes at the other. "...you went through my history didn't you? that's how you knew i liked..." he flushed bright red and buried his face in his hands. "oh my god..." Bruce couldn't help it, he started to laugh.

he snorted a little. "i don't think she was being serious either, but she flirted and it was weird and i didn't know how to tell her to stop without hurting her feelings... i think she thought it was hilarious. she's really WAY too much like Tony..." he grumbled before moaning as she squirmed. "...i uh... Morgana suggested some romance novels..." he admitted, flushing hard. "they're really kind of nice..." he admitted with a small smile. "it really helped me understand some of the new... uh, customs i guess." he admitted with a smile. "and Jarvis helped me learn how to Google." he admitted with a grin before he sat up and removed his belt and pants. before he stripped her shirt off, leaning down and kissing a line down her body, running his tongue along her body, using the knowladge he'd found in his romance novels to give her as much pleasure as possible.
“Hm, true....but its sooo tempting.”Tony sulked a little snickering at jarvis’ smug look. “You’re to much like me for your own good, J.” “I would never do something like that...you just happened to be using the Stark server when you did those searches and if I happened to notice that, it is not my fault.”Jarvis said primly. “That’s a polite way of saying that yes, he looked to see what you liked.”Tony snickered looking at clint, and laughing all the harder.

“Ahhh, well next time, just tell her to stop. Because you’re right, she’s to much like Tony, and they’re both going to flirt.”She snickered a little before grinning. “Yea, some of them are nice....just how much did you enjoy those...sex scenes, soldier boy?”She teased turning her head to watch him, eyes widening as she took in the sight of him all naked, squirming, “Ohh...steve...there...Steve!”A high pleasured whine escaped as his lips found the oversensitive skin over a hipbone, tangling her fingers in his hair, hips bucking up a little even as her legs fell apart, shifting to rub against the muscled torso laying against her, needing friction as the man teased her. Pushing at his shoulder a little to get him to move,”I need...you now....”She whined quietly as she squirmed out of the jeans she’d been wearing, flushing as she leaned back to look at him, looking uncertain and quiet, her sudden nakedness leaving her feeling vulnerable.”...Come here.”She demanded leaning up, tangling her fingers in his hair and dragging him down for a kiss.
Clint grinned. "it is. but imagine how pissed off Steve is going to be if you keep him from getting laid." he pointed out with a snicker. "that's really not something you want to do." he pointed out before he sulked at Jarvis. "oh well. i'm not going to complain. it's just more than a little embarrassing is all." he muttered, shaking his head. "now everyone knows i'm a pervert." he whined with a smile. he didn't bother mentioning that everyone already knew that. Loki chuckled as he shook his head and took a drink of his Coffee. "oh, Tony. you have to help me look over the Blueprints for my new Cafe. River, Tiffany, and Alec are going to live in the apartment up the top and i want to make sure the construction teams aren't trying to cheat me or something... i can't read the damn thing."

Steve shook his head. "can't you just do the Jealous girlfriend thing?" he asked hopefully. it was hard for him to look at a woman and to tell her to not do that. "i...uhm..." he flushed at her accusation of the Sex scenes and he glanced away, quite sheepish. "they where nice..." he admitted softly before smiling as she moaned and cried out, laving that location over and over, sucking on it when he got tired of licking. "god..." Steve moaned, letting her shove him off, licking his lips as he stared at her, swallowing thickly. "never seen a naked woman before." he admitted, his own cock so hard it was leaking. "hold on." he ordered as he let her drag him down for a kiss. "don't move." he ordered, slipping out of the bed and darting over to the dresser, digging through one of the drawers before removing a strip of condoms. no doubt supplied by Clint or Tony. "okay... you have to tell me right away if i hurt you." he ordered firmly as he tore the package open with his teeth and fumbled a little with it, before managing to slide it into place properly. "there." he muttered, capturing her lips with his once more as he gently pressed himself against her. waiting for permission.
“True.”Tony winced at that before smirking at clint’s words, shaking his head. “We already knew you were a pervert.”He pointed sipping his coffee, before looking at loki. “Let’s go do that now. I want to see the building as it is right now.And then we’ll look at the blueprints...”He looked thoughtful, “And do you really think someone would try to cheat me?Or do they not know you’re spending my money?”he said sounding amused at the idea as he finished his coffee and got up.

Anna grinned, “I can do that.”She wrapped her fingers in his hair, tugging a little.”No flirting with anyone that’s not me okay?”she said her eyes amused and slightly jealous as she actually considered tiffany flirting with him before grinning at his sheepish look, absently running her hands over his chest. “Hm, they are. But real life is better.”She said whimpering as he paid attention to her hip, squirming and panting, nearly coming with just the sight of him licking her like she was his favorite ice cream cone. Flushing as he stared at her she watched him.”Good. And you better not be looking at anyone”She growled possessiveness in that growl as she considered him seeing anyone else naked, sitting up on her elbows to watch him, smirking. Finding it amusing that the boys had made sure he was prepared. “I will.”She said eyes wide as she watched him, there was something extremely hot about him putting a condom on, knowing he was going to be in her soon. Moaning as she kissed him back, rocking her hips a little, whimpering in pleasure as his cock slid against her, swallowing hard as she reached between them,gently wrapping her hand around him, raising her hips and pressing him into her, moaning.”Oh gods...”She muttered pulling her hands away, as she wrapped her legs around his waist, trying to pull him further in, but he was to strong for her to move by herself, sex was going to be on his terms. Which was hot all on its own.
Clint smirked a little. "yeah i suppose so." he agreed with a chuckle as Loki nodded. "it's right next door." he admitted. "and i don't know, Jarvis set everything up." he admitted with a shrug. "i want everything to be perfect! i'm going to need at least five ovens and four refrigerator and about three freezers." he admitted with a grin. "and of course, Tony Stark is going to get a Lover's Discount." he admitted with a grin as he tangled his fingers in Tony's. "by the way... Anna's getting laid." he admitted with a smirk. "so we don't have to be too worried about her." he promised as he led the way downstairs and showed Tony the building next to the Avengers tower. it was a rather large building with plenty of space for a massive kitchen, a large indoor seating arrangement, and an even larger outdoor seating arrangement. "it's the perfect size, i'm just not sure it's going to look the way i want it to." Loki admitted, glancing at Tony. "square buildings are just so boring..."

he chuckled a little. "i'm not even sure i know how to flirt." he admitted honestly as he nuzzled her. "Real life IS so much better." he breathed. "now i know what the books meant when they said a woman tasted like heaven." he admitted with a grin. "i'm never looking at anyone but you." he breathed, moaning eagerly as he slowly, gently sank himself in deep. "oh my god... oh my god... it feels. you feel... fuck." he moaned, resting his head against hers, trying desperately to contain himself. then he started to move, rocking slowly at first, muttering to her all the while about how much he loved her and how amazing it felt and everything else he thought she aught to know. and then he started to move properly, undulating his hips, thrusting faster, harder, constantly being careful not to grip her too hard. he didn't really notice that he was trapping her, but once he did, he made a mental note that she seamed to like being held down. he was more focused on making her orgasm before he reached his own, the books where all very clear on that. so he reached down, and started to search her folds for that 'nub' he had been 'told' about.
Tony smiled looking amused. “It’ll be perfect. Even if you have to keep rebuilding it until it is.”He smirked before pouting.”I have to pay?Shouldn’t I get a better discount then that?”He whined before raising loki’s hand to his mouth pressing a kiss to the other’s hand, before smirking.”Good. Maybe she’ll be so happy with her afterglow she wont kill me.”He sulked as he followed Loki downstairs, looking amused as he looked around the building. “Then knock it down and start over? I mean, the tower’s already circular. Just rebuild the damned thing if you’re not happy about it.”Tony said, and while he was aware of just how much that would cost, it was such a insignificant amount of money-even at close to a million dollars- that it really didn’t bother him.

Anna moaned quietly, tilting her head away as he nuzzled her, panted quietly. “You don’t taste so bad yourself, cap.”She muttered raising her head nibbling on his shoulder, teeth playing over the muscle ridges, moaning loudly as he sank into her, hands curling aroun his biceps as she held onto him like he was the only solid thing in her world, eyes blown wide with lust as she listened to him talk, raising her hips to meet his, to far gone to get any coherent words out. And no, she really didn’t mind him trapping her, for once not minding having no way to escape, because he meant safety to her, and she knew that in the space of this bed, even if he lost control, he would never hurt her. Gasping as she felt his fingers sliding between her folds, her soft pleasured scream escaped as he found her clit, the world splintering into a white gold haze as she came, clinging to the super solider above her tightly.
Loki chuckled a little as he shook his head. "this is true." he admitted before rolling his eyes at Tony. "no you idiot you don't have to pay. i'll be bringing home leftovers every night. some places leave pastries to sit for days, but that's just not done. they won't go bad with so many people here in the tower." he admitted with a smile. "i'm sure she'll still kill you, but at least now it will be quick and painless." he assured the other with a snicker. he was certain Tony had already been forgiven. "hmmm, can we do that? just tear the whole thing down?" he gave tony a scathing look. "we can't just throw a circle building next to a circle building Tony it would be hideous. no. i want a cottage!" he admitted with a smile. "like a fantasy kind of cottage." he admitted with a grin. "maybe even make it look like it's made from cookies, like in that story about the kids who ended up getting eaten by a gingerbread house." he beamed at Tony. "that would be awesome wouldn't it?"

he chuckled and then moaned as he was nibbled on, shuddering against her as he panted and moaned as he kissed her, unable to keep talking in the face of such pleasure. "oh hell!" he gasped, scrambling up when she cried out. "sorry! i'm sorry! did i push too hard?" the adorable little idiot thought he'd hurt her! that was just too funny!

Loki's dream Cafe
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