Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Bruce grinned as Clint cursed and shot Tony a glare before he refocused on the screen, crowing in rage as it was suddenly paused. "Tony! Dammit!" he complained, tossing his controller down and sulking. "no, not naked this time. apparently Tiffany complained that it was wrong that they where both naked at the same time where other people could see them." he admitted with a grin. "their in their boxers." he admitted with a shrug. "by the way. i overheard Loki contemplating the idea of jumping you in the shower." Bruce warned. "i think he's getting annoyed with your chastity." he admitted. "and you can't seduce her because i want..." he paused and flushed and coughed and shook his head. "never mind!" being that he hadn't had sex since his 'accident' it was no wonder he was only seeing his female associates attention now. "...she's a psychologist." Bruce finally admitted with a sigh. "i want Loki to talk to her. he's still got... issues, you know? i caught him beating the Toaster with a hammer and screaming at it... that's just not normal behavior." Bruce complained, Clint snorting. "good luck with that, Loki will NEVER talk to her." "...he might if Tony tells him to." Bruce pointed out. "she might be able to help Steve's anxiety problems too. and Anna, she never got over Howard, i think my freind can help her too." he glanced at Tony. "you might consider talking to her, but i know you'll fight me tooth and nail if i try to convince you of it." he admitted with a shake of his head. "it's Steve who needs her the most i think. he's not sleeping at all. looks like death warmed over..."
“Shut up, I want to know if I need to go see tai chi practice.”Tony said scowling at clint’s sulking before smirking a little, before sulking as he stretched. “Damn. Watching them do it naked was awesome.”he whined before tilting his head, blushing ever so slightly. “Well, shower sex is interesting....”he said because he wasn’t about to admit why he was so nervous over it, because he knew both men would try to beat his head in if he tried to tell them that. “Oh.Oh!okay then.”Tony smirked looking pleased with the idea, and already plotting on how to help set bruce up with the woman before nodding. “I know. It’d probably do him good to talk.”he said, so ironic tony stark of all people was telling someone to get help, when he wouldn’t do it himself. “Anna to....she’s never talked about what dad did...even to me, and I was there for most of it.”he muttered before frowning at the other.”....Well, at least I wont have to have that fight with you.I’m going to go see if I can convince loki to go. Anna’ll have a better shot convincing capsicle.”Tony said smiling slightly as he headed down to the gym, pausing in the doorway as he considered the sight of loki and river, amused that natasha was to watching as she worked out. “I think I’m going to tell tiffany she’s just going to have to deal. You should be doing this naked.”

Anna leaned against teh door for a moment, watching steve as he read, her features worried. While she was still weak, she’d refused to let him help her back and forth from the bathroom, needing to do something on her own. And she was so worried about her boyfriend.”Steve? You look exhausted, sweetheart.”She said moving over to the bed, using the starkpad to talk, sitting down next to him, gently running her fingers through his hair, so so worried about the man. Worried about tony to, but since bruce said he was phyiscally okay, and he hadn’t appeared down here to talk to her yet, she focused on the one man she could help, and let loki and bruce help tony, because she knew she couldn’t help tony without making it worse. "You need to sleep...why don't you go to sleep?"
Clint rolled his eyes. "it was pretty awesome." he agreed with a small chuckle and a shake of his head. "tell you one thing, Tiffany is fantastic in bed." he admitted. "it feels a little weird to be the one whose being used though." Clint admitted with a snicker. "literally, she rolled out of bed, thanked me for the sex and left... it was so strange!" Bruce had to snort and he shook his head. that was hilarious. "i wouldn't know. never had Shower Sex." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "yeah Anna needs some emotional help." Bruce agreed. "what about you Birdbrain, you need help?" "nope, all agents have mandatory monthly meetings with a psychologist." Clint admitted. "more as needed." he admitted with a shake of his head. "guess the games a bust. here, you take Tony's controller." he demanded, handing said controller to Bruce who chuckled and settled down to get his ass handed to him. Loki grinned as he glanced at Tony and River chuckled. "you're lucky that Loki's not the jealous type." River admitted as he shifted in perfect unison with Loki.

Steve looked up at her when she spoke and he offered her a small smile. "yeah." he muttered as he watched her. "i guess i'm a little tired." he agreed, shaking his head as he wrapped an arm around her, pressing his face into her shoulder. "...i've been having dreams about Bucky, and you." he admitted softly. "you always die... and there's nothing i can do to save you..." he whispered. "i don't want to sleep..." he admitted, closing his eyes. "everything's all messed up now and i don't know how to fix it."

(You have to play the psychiatrist.)
“She is....it’s sorta weird we’ve had sex with the same woman. If she keeps it up, she’s going to sleep with all the avengers....even steve. I really wouldn’t put it past her to try.”Tony snickered a little amused at clint’s whining about being used, rolling his eyes. “Don’t you have anything better to do bruce, then to play games?”Morgan smiled as she stepped into the room, her black hair tied back into a braid as she looked at the two playing games, shaking her head in amusement. Glad that bruce had finally gotten in contact with her, she’d missed him.

“...I’m not sleeping with loki.Or anyone. Why should he be jealous?”tony sulked annoyed as he tilted his head watching loki’s ass, before huffing. “You almost done?I want to go out for coffee, and you’re required for it. A coffee date and all.”Tony said, because it wasn’t so much because he wanted a date, but because he was avoiding the psychologist, but still needed to talk to someone. So he was going to talk to loki, because his thoughts were all tangled up and a mess, and needing to find his way back to the unsteady balance he’d had, and it was even harder since he’d been trying to stop the drugs, cutting it back, but now reaching out for help when he realized he couldn’t do it on his own.

Anna sighed softly as she shifted to get comfortable, wrapping her arms around him, gently stroking his hair. “I’m sorry....I’m sorry I keep nearly dying on you...but you’ve saved me. Each time, steve. You kept me safe.”She muttered running her fingers through his soft hair, tears filling her eyes at the idea that she’d caused him this much distress. “Well, tell me what’s wrong, and I’ll help you fix it. We can do it steve.”She said truly frightened for him, afraid he was going to do something stupid like tony was, and more then anything, the idea of losing both of the men she cared for most in the world, scared her to death. Made her remember what it was like for those few minutes that tony had been dead on her floor. She couldn’t live with the idea that it could be steve...she wouldn’t survive if she lost him.”Come on...lay down. I’ll stay awake and watch over you...”She muttered bullying him to lay down, resting his head on her chest as she laid back.
Clint smirked a little. "i think that's her plan. she's got her sights on Thor next. she tried Bruce..." "but i admitted i...liked someone and she backed off." he admitted. "she's so much like you it's scary." he admitted with a sigh. "and no, i don't have anything better to do Morgan." Bruce stated with a smile. "all my research is at a point where all i can do is wait anyway, neither Loki nor Anna are in critical condition, and Tony's in one piece for once." Bruce admitted, looking back at her with a grin. "i'm glad to see you. man do i have a lot to tell you." she didn't exactly know about the Hulk Thing. she knew about Loki and the Avengers and she knew about the Hulk... but she didn't know Bruce was the Hulk...

Loki smirked as River snorted. "we both know Loki has his claims on you Tony. if Loki was the jealus sort, he'd have jumped you by now, and yes we're almost done, we're only doing thirty forms today." River promised, sweeping his arm out as if blocking and sweeping an opponents fist... only twenty times slower. fluid and graceful. "Coffee Date?" Loki asked, lifting an eyebrow. "lets stop at Blue Moon and sniff, claim the place is a dump and walk out." River had to laugh at that, which broke his form, Loki smirking as he finished and then stretched with a sigh. he'd had his stitches taken out already. the potions, and Frigga's healing, had done amazing things. "let me go get dressed."

Steve shook his head. "no... it's... i couldn't protect Bucky, and then i couldn't save you, and now, twice in a row, i couldn't protect you either and every time i close my eyes i see myself failing to save you when you need it most..." he admitted with a small choked sound that was probobly supposed to be a sob. but he was a man, and men didn't cry. "i don't want to sleep." Steve protested, sounding quite terrified even as he let her bully him into position. "don't want to sleep." he protested again before he was out, too exaughsted to stay awake now that he was laying down.
Morgan laughed a little as she st down next to him,"well it seem like you guys have everything under control for the moment....so you want to catch me up on everything that's been going on?"morgan said concern in her eyes because bruce didn't just ask for help withoit a reason,and she knew he was worried about his friends.

"Very true...its a good thing I don't mind loki claimin md."he snickered a little before sighing looking down."yea.coffee....I just need to go out for awhile."tony shrugged before grinning."lets. It'll be even better when they realize tony stark just called the place a dump."he smirked before followin loki toward his room."id take you out naked if I didn't think someone would have a problem with it.."tony smirked as he followe him trailing a little so he could watch loki's ass,for once being unusually quiet as loki got ready to go.

"Steve...ms getting hurt wasn't your fault....you trusted tony to save me when I was shot...and got him away from me when he snapped...you saved me,sweetheart...you always will. And you know,if you can't,I'm fairly smart,I can save myself."she muttered stroking his hair looking so worried about him."I need you to take care of yourself okay?don't worry about me..I'll be right here the whole time.I won't let anything happen.."she muttered crying quietly as he fell asleep,her heart breaking to see him like this
he shook his head. "hardly under control." he admitted with a sigh before he launched into explanation about anna being abused as a child, Steve having a psychotic break because he had nearly seen Anna die and was from the past, how Loki needed help for his megalomaniac issues and how Tony was suicidal and didn't want to see a therapist at all. "we're all falling apart at the seams here and i can't help them." he admitted with a sigh as he shook his head.

River smirked a little and shook his head as Loki snickered and took Tony's hand, visibly laying a claim as they headed out. "i'd go naked if i wasn't scared of freezing my balls off." Loki admitted with a shrug. "you're human preconceptions against nudity mean very little to me." he admitted with a chuckle, waiting until they where outside and well out of sight of the building before he spoke. "what's wrong Tony? is this about that woman Bruce brought in to talk to Steve and Anna?" Loki asked, looking concerned. "you know i can make her stay away from you if she's upsetting you."

Steve shook his head. "no, it wasn't my fault, i know that... but i still couldn't do anything... i've never been so helpless before." he whispered. "i'm trying... i am... it's just so hard to sleep." he whispered, swallowing thickly as he closed his eyes. how could he sleep when she was so upset though? it was a restless, unhappy sleep.
Morgan frowned as she listened,eyes wide before hugging him tihtly,knowing how much it had to upset him to not be able to help."you can't,but I can sure as hell try. I'll make sure they're looked after bruce....how are you doing?"she asked leaning back to look him over.

"Yea...freezing that off would be a crime...and don't lump me in with the rest of humanity.I don't mind nudity."tony said before sighing,tucking his face down against the collar of his jacket against the cold as they walked."I know...and you know damned well she isn't here for them. He brought her because I snapped...."tony sighed quietly staring at the sidewalk before glancing at loki."hows anna?"he asked in a sort of abrupt change of topic,but since he'd been avoiding her,maybe him asking wasn't sobweird.

"I know...and every time you get hurt I feel helpless because I couldn't stop it...just relax.."she muttered stroking his hair,falling asleep with him,though it really was just as restless as his. They both needed help,fast.they were just anxious balls of pain and helplessness...poor steve.poor anna.
Bruce shook his head a little. "i'm doing alright mostly. that's another thing i need to tell you about. there was a reason why i suddenly dropped out of contact." he admitted, admitting that he was the hulk and explaining all the issues he'd had and how Loki had finally solved the problem. "it's Steve i'm the most worried about right now. i don't think he's slept in days..."

Loki smirked a little. "you don't mind nudity so long as the person naked is pretty." Loki corrected with a chuckle. "yeah, she's here to try and help you too. but right now i think Bruce is the most worried about Steve. you're not scuicidal right now, so it's Steve he's the most focused on." he admitted. "Anna's quite well actually. Bruce still won't let her talk, which annoys her to no end, but she can walk to the bathroom on her own. she's mostly just terrified that you hate her now and she's scared she's going to lose Steve." he admitted. "Steve's... hugging a line." Loki admitted softly. "he's so close to snapping i'm worried. i don't think Anna would survive it if Steve snapped and did something stupid..." Loki admitted softly. "added on tot he fact that she already thinks she's lost you... physically she's fine but emotionally she's a mess..." he admitted with a sigh.
Morgan's eyes widened at the news of what he was,doing a impressive job of not freaking out as he swallowed, relaxing."well...that saves my peace of mind...I thought you left because I was no longer of use to you...now I know that's not true,I always did...but you just left."ahe sighed quietly."well,id like to see him now if you think he'd be okay...you said hes been down in her room for days...he needs to go out for a bit.."

"Okay,I'll give you that.the people who gets naked have to be pretty."tony snickered a little before sighing,"good.cause I don't want to talk to her..."he made a face before looking relieved that physically she was okay before flinching."I don't hate her.its not her fault she asked after pepper and my drug addiction...given how I was,its a logical topic...I just hate myself for hurting her..."he sighed before rubbing a hand over his face."I'll have jarvis keep a eye on him,and do something...I mean I destroyed a nuke in outer space,surely I can figure out how to help steve..."tony said and despite avoiding the other couple,he was scared enough for them both that he was nearly unable to consider how to help. He hated himself a little for upsetting his best friend when he could just go see her,but he couldn't.not when he was scared for her if he did.
Bruce shook his head. "of course not! you where my best freind... i was so scared of hurting you... i couldn't tell you why i left, i was scared you'd talk me into letting you come with and..." he shuddered. "it was so hard to stop being angry, all the time, at everything... i'd randomly change all the time and..." he sighed and shook his head. "i'm better now. not angry, well hardly ever angry. there are times when Tony annoys me more than he should." he admitted with a smile as he stood up. "come on, i'll take you to Steve and Anna... Steve will probobly fight you though." he warned.

Loki smirked a little. "i certainly won't make you." Loki promised. "she might be able to help you, but only if you want help from her. anyone who tries to force you will find out just how good i really am with my 'glow-stick of Destiny'." he promised. "does she know Pepper is dead?" Loki asked softly. "you thought she was someone else when you attacked her. you said you didn't want to be hurt anymore..." he admitted softly. "i think Steve is best helped by the psycho lady right now." he admitted. "unless you want to start drugging Steve, and he won't like that one bit." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i wish there was something i could do to help you myself..." he admitted before he paused, head tilted. "actually... let me talk to Thor, there might be something i can do for you."
Morgan sighed quietly looking at him, before nodding.”Well, I can understand that, even if it hurt.’She muttered quietly before nodding.”I am glad you are better. You will feel better....and I have a feeling that Tony Stark excels at annoying people more then he should.”She pointed out with a smile before swallowing hard as she followed him towards the elevator. “Well, I used to patients fighting me....hopefully seeing anna so upset will get him to cooperate a little...”Morgan said looking concerned as they got down to anna’s floor, knocking lightly on the door, not about to startle a super soldier when he wasn’t expecting them.

“....I want to see how your ‘stick of destiny’ works.”He smirked looking amused before shaking his head. “No...she doesn’t know pepper’s dead. But she’s not stupid. She knows last time I lost control with the coke because of pepper, she knows Pepper’s tied up in this somehow...even if she doesn’t know how.”Tony went quiet for a moment, his eyes dark as he watched the sidewalk. “....I thought she was pepper. I wanted to kill pepper, the fake pepper...to just stop it from hurting.”He muttered before grinning slightly. “I would totally love seeing a high Steve, it would be epic.”he snickered before tilting his head. “What is it?”he asked as he opened the door for the blue moon cafe, stepping into it, glancing at loki, curious, wanting to know what his would be lover was up to.
he nodded. "i'm better... sort of. i still change into a raging green beast on occasion, but at least i can take a punch to the face without hulking out now." he admitted looking quite happy about that. "and Tony is very good at annoying people." he agreed with a sigh before pausing as the door was knocked on, a soft 'come in' gave bruce the permission he needed to open the door. Steve was awake and sitting in the chair he was usually in and was watching Anna sleep. "...have you slept at all?" "got a half an hour just now..." Steve admitted, knowing better than to lie when he knew he looked like shit. "...Steve? this is Morgan... she's going to try and help you." "...she can stop the nightmares?" "she's certainly going to try."

Loki snorted. "it doesn't." Loki stated simply. "it was powered by the Tesseract." he explained. "as for my normal Staff, it's more of a conduit. like light through a magnifying glass. it amplifies and focuses more than a person could do naturally and on their own." he admitted before he took Tony's hand. "i'm sorry this hurts you so much Tony. i wish there was a way to help you..." he admitted softly before he smiled a little. "a high Steve? Tony... look back on that sentence and tell me what's wrong with it? do you not recall what happened when Steve got drunk? it took three of you to stop him from smashing up that bar." he pointed out. "Drugs would make it even worse." he smiled at Tony and shook his head. "i'd rather not say just yet. there are things i have to check.. good GOD!" he stared at the Blue Moon Cafe. it had gone downhill FAST! there was no one in there save for a pimple faced teenager playing on his phone. "...well..." Loki muttered, more than a little stunned. "i guess the new help doesn't beleive in mopping, washing tables or... working at all." "Loki!" a large fat man gasped, waddling over to them eagerly. "you're back! you're hired!" "not on your life you fat bastard." Loki stated with a sneer as he turned on his heal and left, the owner of the Blue Moon practically sobbing as Loki left. apparently, all the regulars had stopped coming when they found out Loki had been fired right after being stabbed in the Cafe. when the regulars stopped coming, so did everyone else. "my revenge is happy." Loki admitted with a vicious grin.
Morgan smiled slightly as she saw Steve, glancing down at the woman who looked as exhausted as her boyfriend before looking up at steve again. “Hello.”She said quietly, wincing a little as anna stirred. “...steve?”Anna muttered sleepily as she stretched, looking sleepily confused. “It’s okay anna. Steve’s just going to go for a walk now. Just rest.”Morgan smiled a little as anna just shifted, snuggling back down into the bed and resting, not wanting to get up yet. “We’re going to go for a walk. Just down to the park.”She promised, knowing he wouldn’t want to go far.

“Ah. That makes sense...and is really cool. I wonder if you could do something like that with tech, and magnify magic through tech and...”he trailed off for a moment thinking it over, looking down at the man holding his hand, squeezing a little as he swallowed. “....I know. It’s....it’s not so bad. Really, the fact that Anna’s scared of me, and by every right, hate me is actually more upsetting to me then pepper being gone at the moment....I mean, you and clint knowing...I guess...it’s forcing me to realize I have to let go even if I don’t want to....”he muttered before grinning. “I know, I know, it was horrible but it was awesome all at once. It’d give anna something else to fuss over.”he snickered before staring around the cafe, sneering a little. Looking so startled before smirking. “I think I’m going to get coffee somewhere else....”Tony snickered as he walked out of the cafe and followed loki out, smirking as he nodded. “Mine to. Now. Where do you want to go?I was serious, I kinda wanna get coffee. And I’ve been stuck inside for to long, haven’t left the tower since anna got hurt...”
Steve grimaced as Anna woke up and muttered that he was right there. "i'll stay with her Steve." Bruce promised, Steve hesitating a moment longer before he nodded. he could use some fresh air. "alright then. i guess that would be alright." he agreed with another hesitation, leaning down to press a kiss to Anna's forehead before he left with Morgana. "so your like a doctor for mentally sick people?" he finally asked softly. "are you going to put me in electroshock therapy? because i've heard it really sucks... and if you try to give me a lobotomy i'll kill you." he warned, showing his true 'age'. Lobotomy's hadn't been used in a very long time.

Loki paused to consider that and then. "don't you already do that?" he asked. "electricity uses the same basic principle. after all, you aren't controlling the lightning, you're just channeling it." he pointed out. "i don't know how well Magic and Tech will work, nothing in my data has ever claimed the two to be compatible." he admitted with a shrug. "when i get my magic back, we'll try it." never mind that he might not get his magic for another five hundred years or so. "Anna isn't afraid of you Tony. she knows you just had a bit of a psychotic break. a Lobotomy will fix that right up." he promised with a small little smirk. "i could even perform the surgery myself." he teased. "might add a little magic... then you could be my permanent sex monkey. it would be grand." he admitted with a chuckle. "lets go to Starbucks." he decided. "i want one of those fancy 'fru fru' drinks." he ordered with a grin before he paused Tony and gave him a lengthy kiss. "when we get back, after coffee, i want you to throw me onto the bed, and ravage me senseless." he ordered.
Morgan smiled a little as they left, smiling as they got outside. Closing her eyes for a moment, enjoying the warm weather before looking over at him, staring at him for a long moment, biting her lip to keep from laughing in his face. “No, no I wont do that. You just need to talk, and I might give you some sleeping medication, see if you can get some rest without nightmares....but mostly, I think you just need to talk. So, we’re just going to talk today, and get to know each other.”she smiled a little before swallowing. “So. Tell me, how are you doing with being in this age? I mean, lobotomy’s havent been preformed in years, I hadn’t been sure I believed Bruce when he said you were 95...but....you really are old.”She teased lightly as she directed him towards central park.

“...well...shut up.”Tony said blushing a little as he considered that, making a face. “And I don’t know either, but it would be awesome to figure it out.”he said not even bothering to think about it, because he knew he’d be long dead before loki got his magic back, but he was going to enjoy it. “Anna’s so upset she doesn’t know what to feel, you said it yourself....and...Howard fucked her up enough for one lifetime. I’d rather not add to it.”he muttered, so that was the real reason he was avoiding her. Not because he was worried about himself with her, or that he thought she hated him, but because he knew how much howard had screwed her over, and he didn’t want to make it worse. Sputtering a little at loki’s words.”What?No!I’d be stupid!I’d rather be intelligent and screwed up then to be your stupid sex monkey.....though if you want to a smart sex monkey, I could go for it.”Tony said luahging as he headed for starbucks, yelping a little as loki kissed him, moaning quietly as he kissed the other back before stepping back. “Oh, you do, do you? Whoever said you got to be in charge?”he asked smirking as he stepped into starbucks ordering the most complicated drink he could think of, which given it was tony, could nearly make the waiter cry when he made it since it was complicated.
Clint blinked at her for a moment and then. "oh." he muttered before shrugging. "everything is different. i slept for almost seventy years you know? all of a sudden women are running businesses and no one wears clothes. when i was a child, women had only just started to vote, now they're running for presidency! which is great, don't get me wrong, a woman in the white house could probobly solve a lot of that 'pissing contest' problems... er, no offense... but there's loud cars everywhere and there's these things called game consoles and i don't know what the hell a 'Tweet' is but apparently it doesn't involve any kind of bird..." he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "and i don't want to wsay anything because i don't want to appear more stupid than i already do... but why does everyone have to type on their phones to converse with each other instead of just TALKING!?" he demanded, clearly very agitated about being in such a different time. "hell, i can't even date properly because the rules are so different!"

Loki chuckled a little and shook his head. "Anna knows exactly how she feels. she feels helpless." Loki stated simply. "helpless to help you, helpless to help me, and helpless to help Steve." Loki stated simply before turning to the Coffee man. "i want a White Chocolate Frappachino with half soymilk half two percent, a shot of sugar free caramel, three shots of espresso, and i WILL know if you cheat me, and extra whip with caramel drizzled on the top and i want it to look like a kitty!" he demanded, which made the barista's eye twitch. "and i always get to be in charge, i'm a god you worm." Loki stated as he headed outside, tossing his coffee into the garbage without even taking a drink. "i hate Starbucks." he stated with a rather vindictive smirk. "i love ordering the most complicated shit i can think of and then leaving." he admitted with a nod. "i can make better coffee in my sleep. i'll show you sometime."
Morgan smiled, nodding a little.”I know.”She said before pausing, looking at him, surprised at the outpouring. Because she she had wanted him to talk, she hadn’t really thought he’d do this right away. She’d expected it to be like pulling teeth. Smiling slightly she hid her surprise before laughing quietly at his observation.”It would probaly solve alot of the problems.”She snickered before sighing quietly, “Do the others make you feel stupid?Have you ever tried telling them that you don’t understand?Especially tony, because from what I understand, he’s the whiz kid at tech, he probably doesn’t mean to make you feel stupid.”she said quietly before smirking. “I don’t know. I actually prefer talking over texting”She sighed quietly looking worried for him before smiling, slightly amused at his worry. “does anna complain about your problems dating?”She questioned, curious, and wondering just how much she was going to have to talk to them.Maybe couples therapy would be good?She’d have to ask bruce to get his thoughts on if they’d actually go for it.

Tony nearly swallowed his fist in the effort to not laugh outloud at the order loki ordered, smirking as he followed the man outside, sipping his latte. “I’m a god in the bedroom, I get to be in charge.”he said rolling his eyes, snickering slightly. “You will have to show me. But I feel better for getting out.”he smiled as they walked heading back towards the tower before pausing, looking across the street in bemusement. “....Is that steve on a date?”he asked nudging loki a little, studying the beautiful brunette with him.
he sighed a little. "sometimes, i guess. they just start talking about things that don't make sense and usually i just ignore it because i don't understand, you know? but how can i tell them that i don't understand something when i don't usually know what it is, or that it existed in the first place?" he asked, frowning. "i mean, for Gods sake they have things in SPACE! like... big metal things! they tell me a man walked on the moon. the MOON! they have things on mars!" he complained. "and i think Tony makes everyone feel stupid." he admitted with a shake of his head. "no. Anna doesn't complain... i think she thinks it's cute." he admitted. "but that doesn't exactly make ME feel better..." he admitted. "how am i supposed to be a good boyfriend when i don't know what the hell i'm doing? and the only things i really know to talk about is the war, baseball, and Tony!" he groaned, shaking his head.

"i'm more of a god in the bedroom..." he stated with a snort before glancing at Steve. "i highly doubt it. Steve isn't the sort to date more than a person at a time." he pointed out. "i think that's Bruce's lady freind. the mind healer." Loki admitted. "see how Steve is waving his hands and running them through his hair? he's agitated, probobly talking about his feelings and whatnot. lets go hide before she notices us and wants US to talk."
“Well, yes. That would be hard to ask about when you have no idea what it is....”Morgan sighed quietly, feeling helpless to try and help him because she had no idea how to help him settle into this year, smiling slightly, “How about you try this. Bruce said Anna’s in tony’s realm of genius?Why don’t you two set up a date, like a regular thing, where you just go over history?I mean, you could watch old movies, or go to museums or do things that smart people like doing. I mean, you’re in one of the biggest cities in the world Steve, there’s things to help you catch up.”Morgan said before laughing quietly. “Well, I haven’t met him yet, but I’m sure you’re probably right.”she snorted a little before smiling a little. “Well, would you like me to tell you about the dating rules?That way you’re not asking Tony, who I’m sure would try to be helpful, but Tony Stark’s rules for dating are never to be followed-”Morgan laughed a little at that, trying to get him to laugh a bit, “or anna herself. So, how about for the rest of our walk, we try to figure out how to make you feel like a better boyfriend.”She said offering him something to focus on, some easy subject instead of his nightmares. Wanting him to trust her before they started talking about that.

“True.”Tony tilted his head thinking about it before wincing. “Yes, I think you’re right....and he was right to warn me to stay away. She’s pretty.”Tony grinned before nodding,”Hopefully he’s getting some dating help. I know he’s been freaking out about dating rules.”Tony rolled his eyes, focusing on the most innocent topic, instead of the very real worry that twisted his stomach at the idea of what his friend had to be going through, remembering what clint had said as he stared across the street at his agitated friend, wincing as he stumbled to the trash can and threw up his coffee and the muffin he’d been eating, so sick with worry in that moment he hadn’t been able to keep anything down. Looking pale and shaken as he straightened he swallowed carefully, “Let’s go home...”he muttered heading for the tower, and ignoring throwing up.
he nodded. "yeah." he agreed with a sigh before he stared at her with stunned amazement. "i... that is... you... oh my god." he muttered, looking utterly amazed. "that's... that's really a good idea! i'll ask Anna if she won't tutor me or something too." he agreed. "Tony did set me up for Business school too, i'm rather excited about that." he admitted with a nod. "and i doubt you'll meet Tony anytime soon. he's quite terrified of mind people..." he admitted with a snicker. "i have to admit... i do feel a lot better..." he admitted with a sigh. "i never realized that just complaining about things would help." he admitted, looking rather amused and mortified. "i can't beleive i just started ranting like that..." he admitted sheepishly before he let her help her figure out the new rules. pretty much everything went so long as it was consensual and wasn't abuse... well that was certainly easy!

Loki nodded. "she is." he agreed. "if i was less considerate towards Bruce's emotions, i might consider helping you seduce her." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "Steve's been freaking out about a lot of things... i thought he was going to have a stroke when i explained what a satellite was and how you earthlings had dropped a rover on mars. i'm pretty sure he didn't beleive me when i told him man had walked on the moon." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Tony?... are you alright?" Loki asked, worried as he stroked Tony's back. "you need a massage." Loki decided. "Full body of course. with a 'happy ending'. that's a blowjob in case you where wondering." Loki teased, hoping to distract Tony a bit with the promise of sex.
Morgan laughed, delighted at his look of amazement. “I’m sure she’d love to ‘tutor’ you.”She said, giving him that teasing perverted look that after months of living with tony, he’d recognize it for what it was, teasing him about sex, but in that friendly way, and not to be mean. “She’s on bedrest. When you get back, just ask her to watch a movie or something.”She said smiling looking amused. “Good. It’ll be good for you to do something you like, and have something that’s your own. Though you might consider seeing if Anna’ll go with you the first few days, cause most of your classes are going to have computers, and she’d be the one to ask for help, instead of your classmates, unless you want to spend the whole class signing autographs.”She teased before grinning. “Complaining always helps. Because sometimes it just takes someone else’s advice to figure things out.”She smiled grinning as she helped him figuring out the rules, smirking as they headed back to the tower. “Now. Go enjoy your time with your girl, I’m sure she’s up and wondering where you are.”Morgan smiled as she headed upstairs with him, wanting to see how bruce and anna were doing.

“If I was less considerate, I’d seduce her all on my own.”Tony pointed out before nodding, looking hskan as he swallowed. “Me to. I thought he was going to pass out...”he muttered before shuddering. “Yea...fine. Just....clint told me something about having a family...that giving them a family, at the tower, was the only thing that kept Capsicle from eating his gun....you just reminded me of that conversation....it disturbs me to consider how close he is to losing it.”he muttered before looking at the other man, smirking. “Oh, I assumed that was a happy ending. Which sounds amazing.”He smirked looking pleased with the idea, distracted with the idea of sex as they headed up to the penthouse, smirking in amusement as he realized that the lady doctor and steve were back to. Hopefully steve would get some good sleep. Making a mental note to check on his friend later...after sex.
Steve went bright florescent red and offered Morgana the same scowl he offered tony when the man made a joke like that before he sighed. "you might be less annoyed by Tony than the common person." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i'll do that." he agreed. "it's really amazing, Movies. when i was still a kid, we where normally too poor to go tot he Theater. but when i was fifteen, we managed to scrape up enough money for me to go see my very first Film. it was all gray of course, we couldn't afford to go to a Color Film. but it was the most amazing moment in my life, before i became Captain America i mean. it was "The Charge of the Light Brigade". that was when i knew i was going to be a soldier for the military." he admitted with a grin. "....course, i was too sick to join so that dream was shattered fairly early. didn't stop me from trying though." he admitted with a small snicker. "i could always claim i'm from a small country where they don't have computers." he mused, his head tilted. "i'll make sure i get computer lessons. if i have to, i can wait until next year to take business classes. i'm already ninety. i'm clearly not going to run out of time." he admitted with a grin. "thanks Morgan." he muttered. "that really helped." he admitted with a smile. "think you can help Tony?" he asked as he gently knocked on the door and walked in, looking much better than he had when he'd left.

Loki snickered a little and nodded before he gasped at the stunning realization that Steve of all people had been so close to suicide. "damn... i didn't... oh my god..." he muttered, more than a little shocked. "well... i'm sure he's alright now. he looks better." Loki pointed out. "he just needs some history lessons, that's all..." he muttered, shaking his head. "Anna won't let him go suicidal and i'm sure the Mind Healer will help too." Loki promised with a smirk as he led Tony up to the penthouse to do exactly as promised. a full body massage followed by a Blowjob, followed by Loki riding him. Tony didn't have to do a thing. Loki wanted sex and he was getting it dammit!
Morgan laughed a little as he gave her that look smiling."what?you know its true."she teased a little before smiling,looking a little wide eyed at the idea."wow...I never considered what the movies must be like for you now...we have movies at home...and I'm sure tony has a movie collection to rival a hollywood playhouse."she snickered a little before smiling again."yea,I heard about that...I mean them changing you into captain america...that had to be hard."she said thoughtfully."but you had a dream...I think that's part of your problem Steve,you haven't had a job besides being a avenger...you need something else to do. Going to school will be good for you....and you could.I'm sure they have computer courses you should look when you go on Monday.""youre very welcome. And I can help him,if he lets me...bruce said he will fight it...I hope he'll let me help."she said smiling as she followed him in,looking startled at the sight of bruce holding anna,who was obviously falling apart.crying in sobs she knew had to be hurting her throat but there seemed to be no calming the woman.

"Yea...my thoughts exactly."tony said wincing at loki's shock before swallowing hard,rubbing a hand over his face before nodding."he'll be better when he starts classes I hope."he sighed grinning as they headed upstairs. Afterwards tony smirked as he laid back on the bed,sighing softly,for once at total peace when he wasn't high."...you should be proud of me reindeer."he sighed as he stretched shifting to lay on his stomach,cracking a eye to look at loki
he rolled his eyes. "yeah. after i became Captain America i had enough money to go to the movies, but never the time." he admitted with a snort. "apparently they made movies of me after i was frozen." he admitted with a shake of his head. "it wasn't hard actually. i mean, i was still me, everything was still the same, i just was able to do all the things i wanted to." he admitted. "i'll have to look into that as well." he agreed. "a computer course would be really helpful, and maybe i'll figure out what a Tweet is and why my space is such a big thing..." he muttered. "and Facebook. Facebook is... well i don't know what it is but Clint made me one..." he admitted. "Tony's stubborn. he thinks he deserves his misery... Anna!? Anna, love, what's wrong?" Steve demanded, moving over to her, transferring her into his own lap as Bruce bit his lip, looking quite worried about the woman.

Loki nodded. "it will give him something to do that's not too difficult. he's already gone to business school once so it will be something familiar that will help him settle into the new culture." he stated with a firm nod. "it will be very good for him." he promised. he had to chuckle as he looked down at Tony, who was still buried deep inside of him. "proud of you hmm? and why is that?" he asked, his head tilted. "or are you simply looking for another chance for me to 'reward' you?"
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