Tip of the Icing(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Loki shook his head. "Tony i don't think you understand just how little anyone cares for me up there." he admitted. "if something can be blamed on me, it will be blamed on me, whether i was there or not." he admitted simply. "it doesn't matter where i am, or what i'm doing, i am always the bad guy." he admitted, looking away. "so for once... i decided i might as well be the bad guy... i never realized how much it would hurt.." he admitted, touching his chest. "and it wasn't a physical pain either." so that's why Loki had done it. he was tired of being blamed for things he hadn't done or had no control over. so when he saw his chance for revenge, he'd taken it. and now he regretted it. "Thor's back." Loki muttered, looking up. "and he brought Frigga, good. she can go to the hospital and stabilize Anna there before we bring her here. it's much safer that way."

Steve blinked, looking confused for a moment before ut clicked and he nodded, handing over his phone. "he saved your life." Steve admitted. "the doctors all said so. i didn't even know he knew how to do doctor things." he admitted, looking pale. he'd had nightmares all through the night about blood and choked gasping. he woke each time desperate to check for Anna's breathing and pulse. "i don't know when we can take you. Tony has to get everything sterilized first so you don't get sick, and i think Thor wants Frigga to tend to you here before you're moved so that we don't risk making things worse."
Tony paused tilting his head as he considered that."I guess I am missing how bad it was...even with how bad howard was,I guess I'm always hopeful for other people's families."he sighed quietly as he finished wiping down the night table before sighing wuietly."it hurts doesn't it? I mean...really knowing you caused someone to die....when I was younger I loved making weapons,loved the challenge but it wasn't until Afghanistan that ivreally understood what my weapons did to people ..I knew but it was a academic knowledge before then...after my own weapon nearly pulverized my heart everything changed..."tony sighed quietly because he understood how much it could to know you killed that many people. "Agreed. Come on then,you're going back to bed before I got to the hospital."he said pushing the wheelchair towards the elevator,nearly bristling with nervous energy at the idea of merting thr goddess, worried about leaving anna's life in her hands even if he knew he was being stupid."thor. Lady frigga."he smiled as he saw the two asgardians in his living room.

"he took most of my classes with me because our schedules didn't interfer with his engineering courses and it interested him...said if he was going to make weapons to destroy human life,he should know how to save it to...which always amused me since he hates the sight of blood..." she smiled before nodding slightly at the news she was stuck until frigga got there.feeling to weak to argue about it.frowning slightly as she studied him.you okay?you're pale...
Loki shrugged a little. "my life was never a very good one. everyone but me seamed to know i was a Jotun." he admitted. "and those that didn't know, simply followed the attitudes of those who did." he admitted. "...it really does. i never anticipated how much pain it would cause to..." he swallowed hard. "it wasn't... a big deal in Germany because everything was busy and people where screaming and i was convinced i was doing the right thing, because what right did Thor have to protect people who killed each other for fun?... and then i was in the Helicarrier and that sweet young human who was always mooning over Steve... he looked at me and i suddenly realized... i was... i was doing the wrong thing, but by then i couldn't stop it, and i didn't want to stop because dammit if i was going to be a monster i would make sure they had a REASON to hate me..." he wondered if Jarvis was recording this. he hoped not, he'd die if Thor ever heard this. even if it meant that he would probobly have a reduced sentence for it, for regretting what he did and for hating himself for it, he felt like he deserved the pain he was in now. "Brother! you look terrible!" Thor gasped as he rushed over. "you said that you had been unhurt! you lied to me! why do you always have to lie to me?" Thor complained as he fussed over his scowling brother. "get OFF Thor that HURTS!" he hissed in pain, Thor immidiatly backing away, fidgeting, worried. "i was unharmed. all that happened was the stitches broke and they had to resew them." he snapped. "now stop hovering and go fix Anna!" he demanded, angry because Thor had touched one of the throbbing wounds, which only made it hurt all the more. Frigga looked quite stunned. "Thor said you had been attacked my Son... but he didn't tell me it was this bad." she whispered, mortified. "i'm fine!" Loki snapped, not wanting her sympathy. "go fix Anna!" Frigga just sighed. why did her son have to be so stubborn?

Steve smiled a little. "well, that does make some sense doesn't it?" he asked with a chuckle. "well, in Tony's head anyway." he mused. "still, it's a good thing he knew what to do... i'm fine." he admitted with a weak smile. "it's just... seeing you awake now... i just..." he swallowed back a choked sob. "god i almost lost you...." he whispered, stroking her face. "i thought you died... you where so pale and there was so much blood..."
“It does. I know what you mean...if you need to talk, I’m around okay?”tony muttered knowing they probably should have a longer talk about this whole thing, but to distracted by his worry about anna, to delve into their feelings. Needing to not do it, because if he started looking to hard over his actions before he became iron man, he’d go insane. After all, he’d taken Anna’s medical courses simply because he had known he was taking human life with his creations, but it hadn’t really hit him until afghanistan. Swallowing hard he looked at thor, rolling his eyes.”He’s not hurt worse then he already was, I promise thor.”He said stepping back from the wheelchair, looking down at Loki. “Can you get to the bedroom on your own?Clint’s around somewhere....I’ll get these two the the hospital.”He said knowing loki wanted frigga out of here, and willing to indulge the man for the moment, knowing he wasn’t up to facing teh emotions the woman brought up. “Lady frigga, Loki said you wouldn’t be able to heal her all the way?If you can’t, I would ask if you try healing the veins and muscle first, the surface wound she can deal with, the vein’s what really worries me.”he said rambling a little wincing as he realized that he was talking to a woman who probably put his own medical knowledge to shame. “Sorry.”He muttered knowing she’d know what to do, even if he wanted to babble and talk.

It makes sense. He’s a hero, even after a childhood of being shaped into a weapons master, Howard hadn’t been able to change that fundamental fact. Tony stark would always try to save people, more then he wanted to kill.”Anna looked startled as he sobbed, turning her face a little into his hand, taking comfort in the touch, and not about to tell him she was pretty sure she had probably flatlined somewhere on the operating table. But not curious enough to want to know, not when steve was looking at her like his world had nearly fallen apart. “Hey...I’m okay...really. And Thor’s going to be here with Frigga soon enough, and we’ll go home. Now I wont be up to taking those fighting lessons any time soon,but I’m really fine.she promised, offering him a weak smile, worried about him to. Not used to having anyone but Tony react so strongly when she was hurt.
Loki nodded. "not now... but later maybe. when i'm not so... emotional." Loki decided. "yes, i can get up to the bedroom." he promised. "i'll have Clint help me into bed." he promised. "when i feel like it. i'm hoping River will be by to help me get a bath. i feel grungy." he admitted with a shake of his head as he wheeled off, Frigga sighing. "my poor Son..." she whispered, Thor looking confused. "Mother?" "he's punishing himself." she explained softly. "he's making his excuses of course, i hate to see him in such pain, but what can i do if he won't let me help him?" she sounded rather upset about it, and Thor could understand quite well what she was talking about. "do not apologize." she stated with a smile at Tony. "you are worried, it is only natural." she admitted. "you are correct though, i will probobly not be able to heal her completely. mortal bodies are not meant to heal that fast, if i tried, i would kill her." Frigga admitted. "but i will be able to keep her well away from deaths door. and if Loki is sleeping when we return, i will do what i can for him as well. he is most ashamed of himself, and so incorrectly assumes i will be angry with him as well. but he is my son, and i love him no matter his mistakes." she assured Tony.

Steve smiled a little and nodded. "Howard was an evil son of a bitch." Steve agreed. "i'm really glad Tony is better than him." he admitted with a chuckle. "Tony is a good man, no matter what he thinks of himself." he admitted before smiling at her. "you're not 'okay', but you will be." he sounded more like he was assuring himself, instead of her. "we'll start up the fighting lessons once you're all better." he promised, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead. "now try to get some rest until Lady frigga gets here, alright?"
Tony grinned a little.”Well, I’ll just have to skip out on bath time, sadly. To bad.”He sulked a little looking to amused before sighing quietly as he watched loki go, looking at the two asgardians not sure how to take frigga’s obvious worry as he wasn’t sure how loki would see it. Nodding a little at frigga he smiled.”I thank you then. I would rest easier knowing she isn’t going to pull on her stitches.”He said smiling as they left.

“Tell him that sometime....he might believe it...”Anna smiled at him, closing her eyes.”Alright.”she muttered already drifting off again even as he talked to her. And indeed she was so exhausted that she slept through them both healing her, and moving her home. Only stirring as steve settled her into her own bed, so exhausted from the talk that she slept through everything..”....is frigga here?”she muttered wincing slightyl at the pain, but looking up at him, anxiety setting when she realized she wasn’t in the hospital anymore, and even though she knew she was in the tower, she was hurt and in pain, and incapable of protecting herself, and it made her anxious to suddenly find herself somewhere new.

“Thank you, Frigga.”Tony said pausing as he watched steve settle anna into bed, letting out a quiet sigh of relief to see her resting in her own bed before looking up at frigga with a smile. “I know it was not much but she is a good woman and a great healer. She deserved better then to be shot because of me.”He muttered watching the couple, his heart aching that not only had he gotten his friend shot but that he had nearly cost steve a chance at a normal life.
Loki snorted, looking amused. "i knew you just liked me for my body." he teased as he headed off. "yes, and so would Thor." Frigga agreed with Tony, smiling. "he is most attached to your people." she admitted with a smile. "you call yourselves the Avengers, do you not? what a peculiar name for a people." she mused as she headed off tot he hospital to heal Anna. she was able to completely heal the carotid, but was unable to do anything else. Anna wouldn't run the risk of bleeding out now, but she would still be in a lot of pain. "it is no problem little one." Frigga promised, smiling at tony. "now. let us see what can be done for My son, hmm?" she asked with a smile as she headed up to where Loki was sleeping, freshly bathed and out cold. River was curled up in a chair next to Loki, sleeping as well, though he woke up with a snarl the instant someone got too close to Loki. he did apologize once he realized who he'd just snarled at. loki was healed almost completely. he would still be very weak and very tired for some time, and the wounds where not healed all the way, but there would be very little pain left over now. "oh Little one." Frigga sighed as she looked at Tony, setting her hand on is face. "you place the blame in the entirely wrong place... tell me. did you make those men attack the Theater?" she asked. "no? did you make them pull the trigger? did you make them do bad things? so why take the blame that should be theirs?"

"yes, Frigga is here. she's tending to Loki now." Steve admitted. "she has to do it while Loki is sleeping, or he'll pitch a fit." Steve admitted. "i'm not sure why, Loki's a hard one to understand." Steve admitted with a shake of his head. he gently kissed her knuckles. "Frigga was able to completely heal the... uh... thing in your neck, the one that everyone was worried about. the one that makes your pulse." he admitted. "so you're nowhere near in danger anymore." he promised with a smile. "you'll still be in a lot of pain, and healing will take a long time, but i'll be here with you every step of the way." he promised.
Tony smiled a little nodding. “Let’s go see about prissy one.”He snickered slightly, because he knew as soon as Loki figured out what had happened, he was going to pitch a fit. But he looked pleased and even more relaxed as frigga healed loki, glad that both the people he cared most about, were healed. At least he wasn’t going to be worrying about them joining pepper. At least he hadn’t gotten them killed. Looking amused as frigga called him little one he smiled a little, startling slightly as she touched his friend, offering her a small sad smile, shaking his head.”No, I didn’t....but she is my friend. And I get everyone hurt simply by being near them.”He sighed quietly, staring down at loki. “If I wasn’t so selfish I’d leave them alone....but I can’t stand being alone...so I just keep getting them hurt...it hurts to see them so hurt because of me...”he muttered quietly, looking so hurt and pained at the idea of what had happened.

“He is a strange one, but he’s like tony. Tony never thinks he should be healed when he’s hurt, because its his own stupid fault.”She muttered quietly before flushing slightly as he kissed her hand, smirking. “You are definitely not a doctor....it’s a main vein.”she teased a little, glad that talking didn’t hurt as much, and even as she shifted slightly there was a sharp pain in her side, but it wasn’t so bad. Glad to know she wasn’t anywhere near danger anymore, now it was just slow healing. “Good. I want you here.”She muttered hesitating for a moment before plunging her fingers into his hair and tugging him over for a kiss, though it hurt she melded her mouth to his, desperate to reassure herself that she was actually alive. Panting softly as she pulled back she swallowed hard, blushing.”...sorry...”She muttered before wincing as she looked down at his clothes.”...you better go change. You still have blood on your suit.”She muttered pale and shaken at the realization she’d nearly died in his arms, not even wanting to consider what tony’s clothes had to have looked like if steve looked like this
Frigga chuckled a little. "he is very high maintenance." she agreed with a smile. "he always has been." she admitted with a chuckle. "but then, when you are mostly ignored, you do more and more outrageous things to get attention." she admitted, sounding annoyed. "Odin and the others have never treated Loki as he aught to have been, and i fear the attention i was able to give him, was never enough." she admitted with a sigh before looking at him. "oh Little One." she murmured softly, laying a kiss on his forehead. "their pain is your pain, you share their sorrows and agony, but that does not mean that it was your fault. or that you where the cause. you are such an empathetic creature." she admitted smiling at him. "do you not see? being freinds with you, is what makes them happy. and they would not let you leave them, even if you could bring yourself to." she smiled at him. "they love you, Tony Stark." she stated softly. "they will love you no matter what, just as my Son does, even knowing all of your secretes. he loves you, even if he is afraid to say it, or even admit it."

Steve smiled a little. "they have guilt complexes bigger than the universe is." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i never claimed to be a doctor." he admitted with a smile. "i was a business student remember?" he asked with a grin as he watched her. he squeaked when she yanked him down and he hummed into the kiss, kissing her back. "i'm not." Steve breathed with a grin. "that was amazing." he admitted before affixing her with a stern look. "but now you've caused yourself pain." he grumbled as he gently fluffed her pillows. "i'll get dressed and showered when Bruce comes to look you over. i'm not leaving you alone." he grumbled as he stroked her hair. "unless it bothers you?" he asked, wondering if that was why she'd gone so pale.
Tony smirked a little at that."I've done my fair share of outrageous things to get attention so I know how he is."he smiled a little,"he loves you lady frigga,I know he does. He just...wanted everyone else to like him to."he smiled slightly before frowning slightly resisting the urge to tug his sleeves down so she couldn't see the track marks on his forearms.even if he didn't think she'd know what they were her kindness made him feel even worse about himself,because he didn't think he deserved it."...I will stay with them.because it makes them happy."he muttered and that was the real reason he hadn't moved on from passive suicide to actually trying.because he knew howbmuch it would hurt them if he did. Flushing at her words he looked flustered shaking his head,"you are wrong lady frigga.he cares for me,but not love."he said sounding extremely anxious at the idea,for it brought up thouhts nd memories of failing the first person he'd loved so epically.

"They really do."she looked amused before smiling quietly."I remember. We'll have to see about getting you back in classes...with me on bedrest I have nothing better to do then look for classes."she pouted a little trying to not think about it because it was to much like the deprevation tank howrd had used for her comfort,o be bed ridden and unable to do anything."well...I guess neither am I really.."she muttered flushing smiling at him a little,raising a hand to gently touch her bandaged neck to make sure she hadn't done anything before smiling."...don't look so stern...I might be tempted to not kiss you again."she pouted though the way she was staring at him gave lie to that. Even in a blood soaked suit she still wanted him...glancing away before the thoughts could shoe on her face,not wanting to embarrass him before nodding a little leaning her head into his hand as he stroked her hair."...it does.please go change...bruce should be doen soon anyways..."she muttered not about to admit how freaked she was at the siht of so much blood on him when she knew none of it was his.
she smiled at him and nodded. "yes, i know." she admitted. "you have had a very hard life. and so has my Son." she admitted. "Loki has simply had a longer time to grow too jaded. he fears his feelings for you." she admitted. "he is certain anything he loves will be sullied by him. much the way you feel i imagine." she admitted with a smile. "you should trust them more." she stated softly. "they can help if you simply give them a chance. you don't have to let go of your shame, or guilt to let people into your heart Tony." she admitted. "don't run away at the chance for happiness." she ordered softly before leaving him there to go back to Asgaurd with Thor. "Loki! i have returned all of loki's things and brought all those books he wanted. i have left them in his rooms so watch your step." he warned.

he smiled a little. "there are plenty of things you can do on bed rest." he admitted. "studying for one. and we can set up one of those fancy holograph picture computer things that Tony uses around your bed so you can do experiments and things." he paused. "i think that's how it works anyway. and you can help me with my classes. Tony actually already enrolled me, the great dick." he grumbled. "besides, you like it when i look stern." he teased with a smile. "i'll change." he promised as he kissed her and then headed out to go get a shower and a change of clothes. not four minutes later Bruce was there to check up on her, so she hadn't been left alone for long.
Tony tilted his head towards the woman, looking thoughtful. “....we’re both to jaded for our own good.”he said smiling slightly, before swallowing hard, looking down at loki. Not sure if he could indeed trust them enough to try. Not because he thought they’d turn on him for hiding so much, but because he had no idea what they’d think of him for doing so. And he couldn’t stand the idea of them thinking badly of him. “Goodbye lady frigga.”he muttered watching him go, “Thanks thor.I’ll see that he gets them.”Tony said smiling as he walked to loki’s room, carefully stepping around the books sitting on teh floor before climbing into the bed with loki, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead. “Thank you.”he muttered, glad the man hadn’t abandoned him, sighing quietly as he snuggled down into the bed, trying to relax. Trying to not let his thoughts run away with him as he shot up, letting the drug relax him as he settled in to rest.

“That’s true.I’ll get tony down here to set it up. And you have it right, it works like that.”Anna offered him a small smile before laughing, “Tony’s only trying to help, and it saved you from wasting time enrolling.”She teased relaxing. “I do. Such a stern look it is.”She muttered watching him go, looking amused when bruce appeared. Letting him do the doctor thing she smiled as he checked the stitches and bandages, “You know I could be doing this myself.”She teased shifting to lean back against the pillows, her eyes dark and worried as she reached out, resting a hand on his arm.”Bruce. Don’t leave Tony alone. Please...I can’t tell you why...but don’t.”She said worried what her friend would do if he was left alone with his guilt. Yawning tired she slumped back into the pillows, blinking hard, and trying not to fall asleep. Not wanting to sleep until steve could get back and lay with her. Needing the super solider, needing to feel safe, and steve definitely made her feel that.
she smiled and nodded. "indeed you are. but one cannot blame you for that, now can we?" she asked with a smile. "trust your freinds." she assured him. "they might be disappointed, but they will never leave you." she promised him. Loki shifted as Tony crawled into bed with him, muttering a soft humming sound and snuggled back into Tony. "y'r welc'm." he mumbled, clearly not awake to really understand why he was being thanked.

Steve nodded. "good, he needs something to do to help you. he'll go mad otherwise." he admitted with a chuckle. "this is true, and i guess i am a little excited to go back to learning things." he admitted with a smile as he headed off, sticking his tongue out at her. Bruce chuckled as he shook his head. "no you couldn't and you know it. it's impossible to be ones own doctor. you can never judge the situation properly." he admitted before he looked at her with clear eyes. "you mean because of the cocaine?" he asked curiously. "i'm already keeping a very close eye on him." of course Bruce would know, but why hadn't he said anything? "i'm keeping a close eye on him, but he's managing his addiction very well at the moment and i can't help him until he wants help." he admitted, shaking his head. "unless he gets destructive with it, or he comes to me for help, there's not much i can do without shattering the little bit of trust he has." he admitted with a sigh before clamming up as Steve walked in, still damp and dressed in a Tshirt and sweats. "how is she?" "good. i'll give her a low dose of heavy duty painkillers and she should sleep through the night and be mostly numb in the morning."
Anna looked a little startled at Brucel’s words, she should have guessed he’d know, slumping in relief to know she wasn’t the only one who knew. Nodding slightly she swallowed. “Me to...but he wont be as careful now, if he’s feeling to guilt ridden....he nearly died when we were teenagers because I didn’t stop him after....after I got hurt.”She shuddered remembering just how terrfying it’d been at 16 to restart his heart. “Just....watch him. I don’t know if he’ll be as destructive this time, but he might be.”She muttered before going quiet as steve came in, smiling quiet. “Oh good, painkillers. I hate painkillers...”She whined a little making a face before looking up at steve, “Come here. You’re sleeping in the bed with me, because you wont sleep well in the chair, and I want held.”She demanded looking up at her boyfriend, shifting to let him in, looking annoyed at bruce even as she allowed him to inject the morphine, snuggling down into steve with a sigh, falling asleep.
Bruce nodded. "i'm keeping a very careful eye on him." he promise. "and as Tony's doctor, i can override Jarvis's orders. Pepper put it in." he admitted with a smirk. "if Tony starts going out of control or anything, Jarvis will tell me immidiatly." he admitted, listening to Jarvis chime an affirmative to that. "Tony never should have made an artificial intelligence that could learn how to not listen to him." Bruce admitted with a small chuckle and a shake of his head before smirking as Steve hesitated. "i... er... is that alright? sleeping in the same bed as you i mean? it's not..." "it's alright Steve. many people sleep together." Bruce promised. "and she needs the physical contact, it will keep her calm." "...alright then." Steve agreed now that he was assured it was alright, and even helpful. he slipped into bed with her, wrapped his arms around her, and murmured about nonsensical things until she was asleep.

in the morning, Tony was shoved rather ruthlessly out of the bed. "you let that woman heal me!" Loki complained before flushing. "oops... sorry, i didn't mean to shove you that hard. are you alright?" Loki asked, looking concerned at the pile on the floor that was Tony. Loki hadn't been healed all the way of course, Frigga knew better than that, but he would at least be able to take a bath on his own now... maybe. "i can't beleive you let that woman near me while i was sleeping Tony! she might have smothered me!" but Loki knew that wasn't true. "you don't get any cookies!" loki complained, sulking petulantly.
Anna looked relieved, pleased with that. Because now she wasn’t the only doctor responsible for tony, and since she wasn’t up to taking care of him at the moment, she was pleased to relinquish control for a little while. Maybe bruce would have a better chance she had been having at convincing tony to take care of himself. Laughing quietly she nodded.” No he shouldn’t have, but he was lonely.”She snickered before blushing, nodding. “It’s fine.”she muttered looking embarassed at the idea she need held that much, resting her head on his chest as he spoke, letting the deep rumble of his voice sooth her to sleep.

Tony yelped as he hit the floor, laying there for a long moment, panting as he tried to sort out what had happened. Glaring at the man as he looked down at him, “I’m fine.”he said before grinding teeth before getting up and getting back into the bed but not snuggling against him.”And she wanted to heal you. I wasn’t about to argue with your mother when she said she could help you.”he growled, annoyed that loki was upset with him for doing the right thing.”You know she wouldn’t do that.besides i was right here the whole time.”he sighed quietly before pouting himself.”that’s not fair!I saved anna’s life, and sped your recovery, I should get cookies.”He sulked.
Bruce smiled a little and stroked her hair. "i'll watch him." he promised with a smile. "i won't let anything happen to him." he promised before smirking. "i think Jarvis has the hots for Clint you know." he admitted with a chuckle. "Tony's working on a body for the man. it's creepy how lifelike it is. apparently Jarvis will even be able to feel pleasure and pain." he admitted with a grin. "won't THAT be exciting?" he asked with a chuckle as Steve crawled into bed with her.

Loki huffed a little and shook his head. "i didn't want her to heal me." he complained, looking away, very upset. "now i'll have to leave. you won't want me here now that i can care for myself..." so that was the real reason! he was afraid Tony was going to kick him out. "i like it here..." Loki whispered, wrapping his arms around his legs. "i feel... happy here... i've never felt safe before, or content but here i am..." he admitted softly, closing his eyes. "i don't want to leave..."
Anna smiled relaxing at his promise to take care of tont before laughing a little."me to.jarvis made him jerk off you know."she snickered sighing quietly making a face."it is fairly creepy how real it is....I can't wait till he finishes.its going to be weird."she muttered smiling as she rested her head on steve's chest.

Yony stared at the man looking heartily uoset himself,but it had never occurred to him to kick loki out.he enjoyed his company."what are you talking about?who said you had to leave?if it was clint I'm going to kill him."he said sounding upset and annoyed before frowning."whoever said you had to go is wrong.I like having you hear loki,,the only person who decides when you leave is you. Stay."tony said looking worried that the man wanted to go despite his words.
Loki sniffled a little and looked up at Tony. "no one said it. i just thought... i'm evil, you know? i did try to kill you. i just assumed you wouldn't want me here anymore..." Loki admitted softly. "Clint's actually been really nice to me, surprisingly enough." he admitted, smiling weakly. "you really don't mind?" he asked, his eyes wet and worried. "you won't make me leave?... because... because i won't let you kick me out. i'm a god you know... i do as i please..." he stated in that superior tone of his even as he wiped his eyes. "thanks Tony... for everything. i don't think i've ever had a home before... but this place... it's home." Loki admitted, wiping his eyes again.
Tony stared at him for a long moment swallowing relievex laughter before smirking."uhm,if I kicked everyine out who tried to kill me I'd have no one living here."he pointed out shifting to wrap his arms around the other."loki,if I was going to kick you out I would have when you realized pepper was fake,hurt or not. K want you to stay,godling."he teased before pressing a kiss to his hair moving to get up."come on. We're getting away from the emotional minefield we're standing on and going to go see anna,so you can tell her its your fault shes hurt and I can watch her try to beat your head in.it'll be great fun."he teased thouh his eyes were seriou,needing to step back from the emotional reaction he'd had for lokj calling the tower home.
Loki smiled a little and nodded. "this is true." he agreed softly. "...i guess you're right, but i was still hurt so bad then. and you're a superhero, you can't help but look after injured people. even if their bastards like me." Loki admitted softly. "i guess part of me just thought... i've never had freinds before so i didn't really understand..." he sighed, annoyed that he couldn't express himself properly. "yeah, lets go see Anna." he agreed, looking worried about her. "how much was Frigga able to heal her?" he asked, concerned about how hurt anna really had been. "i know she's going to be angry." Loki admitted, completely misinterpreting loki's sarcasm. "she can beat my head in all she wants." he promised as he slowly stood up and took a few shaky steps before he shook his head. "i won't be able to make it all the way there, i'll have to use the chair."
Tony made a face at him. “I don’t like people remember?If I didn’t want anyone here, I would have kicked you all out a long time ago, no matter what fury said about the avengers needing a place.”he smiled a little before tilting his head.”Well, you have friends now..”he said thoughtfully before smiling, amused at his worry for the doctor. “She healed the vein in her neck, and a the small ones in her side, so she’s no longer running the risk of bleeding out, but the muscle and skin damage on both wounds just need time to heal. She’s going to be sulky, she hates being hurt.”he said before smirking, oh, the poor clueless idiot. It was going to make anna’s anger over him feeling guilty all the more great....oh course, tony was aware of just how bias he was being ,considering he was pretty sure everything that had happened to any of them ,was his fault, but it was still going to be amuseing. Resting a hand under Loki’s arm he smiled.”but you’re doing better.”he said helping loki into the chair before heading downstairs, smirking at the sight in front of him.

“I don’t know what’s more amusing. That steve’s in bed with you, or that he’s playing cards with you two cheats.”Tony smirked looking amused that clint had located a deck of playing cards and was playing poker with the other two and bruce. It amused him because it showed just how much they’d all taken a liking to anna, after all clint rarely tried to socialize beyond what was needed, preferring his own company or natasha’s. And...well, like he said. Both anna and clint cheated at cards, they amused themselves by trying to catch the other cheating...the fact that they were playing with the perfectly innocent and honest captain america was just hysterical. “tony!Loki!”Anna smiled happily, pleased at the sight of the two.
Loki shrugged a little. "i don't much care for people either." he admitted with a chuckle as he shook his head a little. "so she won't..." he couldn't bring himself to finish that sentence. "get worse?" he asked after a brief pause. "that's certainly a relief." he admitted with a smile. "i rather like her." he admitted as he shook his head. "she's annoying, but not nearly as much as Anna is." he admitted with a chuckle. "i am a lot better. i should be able to do Tai Chi in a few days." Loki admitted with a smile. "i love Tai Chi, it's really soothing." he admitted as he settled into his chair.

Steve blinked as he looked up at Tony. "i was assured it's fine if i'm in bed with her." he admitted, Bruce grinning as he watched Anna and Clint cheating and wondered if they would ever realize that he was too?... and far better than they where. "uh... remind me again what the card pairings are?" Steve asked after a moment. "i think i might have a good hand..." he admitted, frowning at his cards. "but i'm not sure..." he admitted, looking up at them as Clint smirked. "Nat's out on a date with River." actually Nat was just going with River while the man 'tried out' for a new Dancing Gig at a hot new Strip Club. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Loki asked, looking worried and guilty and anxious. "are you sure you should be sitting up?"
“No, she wont. Anna’s okay, she’s drugged though. Fairly amusing really.”Tony said looking amused because he knew anna hated taking pain medication, but was hurting enough to take it. “You should get anna to do tai chi with you, she’d probably like it.”he looked amused.

“It is. And don’t scold us!Scold bruce. I still haven’t figured out how he’s cheating, but I know he is.”Anna whined a little resting her head on steve’s shoulder, it was probably a good idea they weren’t playing for real money, because the morphine she was on kept her from focusing well. “...I’m so glad the whole place is sound proofed. I so don’t want to hear nat and river.”Tony made a face. “I’m feeling amazing!Not hurting at all. And bruce said it was fine for a bit, and I’m a doctor, I know what’s okay.”Anna said looking up at the man with wide blue eyes, blown wide, oh yea she was as high as a kite. “This is why she doesn’t get medication usually. She gets giggly.”Tony made a face looking amused. “Tony, I want some of your drugs. I don’t like this, I feel weird. You’re still in control, I want some of your coke.”Anna demanded looking up at the billionaire, not even really aware of what she’d said. The problem with giving her things that lowered her guard, the woman had no stop filter on her mouth, whatever she felt, whatever she thought of in a given moment, came out of her mouth, no matter the consequences. “I don’t have any, Anna.”Tony said staring at the woman, wanting her to stop. Needing her to.and hoping acting normal would keep the other’s from taking her words seriously. “Yes you do!I know you do. So does Bruce.”Anna blurted, missing the hurt and betrayed look that crossed tony’s face as he stepped back from the bed, thinking she’d told bruce against his wishes, not realizing bruce had noticed on his own.
Bruce snorted a little as Clint gave Anna a baffled expression. "you think Bruce of all people is cheating?" he asked, wondering if maybe she wasn't too high for this. "well i'm glad your feeling alright. though i don't know if you want to trust yourself right now. better to let Bruce be your doctor." Loki pointed out, Steve Bruce and Clint nodding. "Coke?" Steve asked, looking baffled. "are you hoarding Soda or something?" Steve asked curiously. "i always knew you hated to share, but that's just mean Tony." Steve had an unusual obsession with Coca Cola. probobly because they'd had it even in the twenties. he usually had two or three cases of Pop in the fridge at all times. "...Anna i think you need to rest for a little bit." Bruce ordered gently, glancing at Tony apologetically. "i already knew Tony. i knew as soon as you started..." he admitted. "i just didn't want to say anything." he admitted as Loki wrapped his hand into Tony's. "you have a good handle on the addiction, i'd rather you didn't use it at all but..." "...uhm... am i missing something here?" Steve asked, looking very confused as Clint stared at Tony with worried, but understanding eyes. he'd done it himself after all... only he hadn't had control... he'd OD'd and it had taken Nat five minutes to bring him back, and then he spent six months in rehab on Fury's orders. "Tony?...i think it's time we talked." Clint admitted softly as he stood up and moved over to Tony. "i'm worried about you man... like, really worried."
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