Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

he shuddered a little. "they're awful... i remember my barrack talking about Zombie movies they saw and from what i understand it was nothing as awful as what Clint watches." he admitted. "i have nightmares of Clint coming back from the dead and eating me one limb at a time." he admitted looking quite horrified. "i have no idea what you're talking about." Steve admitted sheepishly. "like.. not a clue." he admitted before he groaned at her. "yep, definitely cutting off your Tony Time." he grumbled before he choked. "NO! i was wondering if people drew each other naked!... what's Porn?"

Loki chuckled and nodded. "Tony. you made weapons that where supposed to protect the people fighting for your Clans... er, country. there is no shame in trying to protect your people." he pointed out. "it is not your fault that your weapons where taken and used against you and your people." he admitted. "helping everyone is a cause you cannot win, because some people are beyond help, some people don't want help, some people can't be helped, and sometimes you don't have the skills or tools to help... besides. do you know how many soldiers you've saved with that magnet thing you pulled your shrapnel out with?" Loki asked. "i looked it up. thirty five people in the last three months Tony. and not all of them where soldiers. one of them was a six year old boy who was too close to a firework in a metal bucket." Loki admitted. "i looked it up... you saved that little boy with your technology." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you did plenty for me." Loki promised with a smirk. "i love it when your like this, all limp and helpless and dependent." he muttered. "so trusting of me..." he murmured with a grin. "besides, i came when you where squirming on my lap." he lied. he didn't feel much like an orgasm. he was more focused on making Tony as happy as possible.
“Yea....zombie movies have gotten fairly out of control.”She said before looking up at him with wide eyes, “....Zombies don’t exist. Besides, Clint has a will that says he’s to be cremented if he should die, so he can’t be brought back as a zombie....he’s weird like that.”She snickered a little before smiling. “I know, but it’s fairly adorable about how cute you look confused. Jarvis just plays the movies.”She smiled before grinning as he choked, yea, she was definitely spending to much time with tony. As if in the billionaire’s absence she was making up for his sarcastic nature until they got back to normal. “Oh!Yes. They do. Alot actually. And...”She smirked, biting her lip, wondering if she dared shock him now that she’d brought it up before shrugging mentally. Well, he’d already jacked off once tonight, she might as well go all the way and shock him. “It’s sorta like your pinup girls, except you know, video....Jarvis?Can I get one of the movies out of Tony’s collection?” “Yes ms. Anna.”Jarvis said as he brought up a new window on the screen, pausing titantic so they could get a picture of the short scene of porn, though it was tame by porn standards and they were still dressed, it was obvious where it was going,and she was really glad jarvis hadnt chosen one of the ones tony showed up in, just oen of the others. Shutting it off she switched it back to Titantic before smirking at her boyfriend. “Like I said, porn.”She muttered looking flushed and embarassed, and refusing to squirm before she was turned on at discussing naked drawing and sex with her boyfriend.

“I know, but it still makes me feel bad.”he muttered because he knew that loki was right, but the iron man suit was just his guilt complex on steroids, and it took alot of effort for him to not shoulder all the world’s problems onto his admittedly wide shoulders. “Really?I didn’t know it was that many.”he muttered looking thoughtful at that before turning his head to loki, “Not that helpless....just tired....and I trust you to not go throw me out a window....”He muttered relaxing, closing his eyes, relaxing at loki’s reassurance that he’d come. To tired to realize he was being lied to.”good. We should get some sleep...”
he nodded a little. "most of modern day stuff is pretty... overdone." he admitted with a sheepish grin. "so much nudity..." he muttered with a shake of his head. "i'll just have to get used to it i guess." he muttered with a sigh. "Clint's insane." he grumbled with a chuckle before he pouted at the other. "why are you so mean to me?" he whined, pouting again before he sighed. "perverts... the entire world is filled with perverts." he decided before blinking a little at the sudden change of screen and he went as red as a tomato. "so... Porn is... watching people have sex?" he asked, looking rather mortified. "oh my god..." he muttered, eyes riveted to the screen before he suddenly looked curious. "...can girls really bend like that?" this was one of Tony's self dubbed 'yoga sex' videos. where girls bent in very interesting positions.

Loki chuckled a little and shook his head. "i know... you think i feel any better about what i did? at least you had trying to help on your side. all i wanted was to kill as many of Thor's precious little pets as possible." he admitted with a shake of his head. "yes, you've saved hundreds of thousands of people too." he admitted. "you're clean water has stopped a lot of water born diseases. and your state of the art surgery robots have saved hundreds... you're a very good man tony Stark, no matter what you think." Loki purred with a smile. "you are helpless." he teased with a chuckle. "you're so spent right now i don't think you can even move." he admitted with a laugh as he gently settled them both onto the bed for a nap.
“Because you’re so cute when you blush.”She muttered looking amused even if her dark eyes filled with worry, wondering if she’d crossed the line. Because nodding as she smirked, “Yea. It is.”She said before looking startled as he actually looked curious, turning her head to look at the screen, blushing.”yea.I can normally, but this stupid wound makes bending like that hard.”She muttered blushing and squirming as she gently touched the still healing bullet wound in her side, before smirking. “Jarvis, change it back please. I have better uses for my super soldier then watching porn.”She snickered as jarvis changed the movie back to titanic before squirming closer, dragging steve over for a kiss.

“...am not...and I can to.”Tony whined a little even as he let loki settle him into bed for a nap, for the first time in awhile, totally relaxed and content. When loki got up though tony was nowhere to be seen, having retreated into the lab with clint in tow, having finally finished jarvis’ body, he wanted clint’s opinion before he changed the AI into it, glancing up at the assassin then grinning wider as loki walked into the lab.”Loki!You’ll never guess what the good captain is watching.”He said because while he didn’t go out of his way to invade their privacy, his movie collection showed the date and time when it was last accessed and by who, the fact he’d been looking for something to watch as he worked just made him amused because he’d seen what Steve and Anna were watching. Smirking at clint he waved a hand towards the newly done slender jarvis body. "Well, what do you think, legolas?"
he huffed a little. "you're not allowed to be around Tony anymore, at all, ever." he complained, sulking at her before he went bright beat red at the suggestion that she could... do... that! "....i think i need to go use the bathroom first..." Steve admitted, even if he made no indication of trying to get up and leave. he kissed her right back, and with the assurance that he wouldn't hurt her, he even did some shy groping, though he refused to go any further than that because he was worried about her inuries. at least it proved that he was able and willing to give her anything she wanted. including sex.

Clint was staring at the AI, completely dry mouthed. it was like a walking Sex dream, everything Clint loved in a man. blond haired, blue eyed, tall but not too thin, well muscled. "God Tony..." Clint muttered, stroking a hand down a long thin leg. "it's warm!" he gasped, amazed as he examined the body, wearing only a pair of underwear. "it's so real! this is amazing! you know... if you take this apart and find a way to connect it to the nervous system, you have the worlds best prosthetic." he admitted, biting his lip. "can he feel things once he's in it?" he asked. "like, touch i mean?" he asked, curious, and as perverted as ever. he'd promised Jarvis that he would let the robot have sex with him first thing if the AI wanted it. and he wanted to make sure Jarvis would be able to enjoy it as well. "you're such a pervert Clint." Loki commented as he walked in, smirking a little as he examined the Robot. but was it a Robot? or an Android? or something else entirely? "no more perverted than Jarvis."
“But,but that’s sad!I need to see tony.”She pouted blushing harder as he just stared at her, squirming a little. Biting her lip and squirming as she was groped, it was so adorably cute that he was this shy about it, but even as they just made out, she sulked a little because she knew she wouldn’t get him to have sex. But it was okay, because even as she settled down to sleep, snuggled in tight with him, it was okay cause she knew they’d get to it eventually. Knowing that she hadn’t made it easy for either of them to get sleep as they were wound up, but it was fun, and they could deal with frustrated sexual urges.

Tony swallowed hard watching Clint, flinching a little at the other’s examination of jarvis.”Yea...couldn’t fool the hands if it wasn’t warm....”he muttered as he pushed screws around his work table, pointedly avoiding looking at jarvis, not because it was jarvis but because of memories of creating the tech that made this possible. “I know, I just haven’t figured out how to do it. I’m thinking of asking Steve if he’ll bring Anna down for awhile so she can help with the medical end of things...it’d do her well to get out of bed for a bit...”He muttered before smirking, nodding. “He’ll feel it like you do. Feelings are just electronic impulses, so yes, you can have sex.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little the usual humor and sarcasm hiding just how weird he was feeling, even if with these two he could have told them he wasn’t doing okay with this....but he didnt want them worrying more then they already did. “Hello, I invented Jarvis. Of course he’s perverted...but I think the prize for most perverted right now has to go to Cap.”

“Don’t give me that look bruce. I’m perfectly capable of cooking breakfast.”Anna glared at the her doctor as he stepped into the kitchen, absently poking at the coffee machine and checked the waffles she was making, knowing he was going to be scoldy for her getting out of bed. Having left steve in bed sleeping her restless, desperate need that had translated into nearly seducing steve, had driven her out of bed. Knowing that he wouldn’t go further then the light groping, and she didn’t want to embarass him more tehn she already had, she’d gotten up and set out to get breakfast even if she wasn’t supposed to walk this far. But the restless energy needed burned off....no matter if she got scolded for it.
Clint blinked at Tony and then reached over and gently gripped his shoulder. "it's alright. i understand." he promised. "...i still can't look at her without... you know... trying to see..." he admitted sheepishly. "part of me wants to bust her open and see if she's really mechanical inside..." he admitted with a sigh before he nodded. "yeah she'd know best. Bruce might be able to help too, you know how he is at biology... he was talking about chimera last time i went into his lab... he's a little mad scientist in there... it's really creepy..." he admitted as he peeked into Jarvis's underwear with a smirk. "well endowed. why Tony, one would think you'd built him just for the purpose of copulation." he teased with a smile before looking up at Tony, looking very much like he didn't beleive the other. "Cap? as in Steve? as in the boy scout from the 1920's? before Free Love was even invented?" he asked, looking very much like he wanted to laugh. "you're joking right?"

Bruce snorted at her. "you're NOT fine." he complained. "but i won't stop you, i know how you get." he grumbled with a roll of his eyes. "in any case, Jarvis told me that Tony was hoping we could go down to the Lab at some point to think of a way to make Jarvis's new body into high tech prosthetic." Bruce admitted, glancing around, rather confused. "where's Steve?" "in bed." Tiffany chirped as she skipped in after Bruce, making the scientist go bright red. "i was going to find Anna and invite her to a girls night out when she's feeling better... you're so cute when you blush!" she teased, smirking at Anna. "i've had three of the Avengers now!.... are you sure i can't borrow Steve? just for a night?" she asked, pouting prettily as Bruce choked out something unintelligible. the first sex he'd had in YEARS and it was with Tiffany the innocent whore... Tony was going to laugh his ass off.
“...”Tony swallowed hard as the man gripped his shoulder, offering him a small smile. “She is, Jarvis can show you the video of me figuring out how to fake out warmth if you’re really that curious....though I’m glad to see that I pulled off fooling the two I was most worried about. You and natasha, you’re both creepily aware of things.”He snickered a little before nodding. “...He is a little mad scientist isn’t he? We’re going to have to keep him away from loki, otherwise we might get a whole new meaning to supervillian creations....”He said before snickering, “Well, it’s me, sex is always in the equation....the fact that he told me about you and him having that deal about jacking off, just made me want to give him a good body for you to play with....besides, he’s dealt with me long enough. He should have fun.”Huh. Tony talked about jarvis like he was a real person...which wasn’t really surprising considering how long the AI had been with him. “Yes, that captain. And no, I’m not. He accessed my porn collection last night, though it could have been anna really.” “It was sir. They were watching titanic and were discussing sex.”Jarvis supplied, sounding very amused. “see, we’ve corrupted the boyscout.”

Anna made a face.”I can stand up see?I can make a omlette.”Anna said frowning at the man.”But I’m going to rest the rest of the day....”She promised before perking up. “Oh. Oh that’s awesome...I’ll go down after I eat.”She said looking excited at the idea of that before smiling. “Sleeping. I uh...wore him out last night.”She snickered a little letting him take that any way he wanted, before looking at tiffany. “Hey. And I’d love to.”She said even as she eyed bruce, grinning wider. “Well, you could try if you wanted.”Anna said rolling her eyes because she knew it was never going to happen, but she was to much like tony, and would offer steve a way to get some relief until she was up and able to have sex. Not that she really thought Steve would have sex...frowning as she looked down at her food her face grew cloudy as she thought over the words to seriously, before glancing at bruce, her mouth falling open a little. “....You better hope tony’s blissed out and relaxed when he finds out, otherwise he’s going to never forgive this.”she teased the other scientist.
he smiled a little. "i'd rather not. it's easier to pretend when i don't have proof, you know?" he asked with a sheepish little smile. "Natasha doesn't even have a clue." he admitted. "i'm sure as hell aint gonna tell her. she'll cut off my balls for sure!" he pointed out. "he really is mad scientist... he even has an evil laugh!" he complained, faking a horrified shudder, his eyes twinkling with laughter. "still... what on earth is a chimera?" it was basically a creature with two sets of genetic parents. it was combining sets of creature DNA to create, combinations. it was one of the basic 'alchemy' activities. Bruce had always been a little odd though. granted, when one was trying to genetically modify certain creatures for automatic healing and whatnot for human medication, you had to explore in strange areas. "...he told you about that huh?" Clint asked, sounding barely embarrassed. "Tony... does Steve even know HOW to work a TV? let alone know what Porn is? i mean, i know they had pinup girls and nudy mags, but i'm pretty sure that the magazines that Steve's seen didn't actually have nudity." he pointed out, looking amused. "how mortified was he Jarvis?" Clint asked, grinning as he watched Steve's reaction and resulting curiosity with very deep amusement.

Bruce rolled his eyes. "fine but you have to stay in a SEATED position once your done." he ordered firmly before he snorted. "yes, because i really beleive that." he stated, looking amused. "Steve doesn't do things like that. it's so against his nature." he pointed out before blinking at Tiffany who looked ever so pleased with herself. "forgive it? why ever would he care?" Bruce asked, looking amused. "he'll probobly congratulate me on finally having sex and then point me to one of those nasty Kink clubs he likes so much."
“I know, and I really wish I didn’t have proof.”He muttered making a face before snickering. “She would totally cut your balls off.”he agreed before smirking. “He is a mad scientist...and it’s a creature created out of two different genetic lines. Sorta like those things you got in greek mythology, half lion half eagle, or anything else really...just weird things.”Tony said before smirking. “He did.”Tony said looking amused at clint’s non-embarassment before shrugging.”No. But he’s trying to....and they didn’t. Not like they do now.”tony snickered. “Very. And curious to. Him and anna enjoyed the video, and he was very curious about ‘yoga sex’.” “oh gods, Anna’s very good at yoga.”Tony wrinkled his nose looking amused glancing at clint. “So, are we nice enough to ignore this and not tease him about it until after he’s had sex?”

“I will.I will.”Anna said rolling her eyes as she slid her food onto a plate before smiling, tensing a little. Because while she was tense and anxious, she knew it had nothing to do with steve, and everything to do with her abandonment issues and her need to please him to make sure he wanted to stay...even if she knew he didn’t need sex to be happy, it still made her anxious. “Because he’ll never forgive you for him being the last person to know. He know he’ll sulk...then promptly try to take you clubbing.....and the clubs aren’t so bad.”Anna said smirking a little, tilting her head. Because despite dating the golden boy, who was so straight laced she wondered if he was a virgin, she didn’t mind going clubbing with tony. It was fairly amusing actually. Picking up her plate and glass of orange juice she smiled at bruce.”Come on, let’s go see what the boy wonder wants. Hopefully we can figure out what to do before steve gets his panties in a twist that I’m up and moving.”She said already heading down for the lab.
he nodded a little. "she likes to threaten me with painful body modifications. i really don't want to give her a chance to actually DO it..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "ah, so it's two animals mixed together. sometimes more?" he asked with a grin. "that's pretty wicked actually." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Yoga Sex?" he asked with a grin before he laughed a little. "no, i don't think we're that nice." he admitted with a grin before aiming his voice upwards. "you excited about your new Body Jarvis? you're smoking hot."

Bruce snorted a little and shook his head and pointed to the wheelchair in the corner that Loki had only just recently abandoned. "Sit!" he demanded. "and i'm not going to tell him!" "oh! i get to tell him!?" Tiffany asked hopefully. "maybe Loki would be up for a threesome!?" she wondered as she skipped down to the lab, Bruce groaning as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "how can someone be so bubbly, happy, and downright innocent, be such a filthy pervert?" he demanded before glancing at her. "everyone wears leather, carries riding crops, and has a leash fetish... and that's 'not that bad?'... jeez Anna." he complained as he followed her down to the Lab. Steve in the meantime... caught up on several days of missed sleep.
“Yea, neither would I.....When she finds out about pepper, I think we should let Loki be the one to tell her. Me and you’ll run away to europe until he runs away.”Tony said snickering before nodding. ‘Yea, that’s about right.”he said before smirking at clint. “Yea. Have you seen just how bendy some of the yoga masters are? Though I think Steve’s to virginal to find yoga sex interesting...but you never know, I’ll ask him.”He snickered. “Oh yes. And I did ask tony for a...smoking hot body. Whatever is the point of having a body if not to have sex?” “....Okay, stop with the flirting you two, I’m putting you in now, J.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little as he shut off the house and started the download to the body. While jarvis would be able to connect to the house afterwards, for the moment stark tower was jarvis free.

Anna yelped before sulking, and sighing.”Fine.”She muttered slumping into the wheelchair before snickering. “You got to be kidding. He’ll sulk horribly!”She said snickering before smirking. “I still think she’s a tony stark-steve rogers love-child and that’s how she ended up like this.”She decided before smirking. “There’s limits here. Europe’s worse, and I’ve gone with Tony. Definitely scarring.”She snickered as she rolled the wheelchair down to the lab, pausing for a moment to identify the song playing, her mouth falling open a little. Madonna’s like a virgin. Glancing at bruce she snickered. “I don’t think you’re going to have to tell him. He already knows.”She muttered wheeling closer, “Hey, Stark. What’s up?” “Jarvis is downloading, and I wanted you to look into making a prosthesis with the tech and, I gotta ask, just how far did you get in yoga sex last night?” “....w-what?”Anna sputtered,staring at him, flushing brightly.
Clint snorted. "that's a little mean to Loki." he pointed out. "make Steve tell her, she likes him. she won't cut his balls off... if only because she likes Anna and won't want Anna upset with her." he mused with a snicker. "i guess so, i've never actually seen a Yoga anything." he pointed out with a small shrug. "and i don't know about that. virginal and innocent or not, Steve's still a dude." Clint pointed out with a grin. "he's going to enjoy it simply because she's naked and doing arousing things." he pointed out before grinning at the camera that was Jarvis's point of view. "you got it Jarvis!" he promised with a small laugh as he watched Jarvis download into his new body.

"Bruce snorted a little and shook his head. "i highly doubt Steve had sex with Tony. at least not the twenty three years ago that Tiffany was conceived." he pointed out. gods, old man Bruce got laid by a twenty two year old. what a perv. "uhm.." he flushed bright red at the thought of Tony already knowing and he sighed a little. Tony had to tease... and Bruce was going to let him, because at least then tony wasn't acting all depressed. "...ah. so the song isn't aimed towards me." Bruce muttered with an amused look. "Yoga sex?"
“It is....and I like it. We’ll tell steve....though Steve’s going to freak out...no. How about we just go to europe, and email them all? I mean, people expect me to do seriosu things over email.”he snickered a little before smirking. “You don’t have to see yoga master to know that having a really bendy woman in the sack is great....and very true. It’s going to be great when he has sex. He’s never going to stop blushing.”he snickered.

“No, I guess not, but it’s still a weird mix between them to. I mean, perverted innocence.”Anna snickered smirking at the old man.”Sooo...robbing the cradle now, bruce?”She teased before staring at all the men with wide eyed embarassment. “Yep. Yoga sex. I wanna know just how hurt she still is, cause if she’s got Cap watching my Yoga porn, I wanna know what she convinced him to do, cause really, the teasing...”Tony smirked, for the first time in a really long time, totally happy and pleased with simply being with his friends. “....Stop it.”Anna demanded glaring at all of them. “But clint needs pointers. He’s never gone to bed with a yoga master. You need to inform our innocent friend.”Tony piped up smirking as Jarvis came back online again, “Hey, J.” “Sir.” “Just Tony now. And-”Tony stopped wincing as his cell phone rang, flipping it open, wincing as fury started yelling in his ear, and mostly about what did they do to steve since he wasn’t answering his cell phone, and that they were all needed in afghanistan, and no Tony wasn’t getting a pass on returning, and that yes, he meant now and they all had to go.

Anna swallowed hard."I'll go get Steve. Get ready."Anna said quietly as she got out of the wheel chair, rushing to the elevator and back to her own floor, worried about steve even if she knew he was probably just sleepnig."Cap?"Anna said as she walked into her room, rushing to the bed and kneeling on the edge as she shook his shoulder
Clint considered that and then. "no. they could track the IP address and hunt us down. we'll send a postcard." he decided happily. "that will teach them!... sort of." he mused with a smirk. "Steve can't stop blushing now. how will we tell the difference?" he asked curiously.

Bruce flushed bright red and glanced at her. "oh... shut up." he ordered with a sigh. "she just jumped me! she was naked and i hadn't had sex in years and...." he shrugged. "she showed me some things that i really didn't know was possible." he admitted. "...Anna, you're not well enough for sex yet." he chastised with a small scowl. "or for Yoga!" he complained as Clint snickered. of all the things to be worried about. "Hey Jarvis." Bruce greeted with a grin as he examined the Robot before he ran the bot through some diagnostics. making Jarvis touch his thumb to each finger, touch pointer finger to his nose, blink, breath, stand up, walk a few steps. touch his toes. everything was good.

Steve groaned when Anna walked in, blinking at her. "'s it?" he asked, rubbing his eyes as he slowly sat up. "you look worried, is everything alright?" he asked, blinking at her. "...are you supposed to be out of bed?" he complained, examining her before looking up as Clint walked in. "Suit up Cap. we got problems. terrorist uprising in Afghanistan." Clint muttered a few sour curses, kissing Anna and rushed off to get his new black leather outfit.
“Well, it would keep us from being discovered.”Tony agreed before snickering.”Because he’ll be stuttering and not talking to us because he knows we’ll know he had sex.”Tony snickered.

“No....and...you better hope morgan doesn’t figure out you had sex with the girl. She’ll feel all self conscious and all.”Anna muttered teasing before blushing. “I wasn’t having sex!Or doing yoga.”Anna sputtered looking amazed as jarvis woke up. “I’m fine.”Jarvis said giving Clint a look that said plainly this wasn’t the first time tony’s had to do this, and it’s significantly easier to put a AI in instead of rebuilding pepper.

“Fury’s on the phone with Tony.”Anna said looking him over, swallowing hard.”I’m fine. I can be out of bed.”She scowled at him, swallowing hard as she kissed him, “be careful okay?”She muttered watching him go, settling back in the bed, curling up there, having every intention of waiting for them to be gone before she went to look for loki to hang out with.

Tony scowled, looking annoyed as he turned off his phone, turning to look at his god, wrapping a arm around loki’s waist, kissing him hard. Looking down at him worriedly. “Take care of yourself okay?We shouldn’t be gone that long.”He muttered kissing him again before rushing off to get in the suit, and within moments the avengers were gone.

When they got to Afghanistan, it wasn’t battle tatics being discussing on the general calm that sounded when they neared the terrorist stronghold, but the sound of tony stark’s heartfelt, snarled cursing, the depth of his fear hidden behind his fury as he caught sight of the cave he was looking at. “.oh for fuck's sake, you got to be fucking kidding me......Hawkeye, land behind the mountian. There’s a valley to the left,I’ll be right there.”Tony said as he streaked towards the valley, needing a moment to plan, to think of how to face things as he landed, waiting for the quinjet to land. Hiding his fear under a shitload of anger, because he was looking at a place he never wanted to return to. The birthplace of iron man.
Bruce shook his head, looking quite upset. "i know... but it just... i couldn't stop myself and that's a horrible excuse..." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "Don't give me that look." Clint complained with a Grin. "Bruce is just worried that Tony did something weird to you." "...oh i know exactly what Tony intended for Jarvis." Bruce stated with a roll of his eyes. "i'm amazed at the level of dexterity he has. if we can copy Jarvis a single limb at a time, we could easily replace things like hearts, lungs, kidneys, anything that needs replacing... without the need to wait for a donor. Jarvis could revolutionize the world."

Steve sighed a little and smiled at her. "try to stay out of trouble, alright? it shouldn't take us long." he promised, giving her a deep kiss before he headed off. Loki did the same to Tony, demanding a promise to come back before he let the Man of Iron go chasing death. he decided to go to Anna, instead of waiting for her to come to him, and he brought Jarvis with him. "Anna, can i come in?" Loki asked hopefully. "i don't like to be alone and Jarvis is creeping me out." that was, of course, a lie.

"...Tony? everything alright?" Steve asked through the Com units as he caught the sound of Tony's cursing. "you got it Bud." Clint promised, settling the Jet down and glancing at the others. "...according to the Shield Database... this is where tony was kidnapped..." he admitted softly. "they tortured him here... he just needs a moment." he muttered as he pulled out his Bow and started checking it to make sure it was Battle ready. Steve got his shield, Bruce got... er... angry... which was harder than it used to be.
“It is a horrible excuse....you know, I think I’ve had this conversation with tony before.”She teased looking u pat him, before smirking at jarvis’ look. Even if she didn’t know why jarvis was giving him such a look, but it was amusing. “I think that is what tony’s idea was.”Jarvis said smiling slightly.

“I always stay out of trouble.”Anna sulked kissing him back, watching him go. Looking relieved though when Loki appeared the injured woman smiled, “Come on.”She said shifting in the big bed letting him climb in with her,shifting, getting comfortable, and barely hesitating before snuggling into the other, “....it feels weird to be left behind....I mean, it’s happened before but....it feels weird now....”

“Yea, fine.Just realizing how stupid some people are.”Tony scowled at the sight of his weapons being toted out of the cave, his feet settling onto the ground moments before the quinjet’s. Yanking off his helmet he panted with the effort to remain calm, because what he really wanted to do was totally lose his mind, shuddering harder as he remembered exactly what had gone on here, his whole chest feeling tight, as if the arc reactor had been pulled out. The feeling was so strong that he actually looked down to make sure the arc reactor was still glowing away. Glancing at the other’s as they stepped out of the jet he swallowed unsteadily as he looked at them.”....Can’t we just blow it to kingdom come, no questions asked?”He grumbled, even if he knew it wouldn’t be best. They needed t know where they got so many stark weapons, or why this cave, or who they were....but he really, really just wanted to blow it up.
Bruce groaned. "sometimes, i hate how much Tony has influenced me." he grumbled, shaking his head. "i'll just have to apologize to Morgana... well, first i'll tell her how i feel and THEN i'll apologize to her... god... i'm such a coward." he groaned, shaking his head.

"no you don't. you're always hip deep in it, just like Tony." Steve complained with an impish grin as he vanished. Loki coming in and settling onto the bed with her, letting her snuggle all she wanted. "i hate feeling so weak and useless." Loki muttered softly, glaring at his wrists. "and you know... even if i cut it off? the seal would still be there..." he admitted with a sigh. "come on, lets watch a Movie... or talk about medicine." he ordered, not wanting to think about what was happening that would make Tony's heart rate go that fast...

Clint nodded, studying Tony cautiously. "that's a lot of Stark Tech... looks like someone's selling on the side again..." he muttered, wondering just how pissed Tony was going to get on this mission. "no we can't." Steve stated sternly. "we have to question them and arrest a few of them first. make a sweep for prisoners." then he smiled at Tony. it wasn't a nice smile. "then we can blow the place up. we'll claim there was a gas leak and when you fired a rocket the whole place just went boom." he promised, patting Tony's shoulder. "hows that sound?"
Anna sighed quietly as she snuggled into loki swallowing hard."I do to...but at least if you got in trouble with him,you'd be able to protect yourself..you said you had magic if you were in danger...I'm just regular human.I don't have anything."she muttered before wincing."that really sucks..I'm sordy loki."she muttered sighing wuietly trying to not worry.

"I'm fine.stop looking at me like I'm going to go to collapse or something.I'm fine.pissed,but fine."tony said scowling at clint nodding."it is a lot of stark tech and I'm going to kill someone...this is insane..."he growled looking annoyed before grinning."it sounds like you've been spending to much time with me if you're going to let me blow shit up,but it does sound good."tony grinned as he let the faceplate come down and headed for the base.

Natasha sighed quietly."keep a eye on him guys."she muttered as she followed after. And amazingly,she realized tony was moving things through calmy,if with ruthless effectivity. At least till he spent inside and the sound of tony's startled babbling,"tony?!"natasha snarled as the billionaire's words came out in a gumbled rush before she realized what he was saying,already backing away."oh god,go get out go! I'm blowing it now."tony's frantic babble was a result of finding himself face to face with raza,and as soon as the team was cleared tony blew it, realizing to late that the heat of his own explosion had melted parts of the titanium,fusing the pieces together even as the explosion detented not only the roof to bring tit down on raza,but the shitload of stark tech,burying the inventor under rumble and fire.

"Tony!"natasha yelled even as she scrambled over the burning sand,wincing at the screech. "Ok- I'm -okay.."tony said over their broken comms,the screech earsplitting loud,but at least they knew he was alive even if he was buried and unable to get get out on his own. "You...guys...okay?"tony yelled over the screech,needing to know he hadn't killed them in his mindless panic
Loki shook his head. "my magic is too weak right now to do anything." he admitted. "and even then, didn't stop me from being stabbed. it stopped a single bullet, sort of... i think i'll start carrying a gun around... Steve could show us how to shoot, or Natasha. get a conceal and carry permit and we'll at least have a way to defend ourselves..."

"...i think Anna's been a bad influence on me." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "besides, this place is awful, and even more awful for you, it's only right that you should be allowed to blow it up... after all, i ot to blow up Hydra headquarters. and Bruce gets to destroy things all the time. it's only fair that you get too as well." Steve pointed out with a small chuckle.

he was working on handcuffing one of the terrorists who looked like he'd have a lot of information when Tony's voice came through the com. "Tony? Tony!? Calm down what's happening?!" Steve demanded before cringing as he realized that tony was too gone to answer. "Tony! Tony can you hear me!?" Steve demanded, racing over to the caved in cave, the Hulk roaring as he started to dig Tony out, ignoring the half melted stone and flames that where still spitting. "We're fine Tony!" Clint promised. "Hold on tight, Bruce..." a roar cut him off. "Sorry, Hulk is digging you out." a satisfied grunt and the Hulk resumed the excavation.
Anna looked thoughful at that before nodding."we'll ask when they get back."she said her voice only qauvering a little,because it had been one thing when it was just her friends and almost brother,but now that brother and boyfriend where out there...yea she wasn't doing well.

Tony grinned at that."anna's a bad influence on everyone.'he decided but looked easier with the knowledge that he was going to get to blow it up.

"I can...you're being loud..."came the half screeh of the comm,yea definitely not going to be using jarvis soon.though the panicked talking didn't slow at the knowledge hulk was digging him out,if anything it got worse as tony demanded let out.and as soon as he could see his teammates hovering over him he growled."the suits fused together. Break it dent it I don't give a fuck,get me out of it!"he demanded showing just how very claustrophobic he was when he didn't have the option of getting out. He was better then anna most of the time,but he was just as obviously freaked out at the moment.
he nodded. "and in the meantime, we can pester Jarvis, Tiffany, Alec, and River. it's fun annoying them." Loki admitted with a smile as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "they'll be fine, nothings hurt them yet after all." he pointed out with a smile. "and the Hulk is there. nothing gets through the Hulk." he pointed out with a smile.

"thank god your not dead, Anna and Loki would never forgive me." Steve complained as clint laughed at that. "how hurt are you?" at least they'd already gotten the hostages out. twelve young girls and two men who where shaken and very hurt, but alive. Hulk growled at Tony as he dragged the man out and examined the suit before raising his fist. "whoa! whoa! easy big guy! we don't want to squash Tony..." Clint stated, raising his hands as he stepped in front of the Hulk who huffed. "i'll get you out Tony." Steve promised, already turning on one of the few pieces of technology he always carried. a small laser that would cut through steal, but wouldn't burn skin. one of Tony's more impressive works. he cut Tony's head free first and then worked on the chest. "so what happened?" Cling demanded, looking worried. "you just started to freak out..."
“It is very fun. Though I’ve been told I’m supposed to stay in bed, so you’re going to have to bully them into coming down here.”he said smiling a little, resting her head on his shoulder before nodding.”That’s true. Hulk will keep them safe.”

“Anna would indeed kill you....A few broken ribs, and I’m fairly certain my nose is broken...and maybe a few burns.I dunno, can’t see it.”Tony said before laughing, that high panicked sound. “Just let him, it’d get me out of here.”he growled but relaxing as steve cut the suit, having given it to the man just in case of these emergencies, even if he had hoped it’d never happen. Looking up at clint as soon as his head was free he closed his eyes, once his head was free he could pretend he wasn’t trapped for the moment. Resting his head back against the ground he sighed. “Tony?”Natasha muttered shooting a look at clint, even more concern for the billionaire darkening her face. “...oh...yea.Sorry.”Tony swallowed forcing himself to focus, blinking rapidly, still coming down from his panic. “So...how much do you two know about me being out here?”He said flicking a glance towards the cave, knowing that if any of them knew, it was clint and natasha who’d been with shield the longest. “...We know you were kidnapped. And held here for 4 months to build your Jericho missile. You got free with a slapped together version of your suit.”Natasha said watching the billionaire closer.

Tony shuddered inside the half gutted part of his suit, nodding. Of all of them, tony stark was the one least trained for combat, for being captive. There was no military training for him, or any time to prepare for betrayal...just the free fall.“Yea...about right. I was sold into captivity, by a friend. But the rest, yea it’s true. After I got free, I built my new suit and decided to have a cage fight with the terrorist leader that kept me here and thought I killed him....I found him again when I walked inside then....then I went back.”he shuddered harder.
Loki chuckled a little. "we could have a small party." he decided, grinning at Jarvis. "would you mind terribly ordering us Pizza's Jarvis?" he asked hopefully. "a Large Pepperoni, a Large Hawaiian with extra cheese and a Large... uh, what do you like Anna?" he asked before smiling sweetly at the new body Jarvis. "i'll call Morgana, River, Alec, and Tiffany and we'll have a 'heroes not allowed' Party." he decided with a grin.

Steve huffed a little and nodded. "i can't beleive you blew yourself up." Steve admitted, looking vaguely amused now that he knew Tony was relatively safe. "if Hulk squishes you Anna will yell at me." Steve pointed out. "now hold still." he ordered. "i don't want to test this things capabilities against human flesh." he pointed out. "we know you where tortured in some manner." Clint admitted, sounding concerned. "and we know that no one else made it out... and we know that Obediah Stain is the one that sold you out... Coulson added that into the report." Clint added before paling as he realized what the other was saying. "so... you mean that he didn't die after all?" he asked. "or... do we need to be concerned about someone bringing people back from the dead?" he asked as Steve managed to cut off the chest and arms at the same time. "there we go." he stated. "just the legs now."
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